Way of the Warrior Complete FAQ

Way of the Warrior Complete FAQ V2.3

Maintained by Michel Buffa <michel.buffa@essi.fr

Also available as a WWW hypertext version with screenshots, etc... at
the following URL:


Main Way of the Warrior page:


Main video games/3DO WWW page:


Note from the Author:

I started this FAQ as I felt very frustrated having to wait for the
next releases of the other FAQs available on the net. Info about the
game appear very quickly in rec.video.games.3do and I had already 100k
of info I never saw in any of the existing FAQs, so I started this

The content of this FAQ came originally from two popular FAQs posted in the
rec.video.games.3do newsgroup:

 o The old Frequently Asked Questions List V0.85, maintained by Wigan
   Ludgate <wludgate@wam.umd.edu> and Brad Davidson.
 o Frequently Asked Questions List V1.3, maintained by Richard Fein

I added other informations I found in several messages posted in the
rec.video.games.3do newsgroup and made some personnal comments.

Most of the screenshots have been sent to me by Bill Garrett
<garrett@carafe.gte.com>. Thanks a lot Bill!

Table of Content:

 o SECTION 1: Version History.
 o SECTION 2: Frequent Asked Questions about the game.
 o SECTION 3: The Characters and Their Moves.
    o General Info About the Moves and the fatalities.
    o Konotori.
    o Ninja.
    o Dragon
    o Nobunaga.
    o Major Gaines.
    o Fox.
    o Shaky Jake.
    o Nikki Chan.
    o Crimson Glory.
    o Kull the Despoiler.
    o HighAbott.
    o Swami, also known as Gulab
 o SECTION 4: The Secrets in the Game.
    o How many unrevealed secrets in this FAQ?.
    o The codes:
       o Is there a 4 player code?
       o Is there a music test code?
       o Secret characters available in 2 player modes: Kull, High
                Abbot, Black Dragon, Swami, Major Trouble, Voodoo.
       o Secret backgrounds: the Cave stage, the Alley stage (new versus
                mode), the Psychedelic stage, the Turbo World stage and the
                Taj Mahal stage.
    o Secret characters:
       o How the secret characters work in Way?
       o Secret Character: Black Dragon.
       o Secret Character: Major Trouble.
       o New explanations about how to get to Voodoo.
    o How to alter the victory stance of your character
       o Dragon wears sun-glasses.
       o Shaky Jake wears sun-glasses.
       o Nikki Chan peace sign.
       o Nobunaga's incredibly corny dance.
       o Dragon's Goofy picture and David Liu's message to Internet
    o Different endings depending on the CPU difficulty level
 o SECTION 5: General info about the magic.
 o SECTION 6: Strategy, Combos, Miscellanous.

Section 1: Version History

 o 9 January 1994: version 2.3. I added the 4 player game code in SECTION 4.
   Added also new GULAB moves in SECTION 3.
 o 6 January 1995: Version 2.2. Added all moves for the secret character named
   Swami, also known as Gulab, in SECTION 3.
 o 6 January 1995: Version 2.1. Made some minor correction, fixed the ascii
   version of this FAQ.
 o 14 December 1994: version 2.0. Added Many new things in the SECTION 4:
   plenty of new codes and secrets. Added Major Gaines's confusion spell,
   Nikki Chan's Flip kick move, Konotori's and Gaines's new magic (make
   opponent bleed), Konotori's Instant death magic move, new infos about
   the secret characters in SECTION 4.
 o 3 November 1994: version 1.4. Added some info about the arcade version of
   Way, Way of the Warrior II, Way joystick compatible, The phone number of
   the Way of the Warrior official HotLine, some info about who Crimson
   Glory and Shaky Jake are in the SECTION 2. Updated the SECTION 4 with
   new secrets (Dragon's Goofy picture and Nobu's YMCA dance) and an
   explanation on the way the secret characters work. Updated SECTION 6 with
   new combos for Konotori, the Ninja, Dragon and Nobunaga and also a small
   paragraph on how to perform Ninja's Invisibility move.
 o 8 October 1994: version 1.3. Added some infos about the Way to alter the
   victory stance of your character (section 4).
 o 5 October 1994: version 1.2. Added the code to access the new Versus Mode
   and the new satge called "The Cave" (section 4). Added some info about
   different endings depending on the difficulty level of the CPU (section 5).
 o 20 September 1994: version 1.1. Added some info about the CPU screwing up
   the magic (section 5), infos about the EARTHQUAKE move (Gaines).
   Completed the section 6 with new strategies by David Liu.
 o 14 September 1994: Version 1.0 of this FAQ. I included all the content of
   the Moves FAQ Version 1.3 by Richard Fein <rfein2@delphi.com> and all the
   character profiles and other Frequent Asked QUestions from the Way of the
   Warrior FAQ Version 0.85 by Wigan Ludgate<wludgate@wam.umd.edu>. I
   included other infos I found on the net and the screenshots Bill Garrett
   sent to  me.

Section 2: Frequent Asked Questions about the game

What is Way of the Warrior?

Way of the Warrior is the first 32-bit fighting game for the 3DO. It
is comparable to MKII in graphics and SSF2T in game play. It is also
the first 32-bit fighting game to ever hit the home video game

Who is Naughty Dog Inc.?

Naughty Dog INCORPORATED is made of head programmer Andy Gavin, who is
also president, and head artist Jason Rubin. From time to time they
hire others; for their next game at least one other programmer will
probably be on board.

How many characters are there?

More than 9 playable digitized characters. (If you are good) Each
digitized from full-motion video and smoothly rendered from
approximately 250 frames of animation each and anti-aliased through
Naughty Dog's own proprietary technology.  More than two unique CPU
opponents. (If you are good) At least two are 3D non-human creatures
rendered of SGI boxes. In fact, David Liu suggests that if you are
really good, finding more than... say 14 or 15 characters that you can
PLAY should be possible.

How many moves are there?

More than 65 standard moves per character. Each character has 15-20 character
specific or unique moves.

Here's a sampler of Way's specials moves:

 o Vodka lit on fire into a fireball.
 o Bowie knife.
 o Fireballs.
 o Fan throws.
 o Teleport.
 o Disappear.
 o Swan dive.
 o Rolls.
 o Torpedoes.
 o Fly in the air.
 o Stomp on opponent's head.
 o Lightning throw.
 o Slide on ground.
 o Slide on air.
 o Hurricane-like kick.
 o Ninja fling kick.
 o Grenade lob high and low.
 o Earthquake.
 o Sidewinder kick.
 o Paratrooper (aerial dive).
 o Suplex.
 o Backbreaker.
 o Tornado spin left and right.
 o Staff flip (grab with staff and throw opponent).
 o Lots of uppercuts.
 o Clots of upperkicks.
 o Backflip INTO:
    o Split kick
    o or Flip grab
    o or Fling kick (flying fast kick)
    o or Flip roll
    o or Rebound off wall.
 o Head dance.
 o Dragon flame blast.
 o Crotch punch.
 o Split kick.
 o Flipping bike kick.
 o Superroll (rolls forwards with blades in hand).
 o Twin kick (two hit flying drop kick).
 o Dragon kick (two hit roundhouse in the air).
 o Head chop (in the air, with a two-handed fist).
 o Shadow kick.
 o Pin Cushion.
 o Tail spin.

This list is getting too long. I covered about 5 of the characters.

Are there fatalities?

Yes. More than 25 fatalities, and each character has at least 2
specific fatalities. More than 6 fatalities are background dependant
(as in Eternal Champions) so that brings the total to more than 8
fatalities per character.

Are there any secrets?

Lots of it!! IF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH you will find 33-50% more
characters in the game than you first thought were there. Also, lots
of other secrets besides secret characters... there may (or may not
be) several secret backgrounds to find, maybe even a secret totally
unrelated to fighting... or two.

How does the AI compare to SSF2 or MKII?

WOTW undoubtedly has the most sophisticated AI of any fighting game
CPU opponent. It goes through an extremely complex vectored analysis
of your predicted trajectory and its predicted possible countermove
trajectories then selects the best one and executes. This
sophistication doesn't mean it is too difficult, just that it plays
more like a human (with MOODS, aggressions, grudges against you) and
less like a robot.

How fast is the game play?

This question is very complex and somewhat ambiguous. Your walking
speed is say 4-5 body lengths per second. However, because the entire
game zooms in and out to capture all the action, "speed" in absolute
terms depends on the camera's perspective.  There is a variety of
speeds in Way's moves. Some are instant (e.g. teleports), others are
very fast (e.g. flying kicks, charge moves [some]), others are
standard fighting speed.

The arena is HUGE both horizontally and vertically. Thanks to the
zooming, you can literally go just about anywhere. This means that you
can jump pretty high, and thus you stay airborne longer than most
fighting games.

Perhaps the best way to convey my feeling of fast gameplay in concrete
terms is to say that you can execute more moves of any type per unit
time than any other fighting game. You can jump, then WHILE IN THE
AIR, jab kick and punch an airborne opponent (three moves in the air!)
then catch him as he tries to stomp on you and backbreak him. This all
takes about one second.

What is this magic I have been hearing about?

Some magic (which replaces the traditional score pts.) changes the
entire nature of your character. Not just the expected "increase
life", "hurt more", etc. magic, but some that change the entire way
your character looks and plays.

How are the graphics?

A solid 30 frames per second (25% faster than films), Photorealistic
3D backgrounds, and VERY smooth panning and zooming (Ala Samauri
Shodown) of the camera, giving the players absolute freedom of
movement along with a complete view of the action. Weather effects,
true perspective shadows and reflections (details that take advantage
of 3DO's texture mapping and transparency hardware) Dynamic scaling
and rotating of game objects and special magic bonus items

Why does the fighting animation seem jerky or not as smooth as in MK
or MKII?

WOTW has over 250 frames per 256 color character. The programmer could
have made a teflon-smooth fighter by distributing these 250 frames
over say 10 moves as many fighting games do, however he wanted to make
a fighting game that has much more variety than most games. Each
character has a standard complement of weak, strong, and superstrong
punch + weak, strong, and superstrong kick standing, crouching, and in
the air but in addition, each character has say around 15 special
moves, plus a subset of more than a dozen magics, plus multiple
fatalities. All these take frames and thus memory.

Although there are roughly 250 frames of animation per character
(which indeed is a great deal for a 256 color character in a fighting
game), there are WAY [pun] WAY WAY more moves in WOTW than in say
MK/SFII/SSho per character. Knowing that the 3DO's RAM size is finite,
even under Andy's skilled hands, WOTW crams two sets of 250 frames
plus background and program into a limited amount of memory (some
access tricks are used which really makes the amount of data available
more like [my guess] 10 megaBYTES). BUT since there are say 60ish
moves total per character (or more), this doesn't leave many frames
per move as one would find in a game where there are say 30 moves
total per character. So even though WOTW has more jelly, the piece of
bread it covers is also larger than normal.

Also, since the WOTW characters are very large, the distance covered
between frames is greater. For example, if I have a small character
doing a kick, having 5 frames on that kick will look smoother than if
the character is twice as large since the leg moves twice the distance
in the same time in the latter case.

MK and MKII use lots of shortcuts in its fighting engine which make it
possible to get away with a smaller, well-defined set of needed
character animations. For example, all characters are the same
height. Your character can stand ONLY on one of 30 discrete standing
points on the arena; if you try to stand in between these points, the
result is that your character gets forced to the nearest point. These
facts make the set of possible things you can do very discrete and
limited; if you are X distance points away from enemy and do a jump
kick then it will hit at the same place always.  It's a clever way to
handle things, and allows for a smaller number of possible moves to
have to be drawn. However, you lose having complete freedom and
flexibility of movement (not to mention variety of character size and
moves). I believe this is the reason behind many player's complaints
that MKII has lousy gameplay.

How are the voice effects and sound effects?

These are being added quickly. All of the sounds are sampled at CD
quality of 44KHz. Each character has an estimated 20 or so sound
effects plus the referee's 80 voice comments. There is more sound
effects in Way of the Warrior than four times a 16 megabit cartridge,
and almost as much memory devoted to sound effects as all of fatal
fury 2 for the Neo Geo. Currently there is a content library test
music score. In the finished version there will be a major label band
doing the soundtrack.

What is the big band's name doing the soundtrack?

It's White Zombie, and it's great!

Is Dragon a member of or related to anyone at Naughty Dog?

No, Dragon is Asian and none of the programmers are related to him.

Is Konotori a member of or related to anyone at Naughty Dog?

Chuck McGinley has admitted that Konotori is Jason Rubin, one of the Dogs.

Is it true that David Liu is the voice of dragon?

David Liu has admitted that he did the "controversial" voice of Drag on.

How far off is the arcade version of Way?

David Liu: Very close - I'd say the arcade Way should be ready for
printing within weeks, if not sooner.

So what is up with Way II? What is ND working on right now?

David Liu: Nd's next game will not be Way II. It will be an adventure game, done.

Is Way joystick compatible?

David Liu: yes, Way is joystick compatible, and makes Way much easier.

Is there a Way of the Warrior HotLine?

The Way of the Warrior Hotline : 1-818-733-2812

Who is Crimson Glory?

Crimson Glory is Jason Rubin's ex-girlfriend.

Who is Shaky Jake?

Shaky Jake is Andy Gavin's little brother.

Section 3: The Characters and Their Moves:

General Info About the Moves and the fatalities:

 o The moves that are a direction + a button require excellent timing. They DO
   work but it takes practice to get the hang of it.
 o "Sweep forward" means a fireball type motion, D,DF,F.
 o For the cliffs fatality, you have to kick your opponent toward the middle of
   the screen.
 o For the Dojo, being somewhere near the center helps, although you will get
   the skull points even if you aren't - just isn't very visually impressive.
   Execute an upper-cut punch, and watch your friend's (or computer's)
   character get launched up the screen (out of view) and into an oversized,
   spike-laden fan. Check out the buzz-saw sound at this point- a rush indeed!
 o Bridge Fatality - This is easy - just do the move listed and off they go:
   Make an uppercut into the grave.
 o Pit fatality - This is easy too - if you make it to the 3rd round, the
   bridges connecting the floating platform to the walls go away. If you step
   off or are pushed, you're instantly dead. Be careful, you can jump or walk
   off by accident.
 o Roof fatality - Do the listed move (uppercut) FROM BEHIND the other
   character. (jump over them if you have to). <-- Jason Cross. Try the
   listed magics for all characters - I only listed them under characters I
   positively checked, or saw the computer use, and since you need a ton of
   skull points to do some it's not easy to check. E-Mail me if you have
   confirmed any magics not listed under a specific character.
 o For fatalities with a taunt, do the taunt, wait for it to finish THEN do the
   fatality motion.
 o Defensive bonus - According to David Liu, this an anti-cheese feature. When
   someone tries to cheese you with Turbo punch, or any other rapid move,
   KEEP blocking. After you see 15 hits, you'll hear "Defensive Bonus" or
   something similar, get skull points, and the blue stars will appear more
   quickly and in the same place. This is the time to counter-attack.


Character Profile:

 o Nationality: Japanese, but of American descent
 o Real Name: Jeremy Cash
 o Age: 28
 o Height: 5'10"
 o Weight: 102 lbs
 o Weapons: Sharp edged fan

Born of American businessman Michael Cash and his wife Delores Cash
during a business trip in Japan, Jeremy Cash began his life in the
fast paced world of international business. By the age of two he had
been in over 28 countries. Tragically, his parents perished shortly
before his fourth birthday in a plane crash that left him barely alive
in the Japanese mountains.

Rescued and adopted by a local Japanese farmer, Jeremy began his
formative years as the only gaijin (foreigner) in the town of Kyosaka
where he was raised. In order to help him, the farmer began to teach
Jeremy the martial arts. Rapidly overtaking his master, Jeremy quickly
developed his own individual techniques, taking advantage of his
seemingly supernatural light weight to allow him to extend his talents
past that of other martial artists.

Soon after his 16th birthday, Jeremy returned to witness the death of
his adopted father at the hands of the Ninja. Hired by a wealthy land
owner, the Ninja had been sent to "convince" Jeremy's father to sell
his family's land to the local baron.  Swearing to average his father,
Jeremy disappeared into the underworld of Tokyo to hone his skills.

Reemerging as Konotori, the Stork, with his father's death to avenge,
Jeremy has entered the tournament for revenge and not glory.

Normal Moves:

 o Fan Throw - sweep forward + LS for fast, A for slow.
 o Low fan throw - DF, LS + A
 o Torpedo - Charge back, forward + RS for fast, C for slow. HOLD BUTTON
 o Spin attack - Back + LS. (Note - timing on these types of moves is hard)
 o Invisibilty (no skull cost) - Back + LS + A
 o Spinning wheel attack - from at least 1 body length away, sweep back + RS
 o Fly - JUMP, then B rapidly
 o Diving Torpedo - Jump,then DF + LS
 o Swan Dive - Jump, then D+RS
 o Bounce - Jump, then DOWN + C


 o HAT'S OFF - TAUNT, sweep forward, LS+A.
 o YOU'RE GROUNDED - Jump at opponent, then D + RS + C when you're
   right over him.
 o DOJO/ROOF/BRIDGE - Use close, F+RS attack. (unblockable instead of
 o CLIFFS - Use air torpedo.


 o Make Opponents bleed - TAUNT, Down + B (300-400 skull points)
 o Instant death (removes all opponent's energy) - TAUNT, sweep forward + C
   (1200 skull points) (thanks to David Bayless <DavidB2500@aol.com> who sent
   it to me)

     The Ninja

Character Profile:

 o Nationality: Japanese
 o Real Name: Unknown
 o Age: Unknown
 o Height: 6'02"
 o Weight: 190 lbs
 o Weapons: Lightning bolts & daggers

The head of the Shitake clan of Ninjas, not much is known of the one
they simply call "The Ninja". What is known is that his services are
affordable only to the very richest, that his methods are known only
to him, and that his service record is perfect.

The Ninja has many enemies -- Konotori and the Dragon are but two. His
only "friends" are the members of his clan and a select group of
outsiders whom he has met on one or more of his missions. It is known
that one of these people is Major Gaines, who the Ninja has found
himself fighting alongside in more than one private war. It is also
known that if the price were right, his friendship would be put aside
and the Ninja would fight anyone.

Little is known of the Ninja. Beware.

Normal Moves:

 o Storm Attack: Sweep forward, LS for quick, A for slow.
 o ead Butt - You get close and push toward + C. He grabs the back of the other
   guy's head and butts it. Some blood comes out and the enemy gets dizzy.
 o Teleport: DOWN, A + B + C
 o Hurricane Kick - Sweep back, RS
 o Spin kick - Back + RS
 o Flying Spin kick - Jump, Back + RS
 o Slide - DF + C
 o Mid-air diving kick - Jump back, DF + C
 o Uppercut - DB + LS
 o Knife Attack - A + C
 o Forward leaping kick - F + RS (<-- BIG DAMAGE if you can get it off)
 o Auto Dizzy - Close, forward + C
 o Reptile style inviso: Hop back, LS+RS while hopping. This costs no skull
   points, and lasts until the Ninja is hit - it doesn't seem to wear off.


 o REVERSE HARA-KIRI: Okay, ya gotta be REAL close, like right next to
   the dude. Sweep Forward, then A+C. Remember that like most special moves
   with sweeps, you finish the sweep BEFORE hitting the buttons.
 o STORM FATALITY: Sweep forward, LS+A
 o DOJO/ROOF/BRIDGE - Uppercut or knife attack.
 o CLIFFS - Mid-air diving kick.


 o Heal 1 : - TAUNT, Back + A
 o Heal FULL: TAUNT, Back + C
 o Shrink+ - TAUNT, DOWN + B
 o Blues Sparkles fall off ennemy and his controls are screwed up: Taunt, then
   up + A + B + C cost = 340.


Character Profile:

 o Nationality: Chinese
 o Real Name: Chin Liu
 o Age: 23
 o Height: 6'00"
 o Weight: 164 lbs
 o Weapons: Fireball

Chin Liu is a model martial artist. Sound of mind, body, and heart,
the young Liu quickly grew in skill and finesse, eventually earning an
apprenticeship at the Beijing Opera House. Here he training with other
prodigies under the best masters that China has to offer. Graduating
first in his class, two classes early, Chin Liu's rapid kicks and
punches, as well as a smattering of seemingly superhuman skills,
earned him the nickname "The Dragon".

After graduating at 16, the Dragon toured the world competing and
teaching for three years, then began a promising career as a movie
star. The Dragon has starred in "A Kick Before Dying", "Naked Punch",
"Close Encounters of a Violent Kind", and some of the "BloodFisted
Kickboxer" series (I, II, III, V, and VIII).

Recently, during the shooting of "A Kick Before Dying II: Kick Me If
You Can!", the Dragon barely survived an attack by the Ninja, who had
been hired by the Yazuka, the Japanese mafia, to settle a royalty
dispute pertaining to the Japanese release of "Close Encounters of a
Violent Kind".

Although above revenge, the Dragon would not mind a fair fight with
the Ninja in order to "show him the error of his ways".

Normal Moves:

 o Fireball - Sweep forward then A for slow, LS for fast.
 o Shadow Kick - Charge back, then F + RS (HOLD RS for distance)
 o Split Kick - B+C (can be done in air, jump straight up first)
 o Groin punch - A+B
 o Triple Kick - Sweep back, RS
 o Hop back or forward - Back,Back or F,F
 o Forward hop kick - F, F +RS (2nd F and RS at the SAME TIME)
 o Liu Kang shadow/flying kick: Hop Forward, U+RS during hop. (Thanks
 o Turbo Hands: A rapidly
 o Turbo Kick: C rapidly
 o Upwards air swipe - Jump, then U + LS
 o Diagonal Downard kick - DF,C after doing any air attack(Looks good for
 o Spin around auto dizzy - Close, F + LS


 o NO SEQUEL FOR YOU Kick: Taunt, Sweep back, C+RS
 o Spin around and decap: Taunt, CHARGE BACK (while taunting), F+LS
 o BRIDGE/DOJO/ROOF - Strong kick (C+RS)
 o CLIFFS - Diagonal downward kick.


 o Heal - TAUNT, and Back + A, B, or C , from least to most healing/skull pts.
 o SHRINK - TAUNT, Down + B
 o SUPER POWER-UP (1 hit to kill opponent!): TAUNT, forward sweep,
   LS=RS This is awesome, but takes at about 3,000 magic points!


Character Profile:

 o Nationality: Japanese
 o Real Name: Nobunaga
 o Age: 19
 o Height: 5'10"
 o Weight: 161 lbs
 o Weapons: Sword & Shuriken

Nobunaga epitomizes the Japanese desire for inner perfection. The
child prodigy of a Kendo master, Nobunaga took to the sword before
walking. Rigorously schooled in classic Kendo by his parents by day
while heading out after dark to practice and learn from other masters
at night, Nobunaga quickly became one of Japan's foremost young Kendo

Swearing off all but swordplay, Nobunaga rarely speaks, rarely eats,
and rarely sleeps. His technique has been called superhuman, and
surely some of his moves can be classified as supernatural.

Recently, Nobunaga's concentration was broken for the first
time. Seeking out foreign techniques to further his skills, he was
introduced to Nikki Chan in China after watching a performance of
Chinese opera. Upon first sight of Nikki Chan, Nobunaga felt insecure
in a way he had never felt before, and has been unable to concentrate
ever since.

Although he had shown no interest in entering the tournament when its
existence was first revealed to him, he has now realized that it
represents what may be his only hope of either winning Nikki Chan's
heart, or ridding his heart for her forever.  Ironically, he does not
know that her heart and her soul belong to another far more powerful
than he.

Normal Moves:

 o Shiruken: Sweep forward, A for slow, LS for fast.
 o Super Shiruken (much larger and flashes): Tap A rapidly, forward sweep,
   contiune tapping A rapidly
 o Mid air shiruken: Jump forwrad, or back, and sweep forward + A
 o Slide kick - DF + C.
 o Jumping diagonal kick - Jump back, DF+C
 o Sword uppercut - Sweep back, LS
 o Long sword slice - Sweep forward, RS
 o Running charge - Charge Back, F + RS
 o Fast forward flying kick - F, F +RS (HOLD RS for distance)
 o Turbo sword - Back + A rapidly
 o Super slice - Sweep forward, center pad, hold RS.
 o Sword bounce - Jump, D + LS


 o Spin decap: Taunt, sweep back, LS +RS (You need to be at least an inch away)
 o Slice in half: Charge back for 2 secs, then F + LS
 o BRIDGE/DOJO/ROOF: Sword uppercut (Sweep Back, LS)
 o CLIFFS: Downward diagonal kick (Jump back, DF+C)


 o Heal - TAUNT, Back + A, B, or C.
 o Shrink - TAUNT, D+B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep Back (NO BUTTON)
 o SUPER POWER-UP (1 hit to kill opponent!): TAUNT, forward sweep,
   LS=RS This is awesome, but takes at about 3,000 magic points!

      Major Gaines

Character Profile:

 o Nationality: British
 o Real Name: Simon Gaines
 o Age: 38
 o Height: 5'10" or 7'03"
 o Weight: 285 lbs
 o Weapons: Grenades

A violent child since birth, Simon Gaines was destined for the
military. No one realized exactly how good Gaines was at combat,
however, until the military started training him in the arts of
war. Quickly rising in skill and rank, it was not long until someone
in the brass saw his potential for the covert operations department of
the British Military, the SAS.

Gaines moved up quickly in the SAS, and eventually he became leader of
the Iron Hawks, a quick attack unit that the SAS used in dire
situations. Often sent on suicide missions, an Iron Hawk has a life
expectancy of 1.7 missions. Gaines had survived 16 missions before he
was sent on the mission code-named "Jungle Death".

Sent to South America to retrieve a kidnapped British Minister from
Carlos Bano, the second biggest drug lord in the world, Gaines lost
all but one of his men fighting to enter the highest room in Bano's
hacienda. There the drug lord, gun to the Minister's head, offered
Gaines five million dollars and the position of Major of his commandos
if Gaines would only spare his life. Gaines accepted Bano's offer by
placing a bullet squarely between the eyes of the British Minister and
the last member of his own troop. During his stint as head of Bano's
bodyguards, Gaines received an experimental steroid injection implant
from the drug lord's chief chemist. Activated on demand, the implant
temporarily boasts Gaines' size and strength, although use of the
steroids slowly wears at his body and makes him more susceptible to
damage during boost periods.

Five years later, after accepting ten million dollars from Bano's
rival drug lords to assassinate him, Major Gaines is available to
those who can afford him.

Normal Moves:

 o Grenade - Sweep Forward + (A for line drive, SL for lob)
 o Low Rolling ball - DF + RS
 o High rolling ball - Charge Back, F + RS
 o Mid-air splash - Jump forward, then U + LS
 o Uppercut - DB + LS
 o Flying ball attack - F,F + RS
 o Bounce attack - Jump, Down + C

    o De-Boost: A + B +C
    o Ground lightning - A+B (also called the EARTHQUAKE move)
    o Sidewinder kick - F, F + RS


 o Back Breaker - BOOSTED: TAUNT, Close Forward + RS
 o Suplex throw - BOOSTED: TAUNT, Close Forward + LS + A
 o CLIFFS: Splash attack


 o Heal - TAUNT, Back + A, B, or C Untouchable - TAUNT, LS + RS (about
   600 mp)
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS + RS (about 600 mp)
 o Confusion spell: - TAUNT, B + C
 o Make opponents bleed - TAUNT - down + B (300-400 skull points)


Character Profile:

 o Nationality: Algierian
 o Real Name: Malcolm Fox
 o Age: 28
 o Height: 6'06"
 o Weight: 224 lbs
 o Weapons: Sais & Stun bombs

Malcolm Fox is the son of an African ambassador to France. As a child,
he rebelled against his father, and his father's impeccable
sophistication, by roaming the streets of Paris in gangs and
eventually becoming the leader of the largest band of toughs in Paris.

One night, while "wilding" in the streets, Malcolm's gang came upon
and quickly began mugging a wealthy Thai businessman. Watching in awe
as Malcolm single-handedly dispensed his three internationally renowed
bodyguards and fearing that he was next, the businessman made Malcolm
a deal that he couldn't refuse.  Without pause, Malcolm turned on his
gang, and minutes later, with their bodies littering the alleyway, he
swore an oath and began his life as a bodyguard.

While in Thailand with the businessman, Malcolm spent his free time
studying Muy Thai. He has integrated these techniques with his street
fighting and has now become one of the most sought after bodyguards in
the world.

Working for thousands of dollars an evening and following his
employers to high society functions all around the planet, Malcolm has
also, ironically, acquired all the manners and sophistication that he
disliked in his father.

Normal Moves:

 o Voodo Dust(Instant Dizzy) - Sweep Forward, A
 o Sai Throw - Sweep forward, LS
 o Teleport - Down, A + B + C
 o Ball attack - DF + A or LS
 o Charging Knee - Charge Back, Forward + RS (HOLD RS for distance)
 o Downward diagonal kick - Jump back, DF + C
 o Backwards jumping kick - Jump, D + C
 o Uppercut kick - DB + RS
 o Spin Kick - Sweep Back, RS
 o Mid-air split throw: In-mid air, Right+LS


 o Floor Slam - TAUNT, Close Forward, LS + A
 o Grab and Lift - TAUNT, Close, sweep forward + A + B + C
 o DOJO/BRIDGE/ROOF - Uppercut kick (DB + RS)
 o CLIFFS - Diagonal kick (DF + C)


 o Heal - TAUNT + Back and A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Backwards Sweep
 o Confusion - TAUNT, Up + A+B
 o Speed Up - TAUNT, A rapidly

      Shaky Jake

Character Profile:

o Nationality: Australian
o Real Name: Jake Querious
o Age: 28
o Height: 5'06"
o Weight: 146 lbs
o Weapons: Staff, Bowie Knife & bottle of Jim Bean to breath fire.

Born and raised 1,100 miles from the nearest neighbor in the outback
of Australia, Jake Querious knew no other children while he was
growing up. In fact, until he was 17 his parents neglected to inform
him that there were other people on the earth besides him and them. By
six years old Jake was more than able to fend for himself.  Gone for
weeks at a time with nothing but his trusty staff, Jake survived on
the meat of the snakes that were attracted to him by the rattlesnake
rattles that adorned his belt. It is these rattles that would later
earn him his nickname.

On his seventeenth birthday Jake's parents decided it was time for him
to find a wife.  His parents gave him some money (which took some
explaining) and pointed Jake toward Melbourne. Twenty-two hours later,
slightly tired but full of anticipation, Jake and his handy staff
entered the first brightly lit building that he had ever seen.

Jake stood awestruck in the entrance of The Rowdyhouse bar and grill
for nearly thirty seconds before the local toughs tried to relieve him
of his money. Not thirty seconds later the proprietor was offering
Jake a shot as he swept out the half dozen toughs who now littered the
floor. Jake took the shot of whiskey, gulped it down, and mysteriously
blew his first fireball.

He never went home.

Normal Moves:

 o Knife throw - Sweep forward, LS
 o Torpedo - Charge back, forward + RS (HOLD RS FOR DISTANCE)
 o Air Torpedo - Jump back, DF + RS
 o Spin attack - BACK + LS
 o Wheel attack - sweep back, RS
 o Whiskey Flame - Sweep forward, RS
 o Stick Uppercut - Sweep Back, LS
 o Stick throw - Close, DF, LS
 o Teleport - Down, A + B +C
 o Stick pogo - Jump, D + C


 o Whiskey Char - TAUNT, Sweep forward, C + RS
 o "Hang around" - Charge back, F+LS
 o DOJO/BRIDGE/ROOF - Stick upercut
 o CLIFFS - Air Torpedo


 o Heal - TAUNT ,Back, + A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep back
 o No Jump - TAUNT, DF + C

     Nikki Chan

Character Profile:

 o Nationality: Chinese
 o Real Name: Nikki Chan
 o Age: 19
 o Height: 5'00"
 o Weight: 94 lbs

Over 1,000 years ago the god XingTso fell in love with a mortal girl
whose beauty was so great that it inspired him to cross the great
bridge between heaven and earth.  This girl, however, was betrothed to
the mad magician king Quan Ming.

Furious that a mere god would try to steal away his property, the king
used his powers to warp the soul of the young girl, binding her to the
Wheel of Great Transmigrations in such a way as to insure that she
would be reincarnated time after time with no hope of release to
heaven and in such a form that even her divine lover could not find
her. Even to this day the legacy of this great evil mars the celestial
harmony of heaven, causing an unidentifiable agony among the gods.

Nikki Chan is the latest reincarnation of this tortured girl's soul,
and although she does not know why, the soul of that ancient girl has
driven her on a path that will make her known to heaven, and therefore
to her long lost lover. She has applied herself with manic devotion to
the creation of her own acrobatic style of Kung Fu which she intends
to use to vanquish all of her opponents in the great contest. The Book
of Warriors is of such renown in heaven that should she win the
contest her name will become known in that greater plane and her soul
be released from its bondage to the Wheel of Great Transmigrations,
allowing her to join her lover once again.

Normal Moves:

 o Torpedo - Charge back, forward + LS
 o Hair whip - Sweep forward, A (for slow) or LS (for fast).
 o Hair twirl - Hold Block, then hold LS
 o Spin kick - Sweep back, RS
 o Flip Kick - up + C (or up + RS, or up + RS + C ?)
 o Head stomp - Jump, then down + C
 o Straight up ball - DB, RS
 o Diving Punch - Jump straight up, DF+LS
 o Flip - F,F or B,B, THEN FROM FLIP:
    o Throw from flip - close + RS
    o Ball attack - LS from forward flip (when she's straight upside-down)
    o Flying kick - Up + RS from flip. Other version says: If you hit t he
      right shift and C button, she will do a handstand and split kick upside
 o Defensive ball - Backflip to edge of screen, UP
 o Split attack - RS+C from flip, upside down
 o Very Short slide at opponent - Forwarddown + C. Holding down C makes
   ythe slide move as long as you want.
 o Spins hair around head - Hold B then LS


 o "Your heart is mine!": Close, forward + A + B + C (Thanks to Bean on AOL!)
 o Blown away: Taunt, charge back, Forward + RS + C
 o BRIDGE/DOJO/ROOF: Strong kick (C+RS)
 o CLIFFS: Flying Punch


 o Heal - TAUNT ,Back, + A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Power Up - TAUNT, A + B + C
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS+RS

     Crimson Glory

Character Profile:

 o Nationality: American
 o Real Name: Crimson Smith
 o Age: 24
 o Height: 5'09"
 o Weight: 114 lbs
 o Weapons: Bottle of kerosene & a match

A classic modern American cowgirl, Crimson Glory rides her iron horse
across the paved planes of the middle and western United States. The
only daughter in a family of 12 children, Crimson was a "tom-boy" as a
child. She showed no interest at all in dolls or other typical "girl
toys" but instead took up wrestling and boxing to fill her time. It
wasn't until her early teens when she started becoming a woman that
the men she had hung out with started to treat her as anything but one
of the boys.

Deciding that she was not going to change her ways for anyone, Crimson
surmised that the best way to gain the guys' respect was to beat the
living hell out of them. By 22, she had done just that, one, two and
often dozens at a time, in just about every sleazy bar west of the
Mississippi River.

Crimson sees the competition as just another bar filled with men, and
although seeing her in action has often been called "the show of a
lifetime", the truly wise have always fled the bars that Crimson Glory

normal Moves:

 o Throw Bottle - Sweep forward, A (turns opponent green)
 o Mid air bottle throw - Jump, sweep forward + A
 o Throw match - Sweep forward, LS (must be done after opponent is green,
   unblockable and BIG DAMAGE!)
 o Clothesline - Jump, DF + A
 o Head Butt - You get close and push toward + C. He grabs the back of the
   other guy's head and butts it. Some blood comes out and the enemy gets
 o Flying kick - Forward, Forward + RS
 o Grab and punch - Close forward, LS + A <--- Will Allen
 o Block and grab - Hold BLOCK, then push Forward or Up/Forward when
   opponent tries to attack you. (Takes timing)
 o Throw Projectile on the ground while in the air - Just do the forward sweep
   while airborne and either A or RS (can't remember which right now).


 o "Sorry to burst your bubble" - Taunt, Sweep back, A+B+C (<-- "Kay Kay")
 o "You don't have the stomach for this: TAUNT, Close Forward + RS (_not_
   RS+C as posted by many)
 o DOJO/BRIDGE/ROOF - Uppercut
 o CLIFFS - Clothesline attack

Kull the Despoiler:

Character Profile:

 o Race: Skeleton
 o Age: ?
 o Height: ?
 o Weight: ?

The second-to-last boss, an extremely well-rendered 3D model (SGI Indigo
Extreme II did the rendering work) is rapidly being entered. HE IS TALLER THAN
THE SCREEN when the camera is fully zoomed in. That's right; he's more than 480
pixels tall. Don't ask why he's that tall...

Normal Moves:

Note that Kull can not jump or duck. He doesn't appear to have strong
attacks (LS+A or RS+C) either.

 o Throw Hammer - Sweep forward, A for slow, LS for fast.
 o Slide - DF + C
 o Flying Knee - Charge back, forward + RS
 o Uppercut - DB + LS


 o Grind and maim - TAUNT, close, forward + A + B +C (<-Patrick Horio)
 o Head Explode - (Close) Sweep Backwards, then A+B+C
 o BRIDGE/ROOF/DOJO - Uppercut. (getting behind the guy on the roof is
   tricky, walk past while he's down).
 o CLIFFS - ??? (may not be possible, he can't jump)


MAGIC: ALL known magics

 o Heal - TAUNT + Back and A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Backwards Sweep
 o Confusion - TAUNT, Up + A+B
 o Speed Up - TAUNT, A rapidly
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS+RS
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep back
 o No Jump - TAUNT, DF + C
 o Power Up - TAUNT, A + B + C

High Abbot:

Character Profile:

 o Race: Dragon
 o Age: ?
 o Height: ?
 o Weight: ?

A 3D rendered model. Tough as nails. Speaking of nails, he's got
really big ones.

Normal Moves:

Abbot can't jump straight up, duck, or do regular air attacks.

 o Air Kick - jump back ,DF + C
 o Fire - sweep foward, LS
 o Flaming breath - Sweep forward, LS
 o Ball attack 1 - DF + RS
 o Ball attack 2 - Charge back, F + RS
 o Tail Sweep - DB + LS
 o Bite - Close, Forward + C + RS
 o Diving claw attack - Jump back, DF + C


 o You're fired - TAUNT, sweep forward, LS + A
 o DOJO/ROOF/BRIDGE - Ball attack 1
 o CLIFFS - Diving claw attack


MAGIC: ALL known magics.

 o Heal - TAUNT + Back and A, B, or C
 o Shrink - TAUNT, Down + B
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Backwards Sweep
 o Confusion - TAUNT, Up + A+B
 o Speed Up - TAUNT, A rapidly
 o Untouchable - TAUNT, LS+RS
 o Inviso - TAUNT, Sweep back
 o No Jump - TAUNT, DF + C
 o Power Up - TAUNT, A + B + C
 o Super power up: TAUNT, Forward Sweep + RS (2,300 pts)

Swami, also known as Gulab:

Character Profile:

 o Race: ?
 o Age: ?
 o Height: ?
 o Weight: ?

Known Moves:

 o Saw Blade - Sweep Forward + LS(fast) or A(slow)
 o Rope Teleport - Sweep Forward + B
 o Jumping Spin Punch - Back + LS
 o Low Spin Punch - DB + LS
 o Float - DF or D or DB
 o Mid-Air Diving Kick - Jump Back then DF + C
 o Bounce - Jump Over then Down + C
 o Auto Dizzy - Close Forward + A
 o Death Gaze - Forward + LS(long range) or A(short Range)
 o Slide Attack - DF + C
 o Quad Head Butt - Close Forward + RS
 o Choke Hold - Close Forward + LS + A
 o Knee Jab - Close Forward + C
 o Magic Sword 1 - Up + LS
 o Magic Sword 2 - Up then Down + LS
 o Slow Buzz Saw throw - Sweep Forward and A
 o Fast Buzz Saw Throw - Sweep Forward and LEFT Button
 o Eye daze - Forward twice and A . Also works with Left Button I think.
 o Flying Kick - Back Jump and Half moon(Down to Away) and C(Same as FOX)


 o Head Burst - Forward + A + B + C (From anywhere, close or far)

Section 4: The Secrets in the Game:

Is there alot of unrevealed secret codes out there?

David Liu: There are still about 30-50% of secrets remaining, in my
estimation. To begin with, there are about 15 characters and 4 secret
backgrounds in the game, some of which I don't believe have been
discovered yet..

I will say Way is actually something like 512 games in one...

Remember those old Atari games? Remember getting 8192 games in one and
thinking they all sucked? Well even though the 4 player game in Way
doesn't suck, it is set up in a similar combinatorial approach.

What about this 4 player game code?

>From Jack Murdock <jackm410@sam.neosoft.com>.

Select 2 player vs.mode.The right player selects a character then he
holds "down right",a,b,c,and the start button,The left player holds
"up left"and both shift keys then hits start.This will work with up to
4 players.

The game is called space war!

DIE HARD GAME FAN has this code, and other WOTW stuff. PLEASE SEND IT TO ME!

Secret characters available in 2 player modes:

 o Boss codes:

    o To play as KULL: Enter a name of "A Gavin", date of Jun 11 1970
    o To play as HIGH ABBOT: Use a name of "J Rubin", date Jan 6 1970

   Then go to VS mode, and move your character box to the right of Crimson
   Glory. It will move over and you'll be able to play as that boss. It doesn't
   matter which player you enter the name for, both will work.

   You can also enter both names, move the box right again to move from High
   Abbot to Kull (or vice versa).

   Thanks VERY MUCH to Don Edwards (CoolDon@AOL.COM) for posting
   the Kull code. A bit of trial and error found High Abbot after that, lucky
   his birthday wasn't in December. :)

 o Other characters:

    o To play as BLACK DRAGON: Use a name of "Wyvern", date
    o To play as SWAMI: Use a name of "Gulab", date 2/29/1900
    o To play as MAJOR TROUBE: Use a name of "Bad Boy", date
    o To play as VOODOO: Use a name of "Evil", date 6/6/1966

Secret backgrounds:

The Cave Stage and the new Versus Mode:

>From (Chris Curry) < ChrisC2@ix.netcom.com>

this code IMO is the most useful.It gives you a new stage, no time
limit, and no life meter but rather a bar that goes back and forth,
depending on who punches whom, between where the life meters used to
be and when one player causes the bar to go all the way to the other
players side then the other player falls down as usual and the other
player winsthe match.

Hence the style of the play comes the name of the code which is
TUGAWAR and the date is 4/16/64, put this in the name and date section
and you are ready for an all out street brawl (hence the name and look
of the new stage "alley fight!").

This code only works in the versus mode and look for the stage named
"CAVE" in the stage select (just like with the psychedelic stage), if
its not there then you did the code wrong. This is the way IMO that
versus mode should be played, and I am sure that most will agree that
it gives more freedom to practice special moves, fatalities, magic,

The Psychadelic Stage:

Enter a name of "PARANOID", date May 5 1975.

The stage will be availible from the arena menu. (Was this the date of
the release of the Black Sabbath album of that title???)

Thanks to Akil Harris.

Turbo World:

To play in TURBO WORLD (a 60 fps background in which all the 3DO's
power is used to animate the characters as fast as possible, leaving
the background static):

Enter your name as "SPEED", date 8/8/80 then go to the backgrounds menu item
and find Turbo World.

The Taj Mahal stage:

This is a new background that is nifty. Enter your name as "Taj Mahal", date
1/1/1 then go to the backgrounds menu item and find this new world.

How the secret characters work in Way?

David Liu:

I will say that there has been a lot of confusion about the way the
hidden characters work in Way. And the answer is... [drum roll]...

You can get secret character n+1 only if you beat secret character n.

So, we all know the first secret dude is BLACK DRAGON; thus to get to Major
Trouble you must reapeat what you did to get to Black Dragon and have defeated

I will also say (probably not a colossal surprise) that not all the
secret characters are simply color map changes of existing characters.

You can read the credits in the manual and see that actors exceed
known characters.  Since a color remapped secret char obviously doesnt
require any new actors, something is afoot....

So you beat all the color remapped secret chars, and then... the
challenge begins!

Anyhow, I want to say that there IS in fact a reason and story behind
the hidden char thing. Ever wonder why the secret matches take place
outside the TajMahal? Or why they are called "Possession Match"? Or
who is the guy that hovers in the stormy orange sky when you first
find a secret character? He is powerful. He has special magic
abilities. He can control other characters. You fight him
eventually. Oh yeah, you can also PLAY as him.

Note: you cannot get far in the ladder of secret characters if you do
not get far in e ladder of the game, and you cannot go far in the
game's ladder unless the difficulty is at least at default...

Some new explanations from David Liu :


 o The secret characters form a ladder. You must beat each one in order to be
   able to fight the next.
 o To get to BDRAGON, you need to play a perfect second match (second fight).
   You definitely must finish with a 2nd wind, and Andy may have put other
   requirements in as well, judging from comments made on the net.
 o To get to MTROUBLE, you have to do the same with the 4th match, AND
   you must have beaten BLACK DRAGON.
 o Same applies for VOODOO.
 o And there is another totally different secret character (not just a color
   and attitude change) which comes last.

Secret Character: Black Dragon:

>From Richard Fein <rfein2@delphi.com>. You need 2 perfect rounds on the
Graveyard stage, no healing allowed.

I know people have said there are other ways but the above works every time.

Secret Character: Major Trouble:

David Liu: to get to Major Trouble you must reapeat what you did to
get to Black Dragon and have defeated him.

There is a way to change the victory stance of your character:

Dragon wears Sun-Glasses, New poses for Other Character:

Here's something I discovered while playing WOTW. It's nothing but it
could lead to bigger and better things (secrets). I've only it in the
2 player mode, but I'd imagine it would also work in the tournament
mode. Here's what you do:

First, select "The Pit" as the room you want to fight in and the
choose "Verses Mode". One player MUST select either "Dragon", "Nobu or
"Crimson Glory", but the other player can select any character he
wants. Once the fight starts, one player should win the first rou with
a flawless victory. A fatality it NOT needed. For the second the other
player should win with a flawless victory. Again, a fatal not needed.
Then for third round, the player who selected either "Dragon",
"Nobunaga", or "Crimson Glory" must win with a flawless vi AND the
room's fatality. The easiest way to accomplish this is for opposing
player to immediately commit suicide by falling into the la pit.

After everying above has been executed, you'll notice a change i
"victory close-up pose". Dragon will now be wearing dark sun-glasse
will have a big smile on his face.  Nobunaga will also be smiling, b
will be wearing mirrored sun-glasses. And Crimson Glory will be sti
out her tounge (no glasses for her). All three will also have a new
"one-liner" to go along with their new pose.

Shaky Jake wears sun-glasses too:


I found a new end/retry for Jake. This might be for the arena or the
temple, I can't remember but it did happen. Get a perfect round once
or twice but at least a perfect round on the last fight. Don't need a
fat. Jake will be wearing sun glasses and has his hair pulled
back. AND, has a bottle of JIM BEAM LIQUER in his hand.

Nikki Chan victory screen can be changed:

>From Gamevue <gamevue@aol.com>

There is a way to alter the victory stance of your character. The only
one I know is Nikki Chan. Right after you win, start wiggling the
controller and pushing buttons.  She'll do her normal bow, then flash
a peace sign!

Nobunaga's incredibly corny dance:

David Liu: To get Nobu's YMCA dance (or whatever you think it should
be called), do the following:

On the second round of your win, that is, on the last round before you
win the match as Nobu, you must charge up your turbo star 10 times (I
believe this means one star charged up 10 x, Of course, firing a
hundred stars as turboed as possible cant hurt) during that round, and
win. Instead of his honorable victory stance, he breaks out into a
scottish dork dance of major wierdness....

Dragon's Goofy picture and David Liu's message to Internet users:

David Liu: To get to Dragon's goofy picture and hear me make fun of
all of us ("Internet people have NO life"), I think you have to finish
the match using only A and C in the last round.

Is there different endings depending on the CPU level?

>From Chris Curry <ChrisC2@ix.netcom.com>

Well through some effort I have recieved some info about WOTW from some highly
intellegent and reputable WOTW fans.

The first is that there seems to be a purpose to setting the
difficulty in favor of the CPU to heavy advantage because there indeed
seems to be a special ending if you are able to do this. The source
would not say what the ending was and more or less gave the attitude
of: "it took me forever to do and if you want to see it then do it
yourself".  But they did claim that the ending was much better than
the one on normal setting.

However I can not verify this claim because I have not been able to do
it. (okay the cpu kicks my ass every time I try)

Is there different endings depending on the CPU level?

>From Chris Curry <ChrisC2@ix.netcom.com>

Well through some effort I have recieved some info about WOTW from
some highly intellegent and reputable WOTW fans.

The first is that there seems to be a purpose to setting the
difficulty in favor of the CPU to heavy advantage because there indeed
seems to be a special ending if you are able to do this. The source
would not say what the ending was and more or less gave the attitude
of: "it took me forever to do and if you want to see it then do it
yourself".  But they did claim that the ending was much better than
the one on normal setting.

However I can not verify this claim because I have not been able to do
it. (okay the cpu kicks my ass every time I try)

Section 5: General info about the magic:

How do the CPU uses magic?

All infos from From David Liu himself.

Does it cheat?

The CPU doesnt really cheat with magic points. Here's how it works:

When you lose a MATCH, your magic pts get halved.

When the CPU loses, you fight a NEW CPU character (so CPU's magic
should of course be different). We tries to find a fair way to allot
CPU magic, so it is a semi-random function which awards more magic to
the CPU as you get higher in the ladder. This is to balance your magic
pts, which should be climbing steadily as you progress (once you are
good enough to notlose more than twice at each step of the ladder).

Sometimes the CPU screws up the magic? Really?

Yes! The CPU screws up magic (just like you do if you are sloppy in
handling the controller) and occasionally poisons itself. I kindly
choose the POISON magic controls to be very close to some of the HEAL
magics, so if you goof you may get zapped a bit :) The CPU is more
clumsy, however.

Characters and magic:

Listed are chars who I've used the Magic with. Always TAUNT, then
while taunting do the listed move.

Cost for Magic:

 Heal (A) - 140 pts  (10%?)   }   BACK + A or B or C
 Heal (B) - 300 pts  (20%?)   } - Jason Cross (point costs)
 Heal (C) - 800 pts? (100%?)  }
 Untouchable(Gaines, Nikki) - 440 pts - LS+RS    }
 Power Up(Nobunaga,Nikki)   - 380 pt    A+B+C    } - Chad Claire(point costs)
 Shrink (almost all)        - 340      Down+B
 Super Power Up (Nob., Drag.)-about 2,400 Fwd Sweep + RS (?)
+Speed Up - (Kon, Dragon)   - 340       A rapidly
 No jump  - (Dragon, others)-           DF + C
+Confusion - (Fox, others) -   420      Up + A + B  <- Jason Cross

Section 6: Strategy, Combos, Miscellanous:

Some combos for Konotori:

David Liu:

The key idea is to finish off a combo with a fan swipe (the
unblockable close R move), so an easy combo is Weak Torpedo-Fan
Swipe. It was so easy that I had Andy put in a short delay to make it
blockable if you react quickly.

There is an inherent combo built into all characters that can stomp,
which is simply to vector your aerial attacks so stomping is possible
after you knock the other guy down.

With Konotori, this is done by down+C after an aerial attack.

You can also combo coming out of a superroll, but it is a little tricky.

Try Superroll (Spin Back-R), followed by a fan swipe.

Konotori's best strategy is to simply stay off the ground,
however. Combos are nice, but not an essential part of his game.

Try tapping B as fast as you can to stay airborne for 10 seconds or
more at a time.  Use the diagonal air torpedo (up + back, then
down+right+R) to attack down and IN FRONT of you, and use the famous
SWANDIVE (down + R) to attack directly below you.

So this begs the question "what if your opponent ends up behind you
while you are airborne? (That was a hint to Konotori haters... :)

Some Ninja combos:

David Liu:

Keep tossing that lightning to keep you opponent on the ground.

But if he is good, he can launch a long range or aerial attack which leaves you
vulnerable if you lightning.

So, the idea for me is to lightning whenever the opponent leaves the
ground and is about to land. Get him/her to land IN your stream, and
then combo with a THROW if you are less than one body length away.

The ninja lightning is one of only a couple attacks whose damage is NOT changed
(dereased) by repeated use, so blast away... :)

Other ninja ideas: Dizzy with the head squish (close towards+A, i
believe), then KNIFE (A+C)

I realize the A+C move is tough, but it was designed so you would have
to "break stance" to execute the move. In other words, it is a
powerful attack for use when your opponent is on the ropes and next to
you. I still don't understand why there have been so many complaints
about the A+C move, considering there is only ONE such move :)

Anyhow, the perfect move to complement the lightning is the NINJA
FLING. (that thrust aerial kick in which Ninja jumps towards and
pushes out with his feet at the end). The idea is to use the Nija
Fling when your opponent is closing in on you.

When he closes in, you can risk lightning for fear of aerial
counterattck, so fling away instead. If you hit, it's "BIG DAMAGE!"

Also, Ninja's airslide (upback, then downforward + c) is really
powerful relative to other airslides. Compare with Nobu's airslide,
for example.

What about Ninja's Invisibility? How do you perform it?

David Liu: You hop back by holding block and tapping back twice (twice in
succession quickly). DURING your hop, press BOTH L and R together at the same
time. In Way, "same time" means within a window of 1/30th of a second. (To be
honest, i would have liked to see that window enlarged...)

Anyhow, Ninja's invisibility is endless until hit, which is a BIG
advantage. It's unnerving to see a lightning bolt come out
of... NOWHERE :)

Some Dragon combos:

David Liu:

The basic idea with Dragon is to pummel your opponent to death with
his HUGE variety of moves. This means mixing up air, ground, and low
attacks as randomly as possible, comboing when you can.

My fave air moves: Airslide (Up, then Downtowards + C), but the
airslide is SLOW!

Head chop (up, then L while up), which is nice due to big damage, but has short

Split kick, which has better range but requires more timing.

When your opponent is far away, lob fireballs at him. If you start the
n+1th one BEFORE the nth one is off screen you can get a stream of
fireballs at a pretty good clip.

To approach the enemy (since Dragon is best in close), don't just walk
or jump into him, use (ALWAYS) either the Shadow kick (Charge back,
then towrds + R) or the flying kick (hop forward, then up + R).

Some Nobunaga's combos:

David Liu:

Nobu is my FAVORITE CHARACTER. He is fun and probably the best non-secret,
non-boss character.

His strategies are endless:

 o To attack from long range, use fast star, slow star, or turbo star
   (long range on the ground, that is).
 o To attack from long range and bring yourself in close, use the Shoulder Rush
   (charge back, then forward + R) or the flying kick (forward -forward + R).
 o To attack from long range from the air to ground, use LOTS of air stars...
 o Etc. etc. etc...

The basic strategy I use with him is sword or slide when opponent is close, and
airslide or throw star or shoulder rush when oppoennt is far.

Aerial defenses: UPPERCUT!!!!! (big damage, good range) and surprisingly, Throw
Stars! (as the opponent lands).

One really good blocking technique is to always have the shoulder rush
charged WHILE BLOCKING, then release it and activate the shoulder rush
as soon as you see the blue star indicating your successful
block. Does big damage...

Nobu's strongest move is the sword thrust. To do this, spin forward and HOLD R.
Then while holding R, (which is the SwordPLay move, a good turbo move), press
TOWARDs and Nobu thrusts his sword.

What do you do to an opponent that is down?

>From David Liu himself:

If you are really quick, you can STOMP on a fallen opponent with Down
+ C. Takes off big damage, and you get that satisfying "oof" with
blood... :)

Another strategy I use: reposition yourself behind your opponent in
hopes of getting him to block backwards (with his back facing
you). Since you cannot turn around while blocking, the result can be a
free hit (or at least confusion).

Can you cheese humans and CPU using the Darren manuever
(Dragon's turbo punch)?

>From David Liu himself:

This unfortunate rumor that you can cheese humans and CPU using the
Darren manuever (Dragon's turbo punch) has led me to show people
exactly how you can punish anyone who tries this. We have put in a
HUGE number of safeguards to prevent any cheapness in the game,
ESPECIALLY inthe 2P mode (which is why I argued strongly against
claims that you could cheese a human to death using the turbo punch--
since it isn't true).

Blocking in Way is easy. Press B, and your character will block from
the time an offensive move starts to the time it is complete. The
turbo punch counts (for blocking purposes) as ONE move. So if you
press block at any time during your opponent's turbo punch, you will
block until you:

 1. Do a move
 2. Retreat (hop back)
 3. Retreat (jump back)

However, even if you choose not to retreat, there is a great way to
counterattack.  While Dragon (or Nobu, or Nikki, or any turbo-equipped
character) is turbo attacking, he cannot throw you (since he is stuck
to the ground and cannot press towards you). So you are free to
block. Notice that when you first block a turbo punch, you get exactly
15 blue stars. After the first 15 blocks, you get a "DEFENSIVE BONUS"
or "GOOD BLOCKING" speech from the ref, extra skull pts, and then the
blue stars go CRAZY and you get about 50 blue stars (since they fall
within a pixel or so of each other you really just see a solid blue
star) within a second of each other.

DURING THIS TIME (the "anti-cheese window"), you can attack with
impunity.  That;'s right, just walk up to the loser and hit him or
throw his sorry rear end.

This safeguard was put in because I thoght it was unfair to force
someone to retreat simply because his opponent was going turbo punch
banannas. When i first got Way for testing, you could win any match by
getting in one hit, then blocking or turbo punching forever a blocking
opponent. Unblockable throws solved the first problem.  This window
solves the second. The CPU is pretty good at using this window to beat
you to a pulp should you try to cheap it with turbo moves.

Konotori's Unblockable Attack?

Q: There's a move he does when he's really close: he hits you with
both of his fans (sort of "claps" them around your head"). I"ve tried
to block this standing up and I've also tried to block it crouching,
but I alwas get hit. Is thi s simply an unblockable attack (like a
throw perhaps..?)

A: (from david Liu) Yes, this is unblockable. Why? Konotori has no
uppercut, or throws, so to balance him out I suggested they give him
this unblockable mov e.  EVERY character has at least one unblockable,
to avoid being cheaped by a cowardly but good blocking opponent.

Ninja's Lightning Attacks go through Konotori's body?

Q: I was playing the Ninja against Konotori, and it seemed that often
my lightning attack seemed to go straight through his body. Is it

A: (from David Liu) If he touches the lightning, he gets zapped. If he
falls in the beam, he gets zapped but it looks like the lgithning is
going through his body.

How do do a constant stream of fireballs:

By David Liu.

Here is how to do a constant stream of fireballs in Way. There is no
reason why with some practice you cannot have one fireball ALWAYS on

Do the quarter turn, then press the button (A=usually slow, L=ususally
fast fireball).

When your nth firteball is almost off the screen, do the quarter turn
and then as soon as your fireball is off screen press the button to
launch a new one.

There is no "fireball problem" per se in Way. (I suppose if SFII had
fireball moves which required you to press the button after doing the
quarter turn then we would all think press the button DURING the
quarter turn would be "wierd".

How to master the Ninja:

Text by Trevor Powell <TPowell@cmcvax.mckenna.edu>

Really, the trick to the ninja is learning to get the moves off at
least 80-90% of the time.. My general strategy against the CPU so far
has been to mix between a couple of combos...

First, the Ninja's electricity is a simply wonderful attack. Do it
fast when your opponent is standing still or approaching.. if he jumps
towards you, do it slow (using the A button), and nearly every time
he'll end up falling into it and being zapped. If he lands close to
you in the electricity (within one body width), you can usually pull
off a kick-throw immediately afterwards (using R-shift)

An extra note.. against Nikki Chan do the electricity slow.. in her
flip move, she can sometimes slip under fast electricity attacks and
hit you before you can recover from the electricity attack.

One of my usual combos is to do the 'jump back->down/forward kick'
move into an opponent.. if that misses, do a crouching slide
(df+C).. that'll usually work. Either way, your opponent will be
knocked down. Take the opportunity to jump back and fire an
electricity bolt as they stand up, or do a bit of magic, or whatever
general nastiness you feel like engaging in.

Another (very standard, I'm afraid) combo that tends to work well
against teh computer (with the exceptions of Major Gains, and to a
lesser extent, Nikki Chan and Crimson Fury) is a simple jump in with
R-shift, followed by an immediate R-shift throw, or, if you can pull
it off consistantly, the F+R-shift kick.

I usually do most of my damage with the combos above.. plus the use of
the 'jump back->down/forward kick' into the opponent when he jumps or
is in a ball..

Just a few more notes.. I've found the teleport to be fairly useless,
at least against computer opponents. The hurricane kick can do some
nice damage, but it's so easy to be hit out of that it's usually not
worth the effort.

Anyway, just my take on the ninja. Any ideas from other WOTWers?


David Liu explains what he keeps in mind while playing Way of the

Actually (for you Way trivia buffs), here's what stays in my neurons
when I play Way:


 o All normal moves
 o All special moves
 o All background fatals
 o 8 magics (far from complete)
 o Most secrets
 o Lots of strategy :)
 o 2/3 of the fatals

Not Memorized:

The remaining magics (ironic since I designed the magic controller m
oves) 1/3 of the fatals (ironic since I also designed the fatal moves
:) Some secret codes.

The reason it's tough for me to memorize all the fatals is because :

 o I'm still a full time student
 o They have changed a few times to their present difficult to do state.

But Marty is correct in that my magic sheet (simply a printout of my
email to andy about my suggested moves for fatals and magics) is
pretty useful. I'll sell it for $1000. Or highest bid. JUST KIDDING
(don't get angry, Universal :)


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