Future Culture 1993

 From ahawks@nyx.cs.du.edu Wed Mar 10 13:21:51 1993

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                                 f  a  q


"I Feel These Wires"

updated: March.10.1993


There is an on-line mailing list entitled FutureCulture that

accompanies this FAQ with real-time discussion of

cyberculture/new-edge/technoculture, etc.

Requests to join the FutureCulture E-list must be sent to:

future-request@nyx.cs.du.edu with subject 'send info' or 'help'


FutureCulture list maintainer and keeper of this FAQ:





While no article that attempts to document an entire emerging

subculture can be complete, I will do my best to give you enough

complete and accurate information to get you on your way to the future.   

This article will focus mainly on cyberpunk culture, rave culture,

industrial, po-mo, virtual reality, drugs, computer underground,

etc. Basically, the elements that make up the developing

techno-underground, the new edge, the technoculture.

Included in this article will be: suggested readings -- books,

magazines, zines, requisite authors, etc., BBSes devoted to relevant

topics, corporations and merchandise geared toward the techno-aware,

Internet e-mail addresses for relevant figure-heads in this area,

suggested music and movies/videos, FTP sites, etc. 

I will do my best to update this article every so often, as the

techno-underground is not stagnant and is always shifting and changing

and moving forward.  If you have any complaints/comments/suggestions/

errors or just want to send someone mail, write to me on the Internet

at ahawks@nyx.cs.du.edu.  I also welcome addition requests and such -

feel free to say "hey man, add blah-blah to the list!" 


We are the music makers.  And we are the dreamers of the dreams.

                                :::::Wille Wonka

The cyberpunks did not originate their vision, but picked up bits and 

pieces of what was actually coming true, and fed it back to the

readers who were already living in Gibson's Sprawl, whether they knew

it or not.

                                ::::::Steve Brown

Information wants to be free.  Believe it, pal.

                                ::::::Bruce Sterling 

If only you could see what I've seen through your eyes

                                ::::::Blade Runner 

We've discovered Cyberotica!!!!!

                                ::::::The Shamen at a Rave with 

                                      RU Sirius 

The techno-underground is a direct descendant of the hippy revolution.

                                ::::::Select Magazine (April .92)

Cyberpunks use all available data input to think for themselves.

                                ::::::Timothy Leary

Thus the most repressed sector of society acquires a paradoxical

power through the myth of its occult and knowledge." [Hakim Bey].

Gibson & Burroughs & Lewis Shriner & Norman Spinrad & Bruce Sterling

created the perfect term -- CYBERPUNK!  The odd occult shadow still

haunts" the civilized, industrial culture.  Here is the marvelous

paradox of VR/Cyberpunk: Big high-tech firms fighting the myth of

"electronic LSD." Jaron Lanier as wizard with dreadlocks! Eric

Gullichsen - student of Crowley! Mondo 2000! Gibson and his data


                                 ::::::Timothy Leary

Cyberpunk is really about the present.

                                 ::::::Rudy Rucker


                                                         |              |

                                                         |   Contents:  |


::::: * Part 1


futureculture list info



cultural literacy

magazines (hardcopy)

electronic zines and digests


::::: * Part 2

usenet newsgroups

who's who of the net

internet bbses and services

irc channels




::::: * Part 3








                                                 |                      |

                                                 |   Cultural Literacy  |


Agrippa: A Book of the Dead - A collaboration between author [William 

        Gibson], publisher Kevin Begos Jr, and artist Dennis Ashbaugh.  

        This art-work contains engravings by Ashbaugh which appear or 

        disappear in light and an on-disk semi-autobiographical poem

        by [William Gibson] which is unreadable after having been read

        once.  Agrippa is notable because in many respects it blurs

        the lines about what art is, and adds fuel to the fire on

        issues of property rights and intellectual property.  A 

        highlight of 1992 was the release of Gibson's poem on to the


Artificial Life - man-made systems that exhibit characteristics

        associated with the concept of "life".

Artificial Reality - similar to [virtual reality], but more

        interactive, with the participant being part of, not just

        experiencing, the artificial environment.

BBSes - electronic Bulletin Board Systems.  Begun in the late 70's, a

        form of [virtual community] existing in [cyberspace] where

        participants (usually using aliases) may send and receive

        public and private messages to each other on any topic

        imaginable, transfer software (copyrighted and/or public

        domain), play on-line games, etc.  There is the "over-ground"

        BBS world where aliases are less common and illegal activities

        are avoided in discussion, and the [{computer} underground]

        where illegal activities and discussions are very common,

        members use aliases, and illegal information and/or software

        is exchanged.


Boxing - A variety of electronic devices used to aid in [phreaking].

        The original was the blue box, used from the mid 60's to the

        mid 80's, which allowed long distance phone calls to be made

        for free.  A variety of other similar instruments

        accomplishing different tasks have been developed, some

        purely comical, some quite practical.


CC fraud - Credit Card or Calling Card fraud.  common in the

        [computer underground] community.


Chaos - Chaos is a state which garners a lot of respect in

        [cyberculture], to the point of being a [techno-pagan]

religion.  Many people are self-described Chaoticians.

Chaos Theory - science revolving around simplistic equations

        involving a large number of variables.  Gave rise to

        [fractals], a form of [cyberdelic] art.  For further info on

        the subject, James Gleick's "Chaos: Making a New Science" is



C0dez Doodz - Essentialy a [phreaker]'s version of [pirates].  People

        who seek out telco codes to be used to gain long distance (ld) 

        telephone calls without paying for them.  Scurge of the

        [computer underground]. 

Communitek - an informational technology that allows for a community

       to potentially develop in cyberspace.  For example, within the

       [net], [IRC] and e-mail are two communiteks.  

Computer Underground - "A group organized in secrecy, hidden behind

        aliases, to promote the free exchange of information

        regarding anything and everything including, but not limited

        to: computers, telephones, radios, chemicals, and ideas."

        (thanx to The Butler for this definition)

        The mainstay of communication for the computer underground is

        [cyberspace], more specifically [BBSes].  The computer

        underground is comprised of [hackers], [phreakers],

        [piraters], anarchists, and other [cyberpunks].


CP - see [cyberpunk].


Cryonics - The fringe science of freezing a person's head or whole

        body after death, in the hopes that in the future they may be

        revived and brought back to life.


Cyber- - A prefix taken from [cybernetics] generally used in popular

        culture to mean anything that is technologically oriented.


Cyberculture - Often used by media to denote aspects of "life as a

        [cyberpunk]".   Yet if we are to follow strict meaning,

cyberculture is more accurately defined as an

information-based culture.  

Cyberdeck - Term originated by [William Gibson] to refer to a

        computer used by [deck cowboys] that can connect to the



Cyberdelic - "Cyber-art".  Examples include [fractals],

        computer-generated pictures and/or music, [virtual worlds],



Cybernetics - The study of communication systems in living organisms

        and machines, the mathematical analysis of the flow of



Cyberpunk - Begun as a literary movement in the 80's, an off-shoot of

        normal science fiction.  Unique in that it generally occurs

        in the present or not so distant future, the characters are

        often considered "punks" (social deviants) and technology,

        (the cyber aspect), is prominent.  "Neuromancer" by [William

        Gibson], published in 1984, is considered by most to be the

        "bible" of cyberpunk.  Another prominent author is [Bruce

        Sterling], editor of another worthy cyberpunk collection,

        "Mirrorshades".  Other examples  of cyberpunk include Max

        Headroom (tv show) and Blade Runner (movie).  Cyberpunk is 

        special in that it has evolved from a purely literary movement

        to a realistic subculture.  Many "techno-punks" (ie:

        [hackers]) are considered cyberpunks.  Other contributing

        factors to the cyberpunk subculture include:  virtual reality,

        hallucinogenic and [nootropic] drugs, and industrial and punk

        music.  For an in-depth, detailed look at cyberpunk fiction

        and cyberpunk culture, "Storming the Reality Studio", ed. by

        Larry McCaffery is suggested.


Cyberspace - "The electronic frontier." A completely virtual

        environment: the sum total of all [BBSes], computer networks,

        and other [virtual communities].  Unique in that it is

        constantly being changed, exists only virtually, can be

        practically infinite in "size", communication occurs

        instantaneously world-wide - physical location is completely

        irrelevant most of the time.  Some include video and telephone

        transmissions as part of cyberspace.


Deck Cowboys - Futuristic version of a computer [hacker] or a

        modern-day [cyberpunk].


Electronic Frontier Foundation - (EFF).  Organization founded by

        Mitch Kapor (of Lotus fame) and John Perry Barlow (writer and

        Grateful Dead songwriter) to establish laws for [cyberspace]

        and apply the constitution to [virtual communities].


Flame - disagreement occuring in [cyberspace].  Common on [Usenet].

Fractals - Images created using [chaos theory].  A mish-mash of

        colors presented in a pattern that repeats itself many times

        over.  A popular type of fractal image is one created using

        the "Mandlebrot set".  Fractals are considered [cyberdelic]



Gibson, William - Considered by most to be the "father" of

        [cyberpunk], along with [Bruce Sterling].  His works include

        the infamous "Neuromancer", "Count Zero", "Mona Lisa

        Overdrive" (these 3 works are known as the [sprawl] series),

        "The Difference Engine" with which he was co-author with [Bruce

        Sterling], and "Burning Chrome" a collection of short

        stories.  Hist latest work is a poem in "[Agrippa: A Book of the

        Dead]".  Gibson says he will no longer be writing the "classic"

        [cyberpunk] novels he is famous for.  His next work is entitled

        "Virtual Light" and is futuristic fiction.


Global Village - Famous phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan,

        exemplifiede by the [net].

Gnow - To really know something, word should probably not be used

        lightly.  E.g.:  I quickly knew how to use the [net], now I am

trying to *gnow* the [net].  

Grep - search, or scan.

Grok - Word with roots in [Shaman]ism that is akin to [gnow], and

        implies a thurough and complete holistic understanding.  

Hacker - 60's (1st) generation (orig. MIT):  one who tinkers with

        software, electronics, computer hardware, etc.  80's (2nd)

        [WarGames] generation:  one who enters computer systems

        without permission with either malicious or non-malicious

        intent, to gain, alter, or destroy information (labelled as

        [crackers] by the 60's generation).  90's (3rd) generation:

        often called [cyberpunks], mostly non-malicious [crackers]

        interested in information for the sake of information, and

        not hacking for the sake of the hack - sometimes calling

        themselves "information liberators", they have re-adopted

        more of the original hacker ethic of the 60's which states

        mainly "all information should be free", "access to computers

        should be unlimited and total" and "promote decentralization".

        This new, 3rd generation is commonly associated with the

        computer underground, despite its mostly non-malicious intent. 


Industrial - A subculture revolving around industrial music, a

        collection of mostly electronically created sounds and

        samples that results in a fierce explosion of sound labelled

        by many as "the new punk".  This subculture is generally

        anti-political, anti-aesthetic in nature.


Infonomics - The idea of an econmoy based on information, which

        obviously holds many different properties from our current

state of the world.

Internet - A large and very popular world-wide computer network

        begun by the Defense Department in the 60's that connects

        educational institutions, corporations, organizations, and

        military and government installations around the globe. 

        Some organizations exist that offer access to the Internet to

        the general public for an hourly/monthly/yearly fee.  See the

        "BBSes" section of this article for more info, particularly

        those BBSes listed with "public access unix" next to them.  

        Suggested are places like the [WELL], [MindVox], Nyx (which is 

        free of cost), NetCom, etc.  Many Internet users partake in

        reading and contributing to [Usenet], playing [MUD]s, FTPing

        text files and programs free of charge at the various FTP 

        sites, and 'telnet'ing to other Internet sites.  Because of

        its accessibility at a relatively low cost, size (the largest

        computer network in the world), connectivity, and infinite

        amounts of information, many network users prefer the Internet

        to such services as CompuServe (often called Compu$erve on 

        the Internet) or Prodigy (which is more restricting in its

        content).  The Internet has something to offer for everyone.  

        Other portions of this file such as the suggested newsgroups

        list, list of FTP sites, and list of 'telnet'able services and

        sites, should be very helpful to the new Internet user.  Once

        you gain access to the Internet, it is suggested that you read

        the 'news.announce.newusers' and 'news.newusers.questions'

        and 'news.answers' newsgroups on [Usenet].  You might also want 

        to read the file 'NixPub: Listing of Public Access Unix sites' 

        to find an Internet dial-up (BBS/Service) in your area.

IRC - [Internet] Relay Chat.  Realtime communication forums between

        [Internet] users all over the world.

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network.  A [communitek] hopefully

        coming soon to a house near you, basically it will greatly

expand the potential for information comming into your house,

such as having 700 cable TV channels, interactive realtime

video-phones, and far off in the future possible even realtime

networked interactive 3d [virtual reality]. 

Legion of Doom - (LoD).  A legendary group of [hackers] from the

        [computer underground].  When they disbanded, some members

        went on to form a computer security firm (ComSec), Loyd

        Blankenship wrote GURPS Cyberpunk for [Steve Jackson Games]

        and some ended up in jail from [Operation Sundevil].


Matrix - Term coined by William Gibson which refers to the consensual

        hallucination of [cyberspace].


Meme - An "agent of communicative resonance", or mroe simply, "an info

        virus".  Memetics is the study and theories behind the root

structures of information itself.  

MindVox - A [virtual community] in [cyberspace], also a [BBS]

        connected to the [Internet].  A nexus of the [computer

        underground] and [cyberpunk] and [virtual reality] begun by

        Phantom Access Technologies, former members of the [Legion of

        Doom].  See also the [WELL]


Mirrorshades - A very important collection of [cyberpunk] fiction by 

        various authors, most of whom are labelled as the [mirrorshades

        group].  This book is edited by [Bruce Sterling] and should be

        available in most bookstores.

Mirrorshades Group - Original collection of [cp] authors which

        includes William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Tom Maddox, Lewis

        Shiner, John Shirley, SF Eye magazine editor Steve Brown,

        Rudy Rucker, Pat Cadigan, and others.


Mondo 2000 - Very popular [cyberpunk] and [new edge] magazine.

        Subscription information is available elsewhere in this file. 


MUD - Multi-User Domain, Multi-User Dungeon, or Multi-User Dimension.

        MUDs are multi-user role-playing-games of sorts that exist on 

        the [Internet] for entertainment purposes.  MUDs are

        essentially text-based [virtual worlds] which players

        (participants) may explore, change, or add on to.  In some

        cases, the MUD is not actually a "game" with scores, player

        attributes, levels, etc., but some MUDs are set up this way.

        MUDs tend to be based around different science fiction genres

        such as fantasy, space, or even [cyberpunk].  Some MUD

        environments have no defining characteristics.

Nanotechnology - the science of "micro-machines".  Small gears or

        other machines seen only by a microscope, that can be used in

        areas such as medicine and health, art, and other



Net - A computer network.  Often used to mean the [Internet] when

        referred to as "the net".


Netrip - Many similarities exist in some people's minds between

        psychedelic drugs and the [net], and a netrip is the state of 

litterally getting "high" off the net, accompanied by

distortions in space and time, a [gnow]ledge of the net

itself, an intense desire to communicate your subconcious to

the rest of the [net], etc.  

Netrunner - see [hacker].


New Edge - Fringe culture and fringe science, mostly techno-oriented,

        and very popular in Southern California.  [Mondo 2000] is a

        magazine devoted to the new edge.


Nootropics - A new science revolving around drugs used to increase

        intelligence, aid in memory, enhance brain activity, etc.

        Touted as a fad by some, others claim that use of nootropics

        actually work.  See also [SmartDrinks]. 


Operation Sundevil - Secret Service operation begun in 1990 intended 

        to destroy the [computer underground] by confiscating [BBSes] 

        and detaining [hackers].


Phrack - An important magazine existing only in [cyberspace], of

        interest to the [computer underground].  It's founder, Craig

        Neidorf, now works for the [Electronic Frontier Foundation].


Phreaker - [Hacking] the phone system.  Usually meaning to get phone

        calls for free, whether by [boxing] or [cc fraud].  Individual

        phreakers are called phreaks.


Pirate - One who copies software illegally.  Commonly associated with 

        the [computer underground].  Although commonplace, pirates

        are looked down upon as with [codez d00dz].

Post-industrial - The state of the world, including megacorp

        [zaibatsu]s, an evolving [infonomics], etc.

Post-modern - Literary, artistic, cultural, and philosophical

        movement revolving around the [post-industrial] world in which

        we live, and the unique aspects of the trends of modern



Raves - A subculture revolving around all-night dance parties.

        Typically, the parties are generally illegal and thus a

        complex process is involved to find out where they are

        located.  Rave music is generally [techno], the parties

        usually include 1 or more DJs.  Also present in many cases are

        "chill out rooms" which feature more ambient music.  Lasers,

        blaring music, [cyberdelic] images, [SmartDrinks] and drugs

        (most often MDMA {X, XTC, Ecstacy, E}, LSD {acid}, ketamine,

        or nootropics) are all general contributors to the rave

        experience.  Raves are usually held in warehouses, and last

        until the next morning.  Another large part of rave culture is

        the flyers - used to find out where your next  party will be.

        Raves are meant to be very happy events, everyone ideally

        should be open and free, laying aggressions and inhibitions

        aside for the night.  Some have likened the rave experience

        to "a weekly roving [techno-]woodstock for the 90's."  Rave

        fashion includes over-sized baggy t-shirts and pants, hooded

        sweat-shirts, ski caps, and usually bright colors, as well as 

        accessories such as whistles, Cat In The Hat hats, "doctor"

        masks, VapoRub, etc.


Shaman - An overused word that in ancient and modern cultures implies

        one who is a wise medicine man or healer, with a keen

understanding of the ways of things.  Used increasingly in

modern culture, especialy in conjunction with


Slipstream - Term used to denote cyberpunk fiction, particularly

        pre-1984 fictional works that have been influential to the

        [mirrorshades group] or that closely resemble cyberpunk, but

        are sometimes outside of the sf genre.  An example would be

        William S. Burroughs. 


SmartDrugs - [nootropics].


SmartDrinks - Similar to SmartDrugs, or [nootropics], the intent of

        these substances, loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino

        acids, and other healthy substances, is to aid in brain

        functioning.  Smart Drinks are most often consumed at

        [raves], thus, the purpose of some smart drinks is to

        "energize" the drinker, not to make them smarter.


Sprawl - Word used by [William Gibson] to mean large mega-cities, and

        places where different cities collide.  Southern California

        and New York City might be early examples of the sprawl. This

        word is used often in modern times as "urban sprawl".


Steve Jackson Games - RPG manufacturers which have played a key role

        in the evolution of [cyberpunk] and the [computer

        underground].  Operators of the Illuminati BBS and makers of 

        GURPS Cyberpunk, an RPG guide written by Loyd Blankenship, a

        member of the [Legion of Doom].


Sterling, Bruce - considered by most to be the "co-founder" of

        [cyberpunk] along with [William Gibson].  He is the editor of

        "Mirrorshades: A cyberpunk anthology", which is considered

        the quintessential collection of [cp] works by the

        [mirrorshades group].  Some of his other works include

        "Islands in the Net", "Schismatrix", "Involution

        Ocean", "The Artificial Kid", "The Difference Engine" which

        he co-authored with [Gibson] and "The Hacker Crackdown" a

        non-fiction account of the [computer underground] and

        [Operation Sundevil], including the [Electronic Frontier

        Foundation], [Phrack], the [Legion of Doom], [Steve Jackson

        Games], etc. 


Social Engineering - Technique often by which [hackers] or [crackers] 

        acquire information, such as names and passwords.  Essential

        a modern-day con, often conducted via phone conversations,

        such as portraying onesself as a telco employee.

Techno- - prefix similar to cyber-, referring to anything which has

        its roots in current or futuristic technology.


Techno - type of music made almost entirely with the help of

        computers, revolving around a fast-paced drum beat (as high 

        as 160 BPM), sampling, and synthesizers.


Technoculture - The idea of a culture with a strong foundation rooted

        in technology. Often used loosely in association with

[cyberculture] and [new edge].

Techno-paganism - Literally the worshipping of technology.  Many

        people *believe* that, for example, the [net] has some magic

or is a sentient entity in itself, or that technology can be

an agent of evolution. 

Teledildonics - Virtual sex in a [virtual environment].  Term often

        used by the [new edge] community.


2600 - A popular hardcopy magazine devoted to the [computer

        underground].  Subscription information is obtained elsewhere

        in this file. 

Usenet - A collection of "newsgroups" on the [Internet], in which  

        [Internet] users may post or read messages on almost any

        subject imaginable.  The topics of discussion are divided up

        into the individual newsgroups, which total about 2000 on

        average.  Usenet is divided into various large sections,

        including the 'alt'ernative newsgroups, the 'comp'uter

        newsgroups, the 'sci'ence newsgroups and the 'talk'

        newsgroups, among others.  A suggested list of newsgroups is

        contained in this file.  Some groups are moderated, while most

        remain completely uncensored.  Usenet is often referred to as

Abusenet for it's all-too familiar [flames] and appearance of

perpetual [chaos].

Virtual Community - any group or gathering that exists in

        [cyberspace].  This could be a [BBS], a [hacking] group, a

        [net], or even a [zaibatsu].


Virtual Culture - the collection of [virtual communities], and the

        cultural aspects unique to those communities.


Virtual Environment - a [virtual world].


Virtual Reality - a consensual hallucination of a world existing only

        in [cyberspace].  Modern day virtual reality uses helmets,

        gloves, and body suits to create such a world, which is first

        created on a computer and connected to the vr devices.

        The goal of virtual reality is to generate a completely

        alternate reality.  Research in vr includes networking

        people, so spacial limitations are meaningless.  The

        possibilities of vr-generated environments are as limitless

        as the imagination.


Virtual World - a world existing in [cyberspace] created and used

        with [virtual reality] technologies.


VMB - (Voice MailBox).  Used (often illegally) by [phreaks] as a 

        means of communication.

WELL - The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link.  An important gridpoint in

        the [matrix], a [virtual community] in [cyberspace], also a

        [BBS] connected to the [Internet].  A group concerned mostly

        with [cyberpunk], [virtual reality], [nootropics], and other

        aspects of the [new edge].


Wirehead - a hardware [hacker].

Zaibatsu - Japanese term used a lot by [William Gibson] that means a

        large mega-corporation, such as Sony for example.


                                                         |              |

                                                         |   Magazines: |


Albert Hofmann Foundation Newsletter

The Albert Hofmann Foundation

1341 Ocean Ave. Suite 300

Santa Monica, CA     90401


       -$30 for 4 issues


5970 S. Vivian St.

Littleton, CO   80127

303.973.6038 (voice)

303.973.4222 (bbs/data)

303.973.3731 (fax)

       -BBSing articles/lists/info

       -$4 an issue

Black Ice

P.O. Box 1069

Brighton  BN2 4YT, England

  -British cp/sf zine

Body Art

Last Gap Distributors

PO Box 410067

San Francisco, CA     94141


       -body art magazine, tatoos and such

       -back issues $16.50-$21.45 ppd.


PO Box 18432

Boulder, CO   80308

       -cyberpunk zine

       -$4 an issue, $14 for 4 issues

Communications of the ACM

(Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.)

1515 Broadway

NY, NY  10036


       -the Internet, networks, ACM news, etc.

       -$75 membership dues includes a $30 subscription to CACM

Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction

Heldref Publications

1319 Eighteenth St. NW

Washington, DC   20036-1802


        -Spring 92 is all about cp, vr, cybernetics, etc.


Cryonics Magazine


12327 Doherty St.

Riverside, CA     92503


        -$10 for 12 issues

CyberEdge Journal

928 Greenhill Road

Mill Valley, CA 94941

415.383.2458 (voice)

415.389.0251 (fax)


       -covers vr and related topics

       -$129 for 6 issues



PO Box 64

Brewster, NY   10509

       -hacking, cyberpunks, technology, culture

       -$10 a year

Disco Family Plan

DJ ESP Woody McBride

1205 S. 7th St. #8

Minneapolis, MN   55415


       -rave zine

Edge Detector

PO Box 36, Station H

Montreal, Quebec

Canada H3G 2KS


Box 833

London NW 6


       -psychedelic experience and lifestyle

       -15 pounds 4 issues


EXTROPY: The Journal of Trans-humanist Thought

PO Box 57306

Los Angeles, CA 90057-0306

       -$9 two issues (one year)


Seth Friedman

PO Box 170099

San Francisco CA  94117-0099

       -independently-oriented reviewers of the culture 

       -1 issue $4, 6 issues $20 (or more)

FAD Magazine

PO Box 420-656

San Francisco, CA     94142

       -Bay-Area fashion, art, music, style rag

       -look for issue #26, Spring 92, the Cyber issue

       -$14.95 for 6 issues




       -magazine described as "Mondo 2000 without the gloss"

       -email for info


PO Box 1288

Gerrard's Cross

Bucks SL9 0AN



       -4.5 pounds per issue

Full Disclosure

Box 903

Libertyville, IL 60048    

BBS - 708.838.4201

       -technology, legal info., etc.


pb 22953, 1100 DL

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


ropg@ooc.uva.nl (Internet)

       -published near that hotbed of hackers in holland/amsterdam

       -European counterpart to 2600

       -$2.30 US an issue

The HardCore

Scott Dorward

PO Box 1893

London  N9 8JT  36


       -L1.80 each

       -sf/cp zine


Interference on the Brain Screen

Patrick Clark

PO Box 2761

St. Paul  MN 55102.

       -$2.00 each

       -sf zine



Steve Steinberg

325 Ellwood Beach #3

Goleta, CA   93117


       -hacking, cyberspace, interviews, designer drugs, cryonics, etc.

       -$4 an issue 


124 Osborne Road

Brighton, BN1 6LU


       -science-fiction zine

       -$22 for 6 issues

Iron Feather Journal

PO Box 1905

Boulder, CO   80306-1905


       -hacking, anarchy, techno-phun, underground info, raves, activism

       -$2 an issue

Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction magazine

PO Box 7058

Red Oak, IA    51591-2058

       -$34.95 for 13 issues

The Journal of Complex Systems

PO Box 6149

Champaign, IL   61826

       -cellular automata, $50 / year min.

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

PO Box 56

Cornwall, CT    06753

       -$26 for 12 issues

Mondo 2000

PO Box 10171

Berkeley, CA    94709

415.845.9018 (phone)

415.649.9630 (fax)



       -your guide to all things cyberpunk and some things not 

       -$24 for 5 issues (published quarterly)

Nootropic News

PO Box 175E

Camrillo, CA, USA 93011.

       -$10 for newsletter and order forms

Pixel:  The Magazine of Scientific Visualization

245 Henry St. H2G

Brooklyn, NY     11201-9889


       -$21, 6 issue

Pixel Vision

Box 1138

Madison Square Station, NY     10159

       -$35 / year

Robot Experimenter

PO Box 458

Peterborough, NH     03458-0458

       -$24 for 12 issues

Science Fiction Eye

PO Box 18539 

Asheville, NC   28814

       -sf/cp magazine, contains a regular article by Bruce Sterling

       -3 issues $10, 6 issues $18, back issues available

Science Fiction Studies

SF-TH Inc.

Arthur B. Evans

East College

DePauw University

Greencastle, IN  46135-0037

       -academic views of science fiction

       -$14 for 3 issues

Sector 9737

Tim Mayer

PO Box 782213

Witchita KS 67278.

       -sf/cp zine

       -$5.00 each


Sound Choice

Audio Evolution network

PO Box 1251

Ojai, CA     93023

       -electronic/punk/avant music mag

       -$12 for 6 issues

SOUND News and Arts

SOUND Publishing Inc

c/o Ed Stastny

PO BOX 31104

Omaha, NE  68132

       -covers a lot of areas

       -$1.50 or $2 for 3 or 4 copies



PO Box 20264

Louisville, KY   40250

       -hacking, anarchy, some political

       -operates Blitzkrieg BBS @ 502.499.8933

       -TAP-Online also available on some BBSes / FTP sites

Technology Works

PO Box 477

Placentla, CA   92670-0477

       -techno/industrial/cp fanzine



c/o McNair

65 Niddrie Road

Strathbungo, Glasgow G42 5PT

Scotland, United Kingdom

       -sf and slipstream journal



PO Box 752

Middle Island, NY   11953-0752

516.751.2600 (office)

516.751.2608 (fax)


       -the famous hacker's zine

       -subscriptions are $21 for 4 issues (published quarterly) 

       -back issues are $25 / year

Urb Magazine

4111 West Jefferson Blvd

Los Angeles CA 90116


       -CA-based dance/music/rave magazine

       -$25 / year 

US RAVE Magazine

601 N. Magnolia Ave

Orlando, Florida 32801

407.339.4507 (fax)

       -supposedly free

Verbum:  The Journal of Personal Computer Aesthetics

PO Box 12564

San Diego, CA     92112


619.233.9976 (fax)

       -$24 for 4 issues

Virus 23

Box 46

Red Deer, Alberta

T4N 5E7

Whole Earth Review

PO Box 38

Sausalito, CA   94966-9932

(Whole Earth runs The Well [Whole Earth Lectronic Link] - well.sf.ca.us)

       -combines new age, techno-culture, california fads, etc.

       -$20 year for subscriptions


544 Second St

San Francisco, CA    94107



       -$20 for 1 yr subscription, published bi-monthly

Zine Exchange

Gary Pattillo

5920 Victor Street

Dallas, TX   75214

       -send zines, get zines



                                     |                                  |

                                     |   E-Magazines/Articles/Digests   |


Accessguide to Intelligence/Parapolitics

by Jimmy Screw and Johnny Hardon

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -very cool file with tons of alternative information resources



ecst.csuchico.edu  /pub/geos/acidwarp.zip

        -much sought-after tripp-e grafix program

Across the Electronic Frontier

by Mitch kapor and John Perry Barlow

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/papers/across-electronic-frontier

        -explanation of EFF, goals


Activist Times Incorporated 


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/ati

       -political, hacking, anarchy

       -newsgroup alt.society.ati

Agrippa:  A Book of the Dead

by William Gibson

ftp.rahul.net /pub/atman/UTLCD-preview/assorted-text/agrippa.arj 


by Pat Kroupa

MindVox archives

AI Information

ftp uunet.uu.net ai

flash.bellcore.com /pub

gargoyle.uchicago.edu /pub

solaria.cc.gatech.edu /pub

Alcor information

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/alcor

       -an e-mail privacy suit

Alt.rave FAQ

soda.berkeley.edu /pub/sfraves

       -Brian B's excellent rave FAQ

Amiga Files


plains.nodak.edu /pub

ucsd.edu /pub


Anarchy List


       -discussion of all aspects of anarchy

Anarchy 'N' Explosives

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/ane

       -anarchy, phreaking

Anime Info

oinker.ucsb.edu /pub/anime

Anne Balsamo's Bibliography

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -very good gide to cyberspace, pomo, etc.


Apple II Files

archive.umich.edu /apple2

cobalt.cco.caltech.edu /pub/apple2

ftp.uu.net /systems/apple2

plains.nodak.edu /pub/apple2

tybalt.caltech.edu /pub/apple2

wuarchive.wustl.edu /systems/apple2

ArachNet:  E-Journal of Virtual Culture


        -message body:  SUB ARACHNET <firstname> <lastname>

        -journal of all aspects of on-line life

Arm The Spirit On-line (Autonome Forum)


red.css.itd.umich.edu /poli

ftp.css.itd.umich.edu /poli

        -header "ATS: e-mail request"

        -anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist e-magazine

Armadillo Culture


        -cool ezine



       -interfacing art and communicaion

       -usenet alt.artcom


Artificial Life


       -artificial life

AUtopia (Pirate Ship Utopia)


       -a floating technology-oriented commune

       -run by Jagwire X, cool ideas....

Avital Ronell Interview

ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu /pmc


Basic Networking

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/basic1.net



Baudy World of the Byte Bandit:

A Post-modernist Interpretation of the Computer Underground

by Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/baudy.world


Being In Nothingness

by John Perry Barlow




Beyond CyberPunk HyperCard Stack

archive.umich.edu /mac/hypercard/fun

ra.nrl.navy.mil /MacSciTech/programming/hypercard

scavengerhunt.rs.itd.umich.edu /mac/etc/demo

wuarchive.wustl.edu /mirrors3/archive.umich.edu/mac/hypercard/fun

BladeRunner FAQ

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/bootlegger

       -cracking, hacking



       -the DJ's e-list


ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -Bruce Sterling's articles from SF Eye magazine


Cellular Automata



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/chalisti

       -German hacking, associated with the Chaos Computer Club

       -written in German

Chatubo FAQ

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -FAQ file for alt.chatsubo


Chaos Computer Club Files

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/ccc

ftp.titania.mathematik.uni-ulm.de /info/CCC

        -written in German

Cheap Truth

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -zines by Bruce Sterling


Cheap Virtual Reality Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/virtual-worlds


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/china2.3

        -hacking, etc.

Church of Virtuality/Reality

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/scripture.*

Commercial Virtual Reality Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/virtual-worlds

Computers and Academic Freedom 

listserv@eff.org <add comp-academic-freedom-news>

       -computing freedom, mostly deals with college campuses

Computer Crime: Current Practices, Problems and Proposed Solutions

by Brian J. Peretti

ftp.eff.prg /pub/cud/papers/computer.crime


Computer Crime Laws

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/law

       -computer crime laws for almost every state

       -international laws as well


Computer Down-Underground Digest


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/cdugd

       -CUD for Australia, New Zealand

Computer Proffesionals for Social Responsibility

ftp.eff.org pub/cpsr


Computer Underground Digest 


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/cud


        -"USA Today" of Cyberspace and computer underground


Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems

by Dorothy E Denning

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/denning


The Constitution in Cyberspace

by Laurence Tribe @ CFP #1

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/const.in.cyberspace





       -fictional/essay e-zine


Corrupted Programmers International

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/cpi


Crime and Puzzlement

by John Perry Barlow

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/crime.puzzle


Crime and Puzzlement 2

by John Perry Barlow

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/papers/crime-and-puzzlement-2


Crime and Puzzlement & 2600

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/cp.2600




        -information theory and technologies




CryptoAnarchist Manifesto

soda.berkeley.edu /pub/cypherpunks

Cryptography Glossary

soda.berkeley.edu /pub/cypherpunks

Cult of the Dead Cow files

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/cdc

        -hacking, phreaking, anarchy, etc.

Cultural Information

ftp nic.funet.fi /pub/culture



       -sub cybsys-l full_name

Cyberpunk Archive

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -alt.cyberpunk and related archives maintained by Tim Oerting

Cyberpunk FAQ

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -Tim Oerting's excellent guide to cyberpunk

Cyberpunk RPGs


Cyberpunk: Terminal Chic

by Nathan Cobb

The Boston Globe

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk


Cyberspace Chronicle

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/cyberspace-1.1

       -hacking, cyberpunk

Cyberspace and the Legal Matrix: Laws or Confusion?

by Lance Rose

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/cyberspace

Cyberview 91

by Bruce Sterling

       -article by Sterling on a hackercon




       -public key encryption, remailers, e-privacy list

Cypherpunks Announcement List


       -lower volume

Dead Doll Humility

by Kathy Acker

ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu /pmc


Defense Data Network Blues

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/defense


listserv@cfrvm.bitnet  subscribe derrida full_name

Digital Free Press 


ftp.eff.org pub/cud/dfp

       -hacking, information, etc.


Digital Games Review


info@limbo.intuitive.com [body: 'help' and 'listall Digital.Games']

       -SNES, Sega, etc.


Drug Information

jyu.fi /pub/alt.drugs

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs

Ecstacy Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs

EFF History

by John Perry Barlow

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/historical/eff-history


EFF Information

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/about-eff


EFF Legal Case Summary

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/historical/legal-case-summary


EFF Mission Statement

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/mission-statement

EFF News (EFFector Online) 


EFF Press release (founding)

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/historical/founding-announcement


The EFF and Virtual Communities

by Mike Godwin

ftp.eff.org /pub/eff/papers/eff-and-virtual-communities



       -implications of e-text



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/electrix-001


Electropolis: Communication & Community on Internet Relay Chat

by Elizabeth M. Reid

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/electropolis


E-List Review Service

listserv@kentvm.kent.edu [sub libref-l your name]






       -nanotechnology, cryonics, anarcho-capitalist politics,

        technological extension of human intelligence and perception 

       -serious discussion from an informative perspective

       -the first two addresses are for realtime and digest versions,

        respectively, the third is for essays and longer posts of

interest only

Extropians (seperate from the above)

availablae on listserv as xtropy-l  [sub xtropy-l your name]

       -not run by the Extropy Institute


listserv@jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu <sub 4ad-l>

       -discussion of bands on the 4AD label

FactSheet Five - Electronic


ftp.msen.com /pub/newsletters/F5-E

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

src.doc.ic.ac.uk /literary/newsletters/f

       -the e- version of the famous zine


FBI Computer Systems

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/fbi.systems


FineArt Forum


<SUB FINE-ART your email address, first-name, last-name, and postal address>

     -arts on the net and elsewhere

FlashLife (CP RPGs)


Florida Raves



listserv@ubvm.bitnet <sub fnord-l>

       -philosophies of Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. Lilly, etc.


qurtz.rutgers.edu /pub/folklore

Freaker's Bureau International 


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/fbi

       -anarchy, hacking, cyberpunk

FringeWare, Inc.


       -Paco Xander Nathan's company

>From Crossbows to Cryptography:

Thwarting the State via Technology

The Extropy Institute

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk


Frontal Lobotomy




       -discussion of new edge, cyebrculture, technoculture.

       -home of this file!

       -'send info' in subject       

FutureCulture FAQ

future-request@nyx.cs.du.edu <subject: 'send faq'>

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/future

ftp.css.itd.umich.edu /poli/future.culture.d


ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

        -this file!

Future Technologies List


        -artificial intelligence, nanotech, etc.

General Hacking Info



        -good places to start

General Net Info






       -for the more anal stuff (RFCs, netinfo and the like)



       -discussion of artistic and progressive music

GIF Pictures (general archives)


apocalypse.engr.ucf.edu /pub/images

hubcap.clemson.edu /pub

solaria.cc.gatech.edu /pub

Giger FAQ

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

        -FAQ for noted "Alien[s|^3]" artist H. R. Giger



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/globe-1.x

       -hacking around the world, cyberpunk


listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu <sub grunge-l>

       -grunge music


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/hnet.1

       -hacking, published in Britain

Hacker's Unlimited

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/hun-1.2

       -hacking, phreaking

Hacking Away at Counterculture

by Andrew Ross

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu /pmc


High Weirdness by E-mail


ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

slopke.mlb.semi.harris.com pub

       -guide to some interesting sources of information on-line

The Human Evasion

by Celia Green

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/


Hypertext and Hypermedia: A Selected Bibliography

by Terence Harpold

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/


IBM Files


solaria.cc.gatech.edu /pub

ucselx.sdsu.edu /pub



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/inform

       -hacking, phreaking, computer underground, cyberpunk, etc.

The Inslaw Affair

ftp.eff.org pub/cud/papaers




ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/journals

Intro to the Computer Underground

by The Butler

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/intro

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Info


ftp.eff.org /pub/irc

cs.utk.edu /pub

speedy.cs.uiuc.edu /pub

The Jargon File

(same as The Hacker's Dictionary)

wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub

ftp.uu.net /doc

merit.edu /pub/doc

nic.funet.fi /pub/doc

pit-manager.mit.edu /pub


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/kcah.*

       -hacking, computer underground

Ketamine Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs

KLF/ORB List (Trancentral)


asylum.sf.ca.us /pub/klf

Legion of Doom/Hackers Technical Journals

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/lod

       -hacking, brought to you by the famous masters




ftp penguin.gatech.edu pub/leri

       -mailing list devoted to meta-programming, philosophy, expanding

        consciousness, etc.

Loopy (Qunatum Gravity & Knot Theory)

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/loopy

LSD Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs

Lunatic Fringe

Mac Files



slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/magick



irss.njit.edu /pub/manchester

       -bands from manchester, raving, shoegazing, etc.

Manual of the Anarchist

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/anarch.man

Marijuana Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs

Maryland/DC Raves


SUBscribe DCRAVES <your name here>

Memetic Lexicon

by Glenn Grant

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -essay on memetics

Memetics:  The Nascent Science of Ideas and Their Transmission

by J. Peter Vajk

ftp.eff.org pub/cud/papers


MidWest Raves


Mind Machine Digest


asylum.sf.ca.us /pub/mind-l

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -brain stimulation, nootropics, etc.

MindVox:  The Overture

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -excellent essay by Patrick Kroupa (Lord Digital) on MindVox

MUD Info

oinker.ucsb.edu /pub/mud


      -"mud list" in subject

Music  (lyrics/discographies/etc.)

ftp.uwp.edu /pub/music

National Security Anarchists

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/nsa

      -phreaking, hacking

NE (NorthEastern) Raves


Net Celebrities List

hplaa02.cern.ch netcel



        -MIDI, musc makers, etc.

Network Information Access 


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/nia

       -hacking, computer underground, etc.

Network Policies

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/networks

       -policies of various networks

Neuron Digest


       -neural networks

New Fone Express

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/nfx

       -hacking, phreaking

New Music


       -new music list

1990 CIA World Factbook

mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu /gutenberg/etext/91/world91a.*

Nootropics Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs

Notes Toward an Un-written Non-Linear Electronic Text

"The End of Print Culture" A Work in Progress

by Michael Joyce

ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu /pmc


Now It Can Be Told: Mad Hackers' Key Party

Transcript of TV Show

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/rivera

Nuclear Anarchists phreakers hackers (NARC)

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/narc

       -hacking, carding

OnoSendai Announcement

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -press release by the new VR company

On-Line Text (published works)

obi.std.com /pub/obi

mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu /gutenberg

       -published works

Online Book Initiative List



Operation Sundevil Information

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/sundevil

Oral Knowledge, Typographic Knowledge, Electronic Knowledge:

Speculations on the History of Ownership

by Doug Brent

ftp.eff.org pub/cud/papers




grind.isca.uiowa.edu /info/paranet

       -paranormal, parapsychology, etc.

PGP (Pretty Good Protection) Encryption Source

soda.berkeley.edu /pub/cypherpunks



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/phantasy

       -anarchy, hacking

Phillip K. Dick


        -list celebrating the famous sf author



<subscribe phrack Your_Name> in message body

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/phrack

       -historic cyberspace hack/phreak/cu-news zine



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/pha.2

       -just what it says

Phreaker's Handbook

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/phreak1.bok

       -a phreaker's handbook


Phreaker's Handbook #1

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/tph-1

       -another phreaker's handbook

Phuckin Phield Phreakers        

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/ppp



ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/phun

       -phreaking, hacking




ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/pirate

       -pirating, software cracking

Play it Again, Pac-Man

by Charles Bernstein

ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu /pmc



playlist-request@ecst.csuchico.edu <sub [name]>

       -mostly alternative radio/dj playlists and discussion

PostModern Archives

ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu /pmc

       -good source to look for files on and about postmodernism

PostModern Culture Journal

PMC@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu [sub pmc-list your name]


ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu /pmc

Postmodern Culture Talk


[sub pmc-talk your_first_name your_last_name]


PowerGlove List

listserv@karazm.math.uh.edu <subscribe glove-list me@my.site>

karazm.math.uh.edu /pub/VR

Practical Anarchy


red.css.itd.umich.edu /poli

ftp.css.itd.umich.edu /poli

Principia Cybernetica Newsletter


       -send a 1 to 2 page letter describing your interest, motivation

        and affiliation [and then free information by cross-posting

        the list to the rest of cyberspace without permission]


Principia Discordia

by Malacalypse the Younger

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/


Project Gutenberg List

listserv@uiucvmd.bitnet [sub gutnberg-l your name]


Psilocybin Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs



       -punk music


export.acs.cmu.edu  /pub/quanta

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/journals

       -fiction ezine

Rave Info

soda.berkeley.edu /pub/sfraves

Rebel's Riting Guild

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/rrg.1


Rights of Expression in Cyberspace

by R. E. Baird

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/rights-of-expr

RISKS Digest 


crvax.sri.com risks

       -the RISKS of computing in our lives

Robert Anton Wilson (e-interview)

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/wilson.on.cis

School Network Policies

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/schools/*

Scream Baby


ftp.eff.org /pub/journals/ScreamBaby

red.css.itd.umich.edu /poli

ftp.css.itd.umich.edu /poli

Searching for the Leviathan in Usenet

by Richard Clark MacKinnon

ftp.eff.org pub/cud/papers


The Secret Service, UUCP, and the Legion of Doom

by Kevin Mullet

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/lod_ss.Z



cert.sei.cmu.edu /pub


SFRaves (SanFrancisco Raves)


soda.berkeley.edu /pub/sfraves

        -rave culture, mostly in the Bay Area

SmartDrugs Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.drugs

SoCal Raves (Southern California)


The Social Organization of the Computer Underground

Masters' Thesis by Gordon Meyer

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/meyer

SOUND News and Arts

quartz.rutgers.edu /pub/journals

       -e- version of the popular zine


SouthEast Raves

listserv@american.edu <'SUBSCRIBE SERAVES Your name' in body>

Stelarc Review

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -review of the cyberpunk performance artist

Sterling Essay

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -speech by Bruce Sterling on the Information Society



quartz.rutgers.edu /pub/subgenius


       -surfing the edge of the net, hypermedia

Survival Research Laboratories (SRL) Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -info on the industrial robot group

Syndicate Reports

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/synd

       -phreaking, telco info, etc.


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/tap

       -phreaking, hacking, anarchy

TechnoNomads (Steve Roberts)


       -the guy featured on Donahue & Mondo's list

       -nomadness, ham radio, mobile communities, etc.

Telecom Privacy Digest 


Telecom Digest


       -deals with all aspects of telecommunications

Temple ov Psychik Youth

morose.cc.purdue.edu /pub/topy-online


Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ)

by hakim Bey

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/

Terence McKenna "New Maps of HyperSpace"

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/mckenna



       -philosophy, systems theory

Three-fisted Tales of Bob Review

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/stclair

Timothy Leary's 8 Circuit Model

penguin.gatech.edu pub/leri/articles

Title 18

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/law/us.e-privacy

       -relating to computer crime & email privacy.


Tom Maddox on Cyberpunk

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -essay by Tom Maddox on cyberpunk

Tom Maddox on Schizmatrix

slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com /pub/schismat

        -essay by Maddox on Sterling's Work

Tom Maddox Interviews William Gibson

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk


Tom Maddox Locus articles

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -Tom Maddox' articles from Locus Magazine


The Turing Option (2 unpublished chapters)

by Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky

wuarchive.wustl.edu /doc/minsky

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

UK Dance (Raves)


subscribe uk-dance <your name>


UFOs (images, NASA files)




UnderWorld Industries

       -group network putting out underground media

United Phreaker's Inc.

ftp.eff.org pub/cud/upi

       -phreaking, hacking, etc.

UnPlastic News


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/misc/journals

Virtual Reality Info

sugrfx.acs.syr.edu /pub

sunee.waterloo.edu /pub

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

ftp.u.washington.edu public/virtual-worlds

Virtual Reality List


subscribe virtu-l <full_name>

Virtual Reality Research Info

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/virtual-worlds

Virus-l Digest 


(also virus-l on BITNET)

       -discussion of viruses and all aspects of 'em

Virus 23 FAQ

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

        -FAQ file for cp/new-edge zine Virus 23


Voices In My Head, MindVox: The Overture

by Patrick Karel Kroupa (Lord Digital)

ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/papers/mindvox

ftp.u.washington.edu /public/alt.cyberpunk

WAX:  The Discovery of Television Among the Bees

a film by Davids Blair

ftp.u.washington.edu  /public/alt.cyberpunk

       -reviews and info about David Blair's cyberdelic film


grind.isca.uiowa.edu /info/misc

Womack Interview

ftp.u.washington.edu public/alt.cyberpunk

       -Jack Womack interviewed by Virus 23


Worldview - Der Weltanschauung 


ftp.eff.org /pub/cud/wview

        -hacking, computer underground, church of subgenius,

         political, etc.

Zen and the Art of the Internet

by Brendan Kahoe

ashley.cs.widener.edu /pub/zen

csn.org pub/net/zen

quartz.rutgers.edu pub/internet/zen

relay.cs.toronto.edu pub/zen

mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu gutenberg/etext92/zen10*


:::::: * End of FutureCulture FAQ Part 1

c o n t i n u e d    i n    p a r t    2 




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