ParaNet Alpha

                               ParaNet Alpha
                           Review of Meier Films
                   Available from Genesis ]I[ in Phoenix

     Available now from Genesis ]I[, in Phoenix,  is a film called the
Meier Chronicles.   It is a film of interviews with Nippon Television,
reviewing  photos  and film brought back from  Switzerland.   In  this
film,  Genesis ]I[  has condensed two other films available from them. 
These are "Beamship: The Movie Footage" and "Beamship: The Metal".
     Undoubtedly,  some  have  heard of the amazing metals  supposedly
brought  back from the alien space ships that Billy Meier saw and  had
contact with.   These were the same metals that strangely disappeared
while  in the hands of one Marcel Vogel,  now of "Crystal Power" fame.
     I have viewed the Meier Chronicles film,  and have had as much
contact as possible with both the books available on the subject,  and
any  news  or rumors that have come about as a result of this  matter. 
Despite  all  this,  I  tried to view these films with  as  much  true
skepticism  as  possible,  to avoid unjustly judging them as  true  or
     The  first of these films that I viewed was "Beamship:  The Movie
Footage".  Amazing as its proclamations were,  they were quite hard to
understand  as  the conversations were between not-too-educated  Billy
Meier,  and  a nodding buffoon from Nippon Television,  neither of whom
had an over abundance of the English language at their command.
     Next  in  line was "Beamship:  The Metal".   I am  not  presently
placing  any kind of judgement on this film,  as there is quite a load
of  technical  phrases  and  potentially false claims,  and  I  am  no
metallurgist.  Further investigation of this movie is necessary,  and
will hopefully be forthcoming.
     The  last of these movies was a conglomeration of the first  two,
but with a lot more information,  and some updating of available data. 
In this film, Genesis ]I[  has finally taken to a studio of some kind,
and used a higher quality of video tape.  Also involved with the movie
were Nippon Television Network of Japan, and Intercep, an unknown group
apparently  involved  with Genesis.   This film was made (or at  least
copyrighted)   in   1986,   and  seemed  to  ignore  the  then-growing
controversy surrounding the Meier case.
     According to this film,  Nippon's publicizing of this media event
on  Japanese  television was such a major success that their man  with
the  nodding  head was asked to return to Switzerland and  follow  up. 
Meier was now claiming threats on his life, and had visibly aged.   He
showed the film crews bullet holes in the side of his farmhouse and he
feared that he was being constantly shadowed.  A large group of people
was  available  to  the movement,  and had claimed to  be  witness  to
several  sightings  with Billy,  during his contacts.   Some of  these
people  had  taken film,  at night,  of these sightings.   The  small,
fuzzy,  red  balls of light showed nothing too extraordinary  at  face
value,  but taken with the story behind them,  they were indeed almost
too good to believe.  This,  coupled with the photographs taken at the
same time, led me to believe that Meier is NOT working alone, and that
his contacts could as easily be human as Pleadian.  As an example, one
of  the  witnesses (it is worthy to note that she was later  committed
for  mental  problems)  described  the sighting as a red  ship  moving
upward from the "contact"  sight where Billy had gone.   It then began
to  turn  and  moved  away.   This  was  supposed  to  be  a  Pleadian
demonstration of the ships ability to fly.   As the ship turned,  this
lady described the sound of an airplane, one which seemed ever-present
during the later follow up films of Nippon, and one that was described
as belonging to some government agency that was following Meier.
     On  to the films taken by Billy.   Granted,  Meier is a one-armed
man,  and is therefore not capable of taking 8mm film while holding up
a  pole  with a model on the end.   One of these films  in  particular
shows  a  beamship  disappearing and reappearing.   Nippon  took  the
liberty  of  analyzing this film.   To describe it,  there is a  small
disk-shaped object "hovering"  with a wobbly movement,  above a valley
in  front of it.   The ship disappears three frames after what appears
to be a cloud moves into the frame (thus a darkening effect).   Nippon
TV  seemed  to  be more than anxious to attribute this  and  the  same
darkening  effect  three frames after the reappearance to the  "shock"
Meier  says he felt when the craft disappeared.   They also seemed to
think  that  the fact the ship vanished from one frame to the next  as
proof  that  there was no fraud.   They neglected to mention that  not
only  is  this  how a film would be most easily faked,  but  that  the
branch  that  was swaying in the breeze stopped too suddenly when  the
vanish happened.  Admittedly, the ship was moving up and down when the
film  was taken and did not seem affected by the wind,  but if it  was
being  "levitated"  by a helicopter off in the distance and out of the
camera  eye,  it would be more affected by that downward wind than  by
the  local surface breezes.   Other analysis were done on other films,
and one of these concluded,  by computer counting of pixels,  that the
object  viewed  was  at least as far away as  the  known-size  objects
around it.  From the films and photos available to them,  professional
analysts  were  unable to prove fraud.   The most impressive of  these
films  was  one  that  involved a Mirage  fighter  entering  into  the
picture.  This was the most impressive for many reasons.  One of those
was that while the UFO managed to jump about the film when the fighter
approached,  the fighter's movement was smooth and continuous.  Further
analysis  of this film showed (by someone who was looking for  strings
and  the  like)  that  there was some kind of irregular  energy  field
surrounding the ship, and that this field extended recognizably around
the Mirage.  The fighter was, as far as this pilot can tell, real, and
this  film would have been noticeable as faked by the person doing the
analysis (aka, if it had been a double-exposure, if there were strings
holding up the object, and the like).
     There  was  much more film and photographic material than  shown,
and some mildly dramatic proof of prowlers and "shadowing"  by someone
not  visible  in  the film.   This could have been  staged,  and  that
possibility  must never be dismissed.   Furthermore,  Billy Meier  and
Genesis  continually showed the famed "Pleadian Picture",  and obvious
cutout  from  an old Sears Catalog.   Meier now claims that this  was
taken aboard one of the beamships.
     After viewing the "extended"  film,  and after seeing some of the
film  and photo evidence shown only in the third film,  I must come to
the  conclusion  that either Meier is on to the biggest thing  in  the
history of man, or he is the head perpetrator of a large, elaborate and
very expensive hoax.  It isn't that easy,  any way you look at it,  to
summarily dismiss this entire field of thought as fraud.   Some of it
is  proven beyond my ability to argue for it,  or anyone else either. 
But there is another possibility - that Meier had something, something
small and insignificant by itself,  and he took it beyond all possible
reality.   More  evidence  was  then provided by anxious  and  willing
followers, and Meier was more than willing to accept and warp it.   As
the lie grew, Meier was unable to control, to stop, it.  This is, most
admittedly, an extremely optimistic idea.   This is giving Meier quite
a lot, and allowing him more than his share of compassion.  Yet,  this
is the only thing that I can truly offer as a possibility that some of
Billy's excitingly unreal evidence is as real as we want it to be.


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