WCST Nethack Spoiler File

                    _ _ _   ____   ____   _____ 

                  | | | | |  __| |  __| |_   _| ----------- 

                  | | | | | |__  |__  |   | |    ANNOUNCES 

                  |_____| |____| |____|   |_|   ----------- 



         The absolute best resource file for nethack just got better! 





                             The Nethack Spoilers 

                                Revision 7.00 

                        Copyright 1991, Paul Waterman 


This file contains revision 7.00 of the WCST Spoilers.  Revision 7.00 

incorporates more changes than any previous release of the spoiler files. 

Many new sections have been added, and the entire file has been re-arranged 

for maximum usefulness.  In addition, extensive formatting changes have been 

done in order to make the tables and text as readable as possible. 

Essentially, the entire file has been revised. 


For revision 7.00, we will be trying something unique.  We will be releasing 

the spoiler files in ASCII format on rec.games.hack and comp.sources.games 

(and we have an ongoing commitment to continue doing so in future releases). 

However, in addition, we will be offering a laser printed version of the 

spoilers for sale. 


The commercial version is beautifully formatted on a desktop publishing 

system, and includes "extras" that the public release doesn't have such as 

page numbers, a table of contents, a complete index, and eye-pleasing 

graphics.  The entire 100+ pages is spiral bound with durable covers for 

those late night hacking sessions.  Additionally, the commercial version 

includes a useful command summary sheet and several "cheat sheets."  One of 

these cheat sheets has a complete summary of all objects available within the 

game, and there are also cheat sheets for each object type, which include 

complete price lists, check-off lists, and identifying information. 


This commercial version is available for $13, plus $2.00 postage and 

handling.  Also, quantity discounts are available with as few as five copies, 

so get together with some fellow nethackers from your site and take advantage 

of the lowest price you can get. 


Simply fill out the following form and send it in to get your copy of the 

WCST Nethack Spoilers: 



      Remit to:  Paul Waterman 

                 WCST Spoilers, 817 College Ave. #1, Wheaton, IL 60187 

         Phone:  (708) 682-5085 



      Quantity   Item                                           Price 


      ________   WCST Spoiler File  @ $13 each (1-4 copies)   $________ 

                                    @ $12 each (5-10 copies) 

                                    @ $11 each (11-15 copies) 

                                    @ $10 each (16+ copies) 


                 Postage and Handling 


                 (U.S. and Canada)  @ $2 each (1-15 copies) 

                                    @ FREE (16+ copies) 


                 (Foreign)          @ $5 each (1-15 copies) 

                                    @ $2 each (16+ copies)    $________ 


                                                        TOTAL $________ 


            Check or money order payable in U.S. dollars accepted. 



         Name: ________________________________________________________ 


      Address: ________________________________________________________ 







                         _ _ _   ____   ____   _____ 

                        | | | | |  __| |  __| |_   _| 

                        | | | | | |__  |__  |   | | 

                        |_____| |____| |____|   |_| 


                             -|             |- 

                -|       |-  [-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-]  -|       |- 

                [-_-_-_-_-]   |             |   [-_-_-_-_-] 

                 | o   o |    |  o   o   o  |    | o   o | 

                  |     |     |             |     |     | 

                  |     |__-__|             |__-__|     | 

                  |  o  |     |      o      |     |  o  | 

                  |     | o o |    _____    | o o |     | 

       _____----- |     |     |    |:::|    |     |     | -----_____ 

                  |     |     |    |:::|    |     |     | 


             ( (__________---_________________---__________) ) 






                           The Nethack Spoilers 

                               Revision 7.00 

                       Copyright 1991, Paul Waterman 

                            All Rights Reserved 


Copyright Paul Waterman, 1991.  All rights reserved. 


This document (hereafter referred to as the "public" version of the WCST 

Nethack Spoiler File, or just "the spoilers") is copyrighted material and is 

*not* in the public domain.  Permission is hereby granted to you (the user) 

to distribute copies of this document, subject to the following conditions: 


1) The spoilers may be electronically distributed only in unmodified form. 

Any such distribution must contain the complete document, including the title 

page, copyright notices, and this section. 


2) The spoilers may be distributed in other than electronic form, 

(specifically, in the form of a printout) only as a direct, unmodified dump 

of the complete document.  For instance, if you were to print out a copy of 

the spoilers for distribution, that printout must be an unmodified dump of 

the complete document.  Reformatting this document to include multiple 

fonts, graphics, or line drawing, for instance, for distribution is 

specifically prohibited. 


3) No fee may be charged for the copying or distribution of the spoilers 

other than compensation which shall match the cost of materials for that 

distribution (i.e., you cannot charge for time/labor), not to exceed $5 US. 

(Examples:  If you were to print the spoilers out for a friend and the paper 

cost you $0.25, you could ask your friend for $0.25 - not a penny more.) 


4) The spoilers may not be distributed free in conjunction with any other 

product without the written consent of the author. 


This document has been compiled from various sources (including play, usenet 

e-mail and news groups, long term experience, source code, and general 

hearsay).  Information in this file has been verified as well as possible. 

However, information in this document is not guaranteed to be correct, is 

subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the 

part of the author. 


Paul Waterman and WCST are not affiliated with any other group, including but 

not limited to the Nethack Development Team or Wheaton College. 


Special thanks to: 

     Alan Light, for the original compilation of rec.games.hack postings. 

     Dan Reifsnyder, for the great graphics. 

     Ken Roth, for proving that a human could beat my script to play nethack. 

     Laura Waterman, for constant encouragement and intelligent questions. 

     Peter Waterman, for showing me what a great artist you are. 



Table of Contents: 


The Beginning 


    Revision Numbers 


    Using The Spoilers 

Commonalities and Generalities 

    Common Questions 

    General Hints 

The Character 


    Carrying Capacity 

    Character Classes 

    Character Stats 


    Status Line 

The Beasts 

    Monster Attacks 

    Monster Information 

The Dungeon 

    Castle Level 

    Special Levels 

The Game 


    Fountain Effects 

    Game Messages 

    Hit Probability 






    Removing Curses 

    Robbing Shops 

    Sink Effects 


    Throne Effects 

    Unicorn Horns 


The Items 


    Identifying Amulets 


    Armor Effects 

    Identifying Armor 


    Food - Corpses 



    Potion Quaffing Effects 

    Potion Throwing Effects 

    Potion Vapor Effects 

    Identifying Potions 

    Ring Effects 

    Identifying Rings 


    Scroll Effects 

    Confused Scroll Effects 

    Identifying Scrolls 



    Tool Effects 

    Identifying Tools 


    Wand Effects 

    Identifying Wands 




    Nethack Abuse 

    Expected In Version 3.1 




          |                     The Beginning                      | 





Once upon a time, there was a game called hack.  Hack was a pretty good game, 

and a lot of people really enjoyed playing it.  Then a strange and wonderful 

creature called "The Dev Team" got hold of it, and hack was never the same 

again.  For starters, it suddenly got a name change, and was called nethack. 

But the biggest change was in the game itself.  No longer was it a fun 

afternoon show to watch in black and white on a nine inch set.  It suddenly 

became a three dimensional color holovision show with dolby surround sound 

and much, much more.  (Our thanks to the dev team for a job well done.) 


The problem with this is that people started getting addicted to the action, 

the adventure, their character getting killed over and over again...  In 

order to prevent the untimely demise of characters whose rated lifespan was 

about double the actual lifespan, a bunch of people came together and began 

giving each other hints about how to dodge that nasty shopkeeper, and how to 

get rid of that awful wizard, and this worked well... for a time. 


There was still a problem with this, though, for once the suggestion was 

given, unless carefully hoarded away, it was gone forever, and there were 

always new people who hadn't heard the suggestions.  Thus, the nethack 

spoiler file was created. 


Within this file is a large collection of lore about the game of nethack. 

Some of it may not be true, but we have made the best effort possible to 

verify all of the information contained herein.  Much of it has been 

verified, corrected, or added since the original posting of revision one on 

the net. 


Also, we would like to request that any corrections, modifications, 

suggestions, etc. be e-mailed directly to nhspoil@wheaton.UUCP and not posted 

to the net.  We will attempt to verify any information sent us and then we 

will both add it to the spoiler file (for the next release) and post an 

official correction/addition to rec.games.hack. 


Note:  Please do not send e-mail to us asking for a copy of the spoilers or 

for a copy of nethack itself (or the source code, etc.).  We do not honor 

these requests, and often just ignore them. 


Be warned:  If you use the knowledge contained herein, your game will never 

be the same.  Your horizons will suddenly be expanded, but you may end up 

thinking that the game is less than it once was.  That is the risk you must 

take if you choose to read this file. 


Good luck, and happy hacking! 



Revision Numbers: 


In order to keep a decent idea of how the spoiler file is progressing, we 

have set up an official policy on how Revision Numbers will change.  Any 

minor revisions corrections or amplifications will advance the revision 

number by .01. New sections added (such as this one), or complete re-writes 

of existing sections will advance the revision number by .10.  Any complete 

rewrite of the entire file (just in case - it might actually happen) will 

advance the revision number to the next integer. 





Well, this should actually be a very large list.  Among others, it should 

include almost everyone who has posted any hints of value to the net within 

about the last year (or even longer in some cases).  Some people who have 

made contributions to the cause of these spoilers above and beyond the call 

of duty, however, are listed here: 


     Kenneth Arromdee 

     Bill de Beaubien 

     Alan Edwards 

     Walter Fergusson 

     David Goldfarb 

     Laurence Gordon 

     Kate Gregory 

     Dolf Grunbauer 

     David Hairston 

     Michael Heggen 

     Douglas Henke 

     Greg Hudson 

     Lucas B. Kruijswijk 

     Alan Light 

     Stephen Marino 

     Andrew Pearce 

     Robert Potter 

     Ken Roth 

     Brajesh K. Singh 

     C. G. J. Thompson, et.al 

     David Throop 

     Steve Warren 

     Laura C. Waterman 

     Dominik Zemmler 


If any of the rest of you out there know you contributed something to the 

cause, but don't see your name listed here - don't get us wrong.  It's not 

that we're ungrateful!  We probably just nuked your name by mistake! 


Note:  All names are listed in alphabetical order by last name, and not by 

order of importance of contribution. 



Using The Spoilers: 


There's really not much to say on this subject, other than a few intuitive 

pointers.  How you use the spoilers is simple:  You read them, and apply the 

knowledge contained within to your game of nethack. 


Those of you who are using the commercial version of the spoilers will have a 

complete index at your disposal, which should aid greatly in looking up just 

about anything you'd like to know about.  For those of you who are using the 

public version, however, we do have one major hint for getting at what you 

want within the file quickly. 


The section titles tend to be fairly unique, and are always followed by a 

colon.  This should make it very simple to get to whatever section you want 

quickly.  Just load the file into your editor (or if you're on a unix system, 

even use 'more' for that matter), and use the search function to look for the 

section.  For instance, from within more or vi, use the slash key ("/") and 

what you'd like to search for ("Armor:" for example). 


This technique is also very useful for finding every reference to a 

particular topic.  If you'd like to know about wishing for instance, just 

search for every occurance of the word "wish" in the file. 




          |            Commonalities and Generalities              | 



Common Questions: 


Q: I've made it to the first level of hell (probably by falling through a 

     trap in the castle level), but I can't find any down staircases?  How 

     can I get down farther? 

A: You'll find that if you're confused and read a scroll of teleportation 

     you'll get teleported to a different level.  Cursed scrolls of 

     teleportation and level teleporters also do this.  If you have teleport 

     control (via a ring or intrinsic), you can choose what level to teleport 

     to.  Teleport down to about level fifty and then work your way up. 


Q: I've got the amulet, and I'm on my way up through the levels of Hell, but 

     I'm stuck.  I'm in a relatively small area in the middle of the level, I 

     can't find a way out, and there's no stairway up - only one going back 


A: Sounds like you've found Vlad's Tower.  Try going back down two levels and 

     exiting from the base of the tower.  Then try looking in the upper left 

     hand corner of the maze for another stairway going up.  The tower levels 

     always have an up staircase placed there.  See the section on SPECIAL 

     LEVELS for more information. 


Q: I've got the amulet, and I'm on my way up, but the Wizard keeps popping in 

     and I'm tired of killing him.  Is there anything I can do to get him off 

     of my case? 

A: Most things you can do won't stop him from coming after you again.  I saw 

     a post once on rec.games.hack that had about thirty suggestions, but 

     none of them would work.  Basically, the only way to stop him from 

     coming after you is to exploit a "feature" of the game.  Wait near the 

     up staircase for him.  Then, throw a potion of paralysis at him.  During 

     the 1-15 turns that he will be paralyzed, go up the staircase.  He won't 

     come after you any more. The reason for this is that the game only 

     updates the paralysis counters for creatures on the same level as you - 

     thus, it realizes that the Wizard is still around, but paralyzed, and it 

     won't un-paralyze him unless you go back to that level.  (Incidentally, 

     don't count on this working in the next version of nethack.) 


Q: I'm in the endgame and I'm in a long hallway that runs north-south.  I 

     can't seem to find a secret door, though, and I can't teleport.  How do 

     I get to the other side of the level? 

A: Be patient and keep searching.  There's a secret door in the upper left 

     wall of the corridor.  However, there's a lot of nasty creatures in the 

     center of the endgame level, so if you're willing to sacrifice the 

     experience, and you can polymorph, it might be better to turn into a 

     xorn and go around the center area. 


Q: I've heard a lot about "named weapons," but I can't seem to get one.  How 

     can I get one? 

A: Well, there are five ways of getting named weapons, also known as 

     artifacts.  The first, and perhaps most obvious one, is to wish for it. 

     When you are asked what you want to wish for, type "a (blessed) (+n) 

     [weapon type] named [name]," where blessed and +n (be sure to substitute 

     a number for n!) are optional, and the weapon type is correct for that 

     named weapon (see the ARTIFACTS section and WISHING section for more 

     information).  Another way to get a named weapon is to have it given to 

     you by your deity.  If you sacrifice (#offer) enough, eventually you 

     will probably see an object appear at your feet.  This will be a named 

     weapon.  A third way to get a named weapon is to find it.  Some of them 

     will just be randomly generated (although very rare), so be on the 

     lookout.  You will know it's named when you pick it up - it's not 

     necessary to identify it.  You can also gain some of the named weapons 

     by simply finding the appropriate weapon type and using the #name 

     command.  Sting and Orcrist are notable in this regard.  Finally, you 

     can get Excalibur by #dipping a normal longsword in a fountain (see 

     FOUNTAIN EFFECTS for more details about this). 


Q: I was playing a character and he/she got polymorphed into a new human.  I 

     was asked to give the character a different name, and now I can't get 

     the character back.  What do I do? 

A: Nethack allows you to have multiple characters with different names, and 

     whenever nethack saves a character it always uses the character's name, 

     regardless of whether that character used to have a different name.  In 

     order to access a character of a particular name (or start one with a 

     different name), the easiest thing is to give nethack a -u flag and your 

     name.  For instance, type "nethack -u name" where "name" is your 

     character's name ("Endiel" in my case - and I'll send you updates to the 

     spoilers if you can figure out where it came from). 


Q: I was playing nethack when I hit the '!' key by mistake.  Now I'm sitting 

     at my prompt, and I don't know what's happened to my game.  What gives? 

A: In nethack, the '!' key will create a shell for you.  What this does is 

     allow you to quickly pop out of nethack in order to do stuff, without 

     messing up your nethack game.  On most systems, you can exit the shell 

     and get back to your nethack game by typing "exit." 


Q: I've found a hawaiian shirt lying around, and I've heard them mentioned in 

     the spoilers.  What use are they? 

A: Basically, Hawaiian shirts let you effectively drop your AC by several 

     more points, as they can be worn under a suit of armor (the more pieces 

     of armor, the better the possible AC).  When not enchanted, they don't 

     do much good (and actually can do harm, as shopkeepers will try to cheat 

     you if they see it).  But if it's enchanted and under a suit of armor or 

     cloak (where the shopkeeper can't see it), it can be quite useful. 


Q: I've been punished, and I can't stand lugging around this ball and chain. 

     What can I do to get rid of it? 

A: There are several ways to accomplish this.  In the meantime, though, 

     unless you have a pretty good weapon, pick up the iron ball and wield 

     it.  To get it off, try reading a scroll (or casting a spell) of remove 

     curse.  Or, try feeding it to a rust monster, rock mole, or iron golem. 

     A nymph may steal it.  Or, you can polymorph into a rust monster, rock 

     mole, or iron golem, and eat it yourself.  Finally, you can polymorph 

     into a nymph and remove it.  Note that lock-picks and keys won't work to 

     get it off. 


Q: I've come up with some cool ideas for additions/modifications to nethack. 

     What should I do with them? 

A: You should send your ideas (also bugs) to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu. 

     Don't expect to receive back a confirmation that they received it - the 

     nethack-bugs account receives a lot of mail. 


Q: I'm interested in making some modifications to nethack (or already have 

     done so), and think they would make a cool addition to the game.  I'd 

     like to make these modifications/additions public.  What should I do? 

A: Once again, send some e-mail to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu.  Here's 

     some hints as to what all you should send:  1) If you have already made 

     the modifications, make sure it is well documented with comments, and 

     then send the changes (*not* the whole source code) to the Dev Team (at 

     nethack-bugs...).  2) Send a description of the planned (or finished) 

     code changes and how this affects other sections of the code.  3) 

     Include a description of how you think the idea will impact the game, 

     and why you think your idea is good or necessary.  4) Be prepared for a 

     rejection on grounds that appear totally arbitrary to you.  If you do, 

     consider the reasons given and think about re-working your ideas and 

     repeating the process.  5) If you really think your ideas are worthwhile 

     but the Dev Team refuses to agree (possible, but unlikely), consider 

     distributing them as optional add-ons through net newsgroups such as 

     rec.games.hack and comp.sources.games. 


Q: I have these spoilers, but where can I get a copy of nethack from? 

A: Please don't send e-mail to us!  We're not in the habit of sending out 

     copies of nethack, and rarely reply to messages asking where to get it 

     from.  Information is posted on a regular basis on rec.games.hack about 

     where to get the latest version of nethack. 


Q: I was playing nethack via modem from my personal computer when I lost the 

     connection.  I dialed back into the system immediately, and my login was 

     sitting there idle, still playing nethack.  What should I do to get it 

     to save out? 

A: This problem tends to happen only on unix systems.  If you're non- 

     technical, and don't know much about unix, you should contact the games 

     administrator, system administrator, or any person with superuser 

     priveleges and ask them to "please send a hangup signal to my nethack 

     process."  If you know a little more, you might want to try doing this 

     yourself.  First of all, find the process ID (PID) of the nethack 

     process.  This can be accomplished with the 'ps' command (see your 

     manual for more information about the ps command).  Next, use the 'kill' 

     command to send a 'HUP' (hangup) to the process (again, see your manual 

     for more information about the kill command).  Don't send a 'KILL' 

     signal, as this will cause the game to die instantly and not save. 

     Sending a 'HUP' should cause the program to exit, saving your game, and 

     you should then be able to load it in again normally.  If the computer 

     won't allow you to kill the process, your nethack game is probably 

     running with special priveleges, and you'll need to contact the games 

     administrator, system administrator, or a superuser in order to send it 

     a hangup signal. 



General Hints: 


Lizard corpses, like food rations, won't ever spoil. 

It is a great idea to give like-aligned priests 400*your level in gold. 

If you attack a rival priest in his temple, his god will fight for him, so 

     make it your temple first (i.e. convert the altar). 

A guaranteed way to change your alignment is to kill a unicorn of your 

     alignment and offer the fresh corpse at an altar of the god whose 

     alignment you wish to convert to. 

Friendly monsters may become tame if you give them the right food (try 


Zombie and mummy corpses are already old corpses, so can't be sacrificed 

     (however, they can be eaten before they spoil). 

The bigger the sacrifice, the better the reward. 

Eating a clove of garlic cures lycanthropy.  Prayer can too. 

A ring of warning warns:  white, pink, red, ruby, purple, and run at black. 

Kicking is great for killing monsters at low levels (especially for Samurais 

     and Priests). 

Don't kick in shop doors that are closed for inventory. 

A wand of digging makes a quick way down (use '>' for the direction). 

Fill trap doors with boulders.  You can also cross water this way. 

When dipping in holy water, amber means uncursed, light blue means blessed. 

Dipping a corpse in holy water will make it take longer to rot. 

Dipping a dart may identify a potion of sickness (it poisons the dart). 

To make a scroll blank and or holy/unholy water normal, zap a wand of 

     cancellation at it. 

To use a wand on yourself, use '.' for the direction. 

Blessed magic lamps always give wishes if they have a charge. 

When you run into a great number of statues, don't look out. 

Zap monsters that engulf you with a wand of digging. 

To find the mimics in a shop, walk in, then back out. 

To create a scroll with a magic marker just write the name of the scroll on a 

     blank scroll (i.e. "magic mapping"). 

If you are wearing dragon scale mail and get polymorphed, you will polymorph 

     into the same type of dragon as your dragon scale mail. 

Being magic resistant prevents teleport traps from working properly. 

You cannot pick up items while levitating, therefore it is not always good to 

     be levitating.  However, vampire lords levitate but can pick up objects. 

If you want to stop levitating, just fly over a sink, and you will. 

Mirrors may be used to scare some monsters.  They also, of course, kill 


If you cannot eat it now, tin it or freeze it. 

You can wield a cockatrice corpse if you're wearing gloves, but don't go down 

     stairs while carrying one, especially if you are overloaded.  They are 

     wonderful for clearing out zoos, barracks, and throne rooms. 

To determine whether an item is blessed, regular, or cursed, drop it on an 

     altar.  If the glow is amber, it's blessed.  Black means cursed. 

Dropping water or unholy water at a lawful altar will turn it into holy 


Dropping water (holy or unholy) at a neutral altar will make it normal water. 

Dropping water or holy water at a chaotic altar will make it unholy water. 

A ring of levitation will protect you from a xan (they're real short). 

It is possible to lose telepathy if you are not chaotic and you kill a 

     peaceful human. 

Gremlins can steal intrinsics from you. 

It is possible to jump through an escaped trapdoor by hitting '>'. 




          |                     The Character                      | 





Every character and monster in nethack has an alignment.  Even some objects 

(specifically artifacts, or named weapons) have alignments.  Describing 

exactly what alignment is and what it entails is tricky, however.  Expressed 

simply, alignment is what side you've aligned yourself with - good, evil, or 

neither.  What is considered "good" and "evil" in nethack is very much the 

traditional medieval picture of good and evil.  Thus, a brief description of 

the three alignments and the behavior expected from a character of that 

alignment follows: 


Chaotic:  A chaotic character has basically aligned him/herself with the side 

of evil.  He/she likes doing things that would normally be considered "bad" 

just for the joy of it.  Chaotics tend to have the attitude of "looking out 

for number one."  A chaotic character will probably kill anything that walks, 

just for fun, and will tend to rob shops as a principle. 


Neutral:  Neutrality tends to be a refusal to take sides.  The attitude of a 

neutral is basically "live and let live."  A character who is neutral 

probably won't kill creatures that aren't bothering it, but won't have any 

qualms about killing those that do.  A neutral character won't really care 

about robbing from shops, as long as it will benefit him/her. 


Lawful:  A lawful character has aligned him/herself with the side of good. 

He/she will tend to follow societal rules, even if it won't benefit him/her. 

A lawful character will have the attitude that "there is a higher good." 

Lawful characters usually will try to befriend other creatures, but may 

attempt to hunt down and kill those creatures that are by their very nature 

"evil."  (Chaotic monsters especially would be considered to be "evil" by a 

lawful type.)  A lawful character would never even think of robbing a shop. 


Now, here's how alignment works in nethack:  There is a number associated 

with your alignment, which will determine if you are "stridently aligned," 

etc.  This number is increased for every action you perform which is in 

keeping with your alignment, and decreased for every action you perform which 

would be against your alignment.  Thus, if a lawful character were to rob a 

shop or kill a lawful creature, this alignment would be decreased.  If a 

chaotic character, on the other hand, were to do the very same thing, the 

number would be increased. 



Carrying Capacity: 


In order to compute the carrying capacity of a character, you need to know 

three things:  the character's strength, level, and if either leg is wounded. 

Strength is divided into two parts, and is shown as str/nn.  Str ranges from 

1 to 18 (and can jump to 25 with gauntlets of power), and nn ranges from 01 

to ** (** is used since 100 won't fit in the two digit space). 


There are two different methods for computing your carrying capacity, 

depending on how your game of nethack was originally compiled.  On most 

systems, nethack is compiled with the HARD option set to on.  If that is the 

case on your system, use Method 1 for computing your carrying capacity.  If 

your system has HARD set to off, use Method 2 for computing your carrying 



In either case, how strength affects carrying capacity varies depending upon 

the strength.  The character's level is always multiplied by five and added 

into the carrying capacity (although in Method 1, you only can count the 

first 16 levels for this), and finally, for each wounded leg (either the 

left, right, or both can be wounded) you have to subtract ten from the 

carrying capacity.  Thus, the formulae for figuring out your carrying 

capacity are as follows: 


Method 1: 


| Strength | Capacity                                                       | 


| 1-18     | 5*level + 5*str - 10*(wounded legs)                            | 

| 18/01-25 | 5*level(up to level 16) + 40 - 10*(wounded legs)               | 



Method 2: 


| Strength     | Capacity                                                   | 


| 1-18         | 5*level + 5*str - 10*(wounded legs)                        | 

| 18/01-18/50  | 5*level + 90 + nn - 10*(wounded legs)                      | 

| 18/51-18/75  | 5*level + 140 + 2*(nn-50) - 10*(wounded legs)              | 

| 18/76-18/90  | 5*level + 190 + 3*(nn-75) - 10*(wounded legs)              | 

| 18/91-18/95  | 5*level + 235 + 5*(nn-90) - 10*(wounded legs)              | 

| 18/96-18/99  | 5*level + 260 + 10*(nn-95) - 10*(wounded legs)             | 

| 18/**        | 5*level + 410 - 10*(wounded legs)                          | 

| 25           | 5*level + 380 - 10*(wounded legs)                          | 



Interestingly enough, with Method 2, a strength of 25 doesn't allow as much 

of a carrying capacity as 18/** does. 


In either case, when you are levitating, your carrying capacity is 

automatically at maximum. 



Character Classes: 



The Archeologist 


| Starting equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +2 bull whip                | 

| 1 uncursed of blessed +0 leather armor            | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 fedora                   | 

| 3 uncursed food rations                           | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +(random) pick axe          | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed tinning kit                 | 

| 1 uncursed sack                                   | 

| 10% chance of 1 uncursed tin opener - otherwise   | 

| 25% chance of 1 uncursed lamp - otherwise         | 

| 10% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker             | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1     | Digger       | speed, stealth             | 

| 2     | Digger       |                            | 

| 3-5   | Field Worker |                            | 

| 6-9   | Investigator |                            | 

| 10    | Exhumer      | searching                  | 

| 11-13 | Exhumer      |                            | 

| 14-17 | Excavator    |                            | 

| 18-21 | Spelunker    |                            | 

| 22-25 | Speleologist |                            | 

| 26-29 | Collector    |                            | 

| 30    | Curator      |                            | 


Alignment: Lawful 


The archeologist in nethack is basically an Indiana Jones clone.  The 

clothing is the same, the abilities are the same, and to all intents and 

purposes, the goals are the same:  Survive, explore, and bring back lots of 

exotic treasures! 


The archeologist starts with the innate ability to identify any gem. 



The Barbarian 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 two-handed sword         | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 axe                      | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 ring mail                | 

| 1 uncursed food ration                            | 

| 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp                     | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1     | Plunderer    | poison resistance          | 

| 2     | Plunderer    |                            | 

| 3-5   | Pillager     |                            | 

| 6     | Bandit       |                            | 

| 7     | Bandit       | speed                      | 

| 8-9   | Bandit       |                            | 

| 10-13 | Brigand      |                            | 

| 14    | Raider       |                            | 

| 15    | Raider       | searching                  | 

| 16-17 | Raider       |                            | 

| 18-21 | Reaver       |                            | 

| 22-25 | Slayer       |                            | 

| 26-29 | Chieftain    |                            | 

| 30    | Conqueror    |                            | 


Alignment: Chaotic 


Conan was, is, and always will be the classic example of a barbarian.  Good 

wine, good food, good money, and good women are what a barbarian considers to 

be the most important aspects of life, and they will do almost anything in 

their pursuit of these things, including delving deep into the dungeons of 




The Caveman 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 club                     | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 bow                      | 

| 13-42 uncursed or blessed +0 arrows               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 leather armor            | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1-2   | Troglodyte   |                            | 

| 3-5   | Aborigine    |                            | 

| 6     | Wanderer     |                            | 

| 7     | Wanderer     | speed                      | 

| 8-9   | Wanderer     |                            | 

| 10-13 | Vagrant      |                            | 

| 14    | Wayfarer     |                            | 

| 15    | Wayfarer     | warning                    | 

| 16-17 | Wayfarer     |                            | 

| 18-21 | Roamer       |                            | 

| 22-25 | Nomad        |                            | 

| 26-29 | Rover        |                            | 

| 30    | Pioneer      |                            | 


Alignment: Lawful 


"You Jane, Me Stupid."  That about sums up the eloquent vocabulary, stunning 

personality, and puissant brain-power of a caveman. 



The Elf 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven short sword        | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven bow                | 

| 16-35 uncursed or blessed +0 elven arrows         | 

| 50% chance of 1 uncursed or blessed +0 mithril    | 

|   otherwise 1 uncursed or blessed +0 elven cloak  | 

| 2 uncursed lembas wafers                          | 

| 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold - otherwise    | 

| 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp                     | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1     | Edhel        | searching, see invis.      | 

|       |              | sleep res., speed          | 

| 2-5   | Edhel        |                            | 

| 6-9   | Ohtar        |                            | 

| 10-13 | Kano         |                            | 

| 14-17 | Arandur      |                            | 

| 18-21 | Hir          |                            | 

| 22-25 | Aredhel      |                            | 

| 26-29 | Ernil        |                            | 

| 30    | Elentar      |                            | 


Alignment: Lawful 


Elves are hardy folk of humanoid stock.  Nethack elves are fashioned after 

Tolkien's elves, and as such are tall, thin, and light of foot.  Elves have 

excellent vision, and thus are more likely to notice things like secret 




The Healer 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 scalpel                  | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 pair of leather gloves   | 

| 1 uncursed stethoscope                            | 

| 4 uncursed or blessed potions of healing          | 

| 4 uncursed or blessed potions of extra healing    | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed wand of sleep               | 

| 1 blessed spellbook of healing                    | 

| 1 blessed spellbook of extra healing              | 

| 5 uncursed apples                                 | 

| 4% chance of 1 uncursed lamp                      | 


| Level | Title         | Intrinsics                | 


| 1-2   | PreMed        | poison resistance         | 

| 3-5   | Med Student   |                           | 

| 6-9   | Medic         |                           | 

| 10-13 | Intern        |                           | 

| 14    | Doctor        |                           | 

| 15    | Doctor        | warning                   | 

| 16-17 | Doctor        |                           | 

| 18-21 | Physician     |                           | 

| 22-25 | Specialist    |                           | 

| 26-29 | Surgeon       |                           | 

| 30    | Chief Surgeon |                           | 


Alignment: Lawful 


The healer has dedicated his life to medicine and have the capability to 

restore hit points through their spells.  Healers are not trained in the 

skills of fighting, but when in need, healers can turn their sharpened 

scalpel against a foe. 



The Knight 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 long sword               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +2 spear                    | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 ring mail                | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 helmet                   | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 small shield             | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 pair of leather gloves   | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1-2   | Gallant      |                            | 

| 3-5   | Esquire      |                            | 

| 6     | Bachelor     |                            | 

| 7     | Bachelor     | speed                      | 

| 8-9   | Bachelor     |                            | 

| 10-13 | Sergeant     |                            | 

| 14-17 | Knight       |                            | 

| 18-21 | Banneret     |                            | 

| 22-25 | Chevalier    |                            | 

| 26-29 | Seignieur    |                            | 

| 30    | Paladin      |                            | 


Alignment: Lawful 


The knight is considered by many to be one of the hardest nethack characters 

to play.  The knight does not start with exceptional items, does not gain 

much as he goes along, and is constrained by many more rules than normal 

characters, because of the code of chivalry that a knight must follow. 



The Priest 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 blessed +1 mace                                 | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 chain mail               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 small shield             | 

| 4 potions of holy water                           | 

| 1 uncursed clove of garlic                        | 

| 2 uncursed or blessed random spellbooks *         | 

| 10% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker - otherwise | 

| 10% chance of 1 uncursed lamp                     | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1-2   | Aspirant     |                            | 

| 3-5   | Acolyte      |                            | 

| 6     | Adept        |                            | 

| 7     | Adept        | warning                    | 

| 8-9   | Adept        |                            | 

| 10-13 | Priest       |                            | 

| 14-17 | Curate       |                            | 

| 18-19 | Canon        |                            | 

| 20    | Canon        | fire resistance            | 

| 21    | Canon        |                            | 

| 22-25 | Lama         |                            | 

| 26-29 | Patriarch    |                            | 

| 30    | High Priest  |                            | 


Alignment: Neutral 


The priest is a cleric who has set him/herself apart for service to his/her 

deity.  Priests begin the game blessed with the ability to immediately 

determine whether items are cursed, uncursed, or blessed.  Also, since many 

orders have injunctions against the shedding of blood, priests are trained in 

kicking instead, and get bonuses when doing so. 



The Rogue: 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 short sword              | 

| 6-15 uncursed +0 daggers                          | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 leather armor            | 

| 1 uncursed potion of sickness                     | 

| 1 uncursed lock pick (9 charges)                  | 

| 1 uncursed sack                                   | 

| 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold                | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1     | Footpad      | stealth                    | 

| 2     | Footpad      |                            | 

| 3-5   | Cutpurse     |                            | 

| 6-9   | Rogue        |                            | 

| 10    | Pilferer     | searching                  | 

| 11-13 | Pilferer     |                            | 

| 14-17 | Robber       |                            | 

| 18-21 | Burglar      |                            | 

| 22-25 | Filcher      |                            | 

| 26-29 | Magsman      |                            | 

| 30    | Thief        |                            | 


Alignment: Chaotic 


The rogue is an outlaw, a bandit who makes his living off of the misery of 

others.  Killing, maiming, and despoiling passing strangers gives a rogue 

great glee. 



The Samurai 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 katana (long sword)      | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 wakizashi (short sword)  | 

| 9 uncursed or blessed shurikens (throwing stars)  | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 splint mail              | 

| 3 uncursed or blessed fortune cookies             | 

| 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold                | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1     | Chigo        | speed                      | 

| 2     | Chigo        |                            | 

| 3-5   | Bushi        |                            | 

| 6-13  | Genin        |                            | 

| 14    | Chunin       |                            | 

| 15    | Chunin       | stealth                    | 

| 16-21 | Chunin       |                            | 

| 22-30 | Jonin        |                            | 


Alignment: Lawful 


The samurai is an ancient order of Japanese warrior, the oriental equivalent 

of a european knight.  The samurai follows the code of bushido, much like the 

knight follows the code of chivalry. 


Samurai get bonuses when kicking due to their martial arts training. 



The Tourist 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 21-40 uncursed or blessed +2 darts                | 

| 10 uncursed random food items                     | 

| 2 uncursed or blessed potions of extra healing    | 

| 4 uncursed or blessed scrolls of magic mapping    | 

| 1 uncursed expensive camera                       | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 hawaiian shirt           | 

| 1 uncursed credit card                            | 

| 4% chance of 1 uncursed tin opener - otherwise    | 

| 4% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker - otherwise  | 

| 4% chance of 1 uncursed leash                     | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                 | 


| 1-2   | Rambler      |                            | 

| 3-5   | Sightseer    |                            | 

| 6-9   | Excursionist |                            | 

| 10    | Peregrinator | searching                  | 

| 11-13 | Peregrinator |                            | 

| 14-17 | Traveler     |                            | 

| 18-19 | Journeyer    |                            | 

| 20-21 | Journeyer    | poison resistance          | 

| 22-25 | Voyager      |                            | 

| 26-29 | Explorer     |                            | 

| 30    | Adventurer   |                            | 


Alignment: Neutral 


"Oh Wanda!  Take a look at that beautiful lake! (*CLICK*)"  Tourists are just 

what they sound like - loud, hungry, overweight people carrying cameras and 

wearing ugly clothing who have no business being where they are.  As 

adventurers, it must be said that playing a tourist is truly a challenge. 



The Valkyrie 


| Starting Equipment:                               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +1 long sword               | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 dagger                   | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +3 small shield             | 

| 1 uncursed food ration                            | 

| 17% chance of 1 uncursed lamp                     | 


| Level | Title         | Intrinsics                | 


| 1     | Stripling     | stealth, cold res.        | 

| 2     | Stripling     |                           | 

| 3-5   | Skirmisher    |                           | 

| 6     | Fighter       |                           | 

| 7     | Fighter       | speed                     | 

| 8-9   | Fighter       |                           | 

| 10-13 | Woman-at-arms |                           | 

| 14-17 | Warrior       |                           | 

| 18-21 | Swashbuckler  |                           | 

| 22-25 | Heroine       |                           | 

| 26-29 | Champion      |                           | 

| 30    | Lady          |                           | 


Alignment: Chaotic 


These women warriors out of norse mythology are among the fiercest fighters 

known.  This, of course, is because their main mission in life is to fight 

glorious battles and then escort the fallen warriors to the halls of 




The Wizard 


| Starting Equipment:                                | 

| 1 blessed +1 athame                                | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed +0 cloak of magic resistance | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed random wand *                | 

| 2 uncursed or blessed random rings *               | 

| 3 uncursed or blessed random potions *             | 

| 3 uncursed or blessed random scrolls *             | 

| 1 uncursed or blessed random spellbook *           | 

| 20% chance of 1 uncursed magic marker              | 

| 20% chance of 1 uncursed blindfold                 | 


| Level | Title        | Intrinsics                  | 


| 1-2   | Evoker       |                             | 

| 3-5   | Conjurer     |                             | 

| 6-9   | Thaumaturge  |                             | 

| 10-13 | Magician     |                             | 

| 14    | Enchanter    |                             | 

| 15    | Enchanter    | warning                     | 

| 16    | Enchanter    |                             | 

| 17    | Enchanter    | teleport control            | 

| 18-21 | Sorcerer     |                             | 

| 22-25 | Necromancer  |                             | 

| 26-29 | Wizard       |                             | 

| 30    | Mage         |                             | 


Alignment: Neutral 


Wizards are considered by many to be a difficult character to play, because 

they are very poor fighters when they start.  However, with a little bit of 

luck, a wizard can end up being one of the most powerful characters in the 




* There some are limitations on the generation of random magic items.  These 

are delineated as follows: 


1. No "useless" items will be generated.  The following items are considered 

(by the game) to be useless items: 

     potion of hallucination 

     scroll of amnesia 

     scroll of fire 

     ring of aggravate monster 

     ring of hunger 

     wand of nothing 


2. No ring of levitation will be generated. 


3. It is impossible to begin the game with both polymorph and polymorph 

control.  In other words, if your character has a ring, wand, or spellbook of 

polymorph, he/she will not have a ring of polymorph control, and vice-versa. 


4. Two of the same ring will not be generated. 



Character Stats: 


The following is information about each of the major character stats.  They 

are listed in the order in which they appear on the status line - not in 

alphabetical order.  All stats can be increased by quaffing potions of gain 



St (Strength):                                        --------------------- 

Strength affects various aspects of combat in nethack |St.        |Hit|Dam | 

(see the HIT PROBABILITY and DAMAGE sections for      |-------------------| 

details on how these bonuses work).  Additionally,    |01-05      |-2 | -1 | 

strength affects your carrying capacity (see CARRYING |06-07      |-1 |  0 | 

CAPACITY section for more details).  Also, the        |08-15      | 0 |  0 | 

distance you can throw objects, your chances of       |16         | 0 | +1 | 

bashing down a door or kicking open a lock, and your  |17         |+1 | +1 | 

chances of opening a stuck door (among other things)  |18         |+1 | +2 | 

are affected by your strength.  It is possible to     |18/01-18/50|+1 | +3 | 

increase strength by eating royal jelly, giant        |18/51-18/75|+2 | +3 | 

corpses, or wearing gauntlets of power.               |18/76-18/90|+2 | +4 | 

                                                      |18/91-18/99|+2 | +5 | 

                                                      |18/**-25   |+3 | +6 | 


-------------------- Dx (Dexterity): 

|Dx.   | Mle | Msl | Your dexterity is your ability to dodge, your agility, 

|------------------| and your manual dexterity, all rolled into one. 

|01-03 |  -3 |  -3 | Dexterity affects how likely you are to hit (see HIT 

|04-05 |  -2 |  -2 | PROBABILITY for more information).  Note that on the 

|06-07 |  -1 |  -1 | table to the right, to hit bonuses are different for 

|08-14 |   0 |   0 | melee than they are for missile weapons.  In other 

|15    |  +1 |   0 | words, if you are fighting hand to hand, you receive a 

|16    |  +2 |  +1 | different bonus that if you are using a bow, sling, 

|17    |  +3 |  +2 | etc.)  Dexterity also affects how well you can use a 

|*     |   * |   * | harp.  To increase your dexterity, wear gauntlets of 

|25    | +11 | +10 | dexterity. 


* Each bonus continues to increase by one as the stat increases by one, up to 

25, which is the maximum the stat can reach. 


Co (Constitution):                                          ---------------- 

Constitution is a measure of how healthy you are.           |Co.       |HP+| 

Constitution affects how quickly your character heals, but  |--------------| 

the major benefit of constitution is extra hit points as    |3         |-2 | 

each level is gained.  When a character gains a higher      |4-6       |-1 | 

experience level, the character's current and maximum hit   |7-14      | 0 | 

points are raised by a random amount.  This random amount   |15-16     |+1 | 

is modified by a bonus which is determined by the           |17        |+2 | 

constitution of the character (see the table to the right). |18        |+3 | 



In (Intelligence) 

Intelligence plays an important part in determining if you will be able to 

memorize a spell by reading a spellbook.  It also is factored into your 

chances of casting any given spell that you have memorized (see MAGIC for 

more details on both of these).  Finally, intelligence determines how often 

your power will recharge (wisdom determined how many points recharge each 

time).  Your intelligence can also be increased by wearing a helm of 



Wi (Wisdom) 

Wisdom is taken into account when you pray to your god.  It also affects how 

many energy points you will gain when you go up an experience level, and how 

many power points you will recharge each time you recharge (intelligence 

affects how often they recharge).  Wisdom can be increased by wearing a helm 

of brilliance. 


Ch (Charisma):                                            ------------------ 

"Beauty is only skin deep."  Well, in nethack beauty is   |Ch.     |  Mod  | 

charisma, and charisma affects a couple of key things in  |----------------| 

the game.  First of all, charisma affects the prices a    |3-5     | *2.00 | 

shopkeeper will give you in a shop (see the table to the  |6-7     | *1.66 | 

right for price modifiers).  The other major affect is    |8-10    | *1.33 | 

that charisma adds to your chances of having a beneficial |11-15   | *1.00 | 

encounter when faced with a succubus/incubus.  It is      |16-17   | *0.75 | 

possible to increase charisma with a ring of adornment    |18      | *0.66 | 

(which nymphs happen to love).                            |19+     | *0.50 | 





The following formula can be used to compute what any character's score is: 


       player gold            (see explanation) 

     + real experience        (see explanation) 

     + max dungeon level bonus     (see formula) 


     * ascension bonus        (see explanation) 

     + gem values             (see explanation) 

     + amulet values          (see explanation) 

     + pet bonus              (see explanation) 




Player gold:  Take the amount of gold the character has in his/her 

     possession, and subtract 10% if the character died or was killed (not if 

     the character ascended, escaped, or quit). 


Real experience:  This is the number of experience points that have actually 

     been gained from slaying monsters, not including experience points that 

     may have been gained via potions of gain level, eating wraith corpses, 



Max dungeon level bonus:  Compute this bonus as follows: (50 * maximum 

     dungeon level visited) + 1000 for each level between 21 and 30 attained 

     (a level is considered "attained" if the maximum dungeon level visited 

     is greater than that level) 


Ascension bonus:  If the character has ascended to demigod(dess)hood, 

     multiply the score computed up to this point by 2.  Otherwise, just keep 

     it the way it is. 


Gem values:  If you escaped or ascended, add the gold value of each gem 

     currently possessed by the character to the score (see GEMS section for 

     exact gold values). 


Amulet values:  If you escaped or ascended, add 2 points for each amulet 

     possessed with a negative value (i.e. a -2 amulet of protection), add 

     500 points for each non-negative amulet possessed (i.e. an amulet of 

     reflection), and add 5000 points if the Amulet of Yendor is in your 

     character's possession. 


Pet bonus:  If you escaped or ascended, and you did so with pets, add the 

     maximum hit points of each pet. 



Status Line: 



At the bottom of the nethack screen appears a status line.  This status line 

(which is really two lines) will give you a lot of information about the 

character being played at a glance.  The following is a sample status line: 


Endiel the Evoker  St:9 Dx:16 Co:15 In:15 Wi:10 Ch:13  Neutral S:132 

Dlvl:3  G:325  HP:21(35) Pw:8(11) AC:4  Xp:3/53 T:461 


Now, item by item we will describe what each part of the status line means: 


1. "Endiel the Evoker" is the name and rank of the character.  The name will 

be either your account name or a name that you have chosen (see COMMON 

QUESTIONS for more information about how to name your character).  The rank 

is dependent upon your character class (i.e. wizard, samurai, barbarian, 

etc.) and your experience level (see CLASS RANKS for a list of the ranks). 


2. "St: 9 Dx:16 Co:15 In:15 Wi:10 Ch:13" is a listing of what the character's 

stats are.  Respectively, this line would mean that the character's strength 

is 9, dexterity is 16, constitution is 15, intelligence is 15, wisdom is 10, 

and charisma is 13 (see CHARACTER STATS for more information about what these 

stats mean). 


3. "Neutral" is the character's alignment.  Alignment can be one of three 

things:  "Chaotic," "Neutral," or "Good."  Alignment is a tricky subject, but 

in general it determines whether you tend to be on the side of "good" or 

"evil" or just sit the fence, and your character's actions are judged 

accordingly.  Alignment is initially determined by character class, but can 

also be changed during play via several different methods (see ALIGNMENT for 

more details). 


4. "S:132" is the character's score.  If the character were to quit the game 

at this moment, the score listed would be the score received.  There is a 

score penalty for dying.  Some compilations of nethack will not show score. 

(For more information on how to compute score, see SCORE.) 


5. "Dlvl:3" means that this character is on dungeon level three, or the third 

level down.  In nethack, dungeon levels are counted downwards, so the first 

level you encounter is level one, and then you go down through levels two, 

three, four, and so on.  Level fifty is the lowest level in the dungeon. 


6. "G:325" is the amount of gold ($) the character has.  This character has 

325 gold pieces in his/her possession. 


7. "HP:21(35)" is two measurements:  the character's current and maximum hit 

points (HP).  The current hit points are how many you have right now, and the 

maximum is what you can raise your current hit points to.  Basically, hit 

points are a measure of how alive you are.  Your current hit points are 

decreased when you are hit by a monster, caught in a trap, or do many other 

things that damage you.  Hit points are healed naturally over time, or can be 

increased via potions of healing, praying, etc.  Maximum hit points is raised 

automatically whenever you go up an experience level, or may be increased via 

praying, quaffing healing potions while your current hit points are equal to 

the maximum, etc. 


8. "Pw:8(11)" is also two measurements:  your current and maximum power. 

Current power is used to cast spells that have been memorized from spell 

books.  It is regenerated naturally over time, or can be increased via 

potions of gain energy.  Maximum power is increased whenever the character 

increases an experience level, or can be increased by quaffing potions of 

gain energy while current energy is at maximum. 


9. "AC:4" is the character's armor class.  Armor class (AC) is a measure of 

how well protected the character is against blows from hostile monsters. 

Armor class starts at 10, and goes downwards as it gets better.  Thus, a 

character with an AC of -10 would be much better than a character with an AC 

of 5.  AC can be improved by wearing more or better or more enchanted armor, 


by wearing rings of protection, by having your deity grant you intrinsic 

protection, or by other methods. 


10. "Xp:3/53" is, once again, two measurements:  the character's experience 

level and experience points.  Experience points (always the second and larger 

figure) are gained by killing monsters, quaffing potions of gain level, etc., 

and are the determining factor for what your experience level is.  Experience 

points also affect your score.  A character's experience level (or just 

"level" for short) determines many other factors about the character, such as 

maximum hit points, power, some intrinsics, ability to convert altars, etc. 

In general, the higher the character's experience level, the better the 

character is. 


11. "T:461" shows the "time," or the number of moves that the character has 

made.  Every time the character does anything, this counter is incremented by 

one.  This timer is optional, and can be turned on or off by using the "O" 

key for the options command.  In most compilations of nethack it is set to 

off by default. 




          |                      The Beasts                        | 



Monster Attacks: 


This section details the number and types of attacks each monster has, as 

well as how much damage they can do for each attack, and what type of damage 

is done.  Each monster can have from one to five attacks (except the mail 

daemon, which doesn't attack).  These attacks are listed in the order in 

which they will occur, in the following format:  Attack-type Damage (Damage 



Attack types, damage, and damage types are explained below the chart. 


  Name                      Attacks 


| acid blob               | Defensive LEVd8 (Acid)                          | 

| air elemental           | Engulf 2d10                                     | 

| ape                     | Claw 1d3, Claw 1d3, Bite 1d6                    | 

| archeologist            | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| Asmodeus                | Claw 4d4, Magic 6d6 (Cold)                      | 

| Baalzebub               | Bite 2d6 (Str.), Gaze 2d6 (Stun)                | 

| baby black dragon       | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| baby blue dragon        | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| baby crocodile          | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| baby gray dragon        | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| baby green dragon       | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| baby long worm          | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| baby orange dragon      | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| baby purple worm        | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| baby red dragon         | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| baby white dragon       | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| baby yellow dragon      | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| balrog                  | Weapon 8d4, Weapon 4d6                          | 

| baluchitherium          | Claw 5d4, Claw 5d4                              | 

| barbarian               | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| barbed devil            | Claw 2d4, Claw 2d4, Sting 3d4                   | 

| barrow wight            | Claw 1d4, Magic 0d0 (Spell),                    | 

|                         | Weapon 0d0 (Drain Life)                         | 

| bat                     | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| black dragon            | Breath 4d10 (Disint./Death), Bite 3d8,          | 

|                         | Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4                              | 

| black naga              | Bite 2d6, Spit 1d25 (Acid)                      | 

| black naga hatchling    | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| black pudding           | Bite 3d8 (Rust), Defensive 0d0 (Rust)           | 

| black unicorn           | Butt 1d12, Kick 1d6                             | 

| blue dragon             | Breath 4d6 (Shock), Bite 3d8, Claw 1d4,         | 

|                         | Claw 1d4                                        | 

| blue jelly              | Defensive (LEV+1)d6 (Cold)                      | 

| bone devil              | Weapon 3d4, Sting 2d4 (Str.)                    | 

| brown mold              | Defensive (LEV+1)d6 (Cold)                      | 

| brown pudding           | Bite 0d0 (Decay)                                | 

| bugbear                 | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| captain                 | Weapon 4d4, Weapon 4d4                          | 

| carnivorous ape         | Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4, Hug 1d8                     | 

| cave spider             | Bite 1d2                                        | 

| caveman                 | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| cavewoman               | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| Cerberus                | Bite 3d6, Bite 3d6, Bite 3d6                    | 

| chameleon               | Bite 4d2                                        | 

| Charon                  | Weapon 1d8, Touch 1d8 (Paralyze)                | 

| clay golem              | Claw 3d10                                       | 

| cobra                   | Bite 2d4 (Str.), Spit 1d25 (Blind)              | 

| cockatrice              | Bite 1d3, Touch 0d0 (Petrify),                  | 

|                         | Defensive 0d0 (Petrify)                         | 

| crocodile               | Bite 4d2, Claw 1d12                             | 

| demilich                | Touch 3d4 (Cold), Magic 0d0 (Spell)             | 

| Demogorgon              | Magic 8d6 (Spell), Sting 1d4 (Drain Life),      | 

|                         | Claw 1d6 (Disease), Claw 1d6 (Disease)          | 

| demon                   | Weapon 1d4, Claw 1d4, Bite 1d4                  | 

| Dispater                | Weapon 4d6, Magic 6d6 (Spell)                   | 

| djinni                  | Weapon 2d8                                      | 

| dog                     | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| dust vortex             | Engulf 2d8 (Blind)                              | 

| dwarf                   | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| dwarf king              | Weapon 2d6, Weapon 2d6                          | 

| dwarf lord              | Weapon 2d4, Weapon 2d4                          | 

| earth elemental         | Claw 4d6                                        | 

| electric eel            | Bite 4d6 (Shock), Touch 0d0 (Wrap)              | 

| elf                     | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| elf mummy               | Claw 2d4                                        | 

| elf zombie              | Claw 1d7                                        | 

| elf-lord                | Weapon 2d4, Weapon 2d4                          | 

| Elvenking               | Weapon 2d4, Weapon 2d                           | 

| energy vortex           | Engulf 1d6 (Shock), Engulf 0d0 (Drain Energy),  | 

|                         | Defensive (LEV+1)d4 (Shock)                     | 

| erinyes                 | Weapon 2d4 (Str.)                               | 

| ettin                   | Weapon 2d8, Weapon 3d6                          | 

| ettin mummy             | Claw 2d6, Claw 2d6                              | 

| ettin zombie            | Claw 1d10, Claw 1d10                            | 

| fire ant                | Bite 1d4 (Fire)                                 | 

| fire elemental          | Claw 3d6 (Fire), Defensive (LEV+1)d4 (Fire)     | 

| fire giant              | Weapon 2d10                                     | 

| fire vortex             | Engulf 1d10 (Fire), Defensive (LEV+1)d4 (Fire)  | 

| flesh golem             | Claw 2d8, Claw 2d8                              | 

| floating eye            | Defensive (LEV+1)d70 (Paralyze)                 | 

| fog cloud               | Engulf 1d6                                      | 

| forest centaur          | Weapon 1d8, Kick 1d6                            | 

| freezing sphere         | Explode 4d6 (Cold)                              | 

| frost giant             | Weapon 2d12                                     | 

| garter snake            | Bite 1d2                                        | 

| gecko                   | Bite 1d3                                        | 

| gelatinous cube         | Touch 2d4 (Paralyze),                           | 

|                         | Defensive (LEV+1)d4 (Paralyze)                  | 

| Geryon                  | Claw 3d6, Claw 3d6, Sting 2d4 (Str.)            | 

| ghost                   | Touch 1d1                                       | 

| giant                   | Weapon 2d10                                     | 

| giant ant               | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| giant bat               | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| giant beetle            | Bite 3d6                                        | 

| giant eel               | Bite 3d6, Touch 0d0 (Wrap)                      | 

| giant mimic             | Claw 3d6 (Stick), Claw 3d6 (Stick)              | 

| giant mummy             | Claw 3d4, Claw 3d4                              | 

| giant rat               | Bite 1d3                                        | 

| giant spider            | Bite 2d4 (Str.)                                 | 

| giant zombie            | Claw 2d8, Claw 2d8                              | 

| gnome                   | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| gnome king              | Weapon 2d6                                      | 

| gnome lord              | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| gnome mummy             | Claw 1d6                                        | 

| gnome zombie            | Claw 1d5                                        | 

| gnomish wizard          | Magic 0d0 (Spell)                               | 

| goblin                  | Weapon 1d4                                      | 

| golden naga             | Bite 2d6, Magic 4d6 (Spell)                     | 

| golden naga hatchling   | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| gray dragon             | Breath 4d6 (Mag. Mis.), Bite 3d8, Claw 1d4,     | 

|                         | Claw 1d4                                        | 

| gray ooze               | Bite 2d8 (Rust)                                 | 

| gray unicorn            | Butt 1d12, Kick 1d6                             | 

| green dragon            | Breath 4d6 (Str.), Bite 3d8, Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4 | 

| green mold              | Defensive LEVd4 (Acid)                          | 

| Green-elf               | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| gremlin                 | Claw 1d6, Claw 1d6, Bite 1d4, Claw 0d0 (Curse)  | 

| Grey-elf                | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| grid bug                | Bite 1d1 (Shock)                                | 

| guard                   | Weapon 4d10                                     | 

| guardian naga           | Bite 1d6 (Paralyze), Hug 2d4, Spit 1d6 (Str.)   | 

| guardian naga hatchling | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| healer                  | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| hell hound              | Bite 3d6, Breath 3d6 (Fire)                     | 

| hell hound pup          | Bite 2d6, Breath 2d6 (Fire)                     | 

| hezrou                  | Claw 1d3, Claw 1d3, Bite 4d4                    | 

| hill giant              | Weapon 2d8                                      | 

| hill orc                | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| hobbit                  | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| hobgoblin               | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| homunculus              | Bite 1d3 (Sleep)                                | 

| horned devil            | Weapon 1d4, Claw 1d4, Bite 2d3, Sting 1d3       | 

| housecat                | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| human                   | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| human mummy             | Claw 2d4, Claw 2d4                              | 

| human zombie            | Claw 1d8                                        | 

| ice devil               | Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4, Bite 2d4, Sting 3d4 (Cold)  | 

| ice troll               | Claw 2d6, Claw 2d6 (Cold), Bite 2d6             | 

| ice vortex              | Engulf 1d6 (Cold)                               | 

| iguana                  | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| imp                     | Claw 1d4                                        | 

| incubus                 | Bite 0d0 (Seduce), Claw 1d3, Claw 1d3           | 

| iron golem              | Weapon 4d10, Breath 4d6 (Str.)                  | 

| iron piercer            | Bite 3d6                                        | 

| jabberwock              | Bite 2d10, Bite 2d10, Claw 2d10, Claw 2d10      | 

| jackal                  | Bite 1d2                                        | 

| jackalwere              | Bite 1d4 (Lycanthropy)                          | 

| jaguar                  | Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4, Bite 1d8                    | 

| Juiblex                 | Engulf 4d10 (Disease), Spit 3d6 (Acid)          | 

| Keystone Kop            | Weapon 1d4                                      | 

| killer bee              | Sting 1d3 (Str.)                                | 

| kitten                  | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| knight                  | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| kobold                  | Weapon 1d4                                      | 

| kobold lord             | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| kobold mummy            | Claw 1d4                                        | 

| kobold shaman           | Magic 0d0 (Spell)                               | 

| kobold zombie           | Claw 1d4                                        | 

| Kop Kaptain             | Weapon 2d6                                      | 

| Kop Lieutenant          | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| Kop Sergeant            | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| kraken                  | Claw 2d4, Claw 2d4, Hug 2d6 (Wrap), Bite 5d4    | 

| large cat               | Bite 2d4                                        | 

| large dog               | Bite 2d4                                        | 

| large kobold            | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| large mimic             | Claw 3d4 (Stick)                                | 

| leather golem           | Claw 1d6, Claw 1d6                              | 

| lemure                  | Claw 1d3                                        | 

| leocrotta               | Claw 2d6, Bite 2d6, Claw 2d6                    | 

| leprechaun              | Claw 1d2 (Steal $)                              | 

| lich                    | Touch 1d10 (Cold), Magic 0d0 (Spell)            | 

| lieutenant              | Weapon 3d4, Weapon 3d4                          | 

| little dog              | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| lizard                  | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| long worm               | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| lurker above            | Engulf 1d8 (Digest)                             | 

| mail daemon             |                                                 | 

| manes                   | Claw 1d3, Claw 1d3, Bite 1d4                    | 

| marilith                | Weapon 2d4, Weapon 2d4, Weapon 2d4, Weapon 2d4, | 

|                         | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| master lich             | Touch 3d6 (Cold), Magic 0d0 (Spell)             | 

| Medusa                  | Claw 1d8, Gaze 0d0 (Petrify), Bite 1d6 (Str.),  | 

|                         | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| minotaur                | Claw 3d10, Claw 3d10, Butt 2d8                  | 

| Mordor orc              | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| mountain centaur        | Weapon 1d10, Kick 1d6, Kick 1d6                 | 

| mountain nymph          | Claw 0d0 (Steal), Claw 0d0 (Seduce)             | 

| mumakil                 | Butt 4d12, Bite 2d6                             | 

| nalfeshnee              | Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4, Bite 2d4, Magic 0d0 (Spell) | 

| Nazgul                  | Weapon 1d4 (Drain Life), Breath 0d0 (Sleep)     | 

| newt                    | Bite 1d2                                        | 

| nurse                   | Claw 2d6 (Heal)                                 | 

| ochre jelly             | Engulf 3d6 (Acid), Defensive LEVd6 (Acid)       | 

| ogre                    | Weapon 2d5                                      | 

| ogre king               | Weapon 3d5                                      | 

| ogre lord               | Weapon 2d6                                      | 

| Olog-hai                | Claw 2d8, Weapon 3d6, Bite 2d6                  | 

| oracle                  | Defensive (LEV+1)d4 (Mag. Mis.)                 | 

| orange dragon           | Breath 4d25 (Sleep), Bite 3d8, Claw 1d4,        | 

|                         | Claw 1d4                                        | 

| orc                     | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| orc mummy               | Claw 1d6                                        | 

| orc shaman              | Magic 0d0 (Spell)                               | 

| orc zombie              | Claw 1d6                                        | 

| orc-captain             | Weapon 2d4, Weapon 2d4                          | 

| Orcus                   | Magic 8d6 (Spell), Weapon 3d6, Claw 3d4,        | 

|                         | Claw 3d4, Sting 2d4 (Str.)                      | 

| owlbear                 | Claw 1d6, Claw 1d6, Hug 2d8                     | 

| pit fiend               | Weapon 4d2, Weapon 4d2, Hug 2d4                 | 

| pit viper               | Bite 1d4 (Str.), Bite 1d4 (Str.)                | 

| plains centaur          | Weapon 1d6, Kick 1d6                            | 

| priest                  | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| priestess               | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| purple worm             | Bite 2d8, Engulf 1d10 (Digest)                  | 

| python                  | Bite 1d4 (Str.), Hug 2d4 (Wrap)                 | 

| quantum mechanic        | Claw 1d4 (Teleport)                             | 

| quasit                  | Claw 1d2 (Dex.), Claw 1d2 (Dex.), Bite 1d4      | 

| queen bee               | Sting 1d8 (Str.)                                | 

| quivering blob          | Touch 1d8                                       | 

| rabid rat               | Bite 2d4 (Con.)                                 | 

| ratwere                 | Bite 1d4 (Lycanthropy)                          | 

| red dragon              | Breath 6d6 (Fire), Bite 3d8, Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4 | 

| red mold                | Defensive (LEV+1)d4 (Fire)                      | 

| red naga                | Bite 2d4, Breath 2d6 (Fire)                     | 

| red naga hatchling      | Bite 1d4                                        | 

| rock mole               | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| rock piercer            | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| rock troll              | Claw 2d8, Weapon 3d6, Bite 2d6                  | 

| rogue                   | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| rope golem              | Claw 1d6, Hug 6d1                               | 

| rothe                   | Claw 1d3, Bite 1d3, Bite 1d8                    | 

| rust monster            | Touch 0d0 (Rust), Touch 0d0 (Rust),             | 

|                         | Defensive 0d0 (Rust)                            | 

| samurai                 | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| scorpion                | Claw 1d2, Claw 1d2, Sting 1d4 (Str.)            | 

| sergeant                | Weapon 2d6                                      | 

| sewer rat               | Bite 1d3                                        | 

| shopkeeper              | Weapon 4d4, Weapon 4d4                          | 

| small mimic             | Claw 3d4                                        | 

| snake                   | Bite 1d6 (Str.)                                 | 

| soldier                 | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| soldier ant             | Bite 2d4, Sting 3d4 (Str.)                      | 

| spotted jelly           | Defensive LEVd6 (Acid)                          | 

| stalker                 | Claw 4d4                                        | 

| steam vortex            | Engulf 1d8 (Fire)                               | 

| stone giant             | Weapon 2d10                                     | 

| stone golem             | Claw 3d8                                        | 

| straw golem             | Claw 1d2, Claw 1d2                              | 

| succubus                | Bite 0d0 (Seduce), Claw 1d3, Claw 1d3           | 

| temple priest           | Weapon 4d10, Kick 1d4, Magic 0d0 (Cleric Spl)   | 

| temple priestess        | Weapon 4d10, Kick 1d4, Magic 0d0 (Cleric Spl)   | 

| tengu                   | Bite 1d7                                        | 

| tiger                   | Claw 2d4, Claw 2d4, Bite 1d10                   | 

| titan                   | Weapon 2d8, Magic 0d0 (Spell)                   | 

| titanothere             | Claw 2d8                                        | 

| tourist                 | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| trapper                 | Engulf 1d10 (Digest)                            | 

| troll                   | Claw 4d2, Claw 4d2, Bite 2d6                    | 

| umber hulk              | Claw 3d4, Claw 3d4, Bite 2d5,                   | 

|                         | Gaze 0d0 (Confuse)                              | 

| unarmored soldier       | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| Uruk-hai                | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| valkyrie                | Weapon 1d8                                      | 

| vampire                 | Claw 1d6, Bite 1d6 (Drain Life)                 | 

| vampire bat             | Bite 1d6, Bite 0d0 (Str.)                       | 

| vampire lord            | Claw 1d8, Bite 1d8 (Drain Life)                 | 

| violet fungus           | Touch 1d4, Touch 0d0 (Stick)                    | 

| Vlad the Impaler        | Weapon 1d6, Bite 1d6 (Drain Life)               | 

| vrock                   | Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4, Claw 1d8, Claw 1d8,         | 

|                         | Bite 1d6                                        | 

| warg                    | Bite 2d6                                        | 

| water demon             | Weapon 1d3, Claw 1d3, Bite 1d3                  | 

| water elemental         | Claw 5d6                                        | 

| water moccasin          | Bite 1d6 (Str.)                                 | 

| water nymph             | Claw 0d0 (Steal), Claw 0d0 (Seduce)             | 

| water troll             | Claw 2d8, Claw 2d8, Bite 2d6                    | 

| werejackal              | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| wererat                 | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| werewolf                | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| white dragon            | Breath 4d6 (Cold), Bite 3d8, Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4 | 

| white unicorn           | Butt 1d12, Kick 1d6                             | 

| winter wolf             | Bite 2d6, Breath 2d6 (Cold)                     | 

| wizard                  | Weapon 1d6                                      | 

| Wizard of Yendor        | Claw 2d12 (Amulet), Magic 0d0 (Spell)           | 

| wolf                    | Bite 2d4                                        | 

| wolfwere                | Bite 2d6 (Lycanthropy)                          | 

| wood golem              | Claw 3d4                                        | 

| wood nymph              | Claw 0d0 (Steal), Claw 0d0 (Seduce)             | 

| Woodland-elf            | Weapon 2d4                                      | 

| wraith                  | Touch 1d6 (Drain Life)                          | 

| wumpus                  | Bite 3d6                                        | 

| xan                     | Sting 1d4 (Legs)                                | 

| xorn                    | Claw 1d3, Claw 1d3, Claw 1d3, Bite 4d6          | 

| Yeenoghu                | Weapon 3d6, Weapon 2d8 (Confuse),               | 

|                         | Weapon 1d6 (Paralyze), Magic 2d6 (Mag. Mis.)    | 

| yellow dragon           | Breath 4d6 (Acid), Bite 3d8, Claw 1d4, Claw 1d4 | 

| yellow light            | Explode 10d20 (Blind)                           | 

| yellow mold             | Defensive (LEV+1)d4 (Stun)                      | 

| yeti                    | Claw 1d6, Claw 1d6, Bite 1d4                    | 

| zruty                   | Claw 3d4, Claw 3d4, Bite 3d6                    | 



Attack types:  The various attack types possible for an attack are listed 

below, with a brief explanation for each. 


     Attack Type     Description 


     Bite            The monster will attempt to bite you. 

     Breath          With this attack type, the monster will breathe at you, 

                     usually breathing a gas, liquid, fire, or the like.  The 

                     classical example of this is the fire breathing dragon 

                     (a red dragon in nethack and most fantasy role playing 


     Butt            The monster will head-butt you, much in the same way 

                     that a bull would, usually in order to bring a horn into 


     Claw            The monster attacks using its claws. 

     Defensive       This attack type will only occur if you successfully 

                     attack (i.e. hit) the monster in question.  I.E. this is 

                     a retributive strike. 

     Engulf          The monster will attempt to engulf you.  This can 

                     involve swallowing you whole, as a purple worm would do, 

                     or simply surrounding you, as a fog cloud would. 

     Explode         With this attack type, the monster will literally 

                     explode if you come within range of it, and the 

                     explosion does the damage. 

     Gaze            The monster will look at you in order attack.  Usually 

                     you have to meet the monster's gaze in order for the 

                     attack to be successful. 

     Hug             With this attack type, the monster will use a crushing 

                     bear- like hug in order to incapacitate you as well as 

                     prevent you from running away. 

     Kick            The monster will kick you.  For example, a horse (if it 

                     were a nethack monster) would probably kick you.  Temple 

                     priest(ess)s also use kicking attacks. 

     Magic           The monster will use a magic spell to attack. 

     Spit            The monster will spit at you, and if the liquid that is 

                     spat touches you, the attack is successful.  A prime 

                     example of this type of attack would be the spitting 


     Sting           The monster will attempt to sting you with a stinger. 

     Touch           In order to successfully attack with this attack type, 

                     the monster need only touch you. 

     Weapon          The monster in question will use a weapon of some type 

                     in order to do the damage listed.  Thus, monsters with 

                     this attack type will always be generated with weapons. 


Damage: Damage is listed in the format xdy.  In this format, x is the number 

of dice rolled to determine the damage, and y is the number of faces on each 

die rolled.  Thus, if '1d6' were listed, it would mean that one six-sided die 

would be rolled to determine the damage, giving a possible range of 1-6.  If 

'3d8' were listed, it would mean that three eight-sided dice would be rolled 

to determine the damage, giving a possible range of 3-24. 


Note: where "LEV" is listed (i.e. "LEVd4" or "(LEV+1)d4"), substitute the 

monster's level. 


Note that with some damage types, the damage indicated here will not be used 

for actual hit point damage to the character, but may be used (for example) 

to determine the length of paralyzation or blindness, etc. 



Damage types:  The various damage types possible for an attack are listed 

below, with a brief explanation for each.  The default damage type (i.e. if 

no damage type is listed for the attack) is "Physical." 


     Damage Type     Description 


     Acid            The damage done in this case is via acid.  Thus, if you 

                     are acid resistant (only certain monsters are), you 

                     would take no damage. 

     Amulet          Monsters with this damage type (basically the Wizard of 

                     Yendor only) will attempt to steal the Amulet of Yendor 

                     (assuming you have it). 

     Blind           This damage type is used in conjuction with the engulf, 

                     explode, and spit attack types.  With the engulf attack 

                     type, normal damage is done, and you will be blinded 

                     until you manage to kill the creature or are expelled 

                     from it. With the explode attack type, you will be 

                     blinded for a number of rounds equal to the listed 

                     damage, but no damage will be taken.  For the spit 

                     attack type, you will take normal damage and be blinded 

                     for 1-25 rounds. 

     Cleric Spl      Monsters with this damage type will cast a random cleric 

                     spell, having random effects depending upon the spell 


     Cold            The damage is done via cold or freezing.  Thus, if you 

                     are cold resistant, no damage will be done.  However, 

                     this type of damage also has a chance of destroying 


     Con.            Damage of this type has the possibility of being 

                     poisoned. If the attack is poisoned, your character will 

                     lose 3 to 5 points of constitution in addition to the 

                     normal damage taken. 

     Confuse         An attack doing damage of this type will confuse you for 

                     the number of rounds that would normally be damage. 

                     (i.e. if 1d6 is listed for damage, you would be confused 

                     for 1d6 rounds).  No normal damage is received, however. 

     Curse           If an attack using this damage type succeeds, the 

                     attacking monster will "steal" one of your intrinsics. 

     Decay           This damage type, in addition to doing normal damage, 

                     has the capability of decaying organic material.  Thus, 

                     it can damage armor that is organic in nature (i.e. 

                     robes, leather armor, etc.). 

     Dex.            Damage of this type has the possibility of being 

                     poisoned. If the attack is poisoned, your character will 

                     lose 3 to 5 points of dexterity in addition to the 

                     normal damage taken. 

     Digest          This damage type occurs only in conjunction with the 

                     attack type "Engulf."  Basically, once the monster has 

                     swallowed you whole, any damage done if via digestion in 

                     the monster's stomach. 

     Disease         In addition to the normal damage done, you also have a 

                     chance of becoming sick and eventually dying of it. 

     Disint./Death   This type of attack will usually kill you outright. 

                     However, if the attack is a disintegration beam and you 

                     are wearing armor, your outermost layer of armor will be 

                     destroyed instead. 

     Drain Energy    Damage of this type is done by draining the amount of 

                     damage from your store of energy points instead of from 

                     hit points. 

     Drain Life      Monsters doing this kind of damage have a chance of 

                     draining an experience level from you in addition to the 

                     normal damage done. 

     Fire            The damage is done via fire or heat.  Thus, if you are 

                     fire resistant, no damage will be done.  This type of 

                     damage also has a chance of catching scrolls and 

                     spellbooks on fire, and causing potions to boil and 


     Heal            This is probably the most unique of all the damage 

                     types, and is basically reserved for nurses.  If you are 

                     wearing any type of armor, or are wielding any weapon 

                     when this damage type is done to you, normal damage will 

                     occur (unless you are a healer, in which case you'll get 

                     a fun message).  If, however, you aren't wearing any 

                     armor, and are not wielding any weapon, you will 

                     actually be healed by the attack, and if already at 

                     maximum hit points, there is a chance that your maximum 

                     will be increased by one point. 

     Legs            Monsters doing this type of damage attack and do damage 

                     primarily to your legs.  Such damage can incapacitate 

                     you and prevent you from walking or fighting, especially 

                     if you're carrying a heavy load. 

     Lycanthropy     Monsters with this damage type have a chance of not only 

                     doing normal damage, but also conferring lycanthropy 

                     upon you.  If you catch lycanthropy (signified by the 

                     message, "You feel feverish."), you will periodically 

                     change form into a rat, jackal, or wolf, depending upon 

                     which type of lycanthrope you got the disease from. 

     Mag. Mis.       Attacks with this damage type are made via magic 

                     missiles. If you are magic resistant, no damage will be 


     Paralyze        For most attack types, this kind of damage includes not 

                     only the normal physical damage, but also the chance of 

                     being paralyzed for a random time period.  However, for 

                     "Defensive" attacks, no damage is done, and you will be 

                     paralyzed for the number of rounds listed as damage. 

     Petrify         Monsters doing this type of damage have a chance of 

                     turning you to stone.  Generally the stoning (as it's 

                     called) starts with the limbs, and then proceeds to the 

                     rest of the body. 

     Physical        The damage done is physical in nature (i.e. a cut to the 

                     torso, etc.). 

     Rust            Damage of this type has the capability of rusting metal. 

                     If the attack type is defensive in nature, the weapon 

                     you used to attack can rust.  Otherwise, any metal armor 

                     you might be wearing can rust. 

     Seduce          Monsters with this damage type will attempt to seduce 

                     you and will steal as many of your items as possible 

                     while they are seducing you.  Incubi/Succubi have 

                     slightly different effects with this damage type, and 

                     can have effects ranging from giving you experience to 

                     outright killing you. 

     Shock           Damage of this type is done via electrical shock.  Thus, 

                     if you are shock resistant, no damage will be done. 

                     However, this damage also has a chance of destroying 

                     wands and rings. 

     Sleep           If an attack doing sleep damage succeeds, there is a 

                     chance that you will be put to sleep for a random time 

                     period in addition to the normal damage.  Sleep 

                     resistance will prevent you from being put to sleep, but 

                     you will still sustain the normal damage. 

     Slow            Attacks doing damage of this type have the possibility 

                     of not only doing normal damage, but also of slowing you 

                     down to normal speed if you are moving at faster than 

                     normal speed. 

     Spell           Monsters with this damage type will cast a random magic- 

                     user spell, having varying effects depending upon the 

                     spell cast. 

     Steal           Monsters with this damage type will attempt to steal an 

                     item from your inventory. 

     Steal $         Monsters with this damage type will attempt to steal any 

                     gold which you might have. 

     Stick           If an attack doing damage of this type succeeds, in 

                     addition to doing the normal damage, you will be unable 

                     to escape the monster in the next round. 

     Str.            Damage of this type has the possibility of being 

                     poisoned. If the attack is poisoned, your character will 

                     lose 3 to 5 points of strength in addition to the normal 

                     damage taken. 

     Stun            An attack doing damage of this type will stun you for 

                     the number of rounds that would normally be damage. 

                     (i.e. if 1d6 is listed for damage, you would be stunned 

                     for 1d6 rounds).  In addition to stunning you for this 

                     time period, you will take damage equal to one-half of 

                     the time period you are stunned.  (I.e., let's say the 

                     monster can do 1d6 damage.  Let's say it rolls a 4 for 

                     that 1d6.  Thus, you would be stunned for 4 rounds, and 

                     take 2 hit points of damage.)  The exception to all this 

                     is "Defensive" attacks, where you will be stunned as per 

                     a normal stun attack, but no physical damage is taken. 

     Teleport        Monsters doing damage of this type can, in addition to 

                     doing normal damage, teleport you to another spot on the 


     Wrap            This is a special damage type which is similar to 

                     "Stick." However, this damage type is reserved for eels, 

                     and if successful, in addition to keeping you from 

                     running away the next round, there is a chance that you 

                     will be dragged into the water. 



Monster Information: 


  Name                      Lvl   Spd  AC    MR  Aln  Wgt   Nutr  Siz 


| acid blob               |   1 |  3 |  8 |   0 | N |   3 |   30 | S | 

| air elemental           |   8 | 36 |  2 |  30 | N |   5 |    0 | L | 

| ape                     |   4 | 12 |  6 |   0 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| archeologist            |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| Asmodeus                | 105 | 12 | -7 |  90 | L |  50 |  500 | L | 

| Baalzebub               |  89 |  9 | -5 |  85 | L |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby black dragon       |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby blue dragon        |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby crocodile          |   3 |  6 |  7 |   0 | N |  20 |  200 | L | 

| baby gray dragon        |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby green dragon       |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby long worm          |   8 |  3 |  5 |   0 | N |  25 |  250 | L | 

| baby orange dragon      |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby purple worm        |   8 |  3 |  5 |   0 | N |  25 |  250 | L | 

| baby red dragon         |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby white dragon       |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| baby yellow dragon      |  12 |  9 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| balrog                  |  16 |  5 | -2 |  75 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| baluchitherium          |  14 | 12 |  5 |   0 | N |  80 |  800 | L | 

| barbarian               |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| barbed devil            |   8 | 12 |  0 |  35 | L |  45 |  450 | L | 

| barrow wight            |   3 | 12 |  5 |   5 | C |  30 |    0 | L | 

| bat                     |   0 | 22 |  8 |   0 | N |   2 |   20 | S | 

| black dragon            |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | C | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| black naga              |   8 | 14 |  2 |  10 | L |  60 |  400 | L | 

| black naga hatchling    |   3 | 10 |  6 |   0 | N |  20 |  100 | L | 

| black pudding           |  10 |  6 |  6 |   0 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| black unicorn           |   4 | 24 |  2 |  70 | C |  30 |  300 | L | 

| blue dragon             |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | C | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| blue jelly              |   4 |  0 |  8 |  10 | N |   2 |   20 | L | 

| bone devil              |   9 | 15 | -1 |  40 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| brown mold              |   1 |  0 |  9 |   0 | N |   5 |   30 | S | 

| brown pudding           |   5 |  3 |  8 |   0 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| bugbear                 |   3 |  9 |  5 |   0 | C |  25 |  250 | L | 

| captain                 |  12 |  4 | -3 |  15 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| carnivorous ape         |   5 | 12 |  6 |   0 | N |  55 |  550 | L | 

| cave spider             |   1 | 12 |  3 |   0 | N |   5 |   50 | S | 

| caveman                 |   1 | 10 | 10 |   0 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| cavewoman               |   1 | 10 | 10 |   0 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| Cerberus                |  12 | 10 |  2 |  20 | C |  50 |  350 | L | 

| chameleon               |   6 |  5 |  6 |  10 | N |  10 |  100 | S | 

| Charon                  |  76 | 18 | -5 | 120 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| clay golem              |  11 |  7 |  7 |  40 | N |  75 |    0 | L | 

| cobra                   |   6 | 18 |  2 |   0 | N |  15 |  100 | L | 

| cockatrice              |   5 |  6 |  6 |  30 | N |   3 |   30 | S | 

| crocodile               |   6 |  9 |  5 |   0 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| demilich                |  14 |  9 | -2 |  60 | C |  30 |  100 | L | 

| Demogorgon              | 106 | 15 | -8 |  95 | C |  50 |  500 | L | 

| demon                   |  10 | 12 |  4 |  30 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| Dispater                |  78 | 15 | -2 |  80 | L |  50 |  500 | L | 

| djinni                  |   7 | 12 |  4 |  30 | N |  40 |  400 | L | 

| dog                     |   4 | 16 |  5 |   0 | N |  20 |  200 | L | 

| dust vortex             |   4 | 20 |  2 |  30 | N |  20 |    0 | L | 

| dwarf                   |   2 |  6 |  4 |  10 | L |  30 |  300 | L | 

| dwarf king              |   6 |  6 |  4 |  20 | L |  30 |  300 | L | 

| dwarf lord              |   4 |  6 |  4 |  10 | L |  30 |  300 | L | 

| earth elemental         |   8 |  6 |  2 |  30 | N |  50 |    0 | L | 

| electric eel            |   7 | 10 | -3 |   0 | N |  10 |  250 | L | 

| elf                     |   1 | 12 | 10 |   2 | L |  35 |  350 | L | 

| elf mummy               |   6 | 12 |  4 |  30 | C |  35 |  350 | L | 

| elf zombie              |   3 |  6 |  9 |   0 | C |  35 |  350 | L | 

| elf-lord                |   8 | 12 |  5 |  20 | L |  35 |  350 | L | 

| Elvenking               |   9 | 12 |  5 |  25 | L |  35 |  350 | L | 

| energy vortex           |   6 | 20 |  2 |  30 | N |  20 |    0 | L | 

| erinyes                 |   7 | 12 |  2 |  30 | L |  45 |  450 | L | 

| ettin                   |  10 | 12 |  3 |   0 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| ettin mummy             |   7 | 12 |  4 |  30 | C |  50 |  500 | L | 

| ettin zombie            |   6 |  8 |  6 |   0 | C |  50 |  500 | L | 

| fire ant                |   3 | 18 |  3 |  10 | N |   3 |   30 | S | 

| fire elemental          |   8 | 12 |  2 |  30 | N |   5 |    0 | L | 

| fire giant              |   9 | 12 |  4 |   5 | L |  75 |  750 | L | 

| fire vortex             |   8 | 22 |  2 |  30 | N |  30 |    0 | L | 

| flesh golem             |   9 |  8 |  9 |  30 | N |  60 |  600 | L | 

| floating eye            |   2 |  1 |  9 |  10 | N |   1 |   10 | S | 

| fog cloud               |   3 |  1 |  0 |   0 | N |  10 |    0 | L | 

| forest centaur          |   5 | 18 |  3 |  10 | C |  55 |  600 | L | 

| freezing sphere         |   6 | 13 |  4 |   0 | N |   1 |   10 | S | 

| frost giant             |  10 | 12 |  3 |  10 | C |  75 |  750 | L | 

| garter snake            |   1 |  8 |  8 |   0 | N |   5 |   60 | S | 

| gecko                   |   1 |  6 |  8 |   0 | N |   2 |   20 | S | 

| gelatinous cube         |   6 |  6 |  8 |   0 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| Geryon                  |  72 |  3 | -3 |  75 | L |  50 |  500 | L | 

| ghost                   |  10 |  3 | -5 |  50 | C |  45 |    0 | L | 

| giant                   |   6 |  6 |  0 |   0 | L |  75 |  750 | L | 

| giant ant               |   2 | 18 |  3 |   0 | N |   1 |   10 | S | 

| giant bat               |   2 | 22 |  7 |   0 | N |   3 |   30 | L | 

| giant beetle            |   5 |  6 |  4 |   0 | N |   1 |   10 | L | 

| giant eel               |   5 |  9 | -1 |   0 | N |  10 |  250 | L | 

| giant mimic             |   9 |  3 |  7 |  20 | N |  60 |  500 | L | 

| giant mummy             |   8 | 14 |  3 |  30 | C |  75 |  750 | L | 

| giant rat               |   1 | 10 |  7 |   0 | N |   3 |   30 | S | 

| giant spider            |   5 | 15 |  4 |   0 | N |  10 |  100 | L | 

| giant zombie            |   8 |  8 |  6 |   0 | C |  75 |  750 | L | 

| gnome                   |   1 |  6 |  5 |   4 | N |  10 |  100 | S | 

| gnome king              |   5 | 10 |  2 |  20 | N |  20 |  150 | S | 

| gnome lord              |   3 |  8 |  4 |   4 | N |  15 |  120 | S | 

| gnome mummy             |   4 | 10 |  6 |  20 | C |  10 |  100 | S | 

| gnome zombie            |   1 |  6 | 10 |   0 | C |  10 |  100 | S | 

| gnomish wizard          |   3 | 10 |  4 |  10 | N |  15 |  120 | S | 

| goblin                  |   0 |  6 |  6 |   0 | C |  10 |  100 | S | 

| golden naga             |  10 | 14 |  2 |  70 | L |  60 |  400 | L | 

| golden naga hatchling   |   3 | 10 |  6 |   0 | N |  20 |  100 | L | 

| gray dragon             |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | L | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| gray ooze               |   3 |  1 |  8 |   0 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| gray unicorn            |   4 | 24 |  2 |  70 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| green dragon            |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | L | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| green mold              |   1 |  0 |  9 |   0 | N |   5 |   30 | S | 

| Green-elf               |   5 | 12 |  5 |  10 | L |  35 |  350 | L | 

| gremlin                 |   5 | 12 |  2 |  25 | C |  10 |   30 | S | 

| Grey-elf                |   6 | 12 |  5 |  10 | L |  35 |  350 | L | 

| grid bug                |   0 | 12 |  9 |   0 | N |   5 |   50 | S | 

| guard                   |  12 | 12 | -1 |  40 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| guardian naga           |  12 | 16 |  0 |  50 | L |  60 |  400 | L | 

| guardian naga hatchling |   3 | 10 |  6 |   0 | N |  20 |  100 | L | 

| healer                  |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| hell hound              |  12 | 14 |  2 |  20 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| hell hound pup          |   7 | 12 |  4 |  20 | C |  20 |  200 | S | 

| hezrou                  |   9 |  6 | -2 |  55 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| hill giant              |   8 | 10 |  6 |   0 | C |  70 |  700 | L | 

| hill orc                |   2 |  9 |  6 |   0 | C |  20 |  200 | L | 

| hobbit                  |   1 |  9 |  7 |   0 | L |  20 |  200 | S | 

| hobgoblin               |   1 |  9 |  6 |   0 | C |  20 |  200 | L | 

| homunculus              |   2 | 12 |  6 |  10 | C |  20 |  200 | S | 

| horned devil            |   6 |  9 | -5 |  50 | L |  45 |  450 | L | 

| housecat                |   4 | 16 |  5 |   0 | N |  20 |  200 | S | 

| human                   |   0 | 12 | 10 |   0 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| human mummy             |   6 | 12 |  4 |  30 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| human zombie            |   4 |  6 |  8 |   0 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| ice devil               |  11 |  6 | -4 |  55 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| ice troll               |   9 | 10 |  2 |  20 | C |  40 |  300 | L | 

| ice vortex              |   5 | 20 |  2 |  30 | N |  30 |    0 | L | 

| iguana                  |   2 |  6 |  7 |   0 | N |   3 |   30 | S | 

| imp                     |   3 | 12 |  2 |  20 | C |   1 |   10 | S | 

| incubus                 |   6 | 12 |  0 |  70 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| iron golem              |  18 |  6 |  3 |  60 | N | 100 |    0 | L | 

| iron piercer            |   5 |  1 |  0 |   0 | N |  40 |  300 | L | 

| jabberwock              |  15 | 12 | -2 |  50 | N |  60 |  600 | L | 

| jackal                  |   0 | 12 |  7 |   0 | N |  25 |  250 | S | 

| jackalwere              |   2 | 12 |  7 |  10 | C |  25 |  250 | S | 

| jaguar                  |   4 | 15 |  6 |   0 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| Juiblex                 |  50 |  3 | -7 |  65 | C |  50 |  250 | L | 

| Keystone Kop            |   1 |  6 |  7 |  10 | L |  45 |  200 | L | 

| killer bee              |   1 | 18 | -1 |   0 | N |   1 |   10 | S | 

| kitten                  |   2 | 18 |  6 |   0 | N |  15 |  150 | S | 

| knight                  |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| kobold                  |   0 |  6 |  7 |   0 | C |  10 |  100 | S | 

| kobold lord             |   2 |  6 |  5 |   0 | C |  20 |  200 | S | 

| kobold mummy            |   3 |  8 |  6 |  20 | C |  10 |  100 | S | 

| kobold shaman           |   1 |  6 |  6 |  10 | C |  15 |  150 | S | 

| kobold zombie           |   0 |  6 | 10 |   0 | C |  10 |  100 | S | 

| Kop Kaptain             |   4 | 12 |  4 |  20 | L |  45 |  200 | L | 

| Kop Lieutenant          |   3 | 10 |  5 |  20 | L |  45 |  200 | L | 

| Kop Sergeant            |   2 |  8 |  6 |  10 | L |  45 |  200 | L | 

| kraken                  |  20 |  3 |  6 |   0 | C | 100 | 1000 | L | 

| large cat               |   6 | 15 |  4 |   0 | N |  25 |  250 | S | 

| large dog               |   6 | 15 |  4 |   0 | N |  25 |  250 | L | 

| large kobold            |   1 |  6 |  6 |   0 | C |  15 |  150 | S | 

| large mimic             |   8 |  3 |  7 |  10 | N |  40 |  400 | L | 

| leather golem           |   6 |  6 |  6 |   0 | N |  40 |    0 | L | 

| lemure                  |   3 |  3 |  7 |   0 | C |  10 |  100 | L | 

| leocrotta               |   6 | 18 |  4 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| leprechaun              |   5 | 15 |  8 |  20 | N |  30 |  300 | S | 

| lich                    |  11 |  6 |  0 |  30 | C |  30 |  100 | L | 

| lieutenant              |  10 |  4 | -2 |  15 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| little dog              |   2 | 18 |  6 |   0 | N |  15 |  150 | S | 

| lizard                  |   5 |  6 |  6 |  10 | N |   1 |   40 | S | 

| long worm               |   8 |  3 |  5 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| lurker above            |  10 |  3 |  3 |   0 | N |  40 |  350 | L | 

| mail daemon             |  56 | 24 | 10 | 127 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| manes                   |   1 |  3 |  7 |   0 | C |  10 |  100 | S | 

| marilith                |   7 | 12 | -6 |  80 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| master lich             |  17 |  9 | -4 |  90 | C |  30 |  100 | L | 

| Medusa                  |  20 | 12 |  2 |  50 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| minotaur                |  15 | 15 |  6 |   0 | N |  70 |  700 | L | 

| Mordor orc              |   3 |  5 |  6 |   0 | C |  20 |  200 | L | 

| mountain centaur        |   6 | 20 |  2 |  10 | C |  55 |  500 | L | 

| mountain nymph          |   3 | 12 |  9 |  20 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| mumakil                 |   5 |  9 |  0 |   0 | C |  70 |  500 | L | 

| nalfeshnee              |  11 |  9 | -1 |  65 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| Nazgul                  |  13 | 12 |  0 |  25 | C |  30 |    0 | L | 

| newt                    |   0 |  6 |  8 |   0 | N |   2 |   20 | S | 

| nurse                   |  11 |  6 |  0 |   0 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| ochre jelly             |   6 |  3 |  8 |  20 | N |   2 |   20 | L | 

| ogre                    |   5 | 10 |  5 |   0 | C |  60 |  500 | L | 

| ogre king               |   7 | 14 |  4 |  60 | C |  70 |  750 | L | 

| ogre lord               |   7 | 12 |  3 |  30 | C |  70 |  700 | L | 

| Olog-hai                |  13 | 12 | -4 |   0 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| oracle                  |  12 |  0 |  0 |  50 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| orange dragon           |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | L | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| orc                     |   1 |  9 |  6 |   0 | C |  15 |  150 | L | 

| orc mummy               |   5 | 10 |  5 |  20 | C |  15 |  150 | L | 

| orc shaman              |   3 |  9 |  5 |  10 | C |  30 |  300 | L | 

| orc zombie              |   2 |  6 |  9 |   0 | C |  15 |  150 | L | 

| orc-captain             |   5 |  5 |  4 |   0 | C |  35 |  350 | L | 

| Orcus                   |  66 |  9 | -6 |  85 | C |  50 |  500 | L | 

| owlbear                 |   5 | 12 |  5 |   0 | N |  70 |  700 | L | 

| pit fiend               |  13 |  6 | -3 |  65 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| pit viper               |   6 | 15 |  2 |   0 | N |   5 |   60 | L | 

| plains centaur          |   4 | 18 |  4 |   0 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| priest                  |   1 | 10 | 10 |   2 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| priestess               |   1 | 10 | 10 |   2 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| purple worm             |  15 |  9 |  6 |  20 | N |  70 |  700 | L | 

| python                  |   6 |  3 |  5 |   0 | N |  15 |  100 | L | 

| quantum mechanic*       |   7 | 12 |  3 |  10 | N |   2 |   20 | L | 

| quasit                  |   3 | 15 |  2 |  20 | C |  20 |  200 | S | 

| queen bee               |   9 | 24 | -4 |   0 | N |   1 |   10 | S | 

| quivering blob          |   5 |  1 |  8 |   0 | N |  20 |  200 | S | 

| rabid rat               |   2 | 12 |  6 |   0 | N |   3 |   10 | S | 

| ratwere                 |   2 | 12 |  6 |  10 | C |   3 |   30 | S | 

| red dragon              |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | C | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| red mold                |   1 |  0 |  9 |   0 | N |   5 |   30 | S | 

| red naga                |   6 | 12 |  4 |   0 | C |  60 |  400 | L | 

| red naga hatchling      |   3 | 10 |  6 |   0 | N |  20 |  100 | L | 

| rock mole               |   3 |  3 |  0 |  20 | N |   3 |   30 | S | 

| rock piercer            |   3 |  1 |  3 |   0 | N |  20 |  200 | S | 

| rock troll              |   9 | 12 |  0 |   0 | C |  40 |  300 | L | 

| rogue                   |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| rope golem              |   4 |  9 |  8 |   0 | N |  20 |    0 | L | 

| rothe                   |   2 |  9 |  7 |   0 | N |  10 |  100 | L | 

| rust monster            |   5 | 18 |  2 |   0 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| samurai                 |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| scorpion                |   5 | 15 |  3 |   0 | N |  10 |  100 | S | 

| sergeant                |   8 |  4 |  0 |   5 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| sewer rat               |   0 | 12 |  7 |   0 | N |   2 |   20 | S | 

| shopkeeper              |  12 | 18 |  0 |  50 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| small mimic             |   7 |  3 |  7 |   0 | N |  20 |  200 | L | 

| snake                   |   4 | 15 |  3 |   0 | N |  10 |   80 | S | 

| soldier                 |   6 |  4 |  3 |   0 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| soldier ant             |   3 | 18 |  3 |   0 | N |   2 |   20 | S | 

| spotted jelly           |   5 |  0 |  8 |  10 | N |   2 |   20 | L | 

| stalker                 |   8 | 12 |  3 |   0 | N |  40 |  400 | L | 

| steam vortex            |   7 | 22 |  2 |  30 | N |  30 |    0 | L | 

| stone giant             |   6 |  6 |  0 |   0 | L |  75 |  750 | L | 

| stone golem             |  14 |  6 |  5 |  50 | N |  90 |    0 | L | 

| straw golem             |   3 | 12 | 10 |   0 | N |  10 |    0 | L | 

| succubus                |   6 | 12 |  0 |  70 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| temple priest           |  12 | 12 |  0 |  50 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| temple priestess        |  12 | 12 |  0 |  50 | L |  45 |  400 | L | 

| tengu                   |   6 | 13 |  5 |  30 | L |  30 |  300 | S | 

| tiger                   |   6 | 12 |  6 |   0 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| titan                   |  16 | 18 | -3 |  70 | L |  90 |  900 | L | 

| titanothere             |  12 | 12 |  6 |   0 | N |  65 |  650 | L | 

| tourist                 |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| trapper                 |  12 |  3 |  3 |   0 | N |  40 |  350 | L | 

| troll                   |   7 | 12 |  4 |   0 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| umber hulk              |   9 |  6 |  2 |  25 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| unarmored soldier       |   6 |  4 | 10 |   0 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| Uruk-hai                |   3 |  7 |  5 |   0 | C |  30 |  300 | L | 

| valkyrie                |   1 | 10 | 10 |   1 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| vampire                 |  10 | 12 |  1 |  25 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| vampire bat             |   5 | 20 |  6 |   0 | N |   3 |   20 | S | 

| vampire lord            |  12 | 14 |  0 |  50 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| violet fungus           |   3 |  1 |  7 |   0 | N |  10 |  100 | S | 

| Vlad the Impaler        |  14 | 18 | -3 |  80 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| vrock                   |   8 | 12 |  0 |  50 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| warg                    |   7 | 12 |  4 |   0 | C |  35 |  350 | L | 

| water demon             |   8 | 12 |  4 |  30 | C |  45 |  450 | L | 

| water elemental         |   8 |  6 |  2 |  30 | N |  50 |    0 | L | 

| water moccasin          |   4 | 15 |  3 |   0 | N |  10 |  100 | S | 

| water nymph             |   3 | 12 |  9 |  20 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| water troll             |  11 | 14 |  4 |  40 | C |  40 |  400 | L | 

| werejackal              |   2 | 12 |  7 |  10 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| wererat                 |   2 | 12 |  7 |  10 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| werewolf                |   5 | 12 |  6 |  20 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| white dragon            |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | C | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| white unicorn           |   4 | 24 |  2 |  70 | L |  30 |  300 | L | 

| winter wolf             |   7 | 12 |  4 |   0 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| wizard                  |   1 | 10 | 10 |   3 | N |  45 |  400 | L | 

| Wizard of Yendor        |  30 | 12 | -8 | 100 | C |  45 |  400 | L | 

| wolf                    |   5 | 12 |  4 |   0 | N |  25 |  250 | S | 

| wolfwere                |   5 | 12 |  4 |  20 | C |  25 |  250 | L | 

| wood golem              |   7 |  3 |  4 |   0 | N |  50 |    0 | L | 

| wood nymph              |   3 | 12 |  9 |  20 | N |  30 |  300 | L | 

| Woodland-elf            |   4 | 12 |  5 |  10 | L |  35 |  350 | L | 

| wraith                  |   6 | 12 |  4 |  15 | C |  30 |    0 | L | 

| wumpus                  |   8 |  3 |  2 |  10 | N |  50 |  500 | L | 

| xan                     |   7 | 18 | -4 |   0 | N |  30 |  300 | S | 

| xorn                    |   8 |  9 |  2 |  20 | N |  70 |  700 | L | 

| Yeenoghu                |  56 | 18 | -5 |  80 | C |  50 |  500 | L | 

| yellow dragon           |  10 |  9 | -1 |  20 | L | 150 | 1500 | L | 

| yellow light            |   3 | 15 |  0 |   0 | N |   1 |   10 | S | 

| yellow mold             |   1 |  0 |  9 |   0 | N |   5 |   30 | S | 

| yeti                    |   5 | 15 |  6 |   0 | N |  70 |  700 | L | 

| zruty                   |   9 |  8 |  3 |   0 | N |  60 |  600 | L | 



Following is a description of the contents of each column: 


Lvl  This column contains the level of the monster.  Level determines items 

     the monster's hit points, how many experience points it's worth, etc. 

Spd  This is the monster's speed.  Compare this with your standard 

     character's speed of 10. 

AC   This is the monster's armor class.  The lower this is, the harder it 

     will be to hit the monster. 

MR   This is the magic resistance of the monster, and it is the percentage 

     chance that any spell hitting the monster has of failing. 

Aln  This is the monster's alignment.  C = Chaotic, N = Neutral, and L = 


Wgt  This is the weight of the monster.  Consequently, it is also the weight 

     of any corpse the monster may leave. 

Nutr This is the nutritional value that can be gained from the monster's 

     corpse, if eaten. 

Siz  This is the size of the monster, as may be used to compute weapon 

     damage.  S is smaller than human size, and L is larger than human size. 


* Just for the physics types, these are the names of the Quantum Mechanics. 

How many do you know? 


     Max (Born)                    Niels (Bohr) 

     Wolfgang (Pauli)              Paul (Dirac) 

     Louis (de Broglie)            Pascual (Jordan) 

     Erwin (Schroedinger)               Dick (Feynman) 

     Werner (Heisenberg)           Sam (Beckett) 



Monster Intrinsics: 


  Name                      Intrinsics 


| acid blob               | Acid, Amorph., No Eyes, No Limbs, Sleep Res,    | 

|                         | Stone Res                                       | 

| air elemental           | Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison,      | 

|                         | Pois Res                                        | 

| ape                     |                                                 | 

| archeologist            | No Poly., Tunnel                                | 

| Asmodeus                | Cold Res, Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Poly.,   | 

|                         | Poison, See Invis                               | 

| Baalzebub               | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison,     | 

|                         | See Invis                                       | 

| baby black dragon       | Disin Res, Fly, No Hands, Thick Hide            | 

| baby blue dragon        | Fly, No Hands, Shock Res, Thick Hide            | 

| baby crocodile          | No Hands, Swim                                  | 

| baby gray dragon        | Fly, No Hands, Thick Hide                       | 

| baby green dragon       | Fly, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res, Thick Hide     | 

| baby long worm          | No Limbs                                        | 

| baby orange dragon      | Fly, No Hands, Sleep Res, Thick Hide            | 

| baby purple worm        | No Limbs                                        | 

| baby red dragon         | Fire Res, Fly, No Hands, Thick Hide             | 

| baby white dragon       | Cold Res, Fly, No Hands, Thick Hide             | 

| baby yellow dragon      | Acid, Fly, No Hands, Stone Res, Thick Hide      | 

| balrog                  | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, Poison, See Invis     | 

| baluchitherium          | No Hands, Thick Hide                            | 

| barbarian               | No Poly., Poison, Pois Res                      | 

| barbed devil            | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison, Thick Hide         | 

| barrow wight            | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| bat                     | Fly, No Hands                                   | 

| black dragon            | Fly, Disin Res, Eggs, No Hands, See Invis,      | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| black naga              | Acid, Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res,         | 

|                         | Stone Res, Thick Hide                           | 

| black naga hatchling    | No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Stone Res,          | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| black pudding           | Amorph., Cold Res, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison,   | 

|                         | Pois Res, Shock Res                             | 

| black unicorn           | No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                      | 

| blue dragon             | Fly, Eggs, No Hands, See Invis, Shock Res,      | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| blue jelly              | Amorph., Cold Res, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison,   | 

|                         | Pois Res                                        | 

| bone devil              | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison                     | 

| brown mold              | Cold Res, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res   | 

| brown pudding           | Amorph., Cold Res, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison,   | 

|                         | Pois Res, Shock Res                             | 

| bugbear                 |                                                 | 

| captain                 | No Poly.                                        | 

| carnivorous ape         |                                                 | 

| cave spider             | Eggs, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                | 

| caveman                 | No Poly.                                        | 

| cavewoman               | No Poly.                                        | 

| Cerberus                | Fire Res, No Hands, No Poly.                    | 

| chameleon               | No Hands, No Poly.                              | 

| Charon                  | Fire Res, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison,          | 

|                         | Pois Res, See Invis                             | 

| clay golem              | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res, Thick Hide         | 

| cobra                   | Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Swim          | 

| cockatrice              | Eggs, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res, Stone Res     | 

| crocodile               | Eggs, No Hands, Swim, Thick Hide                | 

| demilich                | Cold Res, Poison, Regen                         | 

| Demogorgon              | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Hands, No Poly.,   | 

|                         | Poison, See Invis                               | 

| demon                   | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison                     | 

| Dispater                | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison,     | 

|                         | See Invis                                       | 

| djinni                  | Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison                | 

| dog                     | Domestic, No Hands                              | 

| dust vortex             | Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison,      | 

|                         | Pois Res                                        | 

| dwarf                   | Tunnel                                          | 

| dwarf king              | Tunnel                                          | 

| dwarf lord              | Tunnel                                          | 

| earth elemental         | No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs, Phase, Poison,    | 

|                         | Pois Res, Stone Res, Thick Hide                 | 

| electric eel            | Eggs, No Limbs, No Poly., Shock Res, Swim       | 

| elf                     | No Poly., See Invis, Sleep Res                  | 

| elf mummy               | No Corpse, Poison, Sleep Res                    | 

| elf zombie              | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res, Sleep Res          | 

| elf-lord                | Sleep Res                                       | 

| Elvenking               | Sleep Res                                       | 

| energy vortex           | Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison,      | 

|                         | Pois Res, Shock Res                             | 

| erinyes                 | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison                     | 

| ettin                   |                                                 | 

| ettin mummy             | No Corpse, Poison                               | 

| ettin zombie            | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| fire ant                | Fire Res, Eggs, No Hands                        | 

| fire elemental          | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs,    | 

|                         | Poison, Pois Res                                | 

| fire giant              | Fire Res                                        | 

| fire vortex             | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs,    | 

|                         | Poison, Pois Res                                | 

| flesh golem             | Cold Res, Fire Res, Poison, Pois Res, Shock Res | 

| floating eye            | Fly, No Limbs                                   | 

| fog cloud               | Amorph., Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs,     | 

|                         | Poison, Pois Res                                | 

| forest centaur          |                                                 | 

| freezing sphere         | Cold Res, Fly, No Limbs                         | 

| frost giant             | Cold Res                                        | 

| garter snake            | Eggs, No Limbs, Swim                            | 

| gecko                   | No Hands                                        | 

| gelatinous cube         | Cold Res, Fire Res, No Eyes, No Limbs,          | 

|                         | Shock Res, Sleep Res                            | 

| Geryon                  | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison,     | 

|                         | See Invis                                       | 

| ghost                   | Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Phase, Poison,        | 

|                         | Pois Res                                        | 

| giant                   |                                                 | 

| giant ant               | Eggs, No Hands                                  | 

| giant bat               | Fly, No Hands                                   | 

| giant beetle            | No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                      | 

| giant eel               | Eggs, No Limbs, No Poly., Swim                  | 

| giant mimic             | Hide, No Eyes, No Limbs                         | 

| giant mummy             | No Corpse, Poison                               | 

| giant rat               | No Hands                                        | 

| giant spider            | Eggs, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                | 

| giant zombie            | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| gnome                   |                                                 | 

| gnome king              |                                                 | 

| gnome lord              |                                                 | 

| gnome mummy             | No Corpse, Poison                               | 

| gnome zombie            | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| gnomish wizard          |                                                 | 

| goblin                  |                                                 | 

| golden naga             | Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Thick Hide    | 

| golden naga hatchling   | No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Thick Hide          | 

| gray dragon             | Fly, Eggs, No Hands, See Invis, Thick Hide      | 

| gray ooze               | Amorph., No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res    | 

| gray unicorn            | No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                      | 

| green dragon            | Fly, Eggs, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res,          | 

|                         | See Invis, Thick Hide                           | 

| green mold              | Acid, No Eyes, No Limbs, Stone Res              | 

| Green-elf               | Sleep Res                                       | 

| gremlin                 | Poison, Swim                                    | 

| Grey-elf                | Sleep Res                                       | 

| grid bug                | No Corpse, Shock Res                            | 

| guard                   | No Poly.                                        | 

| guardian naga           | Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Thick Hide    | 

| guardian naga hatchling | No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Thick Hide          | 

| healer                  | No Poly., Poison, Pois Res                      | 

| hell hound              | Fire Res, No Hands                              | 

| hell hound pup          | Fire Res, No Hands                              | 

| hezrou                  | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison                     | 

| hill giant              |                                                 | 

| hill orc                |                                                 | 

| hobbit                  |                                                 | 

| hobgoblin               |                                                 | 

| homunculus              | Fly, Poison, Pois Res, Sleep Res                | 

| horned devil            | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison, Thick Hide         | 

| housecat                | Domestic, No Hands                              | 

| human                   | No Poly.                                        | 

| human mummy             | No Corpse, Poison                               | 

| human zombie            | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| ice devil               | Cold Res, Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison,          | 

|                         | See Invis                                       | 

| ice troll               | Cold Res, Regen                                 | 

| ice vortex              | Cold Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs,    | 

|                         | Poison, Pois Res                                | 

| iguana                  | No Hands                                        | 

| imp                     | Regen                                           | 

| incubus                 | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, Poison                | 

| iron golem              | Cold Res, Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison,          | 

|                         | Shock Res, Thick Hide                           | 

| iron piercer            | Hide, No Eyes, No Limbs                         | 

| jabberwock              | Fly                                             | 

| jackal                  | No Hands                                        | 

| jackalwere              | No Corpse, No Hands, No Poly., Poison, Regen    | 

| jaguar                  | No Hands                                        | 

| Juiblex                 | Acid, Amorph., Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse,        | 

|                         | No Poly., Poison, See Invis                     | 

| Keystone Kop            |                                                 | 

| killer bee              | Fly, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                 | 

| kitten                  | Domestic, No Hands                              | 

| knight                  | No Poly.                                        | 

| kobold                  | Poison                                          | 

| kobold lord             | Poison                                          | 

| kobold mummy            | No Corpse, Poison                               | 

| kobold shaman           | Poison                                          | 

| kobold zombie           | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| Kop Kaptain             |                                                 | 

| Kop Lieutenant          |                                                 | 

| Kop Sergeant            |                                                 | 

| kraken                  | No Hands, No Poly., Swim                        | 

| large cat               | Domestic, No Hands                              | 

| large dog               | Domestic, No Hands                              | 

| large kobold            | Poison                                          | 

| large mimic             | Hide, No Eyes, No Limbs                         | 

| leather golem           | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| lemure                  | No Corpse, Poison, Regen, Sleep Res             | 

| leocrotta               | No Hands                                        | 

| leprechaun              | Teleport                                        | 

| lich                    | Cold Res, Poison, Regen                         | 

| lieutenant              | No Poly.                                        | 

| little dog              | Domestic, No Hands                              | 

| lizard                  | No Hands, Stone Res                             | 

| long worm               | Eggs, No Limbs, No Poly.                        | 

| lurker above            | Fly, Hide, No Eyes, No Limbs                    | 

| mail daemon             | Cold Res, Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Poly.,   | 

|                         | Poison, See Invis, Sleep Res, Swim              | 

| manes                   | No Corpse, Poison                               | 

| marilith                | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison, See Invis          | 

| master lich             | Cold Res, Fire Res, Poison, Regen               | 

| Medusa                  | No Poly., Poison, Pois Res, Stone Res           | 

| minotaur                |                                                 | 

| Mordor orc              |                                                 | 

| mountain centaur        |                                                 | 

| mountain nymph          | Teleport                                        | 

| mumakil                 | No Hands, Thick Hide                            | 

| nalfeshnee              | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison                     | 

| Nazgul                  | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| newt                    | No Hands, Swim                                  | 

| nurse                   | No Poly., Poison, Pois Res                      | 

| ochre jelly             | Acid, Amorph., No Eyes, No Limbs, Stone Res     | 

| ogre                    |                                                 | 

| ogre king               |                                                 | 

| ogre lord               |                                                 | 

| Olog-hai                | Regen                                           | 

| oracle                  | No Poly.                                        | 

| orange dragon           | Fly, Eggs, No Hands, See Invis, Sleep Res,      | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| orc                     |                                                 | 

| orc mummy               | No Corpse, Poison                               | 

| orc shaman              |                                                 | 

| orc zombie              | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| orc-captain             |                                                 | 

| Orcus                   | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison,     | 

|                         | See Invis                                       | 

| owlbear                 |                                                 | 

| pit fiend               | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison, See Invis          | 

| pit viper               | Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Swim          | 

| plains centaur          |                                                 | 

| priest                  | No Poly.                                        | 

| priestess               | No Poly.                                        | 

| purple worm             | Eggs, No Limbs                                  | 

| python                  | Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Swim          | 

| quantum mechanic        | Poison, Teleport                                | 

| quasit                  | Poison, Pois Res, Regen                         | 

| queen bee               | Fly, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                 | 

| quivering blob          | No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res             | 

| rabid rat               | No Hands, Poison                                | 

| ratwere                 | No Corpse, No Hands, No Poly., Poison, Regen    | 

| red dragon              | Fire Res, Fly, Eggs, No Hands, See Invis,       | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| red mold                | Fire Res, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res   | 

| red naga                | Fire Res, Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res,     | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| red naga hatchling      | Fire Res, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res,           | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| rock mole               | Metalvore, No Hands, Tunnel                     | 

| rock piercer            | Hide, No Eyes, No Limbs                         | 

| rock troll              | Regen                                           | 

| rogue                   | No Poly.                                        | 

| rope golem              | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| rothe                   | No Hands                                        | 

| rust monster            | Metalvore, No Hands, Swim                       | 

| samurai                 | No Poly.                                        | 

| scorpion                | Eggs, No Hands, Poison                          | 

| sergeant                | No Poly.                                        | 

| sewer rat               | No Hands                                        | 

| shopkeeper              | No Poly.                                        | 

| small mimic             | Hide, No Eyes, No Limbs                         | 

| snake                   | Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Swim          | 

| soldier                 | No Poly.                                        | 

| soldier ant             | Eggs, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                | 

| spotted jelly           | Acid, Amorph., No Eyes, No Limbs, Stone Res     | 

| stalker                 | Fly, See Invis                                  | 

| steam vortex            | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs,    | 

|                         | Poison, Pois Res                                | 

| stone giant             |                                                 | 

| stone golem             | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res, Stone Res,         | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| straw golem             | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res                     | 

| succubus                | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, Poison                | 

| temple priest           | No Poly., Shock Res                             | 

| temple priestess        | No Poly., Shock Res                             | 

| tengu                   | Poison, Pois Res, Teleport, Tel Cont            | 

| tiger                   | No Hands                                        | 

| titan                   | Fly                                             | 

| titanothere             | No Hands, Thick Hide                            | 

| tourist                 | No Poly.                                        | 

| trapper                 | Hide, No Eyes, No Limbs                         | 

| troll                   | Regen                                           | 

| umber hulk              | Tunnel                                          | 

| unarmored soldier       | No Poly.                                        | 

| Uruk-hai                |                                                 | 

| valkyrie                | Cold Res, No Poly.                              | 

| vampire                 | Fly, Poison, Regen                              | 

| vampire bat             | Fly, No Hands, Poison, Regen                    | 

| vampire lord            | Fly, Poison, Regen                              | 

| violet fungus           | No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res             | 

| Vlad the Impaler        | Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison, Regen         | 

| vrock                   | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison                     | 

| warg                    | No Hands                                        | 

| water demon             | Fire Res, No Corpse, Poison, Swim               | 

| water elemental         | No Corpse, No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, | 

|                         | Swim                                            | 

| water moccasin          | Eggs, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res, Swim          | 

| water nymph             | Swim, Teleport                                  | 

| water troll             | Regen, Swim                                     | 

| werejackal              | No Poly., Poison, Regen                         | 

| wererat                 | No Poly., Poison, Regen                         | 

| werewolf                | No Poly., Poison, Regen                         | 

| white dragon            | Cold Res, Fly, Eggs, No Hands, See Invis,       | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| white unicorn           | No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                      | 

| winter wolf             | Cold Res, No Hands                              | 

| wizard                  | No Poly.                                        | 

| Wizard of Yendor        | Fire Res, Fly, No Poly., Poison, Pois Res,      | 

|                         | Regen, See Invis, Teleport, Tel Cont            | 

| wolf                    | No Hands                                        | 

| wolfwere                | No Corpse, No Hands, No Poly., Poison, Regen    | 

| wood golem              | No Corpse, Poison, Pois Res, Thick Hide         | 

| wood nymph              | Teleport                                        | 

| Woodland-elf            | Sleep Res                                       | 

| wraith                  | Fly, Poison, Pois Res                           | 

| wumpus                  | No Hands                                        | 

| xan                     | Fly, No Hands, Poison, Pois Res                 | 

| xorn                    | Cold Res, Fire Res, Phase, Stone Res,           | 

|                         | Thick Hide                                      | 

| Yeenoghu                | Fire Res, Fly, No Corpse, No Poly., Poison,     | 

|                         | See Invis                                       | 

| yellow dragon           | Acid, Fly, Eggs, No Hands, See Invis,           | 

|                           Stone Res, Thick Hide                           | 

| yellow light            | Fly, No Limbs                                   | 

| yellow mold             | No Eyes, No Limbs, Poison, Pois Res             | 

| yeti                    | Cold Res                                        | 

| zruty                   |                                                 | 



Following is a description of the various intrinsics listed in the monster 

information section above.  Note that not all possible intrinsic flags for 

each monster were listed, as we consider some of them to be unimportant to 

play of the game.  If an intinsic is preceded with an asterisk (*) here, the 

corpse of any monster with that intrinsic can have an effect upon or confer 

an intrisic to a player if eaten.  See the FOOD - CORPSES section for more 

information about corpses conferring intrinsics or having other effects. 


 Intrinsic     Description 


*Acidic        Monster corpse is acidic when eaten 

 Amorph        Monster is amorphous and can flow under doors 

 Domestic      Monster can be tamed by throwing food at it 

*Cold Res      Monster is cold resistant 

*Disin Res     Monster is resistant to disintegration 

*Fire Res      Monster is fire resistant 

 Fly           Monster can fly or float in the air 

 Hides         Monster can hide under objects 

 Lay Eggs      Monster can lay eggs 

 Metalvore     Monster is "metallivorous," and will eat all metal encountered 

 No Corpse     Monster will never leave a corpse when killed 

 No Eyes       Monster has no eyes to gaze into or blind 

 No Hands      Monster has no hands to pick things or manipulate objects 

 No Limbs      Monster has no limbs (arms or legs) 

 No Poly.      Player cannot polymorph into this type of monster 

*Phase         Monster can "phase" (i.e. walk through walls, doors, etc.) 

 Poison        Monster corpse is poisonous if eaten 

*Pois Res      Monster is poison resistant 

 Regen         Monster regenerates hit points each round 

 See Invis     Monster can see invisible creatures 

*Shock Res     Monster is resistant to electrical attacks 

*Sleep Res     Monster is sleep resistant 

 Stone Res     Monster cannot be turned to stone 

 Swim          Monster can swim through water (moats, etc.) 

*Teleport      Monster can teleport 

*Tel Cont      Monster controls where it teleports to 

 Thick Hide    Monster has thick hide (kicking attacks do no damage to it) 

 Tunnel        Monster can tunnel through rock 




          |                      The Dungeon                       | 



Castle Level: 


Contrary to popular belief, the castle (or stronghold) level is not where the 

wizard is.  The castle level is more of a proving ground - if you can get by 

it, you can probably finish the game, and if you do finish it, there are 

excellent rewards (specifically, there is a wand of wishing in one of the 

outer four rooms).  Beware, though.  Although this level is littered with 

loot (four whole rooms full of stuff to start with), it's also littered with 

monsters.  Guards abound, as well as at least four dragons, several lichs, 

some nagas, and so on.  An example castle level is below: 



|<    |}}}}}}}}}                                             }}}}}}}}}| |   | 

| ----|}-------}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}-------}| | | | 

| |   |}|     |-----------------------------------------------|     |}|   | | 

| | | |}|     +                                               +     |}|---- | 

|   | |}-------------------------------------------------------------}|     | 

| --- |}}}}}}|        |          +           |       + +       |}}}}}}| --- | 

| |   |     }|        |          |           |       | |       |}       | | | 

| | | |     }|        |----------|           |-----------------|}     --| | | 

| | | |     }#   {    +          +         \ | ^   ^   ^   ^  ^+      | |   | 

|-- |--     }|        |----------|           |-----------------|}     | | --| 

|   |       }|        |          |           |       | |       |}     |   | | 

| --- |}}}}}}|        |          +           |       + +       |}}}}}}| --- | 

| |   |}-------------------------------------------------------------}| |   | 

| | --|}|     +                                               +     |}| --- | 

| |   |}|     |-----------------------------------------------|     |}|   | | 

| --- |}-------}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}-------}|-- | | 

|     |}}}}}}}}}                                             }}}}}}}}}|     | 



The first hint that you are on the castle level is the fact that you will 

appear in the upper-left corner of the map, and in a maze to boot.  You will 

also tend to hear 'courtly sounds'.  The maze you are in (see map above) is 

not large, but beware, for a minotaur lurks within, and they are more than a 

little trouble. 


After you complete the maze, you will be on a large landing, with the castle 

in front of you and the moat around it.  The moat will drown you in a second, 

so beware.  Also, there are invisible giant eels in the water and they will 

attack you.  The first question asked is:  How do I get in?  Well, there are 

many answers, so I will outline several ideas below: 


If you have sacrificed enough, your god will have given you five musical 

notes when you pray.  Play these notes on an instrument, and the drawbridge 

will open.  If your god hasn't given you the five musical notes, try random 

notes. You'll get a series of sounds.  Use these sounds like the old Master 

Mind game to determine the correct notes.  (One sound means correct note, 

correct spot. The other means correct note, wrong spot.)  Keep trying until 

the drawbridge comes down. 


A wand of opening or a spellbook of knock will cause the drawbridge to come 

down - but watch out!  If you are standing directly in front of the 

drawbridge, it will fall on you and squash you.  A wand of striking will 

disintegrate the portcullis, but you still have to bridge the moat to get in. 

Try pushing in a boulder, zapping a wand of cold or fire at the moat, or 

using water walking, levitation, or jumping boots. 


Another method of entering the castle is by polymorphing yourself into a 

xorn. A xorn can walk through the walls of the castle straight into the 

middle.  Be warned, though - xorns can't swim, so you'll still have to bridge 

the moat. 


A final method of getting in is using the back door.  Using boots of 

levitation or water walking (or equivalent items or spells), walk through the 

moat around to the back of the castle.  Pick the lock on the back door and 

walk in.  Be careful of the trapdoors, though! 


Once you're into the castle, if you're not prepared to fight for your life 

against ravenous hordes of monsters, there are two ways of getting rid of 

most of them (albeit forfeiting the experience for killing them).  Either use 

a ring of conflict or walk back over the trapdoors, letting them all go 

falling down into the upper level of hell as they try to follow you.  Kill 

off the rest, grab the wand of wishing, try sitting on the throne for another 

wish or two, and then go for the ultimate challenge - the Wizard himself, by 

teleporting down to level fifty or so. 



Special Levels: 


Nethack has several "special levels."  The actual level of each of these 

varies from game to game, so we can't tell you what level to look for each 

on, but we can give you a description of each so that you recognize what 

you're running into. 


Big Level:  Basically, this level is exactly what the name implies.  The 

entire level is one big room.  This is a bad level to have aggravate monster 

on, and a ring of conflict is really handy here.  Here's an example of a big 





















Castle/Stronghold Level:  see section CASTLE LEVEL 


Medusa Level:  Of all the creatures of Greek mythology, the gorgons   ------- 

were among the most powerful.  One of these was the medusa, whose     |.``..| 

visage was so terrible to behold that one look at her countenance     -...`.| 

would turn any living creature instantly to stone.  She was finally   |...`.| 

slain by Perseus with the use of a reflective shield given him by     |.@..`| 

Athena.  It is rumored that the only two ways to kill a medusa are    ------- 

to fight her without gazing upon her, or to reflect her terrible gaze back 

upon her, so that she, looking upon her own reflection, should turn to stone. 

The medusa is raised back to life in nethack, so beware of the level upon 

which she resides.  You will know you are there when you begin to see an 

inordinately large number of statues, hear nothing but silence, etc. A sample 

room in which the medusa might reside is above at right. 


Oracle of Delphi:  The Oracle of Delphi was reknowned in ancient      -|-@-- 

times for her ability to tell the future with admirable accuracy.     |.```| 

For instance, a great king once came to the Oracle and asked if he    |....| 

should send his armies against the armies of another nation.  The     |..{.| 

Oracle told him, "I tell you truly.  If you do so, you will destroy   ------ 

a mighty army."  Enheartened, he attacked, and sure enough, a mighty army was 

destroyed - his own!  The Oracle in nethack will give you minor or major 

consultations.  Minor ones are cheap, and are the same as a fortune cookie. 

Major ones are expensive, but can give some good clues.  The oracle room will 

have the oracle sitting in a niche in the wall, with statues of mountain, 

plain, and forest centaurs in front of her, and a fountain in the room.  An 

example is shown above at right. 


Rogue Level:  Rogue was one of the first of the hack and slash games.  Hack, 

Nethack, UltraRogue, Moria, UMoria, Larn, Omega, and undoubtedly many more, 

were all based on the idea started by rogue.  Now, rogue, like early versions 

of hack, had a very distinctive look.  There were always nine rooms on each 

level, and each wall of each room never had more than one doorway.  In memory 

of rogue, the nethack engineers have added a "rogue level," that looks very 

much like the original rogue game, and the game will tell you that it seems 

like you've been on that level before.  Here's an example of one: 


          -----          --------------------      --------------------- 

          |   +##########+                  |      |                   | 

          |   |          |                  +######+                   | 

          |   |          --------------------      |             >     | 

          -----                                    |                   | 




   -------------                                       ----------------- 

   |           |                             ##########+               | 

   |           +##############################         |               | 

   -------------                   ########            |               | 

                                          #            ----------------- 

                                          #               ####### 

                                          #       ------------------ 

---------------------        -----------------####+                | 

|                   |########+               +#   |                | 

|                   +#       |               |    |   <            | 

---------------------        -----------------    ------------------ 


Tower Levels:  The three tower levels are the three levels that probably 

generate more confusion that the entire rest of the game combined (a little 

hyperbole, but not a lot).  Basically, the tower levels are three consecutive 

maze levels in hell.  In the center of each of these maze levels is the a 

section of the tower proper.  The tower can only be entered from the lowest 

level, and there's no exit at the top.  Inside the tower are many riches, and 

vampires galore.  On the top level of the tower, you'll find Vlad the 

Impaler, master of the tower. (Oh, did I forget to mention that he's also a 

Vampire Lord?)  Below is an example of the three tower sections.  Put each of 

them in the center of a maze level, and you've got a tower level! 


-------------------      -------------------      ------------------- 

|                 | L    |                 | M    |                 | U 

|   --- --- ---   | o    |   --- --- ---   | i    |   --- --- ---   | p 

|   | | | | | |   | w    |   | | | | | |   | d    |   | | | | | |   | p 

| --------------- | e    | --------------- | d    | --------------- | e 

| | |         | | | r    | | |         | | | l    | |       . .   | | r 

| --|         |-- -      | --| ------.---- - e    | --------| |---- - 

|   |         +     L    |   |      | <|          |   |   \ | .>|     L 

| --|         |-- | e    | -------- |----- - L    | --------| |---- | e 

| | |<        | | | v    | | |>     .  | | | e    | |       . .   | | v 

| --------------- | e    | --------------- | v    | --------------- | e 

|   | | | | | |   | l    |   | | | | | |   | e    |   | | | | | |   | l 

|   --- --- ---   |      |   --- --- ---   | l    |   --- --- ---   | 

|                 |      |                 |      |                 | 

-------------------      -------------------      ------------------- 





Wizard Level:  The wizard level is (you guessed it) where the Wizard  }}}}}}} 

of Yendor lives.  He has a little room in the middle of an otherwise  }}---}} 

normal maze level.  Now, the trick is that this little room looks     }--^--} 

just like the little rooms that are on about half of the maze         }|^^^|} 

levels.  Only one of them holds the Wizard of Yendor, and the real    }--^--} 

Amulet of Yendor, though, so don't be fooled.  The best way to tell   }}---}} 

where you are in relation to the Wizard is to put on a blindfold and  }}}}}}} 

apply a mirror to yourself (use '.' for direction).  After a few tries, this 

will tell you whether the wizard is above you, below you, or very close. 

When you're on the same level, trek in towards the middle, get past the moat, 

break into his home, and take the Amulet!  An example of the Wizard's room is 

above at right. Incidentally, the traps are squeaky boards which will 

instantly wake up the Wizard. 



Special Rooms: 


There are many varied and interesting rooms to explore in nethack.  Besides 

your standard room with the possibility of randomly generated items, traps, 

monsters, etc., there are several special room types that can be found within 

the dungeon.  These are listed below: 


Beehives:  Beehives are (you guessed it) rooms completely filled      ------- 

with killer bees.  There are usually one or more queen bees in one    |.aaaa| 

as well.  Beehives can be quite nasty for the inexperienced           -.aaaa| 

character, but if you can manage to kill them off, run around         |.aaaa| 

picking up the royal jelly that will be left behind.  Eat it, and     |.aaaa| 

hey presto -instant strength!                                         ------- 


Barracks:  The barracks are a room type that will usually only show   ------- 

up on lower levels due to the fact that it will kill of all but the   |.@@@@| 

most  powerful characters.  Barracks are rooms filled with soldiers.  -.@@@@| 

Be careful not to blow a whistle or play a bugle on the level if you  |.@@@@| 

don't want to face them. Soldiers will always wake up for a whistle   |.@@@@| 

or a bugle, and come to investigate what woke them!                   ------- 


David's Treasure Zoo:  David's Treasure Zoo is a room totally filled  ------- 

with random monsters of all types and sizes.  This room can be quite  |.DooQ| 

deadly, but each monster in the room will carry a sizeable sum of     -.aggh| 

gold, so if you can kill off all of them, you'll probably end up      |.dCkq| 

quite rich.  Wands and other ray type weapons, rings of conflict,     |.qoGc| 

the ability to teleport out if you have to can be quite handy here,   ------- 

as in any room filled with monsters. 


Graveyards:  If you have a character with a bad AC, you'd better      ------- 

pray that you don't run into one of these.  Graveyards are rooms      |W WZV| 

filled with nasty undead creatures - wraiths and vampires that will   -ZZSWS| 

drain your levels away, and zombies and skeletons and ghosts.  (Note  |VSW V| 

that ghosts in a graveyard are randomly generated, although they may  |WWZZ | 

take names from the high score file.  Thus, they won't leave ghost    ------- 

stacks.)  If you have a character with a good AC, these can be quite a boost: 

Kill off all the wraiths and eat the corpses to go up many levels! 


Shops:  Shops can be an adventurer's best friend.  Note that I said   ------- 

shops, not shopkeepers - shopkeepers can be an adventurer's worst     |@??!!| 

nightmare!  Shops come in all sizes and types.  There are shops that  -.%[))| 

sell everything, and shops that specialize in an item type (wands,    |.[!%(| 

for instance).  Shopkeepers always carry a key and a lot of gold,     |.!?/=| 

and they guard their wares jealously.  Check out the section on       ------- 

ROBBING SHOPS for more information on how to rob shopkeepers blind. 


Temples:  A temple is a room that is dedicated to a particular        ------- 

deity.  Temples invariably contain an altar to that deity in the      |.....| 

center of the room, and a priest(ess) of that deity nearby.  You can  -..@..| 

give an offering to the deity by #chatting to the priest(ess), and    |.._..| 

will perhaps have a blessing bestowed upon you.  You'll know you're   |.....| 

entering a temple when you get a message along the lines of           ------- 

"Pilgrim, you enter a holy place." 


Throne Rooms:  A throne room is a room filled with monsters.  The     ------- 

major difference between this room and David's Treasure Zoo is that   |.kodk| 

throne rooms have a throne in them.  Sitting on this throne can       -.ooG\| 

produce all sort of interesting effects, and gold can be gotten (if   |.dkgh| 

you're lucky) by kicking the throne.  See the THRONE EFFECTS and      |.qCoc| 

KICKING sections for more information about thrones.                  ------- 


Vaults:  Vaults are scattered about the various levels, and can       ---- 

never be entered except by digging, teleporting, or walking through   |$$| 

walls (they have no doors).  Most levels with one of these two by     |$$| 

two rooms filled with gold will also have a closet with a single use  ---- 

teleport trap in it.  That teleport trap will teleport you into the vault 

(just be sure you have a way to get out).  Oh, and remember - Croesus was the 

king who commissioned the vaults, and all of the vault guards know him. 




          |                       The Game                         | 





If you would like to figure out how much damage you can do to a given monster 

upon a successful hit, this section will tell you how.  Please note that all 

computations will involve ranges, so you will end up with a minimum and 

maximum amount of damage you can do to a monster. 


The following formula can be used to compute damage when attacking a monster: 


       weapon damage value    (see explanation) 

     + undead/demon bonus     (see explanation) 

     + weapon enchantment     (see explanation) 

     + relative damage bonus  (see explanation) 

     + special bonuses        (see chart) 

     + ring bonus             (see explanation) 

     + strength bonus         (see chart) 


       total damage done 


Weapon damage value:  The weapon damage value will be listed in the WEAPONS 

section as a minimum and maximum value.  Just look up the weapon that you're 

using and take either the small or large monster value depending upon what 

type of monster you're fighting.  If the "weapon" you're using isn't really a 

weapon, but is some other object, look at the chart at the end of this 

section for information on the damage values of other objects.  Undead/demon 

bonus:  If the weapon you are fighting with is blessed, and the monster you 

are fighting is undead or a demon, you will do an extra one to four points of 



Weapon enchantment:  This is whatever the "plus" on the weapon is.  For 

instance, if it's a +3 crysknife, you can add another +3 here. 


Relative damage bonus:  The relative damage bonus is only figured in for 

artifacts (named weapons).  See the section on ARTIFACTS to look up the 

relative damage bonus on a named weapon.  Also, please note that if "x2" is 

listed for the relative damage bonus, it means to total everything up to the 

relative damage bonus in the above equation and double it.  Then you can 

continue adding the other bonuses. 



|Special bonuses:                                                | Bonus | 


|weapon is boomerang, is thrown, and breaks                      | +1    | 

|weapon is silver arrow, and is used versus a lycanthrope,       |       | 

|   minor demon (except tengus) or major demon                   | +1-20 | 

|if the weapon drains life (also removes one level from monster) | +1-8  | 

|if the weapon is poisoned (or can kill monster outright)        | +1-6  | 



Ring bonus:  The ring bonus is only figured in if you are wearing a ring of 

increase damage.  If so, take the enchantment on the ring (for instance, 2 if 

you're wearing a +1 ring of increase damage) and add it in here. 



| Strength    | Bonus | 


| 01-05       |  -1   | 

| 06-15       |   0   | 

| 16-17       |  +1   | 

| 18          |  +2   | 

| 18/01-18/75 |  +3   | 

| 18/76-18/90 |  +4   | 

| 18/91-18/99 |  +5   | 

| 18/**-25    |  +6   | 



These objects use the following for the weapon damage value: 


| Object                                          | Dam  | 


| bare hands                                      | 1-2  | 

| boulder                                         | 1-20 | 

| bow (any type when used to bash)                | 1-2  | 

| clove of garlic (undead will flee)              | 1    | 

| egg                                             | 1    | 

| corpse (depends on size)                        | 1-5  | 

| heavy iron ball                                 | 1-25 | 

| mirror (also -2 luck)                           | 1    | 

| potion                                          | 1    | 



Finally, all other objects except cameras and cream pies use a weapon damage 

value based upon their weight (cameras and cream pies cannot do damage): 

     damage value = weight/10 (minimum of 1, maximum of 6) 



Fountain Effects: 


There are basically two things you can do at a fountain.  You can either 

quaff of dip something.  Different effects can occur when you do these as 



Quaffing at the fountain: 



|Chance | Effect                                                            | 


| 9/30  | "The cool draught refreshes you."                                 | 

|       | You gain 1-10 nutrition points (i.e. makes you less hungry).      | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 9/30  | "This tepid water is tasteless."                                  | 

|       | Nothing happens.                                                  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "You feel self knowledgeable..."                                  | 

|       | Lists all of your intrinsics for you.                             | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "The water is foul!  You gag and vomit!"                          | 

|       | You lose 11-30 nutrition points (i.e. makes you hungrier).        | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "The water is contaminated!"                                      | 

|       | If you are poison resistant, you will lose 1-4 hit points.        | 

|       |  Otherwise, you will lose 1-10 hit points and 3-6 points of       | 

|       |  strength.)                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "An endless stream of snakes pour forth!"                         | 

|       | "You hear something hissing!"  (if blind)                         | 

|       | "The fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms."  (if   | 

|       |  water moccasins have been genocided)                             | 

|       | Creates several water moccasins around you.                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "You have unleased a water demon!"                                | 

|       | "You feel the presence of evil."  (if blind)                      | 

|       | This creates a water demon.  The water demon will give you a wish | 

|       |  (20 - dungeon level)% of the time.                               | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "This water's no good!"                                           | 

|       | Each item you have has a percentage chance of being cursed.       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "You see an image of someone stalking you.  But it disappears."   | 

|       | You gain the intrinsic of see invisible.                          | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "You sense the presence of monsters."                             | 

|       | You detect monsters, as the spell or potion of detect monster.    | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "You spot a gem in the sparkling waters."                         | 

|       | A gem appears where the fountain is.                              | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "You have attracted a water nymph!"                               | 

|       | "You hear a seductive voice."  (if blind)                         | 

|       | "A large bubble rises to the surface and pops."  (if nymphs have  | 

|       |  been genocided)                                                  | 

|       | "You hear a loud pop."  (if blind and nymphs are genocided)       | 

|       | Creates a water nymph next to you.                                | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "This water gives you bad breath."                                | 

|       | Monsters around you will flee for one round.                      | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "Water gushes forth from the overflowing fountain."               | 

|       | Just exactly like it sounds - creates several pools in the room.  | 

|       |  (Note:  this cannot happen in a room with a staircase.)          | 



Dipping an item at a fountain: 


If the item is a longsword, your experience level is five or greater, the 

longsword dipped is not an artifact, and Excalibur does not yet exist in your 

dungeon, then you have a one out of six chance of gaining Excalibur.  "A 

murky hand from the depths reaches up to bless the sword.  As the hand 

retreats, the fountain disappears." 


Otherwise the following effects can occur: 



|Chance | Effect                                                            | 


|16/30  | "The [object name] gets wet."                                     | 

|       | Nothing happens.                                                  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 4/30  | "The water glows for a moment."                                   | 

|       | "A feeling of loss comes over you."  (if dipped item is not       | 

|       |  cursed)                                                          | 

|       | The dipped item will become uncursed if it is currently cursed.   | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | No message.                                                       | 

|       | The item becomes cursed.                                          | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | A water demon is summoned (same messages and effects as in        | 

|       |  quaffing).                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | A water nymph is summoned (same messages and effects as in        | 

|       |  quaffing).                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | Water moccasins are created (same messages and effects as in      | 

|       |  quaffing).                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | You find a gem (same message and effect as in quaffing)           | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | The fountain overflows (same message and effect as in quaffing).  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "A strange tingling runs up your arm."                            | 

|       | Nothing happens.                                                  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "You feel a sudden chill."                                        | 

|       | Nothing happens.                                                  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "An urge to take a bath overwhelms you."  (only if gold > 10...)  | 

|       | You will lose some of your gold in the fountain.                  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/30  | "Far below, you see coins glistening in the water."               | 

|       | You will find some gold (the lower the dungeon level number, the  | 

|       |  greater the treasure).                                           | 




Game Messages: 


"The hair on the back of your neck stands up" - graveyard on level 

"You feel a momentary chill."           - fire resistance gained 

"You feel a strange mental acuity."     - telepathy gained 

"You feel controlled."                  - teleport control gained 

"You feel feverish."                    - lycanthropy gained* 

"You feel foolish."                     - wisdom decreased 

"You feel full of hot air."             - cold resistance gained 

"You feel healthy."                     - poison resistance gained 

"You feel hardy."                       - poison resistance gained 

"Your health currently feels amplified."- shock resistance gained 

"You feel hidden."                      - invisibility gained 

"You feel in control of yourself."      - teleport control gained 

"You feel sensitive."                   - warning gained 

"You feel strong."                      - strength increased 

"You feel tough."                       - constitution increased 

"You feel very firm."                   - disintegration resistance gained 

"You feel very jumpy."                  - teleportation gained 

"You feel vulnerable."                  - constitution decreased 

"You feel wide awake."                  - sleep resistance gained 

"You hear a low buzzing."               - beehive on level 

"You hear an angry drone."              - beehive on level 

"You hear the sound of crashing rock."  - dwarf, rock mole, or umber hulk on 


"You hear a jackal howling at the moon."- werejackal on level 

"You hear a slurping sound."            - gelatinous cube on level 

"You hear a gulping sound."             - ochre jelly nearby 

"You hear a gurgling noise."            - sink on level 

"You seem to hear Donald Duck."         - fountain on level 

"You hear a dishwasher."                - sink on level 

"You hear a mumbled curse."             - monster trying to curse you 

"You hear a slow drip."                 - sink on level 

"You hear bubbling water."              - sink on level 

"You hear someone counting money."      - vault on level 

"You hear someone cursing shoplifters." - shop on level 

"You hear the chime of a cash register."- shop on level 

"You hear someone searching."           - vault on level 

"You hear the sound of a door opening." - monster has opened a door 

"You hear the splashing of a naiad."    - fountain on level 

"You hear water falling on coins."      - fountain on level 

"Your health currently feels amplified!"- shock resistance gained 

"You hear the howling of CwnAnnwn."     - character in bad shape 

"You hear the wailing of the Banshee."  - you have 1 HP left 

"You hear a rushing sound."             - an invisible swallower just missed 



   * Lycanthropy means that you will periodically change into a were-thing. 



Hit Probability: 


Computing your probability to hit a monster involves many variables, and is 

quite a complicated procedure (which is why the computer does it so much 

better).  However, here is an outline of how you can figure out your 

probability of hitting a given monster with a given weapon... 


First of all, compute your chance to hit by using the following formula: 


       character luck 

     + character level 

     + monster AC             (see MONSTER INFORMATION section) 

     + dexterity bonus        (see chart) 

     + strength bonus         (see chart) 

     + level bonus            (see chart) 

     + special bonuses        (see chart) 

     + to hit modifier        (see chart) 

     + weapon enchantment     (see explanation) 

     + relative hit bonus          (see explanation) 

     - weight modifier        (see formula) 


       chance to hit 


The chance to hit is out of twenty.  Thus, to determine your percentage 

chance of hitting, use the following formula: 


     percent chance to hit = 100 * (chance to hit) / 20 



------------------   ---------------------   ------------------ 

| Dex      |Bonus|   | Str         |Bonus|   | Level  | Bonus | 

|----------------|   |-------------------|   |----------------| 

| 01-03    |  -3 |   | 01-05       |  -2 |   | 01-03  |  +2   | 

| 04-05    |  -2 |   | 06-07       |  -1 |   | 04-05  |  +1   | 

| 06-07    |  -1 |   | 08-16       |   0 |   | 05-30  |   0   | 

| 08-13    |   0 |   | 17-18/50    |  +1 |   ------------------ 

| 15       |  +1 |   | 18/51-18/99 |  +2 | 

| 16       |  +2 |   | 18/**-25    |  +3 | 

| 17       |  +3 |   --------------------- 

| *        |   * |   * Both the Dex and the bonuse just keep increasing 

| 25       | +11 |     by one until the hit maximum at 25 and +11. 




| Special bonuses:                                 | Bonus | 


| character is an elf and monster is an orc        |    +1 | 

| character is trapped                             |    -3 | 

| monster cannot move                              |    +4 | 

| monster is fleeing                               |    +2 | 

| monster is sleeping                              |    +2 | 

| monster is stunned                               |    +2 | 




| To hit modifier:                                 | Bonus | 


| athame                                           |    +2 | 

| crysknife                                        |    +3 | 

| dagger (elven/orcish)                            |    +2 | 

| dwarvish mattock                                 |    -1 | 

| katana                                           |    +1 | 

| scalpel                                          |    +2 | 

| two handed sword                                 |    -1 | 

| blessed weapon vs. undead or demon               |    +2 | 

| spear (elven/orcish/dwarvish) or javelin vs.     |       | 

|   xorn, dragon, naga, or giant                   |    +2 | 



Weapon enchantment:  This is whatever the "plus" on the weapon is.  For 

instance, if it's a +3 crysknife, add +3 for the weapon enchantment. 


Relative hit bonus:  The relative hit bonus is only figured in for artifacts 

(named weapons).  See the section on ARTIFACTS to look up the relative hit 

bonus on a named weapon. 


Weight modifier: the weight modifier is computed as follows (to determine 

carrying capacity, see the section on CARRYING CAPACITY, and to determine 

weight you are carrying, total the weights of all items in your inventory): 

     (weight you are carrying - carrying capacity + 40) / 20 





Kicking is one of the more useful functions in nethack.  Basically, you can 

kick any creature or object within the game.  You cannot, however kick 

anything if you are polymorphed into a monster with no legs (a snake, for 

instance) or a monster that is too small, if your legs are wounded, if your 

load is too heavy, or if you are stuck in a pit or bear trap.  The effects of 

kicking certain things are listed below (although be careful - kicking things 

can make a lot of noise and wake up monsters on the level): 


Altars - kicking an altar is, in general, a bad idea.  Deities can do all 

sorts of nasty things to you if you get them pissed off. 


Doors - if a door is locked and you don't have a lock-pick, one way to get 

through the door is to kick it down.  Watch out for lost hit points and 

wounded legs if you do this, though.  Similarly, it is possible to kick down 

a secret door, even if you haven't found it.  So... if you're pretty sure 

there's a secret door there, and you haven't found it after the last five 

searches, you might want to try kicking it a bit. 


Chests - it is possible to break the lock on a locked chest by kicking it. Of 

course, it is also possible to lose hit points and damage your legs by doing 

so, so be careful to keep on eye out when at lower experience levels. 


Empty space - kicking at empty space isn't terribly smart.  Although you 

probably will get away with it, you do have a chance of straining a muscle, 

which wounds your right leg. 


Monsters - in general, when you kick a monster you will damage it.  Kicking a 

monster is a good alternative if you have no weapon.  It is also a good 

alternative if you are confused, as you will not then randomly wander around 

if you miss the monster aimed at.  There are however a few exceptions to the 

rule with kicking monsters...  notably, kicking dragons and other thick- 

skinned creatures will do no damage. 


Objects - in general, when you kick an object, it will move in the direction 

in which you kick it.  The distance it moves will depend on your strength and 

the weight of the object.  Fragile objects are not good to kick.  For 

instance, kicking an egg will cause it to go splat, and kicking a potion will 

generally break it.  Of course, this can be a way of identifying potions, as 

you will then get the vapor effect if the potion has any. 


Sinks - kicking a sink will produce various effects.  75% of the time, you 

will merely get the message "Klunk!  The pipes vibrate noisily." (or just 

"Klunk!" if you're blind).  Otherwise, there is a 1/3 chance of having a 

black pudding ooze up from the drain and attack you (assuming they haven't 

been genocided yet).  If this doesn't happen, you have a 1/3 chance of "the 

dish washer" returning.  It just so happens that the dish washer is a 

succubus/incubus, however, so you might want to watch out for this.  Assuming 

that doesn't happen, you've got a 1/3 chance that a ring (only one per sink) 

will pop up from the drain in a bunch of muddy waste. 


Thrones - kicking a throne can have several effects.  If your luck is 

negative, you will always end up destroying the throne and finding several 

gold pieces in the rubble (probably after a few sore toes, however).  If your 

luck is positive, you have a chance of kicking loose some ornamental coins 

and gems instead. 





Your luck begins at 0, (+/-1 depending on the moon), and can range from -10 

to +10.  When modified, it will decrease or increase (time-out) by 1 toward 

its starting value every 600 moves (300 for angry gods) unless you're 

carrying a luckstone (see TOOLS for more information about luckstones). 

While carrying a luckstone it is still possible to change your luck. 


Increasing Luck 


1. Throw a gem at a unicorn. 

     +5 luck if the jewel is identified and the unicorn is co-aligned. 

     +1 luck if the jewel is unidentified. 

     -3 to +3 luck if the jewel is identified and the unicorn is non-co- 


2. Sacrifice on a co-aligned altar. 

     +0 to +5 luck if the sacrifice is accepted, depending on monster 

     difficulty factor.  Seeing a four-leaf clover is a sign that your luck 

     has improved. 

     =0 if your luck is negative luck your god is not angry. 

     +1 luck if your luck is negative and your god is angry. 

3. Sacrifice on a non-co-aligned altar. 

     +1 if your luck is negative, the sacrifice is accepted and your god is 

     not angry.  Chance of success is (3 + exp. level) / (8 + exp. level) 

4. Sacrificing a human corpse at a chaotic altar. 

     +2 luck if you are chaotic too. 

5. Sitting on a throne. 

     +1 luck if your luck is negative (sometimes). 

6. Prayer. 

     =0 if your luck is negative and your god is not angry (small chance) 


Decreasing Luck 


1. Killing a co-aligned unicorn. 

     -5 luck no matter what. 

2. Sacrificing a human. 

     -5 luck if you are non-chaotic. 

3. After converting to a new god, trying to sacrifice at the altar of your 

     original god.  Conversion is accomplished by sacrificing at a non-co- 

     aligned altar while your god is angry. 

     -5 luck no matter what. 

4. Converting to a new god. 

     -3 luck always. 

5. Praying before your between prayer time-out expires. 

     -3 luck.  Moral: don't pray too often. 

6. Breaking a mirror. 

     -2 luck. (It figures, doesn't it?) 

7. Killing a friendly human. 

     -2 luck always. 

8. Killing a pet (or other tame monster). 

     -1 luck each time. 

9. Desecrating (kicking or digging) a co-aligned altar. 

     -1 luck (Ouch!) 

10. Killing a peaceful monster. 

     -1 luck (50% chance). 

11. Sacrifice at a non-co-aligned altar. 

     -1 luck if you fail and your god is not angry.  Chance of success is (3 

     + exp. level) / (8 + exp. level). 

12. Hitting a blind monster. 

     -1 luck (0.2% chance). 


Robbing shops does not lower your luck. 





Many people have asked for a section which details information about how the 

reading of spellbooks and casting of spells works.  Well, here it is! 


Memorizing spellbooks:  If the spellbook is cursed, it will be impossible to 

memorize under any conditions.  Otherwise, the following test must be passed 

in order to successfully memorize a spellbook: 


       (your intelligence + 4) 

     + (your experience level / 2) 

     - (2 * the spell level of the spellbook) 


     Must be greater than a randomly generated number from 0 to 20. 


The possible effects from failing to memorize a spellbook are as follows 

(chances of each effect are equal): 


1. Your character is teleported. 

     "You feel a wrenching sensation." 

2. Your character gains the aggravate monster intrinsic. 

     "You feel threatened." 

3. You are blinded for 250 to 349 turns. 

4. You lose all of your gold. 

     "You realize that you have no gold." 

5. You become confused for 16 to 22 turns. 

     "These runes were just to much to comprehend." 

6. Poison!  Gloves, if being worn, are corroded (assuming they're not 

     rustproof) by 1 (i.e. +2 gloves become +1, +0 gloves become -1.  -2 is 

     the worst your gloves will corrode to).  If you are poison resistant, 

     you will lose 2 points of strength and 1 to 6 hit points.  Otherwise, 

     you will lose 3 to 6 points of strength and 1 to 10 hit points. 

     "The book was coated with contact poison!" 

7. The book explodes, doing 7 to 25 points of damage.  If you are magic 

     resistant, no damage ensues. 

     "As you read the book, it explodes in your face." 


When a spellbook is successfully memorized, it is placed in the list of 

spells that you know.  You will then be able to use that spell (i.e. cast or 

attempt to cast it) from 2 to (10 - the spell level) times before you will 

need to "re-memorize" the spell by reading another spellbook of that type. 


Casting memorized spells:  Attempts to cast a spell while you are confused 

will always fail.  Otherwise, in order to successfully cast a spell, the 

following test must be passed: 


       your intelligence 

     + your luck 

     - (3 * the level of the spell) 


     Must be greater than or equal to 0. 


If a spell is successfully cast, the appropriate effects take place and a 

number of energy points equal to the level of the spell is removed from your 

current EP. 


If the spell is failed, a number of energy points equal to the level of the 

spell is still removed from your current EP, and the following message is 


     "The air around you crackles as you goof up." or 

     "Far out... a light show!" (if you are hallucinating) 





Pets are one of the most useful things in the dungeons and so should be 

treated as such.  Here are a few useful hints regarding pets: 


They will eat only what they need in order to survive and will leave food 

rations alone unless they are very hungry or you throw them one. 


Pets will become violent if they are too hungry, or if you leave them on a 

level, go down the stairs and them come back later. 


You can actually chat with your pets to gain knowledge about how hungry they 



"You feel worried about your [pet]" means that your pet is starving. "You 

have a sad feeling for a moment" means that your pet has snuffed it. "You 

hear noises in the distance" means that your pet is in battle. 


Kittens change into housecats and then large cats, whereas little dogs become 

dogs, and then large dogs. 


Watch out when you are confused, blind, etc.  You do not want to accidentally 

kill your pet. 


The minute you eat a dog or cat, every non-tame, non-peaceful monster that is 

on the level will head for you with blood in its eye(s).  That is, you gain 

an intrinsic:  Aggravate monster 


What monsters your pets will attack is directly dependent on the level of the 

pet and the level of the monster.  Pets will not attack monsters more 

powerful than them.  The one exception is if you have on a ring of conflict. 

If so, your pets will attack anything.  (Ever seen a minotaur make doggie 

pancake? Moral: keep your ring of conflict off if you're near a big nasty.) 


If you think your pet is a bit wimpy, use a wand of polymorph on him.  If 

this makes him wimpier, don't blame us - try again! 


A scroll of taming can create more pets for you, but having devils as pets 

can be a minor problem (although not as much of a problem in current 



If you meet a wild pet, the best bet is to throw food at it - anything you 

could eat.  Tripe is wonderful, but don't bother throwing rotted corpses. 


You can even tame pets with names given by other people, i.e. bones levels. 


A leash will allow you to keep the animal with you at all times (even if you 

get teleported or go through a trap door), but also tends to make him get in 

your way more often. 


A whistle will attract your pet to you when applied.  Even better, a magic 

whistle will teleport your pet to your side when applied.  Very useful when 

going up or down levels with your pet. 


Pets will not pick up cursed objects or even cross over them, which will help 

you to avoid these items.  However, keep in mind that you may have to clear 

cursed items from halls if you want your pet to follow you, and that if you 

throw a food item (especially tripe) on a cursed item, your pet will be 

trained to step on cursed items in the future.  A warning: dead-end corridors 

can be very bad if there is a cursed item in the exit and the pet is between 

you and the cursed item (this can happen if your pet kills a creature that 

was carrying a cursed item). 





Praying can get you out of a lot of jams in the game of nethack, if your god 

is pleased with you.  On the other hand, if the gods are angry at you, you 

can get into an awful lot of trouble. 


If your deity is pleased with you, chances are that your worst problem will 

be fixed, although all of your problems could be fixed, or none of them might 

be fixed (this is dependent on your luck).  The following are problems that 

your deity might fix, from worst (in the deity's eyes, not necessarily 

yours!) to least: 


1. You are turning to stone. 

2. You are being strangled (by an amulet of strangulation). 

3. You are sick. 

4. You are starving. 

5. Your hp are below 5, or your hp are below 1/7 of max. 

6. You have lycanthropy. 

7. You are stuck in a wall. 

8. You are wearing a cursed item which levitates you. 

9. You are wearing a cursed blindfold. 

10. You are being punished. 

11. You have a cursed loadstone or cursed luckstone. 

12. You are wielding/wearing a cursed weapon/armor. 

13. You are blind. 

14. You are hungry. 

15. You are poisoned. 

16. You have wounded legs. 

17. You are stunned. 

18. You are confused. 

19. You are hallucinating. 



Removing Curses: 


There are several ways to uncurse cursed items - and several other ways to 

get rid of cursed items: 


1. Dipping in fountains will eventually remove the curse from stuff - "The 

     water glows for a moment" indicates that your item has been uncursed. 

     You can dip items even if you are wearing them. 


2. Reading a scroll of remove curse will remove the curse from stuff you are 

     wearing.  If the scroll of remove curse is blessed, everything in your 

     pack will be uncursed. 


3. If you have good relations with your god, your god will uncurse things you 

     are wearing, and occasionally will remove the curse from items in your 

     pack.  This will happen when you pray. 


4. Reading an uncursed scroll of enchant armor/weapon will remove the curse 

     from the armor/weapon that gets enchanted.  Similarly, reading a blessed 

     scroll of enchant armor/weapon will bless the armor/weapon that gets 



5. Dipping cursed items in holy water will uncurse them. 


6. A wand of cancellation will remove the curse from all items in your pack 

     if you zap yourself with it.  Note, however, that it will also remove 

     all enchantments and names (i.e. Stormbringer) on all items in your 



7. Try having a monster steal your cursed items.  Nymphs will steal cursed 

     armor and weapons.  Be sure that you have dropped everything else, 

     however, before trying this.  Succubi/incubi will also remove cursed 

     armor sometimes. 


8. An uncursed or blessed scroll of destroy armor can be used to destroy 

     cursed armor.  Be sure to take off all your other armor before reading 

     the scroll. 


9. Polymorphing yourself into a monster that can't wear armor or use a weapon 

     will cause you to fall out of your armor (or it may destroy your armor 

     altogether) and/or drop your weapon. 


10. For those that enjoy risks, rarely, very rarely, a magic trap will inform 

     you that 'You feel that someo 



Robbing Shops: 


Here we have outlined a few of the standard ways of robbing a shop.  Some of 

them let you get away with it scott-free.  Others will send the keystone kops 

after you.  Some will even allow you to keep robbing the shop and selling the 

stuff back to the shopkeeper until you have all his money!  Experiment with 

these and have fun! 


For reference, in all the diagrams: 

     @ = shopkeeper 

     X = you (for clarity) 

     f = cat (or whatever pet you may have) 

     P = pile of goodies (also for clarity) 

     K = Keystone Kops (after you robbed the shop) 


Method One:  Pile everything in the shop up and teleport it out with a wand 

of teleport.  This scatters the items on the level for you to find. 


     Enter the shop...   Make a pile...      Poof! 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 

     |!!$%%[))...|#      |...........|#      |.........@.|# 

     |$+$$(![[.@.X#      |P....f....@-#      |...........-# 

     |+$%]**!$...|f###   |.X.........|####   |.X...f.....|#### 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 


Method Two:  Dig a hole in the wall with a wand of digging or any other handy 

method of digging, and then kick the stuff out.  Two notes, here:  1) kicking 

potions, eggs, or other fragile items will destroy them.  2) You cannot just 

kick an item out of the shop - if you do so, the shopkeeper will charge you 

for it.  You have to be outside the shop (i.e., in the wall) while you're 

kicking it out of the shop. 


     Get positioned...   Dig...   #          Make a pile... 

     -------------       ----------.--       ----------X-- 

     |!!$%%[))...|#      |!!$%%[))...|#      |!!.f......P|# 

     |$+$$(![[.@.-#      |$+$$(![[.@..f      |.....!....@.# 

     |+$%]**!$...|Xf##   |+$%]**!$...|X###   |......!....|#### 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 


     Kick...  #          You're rich! 

     ----------X--       ----------.-- 

     |!!.........|#      |!!........f|# 

     |.....!....@P#      |.....!.....X# 

     |......!f...|####   |......!..@.|#### 

     -------------       ------------- 


Method Three:  Dig a hole in the wall of the shop.  Then dig a hole just 

outside of the shop (by specifying '>' for the digging direction), falling 

through to the next level.  Trek back up to the shop, grab everything you can 

carry, walk out of the shop, onto the hole, and hey presto!  You're on the 

next level with all the loot, and the Keystone Kops and shopkeeper are still 

back on the previous level.  If you don't fall through the trapdoor, don't 

worry - just hit '>' to go down through the hole you made. 


      X Dig out...        ^ Make a pit...     ^ Grab stuff... 

     -.-----------       -.-----------       -.----------- 

     |!!$%%f))...|#      |!!$%%[))...|#      |Xf.........|# 

     |$+$$(![[.@.-#      |$+$$(![[.@.-#      |..........@-# 

     |+$%]**!$...|####   |+$%]**!$...|####   |...........|#### 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 


      X Walk onto pit...  ^ You're rich! (and gone!) 

     -f-----------       -.----------- 

     |...........|#      |......@.K..|# 

     |..........@-#      |.K...KK..K.-# 

     |...........|####   |..KK...K...|#### 

     -------------       ------------- 


Method Four:  Polymorph the shopkeeper into something easier to handle (with 

a wand of polymorph) and then kill him/her.  Of course, once the shopkeeper's 

gone, you can take what you like, including his or her gold! 


     Enter the shop...   Polymorph...        Kill shopkeeper! 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 

     |!!$%%[))...|#      |!!$%%[))f..|#      |!!$%%[)f...|# 

     |$+$$(![[.@.X#      |$+$$(![[..s-#      |$+$$(![[...-# 

     |+$%]**!$...|f###   |+$%]**!$.X.|####   |+$%]**!$.X.|#### 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 


Method Five:  If you do not happen to have any props (wands, etc), and have a 

ration (especially tripe) or two, then this method is for you.  It is also 

the most common:  train your pet.  Basically, if your pet drops an item right 

in front of the door to the shop, you can pick it up for free.  Throw him 

food, and he'll keep on doing it! 


                                             Throw pet food and 

     Let pet in shop...  It brings item...   take item - it is free! 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 

     |!!$%%[))*..|#      |!!$%%[))...|#      |!!$%%[))...|# 

     |$+$$(![[]f.X#      |$+$$(![[]f*X#      |$+$$(![[].X-# 

     |+$%]**!$(.@|###    |+$%]**!$(.@|###    |+$%]**!$(f@|### 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 


Method Six:  Teleport out.  Grab everything in the shop and then teleport the 

heck out of there.  This is especially effective if you have teleport control 

and know where the stairway is.  It's even better if you have your pet on a 

leash, or a magic whistle, so you don't have to worry about leaving your pet 

behind.  But note - the Kops and the shopkeeper will be after you. 


     Enter the shop...   Grab everything...  Poof! 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 

     |!!$%%[))...|#      |...........|#      |..K....K.@.|# 

     |$+$$(![[.@.X#      |.....f....@-#      |...K.KK....-# 

     |+$%]**!$...|f###   |.X.........|####   |.....f..KK.|#### 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 


Method Seven:  Push a boulder into the shop, then use the boulder to block 

the door. Once the door is blocked, rip off everything in the shop and then 

teleport out.  Although the Kops will be after you, you won't have to deal 

with a pissed off shopkeeper. 


     Push in a rock...   Keep on going...    Push it back... 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 

     |!!$%%[))..@|       |!!$%%[))..@|       |!!$%%[)).@.| 

     |$+$$(![[...-'Xf#   |$+$$(![[.'X-f###   |$+$$(![[..X'f### 

     |+$%]**!$...|       |+$%]**!$...|       |+$%]**!$...| 

     -------------       -------------       ------------- 


     Grab everything...  Poof! 

     -------------       ------------- 

     |...........|       |.KK.....KK.| 

     |..........@'f###   |.....K....@'#### 

     |.X.........|       |...K..K....| 

     -------------       ------------- 



Sink Effects: 


There are basically three things that you can do with a sink.  You can kick 

it (which is detailed under KICKING), you can quaff from it, or you can drop 

a ring down it. 


Quaffing from a sink 



|Chance | Effect                                                            | 


| 6/20  | "You take a sip of [cold/warm/hot] water."                        | 

|       |  No effect.                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "You take a sip of very cold water."                              | 

|       |  No effect.                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "You take a sip of very warm water."                              | 

|       |  No effect.                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "You take a sip of scalding hot water."                           | 

|       |  "It seems quite tasty."  (if fire resistant)                     | 

|       |  You will lose 1-6 hp unless you are fire resistant.              | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "Eek!  There's a sewer rat in the sink!"                          | 

|       |  "Eek!  There's something squirmy in the sink!"  (if blind)       | 

|       |  "The sink seems quite dirty."  (if sewer rats have been          | 

|       |  genocided)                                                       | 

|       |  A sewer rat will be created adjacent to the sink.                | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "The sink emits a stream of [color] water."                       | 

|       |  Will have the effect of a potion of the same color, sometimes    | 

|       |  allowing you to identify a potion type.                          | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "You find a ring in the sink!"                                    | 

|       |  "Some dirty water backs up in the drain." (if ring already found | 

|       |  in sink)                                                         | 

|       |  You can find up to one random ring in each sink.                 | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "The pipes break!  Water spurts out!"                             | 

|       |  The sink will turn into a fountain.                              | 

|       |                                                                   | 


| 1/20  | "The water moves as though of its own will!"                      | 

|       |  "But it quiets down."  (if water elementals are genocided)       | 

|       |  Creates a water elemental adjacent to the sink.                  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "Yuk, this water tastes awful."                                   | 

|       |  You will gain a few experience points.                           | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "Gaggg... this tastes like sewage!  You vomit."                   | 

|       |  You vomit, making you slightly more hungry.                      | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "This water contains toxic wastes!  You undergo a freakish        | 

|       |  metamorphosis!"                                                  | 

|       |  You will be polymorphed into a random creature.                  | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "You hear clanking from the pipes...."                            | 

|       |  No effect.                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "You hear snatches of song from among the sewers..."              | 

|       |  No effect.                                                       | 

|       |                                                                   | 

| 1/20  | "A murky hand reaches up out of the drain."  (only if             | 

|       |  hallucinating)                                                   | 

|       |  No effect.                                                       | 



Dropping a ring down a sink (Note - approximately 95% chance of losing ring): 



|Drop this ring in sink. | Get this effect...                               | 


|Adornment               | The faucets will flash brightly for a moment.    | 

|Aggravate Monster*      | Several flies buzz angrily from the sink         | 

|Cold Resistance         | The cold faucet flashes brightly for a moment.   | 

|Conflict*               | You here loud noises coming from the drain       | 

|Heat Resistance         | The hot faucet flashes brightly for a moment.    | 

|Hunger                  | All items on the same square as the sink will be | 

|                        |  "eaten" (i.e. will disappear).                  | 

|Increase Damage*        | The water's force seems [greater/smaller],       | 

|                        |  depending whether the ring is plus or minus.    | 

|Invisibility            | You don't see anything happening.                | 

|Levitation*             | The sink quivers upward for a moment.            | 

|Poison Resistance*      | You smell rotten [fruit].                        | 

|Polymorph               | The sink momentarily looks like a fountain.      | 

|Polymorph Control       | The sink momentarily looks like a regularly      | 

|                        |  erupting geyser.                                | 

|Protection              | Ring glows [silver/black], depending on blessed  | 

|                        | cursed state.                                    | 

|Prot frm Shape Changers | The sink looks nothing like a fountain.          | 

|Regeneration            | The sink looks as good as new.                   | 

|Searching*              | You thought you lost your ring down the sink,    | 

|                        |  but there it is!  (You won't lose the ring.)    | 

|See Invisible           | You see some air in the sink.                    | 

|Shock Resistance*       | Static electricity surrounds the sink.           | 

|Stealth                 | The sink seems to blend into the floor for a     | 

|                        |  moment.                                         | 

|Strength*               | Waters flow seems [stronger/weaker], depending   | 

|                        |  whether the ring is plus or minus.              | 

|Teleport                | The sink disappears momentarily.                 | 

|Teleport Control        | The sink looks like it is being beamed up.       | 

|Warning                 | The sink glows [color].                          | 



* These rings can be identified without the benefit of eyesight. 





If you are low on hit points, or are worried about the zoo that you just 

stumbled across while blind and confused, there are two primary methods to 

survive beyond running away:  engraving Elbereth and a scroll of scare 

monster.  As an interesting note, if you happen to get the message "This 

water gives you bad breath," you will scare monsters near you away (due to 

your awful halitosis). 


Engraving Elbereth 


If you engrave "Elbereth" in the dust and keep standing on it, most monsters 

will not attack you.  Note that humans, elves, soldiers, shopkeeper, etc. (in 

short, all @'s) will not regard Elbereth, and other monsters may throw things 

at you.  Dragons can also still use their breath weapons against you.  If you 

swing at them or throw things at them you will scuff out the engraving, 

allowing them to attack.  Also, in most cases the writing will eventually 

fade out.  How long it takes to fade or scuff is dependent on what you used 

to engrave.  Your fingers will do, but not for long.  A weapon is really 

good, but you tend to dull blades that way ( athames will not dull from 

engraving). Some wands, magic markers, and other objects can also be used to 

engrave, although it will take a charge to do so (wands of fire or digging 

are excellent for engraving, for instance).  The trick here is to levitate, 

which will prevent you from scuffing the writing. 


Scare monster 


Monsters (this does not include humans) will not cross a scroll of scare 

monster.  Thus, you can stand on it, and they will not attack you (similar to 

Elbereth), or you could drop it in a doorway, and the monsters would not come 

through (good way to cork the bottleneck of a zoo). 


Every time you drop/pick up a scroll of scare monster it moves toward a 

cursed state.  Drop a blessed scroll, pick it up it is uncursed.  Drop that 

uncursed scroll, pick it up it is cursed.  Drop that cursed scroll, pick it 

up it turns to dust.  (Incidentally, placing a scroll of scare monster in a 

chest and then picking it up later will not change its status.)  Thus, if you 

pick up a scroll that turns to dust, it is a worn out scare monster scroll. 

One neat trick is to keep blessing the scroll after you use it, so that you 

can use it over and over again. 


Note:  Minotaurs are the exception to the rule.  Standing on a scroll of 

scare monster or engraved Elbereth does nothing to stop them from attacking 




Throne Effects: 


When you sit upon a throne, you have a one in six chance of having some 

effect take place (no effect = "You feel out of place...").  The effects 

which can take place are as follows (equal chances): 


1. You lose 3-6 points from a random attribute, and lose 1-10 hp. 

2. One point is added to random attribute. 

3. You lose 1-6 hp if shock resistant.  Otherwise you lose 1-30 hp. 

     "A [massive] charge of electricity shoots through your body!" 

4. If your hit points are within 5 of max, add 4 to your max.  Your hit 

     points are raised to max, and blindness, sickness, and bad legs will all 

     be healed. 

     "You feel much, much better!" 

5. You will lose all of your gold. 

     "You notice you have no gold." 

     "You feel a strange sensation."  (if you have no gold) 

6. If your luck + random of [0-4] is less than 0, your luck will increase by 

     one.  Otherise, you can wish for an item. 

     "You feel your luck is changing." 

7. This one's rather obvious:  lots of nasties will get summoned. 

     "You hear a voice echo:  'Thy audience has been summoned, Sire!'" 

8. You will be given the boon of genociding one creature. 

     "You hear a voice echo:  'By thy imperious order, Sire!'" 

9. If your luck is greater than zero, you will be blinded for 250-349 turns. 

     Otherwise a random item you possess will be cursed. 

     "You hear a voice echo:  'A curse upon thee for sitting upon this most 

     holy throne.'" 

10. If your luck is less than zero or you have the intrinsic see invisible, 

     the level will be magically mapped for you.  Otherwise, you will gain 

     the intrinsic of see invisible. 

     "An image forms in your mind." 

     "Your vision clarifies." 

11. If your luck is less than zero, you will gain the intrinsic of aggravate 

     monsters.  Otherwise, you will be randomly teleported on the level. 

     "You feel threatened." 

     "You feel a wrenching sensation." 

12. One or more items in your pack will be identified. 

     "You are granted a gift of insight." 

13. You will become confused for 16 to 22 turns. 

     "Your mind turns into a pretzel." 



Unicorn Horns: 


When a)pplied, an uncursed or blessed unicorn horn can do any or all of the 

following:  cure blindness, stop confusion, stop hallucination, cure 

sickness, stop stunning, or restore ability.  Note that if the unicorn horn 

is cursed, these effects will be reversed. 


You can #d)ip a unicorn horn in a potion, and if the potion is a potion of 

confusion, hallucination, or sickness, the potion will become a potion of 

water.  If it says, "Interesting," the potion is of another type. 


Unicorn horns will not rust, and they enchant well, so they make ideal 

weapons, especially against rust monsters, acid blobs, etc. 





There are five ways to get wishes.  These are: 


1. A wand of wishing  (Note for poly-pilers here:  It is no longer possible 

     to polymorph another wand into a wand of wishing.) 

2. A magic lamp - djinni appears and is grateful for his release (Also no 

     longer possible to create via a polymorph.) 

3. A fountain - water demon appears and is sometimes grateful for his release 

     (see FOUNTAIN EFFECTS for more information). 

4. Occasionally, a glowing potion will have a djinni in it who is grateful 

     for his release. 

5. Sitting on a throne can occasionally give you a wish.  (See THRONE 



To wish effectively, you should wish for an item (or items) that can 

(literally) be placed in your inventory.  You could wish for a "wide sword" 

and get one.  Better yet, you could wish for a "+3 wide sword" and you would 

at least get a wide sword.  Whether you get the asked for enchantments 

depends on a random factor.  You may wish for an enchantment as high as you 

want, but your chances of getting it go exponentially downwards after +3, and 

to zero after +5.  Thus, you're better off wishing for "+2 gray dragon scale 

mail" than let's say "blessed +4 gray dragon scale mail."  In either case you 

would get at least +0 gray dragon scale mail (although it might be cursed). 

If the item is one that often comes in multiples (scrolls or potions, for 

example) instead of having an enchantment, you can wish for several (i.e. 3 

scrolls) and have a good chance of getting them.  The exceptions to this rule 

are gold, which you can wish for a lot of, and rocks, which you can wish for 

as many as you like. 


The general modifiers to use when wishing are, of course, "blessed," 

"uncursed," and "cursed."  A specific modifier for small missile weapons is 

"poisoned" (as it appears in your inventory).  Also there are named weapons 

(artifacts), as in a "blessed +3 wide sword named Stormbringer." 


Here's a few useful items and the exact wording you need to use to get them: 


     "blessed +3 war hammer named Mjollnir" 

     "blessed +3 broadsword named Stormbringer" 

     "blessed +3 katana named Snickersnee" 

     "blessed +3 long sword named Excalibur" 

     "blessed +3 gray dragon scale mail" 

     "blessed +3 helm of telepathy" 

     "blessed +3 pair of speed boots" 

     "blessed +3 gauntlets of power" 

     "blessed +3 shield of reflection" 

     "blessed +3 cloak of displacement" 

     "blessed +3 Hawaiian shirt" 

     "blessed amulet of life saving" 

     "3 blessed potions of gain ability" 

     "3 blessed scrolls of genocide" 

     "3 cursed scrolls of genocide" (caution is advised) 

     "blessed spellbook of identify" (you never get more than one spellbook) 

     "blessed ring of levitation" 

     "wand of polymorph" 

     "blessed tinning kit" (makes blessed tins) 

     "figurine of a gray dragon" (for that pet gray dragon you always wanted) 




          |                       The Items                        | 





Note:  for all item lists, the "Prob" column lists the relative probability 

of that particular item being randomly generated (when a level is created, a 

monster is killed, an item is polymorphed, etc.). 


  Name                      Effect                  Prob Weight 


| amulet of change        | Polymorph (change sex) | 150 | 2 | 

| amulet of esp           | Telepathy              | 190 | 2 | 

| amulet of life saving   | Life saved             |  90 | 2 | 

| amulet of reflection    | Reflecting             |  90 | 2 | 

| amulet of restful sleep | Sleep                  | 150 | 2 | 

| amulet of strangulation | Strangled              | 150 | 2 | 

| amulet versus poison    | Poison resistance      | 180 | 2 | 

| Amulet of Yendor        | -----                  |   0 | 0 | 



Amulet of esp - gives intrinsic telepathy. 

Amulet of life saving - will save your life once.  After you die it brings 

     you back up to max hp.  Note that if you choke on something while 

     wearing one of these, you're liable to keep right on eating and choke 

     again.  Also, this won't save you if you genocide whatever you are. 

Amulet of Yendor - no effect from wearing.  When in your possession prevents 

     level teleport, often prevents normal teleports, randomly maps out 

     blocks of level around you, and causes spell casting to take more 


Amulet of restful sleep - waits many turns, and then causes you to go to 

     sleep (against your will). 



Identifying Amulets: 


Identifying amulets is a process of elimination, starting with determining 

whether or not the amulet is cursed.  Determining whether it's cursed is easy 

enough if you're a priest or have a pet on hand.  If the amulet is cursed, 

don't wear it - there are too many nasty things cursed amulets can do.  If 

the amulet isn't cursed, it's probably either an amulet of esp, life saving, 

reflection, or versus poison.  However, watch out - amulets of change often 

aren't cursed.  So, if you don't mind risking the possibility of changing 

sexes (and character name), try it on and see what it does.  To see if it's 

an amulet of esp, get blinded (put on a blindfold, quaff a potion of 

blindness, etc.).  If you can suddenly see all the monsters on the level, 

that's what it is.  Next, find a room away from all the monsters, and zap a 

wand at the wall so that it bounces at you (do this with a wand that you're 

immune to, or something non-harmful like a sleep ray).  If your medallion 

reflects the ray, it's an amulet of reflection.  Finally, try eating 

something poisonous.  If it doesn't do you any harm, it's vs. poison.  If 

none of these are the case, you know it's an amulet of life saving - one of 

the most valuable items in the game. 






  Name                         Description             Wt   Cost  Mod  Rust 


| banded mail                |                        | 8 |   90 | -6 | Y | 

| bronze plate mail          |                        | 9 |  400 | -6 | N | 

| chain mail                 |                        | 6 |   75 | -5 | Y | 

| cloak of displacement      |                        | 2 |   50 | -1 | N | 

| cloak of invisibility      |                        | 2 |   60 | -1 | N | 

| cloak of magic resistance  |                        | 2 |   60 | -1 | N | 

| cloak of protection        |                        | 2 |   50 | -3 | N | 

| crystal plate mail         |                        | 9 |  820 | -7 | N | 

| dragon scale mail          |                        | 5 | 1000 | -9 | N | 

| dwarvish cloak             | colorful hooded cloak  | 2 |   50 |  0 | N | 

| dwarvish iron helm         | hard hat               | 3 |   20 | -2 | Y | 

| dwarvish mithril-coat      |                        | 2 |  240 | -6 | N | 

| dwarvish roundshield       | large round shield     | 4 |    7 | -2 | Y | 

| elven boots                |                        | 3 |    8 | -1 | N | 

| elven cloak                |                        | 2 |   60 | -1 | N | 

| elven mithril-coat         |                        | 2 |  240 | -5 | N | 

| elven shield               | blue and green shield  | 2 |    3 | -2 | Y | 

| fumble boots               |                        | 4 |   30 | -1 | N | 

| gauntlets of dexterity     |                        | 2 |   50 | -1 | N | 

| gauntlets of fumbling      |                        | 2 |   50 | -1 | N | 

| gauntlets of power         |                        | 2 |   50 | -1 | Y | 

| orcish chain mail          | black chain mail       | 6 |   75 | -5 | Y | 

| orcish cloak               | black mantelet         | 2 |   40 |  0 | N | 

| orcish helm                | black cap              | 3 |   10 | -1 | Y | 

| orcish ring mail           | black ring mail        | 5 |   80 | -2 | Y | 

| orcish shield              | red-eyed shield        | 3 |    3 | -1 | Y | 

| fedora                     |                        | 1 |    8 | -1 | N | 

| hawaiian shirt             |                        | 2 |    5 |  0 | N | 

| helmet                     |                        | 2 |   10 | -1 | Y | 

| helm of brilliance         |                        | 2 |   50 | -1 | Y | 

| helm of opposite alignment |                        | 2 |   50 | -1 | Y | 

| helm of telepathy          |                        | 2 |   50 | -1 | Y | 

| high boots                 | jackboots              | 4 |   12 | -2 | N | 

| iron shoes                 | hard shoes             | 5 |   16 | -2 | Y | 

| jumping boots              |                        | 4 |   50 | -1 | N | 

| large shield               |                        | 4 |    7 | -2 | Y | 

| leather armor              |                        | 2 |    5 | -2 | N | 

| leather gloves             |                        | 2 |    8 | -1 | N | 

| levitation boots           |                        | 4 |   30 | -1 | N | 

| low boots                  | walking shoes          | 3 |    8 | -1 | N | 

| mummy wrapping             |                        | 2 |    2 |  0 | N | 

| plate mail                 |                        | 9 |  600 | -7 | Y | 

| ring mail                  |                        | 4 |  100 | -3 | Y | 

| scale mail                 |                        | 5 |   45 | -4 | Y | 

| shield of reflection       | polished silver shield | 3 |   50 | -2 | N | 

| small shield               |                        | 2 |    3 | -1 | Y | 

| speed boots                |                        | 4 |   50 | -1 | N | 

| splint mail                |                        | 8 |   80 | -6 | Y | 

| studded leather armor      |                        | 3 |   15 | -3 | N | 

| Uruk-hai shield            | white-handed shield    | 4 |    3 | -1 | Y | 

| water walking boots        |                        | 4 |   50 | -1 | N | 




Armor Effects: 


Cloak of displacement - displaces you, causing first hit against you by a 

     monster to miss and other hits to be at a severe disadvantage. 

Cloak of invisibility - makes you invisible. 

Cloak of magic resistance - gives you resistance against magic, such that 

     certain spells won't work against you and magic based traps like 

     teleport and polymorph traps won't have any effect on you. 

Cloak of protection - makes your AC better. 

Dragon scale mail - depending upon the type of dragon scale mail (red, gray, 

     etc.) it will give you a different immunity.  See FOOD - CORPSES for 

     information about what immunity each dragon type provides. 

Elven boots - gives you stealth (i.e. if you walk into a room, a monster that 

Elven cloak - gives you stealth. 

Fumble boots - makes you drop your weapon, stumble and fall occasionally, 

     etc.  Tends to be cursed. 

Gauntlets of dexterity - increases your dexterity by the defense bonus. 

Gauntlets of fumbling - makes you drop your weapon, stumble and fall 

     occasionally, etc.  Tends to be cursed. 

Gauntlets of power - increases your strength to 25. 

Helm of brilliance - adds bonus to your intelligence and wisdom (i.e. a +1 

     helm will add one point to each). 

Helm of opposite alignment - changes your alignment to opposite, or if 

     neutral to random alignment. It can be removed to return to the original 


Helm of telepathy - gives you telepathy, as the intrinsic, but you don't have 

     to be blind to use it.  When not blind, only gives telepathy in 

     vicinity, not for the entire screen. 

Jumping boots - allows you to jump up to two squares away. 

Levitation boots - causes you to levitate.  (Nasty if cursed) 

Shield of reflection - ray attacks (like lightning, fire, gas) are reflected, 

     and also prevents gaze attacks where the monster gazes at you.  Note 

     that this will not help if you look at the monster (i.e. the medusa). 

     Especially useful against dragons and floating eyes. 

Speed boots - doubles your speed.  Allows you to have more attacks and be 

     able to run away better. 

Water walking boots - allows you to safely walk on water. 



Identifying Armor: 


Identifying armor is usually pretty simple.  First, make sure the armor isn't 

cursed (again, simple enough if you're a priest of have a pet on hand). 

Then, simply try it on.  Any bonuses will immediately be identified for you. 

Certain items will also do other things, as listed above, and these effects 

will show up immediately.  The only two types of armor that are somewhat 

difficult to identify are water walking boots and jumping boots.  Jumping 

boots can be identified by trying to #jump once you've put them on.  If you 

can jump, that's what they are.  Water walking boots are only positively 

identifiable (short of a scroll of identify or equivalent) by taking a step 

of faith and trying to tread on the wet stuff. 





  Name                 Prob  Wt  Nutr.  Special effects 


| apple               |  10 | 1 |  50 |                                     | 

| banana              |   7 | 1 |  80 |                                     | 

| candy bar           |   7 | 1 | 100 |                                     | 

| carrot              |  15 | 1 |  50 | Cures blindness                     | 

| cram ration         |  20 | 3 | 600 |                                     | 

| cream pie           |  25 | 1 | 100 | Throw to blind monsters             | 

| clove of garlic     |   5 | 1 |  40 | Scares off vampires                 | 

| egg                 |  75 | 1 |  80 | Could be deadly!                    | 

| food ration         | 385 | 4 | 800 |                                     | 

| fortune cookie      |  55 | 1 |  40 | Gives hints, some true              | 

| K-ration            |   0 | 1 | 400 |                                     | 

| lembas wafer        |  20 | 1 | 800 |                                     | 

| lump of royal jelly |   0 | 1 | 200 | Increases strength & fixes bad legs | 

| melon               |   7 | 1 | 100 |                                     | 

| orange              |   7 | 1 |  80 |                                     | 

| pancake             |  40 | 1 | 200 |                                     | 

| pear                |   7 | 1 |  50 |                                     | 

| slime mold          |  75 | 1 | 250 |                                     | 

| tin                 |  75 | 1 |   * | Spinach increases strength**        | 

| tripe ration        | 150 | 2 | 200 | Feed to pets                        | 



 * Variable 

** These may also be a monster type:  i.e. floating eyes will give esp. 



Food - Corpses: 


Eating certain dead monsters (monster corpses) can confer intrinsics or have 

other effects.  Generally intrinsics are conferred by eating a monster with 

that intrinsic, although certain individual monsters or monster types can 

also confer intrinsics or have other effects. 


If you eat a monster with one of the following intrinsics, you will have a 

chance of gaining that intrinsic yourself.  The major exception in all cases 

are baby dragon corpses, which can never confer intrinsics (so as to prevent 

polymorph abuse via laying of eggs).  Note also that each monster corpse may 

only confer one of these intrinsics, and they are tested for in the order in 

which they are listed. 



Intrinsic        Chance of gaining 

Teleport       - monster level / 10 

Tel. Cont.     - monster level / 15 

Fire Res       - monster level / 15 

Cold Res       - monster level / 15 

Disin Res      - monster level / 15 

Pois Res       - monster level / 15 (killer bee and scorpion are 1/4) 

Shock Res      - monster level / 15 

Sleep Res      - monster level / 15 (undead cannot confer this) 


In addition, eating the following monster corpses can also have effects as 



bat                 - You become stunned for 30 rounds. 

chameleon           - Polymorphs you. 

floating eye        - You gain telepathy. 

giant bat           - You become stunned for 60 rounds. 

giant mimic         - You mimic a pile of gold for 50 rounds. 

large mimic         - You mimic a pile of gold for 40 rounds. 

lizard              - Cures stunning and confusion, and will stop you from 

                      turning to stone. 

nurse               - Restores all lost hit points 

quantum mechanic    - If you are currently fast, will bring your speed to 

                      normal. Otherwise, doubles your speed. 

small mimic         - You mimic a pile of gold for 20 rounds. 

stalker             - If you are already invisible, you will gain intrinsic 

                      invisibility and intrinsic see infisible.  Otherwise, 

                      you will become invisible for a random time period. 

                      Also, you will be stunned for 60 rounds in either case. 

violet fungus       - Makes you hallucinate for 200 rounds. 

werejackal          - You catch lycanthropy (i.e. become a werejackal) 

wererat             - You catch lycanthropy (i.e. become a wererat) 

werewolf            - You catch lycanthropy (i.e. become a werewolf) 

wraith              - Gain one experience level, up to level 30 

yellow light        - You become stunned for 60 rounds. 


Finally, other intrinsics or effects may be conferred as follows: 


Monsters which attack via stunning will cause you to hallucinate for 200 

rounds if their corpse(s) are eaten. 


If you eat a giant corpse, your strength will be increased. 


Monsters that are acidic when eaten will stop you from turning to stone. 





  Name                   Prob   Wt  Value 


| amber                 |  11 |  1 | 1000 | 

| amethyst              |  19 |  1 |  600 | 

| aquamarine            |  10 |  1 | 1500 | 

| blue glass            | 131 |  1 |    0 | 

| diamond               |   4 |  1 | 4000 | 

| dilithium crystal     |   3 |  1 | 4500 | 

| emerald               |   7 |  1 | 2500 | 

| fluorite              |  22 |  1 |  400 | 

| garnet                |  17 |  1 |  700 | 

| green glass           | 131 |  1 |    0 | 

| jade                  |  23 |  1 |  300 | 

| jasper                |  21 |  1 |  500 | 

| loadstone             |  10 | 50 |    1 | 

| luckstone             |  10 |  1 |   60 | 

| opal                  |  15 |  1 |  800 | 

| red glass             | 131 |  1 |    0 | 

| ruby                  |   5 |  1 | 3500 | 

| sapphire              |   6 |  1 | 3000 | 

| topaz                 |  13 |  1 |  900 | 

| turquoise             |   8 |  1 | 2000 | 

| violet glass          | 131 |  1 |    0 | 

| white glass           | 131 |  1 |    0 | 

| yellowish brown glass | 131 |  1 |    0 | 






  Name               Prob  Cost 


| blindness         |  45 | 150 | 

| booze             |  45 |  50 | 

| confusion         |  45 | 100 | 

| enlightenment     |  20 | 200 | 

| extra healing     |  50 | 100 | 

| fruit juice       |  70 |  50 | 

| gain ability      |  45 | 300 | 

| gain energy       |  45 | 150 | 

| gain level        |  20 | 300 | 

| hallucination     |  45 | 100 | 

| healing           |  65 | 100 | 

| invisibility      |  45 | 150 | 

| levitation        |  45 | 200 | 

| monster detection |  45 | 150 | 

| object detection  |  45 | 150 | 

| paralysis         |  45 | 300 | 

| restore ability   |  45 | 100 | 

| see invisible     |  45 |  50 | 

| sickness          |  45 |  50 | 

| speed             |  45 | 200 | 

| water (clear)     | 125 | 100 | 




Potion Quaffing Effects: 


Cur = cursed potion (unless specifically mentioned, same as regular) 

Reg = regular potion quaffed 

Bls = blessed potion (unless specifically mentions, same as regular) 

Cnf = potion quaffed while confused 

Bld = potion quaffed while blind 

Hal = potion quaffed while hallucinating 



   Reg - You become blind for a random time period. 

      "A cloud of darkness falls upon you." 

   Hal - "Bummer!  Everything is dark!  Help!" 


   Bls - No effect. 

   Reg - You are confused for a random time period. 

      "Ooph!  This tastes like liquid fire!" 

   Cur - Knocks you unconscious for a time. 

      "You pass out.  You awake with a headache." 

   Hal - "Ooph!  This tastes like furniture polish!" 


   Reg - You are confused for a random time period. 

      "Huh, What?  Where am I?" 

   Hal - "What a trippy feeling!" 


   Cur - No effect. 

      "You have an uneasy feeling." 

   Reg - Know intrinsics. 

      "You feel self-knowledgeable..." 

   Bls - Know intrinsics and adds one to Int and Wis. 

Extra healing 

   Reg - Heals you (or adds 2 points to max. if at max.), and cures blindness 

      and sickness. 

      "You feel much better." 

   Bls - Heals you (or adds 5 pts. to max if at max), and cures blindness and 


Fruit juice 

   Cur - "Yecch!  This tastes rotten." 

   Reg - Gives small amount of sustenance. 

      "This tastes like [fruit] juice." 

   Hal - "Yecch!  This tastes overripe." 

      "This tastes like 10% real [fruit] juice all-natural beverage." 

Gain ability 

   Cur - No effect. 

      "Ulch!  That potion tasted foul!" 

   Reg - Adds one to random stat. 

   Bls - Adds one to all stats. 

Gain energy 

   Cur - Removes energy points. 

      "You feel lackluster." 

   Reg - Adds to max energy points. 

      "Magical energies course through your body." 

Gain level 

   Cur - Raises you through the ceiling to the level above. 

      "You rise up, through the ceiling!" 

      Unless you are on level one and don't have the Amulet, or are in the 

      endgame, in which case... 

      "You have an uneasy feeling." 

   Reg - Adds one level (up to max. of level 30) 

      "You feel more experienced." 

   Bls - Takes you halfway to next level as well (or adds xp at level 30) 


   Reg - You hallucinate for a random time period. 

      "Oh wow!  Everything looks so cosmic!" 


   Reg - Heals you (or adds 1 point to max. if at max.) and cures blindness. 

      "You begin to feel better." 

   Bls - Heals you and cures blindness and sickness. 


   Cur - Aggravates monsters. 

      "For some reason, you feel your presence is known." 

   Reg - Makes you invisible for a random time period. 

      "Gee!  All of a sudden you can't see yourself." 

   Bls - Player's choice whether permanent or not. 

   Bld - "You feel rather airy." 

   Hal - "Far out, man!  You can see right through yourself!" 


   Cur - Bumps your head on the ceiling 

   Bls - Asks number of turns (1-300) to levitate. 

   Hal - "You're floating in the air!" 

Monster detection 

   Reg - You are shown where monsters are on level. 

      "You sense the presence of monsters." 

      "You feel threatened." (if no monsters on level) 

   Cur - They know where you are. 

Object detection 

   Cur - All mimics disguised as objects know where you are. 

   Reg - You are shown where objects are on level. 

      "You sense the presence of objects." 

      "You have a strange feeling." (if no objects on level) 


   Reg - You are paralyzed for a random time period. 

      "Your feet are frozen to the floor!" 

      "You are motionlessly suspended." (if levitating) 

Restore ability 

   Cur - No effect. 

      "Ulch!  This makes you feel mediocre!" 

   Reg - One stat restored. 

      "Wow!  This stuff makes you feel good!" 

   Bls - All stats restored. 

      "Wow!  This stuff makes you feel great!" 

See invisible 

   Cur - "Yecch!  This tastes rotten." 

   Reg - Cures blindness, see invisible for a random time. 

      "This tastes like [fruit] juice." 

   Bls - Intrinsic see invisible. 

   Hal - "Yecch!  This tastes overripe." 

      "This tastes like 10% real [fruit] juice all-natural beverage." 


   Reg - Stats lost, sickness, and lose hp. 

      "Yech!  This stuff tastes like poison." 

      If poison resistant, or a healer, lessened effects. 

      "But in fact it was biologically contaminated [fruit] juice." 

      "Fortunately, you have been immunized." 

   Bls - Does 1 hp damage to you. 

      "But in fact it was mildly stale [fruit] juice." 

   Hal - Stops hallucination. 

      "You are shocked back to your senses." 


   Reg - Heals wounded legs and doubles movement rate temporarily. 

      "You are suddenly moving much faster." 

      "Your legs gain new energy." (if already fast) 


   Cur - Unholy water.  Will curse items #d)ipped in it. 

      "You feel full of dread." 

      If undead, demon, or chaotic you gain 2-12 hp: 

      "You feel quite proud of yourself." 

      If lawful, you lose 2-12 hp: 

      "This burns like acid!" 

   Reg - Reduces hunger.  Will erase scrolls if #d)ipped in it. 

      "This tastes like water." 

      "This tastes like impure water." 

   Bls - Holy water.  Cures sickness.  Will bless items #d)ipped in it. 

        "You feel full of awe." 



Potion Throwing Effects: 


All = monster hit with a cursed, regular, or blessed potion 

Cur = monster hit with a cursed potion 

Reg = monster hit with a regular potion 

Bls = monster hit with a blessed potion 

Bld = monster hit with a potion thrown while blind 



   All - The monster hit becomes temporarily blinded. 


   All - The monster hit becomes confused. 


   All - The monster hit becomes confused. 

Extra healing 

   All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points. 

      "The [monster name] looks sound and hale again." 

   Bld - No message. 

Gain ability 

   All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points. 

      "The [monster name] looks sound and hale again." 

   Bld - No message. 


   All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points. 

      "The [monster name] looks sound and hale again." 

   Bld - No message. 


   All - The monster hit becomes invisible. 


   All - The mosnter hit becomes paralyzed for 1-25 turns. 

Restore ability 

   All - The monster hit is healed up to maximum hit points. 

      "The [monster name] looks sound and hale again." 

   Bld - No message. 


   All - Hit points and maximum hit points of monster hit are halved. 

      "The [monster name] looks rather ill." 

   Bld - No message. 


   All - Slow monsters hit become normal, while normal monsters become fast. 


   Cur - Adds 2-12 hit points to undead or demons when hit. 

      "The [monster name] looks healthier." 

   Reg - No effect.  In a future version will cause gremlins to multiply. 

   Bls - Does 2-12 hit points of damage to undead or demons when hit. 



Potion Vapor Effects: 


All = cursed, regular, or blessed potion vapor inhaled 

Cur = cursed potion vapor inhaled 

Reg = regular potion vapor inhaled 

Bls = blessed potion vapor inhaled 

Bld = potion vapor inhaled while blind 



   All - Blinds you for 1-5 turns. 

      "It suddenly gets dark." 


   All - Causes you to be confused for 1-5 turns. 

      "You feel somewhat dizzy" 


   All - Causes you to be confused for 1-5 turns. 

      "You feel somewhat dizzy" 

Extra healing 

   All - Increases current hit points by one if under maximum. 

Gain ability 

   Cur - No effect. 

      "Ulch!  That potion smells terrible!" 

   Reg - Increases a random stat by one if that stat is under maximum. 

   Bls - Increases each stat by one if that stat is under maximum. 


   All - No effect. 

      "You have a vision for a moment." 


   All - Increases current hit points by one if under maximum. 


   All - No effect. 

      "For an instant you could see through yourself!" 


   All - Paralyzes you for 1-5 turns. 

      "Something seems to be holding you." 

Restore ability 

   Cur - No effect. 

      "Ulch!  That potion smells terrible!" 

   Reg - Increases a random stat by one if that stat is under maximum. 

   Bls - Increases each stat by one if that stat is under maximum. 


   All - Decreases current hit points to 1 if current hit points are under 5. 

      Otherwise, decreases current hit points by 5. 


   All - Speeds you up for 1-5 turns. 

      "Your knees seem more flexible now." 



Identifying Potions: 


There are several ways of identifying potions, mostly based upon the messages 

listed above.  If you quaff a potion, you should be able to tell what it was 

from the info in the quaffing section.  Throwing a potion at a monster will 

often tell you what it was from the effects on that monster (especially if 

you have a stethescope to examine it with).  Finally, potions can often be 

identified by breaking them and observing the vapor effect.  Set the potion 

down and kick it until it smashes.  Then pay close attention to what happens. 

Oh, and remember - when that red dragon breathes fire at you and your potion 

boils and explodes, all is not lost.  You still get the vapor effect, so you 

can figure out what the next one like that will do. 





 Name                            Cost 


| adornment                      | 100 | 

| aggravate monster              | 150 | 

| cold resistance                | 150 | 

| conflict                       | 300 | 

| fire resistance                | 200 | 

| gain strength                  | 150 | 

| hunger                         | 100 | 

| increase damage                | 150 | 

| invisibility                   | 150 | 

| levitation                     | 200 | 

| poison resistance              | 150 | 

| polymorph                      | 300 | 

| polymorph control              | 300 | 

| protection                     | 100 | 

| protection from shape changers | 100 | 

| regeneration                   | 200 | 

| searching                      | 200 | 

| see invisible                  | 150 | 

| shock resistance               | 150 | 

| stealth                        | 100 | 

| teleport control               | 300 | 

| teleportation                  | 200 | 

| warning                        | 100 | 




Ring Effects: 


Note that all rings except +0 rings increase your food consumptions to 

varying degrees. 


Adornment - Will raise your charisma by the bonus on the ring. 

Cold resistance - You become invulnerable to cold, including backblasts from 

     the wand and freezing spheres. 

Conflict - Causes monsters to attack each other instead of you if they are 

     next to each other. 

Fire resistance - You become invulnerable to fire, including backblasts from 

     the wand and (red) dragon's breath. 

Gain strength - Increments (or decrements if cursed) your strength by the 

     appropriate amount. 

Increase damage - Increases the damage you do to monsters when hitting them. 

Poison resistance - You are invulnerable to poison (including poisonous 

     corpses, but not rotted ones, and all poison stings, bites, and 


Polymorph - Will occasionally cause you to randomly polymorph into another 


Polymorph control - Allows you to choose what monster you turn into if you 

     get polymorphed. 

Protection - Increases your armor class and (probably) your saving throws by 

     the appropriate amount.  (Or decreases if cursed.) 

Protection from shape changers - Forces chameleons and other shape changers 

     to take on their true form. 

Regeneration - Replenishes HP at about 1 a move, but increases food 

     consumption a lot. 

Searching - Will automatically look for hidden traps/doors. 

Shock resistance - Lightning/other electrical resistance. 

Stealth - Monsters don't wake up when you enter a room. 

Teleportation - Teleports you randomly around every once in a while. 

Teleport control - Gives you control of teleport destination, no matter what 

     does the teleporting.  If you try to teleport into a wall or monster, 

     you get a random teleport. 

Warning - Will glow different colors when different monsters are near. 



Identifying Rings: 


To figure out what a ring is, again start by figuring out if the ring is 

cursed or not.  If the ring is cursed, don't throw it away!  It's a prime 

candidate for identification through the first method:  chuck it down a sink, 

and see what happens.  See the SINK EFFECTS section for more information 

about what happens when various ring types are thrown down a sink.  If the 

ring isn't cursed, it probably is somewhat beneficial.  Try it on.  If 

something happens immediately, you'll know what it is (levitation, for 

example).  Some rings can only be identified after being worn for a while - 

for example, a ring of polymorph will only polymorph you every once in a 

while, and a ring of teleport also only works now and then.  Other rings can 

only be guessed at -for instance, if you suddenly can find secret doors 

easier than you have been, it might be a ring of searching.  If you suddenly 

are killing monsters more easily, it might be a ring of increase damage. 





  Name             Prob  Cost 


| amnesia         |  35 | 200 | 

| blank paper     |  28 |  60 | 

| charging        |  15 | 300 | 

| confuse monster |  53 | 100 | 

| create monster  |  45 | 200 | 

| destroy armor   |  45 | 100 | 

| enchant armor   |  63 |  80 | 

| enchant weapon  |  85 |  60 | 

| fire            |  48 | 100 | 

| food detection  |  25 | 100 | 

| genocide        |  15 | 300 | 

| gold detection  |  33 | 100 | 

| identify        | 185 |  20 | 

| light           |  95 |  50 | 

| magic mapping   |  45 | 100 | 

| punishment      |  15 | 300 | 

| remove curse    |  65 |  80 | 

| scare monster   |  35 | 100 | 

| taming          |  15 | 200 | 

| teleportation   |  55 | 100 | 




Scroll Effects: 


Cur = cursed scroll (unless specifically mentioned, same as regular) 

Reg = regular (uncursed) scroll 

Bls = blessed scroll (unless specifically mentioned, same as regular) 

Bld = messages given while blind 

Hal = messages given while hallucinating 



   Cur - Complete loss of map and spells. 

   Reg - Partial loss of map and spells. 

      "Thinking of Maud you forget everything else." 

      "Who was that Maud person anyway?" 

      "As your mind turns inward on itself, you forget everything else." (if 

      your character's name is Maud) 

   Bls - Partial loss of map, no loss of spells. 

   Hal - "Your mind releases itself from mundane concerns." 

Blank paper 

   Reg - No effect. 

      "This scroll seems to be blank." 


   Reg - Charges item to original charges (can charge magic lamps) 

   Bls - Charges item to maximum charges (can charge magic lamps) 

Confuse monster (effects are cumulative) 

   Cur - You become confused for 1 to 100 turns. 

      "You feel confused." 

   Reg - The next monster you hit will become confused. 

      "Your hands begin to glow red." 

   Bls - Next 2-9 monsters hit will become confused. 

      "Your hands glow a brilliant red." 

   Bld - "Your hands begin to tingle." 

      "Your hands tingle very sharply." 

Create monster 

   Cur - Creates 13 to 17 random monsters. 

   Reg - Creates 1 to 5 random monsters. 

Destroy armor 

   Cur - Same as regular, unless outermost armor is also cursed, in which 

      case you are stunned for 11-20 rounds. 

      "Your [armor name] vibrates." 

   Reg - Outermost armor you are wearing is destroyed. 

      "Your shield crumbles and turns to dust." 

      "Your helmet turns to dust and is blown away." 

      "Your gloves vanish." 

      "Your boots disintegrate." 

      "Your skin itches."  (if no armor is being worn) 

Enchant armor 

   Cur - Takes 1 point off bonus and curses random armor you are wearing. 

      "Your [armor name] glows black for a moment." 

   Reg - Adds +1 to bonus and uncurses random armor you are wearing. 

      "Your [armor name] glows silver for a moment." 

      "Your skin glows then fades."  (if no armor is being worn) 

      "Your [armor name] glows violently silver for a while, then 

      evaporates." (if enchantment fails) 

   Bls - Adds +1-3 to bonus and blesses random armor you are wearing. 

      "Your [armor name] glows silver for a moment/while." 

   Bld - "Your [armor name] feels warm for a moment." 

      "Your skin feels warm for a moment."  (if no armor is being worn) 

      "Your [armor name] violently vibrates for a while, then evaporates." 

      (if enchantment fails) 

Enchant weapon** 

   Cur - Takes 1 point off bonus of weapon you are wielding. 

      "Your [weapon name] glows black for a moment." 

   Reg - Adds +1 to bonus and uncurses weapon you are wielding. 

      "Your [weapon name] glows blue for a moment." 

   Bls - Adds +3 to bonus and blesses weapon you are wielding. 

      "Your [weapon name] glows blue for a while." 


   Cur - You lose 1 to 9 hit points and maximum hit points.  Monsters within 

      three squares take similar damage. 

   Reg - You lose 1 to 6 hit points and maximum hit points.  Monsters within 

      three squares take similar damage. 

      "The scroll erupts in a tower of flame!" 

      "You are uninjured."  (if fire resistant) 

   Bls - You lose 1 to 3 hit points and maximum hit points.  Monsters within 

      three squares take similar damage. 

   This scroll is dangerous!  It will burn scrolls and explode potions. 

Food detection 

   Reg - Detects all food on the level. 


   Cur - Surrounds you with monster you tried to genocide. 

   Reg - Allows you to genocide one monster type (ex. 'rothe'). 

   Bls - Allows you to genocide one monster class (ex. 'q' for quadruped). 

Gold detection 

   Cur - As normal, but "gold" detected are actually traps. 

   Reg - Detects all gold on level. 


   Cur - Identifies 1 item. 

   Reg - Identifies 1 or more items (hit 'a' instead of 'y'). 

   Bls - Identifies 1 or more items (better chance). 


   Cur - Darkens room you are in. 

   Reg - Lights up room you are in. 

Magic mapping 

   Cur - Partial map of the level is drawn. 

      "Unfortunately, it is of a very poor quality." 

   Reg - Map of the level is drawn. 

      "On this scroll is a map." 


   Reg - No effect. 

      "This seems to be junk mail addressed to the finder of the Eye of 

      Larn."  (The game of Larn sends you junk mail if you win...) 


   Cur - Creates a very heavy iron ball and chains it to you. 

   Reg - Creates a heavy iron ball and chains it to you, or if you are 

      already being punished, your current iron ball becomes very heavy. 

      "You are being punished." 

   Bls - No effect. 

      "You feel guilty." 

Remove curse 

   Reg - Removes curses on worn items and will unlock iron balls. 

      "You feel like someone is helping you." 

   Bls - Removes curses on all items and will unlock iron balls. 

   Hal - "You feel in touch with the Universal Oneness." 

Scare monster 

   Cur - Aggravates monsters when read. 

      "You hear a sad wailing in the distance." 

      "You hear a sad wailing close by." 

   Reg - Should be dropped and stood upon.  When read, monsters will flee for 

      a short period of time. 

      "You hear maniacal laughter in the distance." 

      "You hear maniacal laughter close by." 


   Cur - Causes every monster within one square of you to become non-peaceful 

   Reg - Tames every monster within one square of you, and will calm down 

      angry shopkeepers within one square of you. 


   Cur - Teleports you randomly to a different level. 

   Reg - Teleports you randomly on the level. 

   Bls - Randomly teleports you on the level if you want to. 


* Determining your chances for successfully enchanting armor is fairly 

simple. Your chance for succeeding (and not causing the item to disintegrate 

due to over enchantment) is totally dependent upon the current bonus of the 

item.  If the current bonus is three or less (five or less for elven mithril 

coats), you will always succeed.  Otherwise, you have one chance out of 

whatever the current bonus of the item is.  In other words, if the bonus is 

+4, you have a 1/4 or 25% chance of being successful.  If the bonus is +8, 

you have a 1/8 or 12.5% chance of being successful.  Thus, it is 

theoretically possible to enchant armor up to +maxint, but the laws of 

probability would not favor it! 


** Chances for successfully enchanting weapons are far easier.  Basically, 

you will always succeed if the weapon is at +5 or less.  Once you're over 

that, you have a 2/3 chance of being successful each time, regardless of the 




Confused Scroll Effects: 


All = cursed, regular, or blessed scroll 

Cur = cursed scroll (unless mentioned, same as non-confused) 

Reg = regular (uncursed) scroll (unless mentioned, same as non-confused) 

Bls = blessed scroll (unless mentioned, same as non-confused) 

Bld = messages given while blind 

Hal = messages given while hallucinating 



   Reg - Complete loss of map and spells. 

   Bls - Complete loss of map, no loss of spells. 

Blank paper 

   All - No effect. 

      "You try to read the strange patterns on this scroll, but it 



   All - Puts energy points at max, or at 5-20 points above max if already at 

      max (doesn't up the maximum, though). 

      "You feel charged up." 

Confuse monster 

   Reg - You become confused for 1 to 100 turns. 

      "Your hands begin to glow purple." 

   Bls - You become unconfused if confused. 

      "A red glow surrounds your head." 

   Bld - "Your hands begin to tingle." 

      "A faint buzz surrounds your head." 

Create monster 

   All - Creates 13 to 17 acid blobs. 

Destroy armor 

   All - Picks a random armor you are wearing, and removes any rustproofing. 

      "Your [armor name] glows purple." 

      "Your bones itch."  (if no armor is being worn) 

Enchant armor 

   Cur - No effect. 

      "Your [armor name] is covered by a mottled black glow." 

   Reg - Rustproofs random armor you are wearing. 

      "Your [armor name] is covered by a shimmering gold shield." 

      "Your [shield name] is covered by a shimmering gold layer." 

   Bld - "Your [armor name] feels warm for a moment." 

Enchant weapon 

   Cur - Removes rust proofing on the weapon you are wielding. 

      "Your [weapon name] is covered by a mottled purple glow." 

   Reg - Rustproofs weapon you are wielding. 

      "Your [weapon name] is covered by a shimmering gold shield." 

   Bld - "Your weapon feels warm for a moment." 


   All - Does one hit point of damage (unless fire resistant). 

      "The scroll catches fire and you burn your hands." 

      "Oh, look, what a pretty fire in your hands."  (if fire resistant) 

   Bld - "You feal [sic] a pleasant warmth in your hands."  (if fire 



   Cur - Surrounds you with whatever you are (i.e. wizards). 

   Reg - You genocide whatever you are. 

Gold detection 

   All - As normal, but "gold" detected are actually traps. 


   All - No effect. 

      "You identify the scroll as an identify scroll." 


   All - Darkens room you are in. 

Magic mapping 

   All - Creates an incorrect map of the level. 

      "On this scroll was a map." 


   All - No effect. 

      "You feel guilty." 

Remove curse 

   All - Will unlock iron balls. 

      "You feel like you need some help." 

   Hal - "You feel the power of the Force against you!" 

Scare monster 

   All - Aggravates monsters when read. 

      "You hear a sad wailing in the distance." 

      "You hear a sad wailing close by." 


   Cur - Causes every monster within five squares of you to become non- 


   Reg - Tames every monster within five squares of you, and will calm down 

      angry shopkeepers within five squares of you. 


   All - Teleports you to a different level. 



Identifying Scrolls: 


Unfortunately, there aren't any easy ways to figure out what a scroll is. 

Short of using and identify scroll (or equivalent) or actually reading it, 

you can't tell what a scroll is. 





  Name             Prob Time Lvl Direct 


| cancellation    | 12 |  8 | 7 |  Y  | 

| cause fear      | 25 |  3 | 3 |  N  | 

| charm monster   | 20 |  3 | 3 |  Y  | 

| clairvoyance    | 15 |  3 | 3 |  N  | 

| cone of cold    | 10 |  8 | 5 | RAY | 

| confuse monster | 37 |  2 | 2 |  Y  | 

| create familiar | 10 |  7 | 6 |  N  | 

| create monster  | 37 |  3 | 2 |  N  | 

| cure blindness  | 27 |  2 | 2 |  Y  | 

| cure sickness   | 32 |  3 | 3 |  N  | 

| detect food     | 37 |  3 | 2 |  N  | 

| detect monsters | 45 |  1 | 1 |  N  | 

| detect treasure | 25 |  5 | 4 |  N  | 

| detect unseen   | 25 |  4 | 3 |  N  | 

| dig             | 22 |  6 | 5 | RAY | 

| extra healing   | 32 |  5 | 3 |  N  | 

| finger of death |  5 | 10 | 7 | RAY | 

| fireball        | 20 |  6 | 4 | RAY | 

| force bolt      | 40 |  2 | 1 |  Y  | 

| genocide        |  5 | 10 | 7 |  N  | 

| haste self      | 33 |  4 | 3 |  N  | 

| healing         | 40 |  2 | 1 |  N  | 

| identify        | 25 |  8 | 5 |  N  | 

| invisibility    | 32 |  5 | 4 |  N  | 

| knock           | 40 |  1 | 1 |  Y  | 

| levitation      | 25 |  4 | 4 |  N  | 

| light           | 45 |  1 | 1 |  N  | 

| magic mapping   | 18 |  7 | 5 |  N  | 

| magic missile   | 45 |  3 | 2 | RAY | 

| polymorph       | 12 |  8 | 6 |  Y  | 

| remove curse    | 25 |  5 | 5 |  N  | 

| restore ability | 25 |  5 | 4 |  N  | 

| sleep           | 50 |  1 | 1 | RAY | 

| slow monster    | 37 |  2 | 2 |  Y  | 

| teleport away   | 15 |  6 | 6 |  Y  | 

| turn undead     | 17 |  8 | 6 |  Y  | 

| wizard lock     | 35 |  3 | 2 |  Y  | 






  Name                 Desc     Prob   Wt  Cost 


| bag of holding     | bag     |  20 |  3 | 100 | 

| bag of tricks      | bag     |  20 |  3 | 100 | 

| blindfold          |         |  55 |  2 |  20 | 

| bugle              |         |   6 |  3 |  15 | 

| chest              |         |  35 | 40 |  20 | 

| credit card        |         |   5 |  1 |  10 | 

| crystal ball       |         |  35 | 15 |  60 | 

| drum               |         |   4 |  4 |  25 | 

| drum of earthquake | drum    |   2 |  4 |  25 | 

| expensive camera   |         |   5 |  3 | 200 | 

| figurine           |         |  35 |  5 |  80 | 

| fire horn          | horn    |   2 |  4 |  15 | 

| flute              |         |   6 |  3 |  12 | 

| frost horn         | horn    |   2 |  4 |  15 | 

| harp               |         |   4 | 10 |  50 | 

| horn               |         |   5 |  4 |  15 | 

| ice box            |         |   5 | 40 |  30 | 

| key                |         | 100 |  1 |  10 | 

| lamp               |         | 105 | 10 |  50 | 

| large box          |         |  40 | 40 |  20 | 

| leash              |         |  70 |  3 |  20 | 

| lock pick          |         |  55 |  2 |  20 | 

| magic flute        | flute   |   2 |  3 |  12 | 

| magic harp         | harp    |   2 | 10 |  50 | 

| magic lamp         | lamp    |  20 | 10 |  50 | 

| magic marker       |         |  15 |  1 |  50 | 

| magic whistle      | whistle |  50 |  2 |  10 | 

| mirror             |         |  50 |  3 |  40 | 

| pick-axe           |         |  20 | 10 |  50 | 

| sack               | bag     |  40 |  3 |  20 | 

| skeleton key       | key     |  60 |  1 |  10 | 

| stethoscope        |         |  15 |  2 |  75 | 

| tinning kit        |         |  15 | 10 |  30 | 

| tin opener         |         |  25 |  1 |  30 | 

| whistle            |         | 120 |  2 |  10 | 




Tool Effects: 


Bag of holding - will hold many items, only adding part of their weight to 

     your total pack weight.  Blessing and cursing of bags of holding does 

     not currently work correctly.  Also, do not put a bag of holding, a bag 

     of tricks, or a wand of cancellation into a bag of holding.  Both items 

     and contents will blow up. 

Bag of tricks - will allow you to create a monster whenever you activate it. 

Blindfold - makes you blind.  Useful when you have telepathy. 

Bugle - will awaken soldiers on level.  Useful for getting into castle. 

Chest - holds things, but is very heavy. 

Credit card - can be used to open locked doors. 

Crystal ball - can be used to detect things on level. 

Drum - awakens monsters; may scare them away. 

Drum of earthquake - will initiate an earthquake whose intensity depends on 

     player level.  That is, it creates random pits. 

Expensive camera - can be flashed at monsters to blind them.  Can also blind 

     self (useful if you don't have a blindfold). 

Figurine - when activated will provide a tame pet of the same type as the 


Fire horn - when played will act as a wand of fire; a ray of flame shoots out 

     in desired direction. 

Flute - may calm snakes if player has enough dexterity.  Can also be used to 

     get into the castle. 

Frost horn - when played will act as a wand of cold; a ray of cold shoots out 

     in desired direction. 

Harp - may calm nymph if player has enough dexterity.  Can also be used to 

Horn - will awaken monsters; range depends on player level.  May also scare 


Ice box - will prevent monster corpses from spoiling if they are promptly 

     placed within the ice box. 

Key - differently shaped keys will open differently shaped locks. 

Lamp - will light up a room when activated. 

Large box - holds things, but is very heavy. 

Leash - will keep your pet with you, even if you fall through a trapdoor, 

     teleport, etc.  However, your pet tends to get in your way more. 

Lock pick - used to open locked doors and chests. 

Magic flute - may put monsters to sleep; area of effect depends on player 


Magic harp - charms monsters; area of effect depends on player level. 

Magic lamp - if rubbed, a djinni will appear.  Djinnis from blessed lamps 

     will always give wishes; from normal lamps may give a wish (random); 

     from cursed lamps they will never give a wish.  May be recharged once 

     with a blessed scroll of charging. 

Magic marker - useful for writing graffiti on dungeon floors.  Also can be 

     used to write spells on blank scrolls. 

Magic whistle - will teleport all of your pets on the level to the same room 

     as you. 

Mirror - can scare some monsters.  Also useful for reflecting gaze attacks. 

     Can be used in conjunction with blindfold to determine relative position 

     of medusa or Wizard of Yendor. 

Pick-axe - can be used to dig through walls.  Also useful as a weapon. 

Sack - will hold items, freeing inventory space. 

Skeleton key - will open any locked door or chest. 

Stethescope - will tell you stats on creature applied to (HP, level, AC, 

     gold, etc.). 

Tinning kit - allows you to tin monster corpses to take with you.  Heavy. 

Tin opener - allows you to open tins easier. 

Whistle - when blown, your pets will start heading in your direction.  Other 

     monsters may do likewise, though. 



Identifying Tools: 


Once again, make sure that the item is not cursed before playing around with 

it.  Most tools are fairly obvious as to their function.  For instance, a 

blindfold is always a blindfold, with no other magical properties.  Certain 

items (horns, for instance) will have more than one type that appear the same 

though.  Here's how you can figure out what they are: 


Bags - first of all, drop the bag on the ground and #loot it.  If you feel 

something furry, it's a bag of tricks.  Otherwise, load up until you can't 

carry anything more.  Then dump some stuff into the bag (by applying it).  If 

you can then pick up more, it's a bag of holding. 


Drums - activate the drum.  If it's a drum of earthquake, you'll know it 

immediately from the pits opening up around you. 


Flutes - try playing the flute when you have several monsters around you.  If 

they go to sleep, it's a magical flute. 


Harps - try playing the harp when you have several monsters around you.  If 

they become charmed (tame), you have a magic harp. 


Horns - activate the horn, tell it to improvise, and give it a direction (if 

it asks).  You'll immediately notice the effect if it's magical. 


Keys - try a key on various locks.  If it appears to open all of them, it's 

probably a skeleton key.  (Note, however, that a credit card works just as 

well, and is lighter.) 


Lamps - try activating the lamp.  If it has no oil, it's a magic lamp. 


Whistles - try blowing it.  If it produces a high whistle, it's normal.  A 

wierd whistling will be a magic whistle. 





  Name                   Prob Cost Direct. 


| cancellation          | 45 | 200 |  Y  | 

| create monster        | 45 | 200 |  N  | 

| cold                  | 40 | 175 | RAY | 

| death                 |  5 | 500 | RAY | 

| digging               | 55 | 150 | RAY | 

| fire                  | 40 | 175 | RAY | 

| light                 | 95 | 100 |  N  | 

| lightning             | 40 | 175 | RAY | 

| locking               | 40 | 150 |  Y  | 

| magic missile         | 50 | 150 | RAY | 

| make invisible        | 45 | 150 |  Y  | 

| nothing               | 25 | 100 |  Y  | 

| opening               | 40 | 150 |  Y  | 

| polymorph             | 45 | 200 |  Y  | 

| probing               | 30 | 150 |  Y  | 

| secret door detection | 50 | 150 |  N  | 

| sleep                 | 50 | 175 | RAY | 

| slow monster          | 55 | 150 |  Y  | 

| speed monster         | 55 | 150 |  Y  | 

| striking              | 75 | 150 |  Y  | 

| teleportation         | 45 | 200 |  Y  | 

| undead turning        | 55 | 150 |  Y  | 

| wishing               |  5 | 500 |  N  | 




Wand Effects: 


Reg = regular use of wand 

Eng = when used to engrave 

Cur = nothing different, but makes chance for explosion slightly higher. 



   Reg - Destroys magical abilities of the monster(s) or item(s) aimed at. 

      demons- cancels ability to summon other demons 

      leprechauns - cancels teleport ability 

      nymphs- cancels magical allure 

      wraiths  - cancels level drain 


   Reg - Does heavy damage along a line.  Will also freeze over pools of 

      water or sections of the moat on the castle level. 

   Eng - "A few ice cubes drop off your wand." 

Create monster 

   Reg - Creates a monster right next to you. 

   Eng - Creates a monster right next to you. 


   Reg - If it hits, it kills all living things automatically. 

   Eng - "The bugs on the ground stop moving." 


   Reg - Produces new corridor sections.  Can be used to dig out of creatures 

      that engulf you. 

   Eng - Identifies the wand. 

      "Gravel flies up from the floor." 


   Reg - Does heavy damage to all creatures along line.  Will also evaporate 

      pools of water or sections of the moat on the castle level. 

   Eng - Identifies the wand. 

      "Flames fly from the wand." 


   Eng - Lights up the room. 

   Reg - Will light up a dark room. 


   Reg - Again, heavy damage in a line, may blind you if you get hit. 

   Eng - Identifies the wand, and blinds you. 

       "Lightning arcs from the wand.  You are blinded by the flash." 

Magic missile 

   Reg - Lower damage along a line, but still effective. 

   Eng - "The ground is riddled by bullet holes." 

Make invisible 

   Reg - Makes monsters permanently invisible. 

   Eng - The engraving vanishes. 


   Reg - Will polymorph monster or item(s) aimed at into something else. 


   Reg - Gives stats (hp, hp max., gold) on the monster aimed at. 

Secret door detection 

   Reg - Discovers all secret doors in room, or in sight if in a corridor. 

      Will also detect hidden monsters in the room (i.e. mimics). 


   Reg - Causes monsters to go to sleep.  (Some monsters get saving throw.) 

   Eng - "The bugs on the ground stop moving." 

Slow monster 

   Reg - Monster aimed at moves at half normal speed. 

   Eng - "The bugs on the ground slow down." 

Speed monster 

   Reg - Monster aimed at moves at twice normal speed. 

   Eng - "The bugs on the ground speed up." 


   Reg - Hits the first monster in the direction you aim it.  A wand of 

      striking may also be used to destroy boulders, statues, or the 

      drawbridge on the castle level. 

   Eng - "The wand unsuccessfully fights your attempt to write." 

Teleport away 

   Reg - Monster (or item) aimed at is teleported elsewhere on level. 

Undead turning 

   Reg - Causes undead creatures (zombies, skeletons, etc.) to run away. 

      Raises corpses from the dead. 


Note:  Many of these wands can be useful to zap yourself with (i.e. make 

invisible, speed monster). 



Identifying Wands: 


When identifying a wand, I generally start by engraving anything (usually I 

use 'xxxxx') on a spot with my fingers (use the '-' key when asked what to 

engrave with).  Next, I try to engrave with the wand.  The reason that I 

engrave something else first is simple:  a wand of polymorph will change the 

writing to something else, thus identifying it.  Also, a wand of cancellation 

or make invisible will make any writing already on the spot disappear.  A 

wand of teleport will teleport the writing to another spot on the level. 

Barring these four wand types, many wands will be either be immediately 

identified upon trying to engrave (for instance, a wand of light will light 

up the room or a wand wishing will give you a wish), and failing that, you 

can often figure out what the wand is based upon the message that you're 

given (see WAND EFFECTS above for effects that occur when engraving). 


If engraving doesn't identify the wand, find a handy monster to zap the wand 

at (not your pet - they're not invincible).  Make sure you're standing on a 

diagonal from the monster, so the wand won't bounce back at you.  Now, zap 

the wand and see what happens.  You'll often be able to immediately figure 

out what happened.  (A brief note here:  be careful not to mistake make 


invisible for teleport - just because the monster disappears doesn't mean 

it's not still there!) 


If you still can't figure out what it is, try zapping it when you're near 

where you think a secret door is (to check for secret door detection) if it's 

non-directional, or zap it at a doorway (to check for opening or locking) if 

it's directional. 


Failing all of these tests usually means it's a wand of nothing. 





For information about how to compute hit probabilities and possible damage 

for each listed weapon, see the two sections on HIT PROBABILITY and DAMAGE. 


                                                                Damage vs. 

  Name                   Description           Prob  Wt  Cost   Small  Large 


| aklys                | thonged club         |  8 |  3 |   4 | 1-06 | 1-03 | 

| arrow                |                      | 37 |  0 |   2 | 1-06 | 1-06 | 

| athame               |                      |  0 |  2 |   4 | 1-04 | 1-03 | 

| axe                  |                      | 50 |  3 |   8 | 1-06 | 1-04 | 

| bardiche             | long poleaxe         |  8 |  3 |   7 | 2-08 | 3-12 | 

| bec de corbin        | beaked polearm       |  8 |  3 |   8 | 1-08 | 1-06 | 

| bill-guisarme        | hooked polearm       |  8 |  3 |   7 | 2-08 | 1-10 | 

| boomerang            |                      | 15 |  3 |  20 | 1-09 | 1-09 | 

| bow                  |                      | 24 |  3 | 120 | 1-30 | 1-06 | 

| bullwhip             |                      |  5 |  2 |   4 | 1-02 | 1-01 | 

| broadsword           | wide sword           |  8 |  4 |  10 | 2-08 | 2-07 | 

| club                 |                      | 10 |  3 |   4 | 1-06 | 1-03 | 

| crossbow             |                      | 45 |  3 |  40 | 1-35 | 1-06 | 

| crossbow bolt        |                      | 60 |  0 |   2 | 2-05 | 2-07 | 

| crysknife            |                      |  0 |  3 | 100 | 1-10 | 1-10 | 

| dagger               |                      | 25 |  2 |   4 | 1-04 | 1-03 | 

| dart                 |                      | 60 |  0 |   2 | 1-03 | 1-02 | 

| dwarvish mattock     | huge shiny sword     | 15 |  6 |  50 | 1-12 | 3-20 | 

| dwarvish short sword | short shiny sword    |  2 |  3 |  10 | 1-07 | 1-08 | 

| dwarvish spear       | shiny spear          | 12 |  3 |   5 | 1-08 | 1-08 | 

| elven arrow          | runed arrow          | 10 |  0 |   2 | 1-07 | 1-06 | 

| elven bow            | runed bow            | 12 |  3 | 120 | 1-35 | 1-06 | 

| elven broadsword     | wide runed sword     |  4 |  4 |  10 | 2-10 | 2-07 | 

| elven dagger         | large runed knife    |  8 |  2 |   4 | 1-05 | 1-03 | 

| elven short sword    | short runed sword    |  2 |  3 |  10 | 1-08 | 1-08 | 

| elven spear          | runed spear          | 10 |  3 |   5 | 1-07 | 1-08 | 

| fauchard             | pole sickle          | 11 |  3 |   5 | 1-06 | 1-08 | 

| flail                |                      | 40 |  3 |   4 | 2-07 | 2-08 | 

| glaive               | single-edged polearm | 15 |  3 |   6 | 1-06 | 1-10 | 

| guisarme             | pruning hook         | 11 |  3 |   5 | 1-04 | 1-08 | 

| halberd              | angled poleaxe       | 16 |  3 |  10 | 1-10 | 2-12 | 

| javelin              | throwing spear       | 10 |  3 |   5 | 1-06 | 1-06 | 

| katana               | samurai sword        |  6 |  4 | 100 | 1-10 | 1-12 | 

| knife                |                      | 25 |  2 |   4 | 1-03 | 1-03 | 

| lance                |                      |  8 |  4 |  10 | 1-06 | 1-08 | 

| long sword           |                      | 60 |  4 |  15 | 1-08 | 1-12 | 

| lucern hammer        | pronged polearm      | 10 |  3 |   7 | 2-08 | 1-06 | 

| mace                 |                      | 40 |  4 |   8 | 2-07 | 1-06 | 

| morning star         |                      | 12 |  4 |  10 | 2-08 | 2-07 | 

| orcish arrow         | black arrow          | 11 |  0 |   2 | 1-05 | 1-06 | 

| orcish bow           | black bow            | 12 |  3 | 120 | 1-25 | 1-06 | 

| orcish dagger        | large black knife    | 10 |  2 |   4 | 1-03 | 1-03 | 

| orcish short sword   | short black sword    |  3 |  3 |  10 | 1-05 | 1-08 | 

| orcish spear         | black spear          | 13 |  3 |   5 | 1-05 | 1-08 | 

| partisan             | vulgar polearm       | 10 |  3 |  10 | 1-06 | 2-07 | 

| quarterstaff         | staff                | 10 |  3 |   8 | 1-06 | 1-06 | 

| ranseur              | hilted polearm       | 10 |  3 |   6 | 2-08 | 2-08 | 

| rubber hose          |                      |  0 |  2 |   4 | 1-06 | 1-03 | 

| scalpel              |                      |  0 |  1 |   4 | 1-04 | 1-03 | 

| scimitar             | curved sword         |  6 |  4 |  15 | 1-08 | 1-08 | 

| spear                |                      | 55 |  3 |   5 | 1-06 | 1-08 | 

| short sword          |                      |  6 |  3 |  10 | 1-06 | 1-08 | 

| shuriken             | throwing star        | 30 |  0 |   5 | 1-08 | 1-06 | 

| silver arrow         |                      |  8 |  0 |   2 | 1-06 | 1-06 | 

| sling                |                      | 40 |  2 |  20 | 1-04 | 1-06 | 

| spetum               | forked polearm       | 10 |  3 |   5 | 2-07 | 2-12 | 

| trident              |                      |  8 |  4 |  15 | 2-07 | 3-12 | 

| two-handed sword     |                      | 40 |  5 |  50 | 1-12 | 3-18 | 

| voulge               | pole cleaver         |  8 |  3 |   5 | 2-08 | 2-08 | 

| war hammer           |                      | 15 |  3 |   5 | 2-05 | 1-04 | 

| worm tooth           |                      |  0 |  3 |   2 | 1-02 | 1-02 | 






Artifacts, also known as named weapons, are the most powerful weapons in the 

game.  They can be wished for, granted by your god, and some of them can 

a longsword in a fountain (see FOUNTAIN EFFECTS), and Sting or Orcrist can be 

obtained by naming the appropriate weapons.  Polymorphing a regular weapon 

into an artifact is no longer possible. 


Artifacts may also have special features.  These special features are 

explained below.  Finally, all artifacts have an alignment.  This affects 

your chances of getting a given weapon from your deity (i.e. a lawful god 

will not bestow a neutral weapon). 


Certain weapons will have a monster listed under the what column.  If so, the 

artifact's bonuses are only gained against that type of monster.  Against 

other creatures the artifact fights as a regular weapon of its type. 


For more information on how to compute hit probabilities, how much damage an 

artifact does, and what the relative hit and damage bonuses are, see the 

sections on HIT PROBABILITY and DAMAGE. 



|             |                                            |        | 

| Name         | Weapon type                 Special       | What   |Al 


| Cleaver      | Axe 3            | 1 |  2 |                   |        | C | 

| Demonbane    | Long sword       | 5 | x2 |                   | demons | L | 

| Dragonbane   | Broadsword       | 5 | x2 |                   | dragon | N | 

| Excalibur    | Long sword       | 5 | 10 | seek, def., search|        | L | 

| Fire brand   | Long sword       | 5 | x2 | defend, fire      |        | N | 

| Frost brand  | Long sword       | 5 | x2 | defend, cold      |        | N | 

| Giantslayer  | Long sword       | 5 | x2 |                   | giants | N | 

| Grimtooth    | Orcish dagger    | 2 |  6 |                   |        | C | 

| Mjollnir     | War hammer       | 5 | 24 | shock             |        | L | 

| Ogresmasher  | War hammer       | 5 | x2 |                   | ogres  | L | 

| Orcrist      | Two handed sword | 5 | x2 |                   | orcs   | L | 

| Snickersnee  | Katana           | 0 |  8 |                   |        | L | 

| Sunsword     | Long sword       | 5 | x2 |                   | undead | L | 

| Sting        | Elven dagger     | 5 | x2 | warn              | orcs   | L | 

| Stormbringer | Broadsword       | 5 |  2 | defend, drain lvl |        | C | 

| Trollsbane   | Morning star     | 5 | x2 |                   | trolls | L | 

| Werebane     | Long sword       | 5 | x2 |                   | weres  | L | 



These are the special abilities: 


cold - The extra damage done is cold damage, and as a result will not affect 

     cold resistant creatures. 

defend - This will defend you against whatever special attack type the 

     artifact has.  Excalibur and Stormbringer defend against level draining 

     attacks (even though Excalibur can't drain levels itself), Frost brand 

     defends against cold cold based attacks (i.e. gives cold resistance), 

     and Fire brand defends against fire based attacks (i.e. gives fire 


drain level - This will drain a level from the creature attacking, 

     effectively making it less powerful as well as removing eight hp from 


fire - The extra damage done is fire damage, and as a result will not affect 

     fire resistant creatures. 

search - Will aid you in searching, much as a ring of searching. 

seek - This should (eventually) "aid you in seeking objects." Currently, this 

     ability is unimplemented. 

shock - The extra damage done is electrical damage, and as a result will not 

     affect shock resistant creatures. 

warn - Will warn you when more monsters more powerful than you are around, 

     much as a ring of warning. 


Also, note that Excalibur, if gained via dipping in a fountain or via 

becoming the Hand of Elbereth, will be rust proof.  Stormbringer, if gained 

via becoming the Hand of Elbereth will also be rust proof.  Stormbringer and 

Excalibur, if gained via other means (including wishing), as well as all 

other named weapons, are not rust proof unless they are rust proofed by a 

player character (i.e. you rust proof it yourself or find it on a bones 

level, and the previous owner had rust proofed it). 




          |                      Appendices                        | 



Nethack Abuse: 


This section details several scenarios that most experienced players would 

term "Nethack Abuse."  They generally involve characters with specific items 

and specific methods for quickly going up levels or gaining many items.  For 

previous versions of nethack this section would have been much larger, but 

the dev team has (quite intelligently) removed many of the more blatant 

methods of abuse (such as polypiling for wands of wishing). 


Scenario 1:  Sinks can be a wonderful means to gain levels, items of all 

sorts, and intrinsics.  This is all possible because a sink, when kicked, 

will often disgorge a black pudding, and black puddings divide when attacked. 

This means that with just a few extra props you can quickly gain all the 

aforementioned items.  First of all, you'll need some way of protecting 

yourself from the puddings.  This is best accomplished by a scroll of scare 

monster or engraving Elbereth on the ground (either use something that will 

make a permanent inscription or have a means of levitating over the 

engraving, because you'll scuff it out otherwise).  Do this on a spot 

adjacent to the sink. 


Next, find a room with a sink in it.  You'll need to carefully prepare this 

room for your upcoming fun.  Shut (and lock if possible) all the doors into 

the room.  If any of the exits don't have doors, engrave Elbereth in the 

doorway to prevent other monsters from bothering you.  Also, make sure your 

pet is out of the room, and stays out (it'll probably get killed otherwise). 

Try dropping something cursed in any open doorways.  That'll keep it out. 


Now, go back to the spot that you've prepared next to the sink and kick the 

sink until it disgorges a black pudding.  When the black pudding gets close, 

hit it.  It'll probably divide.  Keep hitting the black puddings - you'll 

often divide them, eventually kill them, and when you run out, kick the sink 

a few more times until you get another one.  Eat the fresh black pudding 

corpses to gain intrinsics, pick up the stuff that they leave lying around, 

and soak up those experience points for killing them. 


Of course, all of this is sweetened immensely if you happen to have an altar 

nearby.  Keep sacrificing the black pudding corpses and you'll get all sorts 

of wonderful things! 


Scenario 2:  (This isn't really a major "abuse" type, as it does fall under 

the planned scope of the game, but nevertheless...)  Ever found a wand of 

polymorph and wondered what it's useful for?  Many people find one useful for 

polymorphing ;pets into something nasty, or for polymorphing themselves and 

hoping to turn into something powerful, but one thing that a lot of people 

don't know is that you can aim a wand of polymorph at an item or pile of 

items, or even up to five piles of items lined up in a row, and it will 

polymorph every item in all the piles.  Thus, if you need a particular item, 

this can be a way to get it - just create it yourself via polymorphing! 


When polypiling (as the resident nethackers term it), it is important to 

remember a few things.  First of all, all items will remain within the same 

object class when polymorphed.  Thus, a weapon become a different weapon 

after being polymorphed, a ring will become a ring, a scroll will become a 

scroll, etc.  There are two exceptions to this rule.  The first is that a 

unicorn horn or a worm tooth will become a weapon when polymorphed.  The 

second is that a dragon corpse will become dragon scale mail of that type of 

dragon when polymorphed. 


The next thing to remember is that items will retain charges, 

blessing/curses, bonuses, etc., when polymorphed.  Thus, a wand will still 

have the same number of charges after it's polymorphed, a sword will still 

have the same blessing/curse after being polymorphed, and will still be plus 

or minus whatever it was before.  Thus, it's a good plan to remove all the 

curses on items (along with any minuses on weapons) before polypiling.  This 

can be accomplished by zapping a wand of cancellation at the item(s).  Just 

be careful, though, because this will also remove blessings and bonuses that 

the weapon might have, which you might want to keep. 


The final rule to remember is that certain "polypile abuses" which used to be 

quite common no longer work.  You can no longer polymorph a wand into a wand 

of wishing, and you can no longer polymorph a tool into a magic lamp.  Thus, 

you can't gain (basically) infinite wishes.  Also, it is no longer possible 

to gain named weapons (artifacts) via polypiling. 


Oh, one of the nice things to remember about poly-piling is that corpses will 

always be turned into a regular type of food, that is not spoiled.  So, if 

you kill off a large room full of monsters, pile up the corpses and zap them 

all with the wand of polymorph.  You'll end up with a pile of food rations, 

melons, candy bars, slime molds, and the like, which won't spoil, unlike the 

corpses.  This can also be a handy trick to get tins of spinach. 


Scenario 3:  Another classical form of nethack abuse is known as the "Troll 

Dance of Death."  It is named this because of the fact that trolls have the 

uncanny ability to come back from the dead if the corpse is not disposed of. 

However, no matter how many times a troll dies, you always get experience 

points for killing him, and there's always a chance that he'll be carrying 

something when he dies, even if he wasn't the last time you killed him. 


Thus, once you have a fairly powerful character, if you want to gain 

experience points and possibility quite a few good items, find a troll and 

engage him in the dance of death.  Kill him, then pick up anything good you 

might find on the corpse.  Wait for a bit (whilst regaining hit points) until 

he raises from the dead, and then kill him again.  You can keep this up 

basically indefinitely, and the only precautions you might want to take are 

to prevent other creatures from entering the room where you're having fun. 

This can be easily accomplished by engraving Elbereth in the doorways.  Have 




Expected In Version 3.1: 


Many people have wondered about the fabled version 3.1 of Nethack.  This new 

version has been in the works by the nethack "Dev Team" for a period of more 

than a year now, and it is still hush-hush, with no release date(s) given or 

projected.  We have, however, managed to glean a few pieces of information 

about version 3.1 of nethack, and have included them here for you. 




All right then...  On to the details: 


Messages will be more verbose when you are using artifacts.  For instance, 

Stormbringer currently tells you "The black blade drains life from the 

(insert poor hapless creature's name here)."  Fire brand, for instance, might 

say "The fiery blade burns the (monster)," or, if the monster was immune, 

"The (monster) seems not to be affected by the flame of your blade." 


The bug that has been running around for quite some time now which allows 

bags of holding to hold basically limitless quantities of stuff (by playing 

with the blessed/cursed  status of the bag) will be fixed.  Thus, some of the 

scores that were being obtained by dilithium crystaldiving will be much more 

difficult to get, because the amount of dilithium you can carry out of the 

dungeon will be severely limited. 


The entire vision and display system of nethack has been re-written.  Among 

other things, this will fix the annoying problem of teleported stuff not 

showing up on your screen or creating blank spots randomly scattered around 

the screen.  Question:  Will this mean that nethack will now have an improved 

line of sight algorithm, similar to the one currently being used in Moria? 


New ranged effects have been added.  This will allow, for instance, fireballs 

to go until they hit a monster and then explode in a radius around that 

monster, instead of just going in a line like they currently do.  It is also 

rumored that various other cloud type effects will be included. 


There will supposedly be several new special levels and/or rooms, although no 

details as to what exactly these will be are available.  Also, nethack's 

level handling capabilities have been re-written so that it will now be very 

easy for the Dev Team (and others!) to add in new special levels or new 

special rooms. 


It is rumored that some "Nethack Abuses" have been made impossible. 

Specifically, paralyzing the Wizard of Yendor and taking advantage of kicking 

sinks have supposedly been fixed or limited. 


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