Windows 3.0 and QEMM-386 Advanced Troubleshooting

ID:WA Windows 3.0 and QEMM-386 Advanced Troubleshooting
Quarterdeck Technical Note # 207
by David Riess

   QEMM-386 version 5.11 and above supports Windows 3.0 in all of its
processing modes: Real, Standard, and 386 Enhanced.

   This Quarterdeck Technical Note has been written to help you troubleshoot
and fix almost all Windows 3.0 problems which relate to the use of QEMM.  We
have included an example scenario for you to follow in order to make this
process as "user friendly" as possible.

   This procedure will take at least two steps to complete.  You will have to
skip ahead to different parts of this technote depending on the results of
E are located at the end of this technote.

   The Quarterdeck Technical Support Staff handles many Windows 3.0 calls
every day, ranging from the simple (e.g., "When I try to load Windows from my
local drive, I get the Windows graphics logo but nothing else happens and it
takes me back to the C prompt") to the difficult (e.g., "I'm running Windows
from the network and I load up my spreadsheet program, then I load up my
database program.  If I print from the spreadsheet program, then switch to my
database program the system crashes.  This happens randomly, usually once
every 3 days."). This technical note follows the identical procedures which
our technical support staff uses to troubleshoot Windows 3.0 with QEMM-386.

EXAMPLE Windows 3.0 PROBLEM SCENARIO : "I've installed QEMM-386 and have run
the OPTIMIZE program to load my TSR's and device drivers into high memory. 
I'm running Windows from my network drive (drive F:).  I get into Windows
without a problem, except when I load my scanner program I get an 'UAE:
Unrecoverable Application Error' error message and my system crashes".

   SCENARIO ASSUMPTIONS: QEMM has been loaded onto the local C: drive and QEMM
is installed in the C:\QEMM subdirectory.  Windows 3.0 has been installed on
the NETWORK drive in the F:\WINDOWS subdirectory.

   INSTRUCTIONS: In each of the following steps you will either edit a file or
run a program from the DOS prompt.  Whenever you see a number followed by a
right parenthesis ), perform the action which follows. Comments regarding the
action will be followed in brackets [].  Look for the ??? at the end of each
step, because a question will need to be answered to determine the next STEP
to perform.

                                   (STEP 1)

                       DETERMINING YOUR QEMM-386 VERSION

   Older QEMM versions can cause Windows 3.0 problems.  We have modified QEMM
in recent versions to accommodate Windows 3.0 features.  This step determines
which QEMM version you have, and will direct you to the troubleshooting
technique needed for solving your Windows 3.0 problem based on your QEMM
version.  Enter the following 3 commands at the DOS prompt:

   1)  C:          [go to the QEMM disk-drive           ]
   2)  CD\QEMM     [go to the QEMM subdirectory         ]
   3)  QEMMREG     [Determine what QEMM version you have]

       Here's an EXAMPLE of what you should see on your screen:

       Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager 386 V5.13    <----------|
       Copyright (c) 1986-1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems       |
       Serial number: 000-B6-0000-000000                           |
       Registered to: Power User                                   |
       ABC COMPUTER USERS                                          |
       Anywhere, CA  USA                                           |
   ??? What version of QEMM is installed on your machine: ---------|
        4.00 - 5.10
        any Windows 3.0 processing mode       : go to STEP A.

        Windows 3.0 - Real     mode problem   : go to STEP 5.
        Windows 3.0 - Standard mode problem   : go to STEP 2.
        Windows 3.0 - Enhanced mode problem   : go to STEP 4.

        5.12 or 5.13
        Windows 3.0 - Real     mode problem   : go to STEP 5.
        Windows 3.0 - Standard mode problem   : go to STEP 5.
        Windows 3.0 - Enhanced mode problem   : go to STEP 4.

        6.00 or greater
        any Windows 3.0 processing mode       : go to STEP 3.

   If QEMMREG returns "Bad command or file name", then either you have a very
old version of QEMM-386 (in which you should go to STEP A) or you have erased
the file QEMMREG.COM from your QEMM directory (in which case you should re-
install QEMM-386 on your hard disk and perform STEP 1 again) ***

                                   (STEP 2)


   You are having problems with Windows 3.0 - Standard mode while using QEMM
version 5.11.  There are currently 2 versions of Windows 3.0 (version 3.0 and
3.0a).  This step determines which Windows 3.0 version you have.  To determine
if a QEMM upgrade is needed, perform the following 3 commands at the DOS

   1) F:             [go to the Windows 3.0 drive                         ]
   1) CD\WINDOWS     [go to the Windows 3.0 subdirectory                  ]
   2) DIR WIN*.EXE   [get a directory of all .EXE files beginning with WIN]

      There should be 3 or 4 files listed.  Here's an EXAMPLE of what you
should see on your screen:


        Volume in drive F has no label
        Directory of  F:\WINDOWS

       WINFILE  EXE   106288   5-01-90   3:00a
       WINHELP  EXE   193552   5-01-90   3:00a
       WINVER   EXE     8704   5-01-90   3:00a
           3 File(s)   6795264 bytes free

       These files will have the same creation date (in this case 5-01-90).

??? If the Windows 3.0 files creation date is 5-01-90, go to STEP 5.

??? If the Windows 3.0 files creation is later than  5-01-90, go to STEP B.

                                   (STEP 3)


   You have QEMM version 6.00 or greater.  Quarterdeck has added the STEALTH
feature into your version of QEMM in order to create up to 83K more of HIGH-
Ram than versions before 6.00!  The STealth feature is invoked with the
parameter ST:M or ST:F on the "DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS ..." line of your
CONFIG.SYS file (located in the root directory of your bootup drive).

   Your Windows problem may be related to the STealth feature of QEMM,
provided you have invoked STealth.  We will check your CONFIG.SYS file for the
ST:x parameter to determine the next troubleshooting STEP for you to take.

   With a file editor or file viewer, go to the C:\ directory (root directory
of your bootup drive) and load the CONFIG.SYS file.  Search the
DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS line for either ST:M or ST:F.

   ??? If the QEMM386.SYS line DOES NOT have a ST:M or ST:F parameter (not
using the STealth feature) and you are having problems in Windows 3.0 - Real
or Standard mode, then go to STEP 5.

   ??? If the QEMM386.SYS line DOES NOT have a ST:M or ST:F parameter (not
using the STealth feature) and you are having problems in Windows 3.0 -
Enhanced mode, then go to STEP 4.

   ??? If the QEMM386.SYS line DOES have a ST:M or ST:F parameter (you are
using the STealth feature), then proceed below...:

   We want to remove all STealth-related parameters (ST:M, ST:F, XST=, XSTI=,
DBF=, FSTC, FRAME=) to test whether STealth is involved with your Windows 3.0
problem.  Here's an example of removing these parameters:


   Edit your CONFIG.SYS file & remove the STealth-related parameters, then re-
boot your computer and try to re-create the problem in Windows 3.0.

   ??? If the problem still exists and your QEMM version is 6.00 only, please
go to STEP C.

   ??? If the problem still exists and your QEMM version is 6.01 or greater
and you are having problems in Windows 3.0 - Enhanced mode, then go to STEP 4.

   ??? If the problem still exists and your QEMM version is 6.01 or greater
and you are having problems in Windows 3.0 - Real or Standard mode, then go to

   ??? If the problem goes away, then your Windows 3.0 problem is due to a
conflict with QEMM's STealth feature.  NOW, the next step for YOU is to leave
this technical note and get the technote STEALTH.TEC to resolve the STealth
conflict.  You no longer need this technote!

   The STEALTH.TEC technical note is available:

   1) On Compuserve [GO PCVENB, Library 1].  Download STEALT.ZIP.
   2) On Genie [IBM PC Roundtable Software Library 9].  Download STEALTH.TXT.
   3) On the Quarterdeck BBS [310-314-3227].  Download STEALTH.TEC.
   4) On the Quarterdeck Q/FAX [310-314-3214].  Download FAX# 205 (Q/FAX will
automatically fax this back to your fax machine instantly!).
   5) Call Quarterdeck Technical Support [310-392-9701] and we will gladly
fax/mail it to you.

                                   (STEP 4)


   You are having problems with Windows 3.0 - Enhanced mode and you have a
QEMM version greater than 6.01!  Windows 3.0 has several configuration files
which it loads at startup.  We can modify one of these startup files,
SYSTEM.INI, to instruct Windows not to conflict with QEMM.

   The SYSTEM.INI file is at least 60 lines long and is broken up into
sections by brackets [  ].  Add OR modify the following two parameters to the
[386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file (located in the WINDOWS directory):

   EMMEXCLUDE=A000-FFFF           \______________________
   SystemROMBreakPoint=False      /                      |
   The following is an EXAMPLE listing of SYSTEM.INI:    |
           .                                             |
           .                                             |
           .                                             |
   mouse.drv=Logitech serial mouse                       |
   display.drv=VGA                                       |
   system.drv=MS-DOS or PC-DOS System                    |
   [386Enh]            <---------------------------------|

   Save the SYSTEM.INI file.
   Now run Windows 3.0 - Enhanced mode and try to re-create the problem.

   ??? If the problem still exists, go to STEP 5.
   ??? If the problem goes away, it has been solved.  HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!

                                   (STEP 5)

   To determine whether the Windows 3.0 problem is related to QEMM, you have
to remove all unnecessary lines from the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files
(pertinent to the problem at hand) and then run Windows to see if the problem
still exists.  First, you need to make back-up copies of your CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files (which are located in the root directory) because we are
going to modify these files.  To make the back-up copies of these files
perform the following 4 commands at the DOS prompt:

   1) C:
   2) CD\

   Now, edit your CONFIG.SYS file so that only the lines that are ABSOLUTELY
necessary to re-create the Windows problem remain in the CONFIG.SYS file.  You
need the QEMM386.SYS line and the FILES= line as a minimum, delete every other
line unless it is ABSOLUTELY needed to re-create the problem.

   The following is an example CONFIG.SYS file for our example:

   #3   FILES=25
    4   BUFFERS=30
   #8   SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:768
    10  STACKS=0,0

   The # indicates lines which are ABSOLUTELY necessary to include in the
CONFIG.SYS file in order to re-create the problem.  Let's take a look at why
(you may want to look at the Windows 3.0 example problem scenario located on
the first page of this Technote, again!):

   line  1) We NEED the QEMM driver to re-create the problem
   line  2) A disk cache IS NOT necessary to re-create the problem
   line  3) we NEED to include the FILES= statement
   line  4) the BUFFERS statement IS NOT needed
   line  5) the scanner IS part of our problem
   line  6) ANSI.SYS IS NOT needed to re-create the problem
   line  7) the fax board has NOTHING to do with the problem
   line  8) the SHELL= statement tells DOS where the command processor is
   line  9) we NEED to log on to the network to run Windows
   line 10) the Stacks statement IS NOT necessary

   (if you are not sure if a line is absolutely necessary in YOUR CONFIG.SYS
or AUTOEXEC.BAT files, you might try deleting it!)

   This leaves our CONFIG.SYS with
       SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:768

   Now, since the OPTIMIZE program was executed, some of the device drivers
have been loaded high and we have to make sure these drivers are loaded low. 
This is because some device drivers behave incorrectly when loaded high.  All
we have to do is remove the LOADHI.SYS (and the  /R:x parameter if used) from
these lines.


   This leaves our CONFIG.SYS with
       SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:768

   Modify the QEMM line to look EXACTLY as follows:

   DO NOT add the 'RAM' parameter to this line!

   ??? If you have a version of QEMM greater than 6.00 and are using the
       STealth parameter (ST:M or ST:F), please DO NOT include this
       parameter at this time.  BUT make a mental note of it, as you will
       add this parameter back to the QEMM386.SYS line in STEP 10.
       ALSO, you will want to remove any STealth-related parameters at this
       time (you may not have any of these) : XST= , XSTI=, DBF=, FSTC,

   If your QEMM386.SYS line previously contained a parameter to EXCLUDE an
area of memory such as EXCLUDE= or X= or AROM= or ARAM=, then you should also
add this parameter to the end of the QEMM386.SYS line.  DO NOT add any
INCLUDE= or I= parameters, if you previously had any!  In our example, we
previously had the AROM=C800-CBFF parameter.  Adding this parameter to the
above DEVICE line will look like:

         (Please note that the "AROM=" parameter is NOT on the next line, but
is on the same line immediately after "NOSH ".  Many editors will allow wrap-
around of the same line)

   and boost the FILES= to at least 40

   The final CONFIG.SYS looks like:

      SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:768

   (Your CONFIG.SYS may only need the QEMM386.SYS and FILES=40 line.  Don't
worry if your CONFIG.SYS isn't 5 lines long.)

   Save the CONFIG.SYS and let's modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.  The only
lines which we need to keep are the PROMPT and PATH statements.

   The following is an example AUTOEXEC.BAT file for our example:

    1   ECHO OFF
   #4   PROMPT $P$G
    7   FAXSETUP 125

   The # indicates lines which are absolutely necessary to re-create the
problem.  Here's why:

   Line 1) the ECHO statement IS NOT necessary
   Line 2) We NEED the PATH statement
   Line 3) Keyboard accelerator IS NOT needed
   Line 4) Prompt statement is for your convenience
   Line 5) We NEED to access the network
   Line 6) This SET statement IS NOT necessary
   Line 7) The FAX board has NOTHING to do with our problem

   This leaves our AUTOEXEC.BAT as:
       PROMPT $P$G

   Now, since we have run the OPTIMIZE program, some of our device drivers
have been loaded high and we have to make sure these drivers are loaded low. 
All we have to do is remove the LOADHI from these lines.



   This leaves our final AUTOEXEC.BAT with:

       PROMPT $P$G

   (Your AUTOEXEC.BAT may only need the PATH and PROMPT lines.  Don't worry
that your AUTOEXEC.BAT isn't 3 or more lines long)

   Save the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

   Now reboot your machine and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem still exists, go to STEP 6.
   ??? If the problem goes away, go to STEP 8.

                                   (STEP 6)


   Since the problem still exists using a clean environment for QEMM, then we
have to determine whether the problem is caused by QEMM or is caused by
Windows 3.0.  We will now modify your CONFIG.SYS to use the Microsoft drivers
instead of QEMM and try to re-create the problem.  First, make a back-up copy
of the "clean environment" version of CONFIG.SYS file by entering the
following 3 commands at the DOS prompt:

   1) C:
   2) CD\

   We will attempt to re-create the problem by using the Microsoft drivers,
HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.SYS (EMM386.EXE if you are using DOS 5.0), which when
loaded together are similar to the Extended and Expanded memory features of

   First, you must find where these files are located on your hard-disk (They
are most likely found in the C:\WINDOWS, C:\DOS, C:\ directories). Now, edit
the CONFIG.SYS and replace these two drivers for the QEMM386.SYS driver
(ASSUME that HIMEM.SYS is in the root directory and EMM386.SYS is in the DOS

      DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.SYS ON 4096
      SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:768

   Save CONFIG.SYS, reboot, and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem still exists, then we have determined that QEMM is not
responsible for the problems you are having in Windows 3.0.  The next STEP
would be for you to consult your Windows documentation or contact Microsoft
Windows Technical Support at (206) 637-7098 or contact the makers of the
resident program or driver which is giving you problems in Windows.

   ??? If the problem goes away, go to STEP 7.

                                   (STEP 7)


   We want to find out what Microsoft's drivers are doing to make Windows work
properly so that we can configure QEMM to emulate the Microsoft drivers.  We
must use the MANIFEST program to view what the Microsoft drivers are doing.

   1) Exit Windows 3.0 or Reboot your computer to get to the DOS prompt
   2) C:\QEMM\MFT.EXE    [type this at the DOS prompt to start MANIFEST]

      The following is an EXAMPLE of the first screen in MANIFEST:

        MANIFEST     |  Overview   CONFIG   AUTOEXEC   Adapters   CMOS
                     |               Processor         80386
       First Meg     |               Video Adapter     VGA
                     |               BIOS              Phoenix
       Expanded      |               BIOS Date         01/15/88
                     |               Coprocessor       None
       Extended      |               Keyboard          Enhanced
                     |               Parallel Ports    2
         DOS         |               Serial Ports      2
        Hints        |
         Exit        |                             Total       Available
                     |       Conventional Memory    640K         520K
                     |       Expanded Memory       4000K        1520K
                     |       Extended Memory       4096K           0K
   F1=Help F2=Print  |

   Hit the down-arrow key once (this will give you the First Meg/Overview
screen).  The box in the center of the screen will look as follows:

   You will see a screen similar to this:

    Memory Area   Size   Description
    0000 - 003F     1K   Interrupt Area
    0040 - 004F   0.3K   BIOS Data Area
    0050 - 006F   0.5K   System Data
    0070 - 0FB0    61K   DOS
    0FB1 - 21F8    73K   Program Area
    21F9 - 9FFF   504K   [Available]
    Conventional memory ends at 640K
    A000 - AFFF    64K   VGA Graphics
    B000 - B7FF    32K   Unused
    B800 - BFFF    32K   VGA Text
    C000 - C7FF    32K   Video ROM
    C800 - CFFF    32K   Unused
    D000 - DFFF    64K   Page Frame      <----------------------------|
    E000 - EFFF    64K   Unused                                       |
    F000 - FFFF    64K   System ROM                                   |
   Look for the Page Frame, we must use the QEMM parameter FRAME=  ---| to
emulate where the Page Frame is located when using the Microsoft drivers.
(Notice that the Page Frame above starts at D000)

   Hit the ESCAPE key twice to exit MANIFEST and perform the following 4
commands at the DOS prompt:
1) C:
2) CD\
3) RENAME CONFIG.SYS CONFIG.M  [Save the CONFIG.SYS w/Microsoft drivers]
4) COPY CONFIG.Q CONFIG.SYS    [Bring back the STEP-5 CONFIG.SYS       ]

   Add the following parameters to the end of the QEMM386.SYS line of your
             (XXXX is the starting memory area of the Page Frame when using
the Microsoft drivers on your machine.  In this EXAMPLE, FRAME=D000)

   The QEMM386.SYS line for this EXAMPLE now looks like:

   Reboot and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem still exists , then go to STEP D.
   ??? If the problem goes away, then go to STEP 8.

                                   (STEP 8)

                          CREATING HIGH-RAM FOR QEMM

   We have properly configured QEMM to work with Windows without High RAM. We
must add the RAM parameter to end of the QEMM386.SYS line in your CONFIG.SYS
to create High RAM.  Edit your CONFIG.SYS file and add RAM to the end of the

   Reboot your machine and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem re-occurs, then go to STEP 9.

   ??? If the problem does not occur, then proceed below:

   In STEP 5, we added the following parameters to the QEMM386.SYS line:
X=A000-C7FF X=F000-FFFF NO NS NT NCF NOSH.  We will attempt to recover
some/all of the HIGH-Ram which we eXcluded.  Edit the
DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS... line of the CONFIG.SYS file and delete (ONE
parameter AT A TIME) the following 3 parameters: X=A000-C7FF, X=F000-FFFF,
NCF. If removing the X=A000-C7FF parameter does not cause the problem to re-
occur, then you don't need this parameter.  However if the problem does re-
occur, then the parameter needs to be kept.  Try this for the other 2

   ??? If the problem still doesn't occur and you WERE using the STealth
feature (ST:M or ST:F) from QEMM version 6.00 or greater, then go to STEP 10.
   ??? If the problem still doesn't occur and you WERE NOT using the STealth
feature (ST:M or ST:F) from QEMM version 6.00 or greater, then go to STEP E.

                                   (STEP 9)

                        ELIMINATING HIGH-RAM CONFLICTS

   It appears that there is a conflict between one of your adapters and QEMM. 
QEMM is not recognizing that your adapter is there and QEMM is mapping memory
on top of the adapter memory.  We must exclude all High RAM areas to test this
hypothesis and if indeed this is the case, we will systematically narrow down
what area really needs to be excluded!

   1) C:\QEMM\MFT.EXE    [type this at the DOS prompt to start MANIFEST]

      The following is an EXAMPLE of the first screen in MANIFEST:

        MANIFEST     |  Overview   CONFIG   AUTOEXEC   Adapters   CMOS
                     |               Processor         80386
       First Meg     |               Video Adapter     VGA
                     |               BIOS              Phoenix
       Expanded      |               BIOS Date         01/15/88
                     |               Coprocessor       None
       Extended      |               Keyboard          Enhanced
                     |               Parallel Ports    2
         DOS         |               Serial Ports      2
        Hints        |
         Exit        |                             Total       Available
                     |       Conventional Memory    640K         520K
                     |       Expanded Memory       4000K        1520K
                     |       Extended Memory       4096K           0K
   F1=Help F2=Print  |

   Hit the down-arrow key once (this will give you the First Meg/Overview
screen).  The box in the center of the screen will look as follows:

   You will see a screen similar to this:

    Memory Area   Size   Description
    0000 - 003F     1K   Interrupt Area
    0040 - 004F   0.3K   BIOS Data Area
    0050 - 006F   0.5K   System Data
    0070 - 0FB0    61K   DOS
    0FB1 - 21F8    73K   Program Area
    21F9 - 9FFF   504K   [Available]
    Conventional memory ends at 640K
    A000 - AFFF    64K   VGA Graphics
    B000 - B7FF    32K   Unused
    B800 - BFFF    32K   VGA Text
    C000 - C7FF    32K   Video ROM
    C800 - CFFF    32K   High RAM      <------------|
    D000 - DFFF    64K   Page Frame                 |
    E000 - EFFF    64K   High RAM      <------------|
    F000 - FFFF    64K   System ROM                 |
   We want to eXclude all High RAM areas!    -------|

   We do this by using the EXCLUDE= (X=  for short) parameter to QEMM.  For
this example, we have two High RAM areas to exclude: from C800-CFFF and E000-
EFFF.  The corresponding parameters to ADD to end of the QEMM386.SYS line in
the CONFIG.SYS file would be:
   X=C800-CFFF X=E000-EFFF

   Add as many X= parameters as needed to your CONFIG.SYS to exclude as many
High RAM areas that your machine has.

   - - -
   Also consider the following:

   Do you have a SCSI hard-disk controller and/or a bus-mastering device? If
so, perform the following:

   Locate the DOS driver SMARTDRV.SYS (could be in your C:\DOS , C:\WINDOWS,
C:\ directory) and add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file:

   reboot your machine and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem occurs, then go to STEP D.

   ??? if the problem goes away, then we know there was a memory conflict and
we should now try to narrow down which address range in High RAM has been
causing the conflict.  This will allow you to get back as much High-RAM as

   Usually when there is a conflict in memory, there is a 16K area that needs
to be excluded and we should now narrow down the eXclusion of High-RAM areas
in question.
   EXAMPLE:  We have excluded C800-CFFF which is a 32K area and E000-EFFF
which is a 64K area.  These numbers are in Hexidecimal (base 16) and may
confuse you!  (You can access a technical-note on Hexidecimal numbers by
calling our Q/FAX line @ 310-314-3214 to download technical-note number 190 to
your own fax machine)  These 2 areas comprise of 6 different 16K areas (C800-
CBFF, CC00-CFFF, E000-E3FF, E400-E7FF, E800-EBFF, EC00-EFFF).  To narrow down
the area, we would use the X= parameter, trying all six combination, one at a
time!  More than likely, five out of the six combinations will cause the
problem to occur, but one out of the six will resolve the problem.

   ??? When you have determined which area needed to be excluded, and you WERE
using the STealth feature (ST:M or ST:F) from QEMM version 6.00 or greater,
then go to STEP 10.

   ??? When you have determined which area needed to be excluded, and you WERE
NOT using the STealth feature (ST:M or ST:F) from QEMM version 6.00 or
greater, then go to STEP E.

                                   (STEP 10)


   We have properly configured QEMM to work with Windows 3.0 with High RAM. We
must now add the STealth (and any STealth-related) parameter to the end of the
QEMM386.SYS line in your CONFIG.SYS to enable STealth.  Edit your CONFIG.SYS
file and add ST:M or ST:F (and any STealth-related parameter that was
ORIGINALLY on your QEMM386.SYS line) to the end of the QEMM386.SYS line:

    DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS ... RAM ST:x  [other STealth parameters???].

   Reboot your machine and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem still doesn't occur, then go to STEP E.

   ??? If the problem does re-occur, then your Windows 3.0 problem is due to a
conflict with QEMM's STealth feature.  NOW, the next step FOR YOU is to leave
this technical note (for now) and get the technote STEALTH.TEC to resolve the
STealth conflict.

   The STEALTH.TEC technical-note is available:

   1) On Compuserve [GO PCVENB, Library 1].  Download STEALT.ZIP.
   2) On Genie [IBM PC Roundtable Software Library 9].  Download
   3) On the Quarterdeck BBS [310-314-3227].  Download STEALTH.TEC.
   4) On the Quarterdeck Q/FAX [310-314-3214].  Download FAX# 205 ( Q/FAX will
automatically fax this back to your fax machine instantly!).
   5) Call Quarterdeck Technical Support [310-392-2701] & we will gladly
fax/mail it to you.

   Once you have resolved the STealth-related problem with the current
   CONFIG.SYS, then go to STEP E.
                                  (STEP - A)

   You have an older version of QEMM-386 which does not support Windows 3.0
and may contact the Quarterdeck Upgrade Department at (800) 354-3222 or (310)
314-3222 for upgrade requests.  Please note that we will upgrade your QEMM-386
to the most recent version ONLY if you have already registered your product!

                                  (STEP - B)
   Standard mode is not supported for Windows 3.0a with QEMM-386 version 5.11;
you may contact the Quarterdeck Upgrade Department at (800) 354-3222 or (310)
314-3222 for upgrade requests.  HOWEVER, we do have a patch called WIN300A.PAT
which will modify your existing QEMM-386 files to work around the problem
(WIN300A.PAT can be accessed on our BBS [310-314-3227], on Compuserve [GO
PCVENB , Library 1], on Genie [IBM PC Roundtable Software Library 9] as
WIN300A.TXT, or we can fax/mail you this patch when you call technical
support).  Please note that this patch should only be considered a temporary
work-around until your upgrade arrives!

                                  (STEP - C)

   You have QEMM version 6.00 and there is a known conflict with QEMM and
Windows 3.0 when either 1) you are using an application in Windows which uses
EMS (expanded memory) or 2) you are loading a device driver or TSR which
accesses EMS before entering Windows.

   Under these circumstances, you will need to upgrade to a QEMM version of
6.01 or greater and may contact the Quarterdeck Upgrade Department at (800)
354-3222 or (310) 314-3222 for upgrade requests.

   If neither Windows nor any loaded drivers are accessing EMS, then upgrading
WILL NOT RESOLVE your Windows problem.  If this is the case, please go back to
STEP 4 and continue with this technote!

   PLEASE NOTE: If you are not sure if Windows or any loaded driver is
accessing EMS, do not automatically assume that upgrading will resolve your
problem.  Follow the rest of this technote anyways (because if EMS is not
causing the problem, you will waste time upgrading and still have the Windows
problem and will still have to continue with this technote!)

                                  (STEP - D)
   The problem you are having requires further troubleshooting techniques and
investigation.  Call our Technical Support line at (310) 392-9701 for further
assistance.  When you call, please have available the following files

   Your original CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files
   CONFIG.Q     (only if you have gone thru STEP 6)
   CONFIG.M     (only if you have gone thru STEP 7)

                                  (STEP - E)

   CONGRATULATIONS, you have successfully configured QEMM-386 and Windows 3.0
to work together!  Enter the following 6 commands at the DOS prompt:

   1) C:
   2) CD\
   5) COPY CONFIG.OLD CONFIG.SYS         [Bring back your original file]
   6) COPY AUTOEXEC.OLD AUTOEXEC.BAT     [Bring back your original file]

   Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and replace the original QEMM386.SYS line with the
one you have created by using this technical note (now in CONFIG.Q) and make
sure FILES= to at least 40!

   Reboot the machine and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem is still no longer occurring, the problem is solved.
       HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!

   ??? If the problem now occurs, then we know that there is a command line
either in your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT that has been causing the problem
with Windows.  To determine which file the command line is in, we will bring
back the AUTOEXEC.BAT (Path and Prompt) that we previously created in STEP 5:

   Enter the following 4 commands at the DOS prompt:

   1) C:
   2) CD\

   Reboot your machine and try to re-create the problem in Windows.

   ??? If the problem still exists, than we know that the command line which
is giving us problems is located in the CONFIG.SYS file and if the problem
goes away, the command line is in the original AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

   Now you must systematically determine which command line is giving you
trouble!  Try deleting one line at a time (if you have a long CONFIG.SYS or
AUTOEXEC.BAT file try deleting 2-3 lines at a time) until you find out which
line is causing the problem.

   When you finally determine which line is causing the problem:

   1) If the device driver or TSR is loaded into High-RAM, use the procedure
in STEP 4 to load it low and see if this corrects the problem.
   2) Read the manual or call the technical support of the product which you
are loading to determine where the problem might lie.
   3) If a TSR or device driver has a parameter that tells it to load/use XMS
or EMS, then have it load/use conventional memory instead.
   4) Call Quarterdeck Technical Support to determine DOS command problems.

               Copyright (C) 1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
                     * * *   E N D   O F   F I L E   * * *


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