Cyberarts-- Exploring Art & Technology

FROM:    Linda Jacobson,
TO:      Dan D. Gutierrez, 73317,646
DATE:    11-Dec-92 at 18:04:28

SUBJECT: Sci-VW: BOOK: Cyberarts-- Exploring Art & Technology

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

Thought you folks might like to know about another VR info
resource that recently hit bookstores's _CyberArts:
Exploring Art & Technology_, edited by Linda Jacobson (that's me).
340-page, oversized (8.5x11) paperback with 16 glossy color pages
of artwork and dozens of B&W photos and diagrams. ISBN 0-87930-
253-4. $22.95..

[I just learned that _Cyberarts_ will be the textbook for U.C.
Irvine's film school course, "Visual Culture & Virtual Reality," and
for the virtual worlds programming course at the CAD Institute (a
Phoenix-based school thatUs offering the first nationally
accredited VR curriculum).]

*Contents of _Cyberarts_*

Foreward by Linda Jacobson
Introduction by Dominic Milano, editor of _Keyboard_ magazine

1. Overview: New Technologies & The Arts
Kiss Your Tired Aesthetics Goodbye--essays by Bill Viola,
Tod Machover, & Peter Sellars

State of the Media--by Trip Hawkins

Snow's Two Cultures Revisited: Perspective on Human-
Interface Design--by Bill Buxton

Computer as Inspired Collaborator--by Jeff Rona & Chris

Is It Technology or Is It Art? -- essays by Carl Machover,
David Em, Ellen Sandor, Bo Gehring

Content Distribution: What's The Medium?--essays by John
Atcheson, Earl Manchester, Patrick Forth

Exploring Creativity--essays by S. Joy Mountford, Frank
Thomas, David Em

2. Music & Sound
Hyperinstruments: A Composer's Approach to the Evolution of
Intelligent Musical Instruments--by Tod Machover

Sound Enters the Third Dimension
Psychoacoustic Satisfaction...or Psychobabble? - Linda
The Virtual Reality of 3D Sound -- Durand Begault
Launching Sounds Into Space -- Elizabeth Wenzel, Ph.D.
The Convolvotron Concept -- Scott Foster
Sound Localization & Spatial Enhancement with Roland Sound
Space -- Curtis Chan
Virtual Audio: New Uses for 3D Sound -- Chris Currell

Soundtracks for Computer Software --Tom Rettig
(Broderbund Software)

Dances With Technology: Will You Sweep Me Off My Feet or
Step On My Foot?--Craig Anderton

3. Visual Imagery, Animation & Graphics
Guerilla Video: Low-Budget Production Techniques -- by
Michael Masucci & Linda Jacobson

Image Compression-- by John Worthington & Gail McGrew

Moving Holography-- by Stephen Benton (inventor of the
white-light hologram seen on book covers and credit cards)

The Choreography Machine: A Design Tool for Character &
Human Movement--by Thecla Schiphorst

4. Interactive Media: Theories, Tools, Results
Virtual World Without End -- by Ted Nelson

Rattling the Cages of Multimedia Maniacs -- by Marc Canter

Multimedia War Stories -- by Peter Gotcher

The Multimedia Network: Living Life in Real Time with
MediaLAN--by Mark Lacas & Linda Jacobson

Magritte Hated To Paint: An Aesthetic Trek Through An
Set of Multimedia Authoring Systems--by Robert Edgar

It's Play Time: Fun & Games with Interactivity--by Rich Gold

A Peek Behind The Curtain--by Anne Graham, Dave Ream &
Peter Stone

The Silver Platter: A Look at CD Mastering--by Allen Adkins

Curtain Up! Light the Lights! Developments in Computer Show
Control--by Charlie Richmond

Expanding The Book: Text & The Personal Computer--by
Florian Brody

5. Old Laws for New Technologies?
Protecting Your Work & Your Rights--by essays by Andy
Harris, Carole Barrett & Nicholas Selby

Freedom vs. Compensation--by John Perry Barlow & Trip

6. Cyberspace & Virtual Realities
The "Art" in Artificial Reality: VIDEOPLACE & Other New
Forms of Human Experience--by Myron Krueger

Welcome To Electronic Cafe International: A Nice Place for
Hot Coffee, Iced Tea, & Virtual Space--by Kit Galloway & Sherrie

The Mandala System: An Alternative Approach to Virtual
Reality--by Vincent John Vincent

Virtual Reality: A Status Report--by Jaron Lanier

The Art of Building Virtual Realities--by Steve Tice, Scott
Fisher, Brenda Laurel

The Experiential Revolution: A VR Pioneer Looks Back to the
Future--by Mort Heilig

Appendix        SOURCES & RESOURCES

Make Back-Ups Early & Often!--by Linda Jacobson
Suggested Reading  % Organizations % Technology Sources

and the CYBERART GALLERY, featuring the works of
Victor Acevedo, Elizabeth Griffiths Lawhead, Daria & Gary Barclay,
Will Cloughley & Sondra Slade, Barbara Nessim, David Em, Beverly
Reiser, Sandra Filippucci, Ellen Sandor, Stephan Meyers, Arthur
Olson & David Goodsell, Michael Gosney & Jack Davis, Nicole
Stenger, Michael Johnson, Joe Tripician & Merrill Aldighieri, Marius
Johnston, Michael Wright, and Myron Krueger

_Cyberarts_ includes "hypertext" annotations, explanatory
entries that live in the margins of the pages in which their
words/phrases (boldfaced in the text) appear. This
approach supported defining terms in context; for
instance, the annotation for "MIDI" in a Music & Sound chapter is
different than MIDI's annotation in the Cyberspace section. Not
limited to technical terms, the annotations also cover
meanings of words/phrases ranging from "mandala" to
"metaphysical construction" to "Marshall McLuhan."

_Cyberarts_ is published by Miller Freeman, the company that
publishes A.I. Expert, UNIX Review, Computer Language, Keyboard,
Guitar Player, and LAN magazines, among other titles, and produces
the annual CyberArts International conference.


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