FR:Rainbow Traveler

(506)   Sun 5 Apr 92  5:21                             
By: Don Allen
To: All
Re: Rainbow 1/11
@EID:116b 01d525cc
@MSGID: 1:363/29 3085cad9

This was emailed to me recently on Usenet.

It's a mix of Philadelphia Experiment,Alternative 3, Tesla,FEMA and in
general your Anti-Constitution Global-Control  "Secret Government". You
may or may not find it interesting. You most likely will be amused and
moreover, parts of it just might be worth investigating.

I must tell you right up FRONT here..this was emailed to me by one
of the JASON group who is listed IN the file here. He has also provided
some names of other JASON members and this is the *ONLY* reason I
personally entertained notions of "there might just BE something
to all of this" rather than just offhand dismissing it as the typical
loony tune fodder of this genre of UFOlogy. He has requested anonymity
for employment reasons as he is still involved with some of this
and does NOT wish to lose his job. I have the original email header
with this person's name and milnet addressing. I read his job description
and it's impressive. Definately not a "lightweight".

BE FOREWARNED that some of this info is pretty wild, and it DOES
contain some references to Bill Cooper, and is presented as-is. Please
do NOT accept any of this at face value. Investigate it to your satifaction.

I'm presenting to ALL so others who might be interested in this and have
access to information, might be able to do some FOLLOW-UP on the
JASON list and get to the real TRUTH. This might also put to rest the
controversy over the alleged "Alternative 3" and "Phoenix Projects".


Bama UFO Echo
Contact UFO Echo
Mufonet UFO Echo
Paranet UFO Echo

 Started: October 1, 1990;        Updated:

FR:Rainbow Traveler
   Residence: Sentient Human Beings
   c/o Global Communications Media
   Planet  Earth, Milky Way      Zip Code: 2020-1984,   Phone: (202)
   898-8000, (800) 982-0748

TO:  `Policy   Committee'   c/o:   Department   Seven,   Geneva,
     Switzerland; MJ12; NSA; NSC; ITAC; The Order; Alien races;

CC:To  any  known concerned  persons  enmasse;   In  the future(  after
   01/01/91?),  to enlist  THEIR genuine attentive  compliance, you may
   wish, after reading, to send personal  compassionate but very  stern
   concern  statement copies,  signed "Your  Friend  Eternally, Rainbow
   Traveler",  along with retyped  or legible duplicated copies of this
   open  letter enmasse.    Use the  return address  "Rainbow Traveler,
   Residence: Sentient Human  Beings, c/o Global  Communications Media,
   Planet Earth,  Milky Way     Zip Code:  2020-1984; Phone: <  nearest
   `United  Press International' branch number or (202) 898-8000, (800)
   982-0748 > ". 

Use the  mail systems, even  with partial addresses(The  very AMERICAN
veteran  staffed postal  system that  delivers `come  rain, shine,  or
national plight.' Creed of its under appreciated fighters ). 

Send to known  or discovered EMPLOYEES  and offices or departments  of
local: representatives, administrators, government(city/county/ state/
federal-military),  companies(banking-finance/  insurance/  hospitals/
telephone/  investigators/  gas  & electric/  government  contractors/
etc.), action/election  groups, enlisted  personnel, media  employees/
departments( radio/  TV/ papers-publications).   Use department  phone
numbers  listed in  directories or  call 1-(xxx)-555-1212,  etc.   Get
employee  NAME(s),  as  through  recalling  who you  last  spoke  with.
Address copies to them as well.

Also, after  01/01/91 >  06/01/90(or would  this be too  late to  save
lives?) include local  and worldwide  EMPLOYEES/ offices/ branches  of
international companies and others:
   `Policy  Committee'  c/o:  Department  Seven,  Geneva,  Switzerland;
   N.S.C.,  USA; any  bases hosting aliens; Chapter  322 and Inner Core
   in  `The  Order' c/o:  Yale,  USA; Winston  Lord  c/o: C.F.R.,  `The
   Order';  William  Putnam  Bundy c/o:`Foreign  Affairs'  publication,
   CIA, `The  Order': Committee of 300, `Policy Committee(?)';McGeorge
   Bundy  c/o:  `Policy  Committee(?)',  `The  Order':  Inner  Core(?),
   N.S.A;  George Bush c/o: The White House or `The Order'; Bartlett's,
   and  especially  the  Thacher Family  c/o:  Parliament  in  England,
   Bilderbergers(?),  `The  Order',  `The  Group':  c/o  `Lord  of  The
   Crowns'   in     Great   Britain;   Henry  Luce   c/o:   `Time-Life'
   publications,  `The Order';  Federal Reserve,  USA; Congress/Senate;
   State   Legislatures;  AIDS/Bio   group,  N.C.I.,   Fort   Dietrich,

   More  contacts/pointers:(01/01/92;  Rainbow Traveler,  University of
   California - San Diego,  USA, Earth, Phone:(619)299-3131,  (619)534-
   6126):    Some (stodgy?)  DOD  advisory members,  UCSD's  finest(?),
   covert    treasonous   Sion    stylized       (Illuminati/Club    of
   Rome)withholders of  crucial substantial  facts needed for  informed
   decisions    by    the,     at    times     superficially    minded,

   Please, Gentlemen, will you genuinely tell us about:

   G.   Bush's(Order   of   '49)   "New   World   Order"   cosmopolitan
   dictatorship?   Global  subterranean  tunnel  networks (Bechtel/Rand
   Corp.),  Director  Nikola  Tesla's  Project  Rainbow for  the  Navy,
   Project  Phoenix, Project  Pluto,  Dulce alien  genetics facilities,
   super  atomic-powered antigravity-type  alien technologies  at Groom
   Lake/Area 51  above Las Vegas by 375, off of 93?   The REAL trips to
   Mars, and other planets?  What  of  the  Belgian  crafts  and global
   super-computer  center there?  The joint Moon base  Luna in the NASA
   photographs?  Alternative 3?  The 39 (3 thirteen  member committees)
   members  of the executive committee of the Bilderberg Group and it's
   most   powerful   third,   the   "Policy   Committee"   in   Geneva,
   Switzerland?    CIA experiments  with  the drug  PROZAC,  electronic
   brain implants, microwave &  E.L.F. intrusion >> mass murder, ending
   in  every  case with  the suicide  of the  perpetrator!!!?   Planned
   concentration  camp roundups,  slave labor,  "batch  consignments"??

              Give the REAL truthful answers, NOW! ! ! ! :

     Dr. Henry D.  I. Abarbanel, JASON  Group, Res Phycist MPL,  A-013
     415 POSS Bldg, Dir INS, R-002, 115 CMRR, 1110 Crest Rd,  Del Mar,

     Prof. Russ E.  Davis, JASON Group, ORD  I, A-030, 407  POSS Bldg,
     13611 Mercado Dr, Del Mar, (619)259-3833, (619)534-4415;

     Dr. Frederick H. Fisher,  Assoc. Dir. MPL & Scripps  Institute of
     Oceanography, Navel Research Advisory Committee,  P-001, 128 Bldg
     106  Pt Loma,  3726 Charles(?),  San  Diego(?), (619)223-6623(?),

     Dr.  Michael H.  Freedman,  JASON Group,  Prof. Mathmatics,C-012,
     7256 AP&M, 2178 Pinar Pl, Del Mar, (619)792-7871, (619)534-2647;

   * Dr. Edward  A. Frieman, JASON  Group via  MITRE Corp.,  Dir/Dn/VC
     Marsci,  Dir.  Scripps   I.O.,  A-010,   SIO  Dir  Ofc,   Science
     Applications  Inc.,  6425  Muirlands  Dr,  La  Jolla,  CA  92037,
     (619)454-4864, (619)534-2826;

     Dr. Walter  H. Munk,  Prof. IGPP,  JASON Group,  A-025, 221  IGPP
     Bldg, 9530 La Jolla Shores Dr, La Jolla, (619)453-2452, (619)534-

   * Prof.  William A. Nierenberg,  Dir Emeritus/Scripps  Institute of
     Oceanography,  JASON  Group  via MITRE  Corp.  &  Def.Sci.Board &
     S.D.I.< Benevolent  UFO/Alien influence  suppression? >  Advisory
     Committee, A-021, 400 POSS Bldg,  8148 Avenida Navidad, La Jolla,
     CA 92037, (619)455-5330, (619)534-6126;

     Dr. Harold  W. Sorenson,  Air Force  Sci.  Advisory Board,  Prof.
     AMES, B-010, 5206 Urey Hall, (619)534-6525;

     Dr.  Fred Noel Spiess, Dir. Marine  Res., Navel Research Advisory
     Committee, Prof MPL, A-028, Bldg 4 Pt Loma,  9450 La Jolla Shores
     Dr, La Jolla, (619)453-0373, (619)534-1737;

     Dr. Kenneth M. Watson, JASON Group, Dir/Prof MPL, A-013, 447 POSS
     Bldg, (619)534-6620;

     *) These   can   reveal  insider   details   and  point   to   top
        international figures/chains of  influence! (if given a  little
        pentothal like compound to help improve their memory?)

SU:  Open letter: A  concerned thought about  likely Paradox in  human
     perpetuation efforts

NOTE:Please   distribute   enmasse,   copies/file(PCyymmdd[.ext<format
     dependent>]) by any means,  including personal computer networks.
     Refrain   from   massive   petitioning/circulation    to   covert
     establishmentarian connections.

1.  (10/01/90;  Rainbow  Traveler[,  <city>][,  <state>][,  <country>],
    Earth[, Phone:<nearest U.P.I. office>]...)
   I would very much like to be a peace  loving gentle Designated Mover
   again if I felt that  the present day Mars  colony population in the
   millions  could succeed.  Our foundation colonizing methodologies in
   relation to the  societies/sentient life forms  on planet  Earth and
   in the colony are compromised.   At the very least, they  lead to an
   accidental  premature   Paradox  condition  where  the  Mars  colony
   timelines   as   well   as   earths   timeline   will  come   to   a
   closure/terminus at a point possibly  before NOW.  It  is in view of
   this  factor  that  I  express  my  present  concern  about  current
   efforts.   They   appear   disastrously   compromised   due   to   a
   misunderstanding of interdimensional physics, which needs  immediate
   consideration and correction.

   The   principle   compromise   factor   relates   to   an   inherent
   electrodynamics   physics   property   of   associativity.   It  was
   overlooked   on   more  than   one  occasion,   resulting  in   past
   destructions  of  societies.   At  a future  point,  if not  already
   discovered,  these aberrations  will cross-link  during  future time
   travel experiments if  not in some other  way sooner and will result
   in  the apparent end of  the offending group  members timeline up to
   the beginning where that aberration occurred. 

   The past and  possibly current methods of `Component' processing for
   the `Batch Consignments' used to  support the `Designated Movers' is
   likely  a serious  accidental  aberration.   It  violates  a physics
   based  form of  non-interference rule for  this time/space envelope.
   Conscious  beings  are  being  `consciously/willfully'  deprived  of
   their opportunities to `Be'  and `Care' without their personal fully
   informed  consent.  Such are untenable life avenue methods, as other
   such history timelines ended in decimation. 

This  immediate timeline of earth appears  to parallel other timelines
associated with  a  planet enterprise  in  the continuum  matrix  like
Maldek.  It  had a similar  form of monetary  structure.  It  condoned
willful deception and  forced unconsentual  subjugation of the  masses
and planetary resources  for what the  `Policy Committee' of that  era
thought was good.  They discovered  Hyperspace factors with which they
possibly generated/incurred  a destruction  related derailment of  the
home  planet through  misunderstanding and  misuse.   It is  presently
taking  place  on earths  timeline segment  after attempts  to develop
resilient  hybridized  life form  shells.   Consciousness  vessels for
their perpetuity which  have now again  been attracted to our  present
reality envelope associatively. 

We  may now  be seeing  an example  of where we  again headed  and the
problems we will be  having, in that THEY are US  in the future trying
to alter  their past which is  US right now.   It is preliminary  to a
very possible terminal  Paradox condition where through  potential war
they indirectly destroy themselves in the  destruction of US.  Some of
their  race  appear  to  be  our  deceitful  desperate hybrid  progeny
returning  from their  dying planet(earth?)  in  our future.  They are
cannibalisticly  trying to  survive and  restore  their bio-connection
body gene-pool  structures  with bio-materials  forcefully taken  from
humans  and  animals  on our  Earth  planet.    The `component'  batch
procurement needs are separate and additional to the procurement needs
of these malevolent forms.

`Components' were/are human beings that are pitilessly shanghaied from
their families and  reduced to sub-humans.  They now labor as mindless
beasts  of burden  or are  decomposed  into biological  cell structure
supplies. And their only escape from degradation  lies in death.  That
is/was the true  and untenable misunderstanding of  `Alternative 3' as

Some of these  other associated entities may even pose a threat to the
Mars effort, if the past misalignment  is ignored in the present frame
of reference.  Some of them carry over those very same uncorrected low
value traits from their/our  collective interdimensionally linked past
actions based on deception,  and disregard for life back  then as now.
They can not all be expected to  live up to any agreements to  protect
any  special  interest group.   They  will  betray the  current Policy
Committee as surely as the Policy  Committee itself betrayed the trust
of the populace of earth.  This present value set being practiced is a
deadly ingrained terminal loop  cycle SEED, in essence from  Orion and
OUR Mars colonization related  efforts in THEIR past.   Mars colonists
will  come  under  immediate timeline  pressures  both  physically and
biologically  as   a  result  of  associative   predilectivly  induced
contaminant precipitations unless corrections are undertaken. 

   Special universal  `Noninterference' policies, when  followed to the
   letter  in regards  to majority  deterministic intent,  will largely
   prevent  constructive associations from  helping those who turn down
   the virtual surreptitious  road.  Until the down-bound connect  with
   their  multiple complicities  in present and past  events.  Followed
   by  full genuinely  remorseful public disclosure/recognition  of all
   such  covert actions.   In full detail  without reservations, to all
   those  whom they  effected  by  the  creation  of  their  respective
   associative  links.  They   must  also  genuinely  make   themselves
   available  to  help in  implementing all  corrective measures  after
   their initial disclosure, utilizing all means at their disposal.

   A  course  of action  incorporating openness,  `value of  life', and
   frank  compassionate  honesty characterized  by a  form of  altruism
   appears   to  be  the  only  tenable  route  for  an  individual  or
   collective  conscious timeline transition  out of this perpetual and
   potential misunderstanding loop.

   Much   seems  to  revolve  around  a  lesson,  if  you  will,  about
   compromise of  certain  principles which  have corollary  functional
   factors  in baseline interdimensional advanced physics.  This lesson
   appears to be that:

   If  any effort  in any  way  incorporates abuse  or deceit  of other
   sentient  life   forms,  then  a  terminal  bias  towards  a  future
   reassociation with  that series  of  actions is  compiled into  that
   dependent situations  timeline field structure(program)  as well  as
   those  most  deeply involved.    Like those  associating  themselves
   indirectly or directly in  support of the  endeavor, as in the  case
   of the  New Territory effort on Mars, etc.    That future bias will,
   in  Colony efforts, result at the very least in sustained subliminal
   ties to the local  matrix field structures of planet earth, the  Old
   Territory,  or wherever the  predominant related activity might move
   to  in the  event of  its home  planets destruction, which  need not
   absolutely happen in the near future.

Because of bias background effects, the life form associations to Mars
based life forms/bodies for these  Colony inhabitants will necessarily
deteriorate.  The colony conscious structures are drawn back to future
rebirth/reassociation with origin  point life  forms, where ever  they
might  go.  This  is  to  restore  symmetry to  the  field  structures
associated with the  beginning of  the initial seedling  colony.   The
enterprise's million+ Designated Movers as  relates to their initially
conditioned `cold objective genetic researcher' type of LIFE values in
relation  to  their initially  supporting  expendable  processed human
`Component' Batch Consignments.

Such deterioration  will show as  an increasing  mortality rate  among
colonists characterized by `apparent' biosphere problems and  failures
to  adapt to the  presence of various  microbes, among  other forms of
problems attracted associatively to  their reality.  They will  in OUR
future have  to return  in that  future  to OUR  future-time earth  or
through time-space  into our  present-time, or  near past-time  earth.
Their  options during  any future-time  earth returns to  an abandoned
cesspool mess,  from our  present misunderstood  actions as  presently
projected  in Global 2000,  are quite mute.   So  as soon as  they can
travel back in time they would  be compelled for the APPARENT sake  of
survival of their  species to show up  here in some hybrid  or mutated
and DESPERATE form  of body.  With  even LESS regard for  life than we
their sires had/have for other life!   With the advanced technological
developments on their part, that  could spell real danger,  especially
when considering the disenfranchised  desperate insect like collective
condition of the groups which regressed the furthest!

Therefore, the only  possible tenable cure of all our  problems lie in
the  present  actions  as  they  WILL  later  become our  future(which
returned to our present index reference or time, a  manner as slightly
hinted  at  in   the  movie  `Baron   Von  Munchausen')  and   present
consequence.  Which  until we change our actions NOW  will continue to
APPEAR terminal  in the  future as  viewed in  various devices by  the
Policy Committee, N.S.C., ET aliens, and/or  the Walt Disney people if
they were present at such a viewing! 

Please note that  THEY (EBEs,  many Greys,  MIB, etc. )  may not  have
properly informed US  about the true nature  of their coming  from OUR
future/past associations through an event-horizon  time tunnel type of
hyperspace  virtual worm-hole projection. They  may not be fully aware
of that  point themselves as  a function  of that  transition to  this
time-space  timeline from  our past/present (Orion Constellation  area
Mars-like propagation colony remnants) or  future  (Mars related).  Or
they are purposefully  withholding some  information for good  reason.
We  can  literally translate  THEM into  the  good aliens  timeline or
APPARENT self extinction timeline,  with only a single  personal shift
of mental thought.   By  correcting OUR mistakes  in the  Colonization
efforts related to respect-for-sentient-life  self-determinance values
that were THEIR past and OUR immediate ACCESSIBLE correctable future!

   These  are similar to various  factors not yet clearly understood or
   incorporated  in medicine as practiced today.  Some clearer sense of
   the  relationship is  seen in  consciousness  connection/personality
   transfers from  one physical body  to another in secret  labs.  Such
   activities and knowledge is  cleared for A-3 or other classes of top
   security labs. 

   These strong  forces precipitate cross linked problems in many close
   proximity parallel  timelines simultaneously.    Forces can  present
   themselves  in virtual sequential  time indexed reality perceptions,
   or  our physical  reality as  future aberrations  and abnormalities.
   This  takes on many  forms during `apparent' sequential lifetimes of
   an virtual personality  being, or human being form of instantiation.
   The   varied  effects  are  dependant  on  the  initializing  event-
   timeline-action  structure(s),  sometimes referred  to as  `previous
   life(s)'   on   this  side   of  the   inside-out  reality   virtual

   Such  factors and  features are  but one  principle interdimensional
   characterization  of real-time  based opportunities for  life.  Only
   one  more of the  many ways to  integrate the  experience of `being'
   and  `caring'   in  many   forms  throughout   apparently  countless
   dimensions of compounded reality  yet to be explored.  No `good'  or
   `bad',  as thought  of in Earthly terms,  apply beyond the real-time
   dimension.  Only aggregate experiences exist.

   Even  though certain  features appear  in  one timeline,  there  are
   other  timelines  where  those  degenerative  features  disappear or
   never occurred.   All complementary  corollary variants may be  said
   to exist in  the integrated  continuum-matrix.   Even though  things
   SEEM  to develop  through  an increasing  temporal  based  degree of
   appearance  in  real-time, as  though  by chance,  such  is not  the
   genuine   case  in   time-space   as  associated   with  hyperspace.
   Appearances are  strictly  a  virtual  function of  each  and  every
   individual  conscious  entities  unique  hyperspace  index.    Index
   referencing   functions   sometimes  arrange   into   allusions   of
   collective    groups/societies    for   exploring    more    complex
   consciousness  configurations  in  the  interdimensional  life force
   interplays.   Interplays perceived mostly  as temporal  life for its
   own sake.   It more  correctly is a  simultaneous coexistence.   The
   side-by-side  existence of  things in  a living  continuum in  which
   time-space timelines and hyperspace are integrated.

Thus conscious deterministic actions in the NOW instantaneously SELECT
a possible semi-determined or probablistic  set of new possible future
timelines,  which  is not  absolutely set  in  our individual  or even
compound collective hyperspace mind structure  indexes.  The selection
can still be further modified to  correct for any bias or  imbalances,
although  sometimes  now  with  ever   increasing  difficulty,  if  we
consciously know of it and ACT to change it.  Not unlike a large heavy
motorcycle starting to lean over to far, it becomes harder, the longer
we wait!

I am not aware of any absolute point of no-return,  but in the case of
aberrant choices/acts as they are sometimes  referred to, I just sense
an  ever increasing degree of apparent  difficulty/pain in the virtual
real-time  successive  aspect  experiences  of  any person  or  group.
Experiences as contained  in the  new consciousness indexed  resultant
set of  nearby  associatively  adjoining  moments/timelines/slices  of
time-space.  Further, space and time appears to exist only in relation
to our  particularizing consciousness; strictly nothing but  a mode of
particularization  with   no  real  existence  of  its  own  beyond  a
particular state of consciousness.

Strangely enough at  first, our  minds can actually  pass through  the
apparent barrier of  time and space at will.   Either through apparent
death,  or temporarily through moments  of what are sometimes referred
to  as certain  forms of  meditation or  by translation  teleportation
under certain balanced circumstances.  Some oppressive interests would
that this not  become commonly known to  the masses of Earth  for good
reasons. It  is an attitude or misunderstanding that needs correction,
before  any  collective  transitions  into  a progressive  future  can

Students studying General Relativity are  beginning to already suspect
these things.   Most who  understood hyperspace physics  too well  are
very  likely  picked/recruited  as well  as  many  other exceptionally
brilliant scholars with a low `spiritual life  force value' threshold.
They  are  selected  in  large  part  through  facilities  similar  to
Britain's:  Special  Branches  `closely  guarded  secret, shrouded  in
mystery'  [Alternative  3,  Policy  Committee  controlled]  classified
computer. It  is connected to the  global Earth networks at  this very

   A   virtual  computerized  multi/all-source  `voracious-officialdom-
   form-filing'     driven     cross-checked/cross-indexed     database
   structure.   It  contains mountainous  volumes of  personal intimate
   data  on every  person from every  conceivable institutional source.
   The  collection/selection  database/list  is  globally  linked  both
   directly or indirectly, as a distributed worldwide network. 

     Present undisclosed benign  looking electronic paths, known  only
     to  a  select   few,  lead  to  all  major   world  universities,
     militaries,  governments,  businesses,  health systems,  banking,
     credit data  banks through  both public  and private  links.   In
     various  large organizations  and  communications companies  some
     channels are arranged under the disguise of small remote  offices
     and  executive  terminals which  go  completely unnoticed  by the
     general work force, etc.

     For Example: I  can at present  with my little computer  at home,
     call a university  network node with  a simple off campus  access
     account approved by any of  a number of persons.   And then in  a
     moment I am at the  front door of any one  of all the systems  in
     nearly every  military, business, educational  complex worldwide.
     Further,  I  can   send  securely  encrypted  uu-encoded   files,

   The  Policy  Committee simply  automates my  procedures, and  bingo,
   automatic  transfers at  night  of all  sorts of  academic, medical,
   financial info for the picking!   All it takes is a routine official
   government agency  reporting/access order  based  on some  seemingly
   common  contrived problem  or legal mandate,   and rarely,  a little
   pep-talk  in  the  office, opulent  reward, green  grease,  or tough
   muscle in  the right  places if someone  starts to  question.   Most
   collaborators  gain no idea as  to real use of ongoing data queries.
   It  is  just presented  to M.I.S.  as routine  new legally  mandated
   interagency    statistical/reporting/financial    data   bookkeeping
   requirements.   In the near future every bank, if  they want to keep
   their  jobs, will be required to collect even more detailed intimate
   records  of all  account holders  to be  put on  in computer  files.
   #$%^& Because of money crimes?

     One `Alternative 3' Policy Committee operation was/is centralized
     in the Geneva  based operations  center master computer  complex.
     Among other  things, it  has full  unpublicized satellite,  data,
     modem, and voice/modem  telephone system central office(+)  style
     net-wide   outgoing/incoming  ( remotely   controlled   automatic
     conference-call-generation forwarding of  an ID packet< GMT-time-
     stamp:sender #:receiver  #> with optional remote  listening voice
     tap connection  forwarding ) operator  call-monitoring access  as
     well.  That  complex may still be  running an `Illiac 4'  or else
     some Cray's for   controlling, among  others, 6 major systems  in
     America [ Fed.  Government  funded,  owned  and maintained  by  a
     company  in  Detroit(?)]-Britain-Germany-Japan-Poland[Academy  of
     Sciences in Warsaw's Plac Defilad]-Russia.
     It serves the ongoing `Brain Drain'  well in careful selection of
     Designated Mover  candidates who  subsequently will  mysteriously
     completely  disappear  from  face  of  planet  Earth  along  with
     numerous desexed subservient  Component helper humans with  their
     wills having been forcibly removed[1].

   I   sense  that  problematic  Movers  minds  are  Bio-processed,  or
   scientifically  molded into the  approved pattern of expendable sub-
   human  Components  where possible.   It  is safer  than their  being
   risked  in a  return to Earth(`the old  territory') from the Colony.
   So acts the Committee  in Residence and its Chairman in response  to
   Policy Committee initiated directives.

   Any  society which  does not  insist upon  Constitutionally mandated
   respect for all life and truthful disclosure of all  actions to it's
   constituency must necessarily decay.

   As  incredibly hard as it  may seem,  the public must somehow become
   willingly  and responsibly informed of  the full truth to ever bring
   a  closure to  this vicious  cycle of  seeming self  betrayal.   The
   public  must except  full responsibility for their  very big part in
   allowing  all this  to happen  by their  aberrant apathetic  `to get
   along you have to go along' complacency.

All  individuals  who undertake  a path  of  prudent truth  as regards
themselves and acts in that direction  of discretely putting aside the
old  forms of deceitful  and fearful behavior  will at  the very least
experience a virtual exit from this  weighted loop in their individual
timeline/lives.  If the aggregate populace  wishes, it may do likewise
under  sincere  circumstances.    Both  cases involve  excepting  full
responsibility for sanctioning or having  done what today's oppressors
are presently doing  to us  without reservation.   Whether in  another
timeline/`the past', or the present associations, or both.

   At  present  there  are some  who,  with  or without  top  Committee
   approval  in  connection with  various activities  both private  and
   government,  would  use various  social elements  as `cheese  bait'.
   Bait to  generate/acquire phone system  generated computer location/
   address rosters for  future apprehension/detention/processing of all
   undesirable  principles.  Principles  who are expounding elements of
   the  unsanctioned truth  to the public  forum.  Although  the Policy
   Committee in  their American/Russian  Mars colony  action management
   meetings 35 fathoms under the  Arctic ice has in  the past agreed to
   allow  these citizens to speak  out on various mediums such as TV or
   like the  Satellite<Spacenet 1: Channel 17: Audio:7.56>/AM<1 am:PST,
   840&1560khz>`The  Billy  Goodman   Happening'  or  the  `Sun   Radio
   Network's  Tom Valentine  7-9  PM(PST) 7.435MHz  shortwave/ Spacenet
   III Trans  5 Audio 6.8  satellite show, there is  concern whether it
   will  stop  the  planned `REX84  Alpha'  style  action.   An  action
   planned  to soon take place some unsuspecting weekend night by FEMA(
   until F.E.M.A.'s unpublicized  S.S. forces steps  in with BIG MUSCLE
   , secret 1 square mile CONCENTRATION CAMPS, and martial law GUNS  to
   suppress   the:   POSTAL  SERVICE   creed,   REAL  facts,   and   US
   Constitution![2]) related armed  forces reinforced in  action by the
   `Order',  C.F.R.,  N.S.A.,  and related  interests.    The stage  is
   already VERY nearly  set for H.R. 4079  or some other  similar basis
   with which to declare a state of Nation Emergency,  as basis for the
   suspension  of the  Constitution of  the United  States of  America.
   This will  either be  preceded by a  secret REX84 style  name roster
   based  evening  roundup, or  non-secret  one shortly  afterwards  by
   their plans.

**** Such an action if successful and  unchecked by the main Committee
     will  most  likely spell  death for  Earth  and all  its colonies
     present  and future  as  far as  its  adherents go!   The  Policy
     Committee, MJ-12, N.S.C., I.T.A.C., and  other agencies have been
     notified of these  dangers through  other avenues also,  although
     not in  this same  exact language.   Some  physicists wonder  why
     nuclear bombs end  in self  closure of the  hyperspace rip  which
     they in essence appear to create for that  brief moment where the
     atom  mass-cycle field timeline recloses  by going full cycle and
     catching up through hyperspace to its  own beginning.  Suffice to
     say: that is where Earth relations are headed on this timeline if
     we do not mend our misunderstandings about the very same advanced
     fundamental electrodynamic physics  principle.   It applies in  a
     nearly  identical  fashion  to historical  life  force  existence
                ----- End of the beginning: Paradox(?)! -----
   Any  activity which  seeks to  deter present  day  moderated growing
   exposure  to  the  public  of  the  actual  truth  about   Mars/Moon
   activities,  Time/Space  travel advances,  Advanced  Physics/Energy,
   Government,   and   most   importantly  the   dangerous   complacent
   `indifference' based time-bomb predicaments,  would be nothing short
   of suicide for the earth planets illicit progeny.

With species suicide, what then could be said for the many millions of
honorable  people  dedicated  to Constitutional  democracy,  past  and
present.  Are they/we to have any  meaning.  Was it all just a  simple
power/greed driven `lower  class house cleaning' war  style population
reduction campaign with forms of modern  day nuclear urban renewals as
depicted in Japan.  And of the other things to sustain the illusion of
man made  lies in  behalf  of its  need for  the `component'  spawning
grounds  and  Anglophile human  genetic  labs in  communist countries,
along with the  intellectual spawning grounds  of America and the  so-
called free world. 

   What  was  gleaned from  giant secret  `Policy Committee'  sponsored
   human   studies  labs?    Russia  and  Hitler's  concentration  camp
   experiments were  a resounding  success.  They proved  that fostered
   apathy allows  THEM latitude  to carry  out genocidal  genetic plans
   for  Earth[3], if  acts are  kept from  public scrutiny  with opulent
   rewards to  senior keepers.  A lesson put to good  use by the Policy
   Committee  and  The Order's  Hegelian based  Dialectic  process[4] of
   today,  with ~175  Fort Dietrich(in  Maryland) made  macabre agents,
   agents  including  MK-ultra[5]  mind control  work  and  AIDS[6] for
   CIA/Military/W.H.O.    international   `Global    2000'   population
   reduction in African, America, etc.

   What do we hope to do  or learn from  the Mars venture?  Is it  just
   an effort to  prepare for  the arrival  of WORMWOOD(sp?)  ?  Are  we
   being  or  going  to  be  traded  as  Goyim[7]   to  serve/feed  some
   malevolent aliens  at secret  bases[]/ships as  depicted  in the  TV
   movie series `V' etc.?  Nostradamus' "Black Prophecies"[8]?   How bad
   is  IT?   What were Tesla's environmental  machines for?   Is it for
   averting    an    otherwise    pending    `Big    Bang'   atmosphere
   depletion/contamination  disaster?   What's  the  `Earth-Air'  thing
   that  is becoming irretrievably  lethal from standard science points
   of  view?    What doesn't  the  public  know about  the  `greenhouse
   armageddon'  effect  caused in  part  by the  400+  billion tons  of
   carbon   dioxide  plus   a  half  million  or   so  metric  tons  of
   fluorocarbons we've  increasingly thrown  into the upper  atmosphere
   where  it  stays once  up  there, causing  the  most serious  global
   concerns  which led  to SECRET  joint Russian-American international
   `Alternative  3' activity  initiation in  the 1950's?   WHY  are the
   MAFIA, and other willing underhanded  servants needed by  the Ultra-
   secret  Shadow  Government?   What pertinent  discoveries have  been
   suppressed  from public  scrutiny?  Rife's works?   What of possibly
   deadly  `Orgone'  energy and  it's emission  from sources  including
   some alien  craft, among other things?   Is LIFE  most precious? ...
   Lets not sell out  the World as  an expendable?   Stop the lie  NOW,
   and ALL, even with AIDS can be rescued!

   The  world  HAS  conscious  choices that  the  Policy  Committee has
   possibly inadvertently hidden, overlooked, or misunderstood!!

The populace MUST  be presented  with the full  truth in all  regards,
they   should  no  longer   be  waylaid  from   it  by  misintentioned
influentials  of  the world,  as the  very  Advanced Physics  rules of
nature will not allow life in its  present state to move forward.  All
the conspiring influentials  WILL unfortunately  be completely  locked
into this situation  until they each and every one unload their burden
of  associative  secret  complicities everywhere.    "The  Global 2000
Report to the  President" shows a  terminal climate condition by  2000
A.D. BUT the real TRUTH can avert this condition.  Public condoning of
`The Order' and  The Illuminati: `Protocols' styled  wanton methods of
greed,  killing,  destruction,  and lying  methodologies[9]  BACKFIRED,
cutting us off  from any  known `status quo'  way to save  Earth.   NO
SYSTEMS to give genuine public assistance to the  WHOLE world! Too few
listened and now the atmosphere/population is near terminal.  Our home
is  on fire, and there  is no progressively  minded help being al
in, by  the  scared Shadow  Government,  for that  would  necessarily
expose it's misdeeds and illegitimate power to the world!  (12/03/90; Rainbow Traveler, U.S.A., Earth)
It appears that many great conflicts of the last several hundred years
began in the manner as  Iraq[10], where circumstances are forced to draw
the great  public into war by some shadow  government arm with the use
of taxpayer funds while they tell lies.  Much like what appears to now
be  a  setup  as  in  the  WWII  `Pearl Harbor'  arrangement  used  to
excite/unite the  blind mass  public into  convenient impassioned  war
fever!  Many other  wars before followed such a  pattern with guidance
from various world financiers belonging to a small international group
with  VERY  questionable  allegiances  pulling  strings  to  undermine
American[11]  as well  as WORLD dreams  and leadership  with their Mega-
influences  from   behind  their  government   sanctioned  information
secrecy[12] curtains in  places like the  Crowns[13] of London  and later
also in New York Cities financial district. 
In two cases NOT started in this fashion, Korea and North  Vietnam, we
APPEARED  to fail to  win the wars.   Methods employing U.S. equipment
knowingly provided to communist suppliers  of war materials DURING the
Vietnam  conflict by U.S. firms killed many of our own faithful solder
sons and  daughters!   Who REALLY  profits from  such backstage  back-
stabbing government sanctioned  TREASONOUS slaughter,  surely not  the
general unsuspecting numbed world public? 
Now  those  in league  with George  `Poppy'  Bush (and  other families
members, including  the Bundy  brothers, initiated  into `The  Order':
`Chapter 322' at Yale,  founded in ~1832 as the 2nd  chapter of German
origins  during  the days  of  D.C.Gilman  of  D.  50.) appear  to  be
seriously  considering  the  start  of  another  conflict  to  further
manipulate the world structure towards their cold hearted bloody death
strewn ends, with  OUR successors  blood, in a  manner quite  possibly
allowing for the  accomplishing of several goals  simultaneously under
just  the  right  conditions, if  they  continue  to  play their  hand
correctly.  The hand where they put ALL our able bodied TRUE defenders
with  ALL  our accessible  potent and  useful  weapons overseas  for a
gassing,  and enter  H.R.4079 type laws[14] to  very possibly activate a
REX-84  style  martial  law  state  WITHOUT  TANGIBLE  OPPOSITION,  in
response to the APPARENT drug related problems  fostered through their
international corrupting influence, among other things! 
All this, while  pretending to be sweet  constitutional freedom loving
home grown American do-gooders in the public eye through their careful
control of the media and their  carefully selected and preened visible
puppets of  `The Order' bearing THEIR  MARK.  Members deemed  most fit
and  unconditionally  preferred over  ALL  OTHER PERSONS  otherwise of
equal merit, for ANY position which THEY might seek!

Yes, they envision a New Order based direction for the middle east oil
cleanup, but it  is very likely not  what most envision, as  they will
control and slice up  the pie in  a way not  benefiting the MANY,  but
instead  yielding  a  `New  World  Order'(G.Bush  version)[15]  of  more
abundantly oppressive proportions  well suited  to their controls,  if
their  computers do not suddenly  FADE in their  bunkers at their Iron

   The  global  population  down to  every  last  individual  including
   myself,  seriously  needs  to  take   responsibility  and  instigate
   concrete  healing ACTIONS  worldwide.   Actions in  response to  the
   many   problems  we/I   have  directly   or  indirectly   helped  to
   precipitate.   Problems  incurred by desires  for past indiscretions
   without  the exercise of circumspect responsibility for the action's
   consequences.    Consequences  as  evidenced  by  past  indifference
   towards  oppression and human  suffering caused by misunderstandings
   in that imperious pursuit of easily insulated pleasures.

   Lists  of many  genuine truth exposing materials  and people must be
   issued[16].   Lists  of truthfully  accurate  books, disinformational
   book lists,  nearly  correct  book lists  with amendments,  and  all
   suppression bills/laws.

   A    listing   of    all   Policy    Committee   endorsed/authorized
   `Expediencies' and  transcripts of all American/Russian/?  meetings,
   including  those in the modified `Permit' nuclear submarine wardroom
   under the polar ice cap.

   Lists  of  the names  of all  known people  recruited, abducted,  or
   killed by any agencies.

   Lists  of  reasonably  accurate  movie  pictures.     Such  as  `The
   Philadelphia  Experiment'  depicting  the  tragic  project `Rainbow'
   accident with  emending explanations.  Explanations as to how Nikola
   Tesla detuned  the intended  cloaking field  system making  the test
   fail followed by  his resignation as  project director,  after which
   he was found dead several months later in the hotel room.

     The Navy refused  to let him  update the field system  equipments
     galactic time-space index sync hardware to safely accommodate the
     on-deck-external  presence of  human  beings  in near  hyperspace
     invisibility  mode.  The  Navy had  Von  Niemann  continue  the
     experiments, against earnest warnings from some extraterrestrials
     present in their  two flying saucers.  On that fateful day  where
     many  outside, on  the ship,  time-space shifted slightly  out of
     sync with this  reality, some being  fused into the steel  alive,
     and others lived longer only to fade  in and out of this reality.
     One of the two saucers likely  materialized just below the ground
     surface, killing its  occupants, at the 1980's  project `Phoenix'
     time travel facility.  That was 40 years into the  future and the
     saucer may have  been excavated from that  spot since then.   The
     navy tried yet another time in the 1940's, but while the unmanned
     ship was  in transition  the machinery  was deliberately  smashed
     beyond repair,  probably by aliens, to  put a final  stop to this
     tragedy.    It  seems  Tesla  was  the  only  person  who  really
     understood such matters satisfactorily to safely forge ahead back
     then.  What is the  `big bang... about the earth-air thing  being
     cracked' problem?   Was it  addressed in this,  or Tesla's  other

   Disclosure   of   World  Psychiatric   organization  and   Hollywood
   involvement in  precipitating current  levels  of mass  complacency,
   and  apathy  inducing  methods  employed,  including  psychological,
   chemical,  mechanistic, electronic, electromagnetic, telepathic, and

   Complete  disclosure about the many methods of and reasoning for the
   need to siphon monetary funds from  the public domain into `no audit
   trail'  private  account structures  in support  of all  undisclosed
   Policy  Committee related   activities,  including  clarification of
   all  coincidental side  effects benefiting other  hidden agenda type
   objectives.   Invisible  manipulations through any  banks or related
   systems.   Drug based  systems, Mafia relationships, including their
   inherent value as a basis to declare  a state of National Emergency,
   etc.   Oil  based excessive profit taking  systems with high yields,
   used secretly.

   How  the funds  are privately  moved and  ultimately the  reason for
   them  being put to use  for secret activities, including among other
   things  secret advanced  craft  systems, Moon/Mars  developments and
   operational  extraterrestrial Earth host  bases.  I know the thought
   of  possible retaliatory action  from these same potentially hostile
   aliens is  by no means welcomed,  but we would not  be alone in  any
   sincere effort put forward. 

   Disclose all  actual  known truth  and reasoning  about weather  and
   environment  related  activities  world  wide.   Include  suppressed
   knowledge from and preceding Nikola Tesla's  time as project Rainbow
   director,  up to  his death,  and  subsequent secret  activities  or

   The   truth  of  this  planets  true  tentatively  serious  terminal
   conditions.  Include truth as discovered both by time  window/travel
   through  event-horizons  in  association  with  the  Phoenix/Rainbow
   related derivatives and  other means.   It must be disclosed  to the
   world populace  soon through global  media, even  if it is  hard for
   people to  accept.  Much  of the  fear to do  so is exaggerated.   A
   sincere  introductory production,  tying to all  the present efforts
   already  instigated by way of  the Hollywood movies related to these
   difficult   subjects,  can  now   be  attempted  by  many  respected
   government  officials.  A public introduction in one of those P.B.S.
   style  roundtable  discussions  set up  for  a  perpetual  multi-day
   session.   It must  be attended  by the  U.S. President,  the ultra-
   secretive Lord  Maitreya  person  from  the   Malta  super-powers
   meeting  on the  Navy ship, Policy Committee[  behind a curtain with
   voice scramblers or by remote  link if needed ],  and other such key
   figures.  All this should  be covered by the  main C-SPAN channel(s)
   and  one  station in  each  city  as  well  as  some others  playing
   undistorted repeats of the events which are all to be uncensored.

Any  and  all  alien representation  should  also  be  present at  the
meeting(s), along with crafts for  public display with several  landed
and secured for tours and short demonstration trips.

I will  be present at your  meeting in some  form if you allow  it, to
help  moderate  this  most  historical  and important  moment  in  the
twentieth century.   I only  ask that you  put your prides  aside, and
allow me in.

You would  all be surprised at the power  of truth, and how the masses
will  find  the  incredible  strength   to  forgive  in  humble   self
recognition at the presentation of such deeply penetrating eye opening
undeniable understanding truth as I have in mind.

I  and many of  my friends will  help in all  ways possible  if you so
elect to allow  it, otherwise many of you will likely end your earthly
existence    through    your    present    applications    of    blind
misunderstandings.   The choice  is yours,  and you  have heard  these
words from  other sources.  Many of  us have come past  and present to
speak  to your world  leaders as ONE  on these matters.   Please note,
that not even  I or  my friends  will attempt  to change  the laws  of
Advanced Electrodynamic Physics which we are sworn to protect and live

   Genuine  intent followed  by action  towards  a full  initiation of
   activities exposing the total UNRESERVED knowledge to  the very best
   of  all collective (including extraterrestrials)  abilities to the
   world,  of this series of situations and events, is the prerequisite
   for  peace  and  obtaining  more  substantive  help  from  the  more
   progressive extraterrestrial and interdimensional forces.

The  many  are bound  to  their  hard earned  time  tested spiritually
integrated perception  of the  `universal articulate  interdimensional
understanding  of science'  non-interference  principles.   Principles
which they learned to base their more progressive life values on, when
many of them  separated from the Earth group at various points in time
both long  before and after our reaching Earth.  Many on Earth go back
to the Orion  human/genetic debacle association  of long long ago  far
away; many EGOs were just more stubborn than the rest?  Many  on earth
were likely  well portrayed   by the  Dark forces  in the  `Star Wars'
movies portrayal  of the  TRILATERAL Insignia's  and malevolent  dying
aliens values.   Those  migrating to  earth now,  who gave our  Shadow
government potential instruments of devastating global  oppression, in
trade for a harvest of humans.

   Many  of us in selfish  stubbornness just couldn't except good sound
   advice from  the very very advanced elders  or benevolent aliens[17],
   and consequently just simply  had to find out in the virtual  school
   of hard rock  block knocks.   Most of us cut ourselves  off from our
   higher  birthright  selves  as  well  as  the  very  advanced  inner
   technical  knowledge  for intergalactic/interdimensional  star  ship
   travels.  A  result of  our  ever continuing  abuses  and ego  based
   conquest   driven  irreverent   warring  actions.     Many   of  the
   progressive extraterrestrials of today where once effected by, or  a
   part  of  our  relatively downward  bound  spiral  cycle.   A  cycle
   related group  association from  when  it was  on an  interplanetary
   scale  long  before  we  came to  earth  where  we  had  to  take up
   residence.  We lost our last space travel  abilities, coming to rest
   in  Lemuria  and Atlantis,  along  side  the indigenous  races  that
   already  existed  on earth  before our  arrival.   And we  then blew
   those civilizations up also.   All you can find  now are the remnant
   underground  secret transport tunnels and  bases[18] that some of the
   more progressive ONEs  made back  then.   Some of  which they  later
   continued to  use into the present.  Some other  present day tunnels
   may  have come  under hostile  control.   After  the hard  core  bad
   bunch,  which had  control  of the master planetary power generating
   unit,  went  up  in a  very  big  fusion bomb  styled  thermonuclear

In one  or  more of  the  civilizations in  Orion  and on  Earth  some
technologist  had disabled  and bypassed  many of  the  initially very
conservative multiple redundancy safety systems servo loop settings in
order  to draw  ever increasing  levels  of power  outputs for  use in
supplying high energy  weapon systems and  force field shield  related

   Well,  someone  finally slipped  up while  working on  a servo  loop
   regulating system  reference field modulation  generator, which went
   into regenerative runaway, causing megawatt+/CC energy densities  to
   form,  inducing fusion  heat  levels in  all  the  imperfect crystal
   lattice  anomaly locations that  were thermally very tolerable under
   normal  intended  use.  This  caused  subsequent  thermally  induced
   lattice  breaches  which propagated  into stable  unimpaired crystal
   lattice  areas  which  finally  lost  sufficient  nuclear  resonance
   integrity  to where  this whole  crystal  volume occupying  the  top
   ~500ft  half  of the  massive generator  tower  section created  one
   giant  fused super  heated avalanching homogenous  hyperspace rip of
   incredible proportions. 

   That explosion resulted in an immense cloud following the  curvature
   of the  earth as far  as the  eye could see from  a hundred thousand
   feet  up,   with   a  very   large  bulging   yellow/orange/red/grey
   persistent    plasma    blister     over    where     the    central
   generator/continent  once was  located.   I suspect  it sent  a very
   large ripple through the local  time-space which was felt by many in
   our area of the continuum. 

   Some  artifacts should have been found by now if this vision has any
   Earthly  basis in fact, or are they being kept  secret, like some of
   the presently  existing seemingly perpetual suppressed  NONPOLLUTING
   energy sources?

WHY? There had developed several  ambitious dissenting unabated greedy
factions( just like  today?) which  in the end  were fighting  amongst
themselves for  a greater share  of the  control in  the big  decaying
empire  pie controlled by  the tyranicle overlord  of that time.   His
name might be Tyrantus in the old vernacular.

   The present day progressive life respecting extraterrestrials,  some
   of which  are  our  cousins  that escaped  the  inevitable  disaster
   because of  their ability  to see  into the  future thanks to  their
   more  progressive integration  at that time.   They escaped by going
   to      their     secretly     constructed     giant     underground
   civilization/bases.    Bases   with  suspended  artificial  sunlight
   generators  timed to give synthetic day/night periods.  And to other
   remote locations before  the final debacle.  They continue to see us
   as their  blood brothers  and sisters which  they altruisticly  LOVE
   very dearly.   While trying  to the  best of their ability  to fully
   respect  everyone's free  will to choose  at any moment,   sometimes
   one of  them trips  up and  joins us  on  the  Earths surface  while
   resolving their  balancing lesson.   I prefer  to view Earth  from a
   safe   distance,  disassociated  from  its  ways  and  self  imposed
   hardships sometimes.

   In my apparently  inalienable deterministic choice of my reality,  I
   see  a timeline.  One  where my truth precipitates, associatively in
   conjunction  with  my   responsible  recognition  of  past   actions
   projecting  into the present,  an explosion of revealing penetrating
   truth.   A truth resounding from all corners before a `compassionate
   and  just'  reborn  world  population  resoundingly  rededicated  to
   expanding  the deepest responsibilities  and life respecting tenants
   of   the  Constitution  to   new  frontiers  of  expanding  undreamt

   Does anyone wish to join me into one of my many  futures?  I will be
   waiting there,  for you to join use,  always!  Let  me know if I can
   help, I promise that one of my very capable  sisters, brothers, or I
   myself will  always  be  only  a  thought  away, and  WE  can  bring
   everything  to bear  for a  progressive cause.    Now, what  is your

My life promise to all: `I promise with all that I AM, that the choice
shall  eternally be yours, and yours alone,  even if it is to kill US,
but abuse  of any sentient  being by another  will never be  tolerated

   (10/02/90;  Rainbow Traveler[, <city>][,  <state>][, <country>],
   Earth[, Phone:<nearest UPI office>]...)

   The  road, for all who take it, appears to entail a very high regard
   for life in  ALL forms, based on  truthfully bearing witness  to all
   that  one experiences,  devoid of any and  all intent towards deceit
   or pretense.

   All   humanity/beings,  MUST   collectively/INDIVIDUALLY  take  full
   unconditional   responsibility  for   all   that  appears   to  have
   transpired.  NO lynch-mob hangings  of anyone for past indiscretions
   belong here.

   All  participants either  ALLOWED themselves  to be  edged  along or
   they were PUSHING.   All the things  were done with  indifference to
   the   truth  signs  everywhere.    HAD  just  ONE  million  gone  to
   Washington  with  their sincerest  unrelenting action  in step  with
   their honest thinking caps, then suffering  WOULD have been stopped,
   all  know this  in their  hearts.  It  was the most  selfish act for
   anyone to turn their back on  themselves by doing anything  less for
   US.   This does  not exclude  indifferent alien  ET races  that were
   drawn into this experience reality!

             OUT of sight, OUT of mind?   Afraid not.  <-
             Therein lies the true blame, MY APATHY...

   It appears that  somewhere down the road  everyone at any moment  of
   their own  choosing will  have the opportunity  to shed the  skin of
   self-centered  isolated  divisional self  by replacing  it with  the
   recognition  of  themselves as  one and  the same;  both the  person
   across the way  and in the mirror.   They will come to recognize all
   of humanity,  including all  races here and  from seemingly  distant
   space as  being the one  and same.   The one they  see upon  looking
   deeply into the center of  their being in  a vast mirror.  A  mirror
   where  all can see what  they have precipitated  as a consequence of
   actions   and  links   to  their  virtual   past  parallel  timeline
   experiences/lives.  Likewise,  what  they  can  participate  in,  by
   choice, during the  virtual future.  A  future which they select  at
   this  every   `now'  instant   moderated  through   interdimensional
   probabilistic   electrodynamicly  bounded  physics  principles.    A
   choice moderately guided  by the  instantaneous total  associativity
   balance sheet  of their  virtual being,  this every indexed  moment!
   This the force of interdimensional LIFE in action!

It appears  that in accord  with our integration and  balance we shall
all  find  new  insights, freedoms,  responsibilities,  and  vistas to
experience into eternity from this moment infinitely onward!

               Your Sincerest Friend Eternally,       
                                Rainbow Traveler

---- [1]:  `Alternative 3' by Leslie Watkins and David Ambrose : ISBN 0-
7221-1126-6, from a most  credible `Science Report' documentary  by the
same   name  although  it  started  initially   as  the  `Brian  Drain'
investigation, aired in Great Britain on  ITV 9.0.  It was  immediately
banned from viewing worldwide, and the principal censor Leonard Harman,
Assistant  Controller   of  Programmes   (Administration),  was   later
Expedited by either  a `hot job' or  a `telepathic sleep job',  for his
carelessness in  letting such a  potentially damaging  ultra-top-secret
revealing credible report  slip out.   A document:" November 24,  1971,
FR: The Chairman, Policy Committee, [  Department Seven ], TO: National
Chief Executive Officers, SU:" adopted `The Smoother Plan', a procedure
which   was  consequently   designed   with   multiple   manned   cover
addresses/appropriate handwritten letters/more  authentic looking  pre-
embarkation photographs, to  allay fears or suspicions in the immediate
6  month   post-movement  `break-off  period's   of  Designated  Movers
supposedly  moved abroad. It  is only employed  selectively to reassure
those few, whose MORE than usual scrutinizing anxiety might  constitute
a security  risk.  Physically  and mentally mutilated  `Components' are
very seldom  missed.  Also  addressed are the  suppressed environmental
heating  problems,  kept from  the public  in  regards to  it's extreme
seriousness.  A MUST HAVE book, ~70% accurate?

---- [2]:  See  in  a  Law  Library,`The  Federal  Register':  Executive
Orders:  10995-11005,  11051,  11490.   Reagan's  "REX  84",  a  highly
classified  National  Security  Decision  Directive  (NSDD) #84,  is  a
"secret appendix" to  a SERIES of Executive  Orders.  Some  such orders
are E.O.  12148 & E.O.  12356 enacted by  Reagan.  The  "emergency" has
already been secretly called!   Another element of "REX  84" officially
called "Directive  84" orders a  secret all  agency track  down of  so-
called  "terrorists"  [, actually  TRILATERAL/  Global 2000/  New World
Order/     One-World     Government's      "Newstates     Constitution"
subjugation/genocide resistance movements,  and  anyone that speaks out
against  the IRS,  administration policies,  or  other unconstitutional
activities being conducted  by our U,S. Administration]  worldwide. The
10  federal  districts  being  used  illegally  by  various  government
agencies( Post  Office, IRS,  SSA, and  banking  ), are  to become  the
"Newstates"  under  E.O. #11490.    Please  note, any  public  official
supportive of  these plans  IS committing  a bona-fide  act of  TREASON
against the Constitution and against the People.  "Directive 84" [NSDD-
84]  is  also provisioned  with  secret "Citizens'  Concentration Camp"
plans  and  no  less than  12  giant regional  15,000  -  25,000 person
facilities at various key defense commands across the U.S., including a
very big  `Alaska-Siberian Asylum' 1-million acre government [must-not-
Expedite  ]  opponent  brainwashing  "mental  health" complex.    Where
bizarre  and  tortuous  experiments are  conducted  in  the  search for
effective methods  to control  essential political  prisoners.   It can
hold many  more than  25,000, out  of view  from prying eyes.   It  can
however  be indirectly  located  as "restricted  area" airspace  on the
general aviation pilot maps of Alaska.  Others are:  Vandenberg AFB, CA;
Same for airspace maps  above other secret activities,  like  Groom Lake
Complex and S-4 near Las Vegas airspace.
And check  H.R.4079, etc. also in Law Libraries.  Much goes back to the
beginnings  of  the  secret   unconstitutionally  functioning  National
Security  State  as  characterized  by  the National  Security  Act(see
N.S.C.'s NSC-68  tax structure) with  the easily envisioned  purpose of
keeping  the population docile.   Citizens coming  to know too much met
with harsh  treatment.  The highway system  of today was also initially
set up by forces other than the  highway lobby to play a military urban
deployment role in  quick movement/deployment of forces for purposes of
population control/suppression if needed! ...... The list goes on... 

80071,  Springfield,  MA 01138-0071,  accurate  insiders  chronology of
psychiatry and eugenics.

---- [4]:  "America's Secret Establishment"by  Antony C. Sutton, ISBN 0-
937765-02-3,  fresh VERY  revealing look  at a  shadow government  main
center stage invisible force, `The Order'  by meticulous researcher.  A

---- [5]:  `UNITED STATES IN SEARCH  OF ENEMIES' by John Stockwell, pub:
WECAN  Publishers,  504 W.  24th,  #79,  Austin, TX  78705,   Annotated
National Security Reading  List plus history/present info  from insider
CIA whistle blower. This list is a good annotated review of  many works
also, and therefor of value.

---- [6]:  `THE STRECKER MEMORANDUM' by Dr. Robert B. Strecker, Pub: THE
STRECKER GROUP, 1216 Wilshire Blvd, Los  Angeles, CA 90017. Actual AIDS
origins and serious suppressed dangers.

---- [7]:  "Descent Into  Slavery" by  Des Griffin,  ISBN:-0-941380-01-7,
Emissary Pub., 9205 SE  Clackamas Rd, OR 97015; Contains  early history
behind world events,  and largely  defines role/relationship of  Goyim.
<See also bases[#] footnote reference material>

---- [8]:  "Nostradamus' Untold Story:  His Unpublished Prophecies" from
Inner Light Pub., Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903;

---- [9]:  "BEHOLD A PALE  HORSE" by William Cooper,  Pub. 1991, 500pgs,
ISBN 0-929385-22-5; see  section `Protocols  of the Elders  of Zion'. 
MUST  HAVE  `all   insider  areas/laws/activities   under  one   cover'
blockbuster #1  [as of  2/23/91] reference  book of  the 90's, w/  rare
official reproductions of top level  documents, available from: William
Cooper, 19744 Beach Blvd, Ste.  301, Huntington Beach, CA 92648.   This
`first to be had book' in any collection requires a  stout constitution
of mind, extremely needed  and revealing core blueprint of  their plans
for us,  if they  get the  chance for  FEMA:  "REX 84":(Directive  84).
Document based  objectivity and  discernment as  taught in  schools and
universities  is  a  fraud, when  THEY  commission  abundant fraudulent
writings of prevarications designated as honest and authentic  proof at
the highest levels!   An earlier outdated alternative "Fourth  Reich of
the Rich" by Des Griffin ISBN:0-941-380-00-9, see section `Master Plan'
Illuminati: Protocols.

---- [10]:  White paper: >>"Bush/Hussein": If  you are tired  of the news
not  telling  you anything  except  what Bush  wants  you  to know  and
believe, then  this  report  will  give  an  answer  to  most  of  your
questions. Use the facts  to stop the WAR PR on  your radio talk shows.
Bush wants a WAR,Why? It's not Hussein! From: KC&ass.

---- [11]:  White  papers:>>"The   CIA's  New   Role   in  DOMESTIC   LAW
ENFORCEMENT": (200Pgs)   Since 1979 & 1982 the  CIA has been authorized
to  collect  intelligence on  the  domestic  population to  be  used in
criminal and civil cases  by other agencies of government.  How?and Why
has been documented  by KC&ass. in over  200 pages of U.S.Law.  A White
Hat on the CIA? Worse yet, HR 4079 still sits  in the sub-com. on crime
while much of  it has  been passed/&more  in 3 other  crime bills.  The
people  are  losing all  their rights  this  year[1991].   >>"The Anti-
Abortion Agenda  for 1990's":  What is behind  the latest anti-abortion
fever that has swept  the nation and legal system? How far  will it go?
These questions are  the subject of this  study and may be  uglier than
anyone knows. If this government has its way abortions will be  part of
a eugenics program targeted for the year 2000. Women should be outraged
by the agenda and the reasons  for it. Rep's from KC&ass. have  already
done radio talk interviews on this topic. No-one has any rights!
>>ALL THREE PAPERS ABOVE AVAILABLE:  KC&associates, 13510-A Aurora Ave.
North Suite 108, Seattle, WA 98133;  It is getting harder than ever  to
get Mr. Hulet(KC depass) on any Radio Talk programs on the above due to
the Hosts going  Mainstream for  ratings and popularity.  Controversial
topics are being well oiled and softened. You may have to rely on these
papers along  with other sources  and make  your own voice  heard. Bush
wants a WAR? Why?

---- [12]:  To  quote  Samuel  P.  Huntington,   American  Politics-pg81:
"Secrecy is  (thus) necessary to hide the facts of power, and deception
is  necessary to make those facts appear  different from what they are.
The  latter is  the natural  extension of  the former:  secrecy is  the
shield of power and  deception the cloak of secrecy.  Deception becomes
an inherent aspect of  the relationship between the government  and the
public, between  political leaders  and followers.  The hypocrisy  that
seizes all of  the people some of the  time is common coin  for some of
the people-their leaders-all  of the time. Government  institutions are
made to appear  more open and  responsive to  public opinion than  they
are. Political  leaders also must  appear to  reflect the  will of  the
people  more than is  actually the  case. They have  no choice but   to
Kowtow  to the appearances of democracy....The demands for democracy in
government produced  both more  democracy and  more deception.  Because
people in the  United States  expect government to  be more  democratic
than it can be, the government must make  itself appear more democratic
than it is." page 82.

---- [13]:    `The Empire  of  "THE  CITY"',  by  E.C.  Knuth.    A  well
researched study of influence connection from  the British octopus over
the  last  130 years.  1983; Avail:  C.B.C.A.,  Box 638,  Hawthorne, CA

---- [14]:  (02/23/91) H.R.  4079 may have been  secretly passed just  as
S.B.2834 was passed and  H.R.4079 may be Public Law 101-647 signed into
law by President Bush on November 29,1990.   If this has occurred, then
we  are  ALREADY   subject  to  a  FEMA  takeover.    This  info  by  a
Congressional staff member has not been verified as of January 8,1991.

---- [15]:   `Say "NO!" to  the New World Order'  by Gary Allen;  Concord
Press, Box  2686, Seal  Beach, CA  90740; a  summary of  general facets
behind the shadows.

---- [16]:  `ARCTURUS BOOK  SERVICE'(POB 831383,  Stone Mountain,  Georga
30083-0023,  ph:(404)  297-4624  ),   `Emissary  Publications'(9205  SE
Clackamas Road,  Clackamas, Oregon 97015, ph:(503) 824-2050), `American
Opinion Bookstore'(4306 Utah, San Diego,  CA 92104, ph:(619) 281-1338),
`Loompanics Unlimited'(pob 1197, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA, < A very
good collection of the most unusual/censored/controversial books not to
be found in even  the biggest libraries on public  viewing shelves.> ),
and others also may be such examples of sources for some censored books
if you can find them by  making specific requests at your regular  book

---- [17]:  Just  as  in ~1953  when  some  benevolent supportive  aliens
OFFERED to help America and the world under conditions that we actively
seek  to stop our  `path of self  destruction': Bilderberger `Protocol'
style human  abuse plans,  wanton killing,  greed driven  environmental
pollution and resource rape,  nuclear armaments, etc. in favor  of life
respecting truth based ways of harmony. `The Order' said NO WAY, and in
spite  of warnings  to the  contrary followed  up on the  project Plato
radio contact,  made just before  the malevolent  contact at  Hollowman
AFB.    Followed  with  the  secret  unconsentual  treasonous  sell-out
"exclusive  contact   and  technology   transfer   rights  for   secret
joint/private bases and  HUMAN procurement  rights to the  [soon to  be
TRILATERAL enslaved(?)] human race"  treaty at Edwards AFB in  ~1954 by
Eisenhower(supposedly visiting the dentist) with  the alien `Krlll' and
his  ship with  the "Trilateral  Insignia".   I think  that Disney  made
films, or copies,  of the  historical planned event  where `The  Order'
screwed  the  World  People,  still  exist today,  along  with  others.
Project Rainbow was active in 1954.   Relevant penetrating: "The Secret
Government" by Milton William Cooper.

---- [18]:  N.A.R.Group, POB 81407, Las Vegas, NV 89180-1407|  Feb 90, pg
** End of File **


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