


Version 0.9 - June 19, 1994.

Copyright (c) 1994 Carl J. Elitz

9.0 Introduction


     This chapter contains a general discussion of some of the

legal risks facing those who run computer bulletin board systems

(BBS' or boards), along with some suggestions for reducing those

risks. It is not yet in the familiar Q&A format, but may be

modified in future revisions.

     Please consider the discussion that follows for educational

purposes only and not as a substitute for legal advice. The

suggestions made below should be used only as a starting point for

your own consideration of the issues presented and may not be

suitable for your individual situation. If you need legal advice,

consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.

     Those with a practical interest in the subject are referred to

Lance Rose's and Jonathan Wallace's book, SYSLAW (2nd Ed. 1992),

(available by calling PC Information Group at 1-800-321-8285). At

present, this is the definitive book on the subject and a good

source of information for the new or experienced sysop. Cost is

about $38. 

     A more scholarly treatment of many of the same issues can be

found in a law review article written by David J. Loundy, "E-Law:

Legal Issues Affecting Computer Information Systems and System

Operator Liability," 80 Alb. L. J. Sci. & Tech. Vol 3 (1993).

Loundy's article is available in many law libraries and on the

internet via anonymous ftp from the Electronic Frontier Foundation: (path /pub/EFF/policy/Legal/e-law.paper). 

     Please note: the following does not necessarily apply to BBS'

running outside the United States. Obviously, the laws of other

jurisdictions may be quite different. 

     Finally, please recognize that this chapter is an evolving

document in its early stages of development. Suggestions for

improvement are welcome. The author can be reached at either of the

following internet address sites: or

9.1 The Legal Risks


     Your legal exposure as a BBS sysop is not insignificant. Even

if your intentions are good, mistakes or errors in judgment expose

you to both civil and criminal liability. This is due, in large

part, to the fact that there will be so many people calling your

board, each with his or her own agenda. If you fail to educate

yourself on the basic risks, your exposure increases dramatically. 


9.1.1 Civil Lawsuits


     Filing a civil suit in the United States is a relatively

simple and inexpensive process for a plaintiff, usually costing

less than the latest version of your favorite word processing

software. Indeed, a caller or other person who believes she has

a case against you may find an attorney willing to represent her

for a "contingency fee," charging only if the suit results in money


From: (Carl J. Elitz)


Subject: BBS-LAW-FAQ: Comments Please

Message-ID: <>

Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 00:51:21 GMT

Sender: (Net News Admin)

Organization: Ripco Internet BBS, Chicago

Lines: 1093

X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

The following is a chapter which is currently being prepared for inclusion

in an upcoming faq on setting up a bulletin board. To date, no one but

myself has read it and I would appreciate any feedback anyone with an

interest in the subject might have. 

As the official release date of the FAQ is not yet here, I would appreciate

it if people would hold off on distributing it until it has been edited. I

expect a release date within a few weeks.

I will attempt to respond to all e-mail. My preferred address is but mail may be directed to me here at ripco, as well





Version 0.9 - June 19, 1994.

Copyright (c) 1994 Carl J. Elitz

9.0 Introduction


     This chapter contains a general discussion of some of the

legal risks facing those who run computer bulletin board systems

(BBS' or boards), along with some suggestions for reducing those

risks. It is not yet in the familiar Q&A format, but may be

modified in future revisions.

     Please consider the discussion that follows for educational

purposes only and not as a substitute for legal advice. The

suggestions made below should be used only as a starting point for

your own consideration of the issues presented and may not be

suitable for your individual situation. If you need legal advice,

consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.

     Those with a practical interest in the subject are referred to

Lance Rose's and Jonathan Wallace's book, SYSLAW (2nd Ed. 1992),

(available by calling PC Information Group at 1-800-321-8285). At

present, this is the definitive book on the subject and a good

source of information for the new or experienced sysop. Cost is

about $38. 

     A more scholarly treatment of many of the same issues can be

found in a law review article written by David J. Loundy, "E-Law:

Legal Issues Affecting Computer Information Systems and System

Operator Liability," 80 Alb. L. J. Sci. & Tech. Vol 3 (1993).

Loundy's article is available in many law libraries and on the

internet via anonymous ftp from the Electronic Frontier Foundation: (path /pub/EFF/policy/Legal/e-law.paper). 

     Please note: the following does not necessarily apply to BBS'

running outside the United States. Obviously, the laws of other

jurisdictions may be quite different. 

     Finally, please recognize that this chapter is an evolving

document in its early stages of development. Suggestions for

improvement are welcome. The author can be reached at either of the

following internet address sites: or

9.1 The Legal Risks


     Your legal exposure as a BBS sysop is not insignificant. Even

if your intentions are good, mistakes or errors in judgment expose

you to both civil and criminal liability. This is due, in large

part, to the fact that there will be so many people calling your

board, each with his or her own agenda. If you fail to educate

yourself on the basic risks, your exposure increases dramatically. 


9.1.1 Civil Lawsuits


     Filing a civil suit in the United States is a relatively

simple and inexpensive process for a plaintiff, usually costing

less than the latest version of your favorite word processing

software. Indeed, a caller or other person who believes she has

a case against you may find an attorney willing to represent her

for a "contingency fee," charging only if the suit results in money

damages against you.  

     The costs of litigation for you as the defendant, on the other

hand, will undoubtably be high -- right from the beginning. Unlike

the plaintiff's attorney, your attorney cannot work on a

contingency fee and will insist upon being paid whether you win or

lose, perhaps well before the case is even over. In almost all

cases, you will not be able to recover your attorney's fees, even

if you prevail. So called "reasonable fees" can grow into the

thousands of dollars in a matter of weeks, ending up costing many

more times the price of your entire BBS equipment

and software. Moreover, failure to win a lawsuit can have

devastating implications for you, your business, even your

family. This is because, in the United States at least, the law

gives to a wrongfully injured plaintiff the right to recover all

damages which were "caused" by your improper actions. There are few

limits on the amount that can be recovered in most civil cases.

9.1.2  Criminal Liability


     In addition to civil liability, the BBS sysop can encounter

problems with the local, state or federal government under the

criminal laws. This exposure should be obvious. For example, if you

knowingly use your BBS to store or distribute copyrighted material,

obscene photographs, child pornography or stolen information, or if

you encourage others to do so, you may face severe penalties --

perhaps even time in jail.

     Your legal exposure in a criminal case is not limited to those

situations, however, where you yourself deliberately commit

criminal acts. If the authorities come to suspect your board

contains evidence necessary to prove a criminal case against one of

your callers, you may find yourself in the middle, trying to

protect yourself from the effects of the investigation. 

     Do not underestimate the trouble that can be caused by

improper caller conduct. Four years ago federal agents and local

authorities raided boards in twelve cities around the country as

part of something the federal government named "Operation Sun

Devil." Agents conducting the searches carried warrants which gave

them the right to seize computer equipment in an attempt to locate

"hackers" believed to be exchanging stolen credit card numbers

through the use of computer bulletin board systems. Agents searched

both homes and businesses and confiscated computers and peripheral

equipment such as monitors and printers. While there has been just

one conviction relating to computer crime so far, agents have yet

to return all of the equipment. 

9.2 The Major Issues and Some Suggestions


     There is some good news: most of the risks your board faces

can be minimized if you take an active approach to the problem.

Your first step should be to familiarize yourself with the types of

claims that may be brought against you or which may involve your

board, and then proceed with this knowledge in mind. 

9.2.1 Negligence


     Negligence actions are the most common type of civil claim

brought in the United States. At the heart of the negligence claim

is the legal concept of "duty." Duty is the standard by which the

law judges a defendant's conduct when a plaintiff is harmed. It is

your "duty" as a sysop that exposes you to liability. If you

violate your duty to your callers or others and create an

"unreasonable risk" which causes harm, you may be held

liable for negligence and be required to pay money damages as


     Like the BBS technology itself, BBS law is quite new and the

"duties" applicable to BBS sysops and the "unreasonable risks"

callers may face are not well established. In general, and in the

absence of legislation on the subject, it will be judges who will

decide what legal duties systems operators have toward callers. In

making this type of decision, judges will consider the costs of

imposing a specific duty upon a sysop in comparison to the benefits

of imposing that duty in favor of callers and others who may be

affected by the BBS. In the absence of cases on the subject (and

their are very few), judges will simply make the decision based

upon what they believe is reasonable in light of the facts.

     There is simply no way of knowing what specific duties a

plaintiff might claim you have breached and, therefore, no easy way

of protecting yourself. This means that you must consider carefully

the possible legal duties judges may one day place upon you as a

BBS system operator. No doubt lawyers will someday argue that a

sysop should have the legal duty to scan for viruses, process

electronic mail in a way that prevents it from being destroyed or

unreasonably delayed and to protect caller passwords. There are no

doubt other potential duties BBS sysops will be required to meet.

In cases where you are accused of violating a legal duty, a jury

could be asked to decide if your failure to meet your duty caused

the defendant harm. In a jurisdiction that allows it, the plaintiff

may be able to claim that a virus destroyed important business

records or that misdelivered mail caused an important meeting to be

missed. Damages for such loses could be extremely costly.

     There is no simple or easy way to avoid negligence claims.

However, legal "disclaimers" can help. A disclaimer is a statement

which gives notice to your callers that you do not intend to be

held responsible for specific harm which may occur from the use of

your BBS. For example, you might explain to callers that electronic

mail may be accidentally lost or destroyed and that you will not be

liable for any harm that may come from such an accident. If a

disclaimer is properly made, it can be quite effective in limiting

your liability. Cases filed against defendants are often dismissed

early on the strength of a well written disclaimer. The best

disclaimers clearly describe a specific risk a caller may face and

then state that it is the caller, and not you, who will bear the

risk of any injury.  

     Admittedly, the law in this area is vague. There is also no

way of knowing for sure what specific duties the law is likely to

place upon you. It is rarely ever a certainty that a particular

disclaimer will be upheld in court. Indeed, even the fact that you

do not charge callers for access may not provide you with a

defense to a negligence claim. 

   The following are suggestions that you should consider:

     1. Tell your callers what you will do and what you will not do

in your role as sysop and be sure to follow through on your

commitments to your callers. Give your users fair notice when you

decide to change your policies. 

     2. Keep copious records as to the board's formal policies,

including when changes are made and any problems you may have in

enforcing rules. If you discover a caller violating the rules,

record the details of what has happened and put these records in a

safe place. Law suits sometimes are filed long after an event

happens. Three months later you might not otherwise remember the


     3. Put BBS disclaimers in a prominent location. Consider using

capital and/or bold letters to emphasize the risk of harm callers

may face from using your board. Get some form of affirmative act

from each caller that indicates they have read the disclaimers -- 

this will be useful someday should you ever need to show that the

caller was aware of its terms. While this does not have to be on

paper, each caller should at some point have to proceed through a

screen in which he or she acknowledges having read the

disclaimers and agrees to them. In an ideal world, your BBS

software would create a log of this event and store it


     4. Recognize that you can not disclaim certain legal duties

and do not put too much faith in any disclaimer -- you can never be

sure what will and will not be legally enforceable. Consider the

disclaimer as additional protection, not your first line of


     5. Finally, if some factual situation arises which has the

potential to harm your callers, react promptly to take control of

the situation. Think of your BBS as an extension of your home and

your callers as your guests. If you believe that there is something

or someone who may expose your callers to an "unreasonable risk" of

harm or loss, recognize the fact that it is you who could be

ultimately liable. 

9.2.2 Breach of Contract


     Another very common type of civil suit is one based upon

contract law. In many ways a breach of contract case is similar to

a negligence case. Indeed, often a plaintiff will allege both

breach of contract and negligence claims in the same suit. 

     Contrary to what some may think, there is no general

requirement that contracts be signed or that they be in writing. 

One requirement of every contract, however, is "consideration." You

generally cannot be held liable in a contract action unless you

have somehow agreed to do something for your callers AND your

callers have agreed, as a corresponding obligation, to do something

for you. 

     Note that a sysop who asks nothing from his callers is

unlikely to be faced with a contract claim. In such a situation the

callers cannot claim to have provided the sysop any "consideration"

sufficient to create a contract. One way a sysop can reduce legal

liability, therefore, is to run a "free" board open to anyone who

wishes to use it. 

     Many sysops recognize the liabilities that may attach if they

enter into a contractual relationship with callers. In order to

avoid doing so they ask for "donations" instead of payments. Be

aware, however, that if you grant access to special areas of your

BBS to "donating" members or provide them with special services,

you may be creating a contract with them. In such a situation, you

give access to the restricted area in return for the donation. The

fact that the payment is called a "donation" does not prevent it

from being "consideration" sufficient to support the creation of a


     Be aware also that consideration does not have to be in the

form of money. By way if illustration, consider the fact that many

boards have upload/download ratios whereby a caller's download

privileges are set proportionally to the number or amount of data

he uploads to the board. A good argument can be made that the

caller's uploaded data constitutes legal consideration for a

contract with the sysop. The sysop's BBS receives the benefit of

the uploaded data. In return, the caller has the right to receive

the downloaded data. 


     If you and your callers have a contractual relationship, it is

important for you to recognize what your obligations toward your

callers are. For example, if you tell callers that mail dropped off

on your board will be uploaded to a network at least four times a

day, do not be surprised if users come to rely upon your

representation and begin to consider it part of the services you

contractually agreed to provide to them. If you accept payment from

callers for a month of BBS access, you have an obligation to see

that the board, in fact, remains open for that month. 

     As noted, one way to avoid liability is to avoid entering into

any contractual arrangements with callers. A better approach,

however, is to deliberately enter into a contractual relationship

with your callers, being very specific about what obligations you

will and will not assume and what benefits you expect your callers

to provide to you. By stating up front what rules govern the use of

your board and what obligations you are willing to take on, and by

making clear to callers that these rules are a condition of using

your board, you create the "consideration" necessary to make a


     An example of one possible caller contract is found in the

SYSLAW book mentioned in the introduction above. There is no magic

formula, however, for creating a formal caller contract. Before

investing in a BBS, call around and take a look at what other

sysops require from their callers. At a minimum, a "caller

contract" should include: 

     (1) a statement recognizing that your BBS receives some

tangible benefit from callers. Remember, consideration must run in

two directions for a valid contract to exist. If your callers

provide payment to you, this is sufficient. If you do not charge

callers, you have to be more creative in stating what it is that

your board receives. If you do not charge callers, caller

"participation" in your board may be sufficient.

     (2) an indication that callers must comply with the rules of

the BBS as a condition of using the board;

     (3) a statement that the rules may be changed as the sysop

feels necessary;

     (4) a provision that caller questions about the agreement will

be answered by the sysop and changes to the agreement will be made

if necessary;

     (5) a description of the BBS and its various services and

areas, including a statement indicating that these may be changed

at the sysop's discretion (see below for special provisions

regarding "adult" areas);

     (6) the costs to the caller of using the system, including any

"upload/download" ratio requirements;

     (7) a statement regarding how electronic mail will be treated

(see below);

     (8) an indication that the law governing any dispute will be

the law of the place where the BBS is located (as opposed to the

law of the place where the caller is located);

     (9) notice that you reserve the right to shut the BBS down and

refund any payments made by callers, as well as a provision giving

notice to callers that you reserve the right to ban callers for

violating the board's rules as you deem necessary.

     In creating a caller contract, keep in mind that plain

language that your callers can understand is far better than any

"legalese." If your callers are incapable of understanding the

language of your agreement, it is possible that the agreement would

not be enforced in your favor, should you ever need to rely upon


9.2.3 Viruses


     Viruses present one of the most well-known problems facing the

on-line community. These programs are often written to produce

unexpected or disastrous results for an unwary user such as

erasing the user's hard drive. Hiding viruses inside other programs

and then uploading the contaminated programs to a BBS is a favorite

way of spreading a computer virus. 

     Fortunately, there are programs that search for, and then

eliminate, most computer viruses. Many BBS sysops provide, as a

service to callers, basic virus scanning. This service allows

callers to exchange programs with some degree of protection. 

     Scanning for viruses is probably a good idea. Many callers

expect it and it is possible that the law could hold you to such a

duty. What is not a good idea, however, is misrepresenting to your

callers the extent of what can be done to protect them from such

programs. Viruses are often written with the goal of avoiding

detection. There is always a degree of risk that scanning may fail

and you should be up-front with your callers about this


     To protect yourself, consider the following suggestions:

     1. Scan for viruses regularly and do not post programs for

general use until they have undergone a virus scan. Do not assume

that commercially produced programs or programs distributed on CD

ROM are virus-free. 

     2. Let your callers know that you cannot guarantee that

programs on your board are safe. Disclose prominently that there

are risks that the virus scanning program you use may miss

something harmful. 

     3. If you are unwilling or unable to scan for viruses, make

this fact clearly known and include it in your contract with



9.2.4 Public Messages and Defamation


     A defamation is a false statement made publicly which has the

effect of harming another's reputation. Sometimes defamation is

referred to as "libel" or "slander". 

     While the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees

the right of individuals to say almost anything they desire, the

First Amendment does not always protect a speaker from being held

liable for the harm caused by his or her speech. Thus, a person

whose reputation has been wrongly injured may bring suit against

those who "publish" the statement, even if the "publisher" is not

the original speaker. 

     Note that a "publisher" does not have to "print" the

defamation. For example, radio and television stations have been

sued for "publishing" defamatory statements. You may be surprised

to find that defendants can be sued for defamation even when the

statements made by the defendant are reported in the form of an

accurate quotation of another's words. Put in a slightly different

way, accurate "re-publications" of a defamatory statement may

create liability for the re-publisher. 


     There are several defenses a publisher of a statement may have

against a plaintiff claiming defamation. For example, the U.S.

constitution protects a publisher from law suits by "public

figures" to a certain extent. Those who have deliberately become

"public figures" may sue for defamation only if able to show that

the defendant published the statement with actual knowledge that

the statement was false or with "reckless disregard" of whether it

was false. This constitutional defense protects defendants from

being sued by famous people for things said about them reasonably

believed by the speaker to be true.

     Notice that a defendant who makes defamatory statements about

someone who is not a "public figure" does not get the same

constitutional protections. In other words, you can be liable for

making false statements about a private person, even if you

believed the statements were true when you made them. Obviously,

you must be careful what you "publish" on your board about anyone

whose reputation might be harmed.

     There are other important defenses a "publisher" may have.

Simple name-calling is not defamatory as a general rule, even when

it is offensive. Such statements are not thought to bring actual

harm to a person's reputation. 

     A defendant who can show that the statement alleged to be

defamatory is truthful will also prevail in a defamation suit

because a defamation is, by definition, an untrue statement. 


     Another useful rule to keep in mind is that the dead cannot be

defamed, at least not in most jurisdictions. 

     There are many other defenses. The savvy sysop will not,

however, rely upon legal defenses to protect herself against

defamation suits. It may cost nearly as much to defend a defamation

suit as it would to settle a case with a caller or other third

person. It is far better to prevent yourself from becoming a legal

target in the first place.

     In order to protect yourself from a defamation claims before

the fact, consider these suggestions:

     1. Think carefully about the two types of defamation risks you

face as a sysop before you act. These are the risk that you may:

(1) directly defame a caller or some other person, either through

a deliberate or carelessly made statement and (2) re-publish a

defamatory statement initially made by one of your callers or

someone else. Passing on a false rumor can amount to actionable


     2. Actively discourage callers from "flaming" one another in

public message areas. Some callers take great pride in using sharp

wit to make others look stupid. Such comments quickly deteriorate

into personal attacks. Personal attacks can quickly deteriorate

into libel.

     3. Keep in mind that your callers may not be who they say they

are and that some callers may be using aliases. This means that you

must be particularly careful. Posting a public notice that you have

banned a caller who you name because "he has been uploading

child pornography" may seem like a perfectly reasonable thing to

announce a system bulletin, until it turns out that the person you

have named has never logged onto your board and that an imposter is

the real culprit. In handling sensitive matters, discretion is

always the best advice.

9.2.5 E-mail, Privacy, and ECPA


     Unlike public messages, callers who send e-mail to specific

individuals do not expect their messages to be publicized or read

by anyone but the intended recipient. Many sysops are concerned,

however, that without monitoring caller e-mail they cannot be sure

that users are not violating the law and exposing their board to

legal risk such as that faced by the sysops in the Operation Sun

Devil raids. 

     Before you make any policy for your BBS involving electronic

mail, you should consider federal legislation called the Electronic

Communications Privacy Act or "ECPA." ECPA is a federal law which

governs electronic mail in all 50 states.

     Under ECPA, BBS communications are protected under federal

wiretapping laws. BBS callers now have the statutory right to

expect that their electronic mail will not be intercepted or read

by others. This means that you, as a BBS sysop, have a federally

mandated obligation to keep caller communications private. Only the

sender or intended recipient may make the message public.

     The good news is that ECPA mandates a higher level of

protection for you and your callers against authorities who want to

search your BBS for evidence of criminal activity. Because of ECPA

and the existence of electronic mail on your board, authorities are

theoretically limited by ECPA in the types of searches they may

lawfully conduct against you. 

     ECPA does not mean that a sysop is prohibited from viewing

caller e-mail. The law creates a specific exception for sysops who

provide "electronic communication services." The exception is

narrow, however, and there is the potential for a sysop to get into

trouble if he or she does not treat caller e-mail with a certain

degree of care and professionalism.

     Under ECPA, a sysop may intercept and view user e-mail,

disclose its contents to others or use information found there ONLY

to the extent necessary for the operation of the board and/or for

the protection of the sysop. While sysops may monitor callers to

ensure that they are not transmitting copyrighted materials or

violating some other aspect of the law, they must act like the

doctor or lawyer who learns a client secret. The information must

be kept in confidence. 

     THIS POINT BEARS REPEATING: You may not use information you

learn from your caller's private messages to your advantage or

disclose e-mail to others outside of what is necessary to protect

yourself and your property. This requires the sysop to exercise a

fair degree of restraint. The fact that your girlfriend would be

interested in the material is not a defense under the federal

legislation. Bear in mind, ECPA is a CRIMINAL statute, with

CRIMINAL penalties.

     Suggestions in this area include:

     1. Monitor electronic mail, but do so only occasionally and to

the extent necessary to assure yourself that there is nothing

improper occurring on the board. Resist the urge to disclose or

otherwise comment on items you discover through reading your

callers' e-mail. Again, it is important that you act with a high

degree of professionalism and DO NOT use information learned in

reading electronic mail to your own personal or business advantage.

     2. Do not put too much faith in any disclaimer you may make

about there not being any facilities for "private" e-mail. While

many sysops appear to have bought into the idea that the ECPA

privacy requirements may be avoided by stating that there "are no

facilities provided for private electronic mail," there are not yet

any cases discussing the legal effect of these disclaimers. It is

possible that such disclaimers may not be upheld in court. 

     3. Process all e-mail in the same way and in a routine manner

and do not delay in processing mail. Your rights to monitor

electronic mail under ECPA apply only to your activities undertaken

"in the normal course" of running your board. 

9.2.6 Encryption


     Perhaps the "hottest" topic right now in the BBS privacy area

concerns "encryption." Encryption allows a user to scramble e-mail

messages so that only the person who knows a secret key can read

the message. Sysops who understand their legal exposure are

rightfully nervous about encryption. No doubt drug cartels,

racketeers and terrorists are using this new technology. It is now

widely believed that encryption technology has gotten to the point

where even the U.S. government is unable to "break the code" and

the uses to which encryption programs can be put will not be lost

on those who are determined to break the law. 

     It is reasonable to assume that callers who cannot encrypt

their messages are less likely to violate the law when using your

BBS. This means that the use of encryption on your BBS increases

your legal exposure. If encryption creates exposure, should you ban

encryption from use on your board? Some would argue that you

should. After all, why take unnecessary chances? 

     Others are not so quick to ban encryption. While encryption

may allow abuses to occur on your board, encryption also allows

law-abiding people the opportunity to transact business and conduct

discussions of a private nature without fear that someone may be

eavesdropping. Lawyers can exchange information with clients.

People can transmit their credit card numbers without fear of

having this information stolen. Americans have long-claimed to

cherish the right to express ideas freely and to associate with

others in privacy and without interference. While there is no

general prohibition whatsoever against a sysop denying his callers

the right to use encryption, there is something distasteful about

such a rule. 

     To help protect yourself against the improper use of your

board by callers who encrypt messages consider the following: 

     1. Pay attention to who is using encryption and consider why

this may be necessary for the specific caller. It should be a rare

caller who feels the need to encrypt all outgoing messages or who

receives only encrypted messages.

     2. If you decide to allow encrypted messages, try to gauge

whether there is an unusual volume of encrypted traffic and, if

suspicious, feel free to call a user's attention to your concerns.

You are within your rights to ask the caller for the encryption key

to messages that pass through the board if you wish (although you

will certainly then have a legal duty to protect that key if you

accept it). If you are still uncomfortable after discussing the

issue with a specific caller, let him or her know that you will no

longer allow the posting of encrypted messages. If he or she

complains, refer them to another board and, if necessary, refund

any fees paid to you for the use of the BBS. 

     3. Set out your policies regarding encryption up-front, along

with other BBS rules. Make clear if you allow encryption that you

reserve the right to take any action you feel necessary to protect

your BBS.

     4. Inform yourself about an encryption program currently being

distributed called PGP. PGP stands for "Pretty Good Privacy" and

the use of PGP on computer bulletin boards is quickly growing in

popularity. While there is probably little chance of being sued for

distributing recent copies of PGP, you should be aware that early

versions of program may violate U.S. patent laws. Moreover, PGP has

been classified by the U.S. government as a "munition" (a weapon or

military supply) due to its high level of sophistication. It is

currently illegal to export this program and it is unclear what 

liabilities a sysop may have for making it available to callers who

are located outside the United States.


9.2.7 Copyright Infringement


     To a large extent, copyright law is what the name implies: the

exclusive right to copy something. Only the holder of the copyright

may reproduce her work. There are other rights enjoyed by the

copyright holder. These include the exclusive right to distribute

the work and the exclusive right to modify the work. Those who

violate these exclusive rights are said to "infringe" the


     Copyright infringement is rampant in the BBS world: computer

programs, magazine and newspaper articles, scanned photographs from

magazines, music and video files. As a sysop, it is important for

you to keep in mind that any "original work" that is put in

electronic form IS copyrighted. This point is lost on many people:



There is nothing "official" that the creator of copyrighted

material must do to create a copyright, although there are certain

advantages to labelling the material as copyrighted and to filing

notice of the copyright with the federal government. 

     If almost all original works are copyrighted, does this mean

you cannot distribute or copy other people's work in running your

BBS? Certainly not. You may use someone else's work, but you must

have some form of permission to do so or some form of legally

recognized privilege. You will not infringe another's copyright,

for example, if the person who owns the copyright gives you

permission to use the work and if you actually use the work in

conformity with that permission. This permission is most often

called a "license."

     Sometimes, an author may give permission to the whole world to

use her work, as when she places the work into the "public domain."

In such a case, the author actually gives up all of her rights and

allows anyone to use the work in any way they wish. The government

publishes a huge amount of material that is put in the public

domain. There are also any number of computer programs that have

been placed into the public domain solely because the author of the

program wanted to see the program widely used. 

     Public domain programs are sometimes referred to as

"freeware." If something has been placed in the public domain, you

may copy it, distribute it or modify it as you please: it is no

longer copyrighted. The word "freeware" is sometimes used in a

different way, however, indicating that the program can be "freely"

distributed and used without cost, but with certain restrictions.

For example, you may be allowed to use the program for free, but be

prohibited from modifying it in any way. Such programs are still

technically "copyrighted."

     "Shareware" is another example of copyrighted material that

may be used in conformity with the copyright law. Shareware always

comes with restrictions on use which typically involves requiring

that a payment be made to the author after the program is used for

a short period of time. The law requires those who use or copy this

material to abide by these rules.

     Some copyrighted material is too old to be protected. 

Eventually, all copyrights expire. In general, modern copyrights

last for the life of the work's author, plus 50 years. 

     Note that something does not have to be created in the United

States to be copyrighted in the U.S. The United States has signed

the "Berne Convention" treaty with a large number of other

countries. Under this agreement, each signing government has agreed

to recognize the copyright rights of foreign citizens.

     The key to avoiding copyright liability is good faith. Do not

allow your users to upload documents, programs, pictures or any

other "original work" which you believe the creator of the work

would not want you to copy or distribute. Failure to act promptly

to avoid copyright infringement could result in your board being

shut down. If you are egregious in the way in which you violate the

copyright law, your board may be shut down permanently and you

could be exposed to criminal penalties. 

     Here are some suggestions for you to consider so as to avoid

copyright infringement:

     1. Read and save a copy of Terry Carroll's "Frequently Asked

Questions About Copyright." This should be required reading for

every BBS sysop. The most current copy is available through the

internet via anonymous ftp from, in

pub/ You can also get a copy of this

document via anonymous ftp at, in directory

pub/CAF/law. It is also posted periodically to the Usenet

newsgroups,, and

     2. React promptly to anything that should put you on notice of

infringing material. Do not ignore messages from callers who tell

you that something is copyrighted. While you only face copyright

liability for "knowing" violations of the law, you do not have the

right to ignore the obvious.

9.2.8 Obscene Material, Child Pornography and Indecent Speech


     Almost all forms of communication are granted some level of

constitutional protection. The exception is obscene communication,

often simply referred to as "obscene speech." If something on your

board is obscene, federal, state or local governments are within

their power in making its promotion or distribution a criminal


     One of the many difficulties in the obscenity area is that the

laws governing obscenity are so varied. One guidepost, however, is

the United States Supreme Court's declaration on what may and may

not be treated as obscene. The three part test for obscene material


     (1) whether the average person, applying contemporary

community standards would find the work, taken as a whole, appeals

to the prurient interest;

     (2) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently

offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the

applicable state law; and

     (3) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious

literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

     Notice that all three parts of the test must be met before

something may be considered obscene. The first and second parts of

the test have been held to be issues for local juries to decide.

The third part is within the province of local or federal judges.

Because of the vagueness of this test, and because of its reliance

upon "community standards," there is really no way to tell for sure

whether particular material is or is not obscene. If there is a law

describing the conduct or acts depicted in the material, and if the

work does not have obvious "value," there is the risk that those

who distribute the work may be prosecuted under an obscenity

statute. Clearly, the standards in San Francisco or New York City

are different than might exist in Salt Lake City or Lancaster.

     By the way, "prurient" as used in the first part of the three-

part test has been unhelpfully defined as being "sexual responses

over and above those that would be characterized as normal." 

     The bad new for sysops: there is no national obscenity

standard and very few "safe havens" of conduct when it comes to

adult material. Arguably, the law of the place where the obscene

material is received may govern whether the download or upload is

unlawful. Indeed, the federal government is currently prosecuting

a California BBS for material that was downloaded in Tennessee. As

a practical matter, this means that the BBS that offers "adult"

type material are at risk of being prosecuted criminally from suit

anywhere a caller may be located.

     "Child pornography" is classified differently than obscene

material. The tests are less vague and the penalties, as a

practical matter, more extreme because of the need to prevent the

exploitation and sexual abuse of children. The federal government

has specifically enacted a statute which governs child pornography

in all fifty states. The act makes it a criminal offense to

knowingly transport or receive "by any means" visual depictions of

minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Such "conduct"

includes the "lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area

of any person." Under the statute, the mere knowing possession of

three or more visual depictions of child pornography may result in

serious fines or imprisonment for up to five years. For purposes of

the statute, a child is anyone under the age of 18. The fact that

the sysop believes a model is over 18 is not a defense to


     "Indecent" material is yet a third area of interest to sysops.

Indecent material falls short of being obscene, but it may be

regulated by the government. As practical matter, it is probably

safe to say that most of the "adult" material available

electronically is "indecent." Under one interpretation of current

Federal Communication Commission regulations, BBS' must take an

active role in prohibiting the dissemination of indecent materials

to minors. 

     If your board contains an adult area, this probably presents

your greatest legal exposure. To minimize risk of prosecution:

     1. Subscribe to a BBS newsletter such as Computer Underground

Digest or EFFector. The law in this area is changing rapidly. If

you run an adult area, you cannot afford to not stay on top of

developments. These newsletters, and others, may be the quickest

way for you to find out about a development in this area. Further

information on Computer Underground Digest and EFFector may be

found at the end of this chapter.


     2. Be wary of uploaded material and do not make uploads

available to callers until you have had a chance to review them

yourself. If you allow adult area uploads, discontinue this option

when you are unable to supervise your board, as when you go away on

vacation. The child pornography laws are particularly unforgiving.

If someone uploads something you feel may be "obscene," do not post

it. (You cannot be prosecuted for possessing obscene material, only

distributing or knowingly receiving it.) If someone uploads

something you feel may be child pornography, destroy it immediately

and take action to assure yourself that it does not happen again --

remember, you commit a CRIMINAL act when you knowingly possess

three such "depictions." You simply cannot afford to trust callers

not to upload unlawful material.

     3. Be prepared to shut down the adult section quickly, if

necessary. This might be necessary, for example, should you

discover new legislation applicable to the material you carry. A

common technique to minimize exposure in this area is not to charge

callers for access to the adult area, but instead, make this area

available as a "bonus" to callers who can verify their adult

status. If the adult area is truly run as a "bonus" area, and if

callers are given clear notification of this fact, you can

discontinue this section of the board with little or no notice to

your callers, if necessary.

     4. Carefully verify caller ages who are given access to the

adult area. The F.C.C. regulations mentioned above state that you

have a defense to prosecution under the provisions of the federal

Communications Act if you: take reasonable steps to confirm that

callers are 18 years of age and then: (1) require payment by credit

card for BBS services or (2) obtain a written (on paper)

application from callers who desire access to the adult areas of

your board and mail a special access code to them allowing access.

If the second option is used, it is also necessary that you

establish a procedure where the special access code can be

cancelled "immediately" upon being notified that the code has been

lost, stolen, used by someone under 18, or if the caller simply no

longer desires access.  

9.2.9  Regulated Activities 


     There is only a minor point to be made here, but one which you

cannot afford to overlook. Keep in mind that your status as a BBS

sysop does not give you the right to do things that you otherwise

might not be permitted to do in person or over the phone. Areas

regulated by law may not always be so obvious to you, so you must

be careful. For example, in some states you may need a license to

buy, sell or trade used automobile parts or give counseling advice.

It is possible to get yourself in trouble even if you do not set

out to charge for services. If you plan to do something outside the

ordinary, good advice is to proceed with a heightened level of


9.2.10 Taxes


     If your BBS is run strictly as a hobby without charging your

callers, it is unlikely you will face any issues relating to taxes.

Once you charge money or receive services from your callers,

however, the IRS and state governments are likely to consider these

"payments" to be part of your taxable income. 

     Obviously, it is impossible to summarize the tax laws in such

a short article. Nonetheless, this is an area of the law which

should not be overlooked. Even if you run your board strictly for

fun, you should keep careful and accurate records as to how much is

spent to set-up and maintain the board. It is entirely possible

that you may one day decide to charge your callers and the costs

involved in setting up and maintaining the BBS will be important

for you in computing your tax liabilities.

     There are also a host of state and local taxes which may be

applied to your BBS. Again, it is unlikely that you will face any

form of tax burden for running a "free" board. Local sales taxes

often apply to bulletin boards, however, and if you charge your

callers the state government is likely to claim a fraction of your

revenue through some form of sales tax. 

     The following suggestions will help protect you from

unexpected tax liability:

     1.  Carefully record the costs you incur in running your BBS.

Try, as best possible, to differentiate between other expenses

related to your personal use of your computer, and costs related to

your BBS.

     2. Review your expenses and revenues with whomever prepares

your tax returns. If you are concerned about a certain tax issue,

consult with an accountant or call the relevant taxing authority

for help.

     3. Save your receipts and keep them organized. Remember, you

may someday need to explain what each receipt was for in some

degree of detail.

     4. If you charge your callers for access to your BBS, or any

special areas of the BBS, contact your state's Secretary of State

office and request information on what state taxes may be

applicable. Seek advise from someone who you trust with experience

in the tax area. This person may be an accountant or attorney, or

perhaps a local businessperson you know who has experience in

paying local taxes. It is likely that any taxes applicable to local

businesses are also applicable to your board if you run your board

for profit.

9.3 Incorporation


     One of the best ways to protect yourself from personal

liability is to incorporate your BBS. Incorporation works by

setting up a fictitious legal barrier between you and the BBS. If

your BBS is an incorporated entity, you technically own the

corporation, not the BBS. The law will consider the company itself

as liable in many situations for your mistakes or errors in

judgment. Only the company's assets will be at risk should you be

sued. In effect, incorporating your BBS provides a fairly low-cost

type of insurance. 

     Incorporating is not a difficult thing to do. In general, you

simply request the appropriate forms from your state's Secretary of

State's office and file them. Self-incorporation is not

recommended, however, unless you are willing to take the time and

effort to do it carefully and correctly. Failure to incorporate

properly or to perform the necessary tasks to keep the corporation

in good standing will have the effect of destroying the corporate

shell. In effect, you will have wasted your time and money.

Nonetheless, there are many widely available books that describe

how to do it.

     A corporation is usually required to pay a small fee up-front

and then to pay corporate taxes each year. In most states the

corporation must also hold formal "meetings" of the corporation's

directors and keep "minutes" of the corporation's affairs. These

are not generally too burdensome, but again, these tasks must be

done correctly. It is also important for the BBS sysop to establish

a separate bank account for the corporation and pay all necessary

bills from the BBS' corporate account. Finally, callers must also

be put on notice in some way that they are not dealing with you

personally when they call your board, but rather, your corporation.

     After considering what must be done and the extra paperwork

and costs, many sysops conclude incorporating is simply not worth

the effort, particularly when the budget is tight. This is not an

irrational decision, but one that should be made carefully. There

is always the risk that you could be sued. At such a time you may

be quite relieved to know that it is only the BBS and its

associated assets that are at risk. 

     In making the decision on whether to incorporate, ask


     1. Do I have significant assets that need to be protected from

a lawsuit such as a house, investments or another business? Keep in

mind that one of the first things a plaintiff will often do after

filing suit against you is to require you to formally list your

assets. The more money or other assets the defendant has, the less

likely the plaintiff will be to drop the suit and the more

important it is that the BBS be incorporated.

     2. Am I running the board for profit, or fun? If you are

running your BBS as a business, incorporation may make sense. The

costs associated with incorporating are relatively small, perhaps

only a few hundred dollars a year. Corporate status may also make

your board seem more professional to callers. Keep in mind that the

more callers you have, the more likely it is that you could be


9.4 Closing Thoughts and Some Legal Resources


     Perhaps the most important way of avoiding legal liability in

running your BBS is to stay informed as to what is happening in the

BBS world. Keep in contact with other sysops and your callers and

discuss the issues covered in this chapter. As mentioned, a good

place to start is by reading Computer Underground Digest and


Computer Underground Digest

     "An open forum dedicated to sharing information among

     computerists and to the presentation and debate of

     diverse views."

     Editor(s): Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer <TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET>

        Format: ASCII text










    Compuserve: DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of LAWSIG, DL1

                    of TELECOM

    America Online: PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters"

       FidoNet: File Request from 1:11/70

         Other: GEnie: PF*NPC RT libraries, VIRUS/SECURITY library

                Delphi: General Discussion database of the Internet


                PC-EXEC BBS (+1 414 789 4210)

                Rune Stone BBS (IIRG WHQ) (+1 203 832 8441)


                RIPCO BBS (+1 312 528 5020)

                ComNet in LUXEMBOURG BBS (+352 466893)

                Bits against the Empire BBS (+39 461 980493)


         Phone: +1 815 753 0303

           Fax: +1 815 753 6302

        Postal: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb,

                              IL 60115, USA


     "EFFector Online is a bi-weekly electronic-only

     publication, available on Usenet's, or

     via mailing list subscription. To subscribe to the list,

     send a message containing `subscribe eff-news' to"

     Another resource of which sysops should take advantage is the

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). The Electronic Frontier

Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to assist and

promote the issues affecting the on-line community. Part of EFF's

mission statement provides:

     LEGAL SERVICES.  EFF was born to defend the rights of

     computer users against overzealous and uninformed law

     enforcement officials.  This continues to be an important

     focus of EFF's work.  We provide legal information to

     individuals who request it and support for attorneys who

     are litigating.  We maintain print and online legal

     archives, disseminate this information, and make it

     available for downloading.

Anyone seriously considering starting a BBS should contact EFF and

ask for any information that may be available. In addition, anyone

facing specific legal issues is well advised to contact EFF

lawyers. EFF is a particularly good resource for attorneys whose

clients face legal issues related to maintaining a BBS.

EFF can be contacted by writing: 

     Electronic Frontier Foundation

     1001 G St., NW

     Suite 950 East

     Washington, DC 20001

     +1 202 347 5400

     +1 202 393 5509 FAX



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