

From: phipps@chopin.Physics.McGill.CA (Martin Phipps)

Subject: Not the Technical Manual (being posted a bit early)

Message-ID: <>



Organization: McGill University

Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1993 01:06:45 GMT

Lines: 923

OK, there's been a lot of deman lately for someone to talk about

time dialation and stardates here so that pretty much means I'm

going to have to post this right now.  Hey, I don't mind. :)

Note that the holodeck and transporter speculation is consistant

with what Joshua Bell said in his posts.  Alas, the Technical Manual

is considered more canon than any speculation we do here.  To bad,

eh? :(

Finally, for those who want more information about relativity as

it pertains to FTL travel and causality violation, there's also

Jason Hinson's post.  He himself posts it rather stocastically.

I can send it to people by email though. :)

                         NOT THE TECHNICAL MANUAL




















This file is intended to summarize some of the discussion that has gone

on in this newsgroup.  I think it adequately shows that there is a lot

more to Star Trek technology than that which appears in the ST:TNG

Technical Manual.


The following warp formula was given by Greg Berigan: for a given warp

factor W,

                   speed = W^(10/3)+(10-W)^(-11/3)

in units of the speed of light.  This is an imperical fit to the curve

given in the ST:TNG Technical Manual.  As Jason Hinson recently pointed

out, the curve given in the Technical Manual is canonical because in

"The Most Toys" Wesley gave a distance, time and warp factor consistant

with it.  The following section on distances also lends credence to this

formula.  (TOS warp went by a W^3 formula.)


Marcus Lindros recently gave a summary of what is known about distances

as described on Star Trek.  To summarize his summary:

1. Gamma Hydrae (mentioned in TOS: "The Deadly Years" and

"Star Trek II") is 130 light years from here.  This then is the

approximate distance to the Romulus and Kronos.  Thus, it takes less

than four months for the Enterprise to travel there from earth when

travelling at warp 6.

2. Of the all the real stars mentioned on Star Trek all but three

(Mintaka, 2500 light years; Deneb, 1900 light years and Rigel, 900 light

years) are within 200 light years away from our sun.


A plausible explanation as to how warp drive works was posted by

Christopher Petit (if I recall correctly).  The idea was that the warp

field that is produced and surrounds the ship is asymmetrical and that

the shape of the warp field determines the speed with which and the

direction in which the ship travels.


We know from "Brothers" that if the Saucer Section were to separate from

the Warp Drive then the Saucer Section would "drop out of warp" (Picard)

The explanation is that the warp field has to be maintained continuously

or else it would "decay" and the ship in question would drop to sublight

speed.  The inadequacy of this explanation is clear if one remembers

that Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object an object in

motion will tend to remain in motion unless acted on by an external

force.  This force is then, clearly, the same force that prevents the

Enterprise from obtaining an arbitralily large speed.  This force has

been refered to as "continuum drag".

In order for "continuum drag" to prevent the Enterprise from obtaining

arbitralily large speed, it has to be a force that increases as the

Enterprise increases speed.  For an airplane, the drag force is air

resistance and this is indeed a force that increases with velocity.

This does not, however, provide us with a clue as to what prevents

the Enterprise from obtaining arbitralily large velocity in what is

relatively empty space.

The best anology I can think of is closely related to the explanation

for warp drive given in the previous section.  Imagine stretching a

rubber band.  Rubber bands can't be stretched indefinitely because the

tension increases as the rubber band is stretched; in fact, the tension

in a rubber band is such that if you let go of it, it will return to its

original shape.  Real rubber bands are not ideal, however, in that they

have elastic limits and, therefore, break when you stretch them too far;

this can be seen to be analogous to a ship being torn apart when it

exceeds its warp capabilities.

The idea of ships immediately returning to sublight speed once the warp

field has decayed leads one to ask what exactly brings about the

"Slingshot Effect", i.e. the means by which the Enterprise was able to

go back in time in TOS:"Tomorrow is Yesterday", TOS:"Assignment: Earth"

and "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home".  After all, according to the


                   t' = sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)*t

where t is the time experienced by an observer, t' is the time

experienced by a passenger travelling at the velocity v relative to the

observer and c is the speed of light.  There are no real solutions to

this equation when v > c so it is often speculated that exceeding the

speed of light introduces the possibility for time travel in a direction

other than forward (i.e. backward).  The slingshot effect would then be

analogous to the wormhole effect (see TNG: "Clues").  All we really know 

about the Slingshot Effect though is that it involves travelling around 

a massive object such as the sun or a "black star".


Galileo introduced the principle of relativity, namely that physics is

the same to all observers regardless of their relative speed.  At the

turn of the century, scientists proposed the idea of "ether" to explain

how light could be propagated in a vacuum, thus introducing a special

frame of reference.  Experimental evidence was that the speed of light

is a constant for all observers regardless of their relative speed.

Albert Einstein thus proposed Special Relativity, the theory that all

observers in non-accelerating frames observe the same physics and that

the speed of light is the same to all observers.  The latter principle

implies that one cannot exceed the speed of light, simply because we

would perceive light to travel at its normal speed and, thus, a

"stationary" observer would see light itself to be travelling at faster

than the speed of light!  In order to have faster than light travel then

we must allow for the possibility for light itself to exceed the speed

of light, thus disposing of this principle.

This principle can not be disposed of lightly as light is nothing more

than a time developing electro-magnetic field.  The electric field obeys

the formula

                       d^2 E    1  d^2 E

                       ----- + --- ----- = 0

                       d^2 t   c^2 d^2 x

where c is the speed of light.  Thus if c -> infinity then light cannot

propagate.  Thus, c cannot be infinity.

Now let's consider a means of faster than light travel that would

preserve the principle of relativity.  First, let's consider a

"relativistic effect" encountered when travelling at "relativistic"

sublight speeds.  As mentioned in the section before last, we have the


                    t' = sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)*t

where t is the time experienced by an observer and t' is the time

experienced by the passenger travelling at a velocity v relative to

the observer.  For example, consider v = .93 c and t = 1000 days then

t' = 367.6 days which is roughly one year.  This effect is known as

"time dialation".

Now suppose one were to enter warp.  The principle of relativity

implies that one does not have to be travelling at any particular speed

when one enters warp because this would imply the existance of a special

frame.  This principle also implies that one continues to measure time

exactly as one did when one entered warp because the frame of reference

that one was in when one entered warp was no less important than any

other frame.  Thus, we have the possibility of two ships in warp having

come from different frames of reference and being "out of phase" with

each other in that each ship would consider passengers in the other as

moving relatively slowly (the same effect occurs, of course, when two

ships travelling in normal space have relative velocity).  There could

be many ways this problem may be overcome, the most simple of which

would be for both ships to drop out of warp and travel at the same


Jason Hinson successfully found one aspect of this theory that is not

immediately obvious, namely that this theory makes time travel possible

in a way far more plausible than any method used on Star Trek (IMO).

Consider the possibility that a ship enters warp and travels at, say,

warp 9 for, say, 11.561 hours and then drops out of warp and then

increases speed by a mere .14522% of the speed of light.  What, in your

new frame of reference, was the time when you first entered warp?

According to the formula

                 ct' = (ct-vx/c)/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

the time for that event, t', is 13.898 hours in the future!  Now,

suppose you re-enter warp and turn around (see, for example TOS: "Let

That Be Your Last Battlefield) and proceed at warp 9 back to your

starting point.  This trip takes only 11.561 hours!  So what you end

up with is two identical ships at the same place at the same time, one

which is, supposedly, going to leave in 2.337 hours and another that

has already come back!  Jason Hinson hates this scenario because the

latter ship could convince the former not to go and then you have

causality violation.


The possibilty of time dialation opens up many possibilities.  Suppose

for instance that the Enterprise were to travel at v = .93 c.  In

such a case, 993.7 days would pass planetside for every year that passed

on the Enterprise, the result being that people planetside would age at

a rate 2.72 times faster than people on the Enterprise.  As Leon Myerson

once pointed out, time dialation would have social consequences.  How,

for example, does one describe how old one is?  After all, some time can

be spent aboard ship, some planetside.  Similarly, how does one decide

when to celebrate holidays like Christmas?  Does one celebrate it two

or three times a year when one is on board ship simply because it is

being celebrated back on Earth at the same time?  The latter question

may be moot; people can decide amongst themselves whether or not and, if

so, when to celebrate holidays.  The former question is important

trekwise, however, because people are seen celebrating their birthdays.

As a birthday is apparently seen as an accomplishment, it is natural

to presume that each birthday counts off a year that the individual has

actually aged.  People would then determine how old they are based on

the amount of time that had passed for them while they were either on

board or planetside.  One could well imagine someone losing track of how

old they are.  In contrast, the time in the ship's logs are given as

stardates which we can presume to be standard planetside time.


Causality is the principle that causes preceed effects.  We can imagine

causality violation in stories which involve time travel.  This

restricts how we interpret these stories.  Specifically:

TOS: "The Naked Time"

The Enterprise goes back in time three days.  Will they meet themselves?

Only if they actually return to Psi 2000.  Why should they?

TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"

If the Enterprise went back in time a few hours, were there not *two*

Enterprises in orbit around Earth?  The answer is, of course, yes.  This

was something the script glossed over.

If in the revised history the Enterprise didn't pick up Captain

Christopher, then why did they have to return him?  The answer is that

once they returned him, the incident never happened.  This was

explicitly said.

TOS: "City on the Edge of Forever"

The following is exerpted from Harlan Ellison's original script:


         Could we go back, any of us ... say, to this time, 1930 of Old Earth?

     Beckwith strains for the answer.


     SHOT FROM TILT they look immense, rising up, almost Messianic in tone,

     something reverential as they speak about their religion - time.

              1st GUARDIAN

         Yes, but it is not wise.  Man and non-Man must live in their

         present of their future.  But never in their past, save to learn

         lessons from it.  Time can be dangerous.  If passage back is

         effected, the voyager may add a new factor to the past, and thus

         change time, alter everything that happened from that point to the

         present ... all through the universe.


     fascinated by the concepts, not the magic of it all.


         Then time is not a constant.  It isn't rigid?

              1st GUARDIAN

         Time is elastic.  It will revert to its original shape when changes

         are minor.  But when the change is life or death - when the sum of

         intelligence alters the balance - then the change can become

         permanent ... and terrible.


         Like changing the flow of a river.

              1st GUARDIAN

         A river, a wind, a flow, elastic.  It makes no difference how you

         imagine it yourself.


         How long has it been since anyone went ...

              1st GUARDIAN

         We do not go back.  We guard.  For one hundred thousand years no

         one has gone back.

              SPOCK     (to Kirk)

         Captain, I understand now why we can breathe here, and why our

         chronometers turned backwards.

     The Time Vortex has been left set at 1930.  While CAMERA DOES NOT dwell on

     it, we should see the scene of the depression back there, to remind us

     it's on.


         They've created a zone of no-time here.


         Within the sphere of influence of the vortex time doesn't move.

         All through the rest of the universe it flows at its normal rate,

         but here -

              KIRK     (softly)

         If they can control time, how much simpler it must be for them to

         control the atmosphere.

              1st GUARDIAN

         There is wisdom that lesser species have not grasped.  Perhaps you

         who call yourselves "men" will be next to guard all of time.

TOS: "Assignement: Earth"

The Enterprise did change history (as Kirk noted at the end) but we're

supposed to believe that it wasn't significant.

TOS: "All Our Yesterdays"

Mr. Atoz was sending people back in time.  Nothing they did in the past

could change when their sun was to go nova.

Star Trek IV

Supposedly whales don't usually have any significant affect on history.

TNG: "Time Squared"

Picard was in a causality loop.  When Picard followed the right course

of action, the loop ended.

TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise"

Why was Guinan on the ship in the first place if "Time's Arrow" didn't

occur in the Federation/Klingon war universe?  It's something to think


TNG: "Captain's Holiday"

Supposedly, causality wasn't violated in this episode because the people

from the future were unable to stop Picard from destroying the device.

More importantly, we're supposed to believe that the presence of this

device in our present didn't change the future in the first place.

TNG: "Redemption II"

Sela *can't* be Tasha Yar's daughter *unless* it was within Guinan's

power to make it possible.

TNG: "A Matter of Time"

Rasmussen brought himself forward from the past.  Supposedly, he was a

"nobody" in established history.

TNG: "Time's Arrow"

The aliens weren't worried about changing their history because,

supposedly, this was their first contact with humans.  The crew had to

stop them or else they'd change their history.  In the end, the crew

did change history by inspiring Jack London to go to Alaska and become a

writer.  We're supposed to believe that neither this nor Twain's

"Mysterious Stranger" story had a significant effect on the course of


For that matter, in the *original* history, the Enterprise had to have

gotten involved for reasons other than those portayed in "Time's

Arrow I".  Meanwhile, both the watch and Data's head represent causality

loops (although there were never more than two watches or heads around

at any one time).

(Note however that the loop that occured in TNG: "Cause and Effect" was

not actually a causality loop; the Enterprise never went back in time;

they just lived through the same events over and over.)

One problem with "Time's Arrow I" is rationalising Data's "It did

happen; it will happen" line with the concept of elastic time.  This

can be accomplished as follows.

First, remember that Data has observed impatience when he begins a long

explanation and, thus, would probably chose to use short, two line

explanations even if they are inadequate.  This would be the long

explanation: "You see before you a head identical to my own.  Logically,

it follows that it *is* my head having been sent back in time.  The fact

that I still have my head demonstrates that it has not been sent back

in time yet.  This in turn implies that, as long as we follow our

present course, I will in fact be sent back in time and will loose my

head.  Otherwise, this second head would no longer exist for we would

have already changed history by finding it."  In other words, "It did

happen; it will happen."

DS9: "The Emissary"

The aliens in the wormhole were not "ignorant of the future", at least

not *normally*.  One might well imagine that Sisko's "presence" caused

them to experience "linear time", something they weren't familiar with,

and that's why they were so p*ssed off!


In conclusion then, causality violation is a very real problem on Star

Trek.  This is a challenge to both writers and viewers (who, inevitably,

have to suspend their disbelief).


The FAQL for this newsgroup goes on at length about transwarp.

According to "Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise", transwarp involves

creating a "'tear' in the fabric of three-dimensional space".  Transwarp

then would be a lot like creating an artificial wormhole, where a

wormhole is a "hole" in four-dimensional space-time through which one

could pass and emerge at another place in another time.  The ST:TNG

Technical Manual states on page 14 that transwarp is no longer used

because it failed to "surpass the primary warp field efficiency

barrier".  This implies that transwarp was no more efficient as warp

and, seeing as how a ship could theoretically travel at arbitralily

large speeds while in warp, there was no advantage with transwarp.

Indeed, if as "Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise" suggests, transwarp

was developed as a result of the discovery of "interphases" in the

original series episode "The Tholian Web" then transwarp is potentially

unhealthy, capable of creating an "imbalance in the chemical composition

of neural and muscular tissues in human beings".

Joshua Bell pointed out that both the wormhole in "The Price" and the 

one on _Deep Space Nine_ sends ships 70 000 light years away.  This is

indeed across the galaxy.  Joshua Bell estimates that it would take 70

for a starship to travel the same distance at typical speeds.

Two other forms of travel are of note.  In the Next Generation episode

"The Nth Degree", the Enterprise travels through what looks very much

like a "tear" in space to arrive at the centre of the galaxy; if this

was transwarp then it is *not* a very comfortable ride.  Also, in the

Next Generation episode "The High Ground", individuals travelled by

by-passing three dimensional space; this sounds a lot like a personal

journey through transwarp and was indeed very unhealthy.


"What is subspace?" was the cry on the net and I would proudly declare

that "subspace is warped space is subspace".  Then along came the

Next Generation episode "Schisms" with it's subspace "energy levels"

and subspace "domains".  I was completely taken aback.

This was until Joshua Bell (I think)

emailed me and suggested that subspace was none other than

what string theorists call "inner space", namely those six dimensions

of space that are unobservable as required by the principle of

unobservability and yet manifest themselves in the quantum numbers of

observed particles (gee, maybe Star Trek technobabble isn't that bad

after all :) ), and that warp travel is made possible by unwrapping or

"warping" these dimensions of space and sending a ship through.  While

I found this explanation relatively satisfying at the time, it now

occurs to me that this actually sounds a *lot* like transwarp.  The

question remains then as to what it means to warp space for the purpose

of ordinary warp drive.

There is precendent in current physics for forces to manifest themselves

in different ways.  For example, the electric attraction between

electrons and protons in atoms has the secondary effect of binding atoms

together; this is a secondary effect because the atoms themselves are

neutral.  In fluids, this is known as a Vanderwals force.  In molecules,

this results in convalent bonding.  There is a similar example in

nuclear physics.

In conclusion then, warp may simply be a secondary effect of the forces

that exist in subspace, of which there are fundamentally twelve (with

corresponding, nifty-sounding bosonic particles apparently :) ).


Before (finally) leaving behind the subject of warp, there is one thing

I want to deal with and that is the often quoted "full impulse" line

used when people at the helm increase speed from one warp factor to

another.  Impulse does not measure speed but, rather, change in

momentum.  However one defines momentum while in warp, it is clear that

as one increases speed, one increases momentum; thus there is indeed a

change in momentum and, thus, there has been an impulse, an acceleration

that has taken place over a given length of time.  It's usage on ST:TNG

is, therefore, correct.


There is one thing that we know for sure about phasers, namely that hand

phasers travel at sub-light speed (TOS: "Wink of an Eye").  This alone

establishes that phasers are not beams of light but rather some material

particles.  In order to reduce matter to plasma, it would make sense to

have the particles in question be charged.  This suggests a beam

consisting of pairs of positively and negatively charged particles for

otherwise the beam would carry a net charge and would leave the

opposite charge behind on the phaser.  It also makes sense for the

particles in question *not* to be protons and anti-protons because

nuclear particles would cause the bombarded target to become

radioactive (such a beam would be ideal for a doomsday machine, however)

This leaves us with the posibility that phasers beams consist of

electrons and positrons.

It isn't completely clear (to me anyway) whether or not ship's phasers

travel at warp speed.  It would be desirable for the phasers to travel

at warp speed so that an enemy ship couldn't easily outmaneuver them.

This is particularly true if disruptor beams travel at warp speed.

Jason Hinson suggested the possibility of electron-positron pairs being

created not in the phaser itself but along the length of the beam, based

on my suggestion that virtual electron-positron pairs could be given

momentum by a warp field.  (The actual mechanism by which particles are

accelerated is refered to as the "rapid nadion effect".)

When I proposed the idea that a phaser beam could be produced by

accelerating virtual electron-positron pairs, Jason Hinson wondered what

the density of virtual electron-positron pairs is in the vacuum.  It

turns out that this density is not well defined since the Heisenburg

Uncertaincy Principle allows infinitely energetic pairs to exist for

infinitessimally short periods of time.  The measured energy density

of pairs in the vacuum is then a function of the shortest length of

time a pair can exist and still be detected.

An alternate non-canonical explanation of the "phaser effect" (as

proposed by Leon Myerson) is for the phaser not to carry particles

at all but rather to give "warp impulses to atoms encountered" along

its path, thereby disrupting their molecular bonds.  This sounds more

like what a disrupter would do.  The main advantage of a phaser seems

to be that phasers have different settings used to "stun", "kill" or

"destroy".  (This includes ship's phasers.  See TOS: "A Piece of the

Action".)  It isn't clear (to me anyway) whether or not disruptors have

different settings.


There are a few problems with transporters that everyone can see without

even knowing any physics:

1. Storing enough information to completely reconstruct a human body

would require considerable memory. The idea is that each atom that makes

up our body has its own location in space and it's own velocity.  Thus,

to completely decompose our body and store it in the transporter would

require six numbers for every atom in our body, all to high precision.

2. If it were possible to store that much information, then it would be

too easy to make duplicates of, say, Data, assuming you had the right


3. If you are completely decomposed during transit, are you not dead?

(This of course is not the case.  See TNG: "Realm of Fear".)

The only explanation that would explain away all these problems is to

not have the people transported be completely decomposed.  After all,

you, right now, are composed of individual atoms and yet you do not

need storage space put aside to keep track of where each of your atoms

are and where they are going.  My proposal is then that atoms in the

"matter stream" continue to interact to the point that people travelling

in the transporter experience the illusion of being "whole" at all

times.  (Joshua Bell describes this as "maintaining your topology".)

Even with this explanation, the Next Generation episodes

"Unnatural Selection" and "Rascals" (the transporters-can-make-you-young

episodes) do not make sense from the point of view of molecular biology.

Another problem with the idea of transporters is that you have to

get around quantum mechanics in order to use them.  This is because you

*can't* take any single atom and instruct it to go to a definite place

and simultaneously have a definite momentum.  This is due to the

Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle, namely that you can't simultanmeously

describe a particle's location and momentum to an arbitrary number of

decimal places.  Of course, in "Realm of Fear", O'Brien does a

diagnostic of the transporter and mentions the "Heisenburg compensators"

Thus, with a mere two words, Paramount has made transporters somewhat

more believable.

One thing that is not a problem with the idea of transporters is what

happened to Scotty as described in the Next Generation episode "Relics".

In that episode, Scotty had placed the transporter in a "diagnostic

loop".  In such a mode, he was able to survive for seventy-five years

without having his pattern degrade more than .003%.  Given that his

pattern had degraded so little, it is natural to presume that he was

"frozen" in stasis and was not aware of the passage of time.


There seems to be a great deal of consensus as to how the holodeck

works.  To begin with, it is clear that the walls of the holodeck

feature holograms to give the illusion of vast space.  If one were to

move to towards one of the walls, the image that one sees would change

so that one would believe one was in the area that one had previously

seen "from a distance".  With two or more people "spreading out", the

holodeck would have to create different images for the different people,

including images of each other as seen from a distance, if necessary.

The holodeck would manipulate sound in a similar fashion in order to

create the illusion that sounds are coming from a specific place, a

specific distance away.

The holodeck also provides objects that people can actually pick up.

The FAQL for this group stated that "Holodeck-replicated material cannot

leave the confines of the holodeck".  This is, of course, not true as

demonstrated in "Elementary, My Dear Data" in which a map of the

Enterprise is taken out of the holodeck.  In general, however, material

that is part of the holodeck program is beamed away when the program

ends.  (The material in the holodeck is replicated and beamed away at

the "molecular level" and thus appears and disappears more quickly than

transported objects.)

Finally, the holodeck provides images of people and animals who, if one

is close enough to touch them, are made solid.  The illusion of

continuous motion is provided by the having the images continuously



It was said a Next Generation episode ("The Enemy", I believe, by Data)

that cloaking devices work by bending light around a ship and having it

appear on the other side.  This alone would not prevent the ship from

being detected by other means.  (In Star Trek VI, it was noted that

the Klingon Bird of Prey gave off neutrons while cloaked but apparently

only enough for it to be detected at short range.)  Improved cloaking

devices would avoid detection from subspace particles (of which, as you

may recall, there are many, all with nifty sounding names).  The ideal

cloaking device would be one that renders a ship transparent to all

means of detection.  It was this kind of device that the Romulans were

trying to develop in the Next Generation episode "The Next Phase".

In the original series episode "The Enterprise Incident", Kirk manages

to steal a Romulan cloaking device.  It has become a matter of

contention as to why Federation ships don't have cloaking devices.

A couple of people have sought to explain this, including Mark Runyan.

The following is taken from one of his posts.

"no_cloak_list ---------------------------------------------------------------

1. Who says we don't have cloaking?  Just because they haven't used it

   doesn't mean they don't have it.  (see 8 & 5 below) (See also 16 :-)

2. Why should the Federation chose to use cloaking?  It is expensive in

   energy, and it leaves you at an extreme disadvantage if you are tracked.

   (see 6 below)

3. Cloaking shields don't work with Federation warp technology.

4. FASA history explains that it was tried but found unacceptable.

   (see 6 & 16 below)

5. Cloaking just isn't the Star Fleet Way.

6. "Cloaking just isn't PRACTICAL for the energy/mass ratio of a

   Galaxy class ship.  Under current technology, of course.....(sorta like

   asking why we don't have nuclear powered Stealth fighters.....)"

   (to quote Roger Tang)

7. "It is not esthetically pleasing for the viewer to be treated to a

   TV screen full of stars whizzing by without the Enterprise planted

   squarely in the middle.  Or worse, a TV screen full of stars just

   standing in place while SFX for the Enterprise roaring by are

   played in the background."

   (to quote Tony Nardo)

8. Cloaking isn't foolproof (i.e. you can be tracked and you leave

   indications that you are cloaked all about) and it leaves you at

   a disadvantage if someone catches you that way (i.e. you can't

   fire your weapons while cloaked).  (see 11 below)

9. "The second reason is in the nature of the Enterprise.  It is, first

   and foremost, a science vessel.  Possession of a cloak would be a

   uniquely military function -- contrary to the design intent."

   (to quote Jason Steck)

10. "Obviously the Feds have some type of cloaking device. ...

    So why don't the ships have and/or use the technology?  I think the

    answer lies in the real world and not the fictional world of ST.   ...

    It would be too much of a crutch for plot resolution in far too many

    episodes."   (see 7 above)

    (to quote Tom Kuchar)

11. "The answer I like to use is that they do.  It can be used to go unseen

     around non-technologically advanced peoples...It can't be used in space,

     however, because the Romulans have worked on their sensors to pick up

     Fed-Cloaked ships. ... They did, and the Feds couldn't figure out the

     device, so the Romulans still have the Cloaking superiority."

      (To quote Larry Diamond)

12. "Cloaking is probably dangerous (even if only slightly).  Klingon and

     Romulan 'acceptable losses' are probably higher than Starfleet's.

    [... based on novels/FASA stuff/my own conjecture]" (see 2 & 4 above).

     (To quote Christopher Davis)

13. "The canonical answer to why there are no cloaking devices on board

     any Federation ship.  They've found that cloaking devices don't

     work with the geometry of the starships shape.  It has to do with

     where the Deflector Emitters are on the hull relative to each other

     and does not allow for that kind of field manipulation."

     (Baycon '90 PANEL Discussion - Rick Sternbach, Mike Okuda as reported

      by Alan Takahashi)

       (see 4 above)

14. "Why doesn't STTNG allow Federation use of cloaking technology anyway?

     (Well, they CAN...after all, it's only a TV show!!)  The real world

     reason is that it's one of the facets that make the Romulans

     different from the Federation.  Also the fact that any resultant

     space battles/warp maneuvers would be boring to watch."

     (More from Baycon '90 PANEL Discussion - Rick Sternbach, Mike Okuda as

      reported by Alan Takahashi).

        (See 7 above)

15. "Richard Arnold was asked at a convention why the Enterprise doesn't

     have a cloaking device.  His response was that it was too militaristic,

     i.e., having a cloak would indicate that the Enterprise was anticipating

     a fight, which is a military way of thinking and hence inappropriate.

     So this can be accepted as the "official" Star Trek line."

     (To quote Peter A. David)

 (see 9 above)

16.  "They DO have a cloaking device, but there's a problem, they only

     have one.  When Kirk returned the Romulan cloaking device to the

     Federation, they quickly turned it over to the scientists to

     decipher how it works and develop one that will work for us.  In

     the process, they had to gut the Romulan device for parts.

     Anyways, the fateful day approached, and they brought in a lot of

     top brass to witness the first powering of the Federation Cloaking

     Device.  There was a hushed expectation...  And the switch was

     flipped.  To their amazement and delight, the cloaking device

     worked!  And promptly disappeared.  To this day they're still

     trying to find the cloaked off switch.  They know it's in the

     lab...  Somewhere..."

     (To quote Robert J. Granvin)

     (see also 1 above :-)

17. "'No Useful Spinoff Technologies' This one is on the thinest ground

    here, since the script writers could easily be writing a

    counter-example right now.  However, to examine what GR has stated

    is Star Fleet's mission (in terms of 20th Century USA, I think of a

    merging of DARPA, NSF, and NIH), cloaking devices do not have a

    crucial role in emerging Federation Technologies."

    (To quote A.J. Madison)

18. "By treaty, through which the Klingon Empire allied itself with the

    Federation, the Federation agreed not to maintain any cloaking devices

    while allowing Klingons theirs.  Won't stop use of 'em by the Feds

    when they're needed, but it might explain why, in such a delicate

    situation, the Feds went to Kling...."

    (To quote Roger Tang)

19. When asked "Why doesn't the Enterprise ever cloak?", Patrick Stewart

    at Vulkon in Atlanta in 1992 answered "Well... how shall I put it in

    terms you can understand?  It's a technical thing really."  Patrick

    rubs his forehead in serious contemplation and continues, "Put

    simply, we don't have a cloak button!  I've looked all over the

    bridge and nowhere can I find a single button that says `Cloak'!"

    (To quote Sean P. Ormond)

20. There is some speculation that it isn't possible to shield and cloak

    at the same time.  This would make it much more dangerous to

    shield and cloak."

That last point was confirmed in TNG: "Face of the Enemy".

A similar list was done by A. J. Madison and appears below.

"Here is the TechFandom Response:

(excuse the paraphrase, I'm on the less filling side of this debate, so some

might object to my choice of words for the explanations in this category)

The Federation does not use the Romulan Cloaking device because:

a) It requires an extremely specialized hull design, of which the TOS

Enterprise was extremely lucky that it worked.  However, it seems to fail on

just about any other vessel.  The Feds, in an effort to utilize resources with

the best return on investment, "gave up" on the technology.

b) The cloaking system, in order to work at reasonable levels of efficency

requires large amounts of the element "Unobtainium" (Ux) built into the outer

hulls of the vessel it is to cloak.  Unobtainium is extremely rare and

expensive to purify.  Therefore, Starfleet scouts and border monitors are

equiped with the system, but typical ships of the line (eg. the Enterprise

original, -A, et al.) are not.  Some arguments suggest that Starfleet policy

(leaving the typical commander out on the cold) on this technology is an

attempt to convince the Romulans that the Feds/Starfleet does not have a

mastery of the technology.

Here is the Response generated by everyone else on R.A.S(.T);

The Federation does not use the Cloaking device because:

1. It Does Not Work.  Evidence suggesting this comes from several sources.  In

ST:TSFS, then Adminal Kirk (& Sulu, et al.) was able to defeat the Klingon

version of the cloaking device without ANY special training OR special sensor

hardware.  TNG era long range sensors regularly detect cloaked vessel

movements.  In ST:TNG's Redemption II, no less than two (rather hastily

thought out, I might add) methodologies are shown that defeat TNG era Romulan

Cloaking devices.  In ST:TUC, it has been demonstrated that Klingon cloaking

devices do nothing to obscure the propulsion (impulse) system emissions, and

thus make the vessel's location detectable with specialized gear.

2. (a) Starfleet Commanders Hate it.  The supporting evidence here is

relatively thin.  As demonstrated in only a couple of episodes, Romulan battle

tactics are to creep up on your target and when at point blank range, fire

your weapon (Plasma bolts, which are like a space going shotgun, in comparison

to the Fed's machine gun like Phasers) and Run Like Hell.  Should you miss your

target...  We have seen that Kirk likes to run around at high warp and blast

away with everything he has operational.  Picard tends to prefer more complex

maneuvers with higher percentages of success (or fewer casualties).  Neither

strategy seems to include skulking around under cover of invisibility and

blowing away the inattentive adversary.

2. (b) In the TNG era, intra-galactic politics indicate that unrestrained

Federation use of cloak technology would undermine its "We Come In Peace"

policies and reputation.  Therefore, shooting at enemies from cover of

invisibility may be prohibited for reasons of policy rather than a deficiency

of expertise or technology.  However, ST:TUC, shows that this battle tactic

is not above Klingon principles, especially if firing the weapon never

reveals your location.

3. There are no spin-off technologies from it.  This is based more on

conjecture than any displayed evidence, and it only takes one script to

provide the necessary counter example.  Phasers can be de-tuned to provide a

variety of materials processing methods (cutting, heat treating, material

change), the Transporter in various guises provides replication systems and

recreational equipment.  One could suggest that the cloaking device only has

military (or the less charged word, defense) applications.  Since Starfleet

is more interested in uncovering interesting stuff, rather the covering it up,

the cloaking device provides very little interest to the Federation Science

Foundation principal investigators.  Also, the technology is subject to

obsolescence, like any other.  Indeed, this was the message of the closing

scene in the TOS episode "The Enterprise Incident" that introduced the

"treknology".  There does seem to be a cloak gap in ST:TNG, as evidenced by

one episode where Picard, in an attempt assertain the motives of a "defecting"

Romulan General, requests him to divulge the cloaking device "secret."

Therefore the technology has a number of strikes against it.  It has limited

basic research appeal, only defense related applications, and subject to rapid


These lists being all very well, the fact is that Star Trek VI can be

better understood if the Enterprise A had cloaking technology, in

particular during the scene in which the Enterprise enters Klingon

space.  We have Michael Seth Rostker to thank for the following quote

from the novelization (with comments taken from his original post).

"'Even if Enterpise ran cloaked in Klingon space, she still risked

detection by specially equipped listening posts inside the Klingon

boarder...'(pg. 223-224)

When Enterprise is finally detected in Klingon space it is by such a

listening post, but the alarm that sounds is for that of a *cloaked*


'A feeble light on the aging screen blinked at him [the watchman],

indicating a cloaked vessel.' (pg. 225-226)

This aside, the cloaking device aboard the Enterprise could not have

been very good, for the scanners that detected her were described as

being quite outdated."


More than any other topic, stardates have been a puzzle for me.

Originally, Gene Roddenberry inteneded each stardate to be a day but

it is apparent that on ST:TNG 1000 stardates is a year (1000 stardates

pass each season and, most recently in TNG:"Chain of Command I", we've

had indications that each season is a year).  I'm going to make some

assumptions in an attempt to solve this puzzle.

First of all, let's assume that the stardate system began in the year

2261 and each stardate was a day.  In 96 years, 35064 days will pass.

Thus, the year 2357 would contain the stardate 35064.  If the stardate

system was then changed so that 1000 stardates pass each year then the

year 2364 would contain the stardate 42064.  Meanwhile, in the episode

"The Neutral Zone", the year is given as 2364 and the stardate as

41986.0.  I will now compare calculated dates from TOS and movie

stardates with the dates given in Robert Oliver's STARTREK TIMELINE.

Episode/Movie     Stardate  Date by Calculation  Date by Other Means

Where No Man ...  1312.4    2265                 2270

Tomorrow is Yest. 3113.2    2270                 2270

Space Seed        3141.9    2270                 2270

All Our Yest.     5943.7    2277                 2272

Star Trek I       7412.3    2281                 2277

Star Trek II      8130.6    2283                 2285

Star Trek III     8210.3    2283                 2285

Star Trek IV      8390.0    2284                 2286

Star Trek VI      9521.6    2287                 2297

Of course, when you consider stardates you should keep in mind

that the episodes "The Battle", "The Arsenal of Freedom" and "The Big

Goodbye" featured Tasha Yar and stardates 41723.9, 41798.2 and

(supposedly) 41997.7 whereas Tasha Yar died stardate (supposedly)

41601.3 in "Skin of Evil".  The bottom line then is that, while

stardates can be made give a fair fit for known dates, the stardates are

not given enough consideration by Paramount to actually be useful.


For information on impulse engines, saucer separation, computers,

viewscreens, communications, photon torpedos, deflector shields,

artificial gravity, emergency fueling and Data's positronic brain, there

is, of course, the FAQL for this group.  Clearly then it is not my

attention to replace this FAQL but to augment it with some non-canonical

speculation.  I feel that this is exactly what I have done.

Martin Phipps * "Imitation is

aka Deja Dude * the sincerest

The CeLiNeFan * form of flattery"


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