Crop circles

(3601)  Tue 9 Jul 91  0:26
By: Don Allen
To: All
Re: *more* on Crop circles
@EID:116b 01d13bb2
@MSGID: 1:363/29 5f816326

Spotted this on Usenet tonight:


Article 762 of alt.alien.visitors:
From: (Robert Trevelyan)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Crop Circles in the UK
Message-ID: <>
Date: 8 Jul 91 09:19:37 GMT
Organization: AIX Systems Support Centre, UK.
Lines: 83


        I have been interested/involved in crop circles for about
        two years and was very fortunate last year to find the first
        pictogram in a field in Chilcomb , Winchester . This was the
        first crop circle not be of the normal circle/ring form as it
        had boxes and paths . Through this and my interest in the
        phenomenon I have made aquaintances with the leading circle
        investigators and even got a mention in a few books on the subject.
        I am also a member of CPR ( Circles Phenomnon Research - Pat Delgado
        and Colin Andrews ) and CCCS ( Centre for Crop Circle Studies ) .
        I live in an area that is about 15 minutes from Winchester and
        about 45 minutes from Silbury Hill in Wiltshire , these are the
        most popular areas for crop circles and I have been in about
        50 or so or them over the last year or two .

        The team that witnessed the crop circle I previously mentioned
        on Morgans Hill , Wiltshire was run by ex BBC Producer and now
        Director of Circle Vision , circles PR company ? ,and a team
        of cameramen . They are the same team that assisted Delgado and
        Andrews on Operation Blackbird in 1990 , remmember the hoax.
        Anyway currently in that area at the moment are three independant
        watches arranged by Dr. Meaden ( The vortex man ) called Operation
        Blue Hill , CCCS called Operation Sirius and a CPR watch called
        Operation Nightingale .

        I found out about this as I have a friend that is the Director of
        field research for CCCS and he also works for the same company as I do.
       As he lives in a different part of the UK than I do it allows us
        to keep in touch of all areas of southern England . I also receive
        information from visiting sites that are known circle areas and
        in addition to that receive details via a circle network via the
        mail . If you are interested in joining this let me know and I will
        send you the address to write to .

        This years formations seem to be based on a new formation which has
        been termed "insectograms" as they have paths and circles that look
        like antennae . I believe there has been about 100+ circles this
        year to date but there has also been a great many hoaxes . A hoax
        can be perpetrated as it is not dousable and is very often rough
        at its edges . This is very much dependant on the crop it is
        created in as barly created a rougher looking formation but if it
        douses as well it point toward non-hoax. Hoaxed circles look and
        feel like hoaxes as they are very rough , the crop is always broken
        not layed down and happens when there are tramlines to the field,
        the lines the tractors wheels create .

        I visited the lecture given by Terence Meaden on Plasma Vortex
        last year and totally agree with you that the guy is slightly
        off the track where it comes to most crop circles. I do believe
        that simple circles can be created by his plasma vortex theory
        if there is a hill nearby and if the weather is correct for this but
        as for this being the answer I think he is crazy . How can a
        spiraling vortex of charged air/dust particles create boxes ,
        paths or even rings , let alone triangles that were seen last year.

        Anyway I have just received a note about a new crop circle
        in the field where last years eighth of a mile pictogram appeared
        at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire . I will post details of this to the
        news as soon as I have read it .

        Be in touch , Robert

>Thanks for the great info.  Can you say who the team is and how you
>know about this?  How many crop circles have there been previously
>this season?  Any new shapes?
>Plasma vortex, my arse.  This looks like something much more interesting.
>Please post any and all new info you can.
>Best regards,
>Dick Shoup

Robert Trevelyan                        UKnet:
AIX Communications                      VNET: TREVELR at BASVM2
                                        Voice: +44-(0)256-56144

--+-------End of Article --------------------------------------------------


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(3602)  Tue 9 Jul 91  0:32
By: Don Allen
To: All
Re: still *more* on Crop circles :-)
@EID:116b 01d13bb5
@MSGID: 1:363/29 5f816329

I spotted this one too :-) Off ABUSEnet (inside joke :-))


Article 764 of alt.alien.visitors:
From: (Robert Trevelyan)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Crop Circles ( screwed the last one up )
Message-ID: <>
Date: 8 Jul 91 10:15:56 GMT
Organization: AIX Systems Support Centre, UK.
Lines: 63

   On Tuesday July 2 the main attraction of the Circle season
occurred just where it was expected at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire.
Within 200 yards of the position of last year's giant double
dumb-bell pictogram . This is of similar size to the huge pictogram
of 1990 .

    This new formation lies in a great expanse of green wheat .
The formation is about 120 yards long and consists of a large ringed
circle with long narrow passages running to a plain circle at one end
and a smaller ring, with a spur beyond, at the other. Two 15 ft circles,
like eyes, lie to one side of the central avenue level with the
midpoints of the connecting passages and equi- distant from them.
Already dozens of visitors were converging on the site to marvel at the
new wonder where so many people had caught circles fever in 1990.
Farmer Tim Carson is charging $1 entry and will probably exceed his
last year's take of an estimated $8000 (pounds sterling).

     Farmhand Malcolm Enery described how he had been woken by a loud
roaring noise at 1.30 a.m. that night. He thought at first that a
C-130 Hercules from RAF Lyneham was flying over at rooftop level,
but could see nothing through his window. Other residents of Alton Barnes
were woken by a similar roar. Only when mist over East Field had cleared
at 7 a.m. could the new pictogram be seen. It lies barely 800 yards
from the tiny village.

     Today (Friday 5-7-91 ) a further formation, a smaller dumb-bell
accompanied by several additional circles, has appeared in the same
field just within a few hundred yards. Again these circles were initially
shrouded by unseasonal mist. Something quite extraordinary appears to be
happening at Alton Barnes and this is quite possibly not unconnected with
the worldwide interest that was shown in the magnificent circles which
appeared there last year.

     Last Sunday a large new pictogram appeared at Newton St Loe just
two miles west of Bath. This greatly resembled the Alton Barnes
pictogram of 1990, and once more its appearance was accompanied by
strange lights seen in the sky and a roaring noise according to many
people in the outskirts of the city. I hope to try to talk to some of
these people and to piece together events surrounding this visitation.
Before this year only one small crop circle had ever been reported in
this area between Bristol and Bath.

     The Bath pictogram has a large asymmetric "key" and also the ringed
"signature circle" in exactly the same relative position as the Wiltshire
pictograms of last year. These distinctive features, and the fact that
"keys" or "claws" have been seen in two other smaller formations in Avon
and Somerset seems to show that the 1990 Wiltshire "circlemakers" have
moved west. Equally the large symmetrical pictograms now appearing in
Wiltshire closely resemble the style of those that appeared near
Winchester in Hampshire last year, only they are somewhat larger, and
only one has got "boxes". Again it looks as if the Hampshire circlemakers
moved west. As for Hampshire, the 1991 pictograms so far are all
"insectograms", immensely elaborate asymmetric formations with twin
"antennae" and a peculiar ladder-like feature with a variable number of
rungs at the opposite end. It has already been optimistically suggested
that the "rungs" might represent the protein molecules in the double
helix of DNA. Such is the articulateness of the new formations that
this kind of speculation is no longer viewed with ridicule.

I hope to visit this new one at Alton Barnes this week so will be in
touch about this and any more in the area .

--+----------End of Article -----------------------------------------------


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(3878)  Sat 27 Jul 91  2:19
By: Don Allen
To: All
Re: Crop circle: Wiltshire,UK
@EID:116b 01d27c58
@MSGID: 1:363/29 6882cbf7

Latest Crop circle news off the Internet:

Article 1012 of alt.alien.visitors:
From: (Robert Trevelyan)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Wiltshire Pictograms
Message-ID: <>
Date: 23 Jul 91 10:09:42 GMT
Sender: (Robert Trevelyan)
Organization: IBM AIX Systems Support Centre, UK.
Lines: 39

        The last few weeks have been very busy for crop circles in
Wiltshire.I took a trip around the key sites and could see about nine
formations varying from dumb-bells , insectograms and pictograms .
Just south of Stonehenge two insectograms and a circle lie in a field.
The insectograms are very large and are of the normal ring , circle ,
path and arc type seen at Upham near Winchester . The circle is a ringed
type with curved spurs .This is obviously near a great deal of tumuli
and the ancient monument where there are a great deal of lay lines that
I am sure cross the field .
        In Alton Barnes , site of last years massive pictogram , there
are three formations . Two of these show the "key" symbol as seen last
year and the third is a variation of a circle . Two of these are in one
field and the other one in a field that faces this one but all three are
within about half a mile of each other and can be seen all at once .
Malborough Downs have about four formations , some very large pictograms
and a dumb-bell as well as a ringed circle with two circles inside touching
and looking as a figure of eight .
        The main formation is at Barbury Castle nearby and appeared at
between 9pm on 16-07-91 and 9am on 17-07-91 according to a local pilot .
At the time of its arrival dramatic sightings of pulsing coloured lights
were made in the area and two witnesses reported seeing a dark object
which flew rapidly overhead blotting out the starlight . Everyone who has
seen this are sure it is genuine apart from Terence Meaden , possibly as
it is a combination of rings, triangles and circles  , not explainable by
an atmospheric vortex  .
I have not seen this yet but will hopefully have some more details on this
later .

|                          DISCLAIMER:                               |
| The views expressed in this document are not a corporate view      |
| nor reflect the views of my employer by any means but are my       |
| own personal views on this subject .                               |
|                                                                    |
| Robert Trevelyan                      UKnet:  |
| AIX Communications                    VNET: TREVELR at BASVM2      |
|                                       Voice: +44-(0)256-56144      |

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