Star Trek "Forces of Nature"
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for TNG's "Force of Nature".
Repeated exposure to these spoilers may cause serious difficulties.
In a nutshell: Another moral-of-the-week bludgeon, alas, but with many
redeeming features.
The best feature, of course, was the "training Spot" idea, but that's a
comment for later on. For now, a synopsis:
The Enterprise is in search of a missing medical transport, the Fleming.
They are searching in a region known as the "Hekaras Corridor", the one part
of a large area of space free of tetryon fields, which interfere with warp
drive. The one inhabited planet in the region hasn't seen the Fleming, but
has seen a Ferengi ship, which rouses fears of a hijacking.
However, the reality turns out somewhat different. The Ferengi ship is
found, but after an abortive attempt at battle on the Ferengi's part, it
becomes clear that the ship was damaged by a "mine" of sorts in the Corridor,
which overloaded all subspace-based tools on the ship, warp drive included.
After Picard offers to help with repairs, the captain "discovers" that his
crew has time to search the ship's records and find the Fleming's last known
The Fleming is traced to a field full of debris (feared to be the wreckage of
the Fleming itself). The Enterprise heads in, but finds a probe disguised as
a buoy that cripples the Enterprise just as the Ferengi ship was damaged. As
they lie defenseless, a small ship approaches, and its two inhabitants, Drs.
Rabal and Serova, beam aboard. They say that Serova's research has
discovered that warp-fields are very hazardous in that region of space, and
will in mere decades cause the formation of many subspace rifts, threatening
the habitability of Hekaras Two. In exchange for their assistance in
repairing the Enterprise, Picard agrees to have Data re-examine their
findings, but sternly cautions that the remainder of the mines are to be
deactivated at once. Rabal agrees, over Serova's objections.
From there, however, the situation worsens. Geordi remains strongly
skeptical of Rabal's and Serova's claims, alienating Serova in the process.
What's more, although both Rabal and Serova say that their planet is willing
to give up warp travel altogether (thus isolating themselves from all other
worlds), Data's analysis merely leads to a recommendation of more study.
Rabal takes this as a positive first step, but Serova is appalled. As the
engines are repaired and the Enterprise nears the Fleming, Serova takes her
spacecraft and deliberately causes a warp-core breach, destroying herself and
creating a rift in the process.
The Fleming is now _inside_ the rift, and Geordi and company must find a way
to get the crew out safely without using warp engines in or near the rift.
As Geordi, Data and Rabal devise a way to "coast" in and out of the rift
using a short-duration warp pulse well outside it, Geordi ponders his
resistance to Serova's claims, wondering if he was truly as open-minded as he
claimed to be. Rabal reassures him that his reactions were not overly
hostile, but also points out that everyone will soon have to reexamine the
way they look at space travel.
The mission into the rift begins, but is quickly complicated when the Fleming
tries to use its own warp engines to escape. The ensuing distortions damage
both ships, the Fleming seriously, and also enlarge the rift enough to make
the "coasting" solution impossible. In the end, the Enterprise escapes by
"surfing" a distortion wave out of the rift. With studies showing that the
entire corridor may become one massive subspace rift within forty years if
something is not done, the Federation announces restrictions on warp travel
in that region -- and the crew of the Enterprise becomes grimly determined
not to become part of destroying the things they are so keen to explore.
Now that we've taken care of _that_, onwards.
"Force of Nature" reminds me of "The Outcast" from two years ago in a fairly
crucial way. In the case of "The Outcast", I very much admired the message
the show was trying to present, one of tolerance. However, I rather vocally
did _not_ admire the sledgehammer style in which the message was presented:
in other words, I prefer my analogies a lot more subtle than they were.
"Force of Nature" had some similarities to that. I appreciate the
environmental message lying about a micrometer beneath the surface of the
plot (though even I had some qualms about the extent to which it seemed to be
taken here). Again, though, I strongly dislike the fact that the second half
of the show, with only a few interruptions, was the scriptwriting equivalent
of someone walking on-camera with a "Real-Life Analogy" sign. I don't need
to have Rabal saying "our climate is already beginning to change" to realize
that this was a show about phasing out CFC's or automobiles. I don't need
Geordi saying warp drive is a "proven technology" to realize that warp drive
is an analogy to many current technologies. And I most definitely do not
need the final speech at the end, coupled with the last line: "There's still
time to make it better." I half expected to see a trailer across the bottom
of the screen with a phone number and a "call in with your pledge now!" plea
instead of the end credits.
So, in terms of a "nice message overall, but please shoot the messenger"
feeling, "Force of Nature" was essentially "The Outcast" wrapped around a
different message. However, there were definitely _some_ features of "Force
of Nature" that kept it from sharing all of "The Outcast"'s problems.
For one thing, the Spot subplot was a scream. Although I think a little
continuity-checking would be in order (Spot has been "he" all the time up
'til now, folks), the reactions from both Data and Geordi to Spot's behavior
seemed absolutely perfect. Of course, it helped that just as Geordi got out
the line "Half the time I didn't know if she was gonna lick me or scratch my
face off," one of our cats was staring up at us from a lap with _exactly_
that expression on its face. In any case, it was in these scenes above
almost all others that the dialogue flowed and sparked well, that the
characters felt like real people, and it was here that I enjoyed what I was
watching. That beats "The Outcast", where as I recall I enjoyed basically
Another touch that was well done was the "Geordi competes for best engines in
the Fleet" idea. While amusing, it also served a purpose of making Geordi's
possessiveness and defensiveness over his engines to Serova seem part of the
character. Granted, it would have been far better to have put these scenes
in a few weeks ago, but I've mostly given up on having things foreshadowed
that well. For the particular story we had, this part worked for me.
(Besides, I've been wondering for ages if Geordi had _any_ vices, and this
seems a good one.)
Other than that, however, the show had serious problems. Serova was the
stereotypical environmental extremist, willing to go to any lengths to prove
her points and protect her cause. Her tactics were unsafe and uncomfortable
(shades of Earth First!), but her findings were right. We were told time and
time again that Things Must Change [TM], or we are all doomed. Besides being
incredibly transparent in its message, it's also one-sided to an extreme that
even I, a fairly ardent environmentalist, find distasteful.
The Federation's subsequent actions, while quite in line with the analogy
Naren Shankar wanted to present, have left things a bit too unresolved for my
taste. Geordi says (in a line that could have been lifted from a Greenpeace
leaflet) "we still have time to make it better", but I'll take bets from
anyone who thinks we'll actually see this issue mentioned again. If it *is*,
then I'll rethink much of my negativity about the show, because to actually
play around with such a basic component of the Trek mythos is a bold move;
but I strongly, strongly doubt we will.
So, then, some short takes:
-- The transport names are still cute. Naming a medical ship the Fleming is
quite appropriate.
-- Despite the heavy-handed way in which it was used, I do want to say I
appreciated an example of scientific research actually being a _slow_ and
ongoing process. It didn't exactly make the show marvelous, but neither did
it add another nail to the coffin; and given the way I've torn into the
series on occasion for science-related issues, I should give credit where
it's due.
That about takes care of it. Unfortunately, "Force of Nature" is another
fairly weak outing this season. Of the nine shows we've seen so far, there's
still only one ("Phantasms") that to me really had the qualities I watch TNG
for, and really justified a seventh season on an artistic level. Then
again, this time last year there had only been "Relics", but come Christmas
we had "Chain of Command", which started off an extraordinary run of quality.
I hope the same is true here -- TNG deserves a set of good memories to lead
it into the film series.
So, to sum up:
Plot: Message-R-Us. The Spot bits were the only respite from it.
Plot Handling: The addition of the "EPS competition" idea was strong and
the handling of the Spot bits fine, but everything was focused too
much on getting the point across.
Characterization: Difficult to say, as I rarely saw anyone exhibit any
characteristics! I'd have to say that Geordi was fairly good up
until the end, and that Data was decent throughout, but that's it.
OVERALL: Call it a 3.5. Ow.
Data's been a father and had a father (and a grandfather); time for the
mother's side to come in...
Tim Lynch (Harvard-Westlake School, Science Dept.)
BITNET: tlynch@citjulie
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!
"Why is Spot under the bed?"
"Probably because she knows if I catch her, I'm gonna kill her."
-- Data and Geordi
Copyright 1993, Timothy W. Lynch. All rights reserved, but feel free to ask...
Repeated exposure to these spoilers may cause serious difficulties.
In a nutshell: Another moral-of-the-week bludgeon, alas, but with many
redeeming features.
The best feature, of course, was the "training Spot" idea, but that's a
comment for later on. For now, a synopsis:
The Enterprise is in search of a missing medical transport, the Fleming.
They are searching in a region known as the "Hekaras Corridor", the one part
of a large area of space free of tetryon fields, which interfere with warp
drive. The one inhabited planet in the region hasn't seen the Fleming, but
has seen a Ferengi ship, which rouses fears of a hijacking.
However, the reality turns out somewhat different. The Ferengi ship is
found, but after an abortive attempt at battle on the Ferengi's part, it
becomes clear that the ship was damaged by a "mine" of sorts in the Corridor,
which overloaded all subspace-based tools on the ship, warp drive included.
After Picard offers to help with repairs, the captain "discovers" that his
crew has time to search the ship's records and find the Fleming's last known
The Fleming is traced to a field full of debris (feared to be the wreckage of
the Fleming itself). The Enterprise heads in, but finds a probe disguised as
a buoy that cripples the Enterprise just as the Ferengi ship was damaged. As
they lie defenseless, a small ship approaches, and its two inhabitants, Drs.
Rabal and Serova, beam aboard. They say that Serova's research has
discovered that warp-fields are very hazardous in that region of space, and
will in mere decades cause the formation of many subspace rifts, threatening
the habitability of Hekaras Two. In exchange for their assistance in
repairing the Enterprise, Picard agrees to have Data re-examine their
findings, but sternly cautions that the remainder of the mines are to be
deactivated at once. Rabal agrees, over Serova's objections.
From there, however, the situation worsens. Geordi remains strongly
skeptical of Rabal's and Serova's claims, alienating Serova in the process.
What's more, although both Rabal and Serova say that their planet is willing
to give up warp travel altogether (thus isolating themselves from all other
worlds), Data's analysis merely leads to a recommendation of more study.
Rabal takes this as a positive first step, but Serova is appalled. As the
engines are repaired and the Enterprise nears the Fleming, Serova takes her
spacecraft and deliberately causes a warp-core breach, destroying herself and
creating a rift in the process.
The Fleming is now _inside_ the rift, and Geordi and company must find a way
to get the crew out safely without using warp engines in or near the rift.
As Geordi, Data and Rabal devise a way to "coast" in and out of the rift
using a short-duration warp pulse well outside it, Geordi ponders his
resistance to Serova's claims, wondering if he was truly as open-minded as he
claimed to be. Rabal reassures him that his reactions were not overly
hostile, but also points out that everyone will soon have to reexamine the
way they look at space travel.
The mission into the rift begins, but is quickly complicated when the Fleming
tries to use its own warp engines to escape. The ensuing distortions damage
both ships, the Fleming seriously, and also enlarge the rift enough to make
the "coasting" solution impossible. In the end, the Enterprise escapes by
"surfing" a distortion wave out of the rift. With studies showing that the
entire corridor may become one massive subspace rift within forty years if
something is not done, the Federation announces restrictions on warp travel
in that region -- and the crew of the Enterprise becomes grimly determined
not to become part of destroying the things they are so keen to explore.
Now that we've taken care of _that_, onwards.
"Force of Nature" reminds me of "The Outcast" from two years ago in a fairly
crucial way. In the case of "The Outcast", I very much admired the message
the show was trying to present, one of tolerance. However, I rather vocally
did _not_ admire the sledgehammer style in which the message was presented:
in other words, I prefer my analogies a lot more subtle than they were.
"Force of Nature" had some similarities to that. I appreciate the
environmental message lying about a micrometer beneath the surface of the
plot (though even I had some qualms about the extent to which it seemed to be
taken here). Again, though, I strongly dislike the fact that the second half
of the show, with only a few interruptions, was the scriptwriting equivalent
of someone walking on-camera with a "Real-Life Analogy" sign. I don't need
to have Rabal saying "our climate is already beginning to change" to realize
that this was a show about phasing out CFC's or automobiles. I don't need
Geordi saying warp drive is a "proven technology" to realize that warp drive
is an analogy to many current technologies. And I most definitely do not
need the final speech at the end, coupled with the last line: "There's still
time to make it better." I half expected to see a trailer across the bottom
of the screen with a phone number and a "call in with your pledge now!" plea
instead of the end credits.
So, in terms of a "nice message overall, but please shoot the messenger"
feeling, "Force of Nature" was essentially "The Outcast" wrapped around a
different message. However, there were definitely _some_ features of "Force
of Nature" that kept it from sharing all of "The Outcast"'s problems.
For one thing, the Spot subplot was a scream. Although I think a little
continuity-checking would be in order (Spot has been "he" all the time up
'til now, folks), the reactions from both Data and Geordi to Spot's behavior
seemed absolutely perfect. Of course, it helped that just as Geordi got out
the line "Half the time I didn't know if she was gonna lick me or scratch my
face off," one of our cats was staring up at us from a lap with _exactly_
that expression on its face. In any case, it was in these scenes above
almost all others that the dialogue flowed and sparked well, that the
characters felt like real people, and it was here that I enjoyed what I was
watching. That beats "The Outcast", where as I recall I enjoyed basically
Another touch that was well done was the "Geordi competes for best engines in
the Fleet" idea. While amusing, it also served a purpose of making Geordi's
possessiveness and defensiveness over his engines to Serova seem part of the
character. Granted, it would have been far better to have put these scenes
in a few weeks ago, but I've mostly given up on having things foreshadowed
that well. For the particular story we had, this part worked for me.
(Besides, I've been wondering for ages if Geordi had _any_ vices, and this
seems a good one.)
Other than that, however, the show had serious problems. Serova was the
stereotypical environmental extremist, willing to go to any lengths to prove
her points and protect her cause. Her tactics were unsafe and uncomfortable
(shades of Earth First!), but her findings were right. We were told time and
time again that Things Must Change [TM], or we are all doomed. Besides being
incredibly transparent in its message, it's also one-sided to an extreme that
even I, a fairly ardent environmentalist, find distasteful.
The Federation's subsequent actions, while quite in line with the analogy
Naren Shankar wanted to present, have left things a bit too unresolved for my
taste. Geordi says (in a line that could have been lifted from a Greenpeace
leaflet) "we still have time to make it better", but I'll take bets from
anyone who thinks we'll actually see this issue mentioned again. If it *is*,
then I'll rethink much of my negativity about the show, because to actually
play around with such a basic component of the Trek mythos is a bold move;
but I strongly, strongly doubt we will.
So, then, some short takes:
-- The transport names are still cute. Naming a medical ship the Fleming is
quite appropriate.
-- Despite the heavy-handed way in which it was used, I do want to say I
appreciated an example of scientific research actually being a _slow_ and
ongoing process. It didn't exactly make the show marvelous, but neither did
it add another nail to the coffin; and given the way I've torn into the
series on occasion for science-related issues, I should give credit where
it's due.
That about takes care of it. Unfortunately, "Force of Nature" is another
fairly weak outing this season. Of the nine shows we've seen so far, there's
still only one ("Phantasms") that to me really had the qualities I watch TNG
for, and really justified a seventh season on an artistic level. Then
again, this time last year there had only been "Relics", but come Christmas
we had "Chain of Command", which started off an extraordinary run of quality.
I hope the same is true here -- TNG deserves a set of good memories to lead
it into the film series.
So, to sum up:
Plot: Message-R-Us. The Spot bits were the only respite from it.
Plot Handling: The addition of the "EPS competition" idea was strong and
the handling of the Spot bits fine, but everything was focused too
much on getting the point across.
Characterization: Difficult to say, as I rarely saw anyone exhibit any
characteristics! I'd have to say that Geordi was fairly good up
until the end, and that Data was decent throughout, but that's it.
OVERALL: Call it a 3.5. Ow.
Data's been a father and had a father (and a grandfather); time for the
mother's side to come in...
Tim Lynch (Harvard-Westlake School, Science Dept.)
BITNET: tlynch@citjulie
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!
"Why is Spot under the bed?"
"Probably because she knows if I catch her, I'm gonna kill her."
-- Data and Geordi
Copyright 1993, Timothy W. Lynch. All rights reserved, but feel free to ask...
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