The Spirit of the Land
An article added to promote discussion ARTICLE
Attempt to pass into next sorcery level ASCEND
Banish somebody and destroy his power BANISH
Send message to The Spirit of the Land BESEECH
Give some of your MPs to another person BESTOW
Boost transmission speed (baud rate) BOOST
Depart (disconnect) from this place BYE
Change messages you've sent previously CHANGE
Attempt ascent - disconnect if you fail CHARGE
Display pertinent data about yourself CHECK
A protected form of CHARGE -- very safe CLOAK
Terminate system and return to DOS CLOSE
Speak to The Spirit Of The Land (TSOTL) CONTACT
Rewrite one of the Guardians' questions CORRECT
Reset the "display" spells after FOCUS DEFOCUS
Demote somebody to lower sorcery level DEMOTE
Go downwards to visit the less powerful DESCEND
Display info about previous messages DETECT
Reset the "reading" spells after a TUNE DETUNE
Subtract 10 Manna-points from somebody DRAIN
Get some Manna-points if you're psychic ESP
Add some energy to the Seismoros spirit FEED
Focus "display" spells on given phrase FOCUS
Display list of message-writing tricks GIMMICKS
Commit "suicide" (delete your wizard) HARAKIRI
Display your usable spells (this list) HELP
Display handy survival and usage tips HINTS
Cast a message back to the dawn of time HURL
Display some info about this place INFO
Display how long until TSOTL gets tired INQUIRE
Write upon the Tidings (news) Scrolls INSCRIBE
Sacrifice yourself in a noble attack KAMIKAZE
Display the messages sent via BESEECH LISTEN
Get a generous recharge of Manna-points MANNA
Read the about the True Nature of TSOTL NATURE
Display recent activity on the Mountain OBSERVE
Display PROBE stats for all wizards OMNIVIEW
Get information about specified wizard PROBE
Write a new greeting (sign-on) message PROCLAIM
Promote somebody to next sorcery level PROMOTE
Display messages you're allowed to read READ
Display report of previous visitors RECALL
Reduce somebody to sorcery level zero REDUCE
Change your wizard's name to a new one RENAME
Re-read a single message by DAY:MINUTE REVIEW
Display the names of all the wizards ROSTER
Display rules imposed on the Mountain RULES
Permit a user to rise to higher levels SANCTIFY
All-bands READ -- use with FOCUS & TUNE SCAN
Display the latest, most important news SCROLLS
Leave message for other wizards to read SEND
Add fifteen minutes to TSOTL's patience SLOWTIME
Alter the way things look around here SPECS
Display the Levels & MP costs of spells SPELLS
Remove energy from the Seismoros spirit STARVE
Like DRAIN, but cheaper -- costs Esteem STEAL
Double the time TSOTL will tolerate you STOPTIME
Straight Talk article from the Servant STRAIGHT
Provide the Guardians with new question SUGGEST
Instant transition to specified level TELEPORT
Set a time after which you wish to READ TIMEWARP
Tune "reading" spells for given phrase TUNE
Display information about this program VERSION
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