Star Trek episode guide part 3

From: Kevin Atkinson <>
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Subject: Star Trek Episodes Guide (From CompuServe), Part 3/3
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Date: 9 Sep 1994 22:01:13 GMT
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Summary: This posting contains the complete eposide guide to all of
the Star Trek episodes and the feature films. It includes
TOS, TNG, DS9, and even the first eposide of voyager.  I found
it on compuserve and thought others might be intersted in it.  The
authors address is
Keywords: TNG, DS9, DSN, VOY, TOS, Star Trek, ST, Episode Guide, Guide
Xref: rec.arts.startrek.fandom:9232 rec.answers:7252 news.answers:25438

Archive-name: star-trek/CS-guide/tv/part3
Posting-Frequency: whenever the list gets updated on CIS
Last-modified: May 31

Rascals         10/31/92      N/A Picard, Guinan, Ro, and Keiko O'Brien       
                                  encounter a mysterious energy field while   
                                  aboard a shuttlecraft, and when they beam   
                                  back to the Enterprise from the             
                                  disintegrating shuttlecraft, they arrive in 
                                  the bodies of children.                     
A Fistful of    11/07/92  46271.5 Worf and Troi accompany Alexander in a wild 
Datas                             west holodeck adventure, but a power surge 
                                  causes all of the holodeck "bad guys" to   
                                  become replicas of Data.                   
The Quality of  11/14/92  46307.2 Data finds new friends -- mining robots     
Life                              developed by an engineer on Tayra -- which 
                                  Data believes have achieved sentient life. 
Chain of        12/12/92  46357.4 Captain Picard, Worf, and Dr. Crusher are   
Command                           sent on a dangerous secret mission to stop a
(Part 1)                          Cardassian plot to unleash biological weapons
                                  on the Federation.                         
Chain of        12/19/92  46357.5 While Riker contends with the strict Captain
Command                           Jellico, who has replaced Picard on the     
(Part 2)                          Enterprise, Picard, Worf and Dr. Crusher   
                                  discover that the supposed Cardassian plot is
                                  really a trap to capture Picard, who they   
                                  subject to brutal torture.                 
Ship in a       01/23/93  46424.1 While running a diagnostic check on the     
Bottle                            holodeck, Barclay accidentally calls up the 
                                  image of Sherlock Holmes's archrival,       
                                  Moriarity, who has long been abandoned in the
                                  holodeck memory and now proceeds to walk   
                                  right out of the holodeck.                 
Aquiel          01/30/93  46461.3 While the Enterprise is investigating the   
                                  disappearance of a crew member of a         
                                  Federation relay station, La Forge encounters
                                  a beautiful young lieutenant named Aquiel and
                                  a deadly creature posing as her pet dog.   
Face of the     02/06/93  46519.1 Deanna Troi finds herself an unwilling spy 
Enemy                             aboard a Romulan Warbird on a mission to   
                                  deliver a defecting member of the Romulan   
                                  Senate to the Enterprise.                   
Tapestry        02/13/93      N/A Captain Picard dies from a power surge that 
                                  stops his mechanical heart, and Q gives him 
                                  the opportunity to relive and change key   
                                  events in his life that resulted in him     
                                  having the mechanical heart.               

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Birthright      02/20/93  46578.4 Worf sets off to search for his             
(Part 1)                          "presumed-dead" father on a Romulan prison 
                                  planet, while Data explores unexplained     
                                  mental visions of Dr. Soong.               
Birthright      02/27/93  46659.2 Worf's search for his father leads him to a 
(Part 2)                          colony where the Klingon survivors of the   
                                  Kithomer massacre are living in peace with 
                                  their Romulan overseers.                   
Starship Mine   03/27/93  46682.4 While the Enterprise is at a repair station 
                                  completely unmanned, terrorists sneak aboard
                                  to steal trilithium from the ship's engine 
                                  cores to use in making a bomb, and Picard is
                                  the only one who can stop them.             
Lessons         04/03/93  46693.1 Captain Picard is torn between his love for a
                                  new member of the Enterprise crew and his   
                                  duty to assign her to a potentially fatal   
The Chase       04/24/93  46731.5 Picard and the Enterprise race the         
                                  Cardassians, Romulans, and Klingons to     
                                  uncover the secret of a 4 billion year old 
                                  genetic puzzle discovered by Picard's mentor,
                                  Professor Galen.                           
Frame of Mind   05/01/93  46778.1 While participating in a play about an insane
                                  man, Riker suddenly finds himself in the   
                                  Telonius Institute for the Mentally Ill.   
Suspicions      05/08/93  46830.1 Dr. Crusher faces courtmartial when she     
                                  encourages a Ferengi scientist's experiments
                                  in a new type of shield technology and the 
                                  Ferengi is later found dead.               

Rightful Heir   05/15/93  46852.2 Worf discovers that Kahless the Unforgettable
                                  is still alive, and Worf must help him regain
                                  his place on the throne of the Klingon     
                                  Empire, even at Gowron's expense.           
Second Chances  05/22/93  46900.0 An away team discovers a second William Riker
                                  on a distant planet, and Commander Riker of 
                                  the Enterprise and Lt. Riker of the Potemkin
                                  must contend with the fact that the duplicate
                                  was created by a transporter accident 8 years
Timescape       06/12/93  46944.2 Returning from a conference in a runabout, 
                                  Picard, Data, Troi, and La Forge find the   
                                  Enterprise frozen in time in the midst of a 
                                  battle with a Romulan Warbird.             
Descent         06/19/93  46982.1 The Borg are back, but with the human emotion
(Part 1)                          of hatred; and, with Lore as their leader, 
                                  they enlist Data in their plan to destroy the

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
                                  Season Seven

Descent         09/18/93  47025.4 As Dr. Crusher, in temporary command of the 
(Part 2)                          Enterprise, tries to escape from the Borg   
                                  vessel, Hugh, the Borg who was rescued by the
                                  Enterprise a year earlier, comes to the     
                                  rescue of Data and the other Enterprise     
Liaison         09/25/93      N/A Three representatives of a recently         
                                  encountered race come aboard the Enterprise 
                                  on a diplomatic exchange mission; but while 
                                  travelling to their homeworld, Picard's     
                                  shuttlecraft crashes on a deserted planet   
                                  where he finds a mysterious young woman.   
Interface       10/02/93  47215.5 While using an experimental neural interface
                                  probe to recover the bodies of the crew of a
                                  research ship trapped in the lower atmosphere
                                  of a giant gas planet, La Forge sees the   
                                  image of his mother, whose starship has been
                                  reported missing in action.                 
Gambit (Part 1) 10/09/93  47135.2 While searching for the missing Captain     
                                  Picard, Riker is captured by a band of     
                                  mercinaries and finds that Picard is now a 
                                  member of the mercinary group.             
Gambit (Part 2) 10/16/93  47160.1 Picard and Riker team up to outsmart the   
                                  mercinaries and keep an ancient Vulcan mind 
                                  weapon from falling into the hands of a band
                                  of Vulcan isolationists.                   
Phantasm        10/23/93  47225.7 Data's strange dreams are the key to       
                                  discovering and eradicating parasitic       
                                  creatures that are threatening to kill the 
                                  crew and destroy the Enterprise.           
Dark Page       10/30/93  47254.1 Contact with a newly encountered telepathic 
                                  race triggers in Lwaxana Troi memories of a 
                                  tragedy that she has kept hidden from Deanna
                                  for over 30 years.                         
Attached        11/06/93  47304.2 Beaming down to a planet seeking Federation 
                                  membership, Picard and Dr. Crusher are     
                                  captured by an opposition group and mentally
                                  linked to each other by brain implants.     
Force of Nature 11/13/93  47310.2 While the Enterprise is searching for a     
                                  missing medical transport ship in an unstable
                                  corridor in space, scientists from a nearby 
                                  planet reveal that warp drives are destroying
                                  the fabric of the space-time continuum.     
Inheritance     11/20/93  47410.2 Data faces a tough decision when he discovers
                                  that his "mother," Dr. Soong's wife, is     
                                  really an android that Soong built after his
                                  real wife was killed by the crystalline     

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Parallels       11/27/93  47391.2 A rift in the space-time continuum causes   
                                  Worf to shift between many alternate       
                                  universes, and he must engage the help of an
                                  alternate Enterprise crew to return to his 
                                  own universe.                               
The Pegasus     01/09/94  47457.1 Commander Riker's first commanding officer, 
                                  now an admiral, comes aboard the Enterprise 
                                  to find and salvage a secret experimental   
                                  device that had caused the destruction of his
                                  ship, the Pegasus, 12 years earlier.       
Homeward        01/16/94  47423.9 Worf's foster brother, Nikolai, violates the
                                  Prime Directive by beaming the survivors of a
                                  dying planet into a holodeck simulation of 
                                  their planet, in a plan to transport them to
                                  a new planet.                               
Sub Rosa        01/30/94      N/A A mysterious man begins to haunt Dr. Crusher
                                  after her grandmother's death, convincing her
                                  to resign her commission in Starfleet and   
                                  join him on the terraformed planet where her
                                  grandmother lived.                         
Lower Decks     02/06/94  47566.7 Four junior officers who are up for promotion
                                  vie for their superiors' attention, and one 
                                  of the officer, a young Bajoran woman who was
                                  involved 2 years earlier in the coverup of a
                                  training accident at Starfleet Academy that 
                                  also involved Welsey Crusher, risks her life
                                  by volunteering for a dangerous mission to 
                                  return a Cardassian operative to Cardassian 
Thine Own Self  02/13/94  47611.2 Sent to a primitive planet to recover a     
                                  radioactive probe that crashed there, Data 
                                  suffers amnesia and is accused by the       
                                  planet's inhabitants of infecting them with a
                                  plague when they begin to suffer from       
                                  radiation sickness.                         
Masks           02/20/94  47618.4 The Enterprise discovers an abandoned vessel,
                                  from an 87 million year old civilization,   
                                  that begins to place multiple personalities 
                                  from the civilization's mythology into Data's
                                  mind and transform the ship into a         
                                  recreations of the civilization's           
                                  mythological temple.                       
Eye of the      02/27/94  47622.1 Investigating the suicide of a crew member, 
Beholder                          Worf and Troi discover a growing passion for
                                  each other and evidence that a murder took 
                                  place on the Enterprise while she was being 

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Genesis         03/20/94  47653.2 While Picard and Data are away from the     
                                  Enterprise tracking down an errant photon   
                                  torpedo, a mutant virus aboard the Enterprise
                                  transforms the crew into a variety of       
                                  primitive lifeforms from their respective   
                                  planets of origin.                         
Journey's End   03/27/94  47751.2 The Enterprise is ordered to relocate a     
                                  colony of American Indians from a planet in a
                                  newly created Federation-Cardassian         
                                  demilitarized zone; and Wesley Crusher, who 
                                  is on vacation from Starfleet Academy, is   
                                  assisted by the Traveller in making a crucial
                                  decision about the future course of his life.
First Born      04/24/94  47779.4 Alexander travels from 40 years in the future
                                  to try to convince his younger self of the 
                                  importance of becoming a warrior able to   
                                  protect his family's honor and his father   
                                  Worf's life.                               
Bloodlines      05/01/94  47829.1 The Ferengi Daimon Bok threatens to kill the
                                  24-year old son Picard did not know he had in
                                  revenge for the death of Bok's son at the   
                                  Battle of Maxia, when Picard destroyed an   
                                  attacking Ferengi ship.                     
Emergence       05/08/94  47869.2 After weathering a magniscopic storm, the   
                                  Enterprise's holodeck computer begins to   
                                  develop artificial intelligence and takes   
                                  over control of the ship, putting the entire
                                  crew's lives in jeopardy.                   
Preemptive      05/15/94  47941.7 Lt. Ro Laren is sent on an undercover mission
Strike                            to infiltrate the Maquis, but finds that she
                                  must choose between her loyalties to       
                                  Starfleet and Captain Picard and her       
                                  sympathies for the Maquis.                 
All Good Things 05/22/94  47988.1 Captain Picards finds himself repeatedly   
(2-Hour Finale)                   transported between three time periods -- 7 
                                  years in the past, the present, and 25 years
                                  in the future -- and when Q appears and     
                                  informs Picard thathe will cause the total 
                                  destruction of mankind, Picard uses his     
                                  experiences in the three time periods to   
                                  investigate and close an anti-time anomaly 
                                  that appears to be related to his time     


Star Trek:      11/__/94  48___._ Captain Kirk is trapped for 78 years in a   
Generations                       time/space vortex known as the Nexus, and is
                                  found by Captain Picard and the crew of the 
                                  USS Enterprise (NCC-1701D).
 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
                           STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE

                                   Season One

Emissary        01/03/93  46379.1 Starfleet takes control of Deep Space 9, an 
(2-Hour                           abandoned Cardassian space station in Bajoran
Premiere)                         space, and Commander Sisko soon discovers a 
                                  nearby stable wormhole created by an advanced
                                  race that lives inside the wormhole.       
Past Prologue   01/10/93      N/A A Bajoran terrorist being pursued by the   
                                  Cardassians and the exiled Klingon Duras   
                                  sisters show up on Deep Space 9 to transact 
                                  evil business.                             
A Man Alone     01/17/93      N/A A convicted Bajoran killer is stabbed to   
                                  death in a Deep Space 9 holosuite, and Odo is
                                  the prime murder suspect.                   
Babel           01/24/93  46425.8 The crew, residents, and visitors of Deep   
                                  Space 9 are afflicted by a synthetic Bajor 
                                  virus that causes aphasia, a condition that 
                                  scrambles their thought and speech patterns.
Captive         01/31/93      N/A A lone Tosk warrior appears through the     
Pursuits                          wormhole, followed later by alien warriors 
                                  who reveal that the Tosk race is bred to be 
                                  the prey for their ritual hunts.           
Q Less          02/07/93  46532.3 Vash is found in the Gamma Quadrant and Q, 
                                  who stranded her there, soon follows her to 
                                  cause mischief on Deep Space 9.             
Dax             02/14/93      N/A Jadzia Dax is accused of treason and the   
                                  murder of a military leader on a far away   
                                  planet 30 years before, when the symbiont Dax
                                  was in another host body.                   
The Passenger   02/21/93      N/A A mad scientist transfers his brain patterns
                                  to Dr. Bashir's body in a plot to hijack a 
                                  shipment of deadly duridium arriving from the
                                  Gamma Quadrant.                             
Move Along Home 03/14/93      N/A After being cheated by Quark, the Wadi, a   
                                  first contact race from the Gamma Quadrant, 
                                  challenge him to a game of chance where the 
                                  Deep Space 9 officers are unwilling playing 
                                  pieces in a real-life playing field.       
The Nagus       03/21/93      N/A The Grand Nagus, leader of the Ferengi,     
                                  convenes a conference at Quark's bar to plan
                                  the expansion of Ferengi business interests 
                                  into the Gamma Quadrant and to name Quark as
                                  his successor.                             
Vortex          04/18/93      N/A A fugitive from the Gamma Quadrant, who tells
                                  Odo that he knows the location of a colony of
                                  shapeshifters, kills the twin of a Miradorn 
                                  on Deep Space 9 and is pursued through the 
                                  wormhole by the vengeful surviving twin.     
 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Battle Lines    04/25/93      N/A A Deep Space 9 runabout with Commander Sisko,
                                  Major Kira, Dr. Bashir, and Kai Opaka aboard
                                  crashes on a moon in the Gamma Quadrant,   
                                  where the inhabitants are in an eternal war 
                                  because their bodies keep regenerating.     
Storyteller     05/02/93      N/A As his last act before dying, the religious 
                                  leader of a Bajoran village appoints Chief 
                                  O'Brien as his successor, with the         
                                  responsibility of protecting the village from
                                  a mythical storm that threatens to destroy 
                                  the village.                               

Progress        05/09/93      N/A Major Kira risks losing her commission as she
                                  contends with an old farmer who refuses to 
                                  evacuate from a Bajoran moon that is needed 
                                  to provide energy for Bajor.               
If Wishes Were  05/16/93      N/A A subspace distortion near Deep Space 9     
Horses                            causes the crew's imaginations to come to   
                                  life and threatens to destroy the space     
The Foresaken   05/23/93      N/A A mysterious probe from the Gamma Quadrant 
                                  begins to wreck havoc on Deep Space 9,     
                                  trapping Odo and Lwaxana Troi in a turbolift.
Dramatis        06/06/93      N/A After a Klingon cruiser returning from the 
Personae                          Gamma Quadrant explodes, the Deep Space 9   
                                  crew begins to act strangely, and Major Kira
                                  starts to plot the overthrow of Commander   
Duet            06/13/93      N/A A Cardassian who was stationed at a labor   
                                  camp where Bajoran prisoners were tortured 
                                  comes to Deep Space 9, and Major Kira insists
                                  that he be brought to justice for his war   
In the Hands of 06/20/93      N/A Vedek Winn, an orthodox Bajoran religious   
the Prophets                      leader, instigates Bajoran resentment against
                                  Keiko O'Brien's scientific teachings in order
                                  to cover a plot to assassinate the leading 
                                  candidate to replace Kai Opaka.             

                                   Season Two

The Homecoming  09/25/93      N/A Major Kira and Chief O'Brien mount a mission
                                  to a Cardassian prison planet to rescue a   
                                  hero of the Bajoran resistance movement, but
                                  he turns out to be reluctant to accept his 
                                  role as "hero."                             
The Circle      10/02/93      N/A Major Kira is replaced as the Bajoran liaison
                                  to Deep Space 9, and she finds herself at the
                                  center of a Cardassian-backed plot to       
                                  overthrow the Bajoran provisional government.

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
The Siege       10/09/93      N/A After evacuating all civilians from Deep   
                                  Space 9, Sisko and company defend the station
                                  from rebel Bajoran troops, while Kira and Dax
                                  take evidence of Cardassian involvement to 
                                  the Bajoran provisional government.         
Invasive        10/16/93  47182.1 A Trill who was rejected for symbiosis leads
Procedure                         an assault on Deep Space 9 to steal the     
                                  symbiont Dax from Lt. Jadzia Dax's body.   
Cardassians     10/23/93      N/A A Cardassian boy who was abandoned on Bajor 
                                  after the Cardassian withdrawal becomes the 
                                  subject of competing claims by his natural 
                                  Cardassian father and his adopted Bajoran   
Melora          10/30/93  47229.1 A Starfleet cartographer from a low-gravity 
                                  planet must choose between Dr. Bashir's     
                                  treatment to make her able to function in   
                                  Earth-standard gravity or maintaining her   
                                  ability to return to her home planet.       
Rules of        11/06/93      N/A The Grand Nagus gives Quark the assignment to
Acquisition                       negotiate a contract with a stubborn race   
                                  from the Gamma Quadrant, and Quark's aide is
                                  a disguised female Ferengi who is in love   
                                  with him.                                   
Necessary Evil  11/13/93  47282.5 Clues to an unsolved murder case from Odo's 
                                  past on the Cardassian-controlled Deep Space
                                  9 lead to Major Kira as the prime suspect. 
Second Sight    11/20/93  47329.4 Sisko falls in love with a mysterious woman 
                                  who turns out to be a telepathic projection 
                                  of the wife of a prominent, but very       
                                  egocentric, Federation terraformer.         
Sanctuary       11/27/93      N/A Refugees from the Gamma Quadrant are brought
                                  aboard Deep Space 9 while a suitable planet 
                                  is identified for them to settle, but they 
                                  claim that Bajor is the legendary planet   
                                  meant to be their home.                     
Rivals          01/02/94      N/A A con-artist on Deep Space 9 sets up a     
                                  gambling establishment and gives Quark some 
                                  stiff competition, but the new gambling     
                                  machines begin to affect the laws of       
                                  probability on the station.                 
Alternate       01/09/94      N/A Odo and the Bajoran scientist who raised him
                                  travel to a planet in the Gamma Quadrant for
                                  clues as to Odo's origins, but volcanic gases
                                  released during an earthquake turn Odo into a
                                  monstrous creature terrorizing Deep Space 9.

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Armageddon Game 01/30/94      N/A While Dr. Bashir and Chief O'Brien are     
                                  assisting former waring races to destroy   
                                  deadly biological weapons, rebels attack the
                                  research center, resulting in O'Brien being 
                                  infected by a broken chemical canister; and 
                                  the planet's representatives hide the truth 
                                  about the incident from Commander Sisko.   
Whispers        02/06/94  47581.2 Chief O'Brien returns to Deep Space 9 to find
                                  that everyone he knows is acting strangely 
                                  towards him, especially as related to       
                                  preparations for upcoming peace negotiations
                                  between waring races from the Gamma Quadrant;
                                  and he tries to uncover the reason for their
                                  strange behavior.                           
Paradise        02/13/94  47573.1 While surveying planets near Deep Space Nine
                                  that are suitable for colonization, Sisko and
                                  O'Brien become trapped on a planet where a 
                                  group of colonists have been marooned for 10
                                  years and have developed an anti-technology 
Shadow Play     02/20/94  47603.3 While investigating particle fields near a 
                                  planet in the Gamma Quadrant, Dax and Odo   
                                  discover an isolated village whose members 
                                  are mysteriously disappearing, and learn that
                                  the villagers are living holograms.         
Playing God     02/27/94      N/A While in the Gamma Quadrant, Dax and a young
                                  Trill initiate run into a proto-universe with
                                  a Runabout, and bring it back to Deep Space 
                                  Nine, where it threatens to destroy the     
Profit and Loss 03/20/94      N/A A Cardassian shuttle carrying an old flame of
                                  Quark and two members of a Cardassian       
                                  underground group stops at Deep Space Nine 
                                  for repairs; and a Cardassian warship soon 
                                  arrives to demand that they be released to 
Blood Oath      03/27/94      N/A The aged Klingons Kor, Koloth, and Kang meet
                                  Jadzia Dax on Deep Space Nine to carry out a
                                  blood oath, in which Curzon Dax was a part, 
                                  to avenge the murder of Kang's son, who     
                                  happens to be Dax's god son.               
The Maqius      04/24/94      N/A Gul Dukat and Commander Sisko team up to   
(Part 1)                          investigate the growing level of conflicts 
                                  between Federation and Cardassian colonies in
                                  the new demilitarized zone.                 
The Maqius      05/01/94      N/A Sisko's old friend, Commander Hudson, turns 
(Part 2)                          out to be the leader of the Maquis, and Sisko
                                  must join forces with Gul Dukat to stop this
                                  band of Federation renegades and the       
                                  Cardassian Central Command from starting a 
                                  new Federation-Cardassian war.             

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
The Wire        05/08/94      N/A Dr. Bashir's Cardassian friend, Garak,     
                                  collapses in Quark's bar, and Bashir       
                                  discovers that Garak has a brain implant that
                                  must be removed in order to save his life. 
Crossover       05/15/94      N/A A warp drive malfunction in their runabout 
                                  transports Major Kira and Dr. Bashir into the
                                  Mirror Universe, where they find that an   
                                  Alliance of the Bajorans, Cardassians, and 
                                  Klingons has overthrown the Empire that was 
                                  first encountered by Captain James Kirk.   
The             05/22/94      N/A On the eve of elections for the person to   
Collaborator                      replace Kai Opaka, Vedek Winn charges Vedek 
                                  Variel with being a Cardassian collaborator,
                                  and Major Kira must investigate the truth of
                                  Vedek Winn's accusations.                   
The Dominion    06/12/94      N/A The Dominion, an unknown race from the Gamma
                                  Quadrant, arrive as a new threat to Deep   
                                  Space Nine and the Federation.             

                                  Season Three

<< To Come >>

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
                               STAR TREK: VOYAGER

                                   Season One

(2-Hr Premiere) 01/__/95  48___._ While chasing a ship of renegade Starfleet 
                                  officers who are part of the Maquis, the USS
                                  Voyager and the Maquis ship are drawn into a
                                  wormhole that transports them to a distant 
                                  unexplored part of the Galaxy; and the crews
                                  of the two ships must join forces to find a 
                                  way back home.                             
* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet Internet Services, Maintainer of the USENET Bible *
*      Finger for more info on the USENET Bible,          *
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*  This is in its beginning stages and I could use any help I could get!     *


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