On this day in May...
*mmddyyyy Birthdays
*-------- -----------------------------------------------------------
B05061812 Marin R. Delany, pioneer black nationalist, born free in Ch
B0506 arles Town, Virginia.
B05191925 Malcolm X born in Omaha, Nebraska.
*mmddyyyy Events
*-------- -----------------------------------------------------------
S05011863 Confederate congress passed resolution which branded black
S0501 troops and their officers criminals. Resolution, in effect
S0501 , doomed captured black soldiers to death or slavery.
S05011866 Through the 3 White Democrats and police attacked freedmen
S0501 and their white allies in Memphis, Tennessee. Forty-six bl
S0501 acks and two white liberals were killed. More than seventy
S0501 were wounded. Ninety homes, twelve schools and four church
S0501 es were burned.
S05011867 Reconstruction of the South began with the registering of bl
S0501 ack and white voters in the South. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan
S0501 ordered registration to begin in Louisiana on May 1 and to
S0501 continue until June 30. Registration began in Arkansas in
S0501 May. Other states
S0501 followed in June and July. By the end of October, 1,363,000
S0501 citizens had registered in the South, including 700,000 blac
S0501 ks.Black voters constituted a majority in five states: Ala
S0501 bama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina.
S05011941 Asa Philip Randolph issued a call for 100,000 blacks to mar
S0501 ch on Washington, D.C., to protest discrimination in the arm
S0501 ed forces and war industries.
S05011946 Mrs. Emma Clarissa Clement named "American Mother of the Year"
S0501 by the Golden Rule Foundation.
S05011948 Glenn H.Taylor, U.S. Senator from Idaho and Vice-presidential
S0501 candidate of Progressive party, arrested in Birmingham for t
S0501 rying to enter a meeting through a door marked "for Negroes."
S05011981 Death of Dr. Clarence A. Bacote (75), historian and political
S0501 scientist, in Atlanta.
S05031845 Macon B. Allen, first black lawyer admitted to the bar, pass
S0503 ed examination at Worcester, Massachusetts.
S05031948 Supreme Court ruled in Shelley v. Kraemer that federal and st
S0503 ate courts could not enforce restrictive convenants which barr
S0503 ed persons from owning or occupying property because of their
S0503 race.
S05031967 Black students seized finance building at Northwestern Univ
S0503 ersity and demanded black-oriented curriculum and campus re
S0503 forms.
S05041864 Ulysses S. Grant crossed the Rapidan and began his duel with
S0504 Robert E. Lee. At the same time Ben Butler's Army of the Ja
S0504 mes moved on Lee's forces. Black division in Grant's army d
S0504 id not play a prominent role in Wilderness Campaign, but Ben
S0504 Butler gave his black infantrymen and his eighteen hundred bl
S0504 ack cavalrymen important assignments.
S0504 Black troops of the Army of the James were the first Union
S0504 Soldiers to take possession of James River (at Wilson's Whar
S0504 f Landing, Fort Powhatan and City Point).
S05041961 Thirteen Freedom riders began bus trip through South.
S05051905 First issue of Chicago Defender published.
S05051971 Riot, Brownsville section of New York City.
S05061960 President Eisenhower signed Civil Rights Act of 1960.
S05061787 African Lodge No. 459 organized in Boston with Prince Hall
S0506 as Master.
S05061967 Four hundred students seized administration building at Che
S0506 yney State College.
S05071867 Black demonstrators staged ridein to protest segregation on
S0507 New Orleans streetcars. Similar demonstrations occurred in
S0507 Mobile, Ala., and other cities.
S05071885 Dr. John E. W. Thompson, graduate of the Yale University Med
S0507 ical School, named minister to Haiti.
S05071946 William H. Hastie inaugurated as the first black governor of
S0507 the Virgin Islands.
S05081858 John Brown held antislavery convention, which was attended
S0508 by twelve whites and thirty-four blacks, at Chatham, Canada.
S0508 The Escape, first play by an American Black, Published by
S0508 William Wells Brown.
S05081915 Death of Henry McNeal Turner (82), first black chaplain in
S0508 the U.S. Army and AME bishop.
S05081945 Germany surrendered on V-E Day.
S05081958 President Eisenhower ordered federalized National Guard re
S0508 moved from Central High School, Little Rock.
S05091974 House Judiciary Committee opened hearings to decide whether
S0509 to recommend the impeachment of President Nixon in the Water
S0509 gate controversy. Two blacks Rep. John Conyers of Michigan
S0509 and Rep.Barbara Jordan of Texas were members of the committ
S0509 ee.
S05091977 Mabel Murphy Smythe confirmed as ambassador to the republic
S0509 of Cameroon.
S05091952 Death of actor Canada Lee (45), New York City.
S05101652 John Johnson, a free black granted 550 acres in Northampton
S0510 County, Va., for importing eleven persons.
S05101775 Black patriots participated in the first aggressive action
S0510 of American forces, the capture of Fort Ticonderoga by Eth
S0510 an Allen and "the Green Mountain Boy."
S05101919 Race riot in Charleston, South Carolina. Two blacks were
S0510 killed.
S05101951 Z. Alexander Looby elected to Nashville City Council.
S05101962 Southern School News reported that 246,988 or 7.6 per cent
S0510 of the black pupils in public schools in seventeen Southern
S0510 and Border States and the District of Columbia attended inte
S0510 grated classes in 1962.
S05101963 Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth announced agreement on limited in
S0510 tegration plan which ended the Birmingham demonstrations.
S05111965 Blacks held mass meeting in Norfolk (Va.) and demanded equal
S0511 rights and ballots. Other equal rights meetings and conven
S0511 tions were held in Petersburg, Va., June 6; Vicksburg, Miss.,
S0511 June 19; Alexandria, Va., August 3; Nashville, Tenn., August
S0511 7-11; Raleigh, N.C., September 29-October 3; Richmond, Septem
S0511 ber 18; Jackson, Miss., October 7.
S05111967 Nine Caravans of poor people arrived in Washington for first
S0511 phase of Poor People's Campaign. Caravans started from diff
S0511 erent sections of country on May 2 and picked up demonstrat
S0511 ors along the way. In washington, demonstrators erected camp
S0511 called Resurrection City on sixteen-acre site near Lincoln M
S0511 onument.
S05111981 Death of Hoyt J. Fuller (57), literary critic and editor of
S0511 First World magazine and former editor of Black World, in At
S0511 lanta.
S05121898 Louisiana adopted new constitution with "grandfather clause"
S0512 designed to eliminate black voters.
S05121910 Second NAACP conference, held in New York City, created a
S0512 permanent national structure.
S05121951 Death of former congressman Oscar DePriest (80), Chicago.
S05121967 H. Rap Brown replaced Stokely Carmichael as chairman of
S0512 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
S05121970 Race riot, Augusta, Georgia. Six blacks were killed. Author
S0512 ities said five of the victims were shot by police.
S05121958 Summit Meeting of National Negro Leaders called for stepped
S0512 up campaign against discrimination and desegregation. Presid
S0512 ent Eisenhower was sharply criticized for a speech which, in
S0512 effect, urged the leaders to "be patient" in seeking full
S0512 citizenship rights.
S05131965 Two white regiments and a black regiment, the Sixty-second
S0513 U.S.C.T., fought last action of war at White's Ranch, Texas.
S05141867 Riot, Mobile, Ala., after a black mass meeting. One black
S0514 and one white were killed. Knights of White Camelia, a para
S0514 military white supremacist organization, founded in Louisi
S0514 ana.
S05141961 Bus with first group of Freedom Riders bombed and burned by
S0514 segregationists outside Anniston, Alabama. Group was attack
S0514 ed in Anniston and Birmingham.
S05141970 Two students killed by officers in major racial disturbance
S0514 at Jackson State University (Miss.).
S05151911 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, founded at Indiana University,
S0515 Incorporated.
S05161868 Senate failed by a margin of 34 to 16 to cast the two-thirds
S0516 vote necessary to oust President Johnson.
S05161966 Stokely Carmichael named chairman of the Student Nonviolent
S0516 Coordinating Committee.
S0516 National Welfare Rights Organization organized.
S05161979 Death of Asa Philip Randolph (90), labor leader and civil ri
S0516 ghts pioneer, in New York.
S05171881 Frederick Douglass appointed recorder of deeds for District
S0517 of Columbia.
S05171909 White firemen on Georgia Railroad struck to protest employ
S0517 ment of blacks.
S05171915 National Baptist Convention chartered.
S05171954 U.S. Supreme Court in landmark Brown v. Board of Education
S0517 decision declared segregation in public schools unconstitut
S0517 ional. The unanimous decision was read by Chief Justice Earl
S0517 B. Warren.
S05171957 Prayer Pilgrimage, biggest civil rights demonstration to dat
S0517 e, held in Washington.
S05171969 Rev. Thomas Kilgore, a Los Angeles pastor, was elected presid
S0517 ent of the predominantly white American Baptist Convention.
S05171980 Major race riot, Miami, Florida. Sixteen persons were killed
S0517 and more than three hundred were injured.
S05181848 Death of William A. Leidesdorf (38), in San Francisco.
S05181896 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Plessy v. Ferguson) upheld doct
S0518 rine of "separate but equal" and began age of Jim Crow.
S05181955 Death of Mary McLeod Bethune (79), educator and civil rights
S0518 leader, Daytona Beach, Florida.
S05181971 President Nixon rejected the sixty demands of the Congressio
S0518 nal Black Caucus, saying his administration would continue to
S0518 support "jobs, income and tangible benefits, the pledges that
S0518 this society has made to the disadvantaged in the past deca
S0518 de." The caucus expressed deep disappointment with the reply
S0518 and said the Nixon administration " lacked a sense of underst
S0518 anding, urgency and commitment in dealing with the critical
S0518 problems facing black Americans."
S05191878 Blanche Kelso Bruce appointed register of treasury by Presid
S0519 ent Garfield.
S05191965 Patricia R. Harris named ambassador to Luxembourg. She was
S0519 the first black woman ambassador.
S05201868 Republican National Convention, meeting in Chicago, nominat
S0520 ed U.S. Grant for the presidency. Convention marked the nat
S0520 ional debut of black politicians. P.B.S. Pinchback of Louis
S0520 iana and James J. Harris were delegates to the convention.
S0520 Harris was named to the committee which informed Grant of his
S0520 nomination. Blacks also served for the first time as presid
S0520 ential electors. Robert Meacham was a presidential elector
S0520 in Florida. The South Carolina electoral ticked included thr
S0520 ee black Republican leaders, B.F. Randolph, Stephen A. Swail
S0520 s, and Alonzo J. Ransier.
S0520 Robert N. C. Nix elected to Congress.
S05201961 Mob attacked Freedom Riders in Montgomery.
S0520 Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy dispatched four hundred
S0520 U.S. marshalls to Montgomery to keep order in Freedom Rider
S0520 controversy.
S05201971 Pentagon report said blacks constituted 11 per cent of U.S.
S0520 soldiers in Southeast Asia. The report said 12.5 per cent of
S0520 all soldiers killed in Vietnam since 1961 were black.
S05211961 Governor Patterson declared martial law in Montgomery and
S0521 called out National Guard.
S05211969 Police and National Guardsmen fired on demonstrators at Nor
S0521 th Carolina A&T College. One student was killed and five
S0521 policemen were injured.
S05211970 National Guard mobilized to quell disturbances at Ohio State
S0521 University. Black and white students were demanding an end
S0521 to ROTC programs and the admission of additional black stud
S0521 ents.
S05211971 National Guard mobilized to quell riot in Chattanooga, Tenne
S0521 ssee. One person was killed and four hundred were arrested.
S05211975 Lowell W. Perry Confirmed as chairman of the Equal Opportun
S0521 ity Commission (EEOC).
S05221863 War Department established Bureau of Colored Troops and lau
S0522 nched aggressive campaign for recruitment of black soldiers.
S05221948 Death of poet Claude McKay (58), Chicago.
S05221959 Brig. Gen. B.O. Davis Jr. promoted to major general.
S05221961 Attorney general ordered two hundred additional U.S.
S0522 Marshals to Montgomery.
S05231878 Atty. John Henry Smyth named minister to Liberia.
S05231921 Shuffle Along, first of a succession of popular musicals fea
S0523 turing black talent, opened at the 63rd Street Music Hall,
S0523 New York City.
S05231920 Methodist Episcopal Church conference, meeting in Des Moines
S0523 , Iowa, elected two black bishops Matthew W. Clair of Washing
S0523 ton, D.C., and Robert E. Jones of New Orleans.
S05241951 Racial segregation in Washington, D.C., restaurants ruled il
S0524 legal by Municipal Court of Appeals.
S05241854 Anthony Burns, celebrated fugitive slave, arrested by United
S0524 States Deputy marshals in Boston. Two thousand United States
S0524 troops escorted him through the streets of Boston when he was
S0524 returned to the South on June 3.
S05241861 Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler declared slaves "contraband of
S0524 war."
S05241864 Two regiments, First and Tenth U.S.C.T., repulsed attack by
S0524 rebel General Fitzhugh Lee. Also participating in battle at
S0524 Wilsin's Wharf Landing, on bank of James River, were a small
S0524 detachment of white Union troops and a battery of Light arti
S0524 llery.
S05241954 Dr. Peter Murray Marshall installed as president of New York
S0524 County Medical Society and became the first black to head an
S0524 American Medical Association unit.
S05241961 Twenty-seven Freedom Riders arrested in Jackson, Mississippi.
S0524 On June 12, Hinds County Board of Supervisor announced that
S0524 more than one hundred "Freedom Riders" had been arrested.
S05251919 Death of Madame C.J. Walker (52), wealthy cosmetics manufact
S0525 urer, at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, New York.
S05251943 Riot at Mobile, Ala., shipyard over the upgrading of twelve
S0525 black workers.
S05251971 Young black woman, Jo Etha Collier, killed in Drew, Miss., by
S0525 bullet fired from passing car. Three whites were arrested on
S0525 May 26 and charged with the unprovoked attack.
S05261943 President Edwin Barclay of Liberia, first African president
S0526 to pay an official visit to an American president, arrived
s0526 at White House.
S05261961 Freedom Ride Coordinating Committee established in Atlanta.
S05261969 National Black Economic Development Conference adopted mani
S0526 festo in Detroit meeting calling for $500 Million in reparat
S0526 ions from white churches.
S05271863 In ill-conceived assault on Port Hudson, La., two Louisiana
S0527 regiments (First and Third Native Guards) made six gallant
S0527 but unsuccessful charges on rebel fortification. A black ca
S0527 ptain, Andre Cailloux, was hero of the day.
S05271917 Race riot, East St. Louis, Illinois. One black killed.
S05271958 Ernest Green graduated from Little Rock's Central High School
S0527 with six hundred white classmates.
S05271975 Death of Ezzard Charles (53,), former heavyweight boxing ch
S0527 ampion, in Chicago.
S05281962 Suit alleging de facto school segregation filed in Rochester
S0528 , N.Y., by NAACP.
S05281981 Death of musician Mary Lou Williams (71), in Durham, North
S0528 Carolina.
S05291973 Thomas Bradley elected mayor of Los Angeles.
S05291980 Vernon E. Jordan Jr., President of the National Urban League,
S0529 critically injured in attempted assassination in Fort Wayne,
S0529 Indiana.
S05301822 House slave betrayed Denmark Vesey conspiracy. Vesey conspir
S0530 acy, one of the most elaborate slave plots on record, invol
S0530 ved thousands of blacks in Charleston, S.C., and vicinity.
S0530 Thirty-seven blacks were hanged.
S05301854 Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed Missouri Compromise and opened
S0530 Northern territory to slavery.
S05301956 Bus boycott began in Tallahassee, Florida.
S05301965 First black student, Vivian Malone, graduated from the Univ
S0530 ersity of Alabama.
S05311870 Congress passed the first Enforcement Act which provided st
S0531 iff penalties for public officials and private citizens who
S0531 deprived citizens of the suffrage and civil rights. The mea
S0531 sure authorized the use of the U.S. Army to protect the rig
S0531 hts of blacks.
S05311909 Some three hundred blacks and whites met at the United Char
S0531 ities Building in New York City at the first NAACP conference,
S0531 May 31 and June 1.
S05311955 Supreme Court ordered school integration "with all deliberate
S0531 speed."
S05311961 Judge Irving Kaufman ordered Board of Education of New Roche
S05311 lle, N.Y., to integrate schools.
S05311979 Zimbabwe proclaimed independent.
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