Spiritual Contact Between Humans And Outer Space Beings
A Review & Synopsis of:
"THE FELLOWSHIP: - Spiritual Contact Between
Humans And Outer Space Beings"
Written By Brad Steiger (C) 1988 - A Dolphin Book : Doubleday
(179 pp.) New York
This Article By Tom Mickus <Sysop> of: THE CRUCIBLE
An Alternative PC-BBS
40 Megs 3/12 24 Hrs
Home of ParaNet Pi
"God is in his heavens, all is wrong with the world. Man
needs a god much closer to home, a god within himself.
If God is not there, life is an outrageous terror ruled
by Fate, which has no answers, only appointments. Nobody
can live with Death before his eyes and the knowledge of
the nothingness of all things. Life must have a meaning..
-Ingemar Bergman
And with this opening quote made, thus begins one of Brad
Steiger's latest written works, "The Fellowship". Steiger, an
apparently prolific writer, with over 100 books published, here
tackles one of the latest New Age trends; that of increased contact
between humans and extraterrestrial entities.
Although only 179 pages in length, Steiger manages to cover a lot
of ground in this short work. The book basically gives a good over-
view of how the "Flying Saucer Movement" has evolved over the past
35 years, essentially from the time of George Adamski's "desert
experience" of the 1950's where he initially came in contact with
alien entities "Space Brothers", to today, with the mulitiplicity of
"contact" experiences by people with other-worldly beings.
The Fellowship, in large part, is a chronicling of a variety
of messages and sayings of benevolent Alien Beings, as reported by
their human "contactees". They have names such as "Mark Age",
"OX-HO" and yes, "Semjase". Their message is really very simple,
Man must change his ways, he must prepare himself for the great
changes that are on the horizon, to adapt to new modes of thinking,
or else perish. Change is on the way, the question which the Alien
Entities pose is, are we willing to go along or will we be obstacles
in its path. For many people, the words of wisdom as relayed to us
through the human contactees, is nothing but a lot of metaphysical
mumbo-jumbo. To others, the Aliens message is both an inspiration
and a warning.
As Steiger seems to imply, the contactees "may be the heralds of
a New Age religion, a blending of technology and traditional
religious concepts. Instead of Christ, there is "Christ Conscious-
ness", which stands for some of the positive elements of traditional
Christianity. And this new religion is of course centered on the
individual, "The mother sea and fountainhead of all religions lie
in the mystical experience of the individual...All theologies and
all ecclesiasticisms are secondary growths superimposed."
Steiger, interpreting the message of the Aliens, sees the World
moving "through the difficult period of adjustment as the old,
corrupt Piscean Age presents a transitional time of cleansing and
purification before we enter the Age of Aquarius." However, this
period of purification seems also to be one of great turmoil, since
many of the contactees "speak of catastrophic events, the likelihood
of a future devastating World War, and a specific out-come in the
struggle between the forces of "darkness" and of "light."
Much of The Fellowship has to do with the Pleiades. Steiger is
convinced that this grouping of distant stars, is home to one of
the more friendlier groups of Aliens, of the many which inhabit our
universe. In the book, Semjase the Entity, seems to be the PR
spokesman for the "Pleiadean Council" and all that goes on back
home. She describes a pleasant, refined civilization where some
of the citizens live to ripe old ages of 900 yrs, thus giving old
Methusalah of Biblical fame, a little competition. In addition to
a variety of other depictions of life back home and societal make-
up, she describes the preferred mode of transportation, in ships
powered by sophisticated propulsion systems. Interestingly, Semjase
for one, went into surprising detail about some of the specifics
concerning how the "engines" are set-up. While it would probably
be most difficult to design any such craft from the scant infor-
mation given, nonetheless it would be interesting to hear a pro-
fessional opinion about the theoretical possibility of such a set-
up actually working, as outlined by herself and other Aliens.
In addition to the Aliens of Pleiadean origin, there are also
supposedly other Beings of differing persuasions. "Both good and
evil dwell in deep space denizens". One particularly eccentric
contactee, Fred Bell, who claims a close relationship with Semjase,
makes reference to occasional encounters with "rather bizarre
humanoid creatures" who he describes as "energy scavengers." In
addition, there are the so-called "Astral Vampires", who Fred Bell
offers as an explanation for the bizarre "unexplained" cases of
animal mutilations which for a time were occuring quite frequently
in parts of the North American farm country.
In addition to detailing the information relayed by the New Age
Entities through the contactees, Steiger offers a varied selection
of associated UFO lore which is read now and then in any number of
UFOlogy related literature. For example, one interesting account
describes George Adamski's reputed visit to the Vatican on the eve
of the 2nd Vatican Council, and days before Pope John XXIII's death,
during which at a bedside meeting with the Pope, Adamski handed him
a sealed package from the "Space Brothers" which prompted Pope John,
face beaming, to exclaim, "This is what I have been waiting for!"
After the brief meeting, Adamski was seen to be in a similar state
of rapture, similar to that of his desert contact experience with
the Space Brothers back in 1952. Although Adamski didn't know for
sure what was in the package, he assumed that it contained
instructions for the upcoming Council. The fact that arrangements
were already made to see the Pope, prior to their visit, left the
strong impression that there existed in the Vatican a "fifth
column" on behalf of the Space Brothers.
Steiger also relates the off told tale how Hitler was fascinated
with Spaceships, and indeed had a proto-type in their possession.
He talks of Hitler's belief that "representatives of alien cultures
walked the Earth in secret and that it was his mission to create a
master race who would be ready to interact and to interbreed with
them." Hitler also was supposed to be "convinced that the Earth was
concave and that man lived on the inside of the globe." And in a
reference to a conversation Hitler had with Hermann Rauschning,
Steiger interprets Hitlers remark somewhat differently than would
the military historian, when he says, "The new man is living
amongst us now! He is here! Isn't that enough for you? I will tell
you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I
was afraid of him." Regardless of its validity or not to some kind
of human mutation, the product of Alien interbreeding, it is bizarre
and anecdotal information like this which make Steiger's
book interesting reading. However, most of the content deals with
the positive influence of Semjase and her siblings upon humankind.
However, despite assurances that the Aliens are not interfering
with human development, or our "free will", it seems clear that, if
what they say (and its not always with one voice) is true, then it
seems evident that humans are being "persuaded", or shall I say
gently coerced, into being more receptive to what the Aliens have
in plan for us. For example, it is clear from both Steiger's book,
and other New Age material, that the Earth, with us on it, are on
the receiving end of a "tremendously stepped-up outflow of energy
which is now reaching Earth from other levels of existence." And,
as the Space Beings have readily admitted to their contactees,
"certain energies must be transmitted in order to accomplish a mass
acceptance from the people and the leaders of Earth." Only after
this has been done can the physical landings take place and
"official" CONTACT be established.
Apparently, in 1965, "something 'clicked' whereby everything
advanced. Time accelerated." Jesus Christ, called "Sananda" by the
contactees is not viewed as a God, but as an "ascended Master".
He has apparently told one of his contactees that the period that
the Earth is soon to be going through is "the most important
segment of time this planet has known in the last 206,000 years."
Much of the Space Beings talk has a biblical style to it, as in
Mark-Age's statement that,"For truly time and the processes of end-
ing an old age, so as to begin a new age, are being shortened for
the elect." Another Being tells a contactee, "that a division will
take place among the peoples of your planet between those who go
onward in light and those who become even more enmeshed in the
level of materialistic existence." As this contactee, Aleuti
Francesca relates,
"I not only feel that the contact with the
extraterrestrials is an important factor in the merger of
science and religion, I feel that is the single MOST
important factor to emerge on the world scene in the last
two thousand years. Man is on the brink of tremendous
changes and breakthoughs, and ONLY New Age Man, trans-
formed man, can make it through to a new world and a
spiritually sane existence."
Strong talk indeed. It makes one wonder what will happen to all the
technoids, materialists, and other non-conformists. What will happen
to those on either end of the spectrum, those of orthodox belief on
one end, and athiests on the other; what will become of them?
All in all the philosophy of the New Age, with its "higher
wisdom" being channelled down through humans, due to the generosity
of Space Beings and other such entities, is on the surface, a
positive message full of hope for the future destiny of mankind.
However, it remains a troublesome one as well. For those not
sufficiently enlightened, like myself, there are still too many
unanswered questions, still too many nagging suspicions of both the
Messengers and the Message, for me to rush headlong into the embrace
of the New Age. It seems certain, from many accounts, that planet
Earth is headed into an unprecedented time of upheaval. Thus perhaps
the Aliens are justified in using drastic measures since we are
living in such tumultuous times. Perhaps the alternative, to do
nothing, to let the human race "progress" onwards with the Nuclear
Genie out of the bottle, is too great a risk to tolerate, and thus
the Space Beings have no choice but to act. Time will tell.
All in all, Steiger has written an informative little book;
to some it will remain interesting fiction, a by-product of the
times we live in. For others it will give direction, conditioning
people as to what to expect; giving them a glimpse over the not so
distant horizon of things to come. However you view such literature,
one thing is for sure, you haven't seen the last of it. In the
coming months and years, books like Steiger's will proliferate, and
one way or another, everyone will become aware of the "Message".
That much you can be sure of.
04/21/88 -Tom Mickus
apparently told one of his contactees that the period that
the Earth is soon to be going through is "the most important
segment of time this planet has known in the last 206,000 years."
Much of the Space Beings talk has a biblical style to it, as i
A Review & Synopsis of:
"THE FELLOWSHIP: - Spiritual Contact Between
Humans And Outer Space Beings"
Written By Brad Steiger (C) 1988 - A Dolphin Book : Doubleday
(179 pp.) New York
This Article By Tom Mickus <Sysop> of: THE CRUCIBLE
An Alternative PC-BBS
40 Megs 3/12 24 Hrs
Home of ParaNet Pi
"God is in his heavens, all is wrong with the world. Man
needs a god much closer to home, a god within himself.
If God is not there, life is an outrageous terror ruled
by Fate, which has no answers, only appointments. Nobody
can live with Death before his eyes and the knowledge of
the nothingness of all things. Life must have a meaning..
-Ingemar Bergman
And with this opening quote made, thus begins one of Brad
Steiger's latest written works, "The Fellowship". Steiger, an
apparently prolific writer, with over 100 books published, here
tackles one of the latest New Age trends; that of increased contact
between humans and extraterrestrial entities.
Although only 179 pages in length, Steiger manages to cover a lot
of ground in this short work. The book basically gives a good over-
view of how the "Flying Saucer Movement" has evolved over the past
35 years, essentially from the time of George Adamski's "desert
experience" of the 1950's where he initially came in contact with
alien entities "Space Brothers", to today, with the mulitiplicity of
"contact" experiences by people with other-worldly beings.
The Fellowship, in large part, is a chronicling of a variety
of messages and sayings of benevolent Alien Beings, as reported by
their human "contactees". They have names such as "Mark Age",
"OX-HO" and yes, "Semjase". Their message is really very simple,
Man must change his ways, he must prepare himself for the great
changes that are on the horizon, to adapt to new modes of thinking,
or else perish. Change is on the way, the question which the Alien
Entities pose is, are we willing to go along or will we be obstacles
in its path. For many people, the words of wisdom as relayed to us
through the human contactees, is nothing but a lot of metaphysical
mumbo-jumbo. To others, the Aliens message is both an inspiration
and a warning.
As Steiger seems to imply, the contactees "may be the heralds of
a New Age religion, a blending of technology and traditional
religious concepts. Instead of Christ, there is "Christ Conscious-
ness", which stands for some of the positive elements of traditional
Christianity. And this new religion is of course centered on the
individual, "The mother sea and fountainhead of all religions lie
in the mystical experience of the individual...All theologies and
all ecclesiasticisms are secondary growths superimposed."
Steiger, interpreting the message of the Aliens, sees the World
moving "through the difficult period of adjustment as the old,
corrupt Piscean Age presents a transitional time of cleansing and
purification before we enter the Age of Aquarius." However, this
period of purification seems also to be one of great turmoil, since
many of the contactees "speak of catastrophic events, the likelihood
of a future devastating World War, and a specific out-come in the
struggle between the forces of "darkness" and of "light."
Much of The Fellowship has to do with the Pleiades. Steiger is
convinced that this grouping of distant stars, is home to one of
the more friendlier groups of Aliens, of the many which inhabit our
universe. In the book, Semjase the Entity, seems to be the PR
spokesman for the "Pleiadean Council" and all that goes on back
home. She describes a pleasant, refined civilization where some
of the citizens live to ripe old ages of 900 yrs, thus giving old
Methusalah of Biblical fame, a little competition. In addition to
a variety of other depictions of life back home and societal make-
up, she describes the preferred mode of transportation, in ships
powered by sophisticated propulsion systems. Interestingly, Semjase
for one, went into surprising detail about some of the specifics
concerning how the "engines" are set-up. While it would probably
be most difficult to design any such craft from the scant infor-
mation given, nonetheless it would be interesting to hear a pro-
fessional opinion about the theoretical possibility of such a set-
up actually working, as outlined by herself and other Aliens.
In addition to the Aliens of Pleiadean origin, there are also
supposedly other Beings of differing persuasions. "Both good and
evil dwell in deep space denizens". One particularly eccentric
contactee, Fred Bell, who claims a close relationship with Semjase,
makes reference to occasional encounters with "rather bizarre
humanoid creatures" who he describes as "energy scavengers." In
addition, there are the so-called "Astral Vampires", who Fred Bell
offers as an explanation for the bizarre "unexplained" cases of
animal mutilations which for a time were occuring quite frequently
in parts of the North American farm country.
In addition to detailing the information relayed by the New Age
Entities through the contactees, Steiger offers a varied selection
of associated UFO lore which is read now and then in any number of
UFOlogy related literature. For example, one interesting account
describes George Adamski's reputed visit to the Vatican on the eve
of the 2nd Vatican Council, and days before Pope John XXIII's death,
during which at a bedside meeting with the Pope, Adamski handed him
a sealed package from the "Space Brothers" which prompted Pope John,
face beaming, to exclaim, "This is what I have been waiting for!"
After the brief meeting, Adamski was seen to be in a similar state
of rapture, similar to that of his desert contact experience with
the Space Brothers back in 1952. Although Adamski didn't know for
sure what was in the package, he assumed that it contained
instructions for the upcoming Council. The fact that arrangements
were already made to see the Pope, prior to their visit, left the
strong impression that there existed in the Vatican a "fifth
column" on behalf of the Space Brothers.
Steiger also relates the off told tale how Hitler was fascinated
with Spaceships, and indeed had a proto-type in their possession.
He talks of Hitler's belief that "representatives of alien cultures
walked the Earth in secret and that it was his mission to create a
master race who would be ready to interact and to interbreed with
them." Hitler also was supposed to be "convinced that the Earth was
concave and that man lived on the inside of the globe." And in a
reference to a conversation Hitler had with Hermann Rauschning,
Steiger interprets Hitlers remark somewhat differently than would
the military historian, when he says, "The new man is living
amongst us now! He is here! Isn't that enough for you? I will tell
you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I
was afraid of him." Regardless of its validity or not to some kind
of human mutation, the product of Alien interbreeding, it is bizarre
and anecdotal information like this which make Steiger's
book interesting reading. However, most of the content deals with
the positive influence of Semjase and her siblings upon humankind.
However, despite assurances that the Aliens are not interfering
with human development, or our "free will", it seems clear that, if
what they say (and its not always with one voice) is true, then it
seems evident that humans are being "persuaded", or shall I say
gently coerced, into being more receptive to what the Aliens have
in plan for us. For example, it is clear from both Steiger's book,
and other New Age material, that the Earth, with us on it, are on
the receiving end of a "tremendously stepped-up outflow of energy
which is now reaching Earth from other levels of existence." And,
as the Space Beings have readily admitted to their contactees,
"certain energies must be transmitted in order to accomplish a mass
acceptance from the people and the leaders of Earth." Only after
this has been done can the physical landings take place and
"official" CONTACT be established.
Apparently, in 1965, "something 'clicked' whereby everything
advanced. Time accelerated." Jesus Christ, called "Sananda" by the
contactees is not viewed as a God, but as an "ascended Master".
He has apparently told one of his contactees that the period that
the Earth is soon to be going through is "the most important
segment of time this planet has known in the last 206,000 years."
Much of the Space Beings talk has a biblical style to it, as in
Mark-Age's statement that,"For truly time and the processes of end-
ing an old age, so as to begin a new age, are being shortened for
the elect." Another Being tells a contactee, "that a division will
take place among the peoples of your planet between those who go
onward in light and those who become even more enmeshed in the
level of materialistic existence." As this contactee, Aleuti
Francesca relates,
"I not only feel that the contact with the
extraterrestrials is an important factor in the merger of
science and religion, I feel that is the single MOST
important factor to emerge on the world scene in the last
two thousand years. Man is on the brink of tremendous
changes and breakthoughs, and ONLY New Age Man, trans-
formed man, can make it through to a new world and a
spiritually sane existence."
Strong talk indeed. It makes one wonder what will happen to all the
technoids, materialists, and other non-conformists. What will happen
to those on either end of the spectrum, those of orthodox belief on
one end, and athiests on the other; what will become of them?
All in all the philosophy of the New Age, with its "higher
wisdom" being channelled down through humans, due to the generosity
of Space Beings and other such entities, is on the surface, a
positive message full of hope for the future destiny of mankind.
However, it remains a troublesome one as well. For those not
sufficiently enlightened, like myself, there are still too many
unanswered questions, still too many nagging suspicions of both the
Messengers and the Message, for me to rush headlong into the embrace
of the New Age. It seems certain, from many accounts, that planet
Earth is headed into an unprecedented time of upheaval. Thus perhaps
the Aliens are justified in using drastic measures since we are
living in such tumultuous times. Perhaps the alternative, to do
nothing, to let the human race "progress" onwards with the Nuclear
Genie out of the bottle, is too great a risk to tolerate, and thus
the Space Beings have no choice but to act. Time will tell.
All in all, Steiger has written an informative little book;
to some it will remain interesting fiction, a by-product of the
times we live in. For others it will give direction, conditioning
people as to what to expect; giving them a glimpse over the not so
distant horizon of things to come. However you view such literature,
one thing is for sure, you haven't seen the last of it. In the
coming months and years, books like Steiger's will proliferate, and
one way or another, everyone will become aware of the "Message".
That much you can be sure of.
04/21/88 -Tom Mickus
apparently told one of his contactees that the period that
the Earth is soon to be going through is "the most important
segment of time this planet has known in the last 206,000 years."
Much of the Space Beings talk has a biblical style to it, as i
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