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Sylvia contains a message, not displayed:
"This program is infected by a HARMLESS Text-Virus V2.1
Send a FUNNY postcard to : Sylvia Verkade,
Duinzoom 36b,
3235 CD Rockanje
The Netherlands.
You might get an ANTIVIRUS program....."
The message is checksummed and, if altered, a rude message is then
displayed to the effect:
"F*** you, Lamer"
************* MORE ***************
======= Computer Virus Catalog 1.2: "Sylvia 2.1" (5-June-1990) ======
Entry...............: Sylvia V2.1
Alias(es)...........: Holland Girl Virus
Virus Strain........: Sylvia
Classification......: File Virus (Not RAM-resident), infects COM-files
Length of Virus.....: 1332 bytes
-------------------- Preconditions -----------------------------------
Operating System(s).: PCDOS/MSDOS
Version/Release.....: 2.xx upward
Computer model(s)...: IBM-PC, XT, AT and compatibles
-------------------- Attributes --------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: Typical texts in Virus body (readable with
Hexdump-facilities) :
1. "39 38 39 38 4F 45 4F 52 61 59
1E 56 5D 5A 52 61 62" (encoded text)
2. 'Text-Virus V2.1'
3. 'Sylvia Verkade'
Type of infection...: The virus infects only COM-files with less
than 30 KB; it does not infect COMMAND.COM,
1301 bytes of the virus-code are written
in front of and 31 bytes are written behind
the original code; files are only infected once,
because the virus checks the existence of its
signature (808h) at the beginning of the file.
Infection Trigger...: When an infected file is started, the virus
tries to infect 5 COM-files on default drive.
Interrupts hooked...: INT24h
Damage..............: The virus displays the following message :
"FUCK YOU LAMER !!!! (CRLF) system halted..."
and stops system by jumping into an endless
loop. The message is encoded in the program.
In this version (V2.1), the message typical for
original Sylvia virus ("This program is infected
by a HARMLESS ... ") is NOT displayed.
Damage Trigger......: After being activated, the virus checks itself
by creating a check-sum of the first 144 words.
When the check-sum is incorrect (# 46A3h) the
damaging part of the virus is activated.
-------------------- Agents ------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: The virus will be detected by :
VIRSUCH 2.15 (D. Hoppenrath)
F-FCHK 1.08 (F. Skulason)
SCAN 2.3 & 3.1 (McAfee)
Countermeasures successful: F-FCHK 1.08 successful disinfects
------------------- Acknowledgement ---------------------------------
Location............: Virus Test Center, University Hamburg, FRG
Classification by...: Jrg Steindecker
Documentation by....: Jrg Steindecker
Date................: 5-June-1990
==================== End of Sylvia V2.1 Virus ========================
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ end of reports ++++++++++++++++++++++++
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