Computer underground Digest Sun Jan 23 1994

 Computer underground Digest    Sun  Jan 23 1994   Volume 6 : Issue 09

                           ISSN  1004-042X

       Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET)

       Archivist: Brendan Kehoe (Improving each day)

       Acting Archivist: Stanton McCandlish

       Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth

                          Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala

                          Ian Dickinson

       Coppice Editor:    P. Bunyan

CONTENTS, #6.09 (Jan 23 1994)

File 1--Brendan's mom thanks the Net

File 2--"The Prisoner: Phiber Optik Goes Directly to Jail"

File 3--Letter of Concern in Amateur Action BBS Procedures

File 4--Some thoughts on censorship (Re Am. Action "Porn" Raid)

File 5--Lobby the Feds via PC

File 6--More on "The Rating Game" (Re:CuD 6.03, 6.04)

File 7--PUB.RCDS #1: online polit disclosures + (AB1624)

File 8--GOV-ACCESS #2 interests; radio chat; joining this list

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Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 13:38:42 -0800

From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@MSEN.COM>

Subject: File 1--Brendan's mom thanks the Net

((MODERATORS' NOTE: Brendan's recovery has been described as

"miraculous." We received a short, but "typically Brenan" note from

him Thursday evening, and he's progressing far better than expected.

Those wishing to contribute to his medical fund or send a card can do

so at:

   Brendan Kehoe

   c/o Brendan's Friends

   Cygnus Support

   One Kendall Square

   Cambridge, MA 02139


A few weeks before his accident, Brendan Kehoe was named the Board Leader

of the Internet Bulletin Board on the PRODIGY Information Service, a

national service which is a joint venture of IBM and Sears.

Alice Kehoe has an account on PRODIGY and posted the message that follows:

>         INTERNET BB


>TIME:    01/16  7:34 PM


>TO:      ALL




>Hi, I'm Brendan's mom -

>Since I can't get to the Net right now, thought this might

>be one way, at least, of reaching some of the wonderful

>folks who've so generously sent along masses of cards, mes-

>sages, and letters since word of Brendan's accident made its

>way through Cyberspace. Your thoughtful kindness means such

>a very great deal to all of us ...

>Although there is still a very, very long way to go, and

>months of rehab in the offing, Brendan is progressing at a

>far faster rate than his doctors had ever anticipated. He is

>able to feed himself; can walk with assistance; and, has

>even managed a few words now and again, often more or less

>in context.

>He is still at Philadelphia's Hospital of the University of

>Pennsylvania, but we (his brother, Derry, and I) anticipate

>moving him to a Boston long-term rehab facility in about a

>week or two. (We live in Maine, but Boston's about as close

>as we can get for the type of care he needs.)

>Your thoughts, good wishes, and most importantly, prayers

>have been an immeasurable support and life-line to all three

>of us. Thank you, so VERY much!


>Regards and God bless,



>PS: Would someone who can link into the Net be kind enough

>to convey our gratitude Out There?? Thanks!



Jeff Needleman,

(I'm the MemRep for the Computer Bulletin Board on PRODIGY.)


Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 21:25:21 -0500 (EST)

From: Julian Dibbell <julian@PANIX.COM>

Subject: File 2--"The Prisoner: Phiber Optik Goes Directly to Jail"

           The Prisoner: Phiber Optik Goes Directly to Jail

                 By Julian Dibbell (

              (From The Village Voice, January 12, 1994)

Phiber Optik is going to prison this week and if you ask me and

a whole lot of other people, that's just a goddamn shame.

    To some folks, of course, it's just deserts. Talk to phone-company

executives, most computer-security experts, any number of U.S.

attorneys and law-enforcement agents, or Justice Louis Stanton of the

Southern District of New York (who handed Phiber his year-and-a-day in

the federal joint at Minorsville, Pennsylvania), and they'll tell you

the sentence is nothing more than what the young hacker had coming to

him. They'll tell you Phiber Optik is a remorseless, malicious invader

of other people's computers, a drain on the economic lifeblood of our

national telecommunications infrastructure, and/or a dangerous role

model for the technoliterate youth of today.

    The rest of us will tell you he's some kind of hero. Just ask.

Ask the journalists like me who have come to know this 21-year-old

high-school dropout from Queens over the course of his legal travails.

We'll describe a principled and gruffly plain-talking spokesdude whose

bravado, street-smart style, and remarkably unmanipulative

accessibility have made him the object of more media attention than

any hacker since Robert Morris nearly brought down the Internet. Or

ask the on-line civil libertarians who felt that Phiber's commitment

to nondestructive hacking and to dialogue with the straight world made

him an ideal poster boy for their campaign against the repressive

excesses of the government's war on hackers. You might even ask the

small subset of government warriors who have arrived at a grudging

respect for Phiber's expertise and the purity of his obsession with

the workings of the modern computerized phone system (a respect that

has at times bordered on parental concern as it grew clear that a 1991

conviction on state charges of computer trespass had failed to curb

Phiber's reckless explorations of the system).

    But for a truly convincing glimpse of the high regard in which

Phiber Optik is held in some quarters, you'd have to pay an on-line

visit to ECHO, the liberal-minded but hardly cyberpunk New York

bulletin-board system where Phiber has worked as resident technical

maven since last spring. Forsaking the glories of phonephreaking for

the workaday pleasures of hooking the system up to the Internet and

helping users navigate its intricacies, he moved swiftly into the

heart of ECHO's virtual community (which took to referring to him by

the name his mother gave him -- Mark -- as often as by his nom de

hack). So that when he was indicted again, this time on federal

charges of unauthorized access to phone-company computers and

conspiracy to commit further computer crimes, ECHO too was drawn into

the nerve-racking drama of his case.

    As the "coconspirators" named in the indictment (a group of

Phiber's friends and government-friendly ex-friends) pleaded guilty

one by one, there remained brave smiles and high hopes for Phiber's

jury trial in July. By the time the trial date arrived, however,

Phiber had made an agonizing calculus of risks and decided to plead

guilty to one count each of computer intrusion and conspiracy. ECHO

was left on tenterhooks waiting for the day of the sentencing. Given

Mark's newfound enthusiasm for more legitimate means of working with

computers and his undisputed insistence at the time of his plea that

he had never damaged or intended to damage any of the systems he broke

into, it seemed reasonable to wish for something lenient. A long

probation, maybe, or at worst a couple months' jail time. After all,

the infamous Morris had done considerably greater harm, and he got off

with no jail time at all.

When the news arrived, therefore, of Phiber's 12-month prison sentence

(plus three years' probation and 600 hours of service), it hit like a

slap in the face, and ECHO responded with a massive outburst of dismay

and sympathy. ECHO's director, Stacy Horn, posted the information at 3

p.m. on November 3 in the system's main conference area, and within 24

hours the place was flooded with over 100 messages offering

condolences, advice on penitentiary life, and curses on Judge Stanton.

Not all the messages were what you'd want to call articulate

("shit," read the first one in its entirety; quoth another:


nor was all the advice exactly comforting ("Try not to get killed,"

a sincere and apparently quite prison-savvy Echoid suggested; "Skip

the country," proposed one user who connects from abroad, inviting

Phiber to join him in sunny South Africa).  But the sentiment

throughout was unmistakably heartfelt, and when Phiber Optik finally

checked in, his brief response was even more so:

    "I just finished reading all this and...I'm speechless. I

couldn't say enough to thank all of you."

    He didn't have to thank anybody, of course. Motivated by genuine

fellow feeling as this electronic lovefest was, it was also the last

step in the long-running canonization of Phiber Optik as the digital

age's first full-fledged outlaw hero, and making somebody else a hero

is not necessarily the most generous of acts. For one thing, we tend

to get more from our heroes than they get from us, and for another, we

tend to be heedless of (when not morbidly fascinated by) the very high

psychic overhead often involved in becoming a hero -- especially the

outlaw kind. To their credit, though, the Echoids proved themselves

sensitive to the weight of the burden Phiber had been asked to take

on. As one of them put it: "Sorry Mark. You've obviously been made a

martyr for our generation."

    There was some melodrama in that statement, to be sure, but not

too much exaggeration. For ironically enough, Judge Stanton himself

seemed to have endorsed its basic premise in his remarks upon passing

sentence. Not unmoved by the stacks of letters sent him in support of

Phiber Optik's character and motivations, the judge allowed as how a

less celebrated Phiber Optik convicted of the same crimes might not

deserve the severity of the discipline he was about to prescribe (and

in Phiber's case it could be argued that 12 months locked up without a

computer is severe enough to rate as cruel and unusual). But since

Phiber had made of himself a very public advertisement for the ethic

of the digital underground, the judge insisted he would have to make

of the sentence an equally public countermessage. "The

defendant...stands as a symbol here today," said Stanton, making it

clear that the defendant would therefore be punished as one too.

    The judge did not make it clear when exactly it was that the

judicial system had abandoned the principle that the punishment fits

the crime and not the status of the criminal, though I suppose that

happened too long ago to be of much interest. More frustratingly, he

also didn't go into much detail as to what it was that Phiber Optik

was to stand as a symbol _of_. In at least one of his remarks,

however, he did provide an ample enough clue:

    "Hacking crimes," said Judge Stanton, "constitute a real threat

to the expanding information highway."

    That "real threat" bit was a nice dramatic touch, but anyone

well-versed in the issues of the case could see that at this point the

judge was speaking symbolically. For one thing, even as practiced by

the least scrupulous joyriders among Phiber Optik's subcultural peers,

hacking represents about as much of a threat to the newly rampant

telecommunications juggernaut as shoplifting does to the future of

world capitalism. But more to the point, everybody recognizes by now

that all references to information highways, super or otherwise, are

increasingly just code for the corporate wet dream of a pay-as-you-go

telecom turnpike, owned by the same megabusinesses that own our phone

and cable systems today and off-limits to anyone with a slender wallet

or a bad credit rating. And _that_, symbolically speaking, is what

Phiber Optik's transgressions threaten.

    For what did his crimes consist of after all? He picked the locks

on computers owned by large corporations, and he shared the knowledge

of how to do it with his friends (they had given themselves the

meaningless name MOD, more for the thrill of sounding like a

conspiracy than for the purpose of actually acting like one). In

themselves the offenses are trivial, but raised to the level of a

social principle, they do spell doom for the locks some people want to

put on our cyberspatial future. And I'm tempted, therefore, to close

with a rousing celebration of Phiber Optik as the symbol of a spirit

of anarchic resistance to the corporate Haussmannization of our

increasingly information-based lives, and to cheer Phiber's hero

status in places like ECHO as a sign that that spirit is thriving.

    But I think I'll pass for now. Phiber Optik has suffered enough

for having become a symbol, and in any case his symbolic power will

always be available to us, no matter where he is. Right now, though,

the man himself is going away for far too long, and like I said,

that's nothing but a goddamn shame.


Julian Dibbell                             



From: hkhenson@CUP.PORTAL.COM

Subject: File 3--Letter of Concern in Amateur Action BBS Procedures

Date: Thu, 20 Jan 94 23:30:28 PST

          H. Keith Henson

          799 Coffey Ct.

          San Jose, CA  95123


          Hon. Wayne D. Brazil

          U.S. Magistrate-Judge

          450 Golden Gate Ave.

          15th Floor, Courtroom A

          San Francisco, CA  94102

          January 19, 1994

          Dear Judge Brazil:

          This letter is to express my concerns about search warrant

          3.94.3005.WDB you issued on January 6 of this year to David

          H. Dirmeyer.  (I am assuming you issued it; the copy of the

          warrant persented at the time of the search did not have a

          signature on it, but did have your name typed in.)

          Under "PROPERTY TO BE SEIZED," point A refered to a computer

          system used for publishing, and thus protected from warrants

          under Title 42, Section 2000aa.  (The "Newspaper Privacy

          Protection Act" requires supenas except very limited cases.)

          This computer also contained electronic communications

          between many of the 3500 people who used this system.  Title

          18, Setion 2703 (Electronic Communication Privacy Act)

          requires specific warrants to seize, or even block access to

          such electronic communications.

          In conversation with Postal Inspector Dirmeyer at the time

          of the search, I asked if he was aware of the these laws.

          He told me that he was.  In an additional conversation last

          Saturday morning with him and a police officer he stated

          that he had discussed the ECPA and 2000aa issues as well as

          the Steve Jackson Games type of liability issues with you

          before the warrant was issued.

          Agent Dirmeyer admitted to me Saturday that he was the

          "Lance White" whose records were being sought under points H

          and I of the search warrant, and that you were aware of, and

          approved, the deception involved.  Dirmeyer/White also

          stated in writing that he sent an unsolicited package of

          child pornography to the person at the address of the search

          warrant, and (verbally to me) that this was "normal

          investigation procedure."

          I realize that Judges are not much concerned with warrants

          after they are issued.  However, I was so astounded by the

          statements of Agent Dirmeyer, that I decided to at least let

          you know about them.


          H. Keith Henson


Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 23:19:17 CST


Subject: File 4--Some thoughts on censorship (Re Am. Action "Porn" Raid)

From--Mark Ludwig,

After reading about the latest porno-BBS raids, and the fact that one

reader cancelled his sub to CUD because he was sick of hearing about

it, I wanted to make a few comments. It seems like pornography is

always and forever a 1st amendment/freedom of speech issue, but I

don't think it is a very good test of the 1st amendment.

I've been writing and publishing technical literature about computer

viruses for a few years now--as well as arguing that viruses are not

something that should be suppressed because (a) people need good,

solid technical information if they want to defend themselves against

viruses, and (b) because viruses are not simply totally evil.

Obviously, some are pretty bad, but at the same time, you have

arguably beneficial ones like Cruncher and Potassium Hydroxide.

Likewise, they may provide valuable insights into other disciplines,

as discussed in my recent book, Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and


My work has been subject to an incredible amount of censorship. But

not government-sponsored censorship. I've been censored by the

press--those who were once the vanguard of freedom of the press have

become its worst enemy in my eyes. Let me explain . . .

Around about December 7 I received a call from ___, sales

representative at the Computer Shopper. She informed me that they were

not going to allow us to advertise in their magazine anymore.

Evidently they had received complaints about our advertisement and

decided, like so many other journals, that their readers are too

immature and irresponsible to handle such things and, for the good of

society, they'd better deprive them of such information.

Did they review our materials prior to their decision? No.

Did they give us an opportunity to answer the complaints they

received? No.

In fact, Ziff Davis' high and mighty legal department proved totally

unwilling to even speak to me, preferring to hide behind a sales rep

instead. And no one at Ziff would put anything in writing.

This may sound preposterous to you, but it's happened to me time and

time again. A fair number of magazines have terminated our advertising

without ever reviewing our materials or discussing the matter with us.

These include Dr. Dobbs, Computer Language (who didn't even bother to

inform us they had dropped our ad), Computer Craft, and Nuts and Volts

(who reconsidered and reinstated us after about a year).

What sets the Computer Shopper apart is that they are the porn king of

computer magazines. In the context of a dozen pages of ads which sell

everything from Seymour Butts, Erotic Fantasies, Porkware and Deep

Throat to the gay Man Power, the decision to pull our ad came as a

real surprise. Evidently the omniscient legal department at Ziff has

come to the inspired realization that our materials are much worse

than blatant pornography--without ever looking at anything we sell!

Personally, I find it difficult to understand what a porno CD has to

do with computers, except that it goes in a CD ROM reader in your

computer. But that's kind of like selling x-rated videos in a

technical magazine about TVs. The only logic I can see to it is the

idea that perhaps the techies who read magazines like the Shopper are

sexually unfulfilled people who must fantasize to satisfy their animal

lusts. At least, I suppose that's what Ziff's pundits think, and

that's why they run the ads. It makes their customers happy.

On the other hand, technical information about computer viruses makes

a lot of sense in a computer magazine. After all, they are a

phenomenon that most computer users are going to have to deal with

sooner or later, and they are something that some of us find

interesting for purely technical reasons.

Pornography has long been a point of contention in the battle over

free speech simply because--in the Supreme Court's words--it has no

"socially redeeming value." And if one is free to appeal to only the

basest human lusts, so the argument goes, then any more noble ideas

will also be protected.

These kinds of arguments are fallacious though. The whole idea of

freedom of speech was born in the reformation, not with an eye to

protecting pornographers, but with an eye to protecting thinkers--and

specifically religious reformers--people who saw the corruption of the

state-church and who spoke out to condemn it and change it.

Good ideas can often be far more dangerous to those in power than bad

ideas. And porn is at best a bad idea. It won't threaten anyone in

power, and it acts like an opiate to society. It is a diversion. So to

suffer its existence isn't a good test of the freedom of speech. On

the other hand, what happens when somebody has a really good idea that

sets to naught the ideas which those in power use to remain in power?

(e.g. "taxation without representation is wrong") That is truly

threatening. Will the idea be suppressed by legal means?  Will it be

buried under a flood of propaganda? This is the REAL testing ground. A

society which permits porn, but suppresses real ideas isn't free at


The whole issue of cryptography is case and point. In this age, the

dissemination or withholding of information has become a real tool of

power. In the past century, government secrets have multiplied without

number, while government has steadily demanded more and more

information about its citizens, and access to more information on

demand. Good cryptography is a threat to the ability to gather

information, and a stumbling block on the road to total control. So it

is being suppressed.

Now, when we see flagrant intrusions into our freedom by

government--such as in cryptography--our tendency is to point the

finger at government--"those guys." But--at least here in America--we

are the government. We voted it into power. And, no matter where, all

governments exist only with the consent of the governed. Perhaps it is

grudging consent, or fearful consent, but it is consent none the less.

The only one who really may not consent is probably in solitary

confinement or a slave-labor camp being whipped. So when we see

government intruding on freedom of speech or some such thing, we can

only rightly see it as a sickness in all of society. And it should be

no surprise to find the press--which has traditionally been thought of

as the vanguard of the freedom of speech--suppressing it. The Computer

Shopper, Dr. Dobbs, etc., etc., just have the same sickness as the

government and everyone else.

Frankly, I think we live in a generation where a majority of people

prefer security to freedom. You can see it everywhere.  Clinton is no

dummy, and I think his new theme is not just a stupid idea, but the

result of research. He knows what Americans--for the most part--have

come to expect, and he's going to at least promise it to them (even

though he cannot possibly deliver the reality of it, even if he has

spoken of a "new covenant"). I think it's a shrewd move. Every

president since Carter in 1976 has been elected on the basis of the

economy. Financial security has proven to be more important to the

average american than freedom, election after election. In short,

freedom isn't really an issue of national importance anymore, though

some of us still value it deeply. Security is the issue that gathers

the crowds and wins the votes.

There is an important idea here: freedom or security? The America of

200 years ago was founded on the idea of freedom under God. That

doesn't mean unrestrained freedom, but freedom within a given moral

code. It meant you were free to follow the profession of your choice,

go (or not go) to the church of your choice, to speak respectable

opinions, and free to live where you wanted, and keep what you earned.

It did not mean you were free to loot your neighbor or sell your

daughter as a prostitute. Now in a state ruled by this paradigm of

freedom, there are always questions about how far those freedoms go.

Today, however, there has been a paradigm shift in our society. The

question is no longer how far we can go with freedom without

endangering society. Rather, the question which government and the

people seem concerned about is how to maximize security--e.g. how to

assure an ever growing abundance of material possessions, and reduce

the risk of losing them. That's why the economy is such a big issue in

government. If freedom were our objective, we'd try to get the

government out of the economy, rather than trying to get government to

manipulate it more effectively.

Now the paradigm of security leads directly to 1984--a totally

controlled, totalitarian society. If you keep pushing the idea of

security, that's where you end up. A totally controlled society is

very secure, and no one in power ever makes a mistake. And that's

where I think America is headed.

Some kind of revolution or civil war isn't going to help things a bit

either. At best, such a cataclysm will be only the event which brings

the full totalitarianism upon us.  That's because this love affair

with security is in the people's hearts. It's not government vs. the

people. It's still government of the people by the people. And if the

people want security, then they'll install the government which best

promises them that. This is and always has been a totalitarian regime.

And if revolution won't work, it's hard to put your faith in some

milder type of reform.

I say all of this because it's the only way I can understand the

censorship I've faced. It's the only way you can twist your mind to

believe that what I do is worse than pornography. Even though there

are such things as beneficial viruses, even though viruses might give

us some valuable insights into other scientific disciplines, even

though they have military value, they are a potential threat to the

general security. And to have people walking around who know how to

create them is a threat to the general security. So as long as you are

operating under the paradigm of security, you cannot tolerate virus

writing. Thus, the press censors the press. Computer Shopper censors

American Eagle Publications, and throws their contract out the window

without ever even evaluating their materials.

If the government steps into the picture and enforces some kind of

official censorship against viruses through legislation, it will only

be because the private sector has chosen it already. It will be

because there are a lot of well-heeled businesses pushing it, and a

lot of magazines that won't address the issue honestly in editorials,

and won't let anyone else do it in advertising. That's the age old

formula for totalitarianism.

For these reasons I honestly don't think pornography is the issue

that's pushing the limits of the 1st amendment. The real hot issue

that those of us who value freedom should be giving our attention to

is security vs. freedom. That's where the paradigm shift is taking

place, and where the future will be won or lost. Right now, it would

seem that security is winning out by default.

In the long run, an unearthly security is a false hope. But I'd far

rather see it exposed for what it is by intelligent people using their

brains effectively in my generation, than having it exposed by a

government whip over several generations.

In short, porn isn't the real 1st amendment issue it's cracked up to

be. More often than not, its technical knowledge that really ruffles

the feathers today.


Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 21:54:54 PST

From: David.Batterson@F290.N105.Z1.FIDONET.ORG(David Batterson)

Subject: File 5--Lobby the Feds via PC

                            Lobby The Feds Via PC

                             by David Batterson

     Here's another one of those programs to let "We The People" [at

least those with PCs] tell those lame-brained, no-account lazy

politicians and bureaucrats in Washington who's the boss.

     A while back Parsons Technology offered us Personal Advocate (now

sold for $29, DOS), and Symantec has Write Your Congressman! (also in

a DOS version for $29.95).  [Symantec uses a rather sexist,

politically incorrect title, doesn't it?  Well, they actually bought

the program (along with ACT!) from a Texas company.]

     A tiny company in San Rafael, CA [where this reporter used to

live] got on its soapbox, and decided to do it even better.  Or at

least they've tried to.

     Soapbox Software offers Federal SoapBox (FSB) Ver. 1.2 that

"brings you the power and know how of Washington insiders by combining

a graphic flow chart of the Federal Government, detailed listings of

policy makers, powerful search functions and easy-to-use

communications tools, allowing you to contact the right people in

Washington at the right time."  OK, so much for marketing hype.

     After testing out this software, I really don't think it has

Artificial Intelligence capability (so it knows if you contacted the

correct person in a timely fashion).  I didn't just fall off a turnip

truck.  Nor does it search very well for every person you want to


     For example, I did a "Search by Person" for Dee Dee Myers.  It

found her OK, since she is the current Press Secretary.  But when I

tried to search for former PR whiz George Stephanopoulos, ol' lonesome

George could not be located (even though I knew he was in the White

House chain of command somewhere.

     So I looked under Executive Office of the President, where I

found some guy named Clinton.  I clicked on "Data," and following data

on the Big Guy, there was the "Office Staff" listed.  In that group

was listed "George Stephanopoulos, Sr. Advisor."

     Now is there any good reason why FSB's search capability can't

also locate a staff member by name?  Cheesch!  I think the only reason

must be "bad programming."

     The software does have some useful features, such as being able

to create customized mailing lists, exporting data for use in your

database program, federal documents, biographies, legislative

committee assignments, text editor, an online glossary, federal BBSs,

and so on.

     The program now has an interface to MCI Mail, but only works if

you want to send PAPER mail or a fax.  Note: you CANNOT send e-mail,

for instance, to the MCI Mail ID: WHITE HOUSE, or send Internet

e-mail.  Boo!  I hope that future versions of FSB fix this oversight.

     FSB is sold as a subscription.  The rather hefty price of $129

gets you the DOS software plus three quarterly updates; additional

years are $49.  Windows and Mac versions are on the way, the company

told me.

     Info: SoapBox Software, 10 Golden Gate Drive, San Rafael, CA

94901; 415-258-0292, FAX: 415-258-0294, 800-989-7627 (orders),

Internet:, CompuServe: 71614,2373, MCI Mail:



Computer reporter/reviewer David Batterson looks forward to the day

when most federal, state, county and city officials are online, so we

can zap 'em with e-mail.  [Will he live so long?]  You may contact him

via The Internet:, or:

 * Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 50

 --- via Silver Xpress V4.00 [NR]


uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!290!David.Batterson



Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 19:52:04 -0500

From: Bryce Eustace Wilcox <wilcoxb@NAG.CS.COLORADO.EDU>

Subject: File 6--More on "The Rating Game" (Re:CuD 6.03, 6.04)

THE RATING GAME (In re CuD 6.03, 6.04)

Stephen Williams ( has proposed one of THOSE ideas.  An

idea that is simple in design but stunning in potential function.  I

heartily congratulate him and add my own two bits:

>Basically, I suggested that special messages be standardized that

>would endorse messages for certain distributions.  Old (existing...)

>news software would just pass the messages like others, but news

>systems that wanted to rate or hide improper messages could pay

>attention to them.  My software would probably take the form of

>patches to INN and tin, etc.  There would be positive and negative

>endorsements, of course with the possibility of signature keys, etc.

This last possibility intrigues me the most.  A "majority vote" to

indicate "value" or "content" of a message wwould simply emulate the

current media paradigm: "lowest common denominator".  If instead of

simply tallying yay and nay votes, I can tailor my own software to

recognize specific signatures and give them added weight (<giggle>  I

just realized that if this were to happen there might be people whose

names I would include with a negative weight factor...) then we would

have a really nice system going.  I see several problems right off the

bat, some practical and some hypothetical.

  Prob 1: authentification.  We must prevent forgery of signatures.

Apparently (according to Phil Zimmerman's PGP doc file), public key

   Prob 1a: Public key encryption.  Are we ever going to have

widely-used public key encryption available?  Insert the whole patent

controversy here.

   Prob 1b: bandwidth (numerous apologies and requests for correction

if I misuse any technical term in my enthusiastic ignorance).  PGP

keys are 32, 64, or 128 bytes long.  Multiply that by the number of

endorsements tacked onto any given message and multiply *that* by the

number of messages and notice a major technical problem.

  Prob 2: the end results.  will this kind of consensual

discrimination lead to a polarizing/tribalizing effect on society?

Whatever the mass media's faults (and I think they are legion), it

*has* served to give people a common culture.  But with the technology

and the society changing the way that it is I really can't imagine a

return to the mass media paradigm nor the "messy Internet" paradigm.

I think Stephen William's anarchic, organic paradigm is definitely the

way to go.

[Though this message is getting a bit long, I think I should pause to

defend/ explain my use of the word "anarchy".  I am using the simple

definition "absence of control or regulation".  (Of course I do *not*

mean absence of self-control or self-regulation!)  The "anarchy" that

I envision in the informational realm is a state in which it is

impossible or at least socially unacceptable for any entity to delete

or substantially alter information without the permission of the

author.  Of course some other mechanism will be needed to sort, sift

and organize information and that is why I am so excited about Stephen

William's idea.]


Date: Tue, 18 Jan 1994 05:32:39 -0800

From: Jim Warren <jwarren@WELL.SF.CA.US>

Subject: File 7--PUB.RCDS #1: online polit disclosures + (AB1624)

Jan. 18, 1994

This starts a new series of online Updates and occasional panic-mode

Action Alerts regarding specific legislative and regulatory efforts to

assure modern [online, computer-assisted] access to public government

records -- legislative, executive and judicial; federal, state and local.

Most of these postings will fit on one or two printed pages; some will be

noticeably longer.

  ** Any time you wish to NOT receive further postings, just lemmie know

and I'll delete you from the distribution list. **


  As I begin this series, I am adding a large number of eaddrs for folks

who have either explicitly requested information in the last several

months about online state legislation, or have otherwise been suggested as

likely-interested in computer-assisted access to public records.

  Reiterating:  Yer on the list until you ask to be off the list.


  I have finally found time to upload my 28-page [printed], Jan. 1st

implementation proposal that has been circulating in state and local

political circles since ~Jan. 4th:

    "Computerized Political Disclosures:

     Doing It with Minimal Cost and Maximum Utility."

  This details how to conveniently and economically computerize the filing

of and computer-assisted public access to state and local campaign-finance

disclosures, officials' statements of economic interests, and state

lobbyists' disclosures.  Local-government Clerks and Voter Registrars can

implement it for a one-time cost of ~$10,000 (if they don't already have a

spare PC).  Filings and statewide public access for state offices can be

implemented for as little as $12,000 for a minimal adequate system, plus

perhaps $200/month for statewide access too all disclosures within hours of

them being filed.  (It is likely, however, that they may spend 3 to 5 times

the minimum capital amount -- but will incur significant other savings in

staff and resources and provide wildly-improved statewide services.)

Copies in MacWord5 and/or RTF format are available by anonymous-ftp, WAIS,

gopher, Veronica, etc. from:


    In directory:   /cpsr/states/california/polidisclos

[If you are on the WELL, you can copy them directly from my home directory.]

  On Jan. 11th, I met with Deputy Chief Secretary of State Tony Miller and

his staff, who had reviewed the proposal.  They were enthusiastic about it,

and projected that they will need little or *no* additional budget allocation

to do it.

  It will, however, require some legislative authorizations and mandates.

It appears likely that State Senator Tom Hayden will amend the needed

language into his campaign-reform bill, SB758.  I should know more within

two weeks or less.


  Assembly Members Debra Bowen (D, Marina del Rey) and Tom Bates (D, Oakland-

Berkeley) have introduced a total of four bills seeking modern access to

California's computerized public records.  Call their offices for copies:

  Bowen: 916-445-8528, Mary Winkley    Bates: 916-445-7554, Rachel Richman

More in future updates.  Privacy advocates, please note:  A "public" record,

by definition, does NOT include personal information that is not public.

SON OF AB1624 [Or "OFFSPRING OF ...", for the politically-correct  :-)  ]

  These notices are a follow-on to 34+ online notices regarding the 1993

California Legislature's Assembly Bill 1624 (by Bowen).

Now Calif. Govt. Code 10248, AB1624 mandates that all California state

legislation-in-progress, state statutes and the state Constitution be

available via the Internet, without charge by the state.

  For antiquitarians' interest, those online notices plus other related

postings are available by anonymous-ftp, WAIS, gopher, Veronica, etc. from:


    In directory:   /cpsr/states/california/AB1624.


  AB1624 was signed into law on Oct. 11th and took effect Jan. 1, 1994.

  At the end of December, bill-author Bowen's office said the Legislative

Counsel - which operates the Legislative Data Center (LDC)- had estimated

they would be online and operational by Jan. 10th.  Last week, Bowen's

office reported that Legis.Counsel was then estimating they would be online

and publicly operational by Friday, Jan. 21st.

  It continues to be my sincere belief that the LDC staff *are* *diligently*

trying to get the system operational.  Don't blame them; I honestly believe

they are doing the best they can with the time and resources allotted to them

by their management.

  However, I find it arrogant disregard by the Chief Legislative Counsel,

that he ignores requests for progress details - especially amazing in that

the entire issue in AB1624 is the public's right to know what their/our

government is doing.  All the worse, his lack of a public statement causes

his computer staff unjustified ill-repute among the public, and that ain't


  If they're not online by about the 23rd, I will send another update

giving the name, address, phone number and fax number of the responsible

party, the Chief Legislative Counsel, and folks can explore his responsive-

ness, directly.

  When I know more, you'll know more.

Mo' as it Is.


Jim Warren, columnist for MicroTimes, Government Technology, BoardWatch, etc.  -or-

345 Swett Rd., Woodside CA 94062; voice/415-851-7075; fax/415-851-2814

[organizer & Chair, First Conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy (1991);

InfoWorld founder (1978); PBS's "Computer Chronicles" first host; blah blah]

  >>Permission herewith granted for unlimited reposting and recirculation.<<


Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 15:06:18 -0800

From: Jim Warren <jwarren@WELL.SF.CA.US>

Subject: File 8--GOV-ACCESS #2 interests; radio chat; joining this list

Jan. 19, 1994


  Note:  Access to public records is one component of a broader issue -- the

input side (from the public's perspective, the perspective of this list).

  Functionality in which citizens may be interested:

    access to information, online feedback to officials & agencies

    online access, offline bulk-data access, info services (not just data)

    personal use, nonprofit-organization use, commercial/tax-paying use

    public dissemination, community discussion (town-sized to Village Earth)

  Level(s) of government in which citizens may be interested:

    city/town, county/parrish, state, federal, multi-national

    <specific areas of special interest>

  Types of public government information in which citizens may be

    interested:  political disclosures, legislative, judicial/courts,

    all public records <specific topics of special interest>

If yer willin', it would be nice to know your interests -- which will

*not* be disclosed to anyone else, unless your identifying specifics

are removed.  **If you respond, please be SURE to indicate whether you

are already on this distribution list -- i.e., you received this,

directly to your eaddr.**


  I have been invited to have an hour-long radio talk-show chat about

computer-assisted access to government -- legislative information,

political disclosures, computerized public records, etc. (and I hope

to include privacy concerns in the discussion, too, e.g. commercial

abuse of driver lic info).

  More importantly, it's on one of the biggest stations in the San

Francisco Bay Area, and it's in radio's *prime* time -- the weekday

p.m. commute hours!

    The Peter B. Collins Show

    KSFO-AM/KYA-FM  (560-KHz/93-MHz)

    5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., Monday, January 24th

[ If you are knowedgeable computer-aided gov-access issues, why not

contact *your* area's radio talk-show producers (ask for the producer;

not the host), and see if they will have you and/or knowledgable

collegues discuss them? ]


  Several people pointed out that I neglected, in posting #1, to state how

new-comers can be added to this distribution list.   Tsk! <blush>

(This list has been growing for about 9 months; originally focused only on

one specific California bill mandating free online legislative access.)

  Email your request to

  At a minimum, state the email address you wish added to the list.

If you are willing, please also include your traditional contact info:

name, work, organization, snailmail address, voice phone, fax.

  Please note: So far, this is an information distribution list; not a

discussion list.  However, several of us are planning moderated and

unmoderated USENET news-groups on these topics -- that will *not*

conflict with existant news-groups and lists.  Yes, as soon as there

are coherent draft-plans, this list will hear of them.

Jim Warren, columnist for MicroTimes, Government Technology, BoardWatch, etc.

  >>Permission herewith granted for unlimited reposting and recirculation.<<


End of Computer Underground Digest #6.09



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