UFO message boards

 Article: 13647 of alt.activism

Path: ns-mx!uunet!crdgw1!ge-dab!tarpit!bilver!dona

From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)

Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,alt.activism,misc.headlines,misc.misc

Subject: INFO: Alleged NSA document on UFO's

Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors

Message-ID: <1991May30.021450.17461@bilver.uucp>

Date: 30 May 91 02:14:50 GMT

Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL

Lines: 224

Xref: ns-mx alt.alien.visitors:761 alt.conspiracy:5738 alt.activism:13647 misc.headlines:16442 misc.misc:4429

This information is presented for your persusal and is a continuation

of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. As

usual my *disclaimer* is simply to present the data and let you form

your own opinion(s). Please feel free to agree,disagree,discuss or

ponder :-)


As I do not have a great amount of time available to pursue follow-ups

exclusively, comments to me should be directed via mail.

-------Begin Included Text-------------------------------------------

     This has been a terribly weird period of time for ufology.  

Reports of abductions, EBE genetic experimentation on humans, 

the MJ-12 controversy, Lear.txt, etc. have dominated to subject 

in recent months.  Considering the strange possibilities raised 

by all of this brings to mind a FOIA document released by the 

NSA several years ago, which was titled, UFO HYPOTHESIS AND 

SURVIVAL QUESTIONS.  A lot of it applies to the present state of 

ufology.  On its, release, NSA disclaimed that the document 

represented NSA policy, but it is interesting that this one NSA 

analyst's opinion has remained for so long in NSA's files.  The 

document states:

     " It is the purpose of this monograph to consider briefly 

some of the human survival implications suggested by the various 

principal hypotheses concerning the nature of the phenomena 

loosely categorized as UFO.

     1.  All UFOs Are Hoaxes.  From the time when hoaxes were

first noted in history, they were characterized by infrequency 

of occurrence and usually by a considerable restriction of their 

geographical extent.  Rarely have men of science, while acting 

within their professional capacities, perpetrated hoaxes.  The 

fact that UFO phenomena have been witnessed all over the world 

from ancient times, and by considerable numbers of reputable 

scientists in recent times, indicates rather strongly that UFOs 

are not all hoaxes.  If anything, rather than diminishing, the 

modern trend is toward increased reports, from all sources.  In 

one three month period in 1953 (June, July and August) Air Force 

records show 35 sightings whose nature could not be determined.  

If UFOs, contrary to all indications and expectations, are 

indeed hoaxes--hoaxes of a world wide dimension--hoaxes of 

increasing frequency, then a human mental aberration of alarming 

proportions would seem to be developing.  Such an aberration 

would seem to have serious implications for nations equipped 

with nuclear toys--and should require immediate and careful 

study by scientists.

     2.  All UFOs Are Hallucinations.  People, of course, do

hallucinate.  Although groups of people hallucinating is rare, 

it has been known to happen.  Machines have their own form of 

hallucination; the radar, in particular, 'sees' temperature 

inversions.  But a considerable number of instances exist in 

which there are groups of people and a radar or radars seeing 

the same thing at the same time; sometimes a person and gun 

camera confirm each other's testimony.  On occasion, physical 

evidence of a circumstantial nature was reported to have been 

found to support witnessed sightings.  A continuing high 

percentage of reports of unusual aerial objects are being 

reported by people in responsible positions in science, 

government, and industry.  The sum of such evidence seems to 

argue strongly against all UFOs being halluciinations.  In spite 

of all the evidence to the contrarty, if UFOs did turn out to be 

largely illusionary, the psychological implications for man 

would certainly bring into stong question his ability to 

distinguish reality from fantasy.  The negative effect on man's 

ability to survive in an increasingly complex world would be 

considerable--making it imperative that such a growing 

impairment of the human capacity for rational judgment be 

subjected to immediate and thorough scientific study so that the 

illness could be controlled before it reaches epidemic 


     3.  All UFOs Are Natural Phenomena.  If this hypothesis is

correct, the capability of air warning systems to correctly 

diagnose an attack situation is open to serious question.

     a.  Many UFOs have been reported by trained military

     observers to behave like high speed, high performance, high 

     altitude rockets or aircraft.  The apparent solidity and 

     craft-like shape of the objects have often been subject to 

     radar confirmation.  If such reports can appear to trained 

     military men as rockets or aircraft and if such objects 

     should come over the Arctic from the direction of Russia on 

     the United States, they could trigger 'false reports of 

     missle attacks.'

     b.  Many responsible military officers have developed a

     mental 'blind spot' to objects which appear to have 

     charachteristics of UFOs.  Such an attitude is an open 

     invitation to the enemy to build a replica of the phenomena 

     in order to penetrate the 'hole' in his aversary's 


     c.  Sometimes the phenomena appear to defy radar detection

     and to cause massive electromagnetic interference.  Surely 

     it is very important to discover the nature of these 

     objects or plasmas before any prospective enemy can use 

     their properties to build a device or system to circumvent 

     or jam our air and space detection systems--Any nation 

     certainly could use a system or device to penetrate enemy 

     defenses.--Was this the purpose of the lense shaped reentry 

     vehicle tested by the USAF in 1960?

     4.  Some UFOs Are Secret Earth Projects.  The above-

     referenced U.S. Air Force reenetry vehicle and an often

     publicized Canadian 'saucer' project leave little doubt as to

     the validity of this hypotheseis.  Undoubtedly, all UFOs should

     be carefully scrutinized to ferret out such enemy (or

     'friendly') projects.  Otherwise a nation faces the very strong

     possibility of being intimidated by a new secret 'doomsday'


     5.  UFOs Are Related to Intra-terrestrial Intelligence.

     According to some eminent scientists closely associated with the

     study of this phenomenon, this hypothesis cannot be

     disregarded.  (The well documented sightings over Washington,

     D.C. in 1952 strongly support his view.)  This hypothesis has a

     number of far-reaching human survival implications:

       a.  If 'they' discover you, it is an old but hardly invalid

       rule of thumb, 'they' are your technological superiors.

       Human history has shown us time and again the tragic

       results of a confrontation between a technologically

       superior civilization and a technologically inferior

       people.  The 'inferior' is usually subject to physical


       b.  Often in the past, a technologically superior people

       are also possessors of a more virile or aggressive

       culture.  In a confronttion between two peoples of

       significantly different culture levels, those having the

       inferior or less virile culture most often suffer a tragic

       loss of identity and are absorbed by the other people.

       c.  Some peoples who were technologically and/or culturally

       inferior to other nations have survived--have maintained

       their identity--have equalized the differences between them

       and their adversaries.  The Japanese people have given us

       an excellent example of the methods required to achieve

       such survival:

          (1)  full and honest acceptance of the nature of the

          inferiorities separating you from the advantages of 

          the other peoples,    

          (2)  complete national solidarity in all positions

          taken in dealing with the other culture,

          (3)  highly controlled and limited intercourse with

          the other side--doing only those things advantageous 

          to the foreigner which you are absolutely forced to do 

          by the circumstances,

          (4)  a correct but friendly attitude toward the other


          (5)  a national eagerness to learn everything possible

          about the other citizens--its technological and 

          cultural strengths and weaknesses.  This often 

          involves sending selected groups and individuals to 

          the other's country to become one of his kind, or even 

          to help him in his wars against other adversaries,

          (6)  Adopting as many of the advantages of the

          opposing people as you can, and doing it as fast as 

          possible--while still protecting your own identity by 

          molding each new knowledge increment into your own 

          cultural cast.

     6.  Comment:  Although this paper has hardly exhausted the

     possible hypotheses related to the UFO phenomena, those

     mentioned above are the principal ones presently put forward.

     All of them have serious survival implications.  The final

     answer to this mystery will probably include more than one of

     the above hypotheses.

Up until this time, the leisurely scientific approach has

too often taken precedence in dealing with UFO questions.  If 

you are walking along a forest path and someone yells 'rattler' 

your reaction would be immediate and defensive.  You would not 

take time to speculate before you act.  You would have to treat 

the alarm as if it were a real and immediate threat to your 

survival.  Investigation would become an intensive emergency 

action to isolate the threat and to determine its precise 

nature.  It would be geared to developing adequate defensive 

measures in a minimum amount of time.  It would seem a little 

more of this survival attitude is called for in dealing with the 

UFO problem.

Observations of chimpanzees while in a captive environment

have shown that the animals tend to become confused and 

disoriented.  Since they do not usually have adult chimps to 

teach them how to be good apes, they are not even sure of their 

behavior.  Often their actions are patterned after human 

behavior and would have virtually no survival value in the 

wild.  Lacking the challenge of environmental adaptation, the 

bodies of the animals atrophy and become subject to may diseases-

mostly unknown in their wild counterparts.  Reactions to 

stimulus usually become less responsive and suitable.  Sex 

becomes a year-long preoccupation instead of a seasonal madness.

     Do the captivity characteristics of modern civilization

cause a similar lessening of man's adaptive capability, of his 

health, of his ability to recognize reality, of his ability to 


     Perhaps the UFO question might even make man undertake

studies which could enable him to construct a society which is 

most conducive to developing a completely HUMAN being, healthy 

in all respects of mind and body and, most important, able to 

recognize and adapt to real environmental situations.

-----End of File --------------------------------------------


-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.

USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)

UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 

Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

Article: 13648 of alt.activism

Path: ns-mx!uunet!crdgw1!ge-dab!tarpit!bilver!dona

From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)

Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,alt.activism,misc.headlines,misc.misc

Subject: INFO: NSDD145 and how it relates to you.

Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors

Message-ID: <1991May30.022446.17603@bilver.uucp>

Date: 30 May 91 02:24:46 GMT

Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL

Lines: 468

Xref: ns-mx alt.alien.visitors:762 alt.conspiracy:5739 alt.activism:13648 misc.headlines:16443 misc.misc:4430

This information is presented for your persusal and is a continuation

of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. As

usual my *disclaimer* is simply to present the data and let you form

your own opinion(s). Please feel free to agree,disagree,discuss or

ponder :-)

As I do not have a great amount of time available to pursue follow-ups

exclusively, comments to me should be directed via mail.


-----Begin Included Text----------------------------------------------

DATE OF UPLOAD:  November 17, 1989

ORIGIN OF UPLOAD:  Omni Magazine

CONTRIBUTED BY: Donald Goldberg


     Although  this  article does not deal  directly  with  UFOs,

ParaNet  felt  it  important as an offering to  our  readers  who

depend  so  much upon communications as a way to  stay  informed.

This article raises some interesting implications for the  future

of communications.



(Reprinted  with  permission and license to  ParaNet  Information

Service and its affiliates.)

By Donald Goldberg

     The  mountains bend as the fjord and the sea beyond  stretch

out before the viewer's eyes.  First over the water, then a sharp

left  turn,  then a bank to the right between the peaks,  and the

secret naval base unfolds upon the screen.

     The  scene is of a Soviet military installation on the  Kola

Peninsula in the icy Barents Sea,  a place usually off-limits  to

the gaze of the Western world.  It was captured by a small French

satellite called SPOT Image, orbiting at an altitude of 517 miles

above  the hidden Russian outpost.   On each of several passes --

made  over a two-week period last fall -- the  satellite's  high-

resolution  lens  took  its pictures at a  different  angle;  the

images  were  then blended into  a  three-dimensional,  computer-

generated video.   Buildings,  docks, vessels, and details of the

Artic landscape are all clearly visible.

     Half  a  world  away and thousands of feet  under  the  sea,

sparkling-clear images are being made of the ocean floor.   Using

the  latest bathymetric technology and  state-of-the-art  systems

known as Seam Beam and Hydrochart,  researchers are for the first

time  assembling  detailed  underwater maps  of  the  continental

shelves  and the depths of the world's oceans.   These scenes  of

the  sea  are as sophisticated as the photographs taken from  the


     From  the three-dimensional images taken far above the earth

to  the charts of the bottom of the  oceans,  these  photographic

systems  have  three  things in common:   They both rely  on  the

latest  technology to create accurate pictures never  dreamed  of

even  25  years  ago;  they are being made  widely  available  by

commerical,  nongovernmental  enterprises;  and  the Pentagon  is

trying desperately to keep them from the general public.

     In  1985 the Navy classified the underwater  charts,  making

them  available  only  to approved researchers  whose  needs  are

evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  Under a 1984 law the military

has  been given a say in what cameras can be licensed to be  used

on American satellites; and officials have already announced they

plan  to  limit  the  quality  and  resolution  of  photos   made

available.   The National Security Agency (NSA) -- the secret arm

of the Pentagon in charge of gathering electronic intelligence as

well as protecting sensitive U.S.  communications -- has defeated

a move to keep it away from civilian and commercial computers and


     That   attitude  has  outraged  those  concerned  with   the

military's  increasing efforts to keep information not only  from

the public but from industry experts,  scientists, and even other

government  officials as well.   "That's like classifying a  road

map   for   fear  of  invasion,"  says  Paul   Wolff,   assistant

administrator   for   the  National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric

Administration, of the attempted restrictions.

     These attempts to keep unclassified data out of the hands of

scientists,  researchers, the news media, and the public at large

are  a part of an alarming trend that has seen the military  take

an  ever-increasing  role in controlling the flow of  information

and communications through American society, a role traditionally

-- and  almost  exclusively  -- left  to  civilians.   Under  the

approving  gaze  of  the  Reagan  administration,  Department  of

Defense  (DoD)  officials have quietly implemented  a  number  of

policies,   decisions,   and   orders  that  give  the   military

unprecedented  control  over both the content and public  use  of

data and communications.  For example:

**The  Pentagon  has  created a new category of  "sensitive"  but

unclassified  information  that  allows it to  keep  from  public

access huge quantities of data that were once widely accessible.

**Defense Department officials have attempted to rewrite key laws

that  spell  out when the president can  and  cannot  appropriate

private communications facilities.

**The  Pentagon  has installed a system that enables it to  seize

control  of  the nation's entire  communications  network  -- the

phone system,  data transmissions, and satellite transmissions of

all   kinds  -- in  the  event  of  what  it  deems  a  "national

emergency."  As yet there is no single,  universally  agreed-upon

definition  of  what constitutes such a state.   Usually such  an

emergency  is restricted to times of natural  disaster,  war,  or

when  national  security is  specifically  threatened.   Now  the

military has attempted to redefine emergency.

     The  point man in the Pentagon's onslaught on communications

is  Assistant Defense Secretary Donald C.  Latham,  a former  NSA

deputy  chief.   Latham now heads up an interagency committee  in

charge of writing and implementing many of the policies that have

put  the military in charge of the flow of  civilian  information

and communication.  He is also the architect of National Security

Decision  Directive 145 (NSDD 145),  signed by Defense  Secretary

Caspar Weinberger in 1984,  which sets out the national policy on

telecommunications and computer-systems security.

     First  NSDD  145  set  up  a  steering  group  of  top-level

administration  officials.   Their job is to  recommend  ways  to

protect information that is unclassified but has been  designated

sensitive.   Such  information  is held not  only  by  government

agencies but by private companies as well.  And last October  the

steering  group  issued  a  memorandum  that  defined   sensitive

information and gave federal agencies broad new powers to keep it

from the public.

     According to Latham, this new category includes such data as

all medical records on government databases -- from the files  of

the National Cancer Institute to information on every veteran who

has ever applied for medical aid from the Veterans Administration

-- and all the information on corporate and personal taxpayers in

the  Internal  Revenue Service's  computers.   Even  agricultural

statistics, he argues, can be used by a foreign power against the

United States.

     In  his  oversize yet Spartan Pentagon office,  Latham  cuts

anything but an intimidating figure.  Articulate and friendly, he

could  pass  for a network anchorman or a  television  game  show

host.    When  asked  how  the  government's  new  definition  of

sensitive information will be used,  he defends the necessity for

it and tries to put to rest concerns about a new restrictiveness.

     "The  debate  that  somehow  the DoD and NSA  are  going  to

monitor  or  get into private databases isn't the case  at  all,"

Latham  insists.   "The definition is just a guideline,  just  an

advisory.   It does not give the DoD the right to go into private


     Yet  the Defense Department invoked the NSDD 145  guidelines

when it told the information industry it intends to restrict  the

sale  of  data that are now unclassified and  publicly  available

from privately owned computer systems.  The excuse if offered was

that these data often include technical information that might be

valuable to a foreign adversary like the Soviet Union.

     Mead Data Central -- which runs some of the nation's largest

computer  databases,  such  as Lexis and Nexis,  and  has  nearly

200,000 users -- says it has already been approached by a team of

agents  from the Air Force and officials from the CIA and the FBI

who  asked  for the names of subscribers and inquired  what  Mead

officials might do if information restrictions were imposed.   In

response  to  government pressure,  Mead Data Central  in  effect

censured itself.  It purged all unclassified  government-supplied

technical  data  from  its  system  and  completely  dropped  the

National  Technical Information System from its  database  rather

than risk a confrontation.

     Representative Jack Brooks,  a Texas Democrat who chairs the

House Government Operations Committee,  is an outspoken critic of

the  NSA's  role in restricting civilian information.   He  notes

that  in 1985 the NSA -- under the authority granted by NSDD  145

-- investigated  a computer program that was widely used in  both

local  and federal elections in 1984.   The computer  system  was

used to count more than one third of all votes cast in the United

States.   While  probing  the system's vulnerability  to  outside

manipulation,  the  NSA  obtained  a detailed knowledge  of  that

computer  program.   "In  my  view," Brooks  says,  "this  is  an

unprecedented   and  ill-advised  expansion  of  the   military's

influence in our society."

     There are other NSA critics.   "The computer systems used by

counties  to  collect and process votes have nothing to  do  with

national  security,  and  I'm really concerned  about  the  NSA's

involvement," says Democratic congressman Dan Glickman of Kansas,

chairman  of  the  House  science  and  technology   subcommittee

concerned with computer security.

     Also,  under  NSDD  145 the Pentagon has  issued  an  order,

virtually  unknown  to all  but a few industry  executives,  that

affects  commercial communications satellites.   The  policy  was

made official by Defense Secretary Weinberger in June of 1985 and

requires  that all commercial satellite operators that carry such

unclassified  government data traffic as routine Pentagon  supply

information  and  payroll data (and that  compete  for  lucrative

government  contracts)  install costly protective systems on  all

satellites  launched after 1990.   The policy does  not  directly

affect the data over satellite channels, but it does make the NSA

privy  to vital information about the essential signals needed to

operate a satellite.  With this information it could take control

of any satellite it chooses.

     Latham  insists this,  too,  is a voluntary policy and  that

only  companies that wish to install protection will  have  their

systems  evaluated by the NSA.   He also says industry  officials

are  wholly  behind  the move,  and argues  that  the  protective

systems  are necessary.  With just a few thousand dollars'  worth

of  equipment,  a  disgruntled employee could  interfere  with  a

satellite's  control  signals  and disable or  even  wipe  out  a

hundred-million-dollar satellite carrying government information.

     At best,  his comments are misleading.  First, the policy is

not  voluntary.    The  NSA  can  cut  off  lucrative  government

contracts  to companies that do not comply with  the  plan.   The

Pentagon   alone  spent  more  than  a  billion  dollars  leasing

commercial  satellite  channels  last  year;  that's  a  powerful

incentive for business to cooperate.

     Second,  the  industry's  support  is  anything  but  total.

According  to the minutes of one closed-door meeting between  NSA

officials -- along with representatives of other federal agencies

--  and  executives from AT&T, Comsat, GTE Sprint, and  MCI,  the

executives  neither  supported  the  move  nor  believed  it  was

necessary.   The  NSA  defended  the policy  by  arguing  that  a

satellite  could  be held for ransom if the command  and  control

links  weren't  protected.   But  experts  at  the  meeting  were


     "Why is the threat limited to accessing the satellite rather

than  destroying  it  with lasers or high-powered  signals?"  one

industry executive wanted to know.

     Most  of the officials present objected to the high cost  of

protecting the satellites.  According to a 1983 study made at the

request of the Pentagon, the protection demanded by the NSA could

add  as  much as $3 million to the price of a  satellite  and  $1

million  more to annual operating costs.  Costs like these,  they

argue,  could cripple a company competing against less  expensive

communications networks.

     Americans  get  much of their information through  forms  of

electronic  communications,  from the telephone,  television  and

radio,  and information printed in many newspapers.   Banks  send

important  financial  data,  businesses their  spreadsheets,  and

stockbrokers  their  investment portfolios,  all  over  the  same

channels,  from  satellite signals to computer hookups carried on

long  distance telephone lines.   To make sure that  the  federal

government  helped  to promote and protect the efficient  use  of

this   advancing   technology,   Congress  passed   the   massive

Communications Act of of 1934.   It outlined the role and laws of

the communications structure in the United States.

     The  powers  of the president are set out in Section 606  of

that law;  basically it states that he has the authority to  take

control   of  any  communications  facilities  that  he  believes

"essential  to  the national defense."  In the  language  of  the

trade this is known as a 606 emergency.

     There  have  been  a number of attempts in recent  years  by

Defense Department officials to redefine what qualifies as a  606

emergency  and  make  it  easier for the military  to  take  over

national communications.

     In  1981  the Senate considered amendments to the  1934  act

that   would   allow  the  president,   on   Defense   Department

recommendation,  to require any communications company to provide

services,  facilities,  or  equipment  "to promote  the  national

defense  and  security  or  the  emergency  preparedness  of  the

nation,"  even  in  peacetime and without  a  declared  state  of

emergency.   The  general  language had been drafted  by  Defense

Department  officials.   (The  bill failed to pass the House  for

unrelated reasons.)

     "I  think  it is quite clear that they have snuck  in  there

some  powers that are dangerous for us as a company and  for  the

public  at large," said MCI vice president Kenneth Cox before the

Senate vote.

     Since President Reagan took office, the Pentagon has stepped

up  its  efforts to rewrite the definition of national  emergency

and give the military expanded powers in the United States.  "The

declaration  of  'emergency'  has always been  vague,"  says  one

former  administration official who left the government  in  1982

after ten years in top policy posts.   "Different presidents have

invoked  it  differently.   This administration would  declare  a

convenient 'emergency.'"   In other words,  what is a nuisance to

one  administration  might  qualify  as a  burgeoning  crisis  to

another.   For  example,  the Reagan administration might  decide

that a series of protests on or near military bases constituted a

national emergency.

     Should the Pentagon ever be given the green light,  its base

for  taking  over the nation's communications system would  be  a

nondescript yellow brick building within the maze of high  rises,

government  buildings,  and apartment complexes that make up  the

Washington  suburb of Arlington,  Virginia.   Headquartered in  a

dusty and aging structure surrounded by a barbed-wire fence is an

obscure   branch   of   the  military  known   as   the   Defense

Communications  Agency  (DCA).   It  does not have the  spit  and

polish  of  the National Security Agency or the dozens  of  other

government facilities that make up the nation's capital.  But its

lack of shine belies its critical mission:   to make sure all  of

America's  far-flung  military  units can  communicate  with  one

another.   It is in certain ways the nerve center of our nation's

defense system.

     On  the second floor of the DCA's four-story headquarters is

a  new  addition called the National Coordinating  Center  (NCC).

Operated  by the Pentagon,  it is virtually unknown outside of  a

handful of industry and government officials.  The NCC is staffed

around  the clock by representatives of a dozen of  the  nation's

largest  commercial  communications  companies  -- the  so-called

"common  carriers" -- including AT&T, MCI, GTE, Comsat, and  ITT.

Also  on hand are officials from the State Department,  the  CIA,

the  Federal  Aviation  Administration, and  a  number  of  other

federal agencies.  During a 606 emergency the Pentagon can  order

the  companies that make up the National Coordinating  Center  to

turn  over their satellite, fiberoptic, and land-line  facilities

to the government.

     On a long corridor in the front of the building is a  series

of offices, each outfitted with a private phone, a telex machine,

and  a combination safe.   It's known as "logo row" because  each

office  is occupied by an employee from one of the companies that

staff the NCC and because their corporate logos hand on the  wall

outside.   Each  employee  is  on  permanent  standby,  ready  to

activate his company's system should the Pentagon require it.

     The  National Coordinating Center's mission is as  grand  as

its  title  is  obscure:    to  make  available  to  the  Defense

Department  all  the  facilities of the  civilian  communications

network  in this country -- the phone  lines,  the  long-distance

satellite  hookups,  the  data transmission lines -- in times  of

national  emergency.   If war breaks out and communications to  a

key military base are cut,  the Pentagon wants to make sure  that

an  alternate  link can be set up as fast as  possible.   Company

employees assigned to the center are on call 24 hours a day; they

wear beepers outside the office,  and when on vacation they  must

be replaced by qualified colleagues.

     The center formally opened on New Year's Day, 1984, the same

day  Ma Bell's monopoly over the telephone network of the  entire

United States was finally broken.  The timing was no coincidence.

Pentagon  officials had argued for years along with AT&T  against

the  divestiture  of Ma Bell,  on grounds of  national  security.

Defense   Secretary  Weinberger  personally  urged  the  attorney

general to block the lawsuit that resulted in the breakup, as had

his predecessor,  Harold Brown.   The reason was that rather than

construct its own communications network,  the Pentagon had  come

to rely extensively on the phone company.   After the breakup the

dependence   continued.    The  Pentagon  still  used  commercial

companies  to  carry more than 90 percent of  its  communications

within the continental United States.

     The 1984 divestiture put an end to AT&T's monopoly over  the

nation's telephone service and increased the Pentagon's obsession

with  having its own nerve center.   Now the brass had to contend

with  several  competing companies to acquire  phone  lines,  and

communications was more than a matter of running a line from  one

telephone to another.  Satellites, microwave towers, fiberoptics,

and  other  technological  breakthroughs  never  dreamed  of   by

Alexander  Graham  Bell were in extensive use, and not  just  for

phone  conversations.  Digital data streams for computers  flowed

on the same networks.

     These  facts were not lost on the Defense Department or  the

White House.   According to documents obtained by Omni, beginning

on  December  14,  1982,  a number of secret meetings  were  held

between high-level administration officials and executives of the

commercial  communications companies whose employees would  later

staff  the  National Coordinating Center.   The  meetings,  which

continued  over  the next three years,  were held  at  the  White

House,  the  State  Department,  the Strategic Air Command  (SAC)

headquarters  at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska,  and  at  the

North  American  Aerospace  Defense Command (NORAD)  in  Colorado


     The  industry officials attending constituted  the  National

Security  Telecommunications  Advisory Committee -- called  NSTAC

(pronounced  N-stack)  -- set up by President Reagan  to  address

those same problems that worried the Pentagon.   It was at  these

secret  meetings,  according to the minutes,  that the idea of  a

communications  watch center for national emergencies -- the  NCC

-- was born.   Along with it came a whole set of plans that would

allow   the  military  to  take  over  commercial  communications

"assets" -- everything from ground stations and satellite  dishes

to fiberoptic cables -- across the country.

     At  a  1983  Federal Communications  Commission  meeting,  a

ranking   Defense  Department  official  offered  the   following

explanation for the founding of the National Coordinating Center:

"We are looking at trying to make communications endurable for  a

protracted  conflict."   The  phrase  protracted  conflict  is  a

military euphemism for nuclear war.

     But  could  the NCC survive even the first volley in such  a


     Not  likely.   It's located within a mile of  the  Pentagon,

itself  an obvious early target of a Soviet nuclear barrage (or a

conventional  strike,   for  that  matter).    And  the   Kremlin

undoubtedly knows its location and importance, and presumably has

included  it on its priority target list.   In sum,  according to

one  Pentagon  official,  "The  NCC itself is  not  viewed  as  a

survivable facility."

     Furthermore,  the  NCC's "Implementation Plan," obtained  by

Omni,  lists four phases of emergencies and how the center should

respond to each.   The first,  Phase 0,  is Peacetime,  for which

there would be little to do outside of a handful of routine tasks

and  exercises.   Phase 1 is Pre Attack,  in which alternate  NCC

sites  are alerted.   Phase 2 is Post Attack,  in which other NCC

locations  are  instructed to take over the  center's  functions.

Phase  3  is  known as Last Ditch,  and in  this  phase  whatever

facility survives becomes the de facto NCC.

     So far there is no alternate National Coordinating Center to

which   NCC  officials  could  retreat  to  survive  an   attack.

According  to NCC deputy director William  Belford,  no  physical

sites have yet been chosen for a substitute NCC, and even whether

the  NCC  itself  will survive a nuclear attack  is  still  under


     Of  what use is a communications center that is not expected

to outlast even the first shots of a war and has no backup?

     The  answer  appears to be that because  of  the  Pentagon's

concerns about the AT&T divestiture and the disruptive effects it

might  have  on national security,  the NCC was to serve  as  the

military's peacetime communications center.

     The  center  is a powerful and unprecedented tool to  assume

control  over  the nation's vast communications  and  information

network.   For  years the Pentagon has been studying how to  take

over the common carriers' facilities.  That research was prepared

by  NSTAC  at the DoD's request and is contained in a  series  of

internal Pentagon documents obtained by Omni.   Collectively this

series is known as the Satellite Survivability Report.  Completed

in  1984,  it  is  the  only detailed analysis  to  date  of  the

vulnerabilities  of  the commercial satellite  network.   It  was

begun  as  a  way  of examining how to  protect  the  network  of

communications  facilities from attack and how to keep it  intact

for the DoD.

     A major part of the report also contains an analysis of  how

to   make  commercial  satellites  "interoperable"  with  Defense

Department  systems.    While  the  report  notes  that   current

technical   differences  such  as  varying  frequencies  make  it

difficult  for  the Pentagon to  use  commercial  satellites,  it

recommends ways to resolve those problems.  Much of the report is

a  veritable  blueprint  for the government on how to  take  over

satellites in orbit above the United States.   This  information,

plus  NSDD 145's demand that satellite operators tell the NSA how

their  satellites are controlled,  guarantees the military  ample

knowledge about operating commercial satellites.

     The Pentagon now has an unprecedented access to the civilian

communications network:  commercial databases, computer networks,

electronic  links,  telephone lines.   All it needs is the  legal

authority to use them.   Then it could totally dominate the  flow

of  all  information in the United States.   As one  high-ranking

White  House communications official put it:   "Whoever  controls

communications, controls the country."  His remark was made after

our  State  Department could not communicate  directly  with  our

embassy  in  Manila during the anti-Marcos revolution last  year.

To  get  through,  the  State Department had  to  relay  all  its

messages through the Philippine government.

     Government  officials have offered all kinds of scenarios to

justify   the  National  Coordinating   Center,   the   Satellite

Survivability  Report,  new domains of authority for the Pentagon

and  the NSA,  and the creation of top-level government  steering

groups to think of even more policies for the military.  Most can

be  reduced to the rationale that inspired NSDD  145:   that  our

enemies  (presumably  the  Soviets)  have to  be  prevented  from

getting too much information from unclassified sources.   And the

only  way  to  do that is to step in and take  control  of  those


     Remarkably,  the communications industry as a whole has  not

been  concerned about the overall scope of the Pentagon's  threat

to  its  freedom  of  operation.   Most  protests  have  been  to

individual  government actions.   For example,  a media coalition

that includes the Radio-Television Society of Newspaper  Editors,

and  the Turner Broadcasting System has been lobbying that before

the  government  can  restrict the use  of  satellites,  it  must

demonstrate  why such restrictions protect against a  "threat  to

distinct  and  compelling  national security and  foreign  policy

interests."  But the whole policy of restrictiveness has not been

examined.  That may change sometime this year, when the Office of

Technology  Assessment  issues  a report on  how  the  Pentagon's

policy  will affect communications in the United States.  In  the

meantime  the  military  keeps trying  to  encroach  on  national


     While  it may seem unlikely that the Pentagon will ever  get

total control of our information and communications systems,  the

truth  is  that  it  can happen all  too  easily.   The  official

mechanisms  are  already in place;  and few  barriers  remain  to

guarantee  that  what  we hear,  see,  and read will come  to  us

courtesy of our being members of a free and open society and  not

courtesy of the Pentagon.




-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.

USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)

UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 

Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

Path: ns-mx!uunet!crdgw1!ge-dab!tarpit!bilver!dona

From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)

Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,alt.paranormal,misc.headlines,misc.misc

Subject: RESOURCE: England UFO-related magazines

Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors

Message-ID: <1991May30.023054.17711@bilver.uucp>

Date: 30 May 91 02:30:54 GMT

Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL

Lines: 96

Xref: ns-mx alt.alien.visitors:763 alt.conspiracy:5740 alt.paranormal:1695 misc.headlines:16444 misc.misc:4431

This information is presented for your persusal and is a continuation

of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. As

usual my *disclaimer* is simply to present the data and let you form

your own opinion(s). Please feel free to agree,disagree,discuss or

ponder :-)

As I do not have a great amount of time available to pursue follow-ups

exclusively, comments to me should be directed via mail.

----Begin Included Text-----------------------------------------------

Message #4688 - BAMA 

   Date : 10-Apr-91  2:05

   From : JOHN KOMAR

     To : All

Subject : England UFO-related magazines


For those interested, here is a partial listing of UFO-related magazines

available from England:



Circles Phenomenon Research (CPR) Newsletter.  Editor: Pat

Delgado.  1-year subscription (4 issues) $24.00.  CPR

Satellite Office, 117 Ashland Lane, Aurora, OH 44202.  Make

checks payable to D.S. Rulison.

The Crop Watcher.  Editor: Paul Fuller.  1-year subscription

(6 issues) UK L13.00 (overseas airmail price.)  3 Selborne

Court, Tavistock Close, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 7TY, England.

The Circular.  Editor: Bob Kingsley.  Circulated free.  58

Kings Road, West End, Woking, Surrey GU24 9LW, England.  The

editor requests donation of stamps; American subscribers

ought to send checks for a few dollars.

Journal of Meteorology.  Editor: Terence Meaden.  1-year

overseas subscription (10 issues) UK L55 surface, L65

airmail.  54 Frome Road, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, BA15

1LD, England.

The Cereologist.  Published by CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle

   Studies).  Editor: John Michell.  1-year subscription (3

   issues) UK L7.50, US $18.  11 Powis Gardens, London W11

   1JG, England.

_AMSKAYA_ - newsletter of the STAR fellowship - dedicated to

peaceful contact with friendly aliens. 4/yr. 2 pounds, Pay:

Jimmy Goddard -25 Albert Road, Addlestone, Weybridge,


_Flying Saucer Review_ - been around for 30 years.  6/yr.

Inquire for rates: FSR Publications Ltd. P.O. Box 12,

Snodland, Kent ME6 5HJ

_MAGONIA_ The flagship of "post modernist" ufology - debates

the ufology, folklore, athropology, sociology interface.

4/yr. $5.00.  Pay: John Rimmer.  Dee Cottage, 5 James

Terrace, Mortlake Churchyard, London SW14 8HB.

_Northern UFO News_ - News & investigations from the north

of England, including a ufology commentary by editor Jenny

Randles.  6/yr. 6 pounds. NUFON, 37 Heathbank Road, Cheadle

Heath, Stockport, Cheshire SK3 OUP

_Quest: The Journal of UFO investigation_ - organ of the

Yorkshire UFO Society (YUFOS) edited by G.W. Birdsall.

Irregular. 8 pounds.  YUFOS, 106 Lady Ann Rd, Soothill,

Batley, W. Yorks WF17 OPY

_UFO Brigantia_ - journal of the Independent UFO Network

(IUN), edited by Andy Roberts. 6/yr. 5.50 (pounds). UFO

Brigantia, 84 Elland Rd, Brighouse, West Yorks HD6 2QR, UK.

_UFO Times_ - New Journal of the British UFO Research

Association (BUFORA), edited by Mike Wooten. ?/yr. For

membership: apply for details.  BUFORA, 16 Southway, Burgess

Hill, Sussex, RH15 9ST, UK.

If you know of any that are not listed, please send a message.

Regards, John

--- FD 1.99c

 * Origin: MUFONET-BBS Network - Memphis, Tenn 901-785-4943 (1:123/26)

-----End of File -----------------------------------------------------


-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.

USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)

UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 

Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

Path: ns-mx!uunet!wuarchive!bcm!dino.qci.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu!skywalker
From: skywalker@dino.qci.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu (Timothy B. Reynolds)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Deep space reply ?
Message-ID: <5779@gazette.bcm.tmc.edu>
Date: 31 May 91 01:49:57 GMT
Sender: usenet@bcm.tmc.edu
Organization: X-Ray Crystallography / Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Lines: 13
Nntp-Posting-Host: dino.qci.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu

I heard a radio broadcast about 4 weeks ago that reported that a 
radio telescope had picked up a reppeating message from deep space.
The report said it was not static but a message that repeated it's
self every minute and a half or so and that the data was being analized.

Anyone hear of this ?

Disclaimer: My opinions are my own, not HHMI's or Baylor College of Medicine
"And we stand and watch the gods and idols fall, as the blameless ones go 
 blindfold to the wall"                                  Robin Trower....

Path: ns-mx!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!linac!att!att!fang!tarpit!bilver!dona
From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: MUFON Information wanted.
Message-ID: <1991May31.015141.29670@bilver.uucp>
Date: 31 May 91 01:51:41 GMT
References: <1991May28.151328.5079@news.gvl.unisys.com> <91149.222829UMASP@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>
Distribution: usa
Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL
Lines: 49

In article <91149.222829UMASP@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> UMASP@MAINE.MAINE.EDU writes:
>In article <1991May28.151328.5079@news.gvl.unisys.com>, ean@gvlv3.gvl.unisys.com
>(Ed Naratil) says:
>>Looking for information on the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) such as:
>(stuff deleted)
>>Ed Naratil                                     (All standard disclaimers
>>Amateur Packet: W3BNR@N3LA.#epa.PA.USA.NA      ean@gvlv3.gvl.unisys.com
>If any info is found, please ALSO post it to this news group.  Some
>of us read it quite regularly.
>George Newell
>Disclaimer: These opinions are not mine.  They belong to my cat.
>            Send any complaints to cat@litter.box

              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cute :-)
Hang in there guys...I've been busy getting some things together
and will be submitting a HUGE amount of MUFON info within a few
days. Included, will be all the membership forms, BBS info,etc
BTW...If you're interested in calling out on your own nickel, John
Komar runs the largest of the MUFON systems in the whole country.
He's also the state section director for Tenn and (natch) that's where
his BBS is..he would welcome any one to call.
His BBS number is : 1-901-785-4943 24 Hrs

-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

Path: ns-mx!hobbes.physics.uiowa.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!linac!att!att!fang!tarpit!bilver!dona
From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,alt.paranormal,misc.headlines,misc.misc
Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors
Message-ID: <1991May31.020632.29799@bilver.uucp>
Date: 31 May 91 02:06:32 GMT
Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL
Lines: 67
Xref: ns-mx alt.alien.visitors:774 alt.conspiracy:5744 alt.paranormal:1696 misc.headlines:16459 misc.misc:4445

This information is presented for your persusal and is a continuation
of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. As
usual my *disclaimer* is simply to present the data and let you form
your own opinion(s). Please feel free to agree,disagree,discuss or
ponder :-)
As I do not have a great amount of time available to pursue follow-ups
exclusively, comments to me should be directed via mail.

------Begin Included Text -------------------------------------------

                           NEWS - WIRE

=START=   XMT: 05:22 Wed May 22  EXP: 05:00 Thu May 23      
CHINA REPORTS MASS UFO SIGHTING                             
BEIJING (MAY 22) UPI - Thousands of people attending an     
official celebration in the southwest province of Sichuan   
spotted a UFO ''slowly spinning'' through the night sky, a  
Chinese report said Wednesday.                              
The sighting occurred around midnight May 17 over the       
Tibetan district of western Xiangcheng county following a   
heavy rain, according to the semi-official China News       
The UFO was sighted by a large crowd attending a night rally
held to mark the 55th anniversary of the communist Red      
Army's passage through the region during the 1934-5 Long    
March, the report said.                                     
''Thousands of people witnessed the UFO shining and moving  
forward in spirals for 11 minutes,'' the report said.       
The unidentified object was described as ''slowly spinning, 
flying from northwest to northeast.''                       
Xiangcheng county borders Tibet and southwest Yunnan        
The crew of a state-run commercial aircraft also reported   
spotting a UFO over south Sichuan on the same evening, 335  
miles west of the mass sighting, according to the report.   
''The time when Xiangcheng county in west Sichuan discovered
the UFO on the evening of the 17th was very close to the    
time when the Southwest Aviation Company discovered a UFO in
the air over Xuyong in south Sichuan,'' China News Service  
There was no explanation for the dual sightings. The        
dispatch cited an unidentified report as saying that a third
UFO had been spotted over nearby Yunnan at midnight May 17, 
but gave no details.                                        
-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

Path: ns-mx!hobbes.physics.uiowa.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!linac!att!att!fang!tarpit!bilver!dona
From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,alt.paranormal,sci.skeptic,misc.headlines,misc.misc
Subject: INFO: Crop Circles in Tennessee - John Komar/MUFON
Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors
Message-ID: <1991May31.022201.29947@bilver.uucp>
Date: 31 May 91 02:22:01 GMT
Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL
Lines: 86
Xref: ns-mx alt.alien.visitors:775 alt.conspiracy:5745 alt.paranormal:1697 sci.skeptic:11480 misc.headlines:16460 misc.misc:4446

This information is presented for your persusal and is a continuation
of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. As
usual my *disclaimer* is simply to present the data and let you form
your own opinion(s). Please feel free to agree,disagree,discuss or
ponder :-)

As I do not have a great amount of time available to pursue follow-ups
exclusively, comments to me should be directed via mail.

The following article comes from the Mufonet BAMA UFO BBS echo.

------Begin Included Text---------------------------------------------

Message #4234 - BAMA 
   Date : 21-May-91 18:07
   From : JOHN KOMAR
     To : All
Subject : UFOs and Crop Circles
Replies : -> #5072

I wear a few hats in the MUFONET-BBS Network, so let me post
this message as the State Director for Tennessee/MUFON.

We have two UFO-related cases just in, both within the state of
Tennessee.  Robert Gribble, who mans MUFON's 24-hour UFO Hotline
called this morning to pass on a report concerning the video-
taping of UFOs over the state, and also a report of a crop

As it turned out, the state team of MUFON Field Investigators
were already deeply involved with the two cases, having obtained
copies of the UFO video, had completed initial interviews with
the major witnesses, had photographed the crop circles and
obtained samples of the 'bent-over' stalks, and recorded many of
the interviews on tape!  One of our Field Investigators holds
Bachelor Degrees in Geology and Anthropology, and an Associate
Degree in Environmental Sciences, and is one of our specialists
in Field Analysis in conducting on-site investigations.

All of the documents, tapes and samples are on their way to me
right now, so a final report is still forthcoming.

There are two separate cases involved here:

Case 1:  A video of purportedly two UFOs performing intricate
maneuvers, along with other objects in the same shots for the
purpose of size/distance comparisons, which is important in
ascertaining the value of the objects.

Case 2:  A crop circle, approximately 24 feet in diameter, with
crop stalks bent over in now what is known as the 'classic'
position of stalks which have not been broken or bent over by
'human hands', but rather formed into the position.

Involved also is a possible effect to the physical structure of
a witness, who was the first person to discover the circle.  A
rash started appearing on the persons left forearm shortly after
entering the circle, which has now appeared on the right forearm
also.  This incident happened Saturday morning, with the circle
being formed Friday Night!

More information will be provided as the case progresses.

The MUFON Field Investigators have done an excellent job in
handling these cases, having spent many hours in a short time in
the locations photographing, interviewing and obtaining samples!

Regards, John Komar
         State Director/Tennessee - MUFON

--- FD 1.99c
 * Origin: MUFONET-BBS Network - Memphis, Tenn 901-785-4943 (1:123/26)


-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

Article: 13677 of alt.activism
Path: ns-mx!hobbes.physics.uiowa.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!linac!att!att!fang!tarpit!bilver!dona
From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,alt.paranormal,sci.skeptic,alt.activism,misc.headlines,misc.misc
Subject: INFO: Review of MUFON book on MJ-12
Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors
Message-ID: <1991May31.025507.443@bilver.uucp>
Date: 31 May 91 02:55:07 GMT
Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL
Lines: 191
Xref: ns-mx alt.alien.visitors:780 alt.conspiracy:5750 alt.paranormal:1702 sci.skeptic:11484 alt.activism:13677 misc.headlines:16465 misc.misc:4451

This information is presented for your persusal and is a continuation
of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. As
usual my *disclaimer* is simply to present the data and let you form
your own opinion(s). Please feel free to agree,disagree,discuss or
ponder :-)

As I do not have a great amount of time available to pursue follow-ups
exclusively, comments to me should be directed via mail.

The following article comes off the ParaNet UFO echo.

-----Begin Included Text----------------------------------------------

Message #6038 - INFO.PARANET 
   Date : 27-May-91 12:28
   From : ncar!PSUVM.PSU.EDU!CCB104
     To : All
Subject : Here's an Item for Inclusion in Info-Paranet Newsletters . . .

From: ncar!PSUVM.PSU.EDU!CCB104@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM
Date: 27 May 91 01:35:27 GMT
Message-ID: <12444@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM>
Newsgroups: info.paranet


Mr. T. Scott Crain, Jr., published author and MUFON State Director for
Pennsylvania, has asked me to submit this note for Info-Paranet Newsletter
readers concerning his new book that was published by MUFON. (I understand
that this is also the *first* book proper to be published by MUFON.) This
article is *slightly* edited (punctuation, spelling, etc.) for increased
readability, but otherwise it is a faithful rendering of the materials with
which I was provided for transmission.

'This article originally appeared in the April 1991 issue of the *MUFON
UFO Journal*, No. 276, (c) Copyright 1991 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103
Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155-4099.'

It appears here by permission of MUFON for circulation in Info-Paranet
Newsletters. (The author is T. Scott Crain, Jr.)

-------------<<<Article begins here>>>-------------

The Book on MJ-12

     Nothing in the past few years has caused more controversy in the UFO
field than the release of the Operation Majestic-12 Briefing Document in
1987. The document, dated September 18, 1952, states that on September
24, 1947, President Harry S Truman established a secret panel of twelve
distinguished scientists, military [officials], and intelligence
officials to oversee and study crashed UFOs and their occupants.
Majestic's first case [had] occurred two months earlier, when the team
allegedly recovered a crashed disc on July 7 near Roswell, New Mexico.
Although the Roswell crash is well-documented in UFO literature, is what
is described in the MJ-12 document itself an accurate portrayal of the

For four years UFO researchers have been debating whether the MJ-12
document is authentic and whether or not the content of the document
represents reality.

Shortly after the MJ-12 document was released, Manitoba UFO
researcher Grant Cameron and I began looking for former scientists who
may have had knowledge of the MJ-12 committee. We worked under the
assumption that the document was accurate in its description of a
special group to handle UFO recoveries for the government. If MJ-12 was
real, someone working in the upper levels of the government would surely
remember a committee by that name that was active in the late 1940s and
early 1950s.

Confirming MJ-12 has been difficult. All the original, designated
MJ-12 members are dead. Although various alleged government documents
have been uncovered alluding to the MJ-12 committee, the U.S. Government
has not publicly acknowledged that these documents or, for that matter,
the MJ-12 documents, are genuine.

An interesting development occurred in November 1983, when UFO
researcher William Steinman received a letter back from American
physicist Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher regarding UFO recoveries. In the early
1950s, Sarbacher was working as a consultant for the military's Research
and Development Board, the same Board that allegedly controlled
Operation Majestic-12, according to the MJ-12 documents. In his letter
to Steinman, Sarbacher reported that secret meetings about UFO
recoveries were held but [that] he did not personally attend them.
Gordon Creighton wrote in the October 1985 issue of the *Flying Saucer
Review*, published in England, that Dr. Sarbacher stated [that] these
meetings were held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
Apparently those involved in the recoveries were to report their
findings to scientists connected with the Research & Development Board.

Sarbacher wrote [to] Steinman that he did talk to some of the people at
the office about what was learned. According to Sarbacher, U.S.
laboratories analyzed UFO hardware from the crashes and ... the pilots
looked like certain insects observed on earth.

During a telephone interview with UFO researcher Stanton Friedman,
Sarbacher was asked if he could recall anyone who did attend the
meetings. Sarbacher gave enough clues to Friedman about a scientist he
remembered being there that when Steinman cross-checked the information,
the description fit the profile for Dr. Eric A. Walker, the former
President of Penn State University. Steinman said [that] he called
Sarbacher to confirm his suspicions and [that] Sarbacher allegedly
confirmed that Dr. Eric Walker, who was then Executive Secretary of the
Research & Development Board, attended all the UFO meetings.

When Cameron and I discovered [that] Dr. Walker might be involved, we set
out to document what he may have learned from those meetings and what the
Canadian and American governments were doing with this new-found

Although our investigation started in 1987, William Steinman had been
familiar with Walker's potential involvement since 1984. After several
... [unproductive] attempts to correspond with Walker by mail, Steinman
phoned him on August 30, 1987. During the conversation, Steinman said
that Walker indicated [that] he had known about MJ-12 since 1947 and
that Steinman '... was delving into an area that you can do absolutely
nothing about,' and to '... drop it."

Cameron and I pursued the Walker connection for a book we were working
on entitled *UFOs, MJ-12, and the Government* [subtitle: *A Report on
Government Involvement in UFO Crash Retrievals*] up until 1991. Walker
was contacted by various UFO researchers from 1987-1990, and we were
privy to the notes of these conversations in which Walker made some very
candid remarks about MJ-12 and UFO crashes. In a conversation in 1990,
Walker described MJ-12 as a '... handful of elite' and [that] he would
know if you were invited into the group.

Besides the in-depth reporting on Walker, we investigated several other
scientists who may have been involved, including Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, a
Nobel Prize winner, who allegedly assisted in the recovery of a saucer in
Mexico. We corresponded frequently with news commentator George Knapp of
KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, to get the story behind physicist Robert
Lazar, who claims the government has at least nine flying saucers
they're test flying and taking apart out at Nellis Air Force Base, in
Nevada. We looked at the experiences noted UFO researchers have had in
dealing with the government, including those of Bill Moore, Linda Howe,
Wilbert Smith, Lee Graham and Donald Keyhoe. We also looked at putative
government agents who appear to be involved, including Richard Doty and
several who go by the names 'Falcon' and "Condor."

We examined several UFO crashes that the government appears to have been
involved in, including those in Roswell, New Mexico; Kecksburg,
Pennsylvania; and the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. MUFON's State
Director Stan Gordon opened up his files to us on the 1965 Kecksburg UFO
crash. New evidence released in December 1990 indicated that the
acorn-shaped object [recovered] was eventually moved to Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base. We corresponded with Michael Hesemann in Germany and
Henry Azadehdel in England to uncover the facts behind the alleged 1989
incident over South Africa, where a UFO was supposedly shot down by a
South African Air Force pilot.

Finally, we explored the possibility that perhaps what might have been
learned from UFO crashes in the late 1940s/early 1950s may have been
instrumental in helping the U.S. Government develop certain technologies
that are now being used on the advanced aircraft being secretly test
flown in the 'Dreamland' area of Nellis Air Force Base. The evidence we
have gathered seems to indicate [that] the government developed teams to
retrieve unknown aerial objects, that they analyzed the recovered UFO
hardware, and [that] they are now attempting to duplicate that technology
on today's aircraft.

Our book presents an interesting mix of various government documents,
letters, telephone notes, and photographs detailing how the government is
misleading the public about the true nature of UFOs.

* Grant Cameron and Scott Crain's new book *UFOs, MJ-12, and the
* Government---A Report on Government Involvement in UFO Crash
* Retrievals* is being published by the Mutual UFO Network and will be
* available May 1, 1991. The 218-page, 8.5x11 paperback book is heavily
* illustrated with documents, correspondence and photographs. The price
* for this revealing book is $18.45 plus $1.50 for postage and handling,
* totaling $19.95. Orders are now being taken by MUFON in Seguin, TX.
* [ADDR: Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099 USA]
* Make checks or money orders payable to MUFON in the U.S.A. All foreign
* purchases must be by International Postal Money Order, checks made
* payable to a U.S. Bank with electronic route coding across the bottom
* of the check, or by cash in U.S. dollars.

-------------<<<Article ends here>>>-------------


-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"

Path: ns-mx!uunet!cis.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!csn!mcorbin
From: mcorbin@csn.org (Michael Corbin)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Skeptic's Re: INFO: FOIA files on UFO's
Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors
Message-ID: <1991May31.072116.7293@csn.org>
Date: 31 May 91 07:21:16 GMT
References: <1991May22.020759.13736@bilver.uucp> <125268@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu>
Organization: Colorado SuperNet Inc.
Lines: 6

The problem with these FOIA documents is that they are more than likely 
fakes.  There has been rumor mills in the past whose job was to manufacture
as many of these darn things as possible.



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