Greetings Ascending Light Being!
Some of you are receiving this newsletter for the first time, so for you I will introduce myself. My name is Kortron. I am a commander of the Ashtar Command here to offer my help to all in this time of renewal. Change on Earth and your step up into your next evolutionary level as a life form of the expanding universes of our Father now are upon you.
In coming here I had to enter this plane via a host and take a vehicle you call a body. This was done with the complete permission of the soul that inhabited this vehicle before me. At this late date in the transformation process it would have dome little good for me to be born as a baby. Your term for this is a "walk-in". That entity served, as I do, with the Father of us all and stepped aside in the love of all life here to allow my entry for the mission we both serve-ascension.
Much that you call channeling has come to this planet to bring needed information to this race of evolving life in this time of need and change. For the most part these messages talk of illusion, ascension, transformation, attachment, separation, unconditional love and fear. All this is valid to the actual events of change about to effect Earth. Those of you climbing out of these illusions are faced with some new decisions and ideas about what to base your existence and lives on.
Now the time draws near for each of you to take a stand as the sword of truth is about to fall dividing once and for all those who choose love versus fear and illusion. It is no longer a matter of years for your awakening decision to be made, but rather a scant few months. All of you are now faced with two decisions. The first is to stay with what you have always known and believed life was based on. The second is a step in new found understanding and that is to turn your life over to the bonding force called unconditional love no matter what. This choice is based on faith in its existence as one can not feel it as readily as the things that you base life on in fear. You see, Love changes all for those that will accept it.
The time you are now in is called "renewal". It takes place in cycles in all of creation in the Father's many and one expanding universes. What this means is that what God has created returns to that which created it. Meaning, dear ones, that this planet, solar system, galaxy and universe are being stepped up to the Father's vibration and frequency into its purest resonance back to him.
There are those who will say this is not so. To these I say wait. You will see. It will happen. Your Bible calls this Revelation. Esu Sananda (Jesus Christ) came here two thousand years ago not to form a church as many would have you believe, but rather to show you "right living" so that you would embrace the Father when this time came, not in fear, but in love. To blend effortlessly into his grace (unconditional love) and go on as cosmic citizens in that love connected to, not separated from everything else in his "house of many mansions".
This falls under the "Law of One". Simply put, all created by him is connected, never separated except through freedom of choice, and returns to him. All if One. Eventually even the choice of separation begins to erode as there is no such thing as time in the choice of experience with or without the "Divine Presence". No matter what decision you make, at some point all of you will reunite with the Father.
For those of you choosing NOW as that time you need only open and go within. It is there waiting for you to find it. The spirit is just to the right of your heart, side by side with your soul. Those choosing unconditional love as their next experience to open the door to spirit and eternal life will eventually find his many mansions are open for you to reunite with him.
Those not choosing this as their experience will find a new school has been created for the continuation of the life experience in separation from what created them. This will last until the next cycled renewal time comes around bringing the new planet back to the Father. In all his creation there is a law. This law, simply put, is the allowing of all life "freedom of choice". All of you are free to accept fear or reunite with God in unconditional love.
For those choosing unconditional love the vehicle of your departure is now being created. It is called the Dove. Each of you choosing this as your way home must take full responsibility in creating it. Although there are many ascended masters both above and below helping in the creation of the Dove for your use, all of you must support your decision by helping to create it also. Your departure home starts no later tham 1992.
The outline of the Dove has been created in the North American Continent for this the last graduation of Earth school. This is not the first as it has previously appeared on other parts of Earth. The initial stages of the Dove's creation take form in an outline where vital points of energy at fixed power points connect with others in a grid work of lesser points that intersect within it. The major power points energize and light beamed down to the planet to totally manifest the Dove. The mission is code named "Operation Dove".
As a commander I am on one of these points and I am now responsible for the east coast in the manifestation of the Dove. Your decision in ascension into the mansion world reality versus the separation illusion experience requires a support of this venture as a unified body in your love of all life.
The directive in the final stages of this is to build pyramids on the twelve vortex points. This will create a massive directional device which will receive throne energies from above and direct these energies and light beams creating the eastern, western, northern and southern parts of the Dove. You will find on page 315 of The Keys of Enoch a circle of dots with a triangle in it. Our site is the lower eastern most cormer point.
Ground work has already started for the pyramid and will continue. Your part, participation and support is now needed in order to create this structure. No longer can anyone in their desire to ascend become a wheel chair recipient waiting for it to just happen, but must do their part to make the Dove a reality. Now you must blend as one energy in unconditional love and help create this vehicle in that light and love.
From this point on illusion will start to crumble around you. Those holding fast to it will follow it to its end. Those choosing the Father in the reality of his existence must clasp hearts in unconditional love and in doing so will come through unscathed as everything else in 1990 dissipates as the bubble of illusion bursts once and for all. Merging as clasping hearts is unification of the only real force energy, LOVE. You dear souls will now become compassion and love showing others the folly of their ways. Do not become affixed to their hard times and their suffering. Their time will come again. The Father in his love of all is forgiving and is not judgmental of his vast creation.
Now is the time to look ahead in your decision that bonds us to each other in our home side journey soon to start. Do not become forlorn in the decisions of others to suffer, for the need for suffering is but an individual's chosen path to learning. We have to respect each person's way to finding their truth. Life is and always has been eternal. None will be lost. Their time chosen by them will come. It is the way it has always been. Now is the time to release all attachment to the past. Once done you will be ready to move ahead and do what you need to do in knowing that all is well. Each of you coming out of illusion and entering reality can then function as you were created.
Please note that the third dimension was a temporary learning experience that each of you chose. This dimension is now affixed to every other part of creation and will never end. Its purpose is for you to further experience creation in yet another form. However, in experiencing it you were never meant to get struck in it and it to become your only reality. You are and were created as a multi-dimensional being, thus apart of it all.
Becoming aware of what you are will allow you to enter and leave all dimensions at your leisure and desire. In this open, expanded consciousness you will have full understanding. This, dear ones, is as it should be and in looking back do not take your attention away from your decision to go on, to escape this illusion. Are you ready for this new adventure? The decision has to be made by you alone, but rest assured it will unite you with infinite reality releasing you from ever feeling alone again. Now that we have gotten this far athere is no reason to look back.
Remember the Harmonics Convergence? This was the very beginning of the change of dense, dense matter back to less dense energy. It created a bridge to all other dimensions affixing the third dimension to all the others. This will be complete by the time warp number twelve, the last, which on July 17, 1990 and ends on August 17, 1990.
This is the time long awaited and should be embraced in joy and happiness. A welcome of profound love from all the rest of your larger family awaits you. The acceptance and love will be the longed for missing piece to the puzzle. Your past feelings of separation will no longer be felt. This, in itself, is the reason for you feelings of not being quite whole or lacking in some way.
Now that the bridge is before you, you only need to want it for it to be your next and new reality. We are here to show you the way, but only you can choose this as your next step or quantum leap into a new reality.
The vortexes are now opening to let in the fulfilling and creative forces to make Heaven on Earth. For so long there has been the false belief that the end was coming when in reality it is the seed of renewal to everlasting life. The seed bringing in the Golden Age of renewal is purity and cleanliness creating a new evolutionary begining. Rejoice in your new understanding. Let go of all else at this time and let love replace all old fears as to the meaning of revelation. Speak not of doom but rather of glorious clean, fresh, sweet renewal.
What few realize is that places like Earth are schools where thought, with or without the Father in it, creates reality and is allowed in full freedom. You have been learning through experience the correct way to create and the fooly of doing so in separation from the Father in the Divine Plan. What you create, you also experience as a cause and effect principle learning tool. All is illusion and this is why the mystics called this the world of illusion.
It's now time to put all this experience behind you having learned all those lessons in order to achieve your long awaited goal, graduation. Along with this your created form has also reached its hybrid form; a more advance stage which is ready to now accept and understand the Divine Plan, the reason for being created in the Father's image in the beginning.
What remains is action in thr form of taking responsibility and the willingness to do your part as one with the Father. This act is your final examination before lift off. With this new knowledge you must exercise your sovereignty and take your place along with other graduating gods helping to restore the Divine Plan in the restoration and creation of Heaven on Earth. What a grand climax to what Earth has become. Amen! Amen!
The implosion of matter caused by dimensional shifts crossing into much higher resonance will compress matter toward the core and then this causes pressure pushing outward in large bodies, such as planets and stars. This is now increasing sun spot activity and will result in much more severe erratic weather patterns around the planet. The pressure build up in the planet pressing in on the core and then releasing outward toward the crust will cause unstable plate movement. As the pressure is seeking release in Earth, more sizable earthquakes may well occur this year especially after July. This activity opens possibility for the Earth's steam valves to cause much more violent volcanic activity. Those areas beneath the oceans could cause large tidal waves to occur this year.
Storms will increase in size, strength and severity causing much damage. Aftereffects, such as fires due to fuel from debris, will take place in these areas causing "Fire Stroms". These storms create high temperature heat that can get very intense many miles from the fire and consume very large amounts of oxygen causing suffocation and severe burns for those caught in these winds and these spread at a tremendous speed.
Renewal, in the form of the cleansing, will reach unseen proportions as we draw closer to the birth of our new experience, the Fourth Dimension. Those planning escape routes and removing residue near dwellings, such as brush and downed trees left by Hurricane Hugo, are being wise as the path of this storm set the stage for a possible three state Fire Storm.
Planning ahead is wise in the events mentioned. Little warning will come from tidal waves that could easily go inland as far as the mountains. Studying fault lines in and near the mountains will give many insight on the safest places to be. Not all mountains are safe! Common sense is the key to survival and, of course, seek out your inner guidance.
We will try as best we can to inform but even our attempts fall short when support is not given in return. Your love subscription helps us to get our newsletters out to more people. This endeavor is like a growing child and gets bigger with money to wupport it. Everything we receive goes back by our fulfilling the growing need for this type of discourse.
If you feel this is not for you please pass it along. Others may well be in need of it and as we grow so does the size and content of our newsletter. We would like to get other Light Centers involved and put out a much larger more informative newsletter.
It has been this Commander's experience that those doing the most down here get the least help to do it. Every day things get tied down tighter to keep people uninformed. By doing little or nothing you will reach a point where no new information will come to you. Have you opened to your inner guidance? If not, don't cut off needed updates. If you do I believe your Earth saying is that you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Peace and Love,
Cmdr. Kortron
We have included the following three addresses for valuable information on the transformation:
Ariana Sheran of the Cloverleaf Connection, 922-112th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada S9A 2L3, has special permission to publish the Ascension Experience of Kortron. For a meager donation she will forward this two page account. We work closely with her and she with us. She channels Ashtar updates and is a loving soul here on Earth assignment many of you will enjoy by getting on her mailing list.
A good connection for the midwest is Norman/Obid, who is in possession of 5,000 acres and is rapidly forming a community of Light. A $1,000 contribution is encouraged as a donation for use of the 5,000 acres but not required as a participent there of. Norman, our brother whom we love dearly, also puts out a fine newsletter and can be reached at Nova 8, P.O. Box 11919, Pueblo, Colorado 81001-1919. His newsletter is free on request for the asking.
Solara, our sister and an Angel in Arizona, has published a new book that is a "must to read". It's called The Star-Borne, A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones. It can be purchased through Star-Borne Unlimited, Star Route, Box 82, Portal, Arizona 85632 for $14.95 plus a couple of dollars for shipping. This book ranks high in our view and brings in clarity and understanding. Our hats are off to you dear sister and we love you!
We have been reluctant to remove names from our mailing list as we hope that our endeavors are beneficial to many. However, due to a rapid increase in potential subscribers we have no choice but to drop nonsubscribers after the second mailing. We hope in doing this no one looses their way.
Those wishing to receive our newsletter, but due to some hardship are unable to subscribe, should notify us and we will try to send you a copy or put you in touch with someone nearby who can make a copy for you. Our newslette may be copied and shared as we do not exercise copyrights preferring to inform in whatever way possible.
Judi (star name Solinus) is the Director of The Center for Higher Awareness and all correspondence regarding the Center, seminars or the newsletter should be directed to her. Due to the need for flexibility and freedom of movement Kortron will remain in an advisory capacity to the Center.
A subscription to our newsletter can be purchased for $30.00/year (six bimonthly issues). Up-to-date information obtained through our network will be included in addition to other news from Kortron. Send a check made payable to:
Judith A. Wells
Route 2, Box 309B
Greetings Ascending Light Being!
Some of you are receiving this newsletter for the first time, so for you I will introduce myself. My name is Kortron. I am a commander of the Ashtar Command here to offer my help to all in this time of renewal. Change on Earth and your step up into your next evolutionary level as a life form of the expanding universes of our Father now are upon you.
In coming here I had to enter this plane via a host and take a vehicle you call a body. This was done with the complete permission of the soul that inhabited this vehicle before me. At this late date in the transformation process it would have dome little good for me to be born as a baby. Your term for this is a "walk-in". That entity served, as I do, with the Father of us all and stepped aside in the love of all life here to allow my entry for the mission we both serve-ascension.
Much that you call channeling has come to this planet to bring needed information to this race of evolving life in this time of need and change. For the most part these messages talk of illusion, ascension, transformation, attachment, separation, unconditional love and fear. All this is valid to the actual events of change about to effect Earth. Those of you climbing out of these illusions are faced with some new decisions and ideas about what to base your existence and lives on.
Now the time draws near for each of you to take a stand as the sword of truth is about to fall dividing once and for all those who choose love versus fear and illusion. It is no longer a matter of years for your awakening decision to be made, but rather a scant few months. All of you are now faced with two decisions. The first is to stay with what you have always known and believed life was based on. The second is a step in new found understanding and that is to turn your life over to the bonding force called unconditional love no matter what. This choice is based on faith in its existence as one can not feel it as readily as the things that you base life on in fear. You see, Love changes all for those that will accept it.
The time you are now in is called "renewal". It takes place in cycles in all of creation in the Father's many and one expanding universes. What this means is that what God has created returns to that which created it. Meaning, dear ones, that this planet, solar system, galaxy and universe are being stepped up to the Father's vibration and frequency into its purest resonance back to him.
There are those who will say this is not so. To these I say wait. You will see. It will happen. Your Bible calls this Revelation. Esu Sananda (Jesus Christ) came here two thousand years ago not to form a church as many would have you believe, but rather to show you "right living" so that you would embrace the Father when this time came, not in fear, but in love. To blend effortlessly into his grace (unconditional love) and go on as cosmic citizens in that love connected to, not separated from everything else in his "house of many mansions".
This falls under the "Law of One". Simply put, all created by him is connected, never separated except through freedom of choice, and returns to him. All if One. Eventually even the choice of separation begins to erode as there is no such thing as time in the choice of experience with or without the "Divine Presence". No matter what decision you make, at some point all of you will reunite with the Father.
For those of you choosing NOW as that time you need only open and go within. It is there waiting for you to find it. The spirit is just to the right of your heart, side by side with your soul. Those choosing unconditional love as their next experience to open the door to spirit and eternal life will eventually find his many mansions are open for you to reunite with him.
Those not choosing this as their experience will find a new school has been created for the continuation of the life experience in separation from what created them. This will last until the next cycled renewal time comes around bringing the new planet back to the Father. In all his creation there is a law. This law, simply put, is the allowing of all life "freedom of choice". All of you are free to accept fear or reunite with God in unconditional love.
For those choosing unconditional love the vehicle of your departure is now being created. It is called the Dove. Each of you choosing this as your way home must take full responsibility in creating it. Although there are many ascended masters both above and below helping in the creation of the Dove for your use, all of you must support your decision by helping to create it also. Your departure home starts no later tham 1992.
The outline of the Dove has been created in the North American Continent for this the last graduation of Earth school. This is not the first as it has previously appeared on other parts of Earth. The initial stages of the Dove's creation take form in an outline where vital points of energy at fixed power points connect with others in a grid work of lesser points that intersect within it. The major power points energize and light beamed down to the planet to totally manifest the Dove. The mission is code named "Operation Dove".
As a commander I am on one of these points and I am now responsible for the east coast in the manifestation of the Dove. Your decision in ascension into the mansion world reality versus the separation illusion experience requires a support of this venture as a unified body in your love of all life.
The directive in the final stages of this is to build pyramids on the twelve vortex points. This will create a massive directional device which will receive throne energies from above and direct these energies and light beams creating the eastern, western, northern and southern parts of the Dove. You will find on page 315 of The Keys of Enoch a circle of dots with a triangle in it. Our site is the lower eastern most cormer point.
Ground work has already started for the pyramid and will continue. Your part, participation and support is now needed in order to create this structure. No longer can anyone in their desire to ascend become a wheel chair recipient waiting for it to just happen, but must do their part to make the Dove a reality. Now you must blend as one energy in unconditional love and help create this vehicle in that light and love.
From this point on illusion will start to crumble around you. Those holding fast to it will follow it to its end. Those choosing the Father in the reality of his existence must clasp hearts in unconditional love and in doing so will come through unscathed as everything else in 1990 dissipates as the bubble of illusion bursts once and for all. Merging as clasping hearts is unification of the only real force energy, LOVE. You dear souls will now become compassion and love showing others the folly of their ways. Do not become affixed to their hard times and their suffering. Their time will come again. The Father in his love of all is forgiving and is not judgmental of his vast creation.
Now is the time to look ahead in your decision that bonds us to each other in our home side journey soon to start. Do not become forlorn in the decisions of others to suffer, for the need for suffering is but an individual's chosen path to learning. We have to respect each person's way to finding their truth. Life is and always has been eternal. None will be lost. Their time chosen by them will come. It is the way it has always been. Now is the time to release all attachment to the past. Once done you will be ready to move ahead and do what you need to do in knowing that all is well. Each of you coming out of illusion and entering reality can then function as you were created.
Please note that the third dimension was a temporary learning experience that each of you chose. This dimension is now affixed to every other part of creation and will never end. Its purpose is for you to further experience creation in yet another form. However, in experiencing it you were never meant to get struck in it and it to become your only reality. You are and were created as a multi-dimensional being, thus apart of it all.
Becoming aware of what you are will allow you to enter and leave all dimensions at your leisure and desire. In this open, expanded consciousness you will have full understanding. This, dear ones, is as it should be and in looking back do not take your attention away from your decision to go on, to escape this illusion. Are you ready for this new adventure? The decision has to be made by you alone, but rest assured it will unite you with infinite reality releasing you from ever feeling alone again. Now that we have gotten this far athere is no reason to look back.
Remember the Harmonics Convergence? This was the very beginning of the change of dense, dense matter back to less dense energy. It created a bridge to all other dimensions affixing the third dimension to all the others. This will be complete by the time warp number twelve, the last, which on July 17, 1990 and ends on August 17, 1990.
This is the time long awaited and should be embraced in joy and happiness. A welcome of profound love from all the rest of your larger family awaits you. The acceptance and love will be the longed for missing piece to the puzzle. Your past feelings of separation will no longer be felt. This, in itself, is the reason for you feelings of not being quite whole or lacking in some way.
Now that the bridge is before you, you only need to want it for it to be your next and new reality. We are here to show you the way, but only you can choose this as your next step or quantum leap into a new reality.
The vortexes are now opening to let in the fulfilling and creative forces to make Heaven on Earth. For so long there has been the false belief that the end was coming when in reality it is the seed of renewal to everlasting life. The seed bringing in the Golden Age of renewal is purity and cleanliness creating a new evolutionary begining. Rejoice in your new understanding. Let go of all else at this time and let love replace all old fears as to the meaning of revelation. Speak not of doom but rather of glorious clean, fresh, sweet renewal.
What few realize is that places like Earth are schools where thought, with or without the Father in it, creates reality and is allowed in full freedom. You have been learning through experience the correct way to create and the fooly of doing so in separation from the Father in the Divine Plan. What you create, you also experience as a cause and effect principle learning tool. All is illusion and this is why the mystics called this the world of illusion.
It's now time to put all this experience behind you having learned all those lessons in order to achieve your long awaited goal, graduation. Along with this your created form has also reached its hybrid form; a more advance stage which is ready to now accept and understand the Divine Plan, the reason for being created in the Father's image in the beginning.
What remains is action in thr form of taking responsibility and the willingness to do your part as one with the Father. This act is your final examination before lift off. With this new knowledge you must exercise your sovereignty and take your place along with other graduating gods helping to restore the Divine Plan in the restoration and creation of Heaven on Earth. What a grand climax to what Earth has become. Amen! Amen!
The implosion of matter caused by dimensional shifts crossing into much higher resonance will compress matter toward the core and then this causes pressure pushing outward in large bodies, such as planets and stars. This is now increasing sun spot activity and will result in much more severe erratic weather patterns around the planet. The pressure build up in the planet pressing in on the core and then releasing outward toward the crust will cause unstable plate movement. As the pressure is seeking release in Earth, more sizable earthquakes may well occur this year especially after July. This activity opens possibility for the Earth's steam valves to cause much more violent volcanic activity. Those areas beneath the oceans could cause large tidal waves to occur this year.
Storms will increase in size, strength and severity causing much damage. Aftereffects, such as fires due to fuel from debris, will take place in these areas causing "Fire Stroms". These storms create high temperature heat that can get very intense many miles from the fire and consume very large amounts of oxygen causing suffocation and severe burns for those caught in these winds and these spread at a tremendous speed.
Renewal, in the form of the cleansing, will reach unseen proportions as we draw closer to the birth of our new experience, the Fourth Dimension. Those planning escape routes and removing residue near dwellings, such as brush and downed trees left by Hurricane Hugo, are being wise as the path of this storm set the stage for a possible three state Fire Storm.
Planning ahead is wise in the events mentioned. Little warning will come from tidal waves that could easily go inland as far as the mountains. Studying fault lines in and near the mountains will give many insight on the safest places to be. Not all mountains are safe! Common sense is the key to survival and, of course, seek out your inner guidance.
We will try as best we can to inform but even our attempts fall short when support is not given in return. Your love subscription helps us to get our newsletters out to more people. This endeavor is like a growing child and gets bigger with money to wupport it. Everything we receive goes back by our fulfilling the growing need for this type of discourse.
If you feel this is not for you please pass it along. Others may well be in need of it and as we grow so does the size and content of our newsletter. We would like to get other Light Centers involved and put out a much larger more informative newsletter.
It has been this Commander's experience that those doing the most down here get the least help to do it. Every day things get tied down tighter to keep people uninformed. By doing little or nothing you will reach a point where no new information will come to you. Have you opened to your inner guidance? If not, don't cut off needed updates. If you do I believe your Earth saying is that you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Peace and Love,
Cmdr. Kortron
We have included the following three addresses for valuable information on the transformation:
Ariana Sheran of the Cloverleaf Connection, 922-112th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada S9A 2L3, has special permission to publish the Ascension Experience of Kortron. For a meager donation she will forward this two page account. We work closely with her and she with us. She channels Ashtar updates and is a loving soul here on Earth assignment many of you will enjoy by getting on her mailing list.
A good connection for the midwest is Norman/Obid, who is in possession of 5,000 acres and is rapidly forming a community of Light. A $1,000 contribution is encouraged as a donation for use of the 5,000 acres but not required as a participent there of. Norman, our brother whom we love dearly, also puts out a fine newsletter and can be reached at Nova 8, P.O. Box 11919, Pueblo, Colorado 81001-1919. His newsletter is free on request for the asking.
Solara, our sister and an Angel in Arizona, has published a new book that is a "must to read". It's called The Star-Borne, A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones. It can be purchased through Star-Borne Unlimited, Star Route, Box 82, Portal, Arizona 85632 for $14.95 plus a couple of dollars for shipping. This book ranks high in our view and brings in clarity and understanding. Our hats are off to you dear sister and we love you!
We have been reluctant to remove names from our mailing list as we hope that our endeavors are beneficial to many. However, due to a rapid increase in potential subscribers we have no choice but to drop nonsubscribers after the second mailing. We hope in doing this no one looses their way.
Those wishing to receive our newsletter, but due to some hardship are unable to subscribe, should notify us and we will try to send you a copy or put you in touch with someone nearby who can make a copy for you. Our newslette may be copied and shared as we do not exercise copyrights preferring to inform in whatever way possible.
Judi (star name Solinus) is the Director of The Center for Higher Awareness and all correspondence regarding the Center, seminars or the newsletter should be directed to her. Due to the need for flexibility and freedom of movement Kortron will remain in an advisory capacity to the Center.
A subscription to our newsletter can be purchased for $30.00/year (six bimonthly issues). Up-to-date information obtained through our network will be included in addition to other news from Kortron. Send a check made payable to:
Judith A. Wells
Route 2, Box 309B
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