How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1561
OS : All
DATE : September 1, 1993 PAGE : 1/7
TITLE : How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
This document describes the process of "booting clean" on IBM
PC's and compatible computers with DOS and/or windows. This
document assumes you have MS-DOS version 5.00 or higher.
"Booting Clean" is the process of changing your system
configuration to prevent device drivers, add-in and memory
resident programs from loading into memory and becoming active.
This process is useful when trying to identify bizarre behavior
and conflicts between other programs running on your computer.
DOS Configuration Files
Your system configuration is controlled primarily by two files-
AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. These files usually appear in the
root directory of your hard disk (C:\). However, this can be
changed by placing a "bootable" floppy disk in your first disk
drive (usually A:). See the "Making a Boot Disk" section of this
TI to learn how to make a floppy disk bootable.
Your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files are text files that can
be edited with any ASCII editor such as EDIT.COM (included with
DOS 5.0 and up). By editing these files, you can control your
computers system configuration.
The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is primarily used to load memory-resident
programs and drivers as well as setting DOS environment
variables. Popular memory-resident programs include
disk-caching software, mouse drivers and pop-up utilities like
SideKick[tm]. Perhaps the most popular DOS environment variable
is the PATH variable. This variable tells DOS what directories
to look in when it cannot find the file it is looking for in the
current directory. Most software packages need to modify this
setting in some way and your Borland product is no exception.
The CONFIG.SYS file is used to set low-level DOS settings such
as memory configuration, file/buffer settings and stack size. In
addition, system device drivers are loaded here as well. Popular
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1561
OS : All
DATE : September 1, 1993 PAGE : 2/7
TITLE : How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
drivers include hard disk drivers, disk compression utilities
(Stacker[tm]/Doublespace[tm]) and scanner drivers. Be sure to
look at the appropriate "Boot Clean" section below to find out
what changes you need to make.
Windows Configuration
If you are using a program that runs under Microsoft Windows,
then you may need to make changes to some Windows configuration
files in order to ensure a "clean system configuration" under
Windows. The two files you will need to examine are WIN.INI and
SYSTEM.INI. These files are located in the WINDOWS subdirectory
on your hard disk. The changes that you will need to make to
these files (if any) are outlined below. Keep in mind that you
will only need to modify WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI ONLY if you are
having difficulty running a program under Windows.
Making a Boot Disk
In order to prevent permanent damage to your system
configuration, we recommend that you make a bootable floppy disk
and place your system configuration files and drivers on this
disk. This way, if a mistake is made to your configuration files
and your computer hangs or will not boot correctly, simply
remove the disk from the floppy drive and reboot your computer.
Your computer will then boot from your hard disk, bypassing any
changes made on your bootable floppy.
In order to make a bootable floppy disk, follow the instructions
below: (Do not type the double quotes)
NOTE: These instructions assume that your hard disk is C: and
your DOS subdirectory appears on this disk. (Most cases)
1) Place a blank disk in drive A:
2) type "C:"
3) type "cd \dos" (go to your DOS subdirectory)
4) type "format a: /s" (format the disk)
5) type "BOOT DISK" for your volume label (format process)
6) Ensure that the format process completed correctly. If
not, obtain another disk and repeat steps 3 and 4.
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1561
OS : All
DATE : September 1, 1993 PAGE : 3/7
TITLE : How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
7) type "copy himem.sys a:"
8) type "copy a:"
9) type "copy qbasic.exe a:"
10) type "cd \" (go to your root directory of your boot disk)
11) type "copy a:"
At this point you now have a bootable floppy disk containing an
ASCII editor (EDIT.COM) and a high memory driver (HIMEM.SYS).
Using EDIT, ensure your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS look like
one of the configuration choices below. You will notice that in
each choice a "<Insert REQUIRED drivers here>" note will appear.
DO NOT TYPE THIS IN. Instead, place any driver or add-in program
that is REQUIRED to be loaded in order for your computer
operate. Examples of these include hard disk drivers, disk
compression programs, and compatibility patches. Note that
without these drivers, you will not be able to access your hard
disk, etc. These drivers are required. Note that mouse drivers,
network software (disk-less workstations excluded) and disk
caching programs are for convenience and/or enhancement, they
are NOT required and MUST not appear in your "boot clean"
configuration on your floppy disk.
For example, lets say that you have Stacker[tm] disk compression
software installed on your system and have a software patch
called FIXME.EXE that allows your system run DOS 5.0. Your
"normal" system configuration may look like this:
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1561
OS : All
DATE : September 1, 1993 PAGE : 4/7
TITLE : How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
Your "clean" system configuration should be exactly like one of
the choices below except that where the "<Insert REQUIRED
drivers here>" message appears, the lines:
should appear in your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files
Clean Configurations:
Note that these sample configurations assume you are using
standard Borland default directory names for Turbo C++. If you
did not use the default names or are using a different product
(eg: Borland C++), make sure you substitute the appropriate
directory name for TC\BIN in the path statement. For example if
you are using Borland C++ and not the assumed Turbo C++, then
your PATH statement should read:
Clean Configuration #1: DOS 5.0 and DOS 6.0 running Windows
1) Insert your "bootable floppy" in drive A:
2) type "A:"
3) At the A> prompt type "edit config.sys"
4) Type in the following:
<Insert required drivers here>
4) Exit the editor (Alt-F, then X, then Y)
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1561
OS : All
DATE : September 1, 1993 PAGE : 5/7
TITLE : How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
5) Type "edit autoexec.bat"
6) Type in the following:
<Insert REQUIRED drivers here>
7) Exit the editor (Alt-F, then X, then Y)
8) type "C:"
9) type "CD \WINDOWS"
10) type "copy win.ini win.bak"
11) type "copy system.ini system.bak"
10) type "edit win.ini"
11) Make sure that the "load=" and "run=" lines in your
WIN.INI file look like the following:
12) Exit the editor (Alt-F, then X, then Y)
13) type "edit system.ini"
14) Ensure that your "shell=" line in your SYSTEM.INI file
looks like the following:
15) Exit the editor (Alt-F, then X, then Y)
16) Make sure your "Bootable floppy" is in drive A: and
reboot your computer.
17) Attempt to run your Borland software. See the
"I have booted what?" section of this TI
for more information.
DOS 5.0 only
1) Insert your "bootable floppy" in drive A:
2) At the A> prompt type "edit config.sys"
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1561
OS : All
DATE : September 1, 1993 PAGE : 6/7
TITLE : How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
3) Type in the following:
<Insert required drivers here>
4) Exit the editor (Alt-F, then X, then Y)
5) Type "edit autoexec.bat"
6) Type in the following:
<Insert REQUIRED drivers here>
7) Exit the editor (Alt-F, then X, then Y)
8) Make sure your "Bootable floppy" is in drive A: and
reboot your computer.
9) Attempt to run your Borland software. See the
"I have booted what?" section of this TI
for more information.
DOS 6.0 only
Dos 6.0 allows you to bypass your system configuration without
editing any files by pressing the F5 key when rebooting your
computer. This is very convenient if you don't have any
REQUIRED drivers to load. If you do have required drivers, then
follow the DOS 5.0 procedure above. If not, then reboot your
computer, and as soon as you see the "Starting MS-DOS. . ."
message (try to predict it), press and hold the F5 key until you
get the message "Bypassing system files. . .". You may get a few
extra @ symbols and beeps. If this is the case, simply press
ENTER. Now attempt to run your Borland software.
I Have Booted Clean.... Now What?
At this point, you should have attempted to run your Borland
software product and you should not have experienced any
difficulty in doing so. If you did, then something else is
causing a conflict and you should contact Borland technical
PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1561
OS : All
DATE : September 1, 1993 PAGE : 7/7
TITLE : How to boot clean (under DOS and Windows)
support after completing this TI in its entirety.
More than likely, however, you probably did not experience a
problem. If this is the case, then you are experiencing a
conflict with another add-in program and/or driver. In order to
determine what exact program or driver this is, you should copy
the contents of your original system configuration files,
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to your "bootable floppy" one line
at a time until you can isolate which program(s) is causing the
problem. Make sure you do the same procedure with your Windows
configuration files SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI if appropriate.
Once you have identified the conflicting program(s), contact the
manufacturer of the program to ensure it is the newest release.
Most issues can be resolved by using the newest version of the
driver or add-in software. This is especially true with mouse
Final Notes
At this point you should have a pretty good idea what is causing
the difficulty you were experiencing. Until you resolve the
issue, you will probably want to revert back to your original
system configuration. This is easy since you made a bootable
floppy. Simply remove the floppy from the floppy drive and
restore your windows configuration (if applicable) by following
these instructions:
1) type "C:"
2) type "CD \WINDOWS"
3) type "copy windows.bak windows.ini"
4) type "copy system.bak system.ini"
Reboot your computer. You have now restored your original system
DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information
subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that
you received with the Borland product to which this information
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