September history
*mmddyyyy Birthdays
*-------- -----------------------------------------------------------
B09281785 David Walker born free in Wilmington, North Carolina.
B09271817 Hiram R. Revels, first black U.S. senator, born free, Fay
B0927 etteville, North Carolina.
*mmddyyyy Events
*-------- -----------------------------------------------------------
S09131663 First serious slave conspiracy in colonial America. Plot
S0913 of white servants and slaves in Gloucester County, Va., was
S0913 betrayed by an indentured servant.
S09201664 Maryland enacted first antiamalgamation law to prevent wide
S0920 spread intermarriage of English women and black men. Other
S0920 colonies passed similar laws: Virginia, 1691; Massachusetts
S0920 1705; North Carolina, 1715; South Carolina, 1717; Delaware,
S0920 1721; Pennsylvania, 1725.
S09091739 Slave rovolt, Stono, South Carolina, led by rebel named
SO909 Jemmy. Twenty-five whites were killed before the insurre
S0909 ction was put down.
S09041781 Los Angeles, California, founded by forty-four settlers of
S0904 whom at least twenty-six were descendants of Africans.
S0904 Among the black settlers, according to H.H. Bancroft's auth
S0904 oritative History of California, were "Joseph Moreno, Mulat
S0904 to, 22 years old, wife a Mulattress, five children; Manuel
S0904 Cameron, Mulatto, 30 years old,wife Mulattress; Antonio Me
S0904 sa, Negro, 38 years old, wife Mulattress, six children; Jo
S0904 se Antonio Navarro, Mestizo, 42 years old, wife, Mulattress,
S0904 three children; Basil Rosas, Indian, 68 years old,
S0904 wife, Mulattress, six children."
S09171787 U.S. Constitution approved at Philadelphia convention with
S0917 three clauses protecting slavery.
S09071800 Zion AME Church dedicated in New York City.
S09051804 Absalom Jones ordained a priest in the Protestant Episcopal
S0905 Church.
S09211814 Andrew Jackson issued Proclamation at Mobile, Ala., urging
S0921 free blacks "to rally around the standard of th eagle" in
S0921 the War of 1812.
S09211814 Blacks fought in the land and water battles of the War of
S0921 1812. A large number of black sailors fought with Matthew
S0921 Perry and Isaac Chauncey in the battles on the upper lakes
S0921 and were particularly effective at the Battle of Lake Erie.
S0921 Two battalions of black soldiers were with Andrew Jackson
S0921 when he defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans.
S0921 Jackson issued his famous proclamation to black troops at
S0921 New Orleans on December 18, 1814: "TO THE MEN OF COLOR. Sold
S0921 iers! From the shores of Mobile I collected you to arem; I
S0921 invited you to share in the perils and to divide the glory
S0921 of your white countrymen. I expected much from you, for I
S0921 was not uniformed of those qualties which must render you
S0921 so formidable to an ivading foe. I knew that you could en
S0921 dure hanger and thirst and all the hardships of war. I
S0921 knew that you loved the land of your nativity, and that like
S0921 ourselves, you had to defend all that is most dear to you.
S0921 But you surpass my hopes. I have found in you, united to
S0921 these qualities, that noble enthusiasm which impels to great
S0921 deeds."
S09091817 Death of Captain Paul Cuffe (58), entrepreneur and acti
S0909 vist, in Westport, Massachusetts.
S09091817 Alexander Lucius Twilight, who was probably the first black
S0909 to graduate from an American college, received B.A. degree
S0909 at Middlebury College.
S09281829 Walker's Appeal, racial antislavery pamphlet, published in
S0928 Boston by David Walker. Appeal denounced slavery and called
S0928 for slave revolt.
S09201830 First National Black convention met at Philadelphia's Bethel
S0920 AME church and elected Richard Allen president. Thirty-eig
S0920 ht delegates from eight states attended the first national
S0920 meeting of blacks.
S09281833 Death of Rev. Lemuel Haynes (88), Revolutionary War veteran
S0928 and pioneer black preacher, in Granville, New York.
S09201847 William A. Leidesdorf elected to San Francisco town council
S0920 receiving the third highest vote. Leidesdorf, who was one
S0920 of the first black elected officials, became the town treas
S0920 urer in 1848.
S09061848 National Black Convention met in Cleveland with some seventy
S0906 delegates. Frederick Douglass was elected president of the
S0906 convention.
S09171861 First day school for freedmen founded at Fortress Monroe,
S0917 Va., with a black teacher, Mary Peake.
S09251861 Secretary of U.S. Navy authorized enlistment of slaves.
S09171862 Gen. George B. McClellan checked Robert E. Lee's Northern
S0917 advance at Battle of Antietam.
S09221862 President Lincoln, in preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
S0922 warned South that he would free slaves in all states in reb
S0922 ellion on January 1, 1863.
S09271862 First Louisiana Native Guards, the first black regiment to
S0927 receive official recognition, mustered into army. Regiment
S0927 was composed of free blacks of New Orleans.
S09021864 William Tecumseh Sherman occupied Atlanta.
S0919 In series of battles around Chaffin's Farm in suburb of Rich
S0919 mond, black troops captured entrenchments at New Market Hei
S0919 ghts, made gallant but unsuccessful assault on Fort Gilmer
S0919 and helped repulse Confederate counterattack on Fort Harri
S0919 son. Thirty-ninth U.S.C.T. won a Congressional Medals of Ho
S0919 nor in the engagements.
S09031865 U.S. Army commander in South Carolina ordered Freedmen's
S0903 Bureau to stop seizing abandoned land .
S09061865 Thaddeus Stevens, powerful U.S. congressman, urged confisca
S0906 tion of estates of Confederate leaders and the distribution
S0906 of land to adult freedmen in forty-acre lots.
S09131867 Gen. E.R.S. Canby ordered South Carolina courts to impanel
S0913 blacks jurors.
S09271867 Louisiana voters endorsed constitutional convention and ele
S0927 cted delegates in first election under Reconstruction acts.
S0927 The vote was 75,000 for the convention and 4,000 against.
S0928 Elections for delegates to the conventions were held in oth
S0928 er Southern states in October and November.
S09031868 Lower house of Georgia legislature, ruling that blacks were
S0903 ineligible to hold office, expelled twenty-eight representa
S0903 tives. Ten days later the senate expelled three blacks.
S0903 Congress refused to admit the state until the legislature
S0903 seated the black representatives.
S09191868 White Democrats attacked demonstrators, who were marching
S0919 from Albany to Camilla, Ga., and killed nine blacks. Sev
S0919 eral whites were wounded.
S09221868 Race riot, New Orleans.
S09281868 Opelousas Massacre, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Republi
S0928 cans said Democratic terrorists killed two or three hundred
S0928 blacks.
S09211872 John Henry Conyers of South Carolina became the first black
S0921 student at Annapolis Naval Academy. He later resigned.
S09141874 White Democrats seized statehouse in Louisiana coup d'etat.
S0914 President Grant ordered the revolutionaries to disperse,
S0914 and the rebellion collapsed. Twenty-seven persons (sixteen
S0914 whites and eleven blacks) were killed in battles between De
S0914 mocrats and Republicans.
S09011875 White Democrats attacked Republicans at Yazoo City, Missis
S0901 sippi. One white and three blacks were killed.
S09041875 Clinton Massacre, Clintion, Mississippi. Twenty to thirty
S0904 blacks killed.
S09081875 Mississippi governor requested federal troops to protect
S0908 black voters. Attorney General Edward Pierrepont refused
S0908 the request and said "the whole public are tired of these
S0908 annual autumnal outbreaks in the South..."
S09061876 Race riot, Charleston, South Carolina.
S09151876 White terrorists attacked Republicans in Ellenton, South
S0915 Carolina. Two whites and thirty-nine blacks were killed.
S09271877 John Mercer Langston named minister of Haiti.
S09241883 National black convention met in Louisville, Kentucky.
S09111885 Moses A. Hopkins, minister and educator, named minister to
S0911 Liberia.
S09031891 John Stephens Durham, assistant editor of the Philadelphia
S0903 Evening Bulletin, named minister to Haiti.
S09031891 Cottonpickers organized union and staged strike for higher
S0903 wages in Texas.
S09181895 Booker T. Washington delivered "Atlanta Compromise" address
S0918 at Cotton States Exposition in Atlanta.
S09281895 These Baptist groups, the Foreign Mission Convention of the
S0928 United States, the American National Baptist Convention, the
S0928 Baptist National Education Convention, Merged and establish
S0928 ed the National baptist Convention at an Atlanta meeting.
S09151898 National Afro-American Council founded in Rochester, New
S0915 York. Bishop Alexander Walters of the AME Zion Church was
S0915 elected president. The organization proposed a program of
S0915 assertion and protest.
S09061905 Atlanta Life Insurance Company established by A.F. Herndon.
S09221905 Race riot, Atlanta. Ten blacks and two whites killed. Mar
S0922 tial law proclaimed.
S09271905 First published blues composition, W,C. Handy's Memphis
S0927 Blues, went on sale in Memphis.
S09101913 George W. Buckner, a physician from Indiana, named minister
S0910 to Liberia.
S09101913 Cleveland Call & Post established.
S09101913 Fifty-one blacks reported lynched in 1913.
S09091913 Association for they Study of Negro Life and Histroy orga
S0909 nized at Chicago meeting. The name of the organization, the
S0909 major organizing center for the dissemination of information
S0909 on black history, was changed in the sixties to the Associa
S0909 tion for the Study of Afro-American Life and History.
S09031918 Five soldiers hanged for alleged participation in Houston
S0903 riot of 1917.
S09291918 Edward Thomas Demby elected suffragan bishop of the Protes
S0929 tant Episcopal diocese of Arkansas.
S09151923 Governor said Oklahoma was in a "state of Virtual rebellion
S0915 and insurrection" because of KKK activities. Martial Law was
S0915 declared.
S09081925 Ossian Sweet, prominent Detroit doctor, arrested on murder
S0908 charges after shots were fired into a mob in front of the
S0908 Sweet home in a previously all-white area. Sweet
S0908 was defended by Clarence Darrow, who won an acquittal in the
S0908 second trial.
S09101930 Charles E. Mitchell, certified public accountant and banker
S0910 from West Virginia, named minister to Liberia.
S09261937 Singer Bessie Smith died of injuries sustained in an automo
S0926 bile accident near Clarksdale, Mississippi.
S09271940 Black leaders protested discrimination in the armed forces
S0927 and war industries at a White House meeting with President
S0927 Roosevelt.
S09291940 Booker T. Washington, the first U.S. merchant ship commanded
S0929 by a black captain (Hugh Mulzac), launched at Wilmington,
S0929 Delaware.
S09021945 Japanese surrendered on V-J Day, ending World War II. A to
S0902 total of 1,154, 720 blacks were inducted or drafted into the
S0902 armed services. Official records listed 7,768 black commis
S0902 sioned officers on August 31, 1945. At the height of the
S0902 conflict 3,902 black women (115 officers) were enrolled in
S0902 the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WACS) and 68 were in the
S0902 Navy auxiliary, the WAVES. The highest ranking black women
S0902 were Major Harriet M. West and Major Charity E. Adams.
S0902 Distinguished Unit Citations were awarded the 969th Field
S0902 Artillery Battalion, the 614th Tank Destroyer Battalionand
S0902 the 332nd Fighter Group.
S09181945 One thousand white students walked out of three, Gary, Ind.
S0918 schools to protest integration. There were similar disturb
S0918 ances in Chicago and other Northern and Western metropolitan
S0918 areas.
S09211947 Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter said he would excommunicate
S0921 St. Louis Catholics who continued to protest integration of
S0921 parochial schools.
S09181948 Ralph J. Bunche confirmed by United Nations Security Council
S0918 as acting UN mediator in Palestine.
S09041949 Riot prevented Paul Robeson concert at Peekskill.
S09271950 Ezzard Charles defeated Joe Louis in heavyweight champion
S0927 ship fight in New York City.
S09271950 Gwendolyn Brooks awarded Pulitzer Prize (May 1) for her book
S0927 of poetry, Annie Allen. She was the first black cited by
S0927 the Pulitzer committee.
S09271950 Ralph J. Bunche, director of the UN Trusteeship division
S0927 and former professor of political science at Howard Univer
S0927 sity, awarded the Nobel Peace prize (September 22) for suc
S0927 cessful medialtion of the Palestine conflict. He was the
S0927 first black to receive a Nobel citation.
S09271950 Charles H. Houston awarded the Spingarn Medal posthumously
S0927 for his pioneering work in developing the NAACP legal cam
S0927 paign.
S09111953 J.H. Jackson, pastor of Olivet Baptist Church, Chicago, ele
S0911 cted president of the National Baptist Convention at Miami
S0911 meeting.
S09241953 Take a Giant Step, drama by playwright Louis Peterson, open
S0924 ed on Broadway.
S09271954 School integration began in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore,
S0927 Md., public schools.
S09021956 Tennessee National Guard sent to Clinton, Tenn., to quell
S0902 mobs demostrating against school integration.
S09101956 Louisville, Ky., public schools integrated.
S09121956 Black students entered Clay, Ky., elementary school under
S0912 National Guard protection. They were barred from the school
S0912 on September 17.
S09191956 First international conference of black writes and artists
S0919 met at the Sorbonne in Paris.
S09091957 Nashville's new Hattie Cotton Elementary School with enroll
S0909 ment of 1 black and 388 whites virtually destroyed by dyna
S0909 mite blast.
S09091957 Rev. F.L. Shuttlesworth mobbed when he attempted to enroll
S0909 his daughters in "white" Birmingham school.
S09241957 President Eisenhower ordered federal troops to Little Rock,
S0924 Ark., to prevent interference with school integration at
S0924 Central High School.
S09241957 President made nationwide TV and radio address to explain
S0924 why troops were sent to Little Rock.
S09241957 Soldiers of 101st Airborne Division escorted nine black
S0924 students to Central High school.
S09261957 Order alerting regular army units for possible riot duty
S0926 in other Southern cities cancelled by Army Secretary Wilbur
S0926 M. Brucker.
S09201958 Martin Luther King Jr. stabbed in chest by a deranged black
S0920 woman while he was autographing books in a Harlem department
S0920 store. Woman was placed under mental observation.
S09221960 Mali proclaimed independent.
S09211961 Southern Regional Council announced that Sit-in movement
S0921 had effected twenty states and more than one hundred cities
S0921 in Southern and Border States in period from February, 1960,
S0921 to September, 1961. At least seventy thousand blacks and
S0921 whites had participated in the movement, the report said.
S0921 The council estimated that 3,600 had been arrested and that
S0921 at least 141 students and 58 faculty members had been expel
S0921 led by college authorities. SRC said one or more establish
S0921 ments in 108 Southern and Border State cities had been dese
S0921 gregated as a result of sit-ins.
S09221961 Interstate Commerce Commission issued regulation prohibiting
S0922 segregation on interstate buses and in terminal facilities.
S09231961 President Kennedy named Thurgood Marshall to U.S. Circuit
S0923 Court of Appeals.
S09281961 Purlie Victorious, a farce by playwright Ossie Davis, opened
S0928 on Broadway.
S09091962 Two churches burned near Sasser, Georgia. Black leaders
S0909 asked the president to stop the "Nazi-like reign of terror
S0909 in southwest Georgia."
S09101962 Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black vacated an order of a lower
S0910 court, ruling that the University of Mississippi had to ad
S0910 mit James H. Meredith, a black Air Force veteran whose ap
S0910 plication for admission had been on file and in the courts
S0910 for fourteen months.
S09111962 Two youths involved in voter registration drive in Missis
S0911 sippi were wounded by shotgun blasts fired through the win
S0911 dow of a home in Ruleville. James Forman, of the Student
S0911 Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), asked the presi
S0911 dent to "convene a special White House Conference to discuss
S0911 means of stopping the wave of terror sweeping through the
S0911 South, especially where SNCC is working on voter registra
S0911 tion.
S09131962 Mississippi Governor Ross R. Barnett defied the federal gov
S0913 ernment in impassioned speech on statewide radio-television
S0913 hookup, saying he would "interpose" the authority of the st
S0913 ate between the University of Mississippi and federal judges
S0913 who had ordered the admission of James H. Meredith. Barnett
S0913 said, "There is no case in history where the Caucasian race
S0913 has survived social integration." He promised to go to jail
S0913 if necessary to prevent integration at the state university.
S0913 His definace set the stage for the gravest federal state
S0913 crisis since the Civil War.
S09131962 President Kennedy denounced the burning of churches in Geor
S0913 gia and supported voter registration drive in the South.
S09171962 Fourth black church burned near Dawson, Georgia. Three
S0917 white men later admitted burning the church. They were
S0917 sentenced to seven-year prison terms.
S09201962 Governor Barnett personally denied James H. Meredith admis
S0920 sion to the University of Mississippi.
S09241962 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered Board of Higher Educa
S0924 tion of Mississippi to admit Meredith to the university or
S0924 be held in contempt.
S09251962 Governor Barnett again defied court orders and personally
S0925 denied Meredith admission to the University.
S09251962 A black church was destroyed by fire in Macon, Georgia.
S0925 This was the eighth church burned in Georgia since August
S0925 15.
S09261962 Mississippi barred Meredith for the third time. Lt. Gov.
S0926 Paul Johnson and a blockade of state patrolmen turned back
S0926 Meredith and federal marshals about four hundred yards from
S0926 the gate of the school.
S09281962 Gevernor Barnett found guilty of civil contempt of the fed
S0928 eral court. United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
S0928 Circuit ordered Barnett to purge himself of contempt or face
S0928 arrest and a fine of $10,000 a day.
S09291962 Lt. Gov. Paul Johnson found guilty of civil contempt.
S09301962 Large force of federal marshals escorted James H. Meredith
S0930 to the campus of the University of Mississippi. President
S0930 Kennedy federalized the Mississippi National Guard and urged
S0930 Mississippians to accept the orders of the court in a radio
S0930 -TV address.
S09301962 University of Mississippi students and adults from Oxford,
S0930 Miss., and other Southern communities rioted on the univer
S0930 sity campus. Two persons were killed and one hundred or
S0930 more were wounded.
S09151963 Four black girls killed in bombing of Sixteenth Street Bap
S0915 tist Church in Birmingham.
S09151964 Rev. K.L. Buford and Dr. Stanley Smith were elected to
S0915 Tuskegee City Council and became first black elected offic
S0915 ials in Alabama in twentieth century.
S09081965 Actress Dorothy Danridge (41) died in Hollywood.
S09211966 National Guard mobilized to stop rioting in Dayton, Ohio.
S09061966 Race riot, Atlanta.
S09272966 National Guard mobilizing in San Francisco.
S09061967 President Lyndon B. Johnson named Walter E. Washington comm
S0906 issioner and "unofficial" mayor of Washington, D.C.
S09091968 Arthur Ashe became the first winner of the U.S. Open Tennis
S0909 Championship, defeating Tom Okker of the Netherlands at For
S0909 est Hills Stadium, New York.
S09151969 Large-scale racial disorders were reported in Hartford, Con
S0915 necticut. Five hundred were arrested and scores were in
S0915 jured.
S09141970 One black killed and two whites injured in shootout between
S0914 activists and police officers in a New Orleans housing proj
S0914 ect.
S09151971 Inmates seized Attica State Correctional Facility (N.Y.)
S0915 and held several guards hostage. They issued a list of demands
S0915 which included coverage by the state minimum wage law, bet
S0915 ter food and no reprisals.
S09161971 Six Klansmen arrested in connection with the bombing of ten
S0916 school buses in Pontiac, Michigan.
S09131971 Fifteen hundred troopers and officers stormed the Attic Pri
S0913 son. Thirty-two convicts and ten guards were killed. In
S0913 vestigation showed that nine of the ten guards were killed
S0913 by the storming party.
S09131972 Two blacks, Johnny Ford of Tuskegee and A.J. Cooper of Pric
S0913 hard elected mayors in Alabama.
S09281972 Secretary of the army cleared the military records of 167
S0928 soldiers who were dishonorably discharged in 1906 because
S0928 they refused to identify alleged participants in the Browns
S0928 ville Raid (see page 512).
S09121974 Haile Selassie deposed by military leaders after fifty-eight
S0912 years as the ruling monarch of Ethiopia.
S09011975 Gen. Daniel ("Chappie") James Jr. promoted to rank of four-
S0901 star general and named commander-in-chief of the North Amer
S0901 ican Air Defense Command.
S09021975 Joseph W. Hatchett sworn in as first black supreme court jus
S0902 tice in the South in the twentieth century.
S09101976 Death of Mordecai Johnson (86), first black president of How
S0910 ard University, in Washington.
S09011977 Death of Ethel Waters (80), singer and actress, in Chats
S0901 worth, California.
S09241977 John T. Walker installed as the first black bishop of the
S0924 Episcopal diocese of Washington.
S09231979 Lou Brock stole a record 935th base and became the all-time
S0923 major league record holder.
S09081981 Death of Roy Wilkins (80), longtime executive director of
S0908 the NAACP, in New York.
S09091981 Vernon E. Jordan resigned as president of the National Urban
S0909 League and announced plans to join a Washington law firm.
S0909 He was succeeded by John E. Jacob, executive vice president
S0909 of the league.
S09191981 More than 300,000 demonstrators from labor and civil rights
S0919 organizations protested the social policies of the Reagan
S0919 administration in Solidarity Day march in Washington, D.C.
S09281981 Joseph Paul Franklin, an avowed racist, sentenced to life im
S0928 prisonment for killing two black joggers in Salt Lake City,
S0928 Utah.
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