ïAcid Ansi Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Kinayda [Acid] iNCUBUS [iCE] Maestro [Nation]
Artist: Beastie ³ Overall Score: 7.4
Kinayda ³ Strange picture, but well done pic. I ³7.0³ Ansi: BE-TF1 .ANS
³ I liked the font too. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Weird pic, I thought his teeth were his ³7.3³
³ lips at first, but still well shaded. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Loved the font, interesting picture. I ³8.0³
³ like the diversity in BE's pics lately. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Bad Karma ³ Overall Score: 5.4
Kinayda ³ Looked really undershaded. Looked Rushed. ³6.0³ Ansi: BK-SKY1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Surprised me, BK can do ALOT better. ³6.2³
Maestro ³ Bad pic, Bad font, Bad Bad Karma. ³4.0³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Diehard ³ Overall Score: 7.3
Kinayda ³ Haven't seen much from Diehard lately, ³ ³ Ansi: DH-HR1 .ANS
³ Nicely done Deathblow. ³7.0³
Incubus ³ I liked this picture a lot, good job. ³7.8³
Maestro ³ Nice ansi, however some areas in the ³7.0³
³ face could have used some work. The ³ ³
³ fonts were kind of ugly. ³ ³
Artist: King Midas ³ Overall Score: 5.5
Kinayda ³ The red guy was good, a little too neat. ³6.0³ Ansi: KM-BAD1 .ANS
³ No style to it. Pitt/Maxx looked bland, ³ ³ KM-HIGH1.ANS
³ and the Union.. Ack. ³ ³ KM-TASB1.ANS
Incubus ³ Not much to the first ansi, too bland. ³5.6³
³ Pitt/Maxx pic was pretty cool, sorta ³ ³
³ cartoony. Didn't like the Union at all, ³ ³
³ looked almost scanned. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Pike's neck was unproportioned. Pitt/Maxx ³5.0³
³ was ok. Union did not look right at all. ³ ³
³ Hair and face needed alot of work. ³ ³
Artist: Kinayda ³ Overall Score: 6.0
Kinayda ³ Can't Grade Myself. :) ³N/A³ Ansi: KN-TTT1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Decent, not too bad, arm was a little long.³7.1³
Maestro ³ Not bad, font however had to go. His hand ³5.0³
³ looked a tad bit unproportioned too. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Lord Jazz ³ Overall Score: 9.0
Kinayda ³ I love this guys stuff. His shading comes ³9.0³ Ansi: LD-FD .ANS
³ out a little flat, but nice work. ³ ³ LD-HM .ANS
Incubus ³ How the hell does he make such HUGE ansis ³8.6³ LD-ID .ANS
³ every month?! Good job.. ³ ³ LD-SN .ANS
Maestro ³ I have to say that this guy is the only ³9.5³
³ artist in the scene that amazes me. I ³ ³
³ commend his originality. Shading however.. ³ ³
Artist: Megatron ³ Overall Score: 5.4
Kinayda ³ Face is a little out of proportion, but ³6.5³ Ansi: MT-SURR1.ANS
³ shaded well. Improvement from last work. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Eyes needed help, proportion needed work, ³5.8³
³ but had good depth. Looked rushed. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Proportions and shading were terrible. I ³4.0³
³ agree, the eyes needed alot of work. I was ³ ³
³ hoping for alot better. ³ ³
Artist: Somms ³ Overall Score: 7.3
Kinayda ³ Nice girl, nothing I didn't like about it. ³8.0³ Ansi: SO-DSUN1.ANS
³ I thought the Grifter was a little under ³ ³ SO-TDG1 .ANS
³ detailed, but nice. ³ ³
Incubus ³ AWESOME! I love Somms work, perfect shading³7.8³
³ and well proportioned. Grifter was too ³ ³
³ large of a scale though, hard to see what ³ ³
³ it was in text mode. ³ ³
Maestro ³ The Grifter was big and ugly. Shading was ³6.0³
³ too inconsistant. The chick looked real ³ ³
³ nice though, the shading still bugs me. ³ ³
Artist: The Clone ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Nicely shaded, nose and mouth could have ³6.0³ Ansi: TC-DIL1 .ANS
³ used some work though. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Nice pic. Cool idea for framing the pic. ³7.3³
³ One of the better ones of the pack. ³ ³
Maestro ³ I liked this one alot, great shading and ³8.0³
³ the scroll for a frame idea was nice. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Genocide ³ Overall Score: 7.3
Kinayda ³ NICE Pic. I liked this one a lot. ³8.0³ Ansi: US-HOOD1.ANS
Incubus ³ Pretty good, can't see anything wrong. ³7.8³
Maestro ³ Looked cool and all but for some reason I ³ ³
³ recall seeing this somewhere else? Anyways,³6.0³
³ shading and seperation could use some work.³ ³
ïAcid Ansi Reviews
ïAcid VGA Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Shock Wave [Acid] Metal Head [iCE]
Artist: Cerebrus ³ Overall Score: 6
Shock W.³ Considering the fact that Cerebrus is NOT ³ ³ VGA : CE-TMS1 .EXE
³ a regular VGA artist, you can't really ³ ³
³ pick apart his "attempt". Pretty well done³ ³
³ for a coder. (effects makes this VGA) ³ 5 ³
Shaggy ³ Umm the picture was ok, only thing that I ³ ³
³ really liked was the fire effect. ³ 7 ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Malcolm X ³ Overall Score: 5
Shock W.³ Malcom X's work has always been consistent,³ ³ VGA : MX-ADD .EXE
³ however, never ASTONISHING. His quality is³ ³
³ at his originality. Having great coders ³ ³
³ scrolling his VGAs doesn't hurt either. ³ 5 ³
Shaggy ³ Bleh! Bleh! Yuck! Use a fucking new ³ ³
³ palette man. Music = lame. ³ 5 ³
Artist: Surreal ³ Overall Score: 8.5
Shock W.³ WOW!!! I haven't seen this dude around, ³ ³ VGA : SL-ACID1.EXE
³ but I am instanteously made a believer. ³ ³ SL-ACID2.EXE
³ They say first impressions are lasting ³ ³
³ ones, I am impressed. (renderer) ³8.5³
Shaggy ³ Well the first one had really sad rendered ³ ³
³ logos. But I REALLY like the rendered ³ ³
³ plane. ³8.5³
Artist: Shock Wave ³ Overall Score: 8
Shock W.³ <blank> <can't toot my own horn> ³ - ³ VGA : SW-DREAM.EXE
Shaggy ³ Not bad, i'm not a huge fan of computerized³ ³ SW-KEG.EXE
³ color gradiants though. Horrible music. ³ 8 ³
Artist: Blue Gravity ³ Overall Score: 5
Shock W.³ I thought the coding made the VGA a bit ³ ³ VGA : US-ACID1.EXE
³ better, but the VGA just don't have any ³ ³
³ "sparks". The shading's not good, nor is ³ ³
³ the shadowing. (Bad Low-Res VGA) ³ ³
Shaggy ³ The picture was pretty cool, would have ³ 3 ³
³ liked to have seen the whole picture though³ ³
³ but whatever. Music was BAD (not good). ³ 7 ³
ïAcid VGA Reviews
ïIce Ansi Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Kinayda [Acid] Incubus [iCE] Maestro [Nation]
Artist: Amroth ³ Overall Score: 6.2
Kinayda ³ Nice pic of guy with light coming out of ³6.0³ Ansi: AM-ARM .ICE
³ of his eyes. Way too much text though. ³ ³
Incubus ³ It was original, but I didn't like it much.³5.5³
³ Too much text. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Nice and original. All the stupid text had ³ ³
³ to go though. It ruined the pic. ³7.0³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Aphex Twin ³ Overall Score: 9
Kinayda ³ I love you Greg. ³9.5³ Ansi: AT-AMBER.ICE
Incubus ³ <pssst.. shrooms> :) AT is so good it's ³9.5³ AT-COR .ICE
³ scary.. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Loved the shading and design. Font could ³8.0³
³ have been alot better though. Dragon looked³ ³
³ nice but again the font... ³ ³
Artist: Blade Runner ³ Overall Score: 4.8
Kinayda ³ Not bad. Kinda undetailed. ³5.0³ Ansi: BR-GLAND.ICE
Incubus ³ Bland, not much to it. ³4.5³
Maestro ³ It was ok, shading looked a little sloppy ³5.0³
³ and the font was really boring. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Cyber Christ ³ Overall Score: 6.5
Kinayda ³ Good anime pic. Kinda outta porportion. ³6.5³ Ansi: CC-RAVID.ICE
³ Nice garfield.. Joker style. ³ ³ CC-TMA1 .ICE
Incubus ³ I LOVED the anime pic, good job on that ³7.5³
³ one. The Garfield was sweet too. I'm a CC ³ ³
³ fan. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Anime chick looked cool, too bad the font ³5.5³
³ wasn't as good. Garfield was ok, nothing ³ ³
³ special. ³ ³
Artist: Hoaks ³ Overall Score: 5.3
Kinayda ³ Not bad. Shading was a little strange.. ³5.0³ Ansi: HX-KEG .ICE
³ What the fuck was that beep shit? :) ³ ³
Incubus ³ Much better from his other work, but the ³5.2³
³ shading was really weird. Get rid of the ³ ³
³ damn ANSI-Musak.. ugh.. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Improvement, interesting style. I can ³5.5³
³ always tell if its a hoaks ansi. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Incubus ³ Overall Score: 6.7
Kinayda ³ Nice dark pic. Wouldn't have known it was ³7.5³ Ansi: IN-CRYS .ICE
³ Pitt though if you didn't tell me though. ³ ³ IN-TAS1 .ICE
³ Deathblow was cool. ³ ³
Incubus ³ This guys a lamer.. :) ³N/A³
Maestro ³ That was Pitt? Death Blow was shaded nice ³6.0³
³ but it's time to come up with a new font ³ ³
³ iNKY. ³ ³
Artist: Lord Sloth ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Shading was a tad bit messy for my taste, ³7.5³ Ansi: LS-TASB .ICE
³ but everything else was nicely done. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Pretty good. I liked the helmet, but some ³7.8³
³ of it looked a bit messy. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Spawns face looked like a potato. As for ³6.0³
³ the font... Yuck! Everything else looked ³ ³
³ ok. ³ ³
Artist: Magnus ³ Overall Score: 5.7
Kinayda ³ Not enough depth. I've seen Magnus do ³4.0³ Ansi: MG-PDEL .ICE
³ better. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Very dark but needs more detail. ³6.0³
Maestro ³ Wow, I loved this one. Short and sweet. ³ ³
³ His best work in my opinion. ³7.0³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Nitrous ³ Overall Score: 5.3
Kinayda ³ Pretty cool Joker style again. ³6.0³ Ansi: NI-DORK .ICE
Incubus ³ Trippin'!! I liked it, but the perspective ³6.8³
³ didn't come out right. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Yaaawwwnn.... ³4.0³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Pnakotic ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Cool shit. Very well done and clean. ³7.0³ Ansi: PN-ICE1 .ICE
Incubus ³ I love your fonts. ³7.3³ PN-PSY1 .ICE
Maestro ³ The fonts were nice the first ten times I ³7.0³ PN-TWOS1.ICE
³ saw them. Time to come up with something ³ ³
³ new. Pic was interesting, not bad. ³ ³
Artist: Ravage Bias ³ Overall Score: 6.3
Kinayda ³ de ja vu? Nice pic, Genocides was done ³7.0³ Ansi: RB-MP .ICE
³ better though. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Decent, looked rushed. ³6.4³
Maestro ³ Didn't I see this somewhere? Font had to ³5.5³
³ go. Shading and seperation needed work too.³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Raistlin Majere ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Cool pic Raistlin. I told you you could ³7.5³ Ansi: RM-PG .ICE
³ draw.. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Wasn't really impressed. ³6.2³
Maestro ³ I liked it, big improvement. Now if we ³7.5³
³ could just get him to produce some more. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Spaceman Spiff ³ Overall Score: 5.8
Kinayda ³ Not bad. Hand was poor though. ³6.0³ Ansi: SS-BAD .ICE
Incubus ³ Decent, but the head needed work. ³6.4³
Maestro ³ I liked his original stuff better. Was that³5.0³
³ a font? ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Shaggy ³ Overall Score: 7.7
Kinayda ³ Cool green glob and very well done Spawn. ³8.0³ Ansi: SY-PAN1 .ICE
³ Is everybody doing Pnakotic fonts? ³ ³ SY-SANC .ICE
Incubus ³ DAMN! Sanc ansi was awesome. Good job. ³8.7³
Maestro ³ The green guy was dull and spawn looked a ³6.5³
³ tad bit unproportioned. Stick with your ³ ³
³ own fonts. ³ ³
Artist: Tempus Thales ³ Overall Score: 8.9
Kinayda ³ I love you Tempus. ³9.5³ Ansi: TT-CIT6 .ICE
Incubus ³ Shit, my pants smell like piss now. ³9.7³ TT-SANC5.ICE
Maestro ³ Chicks lips looked wierd and I'm sick of ³7.5³ TT-TAS .ICE
³ seeing that font. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Multiple Artists ³ Overall Score: 5.6
Kinayda ³ Was that ansi supposed to be a joke Ben? :)³6.0³ Ansi: US-JOINT.ICE
³ Not bad Calvin.. Wierd font. ³ ³ US-SANC .ICE
Incubus ³ S-O-D-O-M-I-Z-I-N-G.. :) ³6.3³
³ Sanc was decent, wierd candles.. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Yaawwwnn.... ³4.5³
ïIce Ansi Reviews
ïIce VGA Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Shock Wave [Acid] Metal Head [iCE]
Artist: Anarchy ³ Overall Score: 8.2
Shock W.³ WOW!! What a nice picture. Beautiful ³ ³ VGA : AY-FLGHT.GIF
³ mountains. A master piece if you will. ³ ³
³ A must see....But hehe, the top-right ³ ³
³ corner's color's off a palette :D ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Hmm, not bad, but little discrepencies like³9.5³
³ the sky in the upper right hand corner ³ ³
³ throws off the picture. Plus, the city ³ ³
³ looks a little too "pasted on". ³ 7 ³
Artist: Cardinal ³ Overall Score: 6.2
Shock W.³ HAHAHAHA, I liked the freakie character, ³ ³ VGA : CD-DIGGR.GIF
³ but I only wished that it would've been in ³ ³
³ MUCH MUCH more colors. And a better logo/ ³ ³
³ font wouldn't hurt either. ³4.5³
Shaggy ³ Very nicely drawn cell. Nice and neat, but³ ³
³ it could have used a bit of simulated anti-³ ³
³ aliasing. ³ 8 ³
Artist: Master Koresh ³ Overall Score: 9.2
Shock W.³ TOTALLY COOL! The best SPAWN VGA I've yet ³ ³ VGA : MK-TMA .PCX
³ seen. Of course, it shouldn't be too bad ³ ³
³ when it's SVGA 1024x768. GREAT GREAT job ³ ³
³ by an original artist. Great shading!!!! ³ 9 ³
Shaggy ³ His best piece to date, definatly kept up ³ ³
³ with what is expected of him. ³9.5³
Artist: Mascot ³ Overall Score: 8.7
Shock W.³ Considering Mascot's one of the BEST rende-³ ³ VGA : MS-ICEDR.GIF
³ ring artists today, this was not one of his³ ³
³ best. Don't get me wrong, it still kicks ³ ³
³ ass all over...just no pretty colors :D ³ 8 ³
Shaggy ³ Possibly the most intricate VGA that I have³ ³
³ seen Mascot do. ³9.5³
Artist: Prime Evil ³ Overall Score: 4.7
Shock W.³ It'd really help the art scene (ESPECIALLY ³ ³ VGA : PE-HIGH .GIF
³ the VGA scene) if we didn't have people ³ ³ PE-ICE .GIF
³ like him around. Yeah, if I scanned my ³ ³
³ pencils and colored it, I'd be cool too. :<³ 1 ³
Shaggy ³ Very nice palette, and pictures. My only ³ ³
³ question is, why, if the pictures are ³ ³
³ 640x400, does it look drawn in 320x200? ³8.5³
Artist: Sober ³ Overall Score: 9.2
Shock W.³ I don't know if this guy rendering, but his³ ³ VGA : SB-BEL1 .GIF
³ stuffs are AWESOME. The shading/shadowing ³ ³ SB-CH01 .GIF
³ are at the levels of rendering, yet the ³ ³ SB-MODL .JPG
³ images are HAND drawn details!!! ³8.5³ SB-SANC .GIF
Shaggy ³ WOW, for his debut into the iCE VGA he sure³ ³
³ made a splash. The FDP filters made his ³ ³
³ work VERY professional, and beautifuly done³ 10³
Artist: Shaggy/Metal Head ³ Overall Score: 7
Shock W.³ Looks like a cartoon character the way it ³ ³ VGA : SY-ICE .GIF
³ was drawn. The plentiful bright colors are³ ³
³ especially attractive. But detailing and ³ ³
³ shading/shadowing needs more dynamics. :D ³ 7 ³
Shaggy ³ Only VGA i've released. It's a bit too ³ ³
³ 2-dimensional. ³ 7 ³
Artist: Twink ³ Overall Score: 8
Shock W.³ <can't view> ³ ³ VGA : TW-ICE .JPG
Shaggy ³ The iCE logo looks out of place, and the ³ - ³
³ JPG format creats a "screen" overtop of the³ ³
³ pictures. Not bad though ³ 8 ³
Artist: Friar Tuck ³ Overall Score: 8
Shock W.³ <NOT a VGA screen> ³ ³ VGA : FT-ICE .EXE
Shaggy ³ A beautifully smooth dot tunnel, and nice ³ ³
³ colors make a very neat intro. ³ 8 ³
ïIce VGA Reviews
ïUnion Ansi Reviews
ïVarious Writers
ïUnion Ansi Reviews
ïUnion VGA Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Shock Wave [Acid] Metal Head [iCE]
Artist: Astaroth ³ Overall Score: 4.7
Shock W.³ Your average low-res rendered VGA. Nothing³ ³ VGA : AS-TRIP .GIF
³ spectacular, and nothing to rave about. ³ ³
³ Didn't really understand the PURPOSE behind³ ³
³ this VGA. ³ 4 ³
Shaggy ³ Uhh, average balls and checkerd floor ³ ³
³ raytrace. BTW why is it in such a shitty ³ ³
³ resolution? ³5.5³
Artist: BD ³ Overall Score: 5.7
Shock W.³ Pretty nice High Res (640x480) VGA. I like³ ³ VGA : BD-CULT .GIF
³ the character, but he could've used alot ³ ³
³ more shading/shadowing. Nice coloring ³ ³
³ though. ³6.5³
Shaggy ³ Uhh, could use some more color variation. ³ 5 ³
Artist: HR ³ Overall Score: 7.7
Shock W.³ Although I don't really pay attention to ³ ³ VGA : HR-MPIR1.GIF
³ 3DS rendered font VGAs, this artist managed³ ³ HR-MPIR2.GIF
³ to "juice" up the effects and make me to a ³ ³
³ double take. Nice job. ³7.5³
Shaggy ³ First one sucked, second one I don't know ³ ³
³ how difficult it was, but I liked it alot. ³ 8 ³
Artist: Epitaph ³ Overall Score: -
Shock W.³ <not VGA> ³ - ³ VGA : EP-US .EXE
Shaggy ³ This is not something worth noteing in here³ ³
³ it's not a vga, it's a piece of shit. ³ ³
³ mostly done by someone in iCE. ³ - ³
Artist: Fizban ³ Overall Score: 3.5
Shock W.³ The fonts in this VGA are cool, but I've ³ ³ VGA : FI-HM .EXE
³ seen it used somewhere before. ³ 5 ³
Shaggy ³ Horribly unimaginitive and ugly. ³ 2 ³
Artist: HR ³ Overall Score: 4
Shock W.³ A pretty badly done rendered VGA. Your ³ ³ VGA : HR-TRANC.EXE
³ average 3DS logo VGA with some ill-done ³ ³
³ scroller effect. yeek! ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Lame render. Stupid loader. Only thing I ³ ³
³ liked was the colors. ³ 4 ³
ïUnion VGA Reviews
ïRIP Reviews
ïVarious Writers
RIP Reviews
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
ReDMaN [ACiD] Lord Sloth :) [iCE]
Artist: Andrew Nice ³ Overall Score: 7
ReDMaN ³ It's hard to believe this is his first ³ ³ RIP : AN-AE1.RIP
³ attempt at rip. Nice shading technique. ³ ³ AN-HTC2.RIP
³ His ansi is similar in some respects, but ³ ³
³ I can't really explain why. Mr. Nice has a ³ ³
³ lot of potential and has already shown ³ ³
³ considerable growth from his first rip to ³ ³
³ his second. Good job of filling the screen ³ ³
³ too. Blank space looks awful (that's the ³ ³
³ stuff in MY rips). I'll give him a 7. ³ 7 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Interesting colors and style, not bad but ³ ³
³ it doesn't appeal to me all too much. ³ 7 ³
Artist: Blue Devil ³ Overall Score: 5.5
ReDMaN ³ Not bad at all. A little sketchy, but he's ³ ³ RIP : BD-KEG.RIP
³ definitely got potential. It looks just a ³ ³
³ bit rushed. He has to take his time and ³ ³
³ perfect his pictures. Also, try to fill up ³ ³
³ the screen with more material rather than ³ ³
³ a flat color. It just livens up the rip. ³ ³
³ Blue gets a 5. ³ 5 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Not all to bad, font was horrible though. ³ 6 ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: ReDMaN ³ Overall Score: 6
ReDMaN ³ As usual, my pathetic attempts fell behind ³ ³ RIP : RN-CULT1.RIP
³ the competition. (sigh) Take note, blank ³ ³
³ space dominated the picture (bad), the ³ ³
³ shading was simple and vague (bad), and ³ ³
³ the overall impression simply wasn't very ³ ³
³ good at all (very bad). Hopefully I'll get ³ ³
³ better at this with time. I get a 2. ³ 2 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Ohh I LOVE this rip, beautiful duplication ³ ³
³ of the comic. ³ 10³
³ ³ ³
Artist: SplitMetal ³ Overall Score: 5
ReDMaN ³ Not his best. A little simplistic, but I ³ ³ RIP : SP-WHAM1.RIP
³ assume that's what he wanted. The picture ³ ³
³ sort of called for a more basic technique ³ ³
³ rather than Split's usual meticulous ³ ³
³ attention to details. Although exploration ³ ³
³ into other ways of drawing is good, I'd ³ ³
³ advise 'Metal to stick to his more precise ³ ³
³ and detailed pictures. A 5 for Split. ³ 5 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Definatly not something that I would expect³ ³
³ in an ACiD Aquisition Update. ³ 5 ³
ïRIP Reviews
ïUnion Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Kinayda [Acid] iNCUBUS [iCE] Maestro [Nation]
Artist: Dark Deception ³ Overall Score: 2.5
Kinayda ³ Not bad logos. Only logos though. ³2.0³ Ansi: DC-RAGE .ANS
Incubus ³ Too many logos, try pics too. ³2.5³ DC-SOD .ANS
Maestro ³ The union logo was cool. The rest were ok. ³3.0³ DC-UNION.ANS
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Fizban ³ Overall Score: 2.9
Kinayda ³ Snoopy pic is very plain. ³3.0³ Ansi: FI-DR2 .ANS
Incubus ³ Looked rushed, spend more time on it ³2.8³ FI-SUN .ANS
Maestro ³ Needs to put more time and effort in his ³3.0³
³ art. Fonts lacked originality. Snoopy for ³ ³
³ Death Row? I don't think so.. ³ ³
Artist: Hound ³ Overall Score: 4.6
Kinayda ³ Not bad spawn and girl and guy pic. Needs ³5.0³ Ansi: HD-DIM-X.ANS
³ more detail. ³ ³ HD-LOS .ANS
Incubus ³ Pretty good, but he should spend more time ³4.8³ HD-METAL.ANS
³ on them. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Not enough detail and a tad bit too rough. ³4.0³ HD-PCB .ANS
³ Needs some more seperation too. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Kool ³ Overall Score: 4.9
Kinayda ³ Not bad pics. Breasts are a bit big. ³5.0³ Ansi: KL-ALTZ .ANS
Incubus ³ Decent. NICE TITS! :) ³5.2³ KL-PYRO .ANS
Maestro ³ Holy tits! Fonts and proportions need some ³4.5³
³ work. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Misery Man ³ Overall Score: 1.9
Kinayda ³ Bah. Nothing but logos, and the logos ³2.0³ Ansi: MM-ES1 .ANS
³ weren't anything special. ³ ³ MM-PCKR .ANS
Incubus ³ Lots and lots o' logos.. spend time on pics³2.3³ MM-SD .ANS
³ instead of logos. ³ ³
Maestro ³ If your just going to do logos atleast do ³1.5³ MM-SD2 .ANS
³ them good. Fonts lacked originality. ³ ³ MM-UNIN1.ANS
³ ³ ³
Artist: Mind Rape ³ Overall Score: 1.6
Kinayda ³ Argh more logos. Nothing special either. ³1.5³ Ansi: MR-EUPH1.ANS
Incubus ³ I'm getting tired of all these logos. ³2.0³ MR-TLIE1.ANS
Maestro ³ I'll give him the same advise I gave MM. ³1.5³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Neurotic ³ Overall Score: 5.5
Kinayda ³ Nice unique non-shaded style. Good pics. ³5.5³ Ansi: NC-DN .ANS
Incubus ³ I like his style. ³6.0³ NC-LOS .ANS
Maestro ³ Non shaded comic book rips? Interesting. ³5.0³ NC-PR1 .ANS
³ Please get rid of those ascii fonts! ³ ³ NC-PS1 .ANS
³ ³ ³ NC-YMCA .ANS
Artist: Nailz ³ Overall Score: 5.8
Kinayda ³ Good pics as usual. ³6.0³ Ansi: NZ-EN1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Nice. ³5.8³ NZ-METAL.ANS
Maestro ³ Nice work, proportions need some work along³5.5³ NZ-TCULT.ANS
³ with a few of those fonts. ³ ³ NZ-TXN3 .ANS
³ ³ ³ NZ-UNI1 .ANS
Artist: Primordial Chowder ³ Overall Score: 5.6
Kinayda ³ Cool Spawn. Heatwave's face looks wierd ³6.0³ Ansi: PC-RAGE2.ANS
³ though. ³ ³ PC-TOE1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Pretty good shit. ³5.8³
Maestro ³ Heatwaves face was unproportioned. Not bad ³5.0³
³ work though. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Psycho Fiend ³ Overall Score: 4.5
Kinayda ³ Nice cartoony chick. Fonts weren't bad. ³4.5³ Ansi: PF-PI1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Decent, fonts needed work. ³4.0³ PF-SUN1 .ANS
Maestro ³ I like this guys stuff. The chick was cool ³5.0³ PF-UNI .ANS
³ but that sun logo was too plain. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Stone Angel ³ Overall Score: 4.1
Kinayda ³ Spawn was good. But the other one.. Ack. ³4.5³ Ansi: SA-BLUR1.ANS
Incubus ³ Uhmm.. alright, needed work. ³4.2³ SA-HM1 .ANS
Maestro ³ Fonts and shading need alot of work. Too ³3.5³ SA-IE1 .ANS
³ sloppy. ³ ³ SA-UNI2 .ANS
³ ³ ³
Artist: Sole Assassin ³ Overall Score: 4.5
Kinayda ³ Short but nice pic. ³5.0³ Ansi: SO-PNET .ANS
Incubus ³ Good pic, Lord Jazz style. ³5.0³
Maestro ³ Short and sloppy. ³3.5³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
ïUnion Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Kinayda [Acid] iNCUBUS [iCE] Maestro [Nation]
Artist: Beastie ³ Overall Score: 7.4
Kinayda ³ Strange picture, but well done pic. I ³7.0³ Ansi: BE-TF1 .ANS
³ I liked the font too. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Weird pic, I thought his teeth were his ³7.3³
³ lips at first, but still well shaded. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Loved the font, interesting picture. I ³8.0³
³ like the diversity in BE's pics lately. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Bad Karma ³ Overall Score: 5.4
Kinayda ³ Looked really undershaded. Looked Rushed. ³6.0³ Ansi: BK-SKY1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Surprised me, BK can do ALOT better. ³6.2³
Maestro ³ Bad pic, Bad font, Bad Bad Karma. ³4.0³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Diehard ³ Overall Score: 7.3
Kinayda ³ Haven't seen much from Diehard lately, ³ ³ Ansi: DH-HR1 .ANS
³ Nicely done Deathblow. ³7.0³
Incubus ³ I liked this picture a lot, good job. ³7.8³
Maestro ³ Nice ansi, however some areas in the ³7.0³
³ face could have used some work. The ³ ³
³ fonts were kind of ugly. ³ ³
Artist: King Midas ³ Overall Score: 5.5
Kinayda ³ The red guy was good, a little too neat. ³6.0³ Ansi: KM-BAD1 .ANS
³ No style to it. Pitt/Maxx looked bland, ³ ³ KM-HIGH1.ANS
³ and the Union.. Ack. ³ ³ KM-TASB1.ANS
Incubus ³ Not much to the first ansi, too bland. ³5.6³
³ Pitt/Maxx pic was pretty cool, sorta ³ ³
³ cartoony. Didn't like the Union at all, ³ ³
³ looked almost scanned. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Pike's neck was unproportioned. Pitt/Maxx ³5.0³
³ was ok. Union did not look right at all. ³ ³
³ Hair and face needed alot of work. ³ ³
Artist: Kinayda ³ Overall Score: 6.0
Kinayda ³ Can't Grade Myself. :) ³N/A³ Ansi: KN-TTT1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Decent, not too bad, arm was a little long.³7.1³
Maestro ³ Not bad, font however had to go. His hand ³5.0³
³ looked a tad bit unproportioned too. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Lord Jazz ³ Overall Score: 9.0
Kinayda ³ I love this guys stuff. His shading comes ³9.0³ Ansi: LD-FD .ANS
³ out a little flat, but nice work. ³ ³ LD-HM .ANS
Incubus ³ How the hell does he make such HUGE ansis ³8.6³ LD-ID .ANS
³ every month?! Good job.. ³ ³ LD-SN .ANS
Maestro ³ I have to say that this guy is the only ³9.5³
³ artist in the scene that amazes me. I ³ ³
³ commend his originality. Shading however.. ³ ³
Artist: Megatron ³ Overall Score: 5.4
Kinayda ³ Face is a little out of proportion, but ³6.5³ Ansi: MT-SURR1.ANS
³ shaded well. Improvement from last work. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Eyes needed help, proportion needed work, ³5.8³
³ but had good depth. Looked rushed. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Proportions and shading were terrible. I ³4.0³
³ agree, the eyes needed alot of work. I was ³ ³
³ hoping for alot better. ³ ³
Artist: Somms ³ Overall Score: 7.3
Kinayda ³ Nice girl, nothing I didn't like about it. ³8.0³ Ansi: SO-DSUN1.ANS
³ I thought the Grifter was a little under ³ ³ SO-TDG1 .ANS
³ detailed, but nice. ³ ³
Incubus ³ AWESOME! I love Somms work, perfect shading³7.8³
³ and well proportioned. Grifter was too ³ ³
³ large of a scale though, hard to see what ³ ³
³ it was in text mode. ³ ³
Maestro ³ The Grifter was big and ugly. Shading was ³6.0³
³ too inconsistant. The chick looked real ³ ³
³ nice though, the shading still bugs me. ³ ³
Artist: The Clone ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Nicely shaded, nose and mouth could have ³6.0³ Ansi: TC-DIL1 .ANS
³ used some work though. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Nice pic. Cool idea for framing the pic. ³7.3³
³ One of the better ones of the pack. ³ ³
Maestro ³ I liked this one alot, great shading and ³8.0³
³ the scroll for a frame idea was nice. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Genocide ³ Overall Score: 7.3
Kinayda ³ NICE Pic. I liked this one a lot. ³8.0³ Ansi: US-HOOD1.ANS
Incubus ³ Pretty good, can't see anything wrong. ³7.8³
Maestro ³ Looked cool and all but for some reason I ³ ³
³ recall seeing this somewhere else? Anyways,³6.0³
³ shading and seperation could use some work.³ ³
ïAcid Ansi Reviews
ïAcid VGA Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Shock Wave [Acid] Metal Head [iCE]
Artist: Cerebrus ³ Overall Score: 6
Shock W.³ Considering the fact that Cerebrus is NOT ³ ³ VGA : CE-TMS1 .EXE
³ a regular VGA artist, you can't really ³ ³
³ pick apart his "attempt". Pretty well done³ ³
³ for a coder. (effects makes this VGA) ³ 5 ³
Shaggy ³ Umm the picture was ok, only thing that I ³ ³
³ really liked was the fire effect. ³ 7 ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Malcolm X ³ Overall Score: 5
Shock W.³ Malcom X's work has always been consistent,³ ³ VGA : MX-ADD .EXE
³ however, never ASTONISHING. His quality is³ ³
³ at his originality. Having great coders ³ ³
³ scrolling his VGAs doesn't hurt either. ³ 5 ³
Shaggy ³ Bleh! Bleh! Yuck! Use a fucking new ³ ³
³ palette man. Music = lame. ³ 5 ³
Artist: Surreal ³ Overall Score: 8.5
Shock W.³ WOW!!! I haven't seen this dude around, ³ ³ VGA : SL-ACID1.EXE
³ but I am instanteously made a believer. ³ ³ SL-ACID2.EXE
³ They say first impressions are lasting ³ ³
³ ones, I am impressed. (renderer) ³8.5³
Shaggy ³ Well the first one had really sad rendered ³ ³
³ logos. But I REALLY like the rendered ³ ³
³ plane. ³8.5³
Artist: Shock Wave ³ Overall Score: 8
Shock W.³ <blank> <can't toot my own horn> ³ - ³ VGA : SW-DREAM.EXE
Shaggy ³ Not bad, i'm not a huge fan of computerized³ ³ SW-KEG.EXE
³ color gradiants though. Horrible music. ³ 8 ³
Artist: Blue Gravity ³ Overall Score: 5
Shock W.³ I thought the coding made the VGA a bit ³ ³ VGA : US-ACID1.EXE
³ better, but the VGA just don't have any ³ ³
³ "sparks". The shading's not good, nor is ³ ³
³ the shadowing. (Bad Low-Res VGA) ³ ³
Shaggy ³ The picture was pretty cool, would have ³ 3 ³
³ liked to have seen the whole picture though³ ³
³ but whatever. Music was BAD (not good). ³ 7 ³
ïAcid VGA Reviews
ïIce Ansi Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Kinayda [Acid] Incubus [iCE] Maestro [Nation]
Artist: Amroth ³ Overall Score: 6.2
Kinayda ³ Nice pic of guy with light coming out of ³6.0³ Ansi: AM-ARM .ICE
³ of his eyes. Way too much text though. ³ ³
Incubus ³ It was original, but I didn't like it much.³5.5³
³ Too much text. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Nice and original. All the stupid text had ³ ³
³ to go though. It ruined the pic. ³7.0³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Aphex Twin ³ Overall Score: 9
Kinayda ³ I love you Greg. ³9.5³ Ansi: AT-AMBER.ICE
Incubus ³ <pssst.. shrooms> :) AT is so good it's ³9.5³ AT-COR .ICE
³ scary.. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Loved the shading and design. Font could ³8.0³
³ have been alot better though. Dragon looked³ ³
³ nice but again the font... ³ ³
Artist: Blade Runner ³ Overall Score: 4.8
Kinayda ³ Not bad. Kinda undetailed. ³5.0³ Ansi: BR-GLAND.ICE
Incubus ³ Bland, not much to it. ³4.5³
Maestro ³ It was ok, shading looked a little sloppy ³5.0³
³ and the font was really boring. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Cyber Christ ³ Overall Score: 6.5
Kinayda ³ Good anime pic. Kinda outta porportion. ³6.5³ Ansi: CC-RAVID.ICE
³ Nice garfield.. Joker style. ³ ³ CC-TMA1 .ICE
Incubus ³ I LOVED the anime pic, good job on that ³7.5³
³ one. The Garfield was sweet too. I'm a CC ³ ³
³ fan. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Anime chick looked cool, too bad the font ³5.5³
³ wasn't as good. Garfield was ok, nothing ³ ³
³ special. ³ ³
Artist: Hoaks ³ Overall Score: 5.3
Kinayda ³ Not bad. Shading was a little strange.. ³5.0³ Ansi: HX-KEG .ICE
³ What the fuck was that beep shit? :) ³ ³
Incubus ³ Much better from his other work, but the ³5.2³
³ shading was really weird. Get rid of the ³ ³
³ damn ANSI-Musak.. ugh.. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Improvement, interesting style. I can ³5.5³
³ always tell if its a hoaks ansi. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Incubus ³ Overall Score: 6.7
Kinayda ³ Nice dark pic. Wouldn't have known it was ³7.5³ Ansi: IN-CRYS .ICE
³ Pitt though if you didn't tell me though. ³ ³ IN-TAS1 .ICE
³ Deathblow was cool. ³ ³
Incubus ³ This guys a lamer.. :) ³N/A³
Maestro ³ That was Pitt? Death Blow was shaded nice ³6.0³
³ but it's time to come up with a new font ³ ³
³ iNKY. ³ ³
Artist: Lord Sloth ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Shading was a tad bit messy for my taste, ³7.5³ Ansi: LS-TASB .ICE
³ but everything else was nicely done. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Pretty good. I liked the helmet, but some ³7.8³
³ of it looked a bit messy. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Spawns face looked like a potato. As for ³6.0³
³ the font... Yuck! Everything else looked ³ ³
³ ok. ³ ³
Artist: Magnus ³ Overall Score: 5.7
Kinayda ³ Not enough depth. I've seen Magnus do ³4.0³ Ansi: MG-PDEL .ICE
³ better. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Very dark but needs more detail. ³6.0³
Maestro ³ Wow, I loved this one. Short and sweet. ³ ³
³ His best work in my opinion. ³7.0³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Nitrous ³ Overall Score: 5.3
Kinayda ³ Pretty cool Joker style again. ³6.0³ Ansi: NI-DORK .ICE
Incubus ³ Trippin'!! I liked it, but the perspective ³6.8³
³ didn't come out right. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Yaaawwwnn.... ³4.0³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Pnakotic ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Cool shit. Very well done and clean. ³7.0³ Ansi: PN-ICE1 .ICE
Incubus ³ I love your fonts. ³7.3³ PN-PSY1 .ICE
Maestro ³ The fonts were nice the first ten times I ³7.0³ PN-TWOS1.ICE
³ saw them. Time to come up with something ³ ³
³ new. Pic was interesting, not bad. ³ ³
Artist: Ravage Bias ³ Overall Score: 6.3
Kinayda ³ de ja vu? Nice pic, Genocides was done ³7.0³ Ansi: RB-MP .ICE
³ better though. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Decent, looked rushed. ³6.4³
Maestro ³ Didn't I see this somewhere? Font had to ³5.5³
³ go. Shading and seperation needed work too.³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Raistlin Majere ³ Overall Score: 7.1
Kinayda ³ Cool pic Raistlin. I told you you could ³7.5³ Ansi: RM-PG .ICE
³ draw.. ³ ³
Incubus ³ Wasn't really impressed. ³6.2³
Maestro ³ I liked it, big improvement. Now if we ³7.5³
³ could just get him to produce some more. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Spaceman Spiff ³ Overall Score: 5.8
Kinayda ³ Not bad. Hand was poor though. ³6.0³ Ansi: SS-BAD .ICE
Incubus ³ Decent, but the head needed work. ³6.4³
Maestro ³ I liked his original stuff better. Was that³5.0³
³ a font? ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Shaggy ³ Overall Score: 7.7
Kinayda ³ Cool green glob and very well done Spawn. ³8.0³ Ansi: SY-PAN1 .ICE
³ Is everybody doing Pnakotic fonts? ³ ³ SY-SANC .ICE
Incubus ³ DAMN! Sanc ansi was awesome. Good job. ³8.7³
Maestro ³ The green guy was dull and spawn looked a ³6.5³
³ tad bit unproportioned. Stick with your ³ ³
³ own fonts. ³ ³
Artist: Tempus Thales ³ Overall Score: 8.9
Kinayda ³ I love you Tempus. ³9.5³ Ansi: TT-CIT6 .ICE
Incubus ³ Shit, my pants smell like piss now. ³9.7³ TT-SANC5.ICE
Maestro ³ Chicks lips looked wierd and I'm sick of ³7.5³ TT-TAS .ICE
³ seeing that font. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Multiple Artists ³ Overall Score: 5.6
Kinayda ³ Was that ansi supposed to be a joke Ben? :)³6.0³ Ansi: US-JOINT.ICE
³ Not bad Calvin.. Wierd font. ³ ³ US-SANC .ICE
Incubus ³ S-O-D-O-M-I-Z-I-N-G.. :) ³6.3³
³ Sanc was decent, wierd candles.. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Yaawwwnn.... ³4.5³
ïIce Ansi Reviews
ïIce VGA Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Shock Wave [Acid] Metal Head [iCE]
Artist: Anarchy ³ Overall Score: 8.2
Shock W.³ WOW!! What a nice picture. Beautiful ³ ³ VGA : AY-FLGHT.GIF
³ mountains. A master piece if you will. ³ ³
³ A must see....But hehe, the top-right ³ ³
³ corner's color's off a palette :D ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Hmm, not bad, but little discrepencies like³9.5³
³ the sky in the upper right hand corner ³ ³
³ throws off the picture. Plus, the city ³ ³
³ looks a little too "pasted on". ³ 7 ³
Artist: Cardinal ³ Overall Score: 6.2
Shock W.³ HAHAHAHA, I liked the freakie character, ³ ³ VGA : CD-DIGGR.GIF
³ but I only wished that it would've been in ³ ³
³ MUCH MUCH more colors. And a better logo/ ³ ³
³ font wouldn't hurt either. ³4.5³
Shaggy ³ Very nicely drawn cell. Nice and neat, but³ ³
³ it could have used a bit of simulated anti-³ ³
³ aliasing. ³ 8 ³
Artist: Master Koresh ³ Overall Score: 9.2
Shock W.³ TOTALLY COOL! The best SPAWN VGA I've yet ³ ³ VGA : MK-TMA .PCX
³ seen. Of course, it shouldn't be too bad ³ ³
³ when it's SVGA 1024x768. GREAT GREAT job ³ ³
³ by an original artist. Great shading!!!! ³ 9 ³
Shaggy ³ His best piece to date, definatly kept up ³ ³
³ with what is expected of him. ³9.5³
Artist: Mascot ³ Overall Score: 8.7
Shock W.³ Considering Mascot's one of the BEST rende-³ ³ VGA : MS-ICEDR.GIF
³ ring artists today, this was not one of his³ ³
³ best. Don't get me wrong, it still kicks ³ ³
³ ass all over...just no pretty colors :D ³ 8 ³
Shaggy ³ Possibly the most intricate VGA that I have³ ³
³ seen Mascot do. ³9.5³
Artist: Prime Evil ³ Overall Score: 4.7
Shock W.³ It'd really help the art scene (ESPECIALLY ³ ³ VGA : PE-HIGH .GIF
³ the VGA scene) if we didn't have people ³ ³ PE-ICE .GIF
³ like him around. Yeah, if I scanned my ³ ³
³ pencils and colored it, I'd be cool too. :<³ 1 ³
Shaggy ³ Very nice palette, and pictures. My only ³ ³
³ question is, why, if the pictures are ³ ³
³ 640x400, does it look drawn in 320x200? ³8.5³
Artist: Sober ³ Overall Score: 9.2
Shock W.³ I don't know if this guy rendering, but his³ ³ VGA : SB-BEL1 .GIF
³ stuffs are AWESOME. The shading/shadowing ³ ³ SB-CH01 .GIF
³ are at the levels of rendering, yet the ³ ³ SB-MODL .JPG
³ images are HAND drawn details!!! ³8.5³ SB-SANC .GIF
Shaggy ³ WOW, for his debut into the iCE VGA he sure³ ³
³ made a splash. The FDP filters made his ³ ³
³ work VERY professional, and beautifuly done³ 10³
Artist: Shaggy/Metal Head ³ Overall Score: 7
Shock W.³ Looks like a cartoon character the way it ³ ³ VGA : SY-ICE .GIF
³ was drawn. The plentiful bright colors are³ ³
³ especially attractive. But detailing and ³ ³
³ shading/shadowing needs more dynamics. :D ³ 7 ³
Shaggy ³ Only VGA i've released. It's a bit too ³ ³
³ 2-dimensional. ³ 7 ³
Artist: Twink ³ Overall Score: 8
Shock W.³ <can't view> ³ ³ VGA : TW-ICE .JPG
Shaggy ³ The iCE logo looks out of place, and the ³ - ³
³ JPG format creats a "screen" overtop of the³ ³
³ pictures. Not bad though ³ 8 ³
Artist: Friar Tuck ³ Overall Score: 8
Shock W.³ <NOT a VGA screen> ³ ³ VGA : FT-ICE .EXE
Shaggy ³ A beautifully smooth dot tunnel, and nice ³ ³
³ colors make a very neat intro. ³ 8 ³
ïIce VGA Reviews
ïUnion Ansi Reviews
ïVarious Writers
ïUnion Ansi Reviews
ïUnion VGA Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Shock Wave [Acid] Metal Head [iCE]
Artist: Astaroth ³ Overall Score: 4.7
Shock W.³ Your average low-res rendered VGA. Nothing³ ³ VGA : AS-TRIP .GIF
³ spectacular, and nothing to rave about. ³ ³
³ Didn't really understand the PURPOSE behind³ ³
³ this VGA. ³ 4 ³
Shaggy ³ Uhh, average balls and checkerd floor ³ ³
³ raytrace. BTW why is it in such a shitty ³ ³
³ resolution? ³5.5³
Artist: BD ³ Overall Score: 5.7
Shock W.³ Pretty nice High Res (640x480) VGA. I like³ ³ VGA : BD-CULT .GIF
³ the character, but he could've used alot ³ ³
³ more shading/shadowing. Nice coloring ³ ³
³ though. ³6.5³
Shaggy ³ Uhh, could use some more color variation. ³ 5 ³
Artist: HR ³ Overall Score: 7.7
Shock W.³ Although I don't really pay attention to ³ ³ VGA : HR-MPIR1.GIF
³ 3DS rendered font VGAs, this artist managed³ ³ HR-MPIR2.GIF
³ to "juice" up the effects and make me to a ³ ³
³ double take. Nice job. ³7.5³
Shaggy ³ First one sucked, second one I don't know ³ ³
³ how difficult it was, but I liked it alot. ³ 8 ³
Artist: Epitaph ³ Overall Score: -
Shock W.³ <not VGA> ³ - ³ VGA : EP-US .EXE
Shaggy ³ This is not something worth noteing in here³ ³
³ it's not a vga, it's a piece of shit. ³ ³
³ mostly done by someone in iCE. ³ - ³
Artist: Fizban ³ Overall Score: 3.5
Shock W.³ The fonts in this VGA are cool, but I've ³ ³ VGA : FI-HM .EXE
³ seen it used somewhere before. ³ 5 ³
Shaggy ³ Horribly unimaginitive and ugly. ³ 2 ³
Artist: HR ³ Overall Score: 4
Shock W.³ A pretty badly done rendered VGA. Your ³ ³ VGA : HR-TRANC.EXE
³ average 3DS logo VGA with some ill-done ³ ³
³ scroller effect. yeek! ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Lame render. Stupid loader. Only thing I ³ ³
³ liked was the colors. ³ 4 ³
ïUnion VGA Reviews
ïRIP Reviews
ïVarious Writers
RIP Reviews
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
ReDMaN [ACiD] Lord Sloth :) [iCE]
Artist: Andrew Nice ³ Overall Score: 7
ReDMaN ³ It's hard to believe this is his first ³ ³ RIP : AN-AE1.RIP
³ attempt at rip. Nice shading technique. ³ ³ AN-HTC2.RIP
³ His ansi is similar in some respects, but ³ ³
³ I can't really explain why. Mr. Nice has a ³ ³
³ lot of potential and has already shown ³ ³
³ considerable growth from his first rip to ³ ³
³ his second. Good job of filling the screen ³ ³
³ too. Blank space looks awful (that's the ³ ³
³ stuff in MY rips). I'll give him a 7. ³ 7 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Interesting colors and style, not bad but ³ ³
³ it doesn't appeal to me all too much. ³ 7 ³
Artist: Blue Devil ³ Overall Score: 5.5
ReDMaN ³ Not bad at all. A little sketchy, but he's ³ ³ RIP : BD-KEG.RIP
³ definitely got potential. It looks just a ³ ³
³ bit rushed. He has to take his time and ³ ³
³ perfect his pictures. Also, try to fill up ³ ³
³ the screen with more material rather than ³ ³
³ a flat color. It just livens up the rip. ³ ³
³ Blue gets a 5. ³ 5 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Not all to bad, font was horrible though. ³ 6 ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: ReDMaN ³ Overall Score: 6
ReDMaN ³ As usual, my pathetic attempts fell behind ³ ³ RIP : RN-CULT1.RIP
³ the competition. (sigh) Take note, blank ³ ³
³ space dominated the picture (bad), the ³ ³
³ shading was simple and vague (bad), and ³ ³
³ the overall impression simply wasn't very ³ ³
³ good at all (very bad). Hopefully I'll get ³ ³
³ better at this with time. I get a 2. ³ 2 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Ohh I LOVE this rip, beautiful duplication ³ ³
³ of the comic. ³ 10³
³ ³ ³
Artist: SplitMetal ³ Overall Score: 5
ReDMaN ³ Not his best. A little simplistic, but I ³ ³ RIP : SP-WHAM1.RIP
³ assume that's what he wanted. The picture ³ ³
³ sort of called for a more basic technique ³ ³
³ rather than Split's usual meticulous ³ ³
³ attention to details. Although exploration ³ ³
³ into other ways of drawing is good, I'd ³ ³
³ advise 'Metal to stick to his more precise ³ ³
³ and detailed pictures. A 5 for Split. ³ 5 ³
³ ³ ³
Shaggy ³ Definatly not something that I would expect³ ³
³ in an ACiD Aquisition Update. ³ 5 ³
ïRIP Reviews
ïUnion Reviews
ïVarious Writers
Special Thanks To The Critiquers Who Include
Kinayda [Acid] iNCUBUS [iCE] Maestro [Nation]
Artist: Dark Deception ³ Overall Score: 2.5
Kinayda ³ Not bad logos. Only logos though. ³2.0³ Ansi: DC-RAGE .ANS
Incubus ³ Too many logos, try pics too. ³2.5³ DC-SOD .ANS
Maestro ³ The union logo was cool. The rest were ok. ³3.0³ DC-UNION.ANS
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Fizban ³ Overall Score: 2.9
Kinayda ³ Snoopy pic is very plain. ³3.0³ Ansi: FI-DR2 .ANS
Incubus ³ Looked rushed, spend more time on it ³2.8³ FI-SUN .ANS
Maestro ³ Needs to put more time and effort in his ³3.0³
³ art. Fonts lacked originality. Snoopy for ³ ³
³ Death Row? I don't think so.. ³ ³
Artist: Hound ³ Overall Score: 4.6
Kinayda ³ Not bad spawn and girl and guy pic. Needs ³5.0³ Ansi: HD-DIM-X.ANS
³ more detail. ³ ³ HD-LOS .ANS
Incubus ³ Pretty good, but he should spend more time ³4.8³ HD-METAL.ANS
³ on them. ³ ³
Maestro ³ Not enough detail and a tad bit too rough. ³4.0³ HD-PCB .ANS
³ Needs some more seperation too. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Kool ³ Overall Score: 4.9
Kinayda ³ Not bad pics. Breasts are a bit big. ³5.0³ Ansi: KL-ALTZ .ANS
Incubus ³ Decent. NICE TITS! :) ³5.2³ KL-PYRO .ANS
Maestro ³ Holy tits! Fonts and proportions need some ³4.5³
³ work. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Misery Man ³ Overall Score: 1.9
Kinayda ³ Bah. Nothing but logos, and the logos ³2.0³ Ansi: MM-ES1 .ANS
³ weren't anything special. ³ ³ MM-PCKR .ANS
Incubus ³ Lots and lots o' logos.. spend time on pics³2.3³ MM-SD .ANS
³ instead of logos. ³ ³
Maestro ³ If your just going to do logos atleast do ³1.5³ MM-SD2 .ANS
³ them good. Fonts lacked originality. ³ ³ MM-UNIN1.ANS
³ ³ ³
Artist: Mind Rape ³ Overall Score: 1.6
Kinayda ³ Argh more logos. Nothing special either. ³1.5³ Ansi: MR-EUPH1.ANS
Incubus ³ I'm getting tired of all these logos. ³2.0³ MR-TLIE1.ANS
Maestro ³ I'll give him the same advise I gave MM. ³1.5³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Neurotic ³ Overall Score: 5.5
Kinayda ³ Nice unique non-shaded style. Good pics. ³5.5³ Ansi: NC-DN .ANS
Incubus ³ I like his style. ³6.0³ NC-LOS .ANS
Maestro ³ Non shaded comic book rips? Interesting. ³5.0³ NC-PR1 .ANS
³ Please get rid of those ascii fonts! ³ ³ NC-PS1 .ANS
³ ³ ³ NC-YMCA .ANS
Artist: Nailz ³ Overall Score: 5.8
Kinayda ³ Good pics as usual. ³6.0³ Ansi: NZ-EN1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Nice. ³5.8³ NZ-METAL.ANS
Maestro ³ Nice work, proportions need some work along³5.5³ NZ-TCULT.ANS
³ with a few of those fonts. ³ ³ NZ-TXN3 .ANS
³ ³ ³ NZ-UNI1 .ANS
Artist: Primordial Chowder ³ Overall Score: 5.6
Kinayda ³ Cool Spawn. Heatwave's face looks wierd ³6.0³ Ansi: PC-RAGE2.ANS
³ though. ³ ³ PC-TOE1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Pretty good shit. ³5.8³
Maestro ³ Heatwaves face was unproportioned. Not bad ³5.0³
³ work though. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Psycho Fiend ³ Overall Score: 4.5
Kinayda ³ Nice cartoony chick. Fonts weren't bad. ³4.5³ Ansi: PF-PI1 .ANS
Incubus ³ Decent, fonts needed work. ³4.0³ PF-SUN1 .ANS
Maestro ³ I like this guys stuff. The chick was cool ³5.0³ PF-UNI .ANS
³ but that sun logo was too plain. ³ ³
³ ³ ³
Artist: Stone Angel ³ Overall Score: 4.1
Kinayda ³ Spawn was good. But the other one.. Ack. ³4.5³ Ansi: SA-BLUR1.ANS
Incubus ³ Uhmm.. alright, needed work. ³4.2³ SA-HM1 .ANS
Maestro ³ Fonts and shading need alot of work. Too ³3.5³ SA-IE1 .ANS
³ sloppy. ³ ³ SA-UNI2 .ANS
³ ³ ³
Artist: Sole Assassin ³ Overall Score: 4.5
Kinayda ³ Short but nice pic. ³5.0³ Ansi: SO-PNET .ANS
Incubus ³ Good pic, Lord Jazz style. ³5.0³
Maestro ³ Short and sloppy. ³3.5³
³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³
ïUnion Reviews
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