PC Board 14.5 User Manual
General Information
Like most attributes of PCBoard, the SysOp provides security levels
for each user command as defined in the User Security Levels option
of PCBSetup. A caller must have an equal or greater security level
for command access.
Since some callers are granted higher or lower security levels, user
menus can be modified to reflect differing user capabilities (See
File Naming Conventions under Advanced Techniques).
In each command description that follows, at least three listings
are provided: Command, SubCommands, and PostCommands. The Command
accesses the procedure and is usually the first one or two letters
of the menu name. Subcommands are available only before or upon
executing each command and may be stacked on the same line. Once
invoked, the Postcommands become available and the subcommands are
disabled unless otherwise indicated.
Boolean Text Searches
PCBoard 14.5 allows boolean text searches in several of its
commands. A boolean operand is merely a test that a search must
successfully meet. Normally, this is an AND or an OR. In PCBoard,
these operands are denoted with a & and | respectively and are used
in the 1, 13, 7 S, TS, Z, USERS, and B S commands. If, for example,
a user wanted to search for messages from a particular person in a
particular company, he or she might type: TS IBM & John. PCBoard
would then flag all messages that contain IBM and John. If,
however, a user wanted to search for messages from or to a
particular company(s) or person(s), he or she might type: TS (IBM |
John) & Mary. PCBoard would then flag all messages that either
contain IBM or John and also contain Mary. Fields may be enclosed
by parenthesis. Each parameter may be enclosed by quotes if
characters such as ( ) | or & are part of the scanned text.
PCBoard - User Commands
Below is the Main Menu for system users. Notice that all SysOp
commands previously described are omitted. A detailed description
of each command follows. Multi-letter commands can be abbreviated
to the first two letters.
User Commands
Abandon Conference
Command: A
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
When invoked, PCBoard exits the current conference and returns to
the main board. If the current conference is the main board,
nothing occurs.
Bulletin Listings
Command: B
SubCommands: # A D N R S NS
PostCommands: None
PCBoard displays the Bulletin Menu. Bulletins available must be
defined in PCBSetup under the Conference Configuration option. In
the Menu Listing field of this screen, the menu and path/name should
be defined. To the right is a simple bulletin example.
SubCommands # This indicates the number of the bulletin to
view i.e. 1 2 3 etc.
A All bulletin listings are displayed.
D PCBoard enters download mode and prepares to
download the chosen bulletin.
N Used in conjunction with the A subcommand, only
bulletins new to the callers are displayed. The
"new" bulletin is determined by the callers last
date of logon and the creation date of the
R When invoked, PCBoard re-displays the bulletin
S When combined with the A subcommand or a list of
bulletins to scan, this command searches for
text in the specified bulletins. If the text is
found, the entire bulletin is displayed.
NS The bulletin chosen for viewing is displayed in
non-stop mode. At the end of each page, PCBoard
will not show the MORE? prompt.
CHAT Between NODEs
Command: CHAT or NODE
SubCommands: # G A U
PostCommands: Q E U H
A user may CHAT with a person on a node or group of nodes. PCBoard
displays the status of each node. In this way, the user can
determine who is available for CHAT and who is not. To the right is
a CHAT session.
SubCommands # User begins CHAT with a person indicated by this
node number.
G A user initiates group CHAT. As a result, the
user may CHAT with people from more than one
A This flags the current node as available for
CHAT. Other users may initiate CHAT with your
U This flags the current node as unavailable for
CHAT. Other users may not initiate CHAT with
your node.
PostCommands Q/E Quit CHAT.
U PCBoard will display the status of other nodes
in the system.
H A list and description of postcommands will be
Comment To SysOp
Command: C
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: (See Enter a Message command)
This command allows a user to leave a message for the SysOp. When
invoked, the user may use all postcommands made available by the
Enter a Message command.
Download A File
Command: D
SubCommands: [filename] [protocol]
PostCommands: GB BYE
When a user calls another Bulletin Board, he or she may download a
file from that system. Downloading simply refers to a process in
which a file from the current system is copied via a phone line to
your system.
If the caller's default protocol is a batch protocol such as YMODEM,
YMODEM/G, or ZMODEM, PCBoard allows the users to request multiple
files by simply typing D and pressing ENTER followed by a list of
files to be downloaded. This is similar to typing DB to initiate a
batch transfer. Alternatively, the caller can download a single
file and avoid further prompts from the system by stacking the D
command and filename on the same command line.
SubCommands [filenames] Multiple filenames may be used on the
command line or at the prompt.
Furthermore, DOS wildcards are permitted.
[protocol] Under the Trans. Protocol option of the
user menu is a of all download protocols
available. Up to 36 protocols may be
defined in the PCBSetup.
PostCommands GB or BYE After the download is complete, the
caller is logged off the system after a
10 second countdown.
DB Download Batch
Command: DB
SubCommands: [filename(s)] [protocol]
PostCommands: G A E GB BYE
Like the Download a File command, a user may download a file(s) from
a system that he or she calls. The difference, however, lies in the
prompts given to the caller. The DB command always prompts for a
second filename and asks if the user to edit the list batch files to
be downloaded.
Subcommands [filenames] This represents the files to download. A
prompt is given for each file, but files
may be stacked. Furthermore, DOS
wildcards are permitted.
[protocol] Up to 36 protocols may be defined in the
Locations 2 of PCBSetup. Each protocol
has a corresponding letter.
PostCommands G After the batch download has completed,
the user is logged off the system after a
10 second countdown.
A The current batch download will be
E The batch list may be edited. From the
batch list, a user may remove a file, add
a file, or list the current files to be
GB or BYE After the download is complete, the
caller is logged off the system after a
10 second countdown.
Enter A Message
Command: E
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: A C D E F H I L Q S U
This permits a user to leave a message for the SysOp, another user,
or a group of users. Before entering the message, the user must
complete three fields: To, Subject, and Full-Screen Editor. An
optional field is Echo. If modem carrier is lost at any time during
message entry, PCBoard automatically saves the message.
To This prompt indicates the user to whom the message
will be sent. If ENTER is pressed, the message is
sent to all users.
Subject This is a brief description of the message whose
length is restricted by the number of spaces shown.
Full-Screen Y = Use the Full-Screen Editor.
N = Use the Line-By-Line Editor.
U = The user enters upload mode. Characters are
not echoed to the screen, but are immediately
transmitted via MODEM to the upload
Echo Y = The message is flagged for echo. Though
PCBoard does not utilize this feature, other
mail programs scan a message base and download
or upload all messages with an echo header.
This option is set in each conference
configuration screen in PCBSetup.
N = The message is not flagged for echo.
Security Many Bulletin Board Systems hold sensitive
information. In fact, it is not uncommon to find
BBS's in the military, legal agencies, government
organizations, and universities. Because of the
sensitive nature of information in these
organizations, message security is often essential.
PCBoard provides several alternatives for keeping
messages secret and because PCBoard is
extraordinarily configurable, different classes of
security can be indicated.
Inside the Main Board Configuration and each
Conference Configuration screens of PCBSetup is a
parameter that controls whether message security is
invoked or the default is used. The parameter, Make
All Messages Private, is either Y or N. If set to
Y, all messages do not have a security level. This
setting is equivalent to an N (None) security if the
PCBSetup parameter were set to N. However, if the
Make All Messages Private parameter is set to N, the
following message securities are possible. These
security flags are indicated when entering a
Flag Description
-------- -----------
G Group. A user may assign a password to
a message. Only users with the
appropriate password may read the
R Receiver. The message can only be read
by the sender or the recipient.
S Sender. Everyone may read this message,
but only the author (holder of the
assigned password) may kill the message.
N None. The message may be read by all
users within that conference.
Once the above parameters are satisfied, the user is taken to either
the Full-Screen Editor (Available with Ansi graphics only and
indicated above) or the Line-By-Line Editor (No Ansi capabilities
and indicated above). After the message is entered, the user may
press ESC to yield the following PostCommands:
PostCommands A Abort. The message entry will be aborted and
control will return to the user main menu.
C Continue. When invoked, PCBoard returns to a
Line-By-Line edit of the message.
D Delete. PCBoard prompts the user for the line
number in the message to delete.
E Edit. PCBoard first requests the line number in
the message to edit. Once entered, the user
types the old text to replace, a semicolon, and
the new text i.e. pleese;please.
F Full-Screen. When invoked, control is returned
to the Full Screen Editor. See next page for
Full-Screen-Editor PC Keyboard, Control, and ANSI
H Help. When invoked, PCBoard displays the help
file for the Enter A Message command.
I Insert. After entering the line number before
which the new text will be entered, the user may
type the additional text and PCBoard will insert
it in the appropriate place.
L List. The current message being entered will be
redisplayed in line-by-line mode.
Q Quote. (See REPLY command).
S Save. When the user has finished entering his or
her message, the message should be saved. This
relays the message to the appropriate recipient.
U UpLoad. In local mode, the upload function is
unnecessary. However, the body of a message can
be uploaded to a remote editor thereby expediting
the message entry process.
Expert Mode
SC Carbon Copy. The user may send the entered
message to more than one person. When invoked,
PCBoard will request the names of users to whom
the message should be sent. Though displayed in
expert mode, this command is also available in
non-expert mode.
SN Save and Next. During message reply, this command
saves the current reply, skips the re-display of
the original message, and proceeds to the next
available message. Though displayed in expert
mode, this command is also available in
non-expert mode.
SK Save and Kill. The user saves the reply, kills
the original message, and proceeds to the next
available message. Though displayed in expert
mode, this command is also available in
non-expert mode.
Full Screen Editor
To effectively use PCBoard's Full Screen Editor, the user should
familiarize himself or herself with the following control keys and
ANSI codes. Though hardly necessary on most systems, some systems
may support PCBoard's specialized keyboard.
Cursor PC Control ANSI
Movements Keyboard Keys Codes
--------- -------- ------- -----
Move left a char. Left Arrow S ESC[D
Move Right a char. Right Arrow D ESC[C
Move Left to Prev. Word Ctrl-Left Arrow A
Move Right to Next Word Ctrl-Right Arrow F
Move to next TAB Stop TAB Key I
Move to Start of Line Home Key W ESC[H
Move to End of Line End Key P ESC[K
Move Up a Line Up Arrow E ESC[A
Move Down a Line Down Arrow X ESC[B
Move Up a Page PgUp Key R
Move Down a Page PgDn Key C
Edit PC Control
Function Keyboard Keys
-------- -------- -------
Toggle Insert Mode INS Key V
Reformat Paragraph N
Join a Line J
Insert a Line N
Delete a Line Y
Delete to EOL K
Delete Character DEL Key G
Delete Prev Char. Backspace H
Delete Next Word T
Special PC Control
Functions Keyboard Keys
--------- -------- -------
Exit Full Screen Editor ESC U
Re-display Screen L
Quote or List Original O
Toggle 79 Column Mode [Underline]
File Directories
Command: F
SubCommands: # D G L N P R U V Z NS
PostCommands: None
The user may analyze, view, or download files on the Bulletin Board
System. Files that are new to the caller are displayed with an
asterisk to the right of the date. Normally, these files have
recently been uploaded by another party.
SubCommands # Directory. After the command is invoked, this
option represents the number of the directory
that the user wishes to use.
D Download. PCBoard prompts the user for a file to
G Goodbye. The caller immediately exits the
L Locate by Name. The user may search available
directories for the file indicated in the prompt.
N Locate by Date. The user may search available
directories for all files created after the date
indicated in the prompt.
P Private Upload Directories. The private upload
directory is displayed. Only the SysOp and users
with SysOp privileges may use this subcommand.
R Re-List. The menu of available directories is
U Upload Directories. Files in the upload
directories are displayed.
V View. When invoked, PCBoard displays the
contents of a file. It displays the file by
accessing routines in PCBVIEW.BAT. See Directory
Programs for more details.
Z Zippy Search. The user may search all DIR files
for the specified text.
NS Non-Stop. A file will be displayed in non-stop
FLAG For Download
Command: FLAG
SubCommands: [filename]
PostCommands: None
A user may mark a file for future downloading. When the user is
ready to download all the files he or she has flagged, the Download
a File command may be invoked and all marked files will be
downloaded. The FLAG command may be called from the Help, More?
prompt, the main command prompt, or the file list command prompt.
SubCommands [filename] This represents the file that the user
wants to mark for download. PCBoard will
remember all files flagged for download.
Wildcards and multiple filenames may be
GoodBye (Hang Up)
Command: G
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
When invoked, the user exits PCBoard entirely and the software
recycles to the Call Waiting Screen to await the next caller.
Depending on system setup, a caller is prompted with a Proceed With
Logoff? question and a YES or NO must be entered. This question can
be avoided by typing BYE instead of G to logoff.
Help Functions
Command: H
SubCommands: [command name] [filename]
PostCommands: None
The user asks for further information about general support or any
command. Although the Help command is initially displayed on the
user's file, it can be invoked from any PCBoard prompt. In this
way, a user can seek help during any command process without
returning to the Main Menu. Furthermore, each PCBoard utility has
separate Help routines to aid in PCBSysMgr, PCBSetup, and PCBFiler
as well as the directory programs in the PCB directory.
SubCommands [command] This represents the command or the
abbreviation of the command for which a
user needs additional information.
[filename] A System Operator may have created a file
about a particular command, bulletin, door,
or other utility. If the user is aware of
the file, an eight character filename may
be used here. (This is strictly SysOp
oriented. See Advanced Techniques for more
Initial Welcome
Command: I
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
When invoked, PCBoard displays the original logon screen. This
screen may contain extensive graphics, regular text, and color.
Further information is found in PCBSetup under File Locations 1 or
in Editing File Locations 1 & 2 Files.
Join A Conference
Command: J
SubCommands: # [name]
PostCommands: Q
PCBoard can support up to 65,000 conferences. Each conference may
contain different information, directories, or files. Some users
may be privy to specific conferences while others are denied. A
conference may be accessed by using the conference number or the
conference name.
SubCommands # Conference Number. This is the conference that
the user wants to join. The conference numbered
0 represents the Main Board.
[Name] Conference Name. This is the name of the
conference the user wants to join. To re-join
the Main Board from another conference, the user
can type J Main.
PostCommands Q Quick Join. After the user indicates a J to join
a conference and the conference name or number,
he or she may enter a Q. PCBoard will bypass the
news file and enter the conference immediately.
Kill A Message
Command: K
SubCommands: [message number]
PostCommands: None
Each message is given a number that chronologically places it in the
message base. This command may be invoked to remove a message from
the message base. The only requirements are the message number and
a sufficient security level. The message may be recovered with
SysOp Function 4 before message base packing.
Subcommands [message #] PCBoard removes the message whose number is
typed at this prompt.
Locate Files(name)
Command: L
SubCommands: [filename] # A D N U NS
PostCommands: None
If a user is unaware of a file's location or exact name, he or she
may use this command to find the file. The command accepts all DOS
SubCommands [filename] PCBoard seeks this file. The filename may
include all DOS wildcards. (See Dos
Wildcards in the Glossary for more details.)
If a similar pattern is found, PCBoard will
display the file.
# This is a directory number. If indicated,
PCBoard will search for the above file in
this directory only.
A If chosen, PCBoard searches for the
indicated file in all available directories
inside the current conference.
D Once a file that matches specified
parameters is located, it is flagged and
prepared for a later download. If more than
one file is found, all are flagged. The
batch may be edited prior to commencing the
N The search for particular files is joined by
a date scan. Files with a later date than
the specified date are scanned for the
indicated parameters.
U If chosen, PCBoard searches for the
indicated file in all upload directories.
NS Files are displayed in Non-Stop Mode (void
of all More? prompts).
Command: MENU
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
The SysOp or a user can immediately access the Main Menu from any
prompt in PCBoard. When invoked, the menu screen is displayed even
while in expert mode.
Mode (Graphics)
Command: M
Postcommands: None
This command acts as a toggle between graphics and non-graphics
display modes. A caller without ANSI capabilities should choose
non-graphics mode.
SubCommands CTTY The system is placed into non-graphics, non-
ANSI mode.
ANSI The system is placed into non-graphics, ANSI
Graphics The system is placed into graphics, ANSI mode.
New Files (Date)
Command: N
SubCommands: [date] # A S U NS
PostCommands: None
This command will locate any files that have been uploaded to the
system since the specified date. PCBoard chronicles in the user's
record, the date of the most recent file found. As a result, when
the caller uses the N S A command, he or she is only shown files
from that date onward.
SubCommands [date] This represents the date from which PCBoard
begins a search for all "New" uploaded files.
All files posted after this date (MMDDYY
format) are displayed.
# This is a directory number. If indicated,
PCBoard will search for all post-dated files
in this directory only.
A If chosen, PCBoard searches for all post-dated
files in all available directories in the
current conference.
D All files are queued for download. The next
invocation of the Download a File command
downloads all files found.
S PCBoard scans for files newly added since the
date of the most recent files the caller has
been shown.
U If chosen, PCBoard searches for all post-dated
files in the upload directories.
NS Files are displayed in Non-Stop Mode (void of
all More? prompts).
NEWS File Display
Command: NEWS
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
A user may employ this command to read any news that the SysOp has
placed in the current conference. Normally, the NEWS file is
displayed when a user logs on to the system or joins a conference.
This screen may contain extensive graphics, regular text, and color.
The NEWS file is edited within the Main Board Configuration screen
and each conference screen within PCBSetup. When the NEWS field is
highlighted, the SysOp can press F2 or F3 (graphics file) to invoke
the Text or Graphics Editor defined in PCBSysMgr.
Command: NODE
SubCommands: (See CHAT Between Nodes Command)
PostCommands: None
Operator Page
Command: O
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
A user may request an immediate CHAT with the SysOp. If the BELL is
turned ON (See Call Waiting Screen), the user's computer will beep
for 30 seconds. The SysOp's computer will also beep informing him
or her that a user wishes to CHAT. If the SysOp does not respond,
PCBoard will inform the user that the SysOp is unavailable for CHAT.
If the BELL is turned OFF, PCBoard asks the user if he or she would
like to leave a comment for the SysOp. The SysOp specifies the time
that he or she is available for an operator page. Above and to the
right is an operator page executed on a machine with the Bell OFF.
Command: OPEN or DOOR
SubCommands: # [name] [parameters]
PostCommands: None
This command takes the user out of PCBoard and into an alternate
application. When the command is executed, a menu, created by the
SysOp is displayed. The menu consists of a DOOR number, the name,
and a description of the program. DOORS are discussed more
thoroughly in PCBSetup and Editing Files.
SubCommands # This represents the number of the DOOR to open. It
may either be stacked with the command at the main
menu prompt or chosen after the DOOR menu is
[Name] Instead of the DOOR number, a user may type the
actual DOOR name without the preceding OPEN or
DOOR to drop to an alternate application.
[parameter] A user may pass a parameter to the DOOR that he or
she calls. This parameter is similar to one
passed at a DOS prompt to another application.
Page Length Set
Command: P
SubCommands: #
PostCommands: None
The user may specify the number of lines PCBoard displays before it
prompts "(H)elp, More?".
SubCommands: # This number indicates the number of lines
displayed per screen.
Quick Message Scan
Command: Q
SubCommands: # F Y S NS + - TS USER
PostCommands: None
The user may analyze a succinct list of all available messages.
When invoked, PCBoard will display the message number, reference
number, sender, receiver, and subject. The reference number refers
to the reply by the original recipient of that message. To the
right is an example of the Quick search.
SubCommands # This is the message number from which PCBoard will
display a brief list of current messages in the
message base.
F The message base is scanned for all messages left
by the current user.
Y The message base is scanned for all messages sent
to the current user.
S All messages that have not already been read will
be scanned and displayed.
NS Messages will be displayed in Non-Stop Mode (void
of all More? prompts).
+ When appended to a message number, PCBoard
displays all messages in forward-numerical order
from that point.
- When appended to a message number, PCBoard
displays all messages in reverse-numerical order
from that point.
TS Though only the header is displayed, PCBoard scans
the entire message and message header for the
indicated text.
USER The message base is scanned for messages left to
or received from the indicated user.
Status Flags When a user does a quick message scan, each message
number has a special symbol to its left. The symbol
may represent the type of message sent, any security
attached, or the person who read the message. The
status flags are defined below.
( ) A message that can be read by anyone.
(*) A private message unread by the official
recipient of the message.
(+) A private message that has been read by the
official recipient.
(-) A public message sent to a user who has already
read the message.
(~) A COMMENT to the SysOp that has not yet been read
by the SysOp. In this context, the SysOp is
indicated by the user defined in record one of
the user file.
(`) A COMMENT to the SysOp that has been read by the
SysOp. In this context, the SysOp is indicated
by the user defined in record one of the user
(%) An unread message protected by a SENDER PASSWORD.
(^) A message protected by a SENDER PASSWORD that has
already been read.
(!) An unread message protected by a GROUP PASSWORD.
(#) A message protected by a GROUP PASSWORD that has
already been read.
($) A message addressed to ALL protected by a GROUP
Read Messages
Command: R
- / C D Z G J EDIT
PostCommands: P U F O [move] [copy] RE RR E T T- M
[enter] K N
The Read Messages command permits the user to read a message left
for him or her. The message may be protected against foreign eyes,
moved or copied to alternate message bases, and edited for
different users. Examples of the Read Messages command are
SCAN # This number indicates the number of the message that
the user wishes to read.
From The message base is scanned for all messages left by
the current user.
Your The message base is scanned for all messages sent to
the current user.
Yours/All The message base is scanned for all messages sent to
the current user or to ALL.
Since All messages that have not already been read will be
scanned and displayed.
L The current message base is read backward from the
last message to the first.
A Messages are read from all conferences that have been
ALL Messages are read from all conferences whether
selected or not.
TS The header of each message is scanned for the
indicated text.
SET This number sets the message pointer to the message
indicated by the input.
USER The message base is scanned for messages left to or
received from the indicated user.
SKIP If a user invokes an R S or an R A command, he or she
may use SKIP to bypass the remaining messages in the
current conference. The Message Read Pointer is
changed to the last message. In the R A case,
however, invoking SKIP moves the user to the next
available conference and permits him or her to
continue reading messages in that conference.
JUMP If a user reads all conferences (R A), he or she may
jump to the next available conference for message base
scanning. The Message Read Pointer is not changed,
Select While reading a message inside the main board or a
particular conference, the user can select it for
further scanning. Like the Select command from the
Main Board, an "X" is placed in the main board or
conference field. This indicates that the user wishes
to scan that conference when a future scanning command
is invoked i.e. Your Mail.
Deselect If the main board or a particular conference is chosen
for scanning, an "X" is placed in its field. When this
subcommand is invoked, the "X" is removed and any
future scans bypass the main board or deselected
Display NS Messages are displayed in Non-Stop Mode making the
display void of More? prompts.
NEXT The next numerical message is displayed.
PREV The previous numerical message in the message base
will be displayed.
RM The last message read is re-displayed.
RM+ The last message read is re-displayed and the message
base is placed in forward mode for further reading.
RM- The last message read is re-displayed and the message
base is placed in reverse mode for further reading.
+/- When appended to a message number, PCBoard displays
all messages in forward-numerical or reverse-numerical
order respectively from that point.
/ Re-display the current message.
Capturing C The messages displayed by the current command are
captured, placed in a file, and prepared for download.
This function is available in remote mode only.
D The messages displayed by the current command are
captured, placed in a file, and immediately
Z The messages displayed by the current command are
captured, placed in a file, and immediately
downloaded. The file, however, is compressed before
its downloaded.
G GoodBye. (See the user command GoodBye for more
J The user may join another conference. (See the user
command Join a Conference for more details.)
EDIT The current message is placed in the editor for
Sysop P The message is protected (made private). This is a
SysOp only function.
U The message is unprotected (made public). This is a
SysOp only function.
F This SysOp only function locates the user's record and
displays it.
O In this SysOp only function, messages are read in
READ-ONLY mode. The message is not marked as read and
the Last-MSG-Read pointer is not updated.
MOVE The message is moved to an alternate conference
indicated by the trailing conference number. This is
a SysOp only function.
COPY The message is copied to an alternate conference
indicated by the trailing conference number. This is
a SysOp only function.
RE Once a message is read, the user may reply to the
sender. This option permits the user to reply to the
current message.
RR If a message is a reply, the user may immediately
access the reference message with this option.
E The user may edit the To, Subj., Reference Number,
Read Status, and Protection.
T PCBoard threads forward through all messages that have
an identical subject matter as the current message.
Normally, the user memorizes his or her current
position (by using M option) and returns after the
path is followed.
T- PCBoard threads backward through all messages that
have an identical subject matter as the current
M When invoked, PCBoard memorizes the current message
pointer. When the user wants to return to this
message, he or she may type RM, RM+, or RM-. [enter]
The Read a Message function is continued. Subcommands
are accessible.
K If the message is to/from the current user, the user
may kill it. The message can be recovered by SysOp
Command 4 before a message base pack.
N Reading ends, but the user does not exit the function
or the system.
REPLY to Message(s)
Command: REPLY
SubCommands: #
PostCommands: None
Once a message has been sent, the recipient may respond or reply to
it. When invoked, the user may utilize all commands found under
Enter A Message. The message number of the reply becomes the
reference number to the original message.
SubCommands # This number (between 1 and 99,999) indicates the
message to which the user wishes to respond.
Quoting Local & Remote. The user may use the Q option
(Line-By-Line Editor) or CNTRL Q (Full-Screen
Editor). This displays the original message and
asks the user "to start quoting from which line?"
It then asks the line number to end the quote.
Once complete, PCBoard returns to the REPLY
message (L.B.L. or F.S. depending on the above
invocation) with the quoted information denoted by
Local Scrollback. After reading a message, the
user may choose to immediately REPLY with the RE
option of the Read A Message command. The user
may scroll back (use arrow keys) to the original
message. When the text to quote is found, press
the space bar before the passage. Scroll to the
end of the quote and press the space bar a second
time. When ESC is hit, the information will be
transferred to the REPLY message. The information
is denoted by -->.
RM Re-Read Mem #
Command: RM
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
After a message has been memorized (M option under reading), it may
be re-displayed using this command. An RM by itself jumps to the
memorized message number and stops displaying messages. An RM+
jumps to the memorized message number and continues to display
successive messages. An RM-jumps to the memorized message number
and continues to display preceding messages.
Script Questionnaire
Command: S
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
The Script Questionnaire allows the user to answer questions for
later analysis or processing. The questionnaire has been previously
created by the SysOp of the system. When invoked, a menu appears
that shows the questionnaire number and a description of the
questions. Each question is given a field that cannot be exceeded.
SELECT Conferences For Scanning Or Reading
Command: SELECT
SubCommands: # S D Q
PostCommands: None
PCBoard lists the current conferences to which a user has access.
In the list, PCBoard includes the conference number, description,
last message read, highest message in the conference, and flags. An
"X" in the flags field indicates that the user wishes to scan that
conference when a scanning command is invoked i.e. Your Mail.
SubCommands # If the "X" appears in the flags field, it is
removed and the conference is not selected for
scanning. If the "X" does not appear in the flags
field, PCBoard asks the user to set the last
message read pointer.
S This option selects all conferences for scanning.
After invoked, each conference will have an "X" in
its flags field.
D This option deselects all conferences for
scanning. After invoked, each conference will not
have an "X" in its flags field.
Q Control is returned to the Main User Menu.
Transfer Protocol
Command: T
SubCommands: A-Z, 0-9 (optional)
PostCommands: None
When invoked, a list is displayed that enables a caller to choose
among several protocols to upload or download files. The protocols
are created by the SysOp and each is denoted by a single character,
a letter or a number from 0 to 9. Transfer protocols are discussed
at length in Appendix V.
TEST a File
Command: Test
SubCommands: [Filename]
PostCommands: None
The TEST command permits the SysOp to check files for viruses and
other corruptions that might exist. When invoked, PCBoard follows
these procedures:
þ Download paths are scanned to ensure the existence of the
indicated file.
þ The filename is passed to a batch file entitled
PCBTEST.BAT. In this file, the SysOp can implement any
procedures he or she believes necessary to safeguard the
system. An example of this file is at right.
þ The PCBTEST.BAT file is similar to the PCBVIEW.BAT file in
recognizing ZIP or ARC files. However, PCBTEST.BAT creates
one of two files: PCBFAIL.TXT or PCBPASS.TXT. The former
is created if a file is corrupt, contains a virus, or fails
for any other reason imposed by the rudimentary logic in
PCBTEST.BAT. The latter, on the other hand, is created if
the file successfully meets all requirements in
PCBTEST.BAT. Control is returned to PCBoard.
þ If a PCBFAIL.TXT exists after returning to PCBoard, the
SysOp or user is told of the files failure. However, if
the PCBFAIL.TXT does not exist, even if PCBPASS.TXT is
absent, PCBoard assumes the file passed all file
requirements and a message is displayed.
SubCommands [Filename] This is the file that will be tested
according to the procedures above.
TS Text Search Messages
Command: TS
SubCommands: F Y S A ALL L C D Z NS RM+ RM- ##+ #-
USER | &
PostCommands: None
The TS command permits the user to scan messages and message headers
to locate a specified text string. PCBoard allows conditional text
searches (indicated by | and &). To the right is an example of text
SubCommands F The message base is scanned for all messages left
by the current user that contain the desired text
Y The message base is scanned for all messages sent
to the current user that contain the desired text
S All messages that have not already been read will
be scanned and displayed if the appropriate text
string is found.
A All selected conferences are scanned for the
designated text.
ALL All conferences, whether selected or not, are
scanned for the designated text.
L The current message base is read backward from the
last message to the first.
C The messages displayed by the current command are
captured, placed in a file, and prepared for
download. This function is available in remote
mode only.
D The messages displayed by the text search are
captured, placed in a file, and immediately
downloaded. This function is available in remote
mode only.
Z Any messages that conform to the indicated text
search are captured, placed in a file, and
immediately downloaded. Before the file is
downloaded, however, it is compressed. This
function is available in remote mode only.
NS Messages found with the specified text are
displayed in Non-Stop mode.
RM+ The last message read is re-displayed and the
message base is placed in forward mode for further
RM- The last message read is re-displayed and the
message base is placed in reverse mode for further
##+ The message base is scanned for the indicated text
from this point forward.
##- The message base is scanned for the indicated text
from this point backward.
USER Only messages left to or received from the
indicated user with the specified text will be
| This is a logical OR operand. When place in a
text string search, PCBoard locates messages that
contain either the first string or the second or
& This is a logical AND operand. When placed in a
text string search, PCBoard locates messages that
contains both the first string and the second
Upload A File
Command: U
SubCommands: [filename] [protocol]
PostCommands: GB
Like the command Download A File, this command allows the user to
transfer files between systems. In this case, however, the user is
sending a file to another system instead of receiving one.
[filename] This is a DOS filename of an existing file in the
system. PCBoard will ask for the filename or it may
be included on the command line. If more than one
file is uploaded, each must be listed on the command
[protocol] The transfer protocols are listed under the Trans.
Protocol command. The SysOp defines the transfer
protocols. Twenty-six are permitted.
GB After the file transfer is complete, the user may
indicate that he or she wishes to disconnect. This
option may be included on the command line with the
other options of this command.
UB Upload Batch
Command: UB
SubCommands: [filename(s)] [protocol]
PostCommands: GB
This command functions similarly to Upload A File with one minor
exception. The UB command immediately assumes that more than one
file will be uploaded. PCBoard prompts the user for each filename.
To the right is a sample batch upload.
[filename(s)] This is a DOS filename of an existing file in the
system. Several files may be uploaded at once
given the appropriate protocol.
[protocol] The transfer protocols are listed under the
Trans. Protocol command. The SysOp defines the
transfer protocols in PCBSetup.
GB After the file transfer is complete, the user may
indicate that he or she wishes to disconnect.
This option may be included on the command line
with the other options of this command.
USERS List Users
Command: USERS
SubCommands: [text string] | &
PostCommands: None
This command allows a user to search the current user's file for a
text string. The user inputs the text string. PCBoard provides a
list of users with the text string found somewhere in their records.
In the list are user name, location, and the user's last logon date.
[text string] This is any piece of text. PCBoard analyzes this
input, scans the users' file, and displays all
user records with the appropriate text.
| This is a logical OR operand. When placed in a
text string search, PCBoard locates user records
that contain either the first string, the second
string, or both i.e. (John | Utah).
& This is a logical AND operand. When placed in a
text string search, PCBoard locates user records
that contain both the first string and the second
View Settings
Command: V
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
This command displays the current settings of the user. Each
parameter is relatively self-explanatory. To the right is a sample
listing of a common display.
If the user has SysOp privileges, the following additional
parameters will be displayed: low message number, number of
messages defined, number of free message slots available.
Command: WHO
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
This command acts like the NODE or CHAT command, but does not permit
communication with other callers. When invoked, PCBoard displays
the status of each node.
Write User Information
Command: W
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
This command allows a user with proper authorization to change his
or her own user information. If proper security level is given, the
following fields may be changed: password, caller's location,
business/data phone, home/voice phone, comment field, and desired
message bases to scan. If access is denied, the user may change his
or her own password.
Xpert Mode On/Off
Command: X
SubCommands: None
PostCommands: None
This command acts as a toggle between expert and novice modes. If
expert mode is implemented, the main menu screen is not displayed.
During many user commands, options are often reduced to one letter
(instead of the whole word). A user in expert mode is privy to
advanced capabilities in some commands. Though a novice in non-
expert mode has access to the same options, he or she is unaware of
their existence since many are not displayed i.e. the SC, SK, and SN
commands in Enter A Message.
Your Personal Mail
Command: Y
SubCommands: A ALL S NS Q L C + -
PostCommands: None
This command permits a user to scan his mailbox to determine if he
or she has sent or received messages. The message base is scanned
in reverse order. Depending on subcommands used, messages are
displayed in different formats. Two examples of the most common
mail searches are displayed on this screen.
A PCBoard scans all selected conferences including the main
board for messages from or to the current user.
ALL PCBoard scans all conferences, whether selected or not, for
messages from or to the current user.
S The message base is scanned from the last message read. Only
messages after this point are displayed.
NS Messages found are displayed in Non-Stop mode.
Q Messages are shown in quick list mode. The message base(s)
is/are scanned, but only the number of personal messages
found is displayed and not what those message numbers are.
L This option shows messages in long list mode. The message
base(s) is/are scanned and the corresponding number of each
message found is displayed.
C Only the current message base is scanned for messages.
+ When added to a message number, PCBoard scans from that point
- When added to a message number, PCBoard scans from that point
Zippy DIR Scan
Command: Z
SubCommands: # A D N U NS | &
PostCommands: None
This command scans the directories to find a specified text string.
PCBoard prompts for the text string to scan. Like other PCBoard
searching features, the user can utilize boolean operands (OR and
AND). To the right is an example of Zippy DIR Scan.
# PCBoard scans for the indicated text in this directory number
A PCBoard scans for the indicated text in all directories on
the system.
D Each file found with the specified text is flagged for
download. The system does not immediately download the
files, but waits until the command Download A File or
Download A Batch.
N A search for the indicated text string is accompanied by a
date scan. Only files created after a specified date are
scanned for the text.
U Only upload directories are scanned for the indicated text.
NS Screen output is displayed in Non-Stop mode.
| This vertical bar is a logical OR operand. When placed in a
text string search, PCBoard locates files that contain either
the first string, the second string, or both i.e. (John |
& This is a logical AND operand. When placed in a text string
search, PCBoard locates files that contain both the first
string and the second string.
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