ïTribe Reformation
ïEternal Lie

                             TRiBE REFORMATION
       TRIBE.FAQ From Shihear Kallizad, Member Answers By Eternal Lie


I felt that it was important to include facts from the president of TRiBE,
Shihear Kallizad, to shed more light on the recent reformation of TRiBE



  TRiBE is no longer TRiBE, it is now TRiBE, a different group from TRiBE.

  I realize that may not make sense to anyone, but hopefully this file will
  clear up the confusion concerning the entire TRiBE issue.

  TRiBE was disbanded on April the 5th by it's founder, me.  This resulted
  in everyone who was currently a TRiBE Member being expelled, because they
  couldn't be in a group that didn't exist now, could they?
  [FYI: I'm sure there will be several different stories here.  I'm sure
  there will be alot of articles in alot of magazines detailing alot of
  different points of view.  THE bottom line is, due to the actions of
  several TRiBE Members (while TRiBE Members), during their formation of
  NaTiON (most notably those of Maestro), I came to the decision that it
  was best for all concerned if I simply cut them all lose.  All of them.
  Everyone was out of TRiBE.  They were all free to do whatever in full
  public view, no longer having to run around behind my back.  I cannot
  tell you who was or was not in TRiBE at this point in time.  To date,
  everyone I've talked to from TRiBE "involved" in the NaTiON thing has
  given me a different story, saying different things about different
  people.  The truth is, it's irrelevant because it doesn't effect the
  end result.  There should be no hard feelings on any level, at least not
  until all the lies are sorted thru, and believe me, SOMEONE is lying
  about more than one thing.]

  One may question my ability to do that.  Anyone who recalls anything,
  would know the one title I kept was "Founder", the one "power" being
  that TRiBE was my name.  It was in my power to decide that I no longer
  wanted the name to be used by the people involved.  (IE, had I quit and
  gone to ACiD, and then TRiBE started doing something incredibly lame I
  didn't like, I could have revoked their use of it.)  Since no one else
  was "founder" of TRiBE, TRiBE ceased to exist.

  I then founded a new group, and I just happened to call it TRiBE.  I mean,
  the name wasn't in use, nobody else wanted to use it, and I just happen to
  be pretty good friends with it's founder, so I had his permission.  :)
  [FYI: Yes, the group, in it's entire form and in name was offered to more
  than one group or individual.]
  Having just founded a new group, I had to set the policy.  This was easy.
  Being the only member, I declared myself "God".  This time, TRiBE was
  going to be MY group with MY word being LAW.  No getting anyone's input or
  permission to do anything.  It's mine all mine all mine.  This way I can
  make decisions and lead whenever the situation comes up, not having to bow
  to a consensus.  As they say, "Consensus negates leadership."
  As the sole policywonk maker, I decided that TRiBE would be by Invitation
  Only.  No Apps or "Hey, I was thinking of leaving this group, could I join
  TRiBE?" or anything else.  Until you're invited to join, you're not going
  to get in, no matter who you are, what you do, no matter how well you may
  happen to do it.  Not only that, but you'll only be invited ONCE.  Turn
  it down, there's no second chance.

  With that out of the way, I had to decide who would get invited.  This was
  even easier, although somewhat vague.  Only my friends will be invited into
  my group.  If you're a complete stranger, if we've never spoken, be it voice,
  irc, Email or even messages over the net, I don't care if you're the most
  notable name within the scene, you're not going to get an invite.  This
  shit ain't no business and I'm sick and tired of dealing with selfish
  people who are only out for themselves.  Of course, "friend" doesn't mean
  give me your kidney, mine's broke, within the context of "the scene".
  As I said, the term is intentionally vague, yet still conveys the general
  ideals behind who MAY get invited.  There are friends out there I wouldn't
  want in TRiBE, there are friends out there I wouldn't make "choose" between
  the group they're currently in and TRiBE.  Just because you're a friend
  won't get you an invite, but likewise, an invite doesn't mean we chew the
  same gum. [ Just because you may or may not write run-on sentences does
  not mean you'll get into TRiBE, either. It-<SMACK>- oww! ok, i'll shutup.
  - cv]

  I now knew the extent of my authority, who would be allowed to join.  Now,
  what the fuck would we do.  COURiER GROUP!  Um, yeah, right.  Like I want
  to live in the shadow of the great SWaT.  Not bloody likely.  Ok, so, we
  would do ANSi and SHiT.  An art group called TRiBE, what a concept.

  So, how would we do it?  This led to the invention of PRiDE!  That's right,
  I've given TRiBE's Quality Control a name.  Hell, if ACiDSpew can have
  SAUCE, well then, dammit, TRiBE's gonna have PRiDE!  Quality Control?
  Thought I hated that?  Nah.  I hated how the other groups did it, not the
  concept of Quality Control.  TRiBE PRiDE, simply put, is the personal PRiDE
  of all it's members to do the very best they possibly can.  If you aren't
  going to do it well, don't bother.  Having problems?  No problem.  This is
  a GROUP, we HELP each other.  It's not a "Pass/Fail" system.  If I don't
  think you did your very best, you'll get it back and we'll keep doing it
  until we get it right.  Too many groups let too many artists just "get it
  done" so it can go in the pack.  I repeat:  If you're not going to do it
  well, why bother at all?

  Ok, so when will we release the stuff that bares the TRiBE PRiDE! label of
  Quality?  What will we call the pack?  In order to avoid confusion, we'll
  keep the same pack numbering.  (can't have two TRIBE-01.ZIP's, can we.)
  We will however move the date of release from the 1st of every month, to
  the 10th of every month.  Why?  Why ask why small fry?  Get a life.  It's
  what I want to do.
  Who's in TRiBE now?  Who cares.  What difference does it make?  You'll DL
  the pack just the same when TRIBE-11.ZIP comes out, and you'll find out
  then.  After you know, guess what, if you've read this far, you'll keep
  DLing the pack no matter who's in it.  Most of the people asking are just
  trying to find out who's NOT in it any longer so they can recruit them.
  Do your own leg work, slick.

  [ Hi, I'm Cavalier. I don't know why I'm in this file. Later. -cv]
  Are there other changes?  Shore 'nuff.  Anyone could be invited, whereas
  the old TRiBE was Artist Only.  TRiBE didn't compete.  Still not going to,
  but with TRiBE PRiDE! you better walk the walk if you're gonna talk the
  talk, because you ain't a steppin' on this TRiBE. . .
ïTribe Reformation


                    Sludge (Crisis Senior Member/Artist)

    In this article I will attempt to give you the true story of the origins
of Crisis, though it may be lengthy and somewhat insignificant, nevertheless,
it's the real deal.

        Sometime in late August of last year, I was asked to join a small ANSi art
group known as UNiSoN.  Though I had only been doing ANSi artwork for about
three months prior to my being offered membership, Slim (AKA: Devil's Spawn)
saw potential in my work and I agreed to join.  A few weeks passed, I had done
a few logos, yet hadn't heard anything as to where/when/who I was supposed to
send my work to, who else was in the group, or if UNiSoN was still alive,
until Slim sent me mail, saying "Yo nig, UNiSoN's dead, join SKiLL.. ."
At this point I decided to reform UNiSON, and attempt to manage a group of my
own. At first I wasn't to aggressive at acquiring members, and basically lost
interest in the whole idea until late October when Hunchback (A local to
me in the 209) offered to help me get things going with UNiSoN.  Throughout
November, we acquired a few more members; Wolverine (NKA: Kid Frost), Nivenh,
Dr. Love, Ru Manchu, and Darklord.  Wolverine agreed to be the UNiSON HQ, and
throughout December we picked up even more members; Overlord, Morphix, The
Doc, Landshark, Viper, and God Speed.  On Christmas day we released our first
packet, entitled "Re-Ignition", and soon after started picking up even more
members and sites.. .

    Throughout January there arose many problems.  Union was formed, and
apparently unaware of our abbreviation as "UNI", released thier packet
under the same filename.  I had been thinking about changing the name of
UNiSON and "Refining" the group, and it seemed time to do so.  We fought
for almost three weeks about the new name, and finally decided on Crisis,
how fitting.. .  :)  At this time I became more aware of "The Scene" and
began laying out ground rules that all members would follow, essentially;
quality not quantity, and don't ego-trip.  We quickly released our last
packet under UNiSON and started building Crisis.. .

    Two months later, two packs later, it's now April.  Although many
members have left us, most have stayed and I feel it will remain that way
for along time to come because there's one thing, if anything, that we
have that alot of other groups lack; loyalty.  That's why I will never
disband Crisis and classify myself as a virtual "Sell-out", I'm sticking
with it until one day I retire, pull a Cobain, or actually make a small
business out of doing computer graphics, which any of the three will
doubtfully happen in the near future, although the last one could be fun.

    As for the latest ongoings in Crisis, we are working on setting up a
network exclusively for Affiliates, although there has been some hesitation
on deciding on it's name, possibly Impulse Net, Base 411, or Real Deal.
I'm also recovering from reconstructive surgery in my right arm.  I punched
a double-pained window, sliced my right forearm to the bone, completely
severing my flexor and extensor tendons, as well as my medial nerve and
got 25-30 stitches.  I have no feeling in my right hand, temporarily, and
hope to be back in action by mid-May.  For now, I'm doing left-handed ANSis,
takin' it easy, Codine King, gettin' chilly with a fat-ass philly.. .

    If you'd like to get in touch with us or if you've got skills and are
interested in being a member of Crisis, call us and apply at Crisis WHQ;
Wicked Minority (209) 575-4705, NUP: injected bitch.. .   Thanks for your
time and patience, hope this wasn't too much to swallow, if so, don't blame
me, it was written by request.. . :)  Thanks go out to Eternal Lie and
Liquid Motion for givin' me a chance to get this out to ya'll.. .  Also to
Bad Karma and Andrew Nice for giving me inspiration in doing ANSis, you
guys will forever dominate!
                                     Sludge (Crisis Senior Member/Artist)


  Er.. Union I guess.

       God, what to say. Here I am, sitting in media class, bored
  out of my skull. Oh well, Psyco Child wants an article for
  Corruption #3, and I really don't feel like listening to the boob
  up in the front of the class.
       Anyways, incase you haven't bothered looking up at the blurb
  at the top, this is Neurotic of Union writing an article about
  (c'mon, I'm sure you can guess) Union.
       Oh well.. I hate writing these things, I can never think of
  something to say. Well, I guess I'll do the age-old stand-by of
  telling the history of Union and telling everyone what we're
       Union originally formed way back in December of '93 as a
  merger between two groups, Void and Image. It was a rather
  unsuccessful merger, seeing as how the only two members who
  joined from Image were Cybernary and Dark Image. This new group,
  Union, would not have been much without the acquisition of
  several new members from Nailz' area code, namely Future Assassin
  (then known as Ace) for music, Hard Target for ansi, and Stone
  Angel (then known as Negative Creep) and Neurotic (then known as
  No Carrier) for ansi trial.
       On January 1st, 1994 the first Union pack was released.
  Between the period of January to February not much happened
  with Union. Cybernary left us for Eternity (which then broke up,
  I think he might have joined Gothic afterwards). Dark Image was
  promoted to a senior member in order to fill the empty spot. Maxx
  joined us as our Toronto courier, and Ravage Bias joined us as a
  trial artist. We released our pack late, due to some late
  submissions from members. In my opinion the Febuary pack was the
  worst Union pack to date (my theory is that it has something to
  do with the fact that it was the only Union pack so far without
  an ansi for Programmed Illusion :).
       Many changes happened over the period of February and March,
  although not much artwork was done. We decided not to release a
  March pack due to the small amount of work we had prepared for it
  (not to mention the fact that the Febuary pack was a late
  release). A up-coming group from Chicago called Visual Insanity
  proposes a merger, but we turn it down.
       During this interim I discovered the joy of the long
  distance scene. I started couriering the Union pack around and
  getting in contact with our members. Dark Image decided to return
  to his HP roots and quit Union. Due to the effort I had been
  doing in organising the group, Nailz and GenoCide promoted me
  from a trial artist to a senior member (luckily enough I managed
  to improve my artwork a bit along the way).
       Hard Target was removed from the group because he no longer
  had time for the scene. Hopefully HT will rejoin Union some time
  this summer. During this interim we also picked up KooL (formerly
  of Image) as an ansi artist. Another budding artist from 613,
  Hound, joined us, adding his talents to the group. Maxx recruited
  Tribal Fish to join us as a trial artist. Unfortunately, we never
  managed to get in contact with Ravaged Bias, so he left for Ice
  when he never saw any of his work in the Union packs.
       Satanic Goldfish (known as Joombi Mouton, a musician for
  Storm, when he was on the Commodore 64 scene) joins us in the
  music department, and should be quite good once he gets the hang
  of digital samples.. :) Stone Angel was boost from trial to a
  full ansi artist, and GenoCide removes himself from senior/vga
  artist position to co-ordinator because he finds he no longer has
  as much time for the art scene as before. He now puts together
  the actual UNI-####.ZIP archives and writes our nfo files.
       We decided to remove all our sites since our courier
  department was/is low (consisting of mainly Maxx and myself).
  Previously we had accepted any sites that applied, but know we
  accept only quality systems who will remain in contact will us,
  and can support our group instead of having our group support
  their board.
       Our April pack was released, the overall quality was high,
  and Union started to become known.
       Maxx brought in Exile as a VGA artist, and Epitaph (formerly
  of Image) as a programmer. Dark Deception (formerly of Tribe)
  joined us as an ansi logo artist. Misery Man joined us as a trial
  ansi logo artist. Shadow Hawk of Empire approaches about a
  Union/Empire merge, we accept on the condition that we keep the
  Union name. Psycho Fiend and Mind Rape submit artwork for this
  pack while the rest of us try to get in contact with former
  Empire members. Hros submits some killer VGAs for the pack. Prime
  Evil joins, but then takes up an offer to become Ice VGA Co-
       Union is approached by Dark, Siva and Die as to the
  possibility of merging, but nothing comes of it. Replay decides
  to join Nation and Denizen ][ joins Alive do to the fact we never
  called them. Sole Assassin (formerly of Ironside Data
  Productions) joins us at the last minute.
       The May Union pack is released, definitely our largest pack
  ever. A few members are displeased with the artwork they produced
  that month, but hopes are high that our June pack will be our
  best yet.
       Union is strange in a way, we aren't just about producing
  art, we aren't about being the best, we aren't about being laid
  back and having no set release dates for packs, we aren't about
  getting/not getting involved in the politics, we aren't about
  being different and special. We're about being who we are, an art
  group, and all the good and bad things that implies. We try to be
  about loyalty to ourselves, our group and having fun producing
  art, but we know how that is not always the case. I'm not going
  to say every member is loyal to the group and will never leave -
  I expect the group to change every month, a constant progression
  of new/old talent - I can't vouch for every member of the group.
  I can vouch for myself though, as I can vouch for the people who
  have told me, Nailz, Blue Devil, Future Assassin, Psycho Fiend
  and others, Union is where we are, and Union is where we'll stay.
       Expect to see good things from us in the future.

       Please note to all artists reading this, Union is ALWAYS
  looking for new ansi/vga artists. There is an open invitation to
  ALL former Empire members, there's a spot in Union waiting for
  you. Unfortunately, when ShadowSorcerer was forced from the
  scene, a lot of information went with him. We don't necessarily
  know how to get in contact with you guys. If you are interested
  in Union, then GET IN CONTACT WITH US at:

   Flatlined Reality   - Union WHQ  - 613-224-8279
                       - Remote: Nailz
   Programmed Illusion - Union CHQ  - 613-824-7375
                       - SysOp: Neurotic
   Eternal Nightfall   - Union USHQ - 412-439-2831
                       - SysOp: Shadow Hawk
            Written on May 3rd, 1994 by Neurotic [Union Senior]



                      Gothic Studios(tm) Whatdafuck!?
                   Written By: Kinayda [Acid/Corruption]

----- The below is what I wrote before the Gothic break up -----

        The reason I'm writing this article is because most of the Gothic
articles I have seen have come from the Canadian point of view of Gothic except
perhaps the article written by The Calibre in Lancelot 10.  Well here's my
first article about Gothic.  I'll try and keep this article short and up to
the point so that you don't have to barrage through a bunch of my blabber-
mouthing and so I don't have to write as much. :)

        Gothic used to be an entirely Canadian based group when it first
started.  The first US member to join Gothic was Israfel if I'm correct.  And
Golgotha had told me at first they only wanted Canadian members but as time
went by they decided they wanted US members to join.  I had talked with Jay
(Golgotha) a couple times and we seemed to get along pretty well.  When I heard
they were looking for somebody to kind of run/start a United States Division of
Gothic for my own personal reasons I left ACiD (Which is still a great group in
my eyes) to come to Gothic.

        Well I guess the next question on one's mind about Gothic is how we run
things over here.  Well as the artists go I try to keep the least amount of
pressure on them.  Because hey, this is supposed to be fun right?  I cannot say
that I take total pressure off the artists.  Technically just me giving them a
call and asking them if they have anything they want to release this month is
putting some pressure on them?  All this is pretty basic since this is what
most groups do anyways.  We're still new so we are still settling in on how we
think things should be run.  And we're holding together, so we must be doing
something right. :)  As you notice we've taken on the way of thinking which we
only releasing VGA and Music programmed.  This is the way we like it, and this
is the way it seems it's gonna stay.  We will only release a .GIF/.PCX or a
.MOD/.WHATEVER unless it was absolutely neccessary.

        If you would like to become a Gothic distribution site please check
the member listing first and see if your areacode is already taken up.  If
there is already a board in your areacode or more that greatly reduces the
chance of you getting a distribution site.  THOGNet (The House Of Gothic)
which is the official Gothic Network is also required by distribution sites.
The Gothic network was devised to get every Gothic board with Gothic members
on it preferably local posting there.  This way there is a good communication
method between Gothic members.  We are hoping this will make our job easier
with communication and artists will always have a local way to get in touch
with us.  We cannot call the artists every day and tell them what's going on
and find out what's going on with them etc.  With THOGNet the artist can
call up their local member board/distribution site and find out what's going
on in the net and exchange messages with other Gothic members.  Well we are
having a busy time putting the pack together so THOGNet is 2nd priority at
the moment.  But we are slowly getting it together and hopefully all boards
will be hooked up and working.

----- The NEWLY WRITTEN MATERIAL is below -----

        The below is my version of what happened, A lot of people have been
asking me what went on with Gothic etc.  So here it is, Don't ask me anymore.

        A lot happend in the two days after I wrote this article.  It all
began I guess when Golgotha and Elminster had been having some doubts about
Gothic.  From what I interpreted they had thought that Gothic was slowly
deterioating and they didn't want Gothic to die slowly.  With the loss of
Forlorn Extender and the friction between such members as Stile and Sinned
Soul and I believe Shroud had been slowly eating away at Gothic.  Of course
I had no idea of all these going ons because I am the United States Senior
member.  And the way we had set it up is I would handle everything in the
United States and they would handle the Canadian side.  I heard about the
problems but had no idea of that the group would take such a 360.  There
then was a loss of Aphex Twin.  A great and loyal member of the group and
a director [A good one no doubt] had told Golgotha and Elminster that he
was planning on leaving.  It seemed Gothic had been slowly dying.  Gothic
was supposed to be a group where people came and didn't leave.  Golgotha,
Elminster and Myself did not believe in stealing members.  Well I cannot
say that for anybody else in the group.  But I myself can say that I've
never tried to bribe artists or lie to them to get them to come to the.
If I heard of an artist that was interested in joining I of course would
give the artist a call, and of course every once in a while I've given an
invitation to an artist.  If that is considered recruiting then I'm guilty.
Although I don't see that as recruiting there is a fine line between there
that one must judge for himself I would guess.

        Well from what I got, Golgotha didn't want Gothic to die slowly
and painfully.  With talks with RaD MaN and Beastie, Golgotha had thought
of a merger between Gothic and Acid.  The plans were to make a turn of
events in the scene and revolutionize it.  I admit I had my doubts about
the merger at first.  I even had thoughts of trying to keep Gothic alive
myself and some artists/directors were trying to convince me to do so.
But it was a lost cause, and from talks with Golgotha and Elminster I saw
the merger differently and thought it was a good idea.  It was seemingly
going to turn into a smooth merger.  Where that doesn't happen very often.
Elminster although halfway through the merger changed his mind and went to
iCE for his own reasons.  Now you couldn't really call it a merger anymore
since many artists followed Elminster to iCE and many artists followed
Golgotha and Myself to Acid.  Also I believe some Gothic artists went to
Nation I believe.  Well now I guess you could just say the group broke up.
I don't like to look at it that way, but I have no choice.  It makes me
feel better to think of Gothic as joining forces with another group rather
than it dying.

        So now I am at Acid and I'm happy where I am.  I am pretty of sick
of group jumping and am happy to stay at Acid where I hope I will be for a
long time.

        Something I'd like to add is I remember some groups used to pressure
artists very badly to produce and didn't really care about their artists.
When Gothic came around I had heard many good changes that groups made about
trying to be a non-pressure group and more fun then work.  Although I'm not
sure, I would like to think Gothic had something to do with that.  Maybe
Gothic did some good.  Anyways, Acid has some great things in the future and
I hope to be a part of them.  Well I guess I better wrap it up, the content
of this article is the best I can explain the Gothic break-up.

Kinayda [Acid Productions/Corruption Magazine]

Some greets..

Aphex Twin - Good luck over at iCE, I look foward to seeing your work..
Golgotha - Gothic will always live in our memories..
Elminster - Same greet as Aphex Twin. :)
Maestro - Good luck with Nation..
Metal Head - iCE, iCE, iCE..
RaD MaN - ACiD, ACiD, ACiD..
Incubus - Blunt, Blunt, Blunt..



                         Creators of Intense Art

        Creators of Intense Art, or just CiA.  Many know OF us, but many just
don't know if we are anything to be reckoned with, or another fly by night 
(for all you Rush fans) in the ever changing modeming art community.  Who are
we?  When were we established?  Who the hell cares what we do??!!!? (j/k)  I
intend to calm all of your anxieties by writing this article, so calm your-
self Beavis...
        CiA was just another small group last summer, (hell, CiA was just a
small group a few weeks ago!) and struggling to find its niche in a world
dominated by frozen water and hallucinogenic drugs.  We just intended to dis-
play some of our artwork, and have some fun, no big whoop.  We then played
are cards right and merged with a group based in Ohio called ACE (I know you
guys loved that pun!!).  That was a gargantuan step in becoming what we are
today.  In the process, it brought over two key members that are pivotal in
our group as we know it today.  They were none other than Tron and Sudden
Death.  Both are an immense help to the group, but I will do the biograph-
ical sketches later. 
        As the days, weeks, months went by, we gathered up our work, and began
releasing the official CiA packs in September 1993.  That was CiA pack #5,
because ACE had previously released 4 packs, and thus we decided to just
continue in ascending order.  Each pack has continued to improve, however the
main concentration of improvement has been in the last few months.  In the     
earlier months, we rarely had ansis over 100 lines, and mainly consisted of
logos.  Now, all our artists contribute with much higher quality ansis each
month more often.  I think that this has been a very encouraging and exciting
thing to look at each month, seeing our artists improve and having fun while
their doing it!  That's what makes our group so fun.  We just make intense
art! =]   
        You may be wondering who these incredible artists are, because I know
you are... =]  There is Napalm, who has improved so much that I'd hate to see         
what his ansis look like in the next pack.  His specialty is in toon ansi,
but has broadened out into shading ansi, and has adapted very well.  Sudden
Death is our most productive artist, having ansis coming out of his butt!
(j/k SD).  He is one of our best shading artists, and is improving each month.
Tron has been drawing quality ansis since the getgo, and I can't say enough
nice things about him, as an artist, and a leader/organizer/courier/yougetthe-
point.  I won't over do it, but I would also just like to mention some of our
"budding stars", they are Aragon, Digital Assassin, Grim Humor, Ground Zero,
and Scribble.  Ground Zero came over from CHAOS, and if any former CHAOS
members would like to join, please do!  Anyways, keep up the work guys!
        This month has been the busiest, yet most productive of all months.       
In this month, we have merged with ATOMiC, with many members full of potential.  We are currently talking to two other groups about merges as well.       
We also received a VMB courtesy of Napalm, courtesy of Music Phreak, so thanks
to the both of you!  The number is 1-800-968-1616  Box: 382#.  I promise we
won't talk about testicles!! =]  We also acquired members from HAVOK, and wel-
come them with open arms.  On that note, we attained a competent courier
coordinator named Nosferatu.  He was an ex PWA, NLA, ENTiTY, Syndrome, and
every other damn WaReZ group courier, and brings experience and knowledge to
that position. Our net, FinalNet, is cruisin'.  If you are a site, member
board, or hell, just want a cool net, then apply with the application included
in the pack.  If you are at least a member board, and are not polling, do so
damnit!!  And finally, we will be acquiring an Internet e-mail address, so
that if you would like to contact us there you may do so, and we will keep
you intensely waiting people posted. 

        We, at CiA, like to have good relationships with all the art groups,
whether big or small.  We think that we have done this, and if there is any-
thing you need from us, contact us.  If any art groups would like to do joint
projects, that would be cool too.  We don't like to have enemies, because hey,
this is supposed to be fun, right?  And that's exactly what we are doing, each
month, so I invite any of you to come aboard if you haven't done so, and see
for yourself just how much fun you can have!!!  =]  So call Illegal Embassy,
at 513-923-4984 (4 nodes!!), NUP: United, and join CiA today!

                                         Prozac [CiA Senior]

Incredibly, Intensely, Immensely Lame greets
(As I bow my head in shame.  Sorry, but it
isn't very often that I can do this =]) :

Napalm:  Hey I heard that you were me, or that I was you?
Hannibal Lecter:  Where be my phunky, phat, phresh, phont you phiend?
Nosferatu:  Ya know, just wake up one day, and say...     
Guile:  You are the ansi God!!!  I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!! =]
Eternal Lie:  Glad I can help in some miniscule way. =]
RaD Man:  What up with my bidded ansi? Later... =]
King Midas:  Uhhhh, I don't do Yoda testicle impersonations, sorry... =]
Egghead/Spyder Man:  What's up?  My posts keep on comin' =]   
        come to CiA, errrr... I mean keep truckin', we're a rare breed,
        so keep it up dudes!


ïBlack Knight                       

                         Ä  Bitchin' ANSi Design  Ä
                            The Legend Continues

I was approached about.. 10 years ago to write this article and I have finally
gotten around to it, so I guess I better make this one good.  Since I haven't
bothered to write one of these bastards in quite a few months, I'll just slap a
brief rundown on what we're up to and what we plan to do in the future.

Lately, the membership has fluctuated like crazy with members coming in and old
members leaving.  Not only has this given us mass confusion, but it's also
given us varying pack sizes.  Hopefully, we'll be able to even this out in the
near future.  The quality, luckily for us, has remained around the same high
level, so the packs are still quite nice to look at, however small they
sometimes are.

We've finally got our courier situation going smoothly, so all sites should be
getting their packs on time.  In addition, BAD is quite active on the InterNet
as well.  Either myself or Number Cruncher are on IRC in #BAD most of the time
and all the packs are on, so any questions or comments can
be answered that way.

In case anyone is wondering, BAD is STILL not excepting Distribution Sites, so
don't ask.  Speaking of asking for stuff, if you want a request done by us,
don't demand it because it won't get done that way.  The request generator was
made for a reason; use it.

BAD is now being fully supported on a new network called PANiC Net.  You can
join it by contacting SleepWalker on Higher Grounds.

Now that I've got all that late-breaking news off my shoulders, I can go ahead
and talk about the interesting stuff.  BAD will be doing some kind of demo or
game (all in ANSi) in the near future (we'll have some kind of promo for it in
the next pack), so we're looking for some coders and artists to work on it.  Of
course, we'd love it if you came to join the group to do the demo (we'd like to
do more of these), but if you're in another group and would just like to
contribute towards the demo, a joint membership type of thing can be worked out.
Anyway, if you're a coder with some killer ANSi routines, let us know so that we
can set something up.

BAD would like to put a word out to all artists, coders, musicians, and
couriers: join.  That's it.  Just join.  It's fun, ask any member.

That's about all I've got to say for this issue.  I'll have a lot more time in
the future, so if there's an issue next month, you should get some more news on
this demo/game.  Let's get readyyyyyyyyyyy to ruuuuuuuuuuuuumble!  laTeR...
                                                                þ Black Knight
                                                            þ BAD Senior Staff


ïSyntax Error

What's new with iCE:

        Hi, everyone.. Syntax here.  Let's see if I can fill you in on what's
currently going on within iCE.  In these past two months since I accepted the
staff position, I've been able to watch many changes take place within the
group, most of which I find to be quite positive.  iCE seems to be going
through a state of flux once again.  Many of the members that are starting to
contribute to the group are what I like to call the "old school crew", and I
think that many of these changes reflect their intent of reviving everything
that iCE in the past has embodied.

        Within our ansi division, we have probably witnessed the most change. 
I think since I've been involved in the leadership of the group, iCE has
witnessed the largest flux in members in and out of the rosters within the
shortest amount of time.. this is due in large part to the Gothic breakup,
which brought us such talent as Pnakotic, Aphex Twin, Elminster, Lord
Carnuss, Quicksilver, and Stranger.  This influx of new guys allowed us to do
some much needed cleanup of some of the more marginal artists within the
group, and allowed us to really focus on quality.  We've also some seen some
artists come to iCE from our ansi rivals, ACiD..  guys like Dr. Tongue and
Iron Man I'm sure will prove to be a big asset to the groups level of quality
in the future.

        Since member jumping has become so commonplace as of late, though, I
think it's much more important to point out changes that iCE Ansi has made as
far as standards..  Ideally, we strive to have no more than 20 quality ansi
artists.  This allows us to keep communication going well b/t all of us, and
forces us to maintain the highest calibre of artist within the group.  We
also removed anything resembling iCE Trial, and we instituted a program in
it's place that will help along pieces that aren't up to acceptable levels of
quality.  But you all can read more about this in Iridium. :)  I feel these
kind of changes appeal to the majority of the artists within the group and
potential artists as well.

        Enough of the ansi though, no one really hears much about what's going
on with the other depts within iCE.. so I'd like to spend the remainder of
this article discussing all the exciting things happening within the VGA,
Music, and Coding depts.. Our first, and foremost priority at this time is
the Epidemic Musicdisk.  I've been personally working a long time in
accumulating the talent for this production, and to be honest, it's exceeded
any expectations that I might have had in the past.. It's grown to something
much larger.. a true multigroup musical extravaganza with in my opinion, the
most talented musicians in the PC world.  Such big names as Purple Motion,
Necros, Skaven, CC Catch, Ryan Cramer, Mellow-D, Pixel, Daredevil, StarScream,
and Leinad are taking part in what proves to be one of the best and biggest
productions ever.. and I look forward to the day when we can release it.. 
keep an eye out for it.  In addition, we are also working on two intros and
entries into most of the categories within Assembly '94.  Having refurbished
all of these departments in the past two months, expect some separate high
quality coding releases outside the monthly packs..

        I'd like to wrap up with a quick thank you to Cavalier, who I
mistakenly left out of the memberlist the last month.. He's been quite helpful
as a devil's advocate and a great representative of the group on the internet.. 
I appreciate all he does for me, and for iCE as a whole.  Keep up the great
work.. We love ya, Jas.. hehe.

        If you have any questions about iCE, or want to get involved with the
group in some fashion, I can be reached a number of ways.. the best way to
get a hold of me immediately is via the internet.  My new permanent address
is, and I also have another one at  I can also be reached on my board, the PowerGrid, or
at that other lame iCE board, the Sanctuary.. :) 

        Syntax Error of insane Creator Enterprises

Aphex Twin, in the moment of heat, changed his handle because Azzeem, his gay
partner threatened to run away for Abdul, another man down the street. 
Feeling he would get no more satisfation, Aphex Twin changed his handle at that
moment.  Now Azzeem visits Ellis Dee, his old, but new love.

NOTE:  This is all bullshit, but Aphex Twin really did change his handle to
Ellis Dee.  So don't think there is some guy named Ellis Dee ripping AT's art.
Also, by the way, Azzeem does live in Canada, and is Gregs next door neighbor.




               "Nation Nation Mo-Mation Bannana Fanna Fo-Fation..."
                     By: Maestro [Nation Slave Master!]

    Greetings and salutations all you ansi geeks! Maestro here, the guy
 you love to hate, to feed all of your "corrupted" little minds (no pun
 intented) with some info on one of the newest groups to hit the scene
 today! (Drum roll) Nation! The other day I received a phone call from
 some wierdo name Eternal Pie, or wait, was that Lie? Anyways, he kept
 bugging me for an article on Nation. Now this is actually Sociopaths
 area but alas, he was busy working on other Nation business. So I
 figured it wouldn't hurt to write one Nation article for good measure.
 So I told this Pie dude (after hours and hours of begging me) that I
 would go along and write him a very intellectual and in depth article
 about Nation for his magazine (I'll expect payment within the next

    Ok, well, what can I say but.. WE RULE AND YOU ALL SUCK! Now, I'll
 bet you anything a day after everyone reads this article everyones
 going to go yell and scream about how much of an egotistical ass I am.
 And why will they do that kiddies? Simple! Because the majority of the
 people in the scene need to lighten up! And to all of you guys
 that I pissed off in that net that starts with an F? Can't remember the
 name, anyway, you guys are the worst! Because all I'd have to do is
 type some long "intellectual" post about Nation and you guys would
 flip! It's hilarious! That's what Nation is all about, having fun and
 pissing people off! :) All kidding aside, Nation is going rather well.
 And yes our pack is coming out on the first for the millionth time. So
 lets see, what would you guys like to know about Nation? Well,
 considering we haven't said much about it publicly, you probably would
 like to know alot. Well, we haven't said much about Nation publicly for
 a reason. And for that same reason I won't say much in this article.
 Why you ask? I'll tell you, because I feel the pack should speak for
 itself (nation rules! nation rules!).

    Well, probably all you know about Nation is what that dude from that
 group with the lack of artists and the big viewer has excreted out of
 his anal cavity. Yikes! To tell you the truth, to understand Nation you
 must be a part of Nation. I'm not going to sit here and plug Nation
 (nation rules! nation rules!), but I will tell you the truth. We are
 not claiming to be anything but a group of guys (is there any
 chicks in the scene?) that just want to draw, release, and have fun.
 Why do I keep boasting about the fun factor in Nation! Haven't you all
 heard that so many times before? I have, I've also seen it all be a
 lie. We're not claiming to be better then anyone else, but hell if you
 want to say we are go ahead. We're not trying to make any kind of impact
 in the scene, but I think we already have. We're not trying to piss
 anyone off. Well, ok, maybe just a few.. Ok, let me sum up Nation for
 you in a few simple words. We're cool, we draw, we release packs, we have
 a spiffy net, we're accepting new talent, we're giving away sites (you
 have to be extra cool to get one though!), we're cool, our viewer isn't
 100k+, we have more then 6 artists, we have a break dancing devision, and
 did I mention how cool we were? Anyway, I'm sick of writing articles so
 I'm ending this. Besides, my Mom is serving Stovetop stuffing tonight!

                Maestro [Eter.. Ac.. Tri.. Nation.. Ahh, much better]

 NOTE: If you are looking for a "real" and "informative" article about
 nation, I would recommend reading any but mine. Ok Joel, if you don't
 start writing articles they're all going to be like this one! :)



--- ACID

Sorry, but we were unable to get the Acid article on time.



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