Starbase+ v2.0

Starbase+ v2.0 Shareware
for VGA Planets 3.5

Copyright (C) 1995-1996  Dave Killingsworth - All Rights Reserved


Starbase+ is an add-on utility for VGA Planets 3.5 that
takes advantage of the AUXHOST features found in HOST 3.20.  This
add-on provides starbases with more inherent abilities.

Several new friendly codes are introduced with this program. 
They ARE case sensitive and are as follows:

Minefield Fcodes:
SMF -   Sweep Minefield         MSC -   Scoop Up Minefield
LMF -   Lay Minefield             LWF -   Lay Web Mine Field

Component Transport Codes:
GEn -   Get Engine Slot (n) (n = 1-9)
GBn -   Get Beam Slot (n) (n = 0-9)
GTn -   Get Torp Launcher Slot (n)  (n = 0-9)
UEn -   Unload Engine Slot (n) (n = 1-9)
UBn -   Unload Beam Slot (n) (n = 0-9)
UTn -   Unload Torp Launcher Slot (n)  (n = 0-9)
UAP -   Unload All Parts     (note 0 = 10)

Table 1.1
  Engines (n) codes
1 = StarDrive One  2 = StarDrive 2   3 = StarDrive 3
4 = SuperStarDrive 4   5 = Nova Drive 5  6 = HeavyNova Drive 6
7 = Quantum Drive 7    8 = Hyper Drive 8   9 = Transwarp Drives

  Beams (n) codes
1 = Lasers    2 = X-ray lasers   3 = Plasma Bolt  4  = Blaster
5 = Positrom Beam    6 = Disruptor    7 = Heavy Blaster
8 = Phaser  9 = Heavy Disruptor   0 = Heavy Phaser

  Torp Launchers (n) codes
1 = Mark 1 Photon  2 = Proton Torp    3 = Mark 2 Photon
4 = Gamma Bomb  5 = Mark 3 Photon   6 = Mark 4 Photon
7 = Mark 5 Photon   8  = Mark 6 Photon  9 = Mark 7 Photon
0 = Mark 8 Photon


Starbase+ contains two programs:


Place these programs in the same directory that the HOST
normally runs from.  Starbase+ requires access to the VGA Planets
database (HULLSPEC.DAT, BEAMSPEC.DAT, etc) as well as the Host
database (SHIP.HST, XYPLAN.HST, etc.).

New Game Setup

Before Starbase+ can be used the configuration program
SPCONFIG.EXE, must be run.  SPCONFIG accepts one command line
parameter, the DOS path to the game directory.  For example; to
configure a new game in E:\PLANETS\NEWGAME type:


When SPCONFIG starts, a configuration dialog will be
displayed.  Notice that the DOS path provided on the command line
is displayed in the Path to Game Directory  edit box.


Default values are automatically provided.  Change them
to suit the requirements of the game.  Each value has valid ranges
and all changes must be within the valid ranges.

Select the OK button when all changes have been made.  The
following file will be written to the Game Directory:


After the configuration file is saved, a confirmation dialog
will be shown at which time, if YES is selected the Starbase+
database will be initialized.


The configuration program will create and update all necessary 
files needed  to run this program.  There is no need to manually edit
the AUXHOST?.BAT files.

Starbase Mine Sweeping

To cause the starbase to sweep mine (with beams or fighters)
you need to set the planets (the planet the starbase is orbiting) to
SMF.  This fcode will cause the starbase to use its beam weapons to
fire in random patterns and destroy mines.  The number of mines destroyed
is based on the Starbase+ config setting for beam sweep rate.  Number
of beams * beam tech squared * {SPCONFIG setting for beam sweep rate). 
This is a variable and independent setting for regular mines and web mines.

#mines destroyed = (Number of beams* beamslot squared) *(beam sweep rate)

Starbase fighters will automatically launch and sweep mines (if
this option is configured to be on).  The fighters sweep at the rate set
in the SPCONFIG program.  The Colonial race always have a 100 LY sweep
range.  The fighter range for the other races is based on the starbase's
tech levels.  To determine the sweep range you add Hull Tech, Engine Tech
and Beam Tech together.  Then you divide by 3 and multiply that result
by 10.  This will give you the fighter sweep range in LY.

Sweep Range = [ (Techs/3) *10]

The number of beams available for sweeping by the starbase is
determined by the following formula.

Number of beams = ( Starbase defenses) / 20]

The tech level of the beams is based on the beam tech level on
the Starbase.

The amount of mines swept by a starbase is determined as follows.

Mines Swept = (number of beams * Slot level of beams squared)* (sweep rate)

Gathering Mines With A Starbase

To gather up a  minefield with a starbase you need to meet several
criteria. The base must be with in the designated beam sweep range of a
minefield.  If they are they set the planets fcode to MSC.  This will
cause the Starbase to gather up all of the mine units in that field(s). 
It will convert them into the highest tech torpedo type available.  To
determine minefield to Torp yield you do the following equation.

Number of New Torps = ( mine units / Torp slot )

Laying Mines With The Starbase

Laying mines with a starbase is a all or nothing process.  To do
this you set the planets fcode to LMF and this will convert all of the
torpedo stock on the starbase into mine units.  The torpedoes convert
using the following formula to determine torpedo yield.  Note: LWF
will lay a web mine field if the base is a crystal starbase.

Mine unit yield = (Torp slot  * number of Torps)

Component Transportation

To transport a starship component you must be at a starbase. To
load a component you use a special friendly code. (see above).  The Gxx
Fcodes will get a component from the Starbase and place it on the ship. 
Each component will require a certain amount of space.  This space (in KT)
is determined in the SPCONFIG settings.  You can load a MDSF up to its
200 KT maximum weight limit.  You can not load more than one type of
component at a time.  You can only get components at your own starbase(s).

The program checks for available space on the ship before it loads
a component.  If there is not enough space the component will not be
loaded.  If you later try to load cargo on the ship and this act would
exceed the freighters weight capacity (including the component) the program
will trim off the excess cargo that was loaded.

To unload components you use the Uxx Fcodes (see above).  You can
unload at any starbase(s). Note: If a ship is captured in battle your enemy
with also get the components that were on that transport.  Also, if the
Tag Special Transportation is enabled all med. freighters carrying components
will have   "ST :"  added to the front of their ship name.

HOST Sequence
     AUXHOST 1
Load Starbase+
Beam Sweep
Fighter Sweep
Scoop Mine Fields
Lay Mine Fields
     AUXHOST 2
Load Starbase+
Transport Ship Components

for VGA Planets 3.5

Design:                 Dave Killingsworth & Dan Gale
Special Consulting:     Tim Wisseman, Conrad Lesnewski
Programming:            Dan Gale
Documentation:          Dave Killingsworth
BMP Artwork:            Kenneth Wisseman, Dan Gale

Copyright ( 1995 Dave Killingsworth  All Rights Reserved

SHAREWARE may be distributed freely.  But all copyrights
are still retained and all rights reserved.

VGA Planets is a trademark of Tim Wisseman

HOSTS----  You need to give a copy of this DOC file to  your players !!!
You also need to give them copies of all BMP files you find in the ZIP
file you got this program from.  Tell them that they need to place the
BMP files in the sub directory (labeled BMP) under their WINPLAN dirctory.
This will give them the BMP's they need to see the bmps linked to the
messagign system.


This is a shareware copy of this program.  It does not allow
you to move starship components of a tech level greater than tech 6.
And the fighter sweeping of the starbases is also disabled.

Registering the program will allow these function to be enabled.
Fighters will sweep and you can move up to tech 10 components.

Registration information is available in the ORDERFRM.ZIP file that
was included in this ZIP file.

Thank you for your interest.

Dave Killingsworth
Sysop Of Dan and Dave's BBS 916-345-6447
Co-sysop of Warp Speed and Tim Continuum

you can contact me at
or dan gale at:


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