White Room Words and music by Jack Bruce and Pete Brown

                           White Room

          Words and music by Jack Bruce and Pete Brown

                  Transcribed by Brad Barclay.

Ah_ Ah_ Ah_ Ah_

Ah.  In a white room with black cur-tains, near the sta-tion.
Black-roof coun-try, no gold pave-ments, tir-ed star-lings.
Sil-ver hor-ses, run-down moon-beams in your dark eyes.
Dawn-light smiles on your leav-ing, my con-tent-ment.

I'll wait_ in this place where the sun nev-er shines,
Wait_ in this place where the shad-ows run from them-selves._

You said no strings could sec-ure you at the stat-ion.
Plat-form tick-et, rest-less die-sels, good-bye win-dows.
I walked in-to such a sad time at the stat-ion.
As I walked out, felt my own need just be-gin-ing.

I'll wait_ in the queue when the trains come back.
Lie_ with_ you where the shad-ows run from them-selves._

At the  par-ty she was kind-ness in the hard crowd.
Con-so-la-tion from the old wound now for-got-ten.
Yel-low ti-gers crouched in jun-gles in her dark eyes.
She's just dress-ing good-bye win-dows, tir-ed star-lings.

I'll sleep_ in this place with the lone-ly_ croud,
Lie_ in the dar where the shad-ows run from themselves.

Ah_ Ah_ Ah_ Ah_

Ah_ Ah_ Ah_ Ah_



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