Code of Conduct:

<UFONET> Code of Conduct:

        The discussion of almost every aspect dealing with what
we commonly refer to as "UFOs" is one full of controversy and
emotion. While its not our intent to avoid controversy in the
course of discussions, we do want to avoid unrestrained outpourings
of emotion, especially the negative and obscene variety. It goes
without saying that dialogue and discussion should be done in an
atmosphere of respect and friendliness. If you disagree strongly
with someone, then say so in an appropriate fashion. If you feel
you have been unwrongly attacked or criticized by a person, then
do not respond in kind unless you can do so in a proper manner.
If you are in violent disagreement with another user, and can't
act in a gentlemanly manner when speaking with them, then please
refrain from addressing that individual.

        Past experience has shown me that debate can degenerate
very quickly when insults are traded back and forth, or when one
person impugns the motives of another. Ad Hominen attacks, and
other untoward actions should be avoided at all costs.

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