
Showing posts from May, 2021

Philosophy Diverse

                         Philosophy Diverse Do you suit your mind to your surroundings or do you suit your surroundings to your mind?              Kirkgard Does our intuitional knowledge conform to objects or do objects conform to our intuitional knowledge.   Kant If no one said anything unless they knew what they were talking about, a gastly hush would fall on the world. Fear controls morality.                 Nietzsche Man shapes his own future, as  well by what he does as by what he fails to do.                            Nietzsche I was terrified finding myself in the midst of nothingness and myself nothing.                        Lepaldi At bottom, these simpletons want a single thing: that nobody...

Temple of Set Reading List: Category 10 - The Golden Dawn

 "Temple of Set Reading List: Category 10 - The Golden Dawn" (3/1/86CE) Reprinted from: _The Crystal Tablet of Set_ (c) Temple of Set 1989 CE Weirdbase file version by TS permission by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041   The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a turn of the century British  Rosicrucian/ceremonial magic society. Drawing from the legacy of Eliphas  Levi, the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky, and the Societas  Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.), the Golden Dawn nevertheless succeeded in  achieving a sophistication and an artistic elegance all its own. While it  may be going too far to say that it became the prototype for all initiatory  orders of this century, it certainly was the forerunner of Aleister  Crowley's A.A., and its initiatory grade-structure would later influence  those of the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set. 10A. _The Rites of Modern Occult Magic_...


  Article 4407 of alt.politics.clinton: Path: bilver!tous!peora!masscomp!!rpi!usc!!!!u45301 Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton Subject: CLINTON STATEMENT: SERBIAN CAMP KILLINGS Supersedes: <> Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Monday, 17 Aug 1992 17:29:33 CDT From: Mary Jacobs <> Message-ID: <> Lines: 45 SEND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INFORMATION TO THE CLINTON/GORE CAMPAIGN AT 75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM (This information is posted for public education purposes.  It does not necessarily represent the views of The University.) ======================================================================== Statement By Governor Bill Clinton on killings in Serbian camps August 4, 1992      I am outraged by the revelations of concentration camps in Bosnia and urge immed...


 Document 1605 DESQVIEW Initials: MDC 11/2/91 DRDOS 6.0 Keywords: DESQVIEW QEMM386.SYS HIDOS.SYS HMA XMS EMS MEMORY Description: DesqView is a multi-tasking DOS based program that relies on very specific uses of system memory.  Specifically, it accomplishes its'         multi-tasking by bank-switching applications in and out of         conventional memory (much like Concurrent DOS XM) and can use XMS         UMB's (Upper memory blocks) and the HMA (High Memory Area) for         storing its' own program code and data.  For maximum performance of         DesqView under DRDOS 6.0, one should use QEMM386.SYS instead of         EMM386.SYS and one should make sure that nothing from DRDOS is taking         control of the A20 line (that is, using the HMA.) QEMM386.SYS should be used instead of EMM386.SYS, because the...

Clinton Offices 1992

  Article 4411 of alt.politics.clinton: Path: bilver!tous!peora!masscomp!!rpi!!!!u45301 Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton Subject: CLINTON UPDATED LIST OF OFFICES Supersedes: <> Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Monday, 17 Aug 1992 17:55:18 CDT From: Mary Jacobs <> Message-ID: <> Lines: 199 SEND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INFORMATION TO THE CLINTON/GORE CAMPAIGN AT 75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM (This information is posted for public education purposes.  It does not necessarily represent the views of The University.) ======================================================================== SUBJECT: State Offices Update State offices update follows: National Headquarters Clinton for President P.O. Box 615 Little Rock, AR  72203 501-372-1922 Fax:  501-372-2292 ALABAMA S...

Bulimia from a dental standpoint

 Two articles dealing with the diagnosis of bulimia from a dental standpoint...Database search BRS Colleague 5/19/89 AN YBDN-811015.  88093. AU Abrams, Richard A.; Ruff, Jesley C. IN Marquette Univ. TI Year Book: Oral Signs and Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Bulimia. SO Abstract/Commentary:    1988 Year Book of Dentistry. Article 11-15.    Original Article:    J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 1986 Nov. 113. pp 761-764. PU Copyright (c) 1988 by Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. PD 880000. PT Abstract (ABS). IS 0084-3717. LG English (EN). AB For abstract and commentary see text.    ABSTRACT    Bulimia is characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating and    self-induced vomiting (Fig 11-13).  Patients fear being unable to    stop eating voluntarily and tend to be depressed after eating binges.    Preoccupation with body weight is a frequent finding.  Typically,    young females are affected...


  Article 4647 of alt.politics.clinton: Xref: bilver alt.politics.clinton:4647 soc.culture.jewish:25548 Path: bilver!tous!tarpit!fang!att!att!linac!!!!!u45301 Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton,soc.culture.jewish Subject: CLINTON SPEECH TEXT: RABIN MEETING Supersedes: <> Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Sunday, 23 Aug 1992 04:25:12 CDT From: Mary Jacobs <> Message-ID: <> Lines: 48 SEND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INFORMATION TO THE CLINTON/GORE CAMPAIGN AT 75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM (This information is posted for public education purposes.  It does not necessarily represent the views of The University.) ======================================================================== Statement by Governor Bill Clinton on meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin August ...


 /** gen.newsletter: 122.1 **/ ** Written 12:45 pm  Aug 12, 1992 by sbrackman in cdp:gen.newsletter ** War and Peace Digest - Vol 2, No. 3 Aug.1992  The War and Peace Digest is a bimonthly international newsletter on issues of disarmament, government secrecy, media accountability, the nuclear threat (from both civilian power plants and the military weapons complex), ecological destruction, and peaceful conflict resolution through the structures of the United Nations.  If you would like to be placed on our mailing list or receive a copy of our new information packet on nuclear power, contact Matthew Freedman at 32 Union Square East, New York, NY 10003-3295 (Tel: 212-777-6626). Contributions are always welcome. All materials may be reproduced without permission. -------------------- BNL - IRAQGATE SCANDAL The Chicago Connection - Bush & Saddam Inc.  Key documents - sought by Gonzalez - withheld With George Bush ready to take America into another war with Iraq ...


  The War and Peace Digest is a bimonthly international newsletter on issues of disarmament, government secrecy, media accountability, the nuclear threat (from both civilian power plants and the military weapons complex), ecological destruction, and peaceful conflict resolution through the structures of the United Nations.  If you would like to be placed on our mailing list or receive a copy of our new information packet on nuclear power, contact Matthew Freedman at 32 Union Square East, New York, NY 10003-3295 (Tel: 212-777-6626). Contributions are always welcome.  All materials may be reproduced without permission.                               --------------------                              BNL - IRAQGATE SCANDAL                   The Chicago Connection - Bush & Saddam In...


  Article 4712 of alt.politics.clinton: Path: bilver!tous!peora!masscomp!!caen!!!!u45301 Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Tuesday, 18 Aug 1992 23:30:57 CDT From: Mary Jacobs <> Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton Subject: CLINTON SPEECH TEXT: ST. LOUIS EAST SIDE HIGH Lines: 250 SEND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INFORMATION TO THE CLINTON/GORE CAMPAIGN AT 75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM (This information is posted for public education purposes.  It does not necessarily represent the views of The University.) Governor Bill Clinton Speech at Eastside High School St. Louis 5 August 1992 Introduction: Senator Al Gore I told Bill here that with an introduction like that of me, I'm the one who's going to introduce Bill. I think Bill's getting the short end of the stick on this deal. That was really lovely a...

ST412 Interface Controller

                                      ST21M, ST21R -------------------------------------------------                                     ST22M, ST22R -------------------------------------------------                       ST412 Interface Controller -------------------------------------------------                               Installation Guide ================================================= _______________________________________ Seagate Copyright Notice Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Seagate logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. INSTALLR is a trademark of Seagate Technology. (C)opyright 1990 Seagate Technology Inc. 920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley,...