HOW TO 1

                        HOW TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING
                             YOU WANT IN LIFE
             Recently  I  began distributing a number  of  self-help
        books  which are available commercially.  (see OTHER  OFFERS
        in the table of contents).
             All of these books are just great, but the one I  would
        like  to share with you now is "HOW TO  ACCOMPLISH  ANYTHING
        YOU WANT IN LIFE".
             I  think the information in this book is  so  important
        for anyone considering a new career or just starting out  in
        a  new  business, that I just had to offer  it  to  everyone
        interested in entering the Piano Servicing Business.  Please
        spend a few minutes reading through this before you make any
        decisions on your future.  You won't be disappointed.
                                 THE TEXT
             Take  a look at yourself--- inside and out.   Where  do
        you  live, what job do you have, how do you relate  to  your
        friends  and  family?  What interests do  you  pursue,  what
        adventures do you have?
             What  do you truly want from life?  Do you want  wealth
        and  success,  happiness and peace of mind?  Do you  want  a
        family  and  a yard, a yacht or sports car?  WHERE  are  you
        going?   Do you have a particular goal or are you just  wan-
        dering through life?
             You  can accomplish anything you want  in  life--that's
        true.  Once you have a particular goal, you can fulfill that
        desire by straightforward commitment and total conviction.
             But what if you don't know what you want?  Perhaps your
        goals  are  small ones -- losing weight; buying a  new  car;
        getting a promotion or finding a new mate.
             Whether  you  want a bigger apartment or want to  be  a
        corporation president, any avenue of prosperity and achieve-
        ment is open to you  if it is truly what you want.
             No  goal is too small; no dreams too big.  And even  if
        you  aren't  clear on your desires, you can  tap  into  your
        subconscious  mind to get the answers and find the  path  to
        your success.
        CAN YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE?  Do you want to?  Can you  picture
        yourself as your most perfect image of accomplishment?   How
        does  it feel?  If you have the desire to attain goals,  the
        commitment  to follow through and the ability to  creatively 
        imagine yourself in the position you dream of,  you are more
        than halfway there.

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 2

             The  most  successful leaders  and  artists  throughout
        history  have  followed specific paths  and  attained  their
        heart's desires.  Keep an open mind and a hopeful outlook --
        then  change your thinking.  Put on the clothes of  success. 
        Act  as though you already have accomplished  your  desires. 
        Then find reality.
                            WHAT DO YOU WANT?
             Take a choice:  money, health, physical energy, beauty,
        creativity,  recognition,  power,  adventure,   contentment,
        achievement,  self-expression,  authority,  love,  peace  of
        mind,  enlightenment.  Would you like any of these?  If  you
        are like most people today, you probably want ALL of these.
             But  if  you search your true desires, you  might  find
        that there are a few things you want more than others.  And,
        if  you  keep going in your search, you'll find  one  desire
        that  has been with you your whole lifetime and is  the  one
        path you need to follow.
             Although money is the obvious desire, it is usually not
        the   final   goal.  Indeed,  money  can,   and   does   buy
        happiness--up to a point.  Once you have enough money to  be
        financially  secure or to purchase the material objects  you
        want, the true desire might be something else.
             Love  is the goal of every person's heart.  Whether  it
        is love of a mate, a family, or respect and recognition from
        peers and fellow workers, love is the ageless pursuit.   The
        mystics say that love is the sole purpose of life -- to give
        love and to find it.
             But  love comes in many forms.  Not only is  there  the
        overt display of affection or true inner feelings, but there
        is  the  self-respect and inner contentment that  goes  with
        accomplishment.   For some people, true peace of  mind  will 
        complete some creative tasks or achieve heights in business.
             Many  people seek the authority that comes with a  good
        position in a job.  Along with that can come recognition and
        fame.   Although you may want the money that  is  associated
        with high management levels, many people seek the  satisfac-
        tion of working from the inner circles.
             The  goal of every person regardless of background  and
        material desires, is health.  A sound body is the gift  that
        will get you to the other goals.  Even a new diet and  exer-
        cise plan can give you the energy you'll need to  accomplish

             Adventure  and travel are driving forces for many  peo-
        ple.  They may seek jobs that involve travel, or they may be
        looking forward to taking time off to visit the exotic ports
        and  see the other side of the world.  If you don't  want  a
        long journey, perhaps you'd just like a few weeks in a sunny
        resort,  or the luxury of a summer and winter vacation  each

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 3

             And then there is creativity and self-expression.  What
        about the book you're going to write or the watercolor class
        you'd  like  to take?  Creative expression  is  a  wonderful
        inner release that boosts confidence and gives you something
        to accomplish.
             Finally,  regardless of wealth and  health,  expression
        and love, everyone is looking for peace of mind.  That's not
        to say emptiness of mind, but to be rid of petty worries and
        confusion,  to  be  finished with fears and  live  in  total
        awareness.  It surely is the ultimate lifetime goal.
                          CATCH UP WITH YOURSELF
             Now is the time to evaluate your life and your desires. 
        Go  ahead and test yourself--nobody's looking.  Try to  find
        out what your inner desires really are.  Once you know,  you
        can formulate a plan of action, and then achieve your goals.
             Right  now,  write down three things you  want.   Don't
        spend  time  thinking about them.  You may be  surprised  at
        what  you  want.  Can you see any relation to the  types  of
        desires most sought for?
             What accomplishments are you most proud of?  What makes
        you  happy  -- happy enough to be content, to  feel  totally
        relaxed, and to slide back with a smile on your face?
             Without  dwelling  on failures, mistakes, or  past  ill
        feelings, quickly list the important accomplishments of your
        life.  Think about the places you went to, the relationships
        you encountered, the education you received.  Consider  your
        job  changes and positions, and the achievements related  to
             Put  a star next to the most important  accomplishments
        of your live.  Is there any correlation with the list of the
        three things you want most?
                                MAKE PLANS
             Before  you go any further with your life, make a  list
        for  your  future.  Write it down -- don't  just  think  it. 
        What would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?   A
        new  house, a high paying position, a home in a new city,  a
        trip around the world?
             Break  that list down into those things you'd  like  to
        accomplish  in the next five years.  Then make  one  further
        division  into the next SIX MONTHS.  What can you do in  the
        next few months to further you towards your long-term goals?

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 4

                                GOAL SHEET
        My most important desires are: _____________________________
        In my lifetime, the most important things I've accomplished:
        Within 10 years, I'd like to achieve: ______________________
        Within 5 years, I'd like to achieve: _______________________
        In  the  next 6 months to a year, these are the  things  I'm
        going to do to work towards my goals:  _____________________
             Regardless of your family commitments or your  personal
        relationships;  regardless of your business  enterprises  or
        any false sense of achievement, WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?
             Give yourself credit for your past accomplishments, and
        give yourself credit for your future achievements.  You  can
        and  WILL attain all your goals, both long-term  and  short-
        term, if you approach them in a step-by-step fashion and  if
        you believe that they are worthwhile for YOU.

        you  should be considerate of your environment and  all  the
        people  in  it, FIRST consider yourself.   Your  well-being,
        your  happiness,  your success.  Make a pact  with  yourself
        right  now that you will achieve your goals.  And make  them
        realistic to reach.  Then one by one, make your own life the
        success it deserves.

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 5

                         BEFORE THE RACE -- RELAX
             An  important step in achieving goals is to be able  to
        RELAX.  You'll get nowhere if your body and mind are nervous
        and  flitty, jumping from one place or idea to another.   In
        order to focus on your goal, you must center your being.
             Relaxation is the balance of the mental, spiritual  and
        physical  aspects of yourself.  Set aside time each day  for
        deep relaxation -- NOT sleep, but RELAXATION.  The state  of
        deep  relaxation  is a state of meditation.   There  are  no
        thoughts  in your mind.  There are no physical ills or  dis-
        comforts.  You breath in deeply, allowing the lungs to  fill
        with fresh air, and you exhale all used and stale air.   The
        blood  circulates amply throughout every part of your  body. 
        You drift through space, ever towards your true destiny.
             Exercise  or  sports can help you to relax.   The  body
        needs physical stimulation to pump blood to all its extremi-
        ties,  and to give the heart a good workout.  Exercise is  a
        wonderful  way  to  let the mind relax, as  you  place  your
        thoughts  on  the  way your body moves.   For  many  people,
        sports and exercise are enjoyable ways to feel alive, youth-
        ful, and fulfilled.
             Then  take  the time to relax.  Lie down on  your  back
        with  your arms out, palms up.  Your feet should  be   about
        two  feet apart. You might clench your muscles  first,  then
        relax them.  Watch your troubles go by, as if they belong to
        somebody else.
             If you have a special problem, tuck that in the back of
        your  mind -- don't dwell on it up front.  Let yourself  and
        your  emotions  go.  Breath out the  negative  feelings  and
        emotions; breathe in positive, life giving air. Float  free-
        ly, relax...zzzz
                             ASSUME THE BEST
             Expect  to achieve; expect to accomplish your  desires;
        expect  to  win.  Accept less, but push on to  attain  more. 
        The higher your goals, the further you'll go.
             The  moon is no problem, nor are the  neighboring  pla-
        nets.   Soon human beings will see close-ups of other  stars
        and  galaxies.  Don't go for less than your full  potential. 
        Shoot for the universe.  You owe yourself nothing less.
             And aside from the universe, keep yourself on earth, in
        your office or piano shop, working closer to those goals you
        want to attain.
             You have a right to be happy.  You have the means to be
        successful.  You CAN succeed in what you desire.
             Always  keep in mind the fact that you are in  transit,
        attaining your goals, moving through life as though you  are
        an actor, and the setting is a stage.

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 6

             Keep  your thoughts firmly planted on prosperity,  good
        fortune and lucky breaks.  Assume that you will -- in  fact,
        nearly  have  -- accomplished your goals.  It is  with  that
        attitude that successful people achieve.
                        DO YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL?
             Within  you  is the power to  accomplish  anything  you
        want.  But it will not happen if you are not tuned into your
        true  desires.   Don't fool yourself into  compromising  for
        less than a complete goal.  If you want to be a piano  tech-
        nician,  you may not be the world's most famous  technician,
        but if you have that inclination, you will be a piano  tech-
        nician.  If you want to succeed in business, you may not  be
        another financier/mega-millionaire, but you will succeed  in
        your endeavors.
             Most  people need accomplishment feedback.  After  all,
        what's so great about achieving something if nobody  cares?j 
        And it's important to receive that recognition and feel that
             Set  goals  that  you can achieve.   Divide  them  into
        little  tidbits  that you can accomplish  every  day,  every
        month,  every year.  Set your goals for success.  Then  reap
        the  rewards constantly -- each step of the way.  Pat  your-
        self on the back for a good job well done, THEN MOVE ON.
             Start immediately to accomplish the goals you have set. 
        In  fact, give yourself a task you can finish  by  tomorrow. 
        Think of yourself as a success in your endeavors.  Dwell  on
        the  idea that you are compelled to accomplish  your  goals,
        and live and breathe them until you have them.
             Can you see yourself a year from now, having achieved a
        few  goals?   Can you make the decision  and  commitment  to
        become successful in your desires?  Then you have the poten-
        tial to accomplish anything you want.

                         THE POWER OF SELF-IMAGE
             Visualizing  yourself  as a success in  your  field  of
        endeavor  is  the inside tip in accomplishing  anything  you
        want.  If you can specifically imagine being the person  you
        want to become, you will attain that reality.
             Forgive  yourself.  Just as you would  another  person,
        tell yourself that it's okay for all those mistakes, or  the
        should-haves  that  keep  popping up in  your  mind.   Don't
        dwell on the past and get blocked by events from long ago.
             Let  go of fears and anxieties.  Although it  certainly
        is easier said than done, learn to change negative  thoughts
        into  a positive action.  Are you afraid of poverty --  that
        you'll never make ends meet, or never buy that house, or  be
        destitute  once you stop working?  Then turn that  into  the
        positive goal of financial security.

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 7

             Do  people make you anxious?  Maybe you feel  inferior,
        not as good as others.  Everybody has feelings of  inadequa-
        cy.  Just turn them around into positive goals.  You may  be
        paralyzed by the thoughts that you are unattractive.  It  is
        your thoughts that make it a reality.  Change your modes  of
        behavior and you will make friends.
             In  most cases, it is your own negative  thoughts  that
        cause  you to stay stuck in whatever place you're in.   Keep
        moving.   Take the risks.  You may need to change your  job,
        or  move  to  another city.  You might take up  a  sport  or
        hobby.  Become active in your life -- participate.  And  you
        will grow into the image you see for yourself.
                           SUCCESS IN BUSINESS
             Perhaps  the  most  sought-after goal  in  our  present
        society  is  success in business.  Whether you  want  to  be
        promoted  into high-paying management positions, or wish  to
        start  your own independent enterprise (piano servicing  for
        instance), knowledge of the business world is important.
             As  you plan a course of action  towards  accomplishing
        your goal, keep in mind the small goals that put you  closer
        to the end.  And be prepared to change often.  You may  need
        to  change  companies, or take the  opportunities  in  other
        departments as those positions open.
             Create  an aura of success around you.  People who  are
        successful  dress that way.  Even if you are not in  a  high
        income  bracket, act as though you have already achieved  --
        without being egotistical or overspending.
             Develop  an expertise in an area.  Don't  keep  special
        information to yourself, but be quick to learn all there  is
        about  your position and the tasks surrounding getting  that
        job done.  Capitalize on your strengths, and let others help
        you develop your weaknesses into assets.
             Get to know the people in the company and the people in
        the  industry.   Read all the trade journals  and  magazines
        relating to your company.  Make appointments with people who
        are successful in your field and learn from them.
             You  need  to  have a total commitment  to  succeed  in
        business.   Most people who make to the executive  boardroom
        put  in  long hours, often at the  sacrifice  of  everything
        else.  Regardless of the physical effort involved, you  must
        be  mentally  engrossed  in your business  and  the  company
             In order to help yourself develop fully, you might seek
        a mentor, someone who will offer you time and teach you  the
        ropes.  This person usually is someone who believes in  your
        ability, someone with whom you can develop a mutually  bene-
        ficial business relationship.

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 8

             Some  people become friendly with all their  co-workers
        and  find  that is a way to advance.  But don't  try  to  be
        extroverted  if it's not real to you. Most people  who  suc-
        cessfully run their own businesses are individuals who  like
        to work alone.
             As  you increase your activities  and  accomplishments,
        you  increase your potential to reach higher.  The more  you
        achieve, the more confidence you develop to achieve more.
             You don't have to be the same as everyone else and  fit
        like  a vegetable in a patch.  Be unique, different.   Capi-
        talize  on your own self-image.  Don't fall victim to  self-
        consciousness.  And trust your intuition.  Hunches and inner
        feelings usually are the best route to travel, regardless of
        what seems to be the logical choice.
             Make  decisions  quickly  and with  firmness.   A  true
        leader  will  handle  these  responsibilities   efficiently. 
        That's  what makes you different and why you'll rise to  the
             Be persistent in attaining your goals, but be open  and
        sincere.   Many  people  choose not to  increase  their  own
        accomplishments  and  will give you the right-of-way  to  be
             If  you are having personal difficulties with  any  co-
        workers, try to know more about these people from a personal
        angle.  BE interested in them and their accomplishments  and
        goals.   You might be able to turn opposition  into  friend-

             Above  all,  use your integrity.  If the  goal  is  not
        worthy  of your inner desires, it will be hard  to  attain.j 
        If  your methods are not sincere, you will  receive  opposi-
        tion.   If your actions are not honest, you will suffer  the
        consequences.   Turn  all negative qualities  into  positive
        aspects -- then watch yourself achieve.
                         TIPS ON ATTAINING WEALTH
             To many people, money is their primary goal.  And there
        certainly is nothing wrong with desiring money.  But  first,
        be  sure  that  your  true goal is  money.   Can  you  live,
        breathe, eat and sleep money?  Do you dream about money, and
        want it more than anything?
             For true money-seekers, you must be your OWN BOSS.  The
        great money makers all started and ran their own businesses. 
        And, even though it seems as though all the good ideas  have
        already been taken, there are plenty out there.
             The  secret of the wealthiest people is to find a  spe-
        cial need and fill it.  Like quick-food chains; like  super-
        markets;  like electronic games, or even - Piano  servicing! 

                                                       HOW TO PAGE 9

        Whether  you  invent a new toy or gadget, or see a  spot  to
        market special items in a new way, the world is open to true
        entrepreneurs.  And they do make it.
                             LEARN YOUR TRADE
             Almost any goal you choose - whether riches and materi-
        al  abundance or spiritual attainment -  requires  learning. 
        How much education do you have?  Do you want more?   Perhaps
        your  goal is to get another degree or to secure  a  special
             There  are countless opportunities to learn more  about
        your own industry or to learn about a news skill.  Not  only
        do  you have colleges and universities, but there  are  many
        trade  schools, correspondence schools, and  special  groups
        that teach skills - at very reasonable prices.
             Keep  the end in mind. What do you need to know to  get
        to where you want to be?  You may not need a degree, but the
        actual experience.  So you'd need to change jobs or accept a
        part-time job at night to develop your skills.
             More than ever, people are leaving their present  occu-
        pations to learn a new trade and then starting at the bottom
        again  to be happy in their work.  Maybe you'll need to  put
        in extra hours at work now so you can save money to take the
        time off next year.
             Even  though most entry-level positions are offered  to
        the  younger people, you can find many companies willing  to
        give you a chance to change your occupation.  Many times you
        might  find  an older master willing to  apprentice  you  to
        learn the skill or trade.
             Once  you're enrolled to learn new skills,  put  every-
        thing  towards learning.  Apply yourself 100%.  Take  advan-
        tage of asking questions and getting criticism from teachers
        and  fellow  students.  Read everything you  can  and  study
        well.   It  is your developing expertise that will  get  you
        ahead and closer to your goal.
             It's always a good time to learn more.  Even if you are
        happy in your job, expanding yourself through education is a
        very  rewarding activity.  Take dancing or  tennis,  gourmet
        cooking or sculpture.  Any activity is taught and shared  by
        many enthusiasts.
                            STOP WASTING TIME
             Consider  the most important things you need to  accom-
        plish.   These are high priorities.  Then think about  those
        things  that seem to take up a lot of time and get  you  no-
        where.  Those are the low priorities.

                                                      HOW TO PAGE 10

             Understand  what's  important to achieve and  do  those
        things first.  Let go of all the busywork or paperwork  that
        piles up.  It's better for you to stack those low priorities
        somewhere  else  and finish the important material  than  to
        spend  time clearing your desk to get down to the  essential
             You'll  be  noticed  more quickly for  the  things  you
        achieve  than  for  keeping paper flowing.   Don't  let  co-
        workers waste your time with chit-chat if you've got  things
        to accomplish.  Save that for lunch hours or for after  work
        social activities.
             Handle  paper work ONCE;  decide the action and  finish
        with  it.   Keep  interruptions to a  minimum  and  delegate
        responsibilities.   Although  you'd like to  believe  you're
        indispensable  to the job and you are the only one  to  take
        care of many things, you can teach someone else and move  on
        to your own achievements.
             Don't  procrastinate.  What are you waiting  for?   Few
        opportunities  are  thrown at you;  you have to  create  the
        right  positions and situations to move up.  Make  lists  of
        things you want to accomplish and do them.
             If you're busy in an office situation, make daily lists
        and  reward  yourself with praise  upon  completion.   Catch
        yourself achieving.

             Concentrate on what you're doing and do one thing at  a
        time.   But  do it quickly and handle the  next  thing.   Be
        efficient in telephone calls, maybe taking them at appointed
        times or calling back at your convenience.
             Don't  generate copies or correspondence that make  you
        look  like you are doing things.  Your superiors  will  know
        what you accomplish.  Be busy doing important things  rather
        than writing about what you've done.
             And  take  the  time for physical  exercise.   It  will
        energize  you - not take away from your  effectiveness.   It
        relaxes your mind and stimulates your capacity to achieve.
                               LOOK WITHIN
             An  inner core of all accomplishments is  the  positive
        energy from the subconscious.  If your subconscious mind has
        tapped into your goal and believes it is good for you,  your
        energies will direct themselves toward that goal.
             You can consciously create circumstances and conditions
        of environment and physical presence.  But it is that  level
        behind the outwardly physical that directs your true  being. 
        When the subconscious mind accepts an idea, the inner  power
        will complete it.

                                                      HOW TO PAGE 11

             That's  why you can accomplish anything you want  -  by
        creating all outward manifestations to trigger your  subcon-
        scious  into action.  As you decide on your goals and  write
        them down, repeat them at least twice a day out loud.   This
        in essence brings it to the inner level.
             When  you think about your goals and desires, the  sub-
        conscious  hears it.  So direct your energies -  both  outer
        and inner - to your goal with one-pointed devotion.  In that
        way, you can control your destiny.
             In  order  to connect to your inner self, relax  -  let
        your  thoughts go.  Feel that part within you that  actually
        makes  the  decisions  - the reflexes,  the  instincts,  the
        intuition  and  hunches.  Let your mind be  quiet  from  its
        usual chatter.
             Some people present problems to their inner  conscious-
        ness  by  asking  themselves a  question  before  they  fall
        asleep.   Often the answer is in their minds when they  wake
             Clarity rids confusion.  If you find you're filled with
        worries and anxieties, spend the time to think them through. 
        Approach them logically, considering the consequences of all
        possible  actions.   When  you've made  a  decision,  follow
        through and don't agonize over what-ifs.
             Everybody  has creative potential.  And you don't  have
        to  be an artist to be creative.  Each moment of the day  is
        creating your own self, becoming your true inner person.
             Let  yourself  look within.  Release the  handicaps  of
        fear and anxiety - even for a moment.  You'll be relaxed and
                             USE AFFIRMATIONS
             The  same technique has been used by  great  inventors,
        financiers, business people, political figures and  enlight-
        ened beings:  constant repetition of the goal and the belief
        that you can attain it.
             Never  dwell  on self-criticism or what you  think  are
        your  inadequacies.   Instead,  repeat your  goals  and  the
        qualities that will make you successful.
             WRITE  OUT  your  outstanding goal.  In  a  few  words,
        describe what you want to attain.  Then write what you  will
        do  to  achieve that.  What energies and  efforts  will  you
        trade for that success?
             Give yourself a specific date to accomplish this  goal,
        and  specific  times to carry out the interim  steps.j   Put
        this paper or notecard in a visible place - such as taped to
        the  mirror  - so you can review it and repeat it  at  least
        twice a day.

                                                      HOW TO PAGE 12

             It  is those people who convince themselves  that  they
        are  failures  who become failures.  And  successful  people
        believe  they  will rise to the top and will  achieve  their
        goals.   Believe  in  yourself.  You  are  everything  worth
        believing in.
                          CREATIVE VISUALIZATION
             Form the habit of accomplishment.  With every step  you
        take  and every decision you make, bring yourself closer  to
        your  goals.   Walk  through your life with  this  sense  of
        direction and they will come to you.
             Develop  self-confidence and esteem.   Assert  yourself
        and  acquire  all  the excellent qualities  and  traits  you
        admire most.
             What  is your ultimate goal?  How do you see  yourself? 
        Be  specific.  Precisely specific.  Visualize the place  you
        live  in - the rooms, the paintings on the walls the  furni-
        ture  and swimming pool.  Consider the family situation  and
        financial stability.  Think about the place you'll be living
             Then  look at yourself.  What clothes are  you  wearing
        and  what  do you look like?  Consider your  physique,  your
        hair, the condition of your body.
             Then think about the things you do.  What sports do you
        play, what groups do you belong to?
             As  if you've already accomplished your  desires,  look
        back  and see what you did to get to where you  are.   THink
        about the classes you took, the jobs you worked at, and  the
        places you moved to.  Think about the places you've traveled
        to and the friends you've made.
             Be comfortable with your new self-image.  Put it on for
        size  and  change your fantasy to adjust perfectly  to  you. 
        Why  don't you live as though you're already there?   What's
        stopping you from becoming the person you are totally  capa-
        ble of becoming?
                        BECOME YOUR FULL POTENTIAL
             Keep your goals and ambitions to yourself - don't share
        them  with  anyone, not yet.  Write them down and  refer  to
        them.  Look back at what you wrote in a month, then in a few
        months.   Work  on them constantly, and don't be  afraid  to
        revise and rewrite.  Goals are always changing.
             Think  in possibilities.  What is possible for  you  to
        achieve in the next six months?  And GO FOR IT!  Don't  play
        it  safe  with what you'll probably  achieve  anyway.   Push
        yourself to go further.  The rewards are greater.

                                                      HOW TO PAGE 13

             Feel  the  winning feeling.  Feel  successful  already. 
        Try  on   the clothes of total accomplishment and  peace  of
        mind.  Live each day as though you have already reached your
        goals.   There  are  always new ones to place  in  front  of
             Don't  announce your goals.  This will set you  up  for
        failure.  Even if you make a pact with yourself to attain  a
        specific goal, don't chastise yourself if you don't make it. 
        It may have been unrealistic or you may not have tried  hard
             DO  IT  YOURSELF.  There is nobody better to  help  you
        achieve  your desires than you.  Tap into the power  of  the
        subconscious and practice being your own fantasy.
             Then  go ahead.  ACT on your convictions.  FOLLOW  THEM
        THROUGH  with devotion and then reap the rewards.   You  CAN
        accomplish anything you want in life.


        Note from the Author of STRICTLY TUNING:
             I  sincerely hope you were able to relate to  this  in-
        spiring  book.  It is my pleasure to offer it to  you  abso-
        lutely free.  Please share it with your family and  friends. 
        Permission is not granted to sell this book for profit.
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