Comp.dsp is a worldwide UseNet news group
Archive-name: dsp-faq/part1
Last-modified: Fri Jan 1 1993
Version: 0.8
Welcome to the comp.dsp FAQ. We are seeking information on all topics,
from the best layout (e.g., should chips and prototype boards be
another FAQ?) to a good annotated list of DSP articles and reference
books. Please email your suggestions to comp-dsp-faq@ohm.Berkeley.EDU.
Meta-comments are all in curly braces {like this}. Acknowledgements to
people responsible for articles and/or bits of information are in
square brackets, [like so].
You can ftp the very latest version of this FAQ from:
( in pub/dsp/, or from copernicus.Berkeley.EDU
We are most grateful to the following contributors who helped out with
this version of the FAQ:
Annard Brouwer
Joel Coltoff
Chuck Corley
Malachy Devlin
John Edwards
Dan Frankowski
Robert Gammon
Sergio Liberman
Stan McClellan
Phillip Musumeci
Bill Ralston
Phil Woodland
and the following folks who helped out with previous versions:
William Alves
Joe Campbell
Tim Channon
Steve Clift
Malachy Devlin
Brian Evans
John Fisher
Dan Frankowski
Maurice Givens
Ed Hall
Vince Herried
Eric Jacobsen
Pete Janzow
Quinn Jensen
Richard Kim
Gints Klimanis
Greg Koker
Juhana Kouhia
John Lazzaro lazzaro@boom.CS.Berkeley.EDU
Tony Richardson
Paul Russell
Stanley Sasaki
Bill Schottstaedt
Paul Simoneau
Greg Smart
Andrew Ukrainec ukrainec@nimios.Eng.McMaster.CA
Witold Waldman
Ronnin Yee
Get your name here - contribute something! (If you don't want your
email address listed in your contribution, please indicate so.)
Phil Lapsley phil@ohm.Berkeley.EDU (FAQ maintainer)
Bradley Hards (assistant/original FAQ maintainer)
0. What is comp.dsp?
1. General DSP.
1.1 DSP book and article references.
1.1.1 Bibles of DSP.
1.1.2 Adaptive signal processing.
1.1.3 Array signal processing.
1.1.4 Windowing.
1.1.5 Digital audio effects processing.
1.2 Where can I get free software for general DSP?
1.2.1 What is Gabriel? Where can I get it?
1.2.2 What is Ptolemy? Where can I get it?
1.2.3 What is Khoros? Where can I get it?
1.2.4 What are DSP Tutorials? Where can I get them?
1.2.5 What are some DSP extensions to MATLAB? Where can I get them?
1.2.6 What is the Signal Processing Package for Mathematica?
Where can I get it?
1.2.7 What is the Controls System Package for Mathematica?
Where can I get it?
1.2.8 What are some other DSP Notebooks for Mathematica?
1.2.9 What is the Linear Systems Toolbox for Maple? Where can I get it?
1.2.10 Where can I get text to speech conversion software?
1.2.11 Where can I get filter design software?
2. Algorithms and standards.
2.1 Where can I get some algorithms for DSP?
2.2 What is CELP and LPC? Where can I get source for them?
2.3 What is ADPCM? Where can I get source for it?
2.4 What is GSM? Where can I get source for it?
2.5 How does pitch perception work, and how do I implement it?
2.6 What standards exist for digital audio? What is AES/EBU?
What is S/PDIF?
2.7 What is mu-law encoding? Where can I get source for it?
2.8 How can I do CD <-> DAT sample rate conversion?
3. Programmable DSP chips and their software.
3.1 What are some current, popular programmable DSP chips?
3.2 Software for Motorola DSPs.
3.2.1 Where can I get a free assembler for the Motorola DSP56000?
3.2.2 Where can I get a free C compiler for the Motorola DSP56000?
3.2.3 Where can I get algorithms or libraries for Motorola DSPs?
What is the number for the Motorola DSP BBS?
3.2.4 Where can I get NeXT-compatible Motorola DSP56001 code?
3.3 Software for Texas Instruments DSPs.
3.3.1 Where can I get algorithms or libraries for TI DSPs?
What is the number for the TI DSP BBS?
3.3.2 Where can I get a free C compiler for the TMS320C30?
3.4 Software for Analog Devices DSPs.
3.4.1 Where can I get algorithms or libraries for AD DSPs?
What is the number for the Analog Devices DSP BBS?
4. Hardware.
4.1 DSP development boards.
4.1.1 IBM PC.
4.1.2 Mac Nubus.
4.1.3 SBus.
4.1.4 VMEbus.
4.1.5 Next bus.
4.1.6 SCSI bus.
4.1.7 Standalone.
4.2 Who makes AES/EBU chips?
5. Operating Systems.
6. List of manufacturers, addresses, and telephone numbers.
To search for a particular question within a text editor, look for the
pattern "Q#.##:", e.g., "Q1.2:".
Q0: What is comp.dsp?
Comp.dsp is a worldwide UseNet news group that is used to discuss
various aspects of digital signal processing. It is unmoderated,
though we try to keep the signal to noise ratio up :-). If you need to
ask a question that isn't in the FAQ, and can't figure out how to post,
consult news.newusers.questions. Other relevant news groups are
comp.compression, comp.speech, and sci.image.processing.
1. General DSP.
This section deals with general DSP, that is, DSP books, algorithms,
and packages that are not related to a particular manufacturer's DSP chip.
Q1.1: Summary of DSP books and significant research articles.
Q1.1.1: Bibles of DSP.
A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer, "Digital Signal Processing",
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1975.
A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer, "Discrete-Time Signal Processing"
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, 1989. ISBN 0-13-216292-X
This is an updated version of the original, with some old material deleted
and lots of new material added.
L.R. Rabiner & R.W. Schafer, "Digital Processing of Speech Signals",
Prentice Hall, 1978, ISBN 0-13-213603-1.
R. E. Crochiere & L. R. Rabiner, "Multirate Digital Signal Processing",
Prentice-Hall, 1983, ISBN 0136051626.
This book is the only real reference for filter banks and multirate
systems, as opposed to being a tutorial.
Thomas Parsons, "Voice and Speech Processing", McGraw-Hill, 1987,
ISBN 0-07-048541-0.
Addresses the cocktail party effect, as well as other material.
[Maurice Givens,]
Q1.1.2: Adaptive signal processing.
S. Haykin, "Adaptive Filter Theory", 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991.
B. Widrow and S.D. Stearns, "Adaptive Signal Processing",
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1985.
Q1.1.3: Array signal processing.
J.E. Hudson, "Adaptive Array Principles", IEE London and New York,
Peter Peregrinus Ltd. Stevenage, U.K., and New York, 1981.
R.A. Monzingo and T.W. Miller, "Introduction to Adaptive Arrays"
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1980.
S. Haykin, J.H. Justice, N.L. Owsley, J.L. Yen, and A.C. Kak
"Array Signal Processing", Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1985.
R.T. Compton, Jr., "Adaptive Antennas, Concepts and Performance",
Prentice-Hall, 1988, ISBN 0-13-004151-3.
Q1.1.4: Windowing articles.
F. J. Harris, "On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the DFT",
IEEE Proceedings, January 1978, pp. 51-83.
Perhaps the classic overview paper for discrete-time windows. It discusses
some 15 different classes of windows including their spectral responses and
the reasons for their development. [Brian Evans,]
Nezih C. Geckinli & Davras Yavuz, "Some Novel Windows and a Concise Tutorial
Comparison of Window Families", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech,
and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-26, No. 6, December 1978.
[Bob Beauchaine,]
Lineu C. Barbosa, "A Maximum-Energy-Concentration Spectral Window,"
IBM J. Res. Develop., Vol. 30, No. 3, May 1986, p. 321-325.
An elegant method for designing a time-discrete solution for
realization of a spectral window which is ideal from an energy
concentration viewpoint. This window is one that concentrates the
maximum amount of energy in a specified bandwidth and hence provides
optimal spectral resolution. Unlike the Kaiser window, this window is
a discrete-time realization having the same objectives as the
continuous-time prolate spheroidal function; at the expense of not
having a closed form solution. [Joe Campbell,]
Q1.1.5: Digital Audio Effects Processing.
Books (in no particular order, sorry):
Hal Chamberlin, Musical Applications of Microprocessors, 2nd Ed.,
Hayden Book Company, 1985.
Barry Blesser anJ. Kates. "Digital Processing in Audio Signals." In A. V.
Oppenheim, ed. Applications of Digital Signal Processing. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978.
Digital Signal Processing Committee of IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing Society, ed. Programs for Digital Signal Processing. New York:
IEEE Press, 1979.
John Strawn, ed., "Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology.", Los Altos,
CA: W. Kaufmann, 1985. [Contains Moorer J.A. "About This Reverb..."
and contains an article which gives a code for Phase Vocoder -- great
tool for EQ, for Pitchshifter and more --Juhana Kouhia]
Charles Dodge and Thomas A. Jerse. Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition,
and Performance. New York: Schirmer Books, 1985.
F. Richard Moore, "Elements of Computer Music", Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1990. ISBN: 0-13252-552-6 [Recommended. --Juhana Kouhia]
Curtis Roads and John Strawn, ed., "The Foundations of Computer Music",
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985. [Contains article on analysis/synthesis
by Strawn, recommended; also an another article maybe by J.A. Moorer
-- Juhana Kouhia]
John Strawn, ed., "Digital Audio Signal Processing", 283 pages,
$34.95, ISBN 0-86576-082-9, pub: A-R Editions. Contents:
1. Introduction to the mathematics of DSP (F. Richard Moore)
[Not a bad little text]
2. Introduction to digital filter theory (Julius O. Smith)
[Not a bad little text, either]
3. Spiral Synthesis (Tracy Lind Petersen)
[first published account of a new synthesis technique]
4. Signal processing aspects of computer music (J. A. Moorer)
[James Moorer's classic article--discusses many synthesis
techniques. Reverb algorithms. More than 6 pages of refs]
5. An introduction to the phase vocoder (J. W. Gordon, J. Strawn)
[Includes source code for a phase vocoder--a powerful method
for synthesis, pitch shifting, time scale modification, etc.]
[Comments by Quinn Jensen].
Curtis Road, ed., "Composers and the Computer", 201 pages,
$27.95, ISBN 0-86576-085-3, pub: A-R Editions.
John Strawn, ed., "Digital Audio Engineering", 144 pages,
$29.95, ISBN 0-86576-087-X pub: A-R Editions.
Deta S. Davis, "Computer Applications in Music: A Bibliography", 537 pages,
$49.95, ISBN 0-89579-225-7, pub: A-R Editions.
Ken C. Pohlmann, "The Compact Disc: A Handbook of Theory and Use",
288 pages, $45.95 (cloth) ISBN 0-89579-234-6, $29.95 (paper)
ISBN 0-89579-228-1, pub: A-R Editions.
Forthcoming books:
Curtis Roads, "A Computer Music History: Musical Automation
from Antiquity to the Computer Age"
Joseph Rothstein, "MIDI: A Comprehensive Introduction"
David Cope, "Computer Analysis of Musical Style"
Dexter Morrill and Rick Taube, "A Little Book of Computer Music
James A. Moorer, "About This Reverberation Business", Computer Music Journal
3, 20 (1979): 13-28. (Also in Foundations of CM below).
[Ok article, but you have to know basic DSP operations. --Juhana Kouhia]
Check more articles from Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
(JAES), for example more articles by Strawn.
Note: books published by A-R editions can be ordered from:
A-R Editions
801 Deming Way
Madison, Wisconsin 53717
608-836-9000 (They accept VISA orders)
[The above is largely from Quinn Jensen,;
Juhana Kouhia,; William Alves,;
and Paul A Simoneau,]
Q1.2: Where can I get free software for general DSP?
The packages listed below are mostly for general purpose DSP, that is,
DSP that is not specific to a particular programmable DSP chip. See
the later sections in the FAQ for software relevant to a particular
programmable DSP chip.
According to Brian Evans: "There was an entire session on this subject
[free DSP software] at ICASSP '92, chaired by Dr. Sally Wood and
Dr. James McClellan. It appears in Volume 4 of the Proceedings, pages
73-112. There will be another such session at ICASSP '93." [Brian Evans,] Much of the information below is from Brian's mail.
Q1.2.1: What is Gabriel? Where can I get it?
Package: Gabriel
Hierarchical block diagram environment for prototyping signal processing
systems on single or multiple processors. Algorithms expressed in block
diagram form can be simulated, and assembly code can also be generated for
the Motorola DSP56001 and DSP96002. Gabriel has almost been obsoleted by
Ptolemy, below.
Platforms: sun 3, sun 4, X windows. Written in Lisp (lisp compiler supplied).
Contact: Alan Kamas,
To obtain:
Anonymous ftp to, and retrieve gabriel-license.shar.
This is a shar file of licenses that you must sign and mail back to us (the
old-fashioned way) before we can give you the source. Then we can tell you
the password for an account that will allow you to FTP Gabriel.
Q1.2.2: What is Ptolemy? Where can I get it?
Package: Ptolemy
Ptolemy provides a highly flexible foundation for the specification,
simulation, and rapid prototyping of systems. It is an object
oriented framework within which diverse models of computation can
co-exist and interact. For example, using Ptolemy a data-flow
system can be easily connected to a hardware simulator which in turn
may be connected to a discrete-event system, etc. Because of this,
Ptolemy can be used to model entire systems.
In addition, Ptolemy now has code generation capabilities. From a
flow graph description, Ptolemy can generate both C code and DSP
assembly code for rapid prototyping. Note that code generation is
not yet complete, and is included in the current release for
demonstration purposes only.
Ptolemy has been used for a broad range of applications including
signal processing, telecomunications, parallel processing, wireless
communications, optical phase lock loops, real time systems, and
hardware/software co-design. Ptolemy has also been used as a lab
for signal processing and communications courses. Currently Ptolemy
has hundreds of users in over 75 sites, both in industry and academia.
Ptolemy is available for the Sun 4 (sparc) and DecStation (MIPS)
architectures. A port to the HP workstation is in progress.
Installing the system requires 49 Mbytes for Ptolemy (64 Mbytes
after you optionally rebuild) and 16 Mbytes for the Gnu tools
subset. At least 8 Mbytes of physical memory are required.
Ptolemy has been developed at UC Berkeley over the past 3 years.
Further information, including papers and the complete release
notes, is available from the FTP site.
A license is no longer required to receive Ptolemy. The source code,
binaries, and documentation are available by anonymous ftp from
[ftp "". login as "anonymous". cd "pub". get README]
Contact: Alan Kamas,
Q1.2.3: What is Khoros? Where can I get it?
Package: Khoros
Block diagram simulator for image and video processing. 1-D signal processing
is also supported. See the UseNet group comp.soft-sys.khoros.
Platforms: sun 3, sun 4, others? X windows. Written in C.
To obtain:
Anonymous ftp to, cd /pub/khoros/release, get install.ftp.
Q1.2.4: What are DSP Tutorials? Where can I get them?
Package: DSP Tutorials
Description: Computer aided instruction.
Platforms: suns under SunView.
Contact: Dr. Sally Wood, Electrical Engineering Department, Santa Clara
University, Santa Clara, CA 95053.
Q1.2.5: What are some DSP extensions to MATLAB? Where can I get them?
Package: MATLAB user's group public domain extensions to MATLAB
The MATLAB Digest is issued at irregular intervals based on the number
of questions and software items contributed by users. To make
submissions to the digest, please send to with a
subject: "DIG" and description.
For the Pacific, try located at the
University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
A plethora of toolboxes are available at FTP site:
(use netlib for the username)
General index for the MATLAB User Group software library
Currently there are the following subdirectories:
approximation approximation theory
archive old MATLAB user group digests
control control theory
dataanalysis data analysis and statistics
graphics graphics programs
integration numerical integration
linearalgebra linear algebra utilities
misc miscellaneous
ode ordinary differential equations
optimization as the name says
pde partial differential equations
rootfinding zero-finding routines
specialfunctions special functions
teaching for classroom use
tools miscellaneous tools
In order to get an index for a subdirectory (tools, say)
send the message
send index from MATLAB/tools
In order to get some code, (unbundle in the `tools'
directory, say), send the message
send unbundle from MATLAB/tools
FOR STUDENTS: Prentice Hall has published a student edition of matlab
which contains a book and set of disks for PCs and Macs. The software
is limited only in matrix size (32 x 32 matrix; 1024 elements) and in
its ability to import or call C or Fortran subroutines. On the plus
side, it is able to run without a coprocessor (it will use one if it is
present) and it includes a subset of the Signal Processing and Controls
Toolboxes, The Signals and Systems Toolbox, which provides for added
functionality. Book only (about US$30): ISBN = 0138560064; Book + disk:
(about US$50 ISBN=0-13-855974-0 for 3.5" or ISBN=0-13-855982-1 for 5.25
Macintosh version: ISBN=0-13-855990-2. There will be related books out
by mid to late 1993 : Computer Aided Signal Processing with MATLAB, by
Burrus, Oppenheim, McClellan, Parks, Schafer, and Schussler; and Signal
Processing : A Computer Approach, by Etter. More books in this MATLAB
Curriculum Series are planned. For general info:
[From the Matlab Users Group (Editor,]
Q1.2.6: What are the Signal Processing Packages for Mathematica?
Where can I get them?
Package: Signal Processing Pacakages (SPP) and Notebooks.
Public domain extensions to Mathematica. Enables the symbolic
manipulation of signal processing expressions: 1-D discrete/continuous
convolutions and 1-D/m-D linear transforms (Laplace, Fourier, z, DTFT,
and DFT). For linear transforms, you can specify your own transform
pairs and see the intermediate computations. Great for showing students
how to take transforms, or for deriving input-output relationships in a
transform domain. Additional abilities include analog filter design,
solving DE's using transforms, converting signal processing expressions
to their equivalent TeX forms, and number theoretic operations (Bezout
numbers, Smith Form decompositions, and matrix factors). Accompanying
SPP are tutorial notebooks on analog filter design, Fourier analysis,
piecewise convolution, and the z-transform (includes a discussion of
fundamentals of digital filter design). These Notebooks illustrate
difficult concepts (such as the flip-and-slide view of convolution)
through animation. A Notebook reader is available in the public domain
for Macintosh computers (a BinHexed version is on the ftp site).
FOR STUDENTS: A student version of Mathematica is available for $175.
The price includes a copy of the reference manual. The only drawbacks
to the student version are that the floating point coprocessor is dis-
abled and that upgrades cannot be ordered.
Contact: Brian Evans,
To obtain: anonymous ftp to (
(available in UNIX, Mac, and MS-DOS archive formats).
Q1.2.7: What is the Control Systems Analysis Packages for Mathematica?
Where can I get them?
Package: Control Systems Analysis Package (COSYPAK) and Notebooks
Description: Public domain extension to Mathematica. Classical and
state-space control analysis and design methods. The Notebooks
supplement the material in the textbook "Modern Controls Theory" by
Ogata. Largely based on the Signal Processing Packages (SPP, see above).
Contact: Dr. Sreenath,
To obtain: anonymous ftp (
Q1.2.8: What are some other Mathematica DSP Notebooks?
The following Mathematica notebooks can be ftped from
pub/DSP/ Generalized Hamming windows
pub/DSP/ The Kaiser window
pub/DSP/ Digital filter design by the "window method"
(There are other DSP related items in pub/DSP on ccrma-ftp; see other
sections of this FAQ for details).
Q1.2.9: What is the Linear Systems Toolbox for Maple?
Where can I get it?
Package: Linear systems toolbox for Maple.
Description: Public domain extension to Maple.
Contact: Tony Richardson,
To obtain: anonymous ftp to,
file pub/maple/linsys1.2.tar.Z.
Q1.2.10: Where can I get text to speech conversion software?
Free (but not public domain) text to speech conversion software is
available via anonymous ftp from in the pub directory
as speak.tar.Z. It will compile and run on a SPARC's built-in audio
after modifying speak.c with the path of your libaudio.h (e.g.,
/usr/demo/SOUND/libaudio.h). It's a simple phoneme concatenation
system with commensurate synthesized speech quality (a directory of
phoneme audio files is included). [Joe Campbell,]
Q1.2.11: Where can I get filter design software?
One source is the following: in the August 92 issue of IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing there is a paper entitled "METEOR: A
Constraint-Based FIR Filter Design Program" by Kenneth Steiglitz,
Thomas W. Parks and James F. Kaiser. They describe an FIR design
program which allows specification of the target frequency response
characteristics in a fairly generalised and flexible way. As well as
designing filters, the program can optimise filter lengths and push
band limits.
The paper contains a footnote which says "Pascal and C versions of
source code are available to anonymous ftp at in the
directory /pub as meteor.p, form.p, meteor.c and form.c".
True, they are. They appear to work. The Pascal versions have been
put through p2c to get the C versions; all the needed Pascal library
stuff is included in the C versions and they built error-free out of
the box for me on an SGI machine.
One catch is, there is no manual - you need the paper to know how to drive
the programs.
[Steve Clift,]
{ There are other free filter design programs floating around out there,
such as optfir/wfir. Does anyone know of ftp sites? }
Q1.2.12 Where can I get some DOS stuff?
There is a DOSD library available. The author wrote:
The DSP library is currently on Compuserve engineering forum. It
includes a Microsoft and Turbo C library. At the moment it is just a
demo object format library (and the microsoft version only works with
an x87), but the source code lisence is purchaseable. I have done it
this way because at the moment I am unsure of exactly how I want to
make it available, LSI are quite interested in supplying it with
their boards, or I may just offer it a freeware. If you are
interested, I could maybe just send you a disk, the problem is that
it is quite large and costs a bit to download from somewhere like
The library contains many functions for things like FFTs, filtering
(including LMS adaptive), windowing, convolution (inc 2d) and
correlation. It also has loads of examples, of how to use the
functions, including things like FIR filter design methods and
amplitude modulation.
{If someone downloads this, send it to me, and I will put it
up for anon. ftp - Brad }
2. Algorithms and standards.
This section deals with DSP algorithms and related standards.
Q2.1: Where can I get some algorithms for general DSP?
The following archives contain things such as matrix operations, FFT's and
generally useful things like that, as opposed to complete applications:
(1) host - log in as anonymous, get the file math/README.
It summarises the contents of the archive.
(2) Netlib, which serves some of this software via email. Try mail to
netlib@ORNL.GOV with "send help" in the subject field.
For Europe:
X.400: s=netlib; o=nac; c=no;
EUNET/uucp: nac!netlib
For the Pacific, try
For background about netlib, see Jack J. Dongarra and Eric Grosse,
"Distribution of Mathematical Software Via Electronic Mail,"
Comm. ACM (1987) 30,403--407.
A similar collection of statistical software is available from
The symbolic algebra system REDUCE is supported by
(3) The Naval Surface Warfare Center has a library of mathematical
Fortran subroutines that may be of use. From the report itself:
NSWC Library of Mathematical Subroutines
Report No.: NSWC TR 90-21, January 1990
by Alfred H. Morris, Jr.
Naval Surface Warfare Center (E43)
Dahlgren, VA 22448-5000
Distribution: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
The NSWC library is a library of general-purpose Fortran subroutines
that provide a basic computational capability in a variety of
mathematical activities. Emphasis has been placed on the transportability
of the codes. Subroutines are available in the following areas:
Elementary Operations, Geometry, Special Functions, Polynomials, Vectors,
Matrices, Large Dense Systems of Linear Equations, Banded Matrices,
Sparse Matrices, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, l1 Solution of Linear
Equations, Least-Squares Solution of Linear Equations, Optimization,
Transforms, Approximation of Functions, Curve Fitting, Surface Fitting,
Manifold Fitting, Numerical Integration, Integral Equations, Ordinary
Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations
[Witold Waldman,]
{ Does anyone know an FTP site for this library? }
If you don't know where to find what you're after, try archie.
Q2.2: What are CELP and LPC? Where can I get the source for CELP and LPC?
CELP stands for "code excited linear prediction". LPC stands for
"linear predictive coding". They are compression algorithms used for
low bit rate (2400 and 4800 bps) speech coding.
The U.S. DoD's Federal Standard 1016 (FS 1016) based 4800 bps code
excited linear prediction voice coder version 3.2 (CELP 3.2) Fortran
and C simulation source codes are available for worldwide distribution
at no charge (on DOS diskettes, but configured to compile on Sun SPARC
stations) from:
Bob Fenichel
National Communications System
Washington, D.C. 20305
1-703-746-4960 (fax)
Example input and processed speech files, a technical information bulletin,
and the official standard "Federal Standard 1016, Telecommunications:
Analog to Digital Conversion of Radio Voice by 4,800 bit/second Code
Excited Linear Prediction (CELP)" are included at no charge.
Unfortunately, a document that is a vital part of the CELP release package
is not available in electronic form. Anyone serious interested in CELP
should obtain the document:
Details to Assist in Implementation of Federal Standard 1016 CELP.
National Communications System, Office of Technology & Standards, 1992.
Technical Information Bulletin 92-1.
It is available from the above address.
The 4800 bps CELP code is available via anonymous FTP on ( in
It is unsupported, and has not been compiled or tested. This version
takes a lot of CPU time. It is about 15 times slower than real-time.
That is, to code 1 minute of speech takes about 15 minutes. It has
directions on how to reduce the codebook search to make it faster, but
they are only for the speech coding expert.
The following article describes the FS 1016 4.8-kbps CELP coder:
Campbell, Joseph P. Jr., Thomas E. Tremain and Vanoy C. Welch, "The
Proposed Federal Standard 1016 4800 bps Voice Coder: CELP," Speech
Technology Magazine, April/May 1990, p. 58-64.
The U.S. DoD's Federal-Standard-1015/NATO-STANAG-4198 based 2400 bps
linear prediction coder version 53 (LPC-10e v53) Fortran or C simulation
source codes are available on a limited basis upon written request to:
Tom Tremain
Department of Defense
Ft. Meade, MD 20755-6000
The U.S. Federal Standard 1015 (NATO STANAG 4198) is described in:
Thomas E. Tremain, "The Government Standard Linear Predictive Coding
Algorithm: LPC-10," Speech Technology Magazine, April 1982, p. 40-49.
Copies of the official standards FS 1015 and FS 1016 are available for
US $2.50 each from:
GSA Rm 6654
7th & D St SW
Washington, D.C. 20407
1 (202) 708-9205
Realtime DSP code for FS-1015 and FS-1016 is sold by several vendors,
John DellaMorte
DSP Software Engineering
165 Middlesex Tpk, Suite 206
Bedford, MA 01730
1-617-275-4323 (fax)
Analogic Systems
2916 Ramona
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(415) 323-3232
DSP Software Engineering's FS-1016 code can run on a DSP Research's Tiger 30
or on Intellibit's AE2000 TMS320C31 based 3" by 2.5" card. See section 4.1
for more on these cards. Analogic's product runs on a 27 MHz DSP56001 chip.
[Most of the above from Joe Campbell,, with
additions from Dan Frankowski,, and Ed Hall,]
Q2.3: What is ADPCM? Where can I get source for it?
ADPCM stands for Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation. It is a
family of speech compression and decompression algorithms. A common
implementation takes 16-bit linear PCM samples samples and converts
them to 4-bit samples, yeilding a compression rate of 4:1.
There is public domain C code available via anonymous ftp at in /pub/adpcm.shar written by Jack Jansen (email It is very programmer-friendly. The ADPCM code
used is the Intel/DVI ADPCM code which is being recommended by the IMA
Digital Audio Technical Working Group. It allows the following calls:
adpcm_coder(short inbuf[], char outbuf[], int nsample,
struct adpcm_state *state);
adpcm_decoder(char inbuf[], short outbuf[], int nsample,
struct adpcm_state *state);
The routines have been tested on an SGI Indigo running Irix 4.0.2 and
on a Sparcstation 1+ running SunOS 4.1.1. On a Sun, the code will
compress at 250Ksample/sec and decompress at 300Ksample/sec. On an
SGI, the compressor runs at 350Ksample/sec and the decompressor at
Note that this is NOT a CCITT G722 coder. The CCITT ADPCM standard is
much more complicated, probably resulting in better quality sound but
also in much more computational overhead.
[From Dan Frankowski,; Jack Jansen,]
Q2.4: What is GSM? Where can I get source for it?
The README file for GSM says:
GSM 06.10 13 kbit/s RPE/LTP speech compression available
The Communications and Operating Systems Research Group (KBS) at the
Technische Universitaet Berlin is currently working on a set of
UNIX-based tools for computer-mediated telecooperation that will be
made freely available.
As part of this effort we are publishing an implementation of the
European GSM 06.10 provisional standard for full-rate speech
transcoding, prI-ETS 300 036, which uses RPE/LTP (residual pulse
excitation/long term prediction) coding at 13 kbit/s.
GSM 06.10 compresses frames of 160 13-bit samples (8 kHz sampling
rate, i.e. a frame rate of 50 Hz) into 260 bits; for compatibility
with typical UNIX applications, our implementation turns frames of 160
16-bit linear samples into 33-byte frames (1650 Bytes/s).
The quality of the algorithm is good enough for reliable speaker
recognition; even music often survives transcoding in recognizable
form (given the bandwidth limitations of 8 kHz sampling rate).
The interfaces offered are a front end modelled after compress(1), and
a library API. Compression and decompression run faster than realtime
on most SPARCstations. The implementation has been verified against the
ETSI standard test patterns.
Jutta Degener (
Carsten Bormann (
Communications and Operating Systems Research Group, TU Berlin
Fax: +49.30.31425156, Phone: +49.30.31424315
An implementation can be FTPed from
or as a faster but not always up-to-date alternative:
[From Dan Frankowski,]
Q2.5: How does pitch perception work, and how do I implement it on my DSP chip?
Pitch is officially defined as "That attribute of auditory sensation
in terms of which sounds may be ordered on a musical scale." Several
good examples illustrating the subtleties of pitch perception are
included in the "Auditory Demonstrations CD" which is available from
the Acoustical Society of America, Woodbury, NY 10797 for $20.
A good general reference about the psychology of pitch perception is
the book:
B.C.J. Moore, "An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing",
Academic Press, London, 1989.
This book is available in paperback and makes a good desk reference.
An algorithm implementation that matches a large body of psychoacoustical
work, but which is computationally very intensive, is presented in the paper:
Malcolm Slaney and Richard Lyon, "A Perceptual Pitch Detector,"
Proceedings of the International Conference of Acoustics, Speech,
and Signal Processing, 1990, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The definitive papers describing the use of such a perceptual pitch
detector as applied to the classical pitch literature is in:
Ray Meddis and M. J. Hewitt. "Virtual pitch and phase
sensitivity of a computer model of the auditory periphery. "
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 89 (6 1991): 2866-2682.
and 2883-2894.
The current work that argues for a pure spectral method starts with the work
of Goldstein:
J. Goldstein, "An optimum processor theory for the
central formation of the pitch of complex tones," Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America 54, 1496-1516, 1973.
Two approaches are worth considering if something approximating pitch
is appropriate. The people at IRCAM have proposed a harmonic analysis
approach that can be implemented on a DSP
Boris Doval and Xavier Rodet, "Estimation of Fundamental Frequency
of Musical Sound Signals," Proceedings of the 1991 International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toronto,
Volume 5, pp. 3657-3660.
The classic paper for time domain (peak picking) pitch algorithms is:
B. Gold and L. Rabiner, "Parallel processing techniques for estimating
pitch periods of speech in the time domain," Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, 46, pp 441-448, 1969.
Finally, a word of caution: Pitch is not single-valued. We can hear a
sound and match it to several different pitches. Imagine the number
of instruments in an orchestra, each with its own pitch. Even a
single sound can have more than one pitch. See for example
Demonstration 27 from the ASA Auditory Demonstrations CD.
[The above from Malcolm Slaney, Apple Computer, and John Lazzaro,
U.C. Berkeley.]
Q2.6: What standards are there for digital audio? What is AES/EBU?
What is S/P-DIF?
The "AES/EBU" (Audio Engineering Society / European Broadcast Union)
digital audio standard is probably the most popular digital audio
standard today. Most consumer and professional digital audio devices
(CD players, DAT decks, etc.) that feature digital audio I/O support
AES/EBU is a bit-serial communications protocol for transmitting
digital audio data through a single transmission line. It provides two
channels of audio data (up to 24 bits per sample), a method for
communication control and status information ("channel status bits"),
and some error detection capabilities. Clocking information (i.e.,
sample rate) is derived from the AES/EBU bit stream, and is thus
controlled by the transmitter. The standard mandates use of 32 kHz,
44.1 kHz, or 48 kHz sample rates, but some interfaces can be made to
work at other sample rates.
AES/EBU provides both "professional" and "consumer" modes. The big
difference is in the format of the channel status bits mentioned above.
The professional mode bits include alphanumeric channel origin and
destination data, time of day codes, sample number codes, word length,
and other goodies. The consumer mode bits have much less information,
but do include information on copy protection (naturally). Additionally,
the standard provides for "user data", which is a bit stream containing
user-defined (i.e., manufacturer-defined) data. According to Tim
Channon, "CD user data is almost raq CD subcode; DAT is StartID and
SkipID. In progfessional mode, there is an SDLC protocol or, if DAT,
it may be the same as consumer mode."
There physical connection media are commonly used with AES/EBU:
balanced (differential), using two wires and shield in three-wire microphone
cable with XLR connectors; unbalanced (single-ended), using audio coax cable
with RCA jacks; and optical (via fiber optics).
"S/P-DIF" (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) typically refers to
AES/EBU operated in consumer mode over unbalanced RCA cable. Note
that S/P-DIF and AES/EBU mean different things depending on how much
of a purist you are in the digital audio world; see the Finger article
Finger, Robert, "AES3-199X: The Revised Two Channel Digital Audio
Interface (DRAFT)", presented at the 91st Convention of the Audio
Engineering Society, October 4-8, 1991. Reprints: AES, 60 East 42nd
St., New York, NY, 10165.
[The above from Phil Lapsley, phil@ohm.Berkeley.EDU, and Tim Channon,]
Q2.7: What is mu-law encoding? Where can I get source for it?
Mu-law (also "u-law") encoding is a form of logarithmic quantization
or companding. It's based on the observation that many signals are
statistically more likely to be near a low signal level than a high
signal level. Therefore, it makes more sense to have more quantization
points near a low level than a high level. In a typical mu-law system,
linear samples of 14 to 16 bits are companded to 8 bits. Most telephone
quality codecs (including the Sparcstation's audio codec) use mu-law
encoded samples.
Desktop Sparc machines come with routines to convert between linear and
mu-law samples. On a desktop Sparc, see the man page for audio_ulaw2linear
in /usr/demo/SOUND/man.
Craig Reese posted the source of similar routines to comp.dsp in August '92.
These are archived on ( in /pub/dsp/misc
CCITT Recommendation G.711 (very difficult to follow).
Michael Villeret, et. al, "A New Digital Technique for Implementation
of Any Continuous PCM Companding Law,", IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications,
1973, vol. 1, pp. 11.12-11.17.
MIL-STD-188-113, "Interoperability and Performance Standards
for Analog-to-Digital Conversion Techniques," 17 February 1987.
"TI Digital Signal Processing Applications with the TMS320 Family",
pp. 169-198.
[From Joe Campbell; Craig Reese,; Sepehr Mehrabanzad,]
Q2.8: How can I do CD <-> DAT sample rate conversion?
CD players use a 44.1 kHz sample rate, whereas DAT uses a 48 kHz sample rate.
This means that you must do sample rate conversion before you can get data
from a CD player directly into a DAT deck.
[From Ed Hall,]
For a start, look at "Multirate Digital Signal Processing" by Crochiere
and Rabiner (see FAQ section 1.1).
Almost any technique for producing good digital low-pass filters will be
adaptable to sample-rate conversion. 44.1:48 and vice-versa is pretty
hairy, though, because the lowest whole-number ratio is 147:160. To do
all that in one go would require a FIR with thousands of coefficients,
of which only 1/147th or 1/160th are used for each sample--the real
problem is memory, not CPU for most DSP chips. You could chain several
interpolators and decimators, as suggested by factoring the ratio into
3*7*7:2*2*2*2*2*5. This adds complexity, but reduces the number of
coefficients required by a considerable amount.
In any case, your local DSP guru will probably be able to suggest a good
program for designing digital filters (this is a good general question
for the net, anyway). This is one case where going beyond the simpler
windowed-sinc-based approaches might pay off (and I'm afraid I can't
recommend any readily available programs myself).
3. Programmable DSP chips and software.
This section deals with programmable DSP chips and their software.
Q3.1: What are the available DSP chips and chip architectures?
{ This is based on a woefully inadequate databook collection. Anyone want
to add to this list? Manufacturers want to submit anything? }
The "big four" programmable DSP chip manufacturers are Texas Instruments,
with the TMS320 series of chips; Motorola, with the DSP56000 and DSP96000
series; AT&T, with the DSP16 and DSP32 series; and Analog Devices, with
the ADSP2100 series. A good overview of prorammable DSP chips is published
periodically in EDN magazine. The most recent version is from Sep. 17, 1992,
pp. 90-141.
Here's a less ambitious chip breakdown by manufacturer:
Texas Instuments:
TMS320C1x: family of low cost fixed-point DSP's; 16 bit data, 32 bit
registers; Various RAM and ROM configurations; 16 bit I/O bus, serial ports.
TMS320C25: 50MHz fixed-point DSP; 16 bit data, 32 bit registers;
12.5 MIPS @ 50MHz.
TMS320C30: 27/33/40 MHz floating point DSP; 32 bit floating point,
24 bit fixed point data, 40 bit registers; DMA controller; dual serial
ports; some support for multi-processor arrays.
TMS320C31: version of C30 minus peripheral bus, one serial port, and the 4Kx32
internal ROM. ~$20, 132 pin PQFP.
TMS320C40: 40/50 MHz floating point DSP; extensive parallel processing
support through 6 buffered byte-wide 20 Mb/s links and 6 channel DMA; cache.
TMS320C50: enhanced TMS320C25 (double throughput); low overhead looping;
10 Kwords SRAM on chip.
DSP56001: 20.5, 27, or 33 MHz 24-bit fixed point DSP. 24 bit data bus, 16 bit
address bus, 56 bit accumulators (2), host interface port, serial ports (2),
general purpose I/O pins, timer. Harvard architecture. 512 words program
RAM, 32 words bootstrap ROM, 512 words data RAM, 512 words data ROM on chip.
Available in PGA, CQFP or PQFP packaging.
DSP56000: Mask-programmed version of DSP56001, same peripherals and data
memories, 3.75k words program ROM on chip.
DSP56002: modular DSP based on new 24-bit DSP56k core, a superset of
the DSP56001 architecture with On-Chip Emulation (OnCE) debug port,
clock PLL and improved bus arbitration. Has four cycle double precision
multiply and support for block floating point. Same memory as in
DSP56001, except for 64 words bootstrap ROM. Host interface port,
serial ports (2), general purpose I/O pins, programmable 24-bit timer,
non-maskable interrupt. Low power fully static design, no minimum
clock frequency requirement. Available at 40 MHz (5V supply) in PGA
and CQFP packaging.
DSP56004: modular DSP, same 24-bit DSP56k core as in DSP56002. Targeted
to consumer digital audio applications. Has On-Chip Emulation (OnCE)
debug port, clock PLL, serial host interface (I2C and SPI), four
general purpose I/O pins, two stereo serial audio receivers (I2S/Sony),
three stereo serial audio transmitters (I2S/Sony), external SRAM/DRAM
memory interface with 8-bit data bus. Low power fully static design,
no minimum clock frequency requirement. Available at 40 MHz (5V
supply) in 80-pin QFP package.
DSP56156: 40, 50, or 60 MHz fixed point DSP; 16 bit data bus, 40 bit
accumulators (2), host interface port, serial ports (2), timer, OnCE
debug port, clock PLL, 14 bit sigma-delta voice band CODEC, 2K words
program RAM, 2K words data RAM on chip.
DSP96002: IEEE format floating point DSP; two complete 32 bit data and
address buses; Harvard architecture. 1k words program RAM, 64 words
bootstrap ROM, 1k words data RAM, 1k words data ROM, host interface
ports (2). Available in 33 MHz or 40 MHz in 223-pin PGA packaging.
[The above from Sergio Liberman, ]
DSP32C: floating point DSP; 32 bit floating point, 16/24 bit fixed point data.
DSP3210: floating point DSP; 32 bit floating point, 16/32 bit fixed point data;
32 bit address and data bus, serial port.
[and others; we don't have a good list, unfortunately].
Analog Devices:
ADSP2100: 32 and 50Mhz fixed point DSP (8 MIPS, 12.5MIPS). 16 bit registers
except for multiplyer-accumulate register which is 40 bits. No on chip memory
except for a 16 word instruction cache.
ADSP2101: Derived from ADSP2100, 16 bit registers except for the multiplier
accumulator which is 40 bits. 2Kx24 instruction/data ram in program memory
space, 1Kx16 data ram in data memory space. Adds memory, timer, serial ports,
etc. to the 2100. Fastest speed grade in production is 16.6 MHz (16.6MIPS).
ADSP2102: Ram/rom version of 2101; user selects how much of the 2kx24 program
memory is mask rom.
ADSP2103: 3V version of the 2101.
ADSP21msp50: ADSP2111 with an on chip a/d and d/a interface and additional
low power modes.
ADSP2161: has 8Kx24 mask rom.
DSP21020: 20/25/33 MHz floating-point DSP; Supports 32-bit fixed point, IEEE
format 32-bit floating point, and 40-bit floating point; 40-bit registers plus two 80-bit fixed-point multiply-accumulators; Harvard arch. with 32 word
instruction cache allows two data accesses in a single cycle; IEEE 1149.1 JTAG boundry scan; 33.3 MIPS @ 33.3 MHz.
ADSP21010: Slower and cheaper version of '020 (16 MHz). Limited to 32-bit
fixed and floating point.
All of the processors (except the 2100) use a 1X instruction clock and use an
on chip PLL to generate an internal 4X clock. All processors have an extended
Harvard architecture which allows two data fetches and an instruction fetch
every cycle in parallel with an alu or mac operation. All instructions
including accessing external memory can complete in 1 cycle.
[Greg Koker,]
Q3.2: Software for Motorola DSPs.
Q3.2.1: Where can I get a free assembler for the Motorola DSP56000?
A free assembler for the Motorola DSP56000 exists, thanks to Quinn
Jensen, The current version is 1.1, and
it is posted to alt.sources, so look for it on mirrors of that
newsgroup (like
Q3.2.2: Where can I get a free C compiler for the Motorola DSP56000?
There are two separate compiler sources for the Motorola DSP56000. One
is the port of gcc 1.40 done by Andrew Sterian ( and
the other is a port of gcc 1.37.1 done by Motorola and returned to the
FSF. Andrew's port has bowed to Motorola's version. Both may be
portable to gcc2.x.x with some effort required. Neither of these comes
with an assembler, but you can get a free DSP56000 assembler elsewhere
(see Q3.2.1 above).
The Motorola gcc source is available for FTP from: ~pub/ham/dsp/dsp56k-tools/dsp56k-gcc.tar.Z pub/micros/56k/g56k.tar.Z
From Andrew Sterian,
My DSP56156 port is still the only DSP56156 compiler around and I have
just released an updated version of it. Both this compiler and the
previous incarnation are archived on (in the
usenet/alt.sources directory) amongst other places.
Q3.2.3: Where can I get algorithms and libraries for Motorola DSPs?
What is the number for the Motorola DSP BBS?
Motorola runs "Dr. Bub", a bulletin board for DSPs containing sourcen account by entering "new" at the
account name prompt. [John Fisher,]
Alternatively, Dr. BuB is mirr
Also try in /pub/ham/dsp for a lot of good stuff on
communications uses, including some hardware. also has a variety of DSP code (much of it NeXT
specific, see below), including the following for the DSP56000:
pub/clm.tar.Z "CLM", a package aimed mainly at composers doing
computer music in Common Lisp, but includes a Lisp
56000 assembler, debugger, loader, large libraries of
DSP56000 routines useful in computer music, and
a compiler from a subset of Common Lisp to
DSP56000 code. []
Q3.2.4: Where can I get NeXT-compatible Motorola DSP56001 code?
Try the following from ccrma-ftp.Stanford.EDU:
DSP programs for the NeXT platform:
pub/DSP/resample.tar.Z Audio sampling-rate conversion and FIR
filter design.
pub/DSP/ResoLab2.1.tar.Z Interactive filter instrument; sources now
included, online help.
pub/DSP/Spectro.Z Spectrum analysis tool, with source code.
pub/DSP/WaveFormEditor.tar.Z Jean Laroche's real-time waveform editor,
with DAJ's additions.
DSP programming examples for the NeXT platform:
pub/DSP/dsp_dma_stream.tar.Z Fast DSP DMA programming example (two-way DMA).
pub/DSP/JeanLaroche.tar.Z Low-level sound and DSP programming examples
and docs.
Q3.3: Software for Texas Instruments DSPs.
Q3.3.1: Where can I get algorithms or libraries for TI DSPs?
What is the number for the TI DSP BBS? has some old, apparently public domain, assembler and
related tools from TI for the TMS320 family. [Antti-Pekka Virtanen,
The TI DSP bulletin board is at (713) 274-2323 (300, 1200, 2400, or 9600 bps;
8 data, 1 stop, no parity). has a mirror of the TI DSP bulletin board in
"mirrors/tibbs". See the "00README" file at the top of the
directory tree for info. Please restrict FTP session to outside of
8 am to 6 pm local time (10 pm to 8 am GMT).
This is mirrored from, in /tms320bbs. The TI site is
the official one, but has no user contributed software.
[Brad Hards,]
{ If anyone knows of any other sources for TI DSP software, please let
us know at comp-dsp-faq@ohm.Berkeley.EDU. Thanks! }
Q3.3.2: Where can I get a free C compiler for the TI TMS320C30?
Sonitech (see vendors list) has a gcc based TMS320C30 C compiler
that was originally done Computer Motion. Sonitech sells it
for $995, but under the terms of the Gnu Public License, other
people can then give it away. While we haven't heard of any
ftp sites yet, there are bound to be some soon.
Q3.4: Software for Analog Devices DSPs.
Q3.4.1: Where can I get algorithms or libraries for Analog Devices DSPs?
What is the number for the Analog Devices DSP BBS?
The number for the Analog Devices DSP BBS is (617) 461-4258 (300, 1200,
2400, 9600, 14400 bps), 8N1.
[Greg Koker,]
{ If anyone knows of other sources for Analog Devices DSP software,
please let us know at comp-dsp-faq@ohm.Berkeley.EDU. Thanks! }
Questions, comments, or submissions for this FAQ should be mailed to
comp-dsp-faq@ohm.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ohm!comp-dsp-faq. Thanks!
End of article 4252 (of 4271)--what next? [npq] 4253
comp.dsp #4253 (52 more) (1)--[2]
From: (Bradley Hards)
Newsgroups: comp.dsp,news.answers
[2] comp.dsp FAQ [2 of 3]
Supersedes: <>
Followup-To: poster
Date: Wed Jan 06 21:35:19 MET 1993
Organization: Australian Defence Force Academy
Lines: 945
Distribution: world
Summary: This is a periodic posting to comp.dsp that gives information
+ on frequently asked questions asked in this newsgroup.
Archive-name: dsp-faq/part2
Last-modified: Fri Jan 1 1993
Version: 0.8
4. Hardware.
This section deals with DSP hardware, including boards, peripherals, and
some peripheral chips.
Q4.1: DSP development boards.
Note: This information was mainly supplied by vendor catalogues. It is in
no way definitive, and much of the information may well be out of date
or simply wrong. Beware!
Q4.1.1: IBM PC DSP development boards.
IBM PC boards, Analog Devices 2100 series processors:
Name: ADSP-2101 DSPB 2101-4
Type: Four processor ADSP-2101 IBM PC AT board
Company: CMS GmbH
Processor: 4x ADSP 2101
Analog I/O: 2 16 bit A/Ds per processor.
Name: ADSP-2101 LAB-DSP
Type: ADSP-2101 or ADSP-2105 IBM PC/AT XT
Company: Computer Continuum
Processor: ADSP 2101 or ADSP 2105
Features: Shared memory between PC and DSP. Serial I/O. Daughter board.
Name: Feature Finder ADSP-2105
Type: ADSP-2105 frame grabber for IBM PC
Company: Current Technology, Inc.
Processor: ADSP 2101
Features: RS-170 video interface, 512x512 video memory, feature extraction s/w
Name: LAB2105 DSP Card
Type: ADSP-2105 board for IBM PC
Company: EnterTec, Inc.
Processor: ADSP-2105
Analog I/O: Codec with microphone input and headphone output.
Name: ADSP-2105 DSP Platform
Type: Dual ADSP-2105 or ADSP-2101 IBM PC board
Company: Hollis Electronics
Processor: 2x ADSP-2105 (or ADSP-2101s)
Analog I/O: 2 14 bit D/A, 2 12 bit A/D
Features: 2x RS-232 UARTs, real-time clock, 2x 16 bit timers, 4 char LED
Name: ADSP-2100 DX2100
Type: ADSP 2100 (?) IBM PC board
Company: Logabex
Processor: ADSP-2100 (?)
Name: ADSP-2100 System board
Type: ADSP-2100A IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: ADSP-2100A 40 MHz 16K words RAM
Analog I/O: 12 bit 125 kHz A/D, D/A
Name: ADSP-2101 System board
Type: ADSP-2101 IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: ADSP-2101 12.5 MHz, 8K words RAM
Analog I/O: A/D -- D/A: dual 14 bit 19.2 kHz CODECs (TI TLC32044Cs)
Comments: 32Kx8 EPROM socket allows some standalone behavior
Name: GODSPEED (ADSP-2101)
Type: ADSP-2101 IBM PC board
Company: Prime Ideal
Processor: ADSP-2101, dual-port RAM to PC bus
Analog I/O: 48 kHz codec w/ speaker and mic connectors
Name: ADSP-2105 Espresso Board
Type: ADSP-2105 IBM PC XT/AT board
Company: Saddle Point Systems
Processor: ADSP-2105 or ADSP-2101, 28K words memory.
Analog I/O: on board codec
Name: ADSP-2101 SPB2
Type: Dual ADSP-2101 IBM PC AT board
Company: Signal-Data
Processor: 2x ADSP-2101s, 32Kw RAM/proc, 8Kw ROM/proc.
Analog I/O: 12 bit A/D, 12 bit D/A on one processor
Name: PC-1601A, DSPS-2601
Type: ADSP-2101 IBM PC board (?)
Company: Wavetron Microsystems
Comments: DSPS-2601 is a multi-channel version. (?)
IBM PC boards, Analog Devices 21000 series processors:
Name: GAMMA 20/25
Type: ADSP-21020 IBM PC AT board
Company: BittWare Research Systems, Inc.
Processor: DSP-21020 25 MHz, 32K or 128K RAM
Analog I/O: daughter card available
Features: DT-connect interface, mezzanine bus for daughter cards
Name: ADSP-21020 System Board
Type: ADSP-21020 IBM PC AT board
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: ADSP-21020, 160 Kw program RAM, 160 Kw data RAM
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit analog I/O daughter card option.
Features: Interval timer.
IBM PC boards, AT&T processors:
Name: DSP-32C
Type: AT&T DSP-32C IBM PC-AT card
Company: Ariel Corp (908) 249-2900
Processor: DSP-32C
Name: V3-B0-00
Type: AT&T DSP-32C IBM PC-AT (16 bit) card
Company: Communication Automation and Control, Inc. (800) 367-6735
Processor: DSP-32C 50 MHz, 128 K? SRAM (expandable)
Analog I/O: available via mezzanine card
Features: mezzanine bus
Price: $1245
Name: AC5-A0
Type: AT&T DSP-32C IBM PC-AT (16 bit) card
Company: Communication Automation and Control, Inc. (800) 367-6735
Processor: DSP-32C 50 MHz, 64 K? SRAM (expandable)
Analog I/O: available via mezzanine card
Features: mezzanine bus
Price: $995
Name: XC5-A0
Type: AT&T DSP-32C IBM PC-AT (8 bit) card
Company: Communication Automation and Control, Inc. (800) 367-6735
Processor: DSP-32C 49.152 MHz, 64 K? SRAM (expandable)
Analog I/O: available via mezzanine card
Features: mezzanine bus
Price: $995
Name: DSP32C System board
Type: DSP32C IBM PC AT card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: DSP32C 50 MHz, 40K words RAM
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit 153 kHz A/D, D/A (Burr Brown PCM78 & PCM56)
Comments: "DSP32 Processor board" is as above, but without analog I/O.
Instead it has a wire wrap prototyping area.
Name: DSP32C Telephony Board
Type: DSP32C IBM PC AT card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: DSP32C 50 MHz, 40K words RAM
Analog I/O: AT&T 7525 CODEC
Features: 4 line telephone interface with opto-isolated ring detector in
either US or UK configuration.
Name: AT-DSP2200
Type: AT&T DSP-32C IBM PC-AT card
Company: National Instruments (800) 433-3488
Processor: DSP-32C
Analog I/O: 16 bit sigma-delta A/D, D/A
Features: 16 bit real-time system integration (RTSI) peripheral bus interface.
Name: Array Processor Card AP2
Type: AT&T DSP-32C IBM PC-AT card
Company: Tucker-Davis Technologies
Processor: DSP-32C 50 MHz, 512 Kbytes SRAM, 8.5 Mbytes DRAM
Analog I/O: available via expansion card
Features: fiber optic interface to a variety of peripherals
Comments: available with the "AP2 operating system" (APOS), which is also
a sort of high-level language for rapidly building DSP applications.
Name: Qw3210-SA
Type: DSP3210 IBM PC (ISA) card
Company: Quantawave, (508) 481-9802
Processor: DSP3210 64 MHz, 136 kbytes SRAM, dual-port DRAM between PC, DSP
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit 200 kHz A/D, D/A with programmable gain, cutoff
Price: $2995
Name: MP3210
Type: DSP3210 IBM PC card
Company: Ariel, (908) 249-2900
Processor: 1 or 2 DSP3210 55 MHz, 64 kbytes SRAM (1 ws), 1 Mbyte DRAM
(4-6 ws)
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit 100 kHz A/D, D/A (400 kHz -> 12 bit)
Features: DT-connect interface, NABus interface
IBM PC boards, Motorola DSP56000 processors:
Name: DSP-56
Type: DSP56001 IBM PC AT card
Company: Ariel Corp (908) 249-2900
Processor: 27 (?) MHz DSP56001
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit 100 kHz A/D, D/A
Features: DSPnet parallel interface, SCSI interface, async serial interface
Name: PC-56
Type: DSP56001 IBM PC AT card
Company: Ariel Corp (908) 249-2900
Processor: 27 MHz 56k with 16K or 64K words RAM
Analog I/O: optional 14 bit single channel analog I/O.
Name: Cheetah mother board
Type: DSP96002/dual DSP56001 IBM PC AT card
Company: Atlanta Signal Processors, Inc. (ASPI) (404) 892-7265
Processor: DSP96002 33 MHz, 256k-2M bytes RAM, dual DSP56001s 20 MHz
Features: serial interfaces.
Name: DSP56001 System board
Type: DSP56001 IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: DSP56001 20Mhz 192K words RAM
Analog I/O: two 16 bit 153 kHz A/D w/ 3rd order analog filters,
two 16 bit D/A w/ 3rd order analog filters, telephony codec
Comments: "DSP56001 Processor board" is same, but without analog I/O
Name: Dual DSP56001 Processor board
Type: two processor DSP56001 IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: 27 MHz 56k, 32K words RAM per CPU
Interface: Two ADS ports, each processor has RS422 or SLD ISDN
Comments: 2Kx16 bit dual port RAM between host and each processor,
2Kx24 bit dual port RAM between 56ks
Name: DSP56001 Application Development System (ADS)
Type: DSP56001 board for IBM PC
Company: Motorola Corp. (512) 891-2030
Processor: DSP56001
Comments: Motorola produce DSP56000 assembler, linker, simulator, C compiler.
This is an external board that interfaces to a variety of hosts, including
the IBM PC, via host-specific adaptor cards.
IBM PC boards, Motorola DSP56156/DSP56116 processors:
Name: DSPB56166 System board
Type: DSP56156 IBM PC AT card
Company: Integrated Technologies Solutions, Inc.
Processor: DSP56156 ?? MHz, ?? words RAM,
Features: Xilinx FPGA for custom digital I/O
Name: DSP56116 System board
Type: DSP56116 IBM PC AT card
Company: Spectrum Signal Processing (604) 438-7266
Processor: DSP56116 80? MHz, 30K words RAM,
Analog I/O: two CODECs attached to 56116 serial ports
IBM PC boards, Motorola DSP96000 processor:
Name: MM-96
Type: Two processor DSP96002 IBM PC AT card
Company: Ariel Corp (908) 249-2900
Processor: 2x DSP96002
Name: DSP96002 System board
Type: DSP96002 IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: DSP96002 33 MHz , 64Kword 0ws RAM + 256Kword 1ws RAM
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit 100 kHz A/D converters (Motorola 56ADC16s)
Name: DSP96002 Application Development System (ADS)
Type: DSP96002 board for IBM PC
Company: Motorola Corp. (512) 891-2030
Processor: DSP96002
Comments: This is an external board that interfaces to a variety of hosts,
including the IBM PC, via host-specific adaptor cards.
IBM PC boards, Texas Instruments TMS320C1x processors:
Name: TMS320C1x Development System
Type: IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: TMS320C14
Comments: Integrated emulation and programming system.
Type: PC board with TMS32010
Company: Natural Microsystems Corp. (800) 533-6120
Processor: TMS32010
IBM PC boards, Texas Instruments TMS320C25 processors:
Name: DSP-16+
Type: TMS320C25 IBM PC AT card
Company: Ariel Corp (908) 249-2900
Processor: 40 MHz 320C25
Analog I/O: two channel 16 bit 50 kHz A/D, D/A.
Name: Chimera system
Type: TMS320C25 or TMS320C26 IBM PC AT card
Company: Atlanta Signal Processors, Inc. (ASPI) (404) 892-7265
Processor: TMS320C25/TMS320C26, 40/50 MHz, 4K-64K words RAM
Analog I/O: optional 16 bit 200 kHz A/D, D/A is optional via daughter card.
Name: BN2500 DSP development and acquisition processor
Company: Bridgenorth Signal Processing, (604) 538-0003
Type: TMS320C25 IBM PC card
Processor: TMS320C25 40 (opt 50) MHz, 32 Kw 0 ws SRAM, 32Kw 1 ws SRAM,
64 Kw 1 ws SRAM, 256 Kw 1 ws DRAM
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit A/D, D/A via BN3216 expansion module
Features: external buffer management unit to expand address range of C25
Name: Model 250 DSP board
Type: TMS320C25 board for IBM PC AT
Company: Dalanco Spry
Processor: TMS320C25 40 MHz, 4K words program RAM (64K optional),
32K words data RAM (128K optional) (1 ws),
Analog I/O: 12 bit 300 kHz A/D, dual 12 bit 250 kHz D/A
Features: 16 bit expansion bus, serial port
Name: TMS320C25 System board
Type: TMS320C25 IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: TMS320C25 40 or 50 MHz 16K words RAM
Analog I/O: 1 channel 16 bit 54 kHZ A/D, D/A (100 kHz 12 bit)
Comments: "TMS320C25 Processor board" is as above, but without analog I/O
Name: TMS320C25 Data Acquisition Processor
Type: TMS320C25 IBM PC card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: TMS320C25 40 MHz, 64K words program RAM, 64K words data RAM,
256K words buffer RAM
Features: Has buffer management unit, handling circular buffer management,
multiple data channel support, data compare functions, sample counter.
IBM PC boards, Texas Instruments TMS320C30 processors:
Name: Banshee mother board
Type: TMS320Crds to be connected,
provide extra memory, and provide analog I/O.
Name: BN3000 DSP development and acquisition processor
Company: Bridgenorth Signal Processing, (604) 538-0003
Type: TMS320C30 IBM PC card
Processor: TMS320C30 ?? MHz (60 ns cycle), 512 Kw SRAM (1 ws)
Analog I/O: dual 16 bit A/D, D/A via BN3216 expansion module
Features: serial, parallel interfaces
Name: Tiger 30
Type: TMS320C30 board for IBM PC
Company: DSP Researnts: "TMS320C30 Processor board" is as above, but without analog I/O and
has instead a prototyping area.
Company: Sonitech International
Type: TMS320C30 IBM PC car RAM
Analog I/O: 14 bit codec, up to 19.2 kHz sample rate
Comments: inexpensive TI development platform for the C30
IBM PC boards, Texas Instruments TMS320C40 processors:
Name: Vortex system board
Type: TMS320C40/TMS320C31 IBM PC AT card
Company: Atlanta Signal Processors, Inc. (ASPI) (404) 892-7265
Processor: TMS320C40 ?? MHz, TMS320C31 33 MHz, 128 kbytes SRAM
Analog I/O: optional 16 bit 200 kHz A/D, D/A via daughter card.
Name: HEPC2-U
Type: TMS320C40 IBM PC AT card
Company: Traquair Data Systems
Processor: 1 TMS320C40 plus up to 3 TMS320C40 TIM modules
Features: embedded XDS-510 capability to allow connection to external
Name: DT3801
Type: TMS320C40 IBM PC AT card
Company: Data Translation
Processor: TMS320C40 40 MHz, 130 Kw SRAM, 4 Mbytes DRAM
Analog I/O: A/D: 12 or 16 bits, 160 kHz to 1 MHz; D/A: 2x 16 bits, 100 kHz
Features: 20 lines digital I/O, 2 counters/timers, separate clocks for A/D, D/A
Name: TMS320C40 Parallel DSP System
Type: IBM PC/AT card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: 2 TMS320C40 50 Mhz 64K words RAM
Analog I/O: Daughtercard expansion socketing.
Comments: Uses TIM-40 compatible modules
Type: TMS320C40 IBM PC AT card
Company: Sonitech International
Processor: TMS320C40 40 MHz, 1 Mbyte SRAM (expandable)
Analog I/O: available via serial port interface
Features: serial, parallel ports
IBM PC boards, Texas Instruments TMS320C50 processors:
Name: TMS320C50 System board
Type: TMS320C50 IBM PC AT card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: TMS320C50 50 MHz 32K words RAM
Features: 65sq cm wire wrap area.
IBM PC boards, Texas Instruments TMS320M500 (Mwave) processor:
Name: Mwave multimedia platform
Type: TMS320M500 (Mwave) IBM PC AT card
Company: Atlanta Signal Processors, Inc. (ASPI) (404) 892-7265
Processor: TMS320M500 33(?) MHz, 64 kbytes data SRAM, 96 kbytes prog SRAM
Analog I/O: stereo 16 bit A/D D/A, codec, telephone line interface
Features: MIDI interface, microphone input, speaker output
IBM PC boards, other processors:
Name: PDSP16488 Imaging/Graphics board
Type: PDSP-16488 IBM PC card
Company: Spectrum Signal Processing (604) 438-7266
Processor: PDSP-16488
Q4.1.2: Mac Nubus DSP development boards.
Mac Nubus boards, AT&T processors:
Name: MacDSP MB/A
Type: DSP32C Apple Mac NuBus board
Company: Spectral Innovations (408) 727-1314
Price: $3495-$4995
Processor: DSP32C 60 MHz DSP with up to 1 Mbyte SRAM
Comments: Optional 12 bit A/D card at 16 bit A/D, D/A with 1,2 or 8 channels
Mac Nubus boards, Motorola DSP56000 processor:
Name: MAC-56
Type: Macintosh NuBus DSP56001 card
Company: Ariel Corp. (908) 249-2900
Processor: 56001 with 48-192K words RAM
Comments: Comes with DSPworks software
Name: AudioMedia II
Type: Macintosh NuBus DSP56001 card
Company: DigiDesign Inc. (415) 688-0600
Processor: 56001 @ 33.87 MHz with 8/4/4 K words P/X/Y RAM
Analog I/O: stereo 16 bit 44.1/48 kHz A/D, D/A (?)
Features: SPDIF I/O. Supported by DSP Designer software from Zola
Technologies Inc.
Name: Sound Accelerator II
Type: Macintosh NuBus DSP56001 card
Company: DigiDesign Inc. (415) 688-0600
Processor: 56001 @ 33.87 MHz with 8/16/16 K words P/X/Y RAM
Features: Optional digital/analogue audio I/O unit available. Supported by
DSP Designer software from Zola Technologies Inc.
Name: Pro Tools
Type: Macintosh NuBus 2 x DSP56001 card
Company: DigiDesign Inc. (415) 688-0600
Processor: 2 x 56001 32 MHz, 8/16/16 K words P/X/Y RAM each
Features: Optional digital/analogue audio I/O unit available.
Supported by DSP Designer software from Zola Technologies Inc.
Name of Board: DSP56001 Application Development System (ADS)
Type: DSP56001 board for Mac II
Company: Motorola Corp. (512) 891-2030
Processor: DSP56001
Comments: This is an external board that interfaces to a variety of hosts,
including the Mac, via host-specific adaptor cards.
Mac Nubus boards, Motorola DSP96000 processor:
Name: DSP96002 Application Development System (ADS)
Type: DSP96002 board for Mac II
Company: Motorola Corp. (512) 891-2030
Processor: DSP96002
Comments: This is an external board that interfaces to a variety of hosts,
including the Mac, via host-specific adaptor cards.
Mac Nubus boards, Texas Instruments processors:
Name: NB-DSP2300, 2301, 2305
Type: TMS320C30 board for Mac NuBus
Company: National Instruments (800) 433-3488
Processor: TMS32C30 at 33 (2300), 27 (2301), or 40 (2305) MHz.,
64K or 320K of memory, TMS320C30 to IEEE 754 translator hardware.
Features: 16 bit "real time system integration" (RTSI) peripheral bus.
Q4.1.3: SBus DSP development boards.
SBus boards, AT&T processors:
Name: S-32C
Type: SBus Accelerator Board
Company: Ariel
Price: $2,995 ($5,795 with C compiler)
Processor: AT&T DSP-32C 50MHz, 256 Kbytes to 4 Mbytes SRAM
Analog I/O: Interfaces with Ariel's ProPort & Digital Microphone
Name: MAXCOM Multimedia Processor
Type: Dual DSP3210 Sbus card
Processor: Dual DSP3210
Analog I/O: multimedia audio codec and a telephone quality codec.
Comments: Complete ATT DSP board using real-time operating system (VCOS) and
ATT Multimedia Module Library to provide functions for V.29/V.32 data/fax
modems, speech recognition/synthesis, etc.
SBus boards, Motorola DSP56000 processor:
Name: S-56X
Type: SBus Accelerator Board
Company: Ariel (designed (and also sold) by Berkeley Camera Engineering)
Price: $2,495 / $2,995
Processor: Motorola DSP56001 27 or 32 MHz, 32 Kw RAM
Analog I/O: Digital Microphone, ProPort or AES/EBU
Features: DMA controller, Xilinx 3042 gate array for special purpose I/O.
(1.2 Mby/sec transfer rate using the S-56X, w/ ~3ms latency at DMA page
Name: VS-30
Type: SBus Dual Channel Telephone Signal Processor
Company: Vigra (619) 483-1197
Price: $1375
Availability: In beta test Sep/Nov 1992
Processor: DSP56001 (27 MHz)
Analog I/O: 3 x 8KHz u-Law CODECs. (Line 1, Line 2, handset)
Features: Two RJ-11 telephone jacks, and local handset jack, DTMF transmit
& detect, hook switch control, ring detect, Call progress monitoring
SunOS drivers, programming library, demos. All source code included.
SBus boards, Texas Instruments TMS320 processors:
Name: SPIRIT-30 SBus
Type: 33 MFLOP Application Accelerator -- SBus
Company: Sonitech International Inc. (617) 235-6824
Price: $8,995 ($9,795 for the 40 MFLOP board)
Processor: TMS320C30
Analog I/O: Optional serial port box (extra $1795), IC-100-1 16 bit single
channel @ 100kHz or, DSP/AIB-1: A/D 2 ch., D/A 1 ch., sampling
rate up to 20 kHz,anti-aliasing filters, telephone handset interface
($480). Stereo audio and telephone interface card (1-22) for $695
comes with SW library and demo programs.
Features: Other options for the A/D/A system are available. Filter modules
are extra. Board runs the SPOX operating system. All of their boards are
code compatible with each other (PC and SUNs and VME). Up to six SPIRIT-30
cards can be configured for a 240 MFlop parallel processing system.
Name: SDSP/C30D
Type: TMS320C30 SBus Processor Card
Company: Loughborough Sound Images
Processor: TMS320C30 33 MHz 128Kwords RAM
Comments: also available as SDSP/C30S with SCSI interface
SBus boards, other processors:
Name: ADDA1418-166
Type: S-Bus A/D and D/A (A/D and D/A are also available separately)
Company: Analyx Systems Inc. (510) 656-8017
Price: $2,495.00 (4-92) (A/D only $1,995, D/A only $1,895)
Processor: None
Analog I/O: 166 kHz 16 channel, 14 bit isolated A/D, 4 Channel 18 bit D/A
Features: 32K Dual-Ported on-board RAM. Single S-Bus slot. All software
Q4.1.4: VMEbus DSP boards.
VMEbus boards, Analog Devices processors:
Name: ADSP-21020 IXD7232
Type: Dual ADSP-21020 VME bus board
Company: Ixthos, Inc.
Processor: 2x ADSP-21020 512 Kbytes data/proc, 196 Kbytes prog/prc
Analog I/O: available via daughter card
Features: I/O mezzanine, RS-232 port, digital I/O option
VMEbus boards, AT&T processors:
Name: SURFboard
Type: VMEbus DSP board
Company: AT&T (Louis Rosa 908-582-5667 or Jim Snyder
Price: $10K
Processor: 6 DSP-32C's organized as 2 sets of 3 processors
(input, output, central -- can be configured)
Analog I/O: None, but can use Ariel ProPort VME board.
Comments: Multiple boards can be chained together. Central DSP's both have
access to a 1Mbyte DRAM which is also the interface to the VMEbus. Input
and output DSP's only have 2Kx32 memory. Central DSP's also have 256Kbytes
of local SRAM.
Name: VME6U6
Type: VMEbus 6U DSP32C board
Company: Communication Automation and Control, Inc. (CACI) (800) 367-6735
Processor: 6 DSP-32C 50 MHz, 512 Kbytes SRAM each
Analog I/O: available via mezzanine bus
Features: TDM expansion port to other boards, mezzanine bus
Price: $10,900
Name: VME9U12
Type: VMEbus 9U DSP32C board
Company: Communication Automation and Control, Inc. (CACI) (800) 367-6735
Processor: 12 DSP-32C 50 MHz, 128 Kbytes SRAM each (exp. to 512 Kby each)
Analog I/O: available via local mezzanine bus
Features: TDM expansion port to other boards, mezzanine bus
Price: $18,800
Name: VE-32C
Type: VMEbus 6U DSP32C four processor board
Company: Valley Technologies
Processor: 4x DSP-32C 50 MHz, 8 Kw SRAM each (exp to 128 Kw each)
Features: 16 bit digital matrix switch for IPC
Name: UltraFFT
Type: VME board (6U form factor)
Company: Valley Technologies
Processor: 2x DSP32C ?? MHz; 2x Plessey PDSP16510 FFT processors
Name: UltraDSP
Type: VME board (6U form factor)
Company: Valley Technologies
Processor: DSP32C 40 MHz; Sharp LH9124 DSP
VMEbus boards, Motorola processors:
Name: V-56 DSP56001 VME board
Type: DSP56001 VME bus card
Company: Ariel Corp. (908) 249-2900
Processor: 27 MHz Motorola DSP56001, 32Kw P RAM, 64Kw data RAM
Features: EPROM boot, 24 bit parallel I/O, serial drivers, 24 bit ADBus
peripheral expansion port.
Analog I/O: None.
Name: DSP56001 VME board
Type: DSP56001 VME bus card
Company: Spectrum Signal Processing (604) 438-7266
Processor: 2x Motorola DSP56200 10MHz 24K words RAM
Analog I/O: dual channel 16 bit 153 kHz A/D, D/A
Name: Versatile Array Signal Processor
Type: VME-based three board (or more) set
Company: Spectrum Signal Processing (604) 438-7266
Processor: 5x DSP96002
Comments: contains (1) general signal processing board (four processor
DSP96002 VME board), (2) I/O processor board (DSP96002 VME board),
(3) two-port memory board (4Mx64 bit dual port memory).
Name: MMI-105 Single Channel Audio/Signal Processor
Type: VME board
Company: Vigra
Processor: 20 MHz 56001 DSP (27 Mhz optional) 8K SRAM and 1 Meg ($1895)
or 8 Meg ($2995) DRAM
Analog I/O: 14 bit A/D and D/A; 8, 13.6, and 19 KHz sampling rates.
Features: Mic & line inputs, power amp & line outputs.
Name: MMI-210 Signal/Audio Processor
Type: VME board
Company: Vigra
Processor: 2x 27 MHz 56001 DSPs 8K SRAM (32K optional) and 1 Meg ($2995)
or 4 Meg ($3650) DRAM
Analog I/O: 16 bit A/D and D/A; 8, 16, 32, 44.1, 48, 96 Ksamples/sec
Features: Line and mic inputs, line and power amp outputs.
Name: MMI-420 Four Channel Signal Processor
Type: VME board
Company: Vigra
Price: $3225
Processor: 4 56001's 27 MHz - 96K SRAM and 16K EPROM per DSP
Features: 4 Megs multi-ported DRAM
Name: MMI-4210 Four Channel Signal/Audio Processor
Type: VME board
Company: Vigra
Price: $5950
Processor: 4x 56001's 27 MHz, 96K SRAM and 16K EPROM per DSP
Analog I/O: 4 16-bit A/D and 4 18-bit D/A converters, 1-50 kHz sample rate.
Features: Transformer or direct-coupled analog I/O. Programmable output mixing,input and output gain levels. Digital mixing, speech energy detection, and
ADPCM on firmware.
VMEbus boards, Texas Instruments processors:
Name: HEXC31
Type: 6U VMEbus 6 processor DSP card
Company: Analogic
Processor: 6x TMS320C31 40 MHz, 512 kw SRAM/proc, 16 MB DRAM,
Name: Banshee/VME
Type: VMEbus DSP accelerator card
Company: Atlanta Signal Processors, Inc.
Price: starts at $4,995
Processor: TMS320C30
Analog I/O: available as a separate daughter board.
Features: Programming tools can be used through any PC-compatible computer
(separate debugging port).
Name: Ranger
Type: VME board
Company: Image and Signal Processing
Processor: up to 4 TMS320C30
Comments: Some libraries included.
Name: Clipper
Type: VME board
Company: Image and Signal Processing
Processor: up to 6 TMS320C40
Name: MZ 7770 Quad C40 DSP engine
Type: VMEbus 6U DSP board
Company: Mizar
Processor: 4x TMS320C40 50 MHz, 1 Mbyte SRAM per proc, 1 Mbyte global SRAM
Features: 512 Kbyte flash EEPROM
Name: HyperFlo DSP-3
Type: 6U VMEbus 3 processor DSP card (plus 68030 GP CPU)
Company: Pacific Cyber/Metrix, Inc.
Processor: 3x TMS320C30 40 MHz, 512 Kbytes SRAM/proc; 68030 general purpose CPU
Features: 3x 36 bit parallel I/O ports, fifos between processors
Name: HyperFlo DSP-4
Type: 6U (?) VMEbus 3 or 6 processor DSP card (plus 68040 GP CPU)
Company: Pacific Cyber/Metrix, Inc.
Processor: 3x or 6x TMS320C40 40 MHz; 68040 general purpose CPU
Name: HyperFlo DSP-38
Type: 6U VMEbus 3 processor DSP card (plus 68030 GP CPU)
Company: Pacific Cyber/Metrix, Inc.
Processor: 3x TMS320C30 40 MHz, 512 Kbytes SRAM/proc; 68030 general purpose CPU
Features: like DSP-3, but with MAXbus video interface
Name: Triple TMS320C25 Processor Baseboard (4282)
Type: VMEbus DSP board
Company: Pentek, (201) 767-7100
Processor: 1x 20 MHz TMS320C25 master processor with 32Kx16 SRAM,
32Kx16 EPROM; 2x 40 MHz TMS320C25 slave processors with 8Kx16 SRAM
(accessible by master).
Features: 1Kx16 dual-port RAM between VMEbus and master processor.
Name: TMS320C30 Processor MIX Baseboard (4283)
Type: VMEbus DSP board
Company: Pentek, (201) 767-7100
Processor: TMS320C30, 32 MHz, 256 KB SRAM, 128 KB EPROM, 1, 4, or 8 MB
dual-port RAM.
Analog I/O: available as separate daughter board.
Features: MIX expansion bus, 17 pin I/O timer connector
Comments: the MIX expansion bus allows up to three additional MIX DSP boards
to be attached to the 320C30 baseboard. MIX boards available from Pentek
include: 1 processor TMS320C30; 2 processor TMS320C30; 3 processor AT&T DSP32C;
1 processor TMS320C40; 2 processor TMS320C40; and a variety of analog and
digital I/O interface boards.
Name: SKY Challenger
Type: VMEbus DSP board
Company: SKY Computers
Processor: 2x TMS320C30
Type: VME board
Company: Sonitech International
Processor: TMS320C30 33 MHz, 256 Kbytes SRAM (expandable)
Analog I/O: available via serial port
Features: serial, parallel port; mezzanine bus
Name: Dual TMS320C30 VME board
Type: Dual processor TMS320C30 VME board
Company: Spectrum Signal Processing (604) 438-7266
Processor: 2x TMS320C30 33 MHz, 64K words RAM per processor
Analog I/O: optional dual 18 bit 200 kHz A/D, D/A
Comments: 6U Eurocard format
VMEbus boards, other processors:
Name: CRV1M40
Type: VME board (6U form factor)
Company: Catalina Research Inc., (719) 531-5767
Processor: Sharp LH9124/9320 40 MHz
Analog I/O: None (?)
Features: 8K of VME address space, 16 pages of 32kx16 program space, mezzanine.
(See also: Valley UltraFFT and UltraDSP, under the VMEbus AT&T processor
section, above).
Q4.1.5: DSP development boards for the NeXT bus.
Name: QP-56
Type: Five processor DSP56001 card for NeXT NextBus
Company: Ariel Corp. (908) 249-2900
Processor: 5x DSP56001 26 MHz 8K/16K words RAM per processor
Features: Five NeXT compatible DB-15 ports.
Q4.1.6: DSP development boards for the SCSI bus.
Name: DSP-32C
Type: SCSI Interface DSP Board (actually a PC board which can be
accessed through an on board SCSI port).
Company: Ariel
Price: $3,495
Processor: AT&T DSP-32C
Analog I/O: 16 bit analog I/O
Comments: Includes the PDS-32C Program Development Software.
Name: DeskLab
Type: SCSI data collection/analysis box
Company: Gradient (609) 387-8688
Price: $5,500
Processor: ?
Analog I/O: 14 bit A/D D/A, Telephone interface is available.
Comments: Complete package of data collection and analysis tools under UNIX.
It is not possible (supported) to directly access the DSP that is in the box
nor can user specified functions be run using their analysis package.
Name: SKYstation
Type: DSP vectorizing accelerator for sparc workstations
Company: SKY Computers (508) 256-1626
Price: $10K and up (depends on amount of memory required)
Processor: Intel I860/960
Analog I/O: None.
Comments: Vectorizing C and FORTRAN compilers available. Math library(hand
coded) also available. Company also makes VME cards with similar features.
Name: DAT-Link and DAT-Link+
Type: Standalone SCSI unit
Company: Townshend Computer Tools (514) 289-9123
Price: US: $4,000-$4,500
Processor: DSP-32C with 64k RAM, expandable to 2Mbytes.
Features: AES/EBU interface.
Comments: Full networked software with server, applications and libraries
including source. Real time playback/recording of stereo audio files.
Trainable IR transceiver - control any device with IR remote control.
Works with any UNIX work-station that has SCSI.
Q4.1.7: Standalone DSP development boards
Name: EZ-LAB kit
Type: ADSP-2101 stand alone evaluation module
Company: Analog Devices
Processor: ADSP-2101
Features: needs power supply, speaker, and microphone. Comes with PC
development software and some canned demos.
Name: ADSP-2105 DSP-11B, ADSP-2101 DSP-11S
Type: ADSP-2105 and ADSP-2101 stand-alone DSP boards
Company: Innovative Devices
Processor: ADSP-2105 or ADSP-2101
Analog I/O: 4x 14 bit A/D, 2x 14 bit D/A.
Comments: 3"x5" stand-alone DSP board.
Name: MX31 Modular Embedded System
Type: TMS320C31 stand-alone board
Company: Integrated Motions, Inc. (IMI)
Processor: TMS320C31 33 MHz; 16, 64, or 256 Kw RAM; 16 or 64 Kw ROM
Features: 88 pin expansion bus, 16 bits parallel I/O, 2 RS-232, 3 int lines
Comments: 4"x5" board designed for use in embedded systems; other cards
of same form factor under development.
Name: AE2000
Type: TMS320C31 board
Company: Intellibit
Processor: TMS320C31
Comments: Board is only 3"x2.5".
Name: MC68HC16EVB
Type: Motorola 86HC16 standalone board
Company: Motorola
Processor: 68HC16
Analog I/O: 8 bit or 10 bit A/D, D/A requires obtional chip
Features: Includes assembler, simulator, demo C compiler that run on
an IBM PC and communicates via printer port.
Comments: Motorola has been pushing the 68HC16 as a low-end DSP,
even though it's not what most DSP folks think of when they say "DSP".
Board name: ADSP-2101 based 4 kbps voice codec module
Type: ADSP-2101 stand alone module?
Company: Specom Technologies
Processor: ADSP-2101
Features: Voice coding based on CELP.
Comments: stand-alone module?
Name: ADSP-2105 Based digital voice playback system
Type: ADSP-2105 stand alone module?
Company: Specom Technologies
Processor: ADSP-2105
Comments: stores up to 2 hours of speech
Name: 56SB System
Type: 56001 Stand-alone system
Company: Precision Design Services
Processor: 56001 20 MHz
Price: Aus$1450
Analog I/O: 16 bit 100kHz ADC, 2x 16 bit 500kHz DAC
Comments: PC monitor software, RS232C Port, Filter design software.
Extensive macro library also available(Aus$300).
Q4.2: Who makes AES/EBU digital audio transceiver chips?
Several companies:
Sony Corp.: CX23033 transmitter, CX23053 receiver.
Comments: the Sony receiver chip is very difficult to work with due
to a bad PLL design.
Crystal Semiconductor Corp., (512) 445-7222
CS8411 and CS8412 receivers, CS8401 and CS8402 transmitters.
Comment: the 8411 and 8401 are designed for use with microprocessors/DSPs.
The 8412 and 8402 are intended for use in stand-alone applications.
Motorola Corp. (800) 521-6274 or (512) 891-2030 (DSP marketing)
DSP56401 transceiver.
Comment: designed for use with the DSP56000.
Yamaha: YM3613B transmitter, YM3623B receiver, YM3436 receiver,
YM3437 transmitter.
Kahrs, Mark, "An AES/EBU Circuit Compendium or AES/EBU Circuits I Have
Known and Loved," presented at the 91st Convention of the Audio
Engineering Society, October 4-8, 1991. Reprints: AES, 60 East 42nd
St., New York, NY, 10165.
Questions, comments, or submissions for this FAQ should be mailed to
comp-dsp-faq@ohm.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ohm!comp-dsp-faq. Thanks!
End of article 4253 (of 4271)--what next? [npq] 4254
comp.dsp #4254 (51 more) [1]
From: (Bradley Hards)
Newsgroups: comp.dsp,news.answers
[1] comp.dsp FAQ [3 of 3]
Supersedes: <>
Followup-To: poster
Date: Wed Jan 06 21:35:47 MET 1993
Organization: Australian Defence Force Academy
Lines: 592
Distribution: world
Summary: This is a periodic posting to comp.dsp that gives information
+ on frequently asked questions asked in this newsgroup.
Archive-name: dsp-faq/part1
Last-modified: Fri Jan 1 1993
Version: 0.8
Q5.0 What DSP Operating Systems are available.
[This was researched and written by Chuck Corley (]
The need to use an operating system for a DSP processor seems to
depend on the task(s) to be performed. For small or simple DSP tasks
where the DSP is doing only a single simple repetitive function, an
operating system is probably not needed.
As the number and complexity of DSP tasks increase, an operating
system of some type may be needed in order to allocate system resources
(RAM, etc.) and to perform multi-tasking, where several tasks take
turns executing.
An example: A DSP processor may be required to perform non-DSP
jobs in order to eliminate a 'host' processor. An operating system may
be needed in order to share processing time and resources between the
DSP and non-DSP tasks.
An option for some DSP applications is to write your own DSP
task-switching or job allocating 'operating system'. Whether this is
the right choice for you depends on how involved you need to make your
operating system, and how much time you have available to spend on
writing it.
A number of companies now offer pre-written operating systems
that execute on DSP processors. In exchange for your money they offer
to save you the time and effort of writing and debugging your own
'operating system' or 'task switcher' or 'resource allocator'.
These companies describe their products as 'real-time' operating
systems. What 'real-time' means is debated, but normally it means that
the maximum time for the operating system to respond to an external
event is known. The calculation for measuring this time involves
summing together interrupt response time, task switching time, and other
processor and operating system benchmarks. 'Real-time' usually also
means 'fast'. Often embedded CPU or DSP tasks require a 'real-time'
(known) response time.
Prices and features vary. All companies charge for purchasing
their 'development environment', which allows you to develop code which
runs on their operating system. Some companies also charge a fee for
each product you create or sell that includes their operating system
software. This is usually called a 'target fee' or 'runtime license'
fee. Some operating systems have no 'runtime license' fees.
As a general precaution, when there are runtime license fees, it
is *very* important to negotiate in advance what the license fee will
be. If this price is not agreed upon (in writing, most likely) at the
time the development system is purchased, you could be in a very bad
position. You will have invested a lot of time and effort writing code
to work with a particular operating system, and when your creation is
produced you could discover that the 'runtime license fee' has increased
for some reason. Considering the amount of work you would have invested
in that operating system, you would be in a very poor bargaining
Features for 4 different DSP operating systems are listed below.
Keep in mind a 'No' answer doesn't necessarily mean that the operating
system is deficient. Some companies felt certain features were not
appropriate for either a 'DSP' or a 'real-time' operating system, and so
they did not implement them. Other companies didn'the best and most up-to-date
Operating System Features: Byte-BOS Nucleus RXTC SPOX
-------------------------- -------- ------- ---- ----
Preemptive Task Scheduling Yes Yes Yes Yes
Time-Sliced Task Scheduling Yes Yes Yes No
Round-Robin Task Scheduling ? Yes Yes No
Inter-Task Messages Yes Yes Yes Yes
Memory Management Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interrupt Management Yes No Yes Yes
Timer Management Yes Yes Yes No
Device-Independent I/O No No No Yes
Stream I/O Serial-$495 No No Yes
DSP Math Library No No No $4000
C Run-Time Library No No No $2000
Source Code Included Yes Yes Yes No
OS RAM/ROM Size (Bytes) 5K-40K 4K-20K 12K-16K 44K+
Demo Disk Available ? Yes Yes ?
Development License Type Site Prod Line Site Computer
Run-Time License Fee None None None $25-$200
Development License Cost $1995 $4995 $995-$4195 $6000-$12000
OS System-Level Debugger: Byte-BOS Nucleus RXTC SPOX
-------------------------- -------- ------- ---- ----
Basic Debugging Functions Yes Yes Yes Yes
Performance Timer Yes Yes No Yes
Debugger Cost $295 $750 $0 $5000
Information on the 'Helios' distributed parallel processing
operating system was not available at this time, but their address is
listed below.
'Byte-BOS' is available from:
P.O. Box 3067
Del Mar, CA 92014
Phone : 619-788-7288
Toll Free : 800-788-7288
Supported DSPs: TI 320C2x/C3x/C5x
Other CPUs: 80x86, V25/V35/V40/V50, Z80, Z180, 64180, 37700,
680x0, 68332, 68340, 68302,
8051, 8096, 80188/86, 68HC11, 68HC16, 6301/3
'Helios' (for distributed parallel processing) is available from:
Perihelion Software Limited
The Maltings
Charlton Road, Shpeton Mallet
Somerset, United Kingdom BA4 5QE
Phone : (44) (0) 373-344345
Fax : (44) (0) 373-344977
'Nucleus' is available from:
Accelerated Technology
P.O. Box 850245
Mobile, Alabama 36685, USA
Phone: (205) 661-5770
Toll free: (800) 468-NUKE
Fax: (205) 661-5788
Supported DSPs: TI 320C2x/C3x/C4x/C5x, Motorola 56xxx, Analog Devices 21xxx
Other CPUs: Am29xxx, R3000, SPARC, i960, 680xx, 683xx, 80x86
'RTXC' and 'RTXC/MP' (a parallel processing version) are available from:
AT Barrett & Associates
11501 Chimney Rock
Houston, Texas 77035
Phone : 713-728-9688
Toll Free : 800-525-4302
Fax : 713-728-9688
Supported DSPs: TI 320C3x
Other CPUs: 680x0, 68332/331/340, 68302, 68HC16, 68HC11, 6803,
80x86, 80x96, 80x51, T400/800, Z80/Z180
'SPOX' and 'SPOX-MP' (a parallel-processing version) are available from:
Spectron Microsystems
5266 Hollister Ave
Santa Barbara, CS 93111, USA
Phone: (805) 967-0503
Fax: (805) 683-4995
Supported DSPs: TI 320CC3x/C4x/C5x, Motorola 56xxx, Analog Devices 21xxx
5. Manufacturer's addresses and telephone numbers.
Analog Devices
1 Technology Way
P.O. Box 9106
Norwood, MA 02062-9106
Phone: (617) 329-4700
Phone: (617) 461-3672 (DSP applications assistance)
Phone: (617) 461-3881 (DSP marketing)
8 Centennial Dr.
Peabody, MA 01960-7987
Phone: (508) 977-3000 x. 3468
FAX: (408) 977-9220
Ariel Corp.
433 River Road
Highland Park, NJ 08904
Phone: (908) 249-2900
FAX: (908) 249-2123
BBS: (908) 249-2124
AT&T Microelectronics
Dept. AL-520404200
55 Union Blvd.
Allentown, PA 18103
Phone: (800) 372-2447
FAX: (215) 778=4106
Atlanta Signal Processors, Inc. (ASPI)
770 Spring St.
Atlanta, GA 30308
Phone: (404) 892-7265
FAX: (404) 892-2512
Berkeley Camera Engineering
3616 Skyline Drive
Hayward, CA 94542
Phone: (510) 889-6960
FAX: (510) 889-7606
BittWare Research Systems, Inc.
Inner Harbor Center, 8th Floor
400 East Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (800) 848-0435
FAX: (410) 783-7375
Bridgenorth Signal Processing, Inc.
P.O. Box 469
Custer, WA 98240
Phone: (604) 538-0003
FAX: (604) 538-9073
Catalina Research Inc.
Colorado Springs
(719) 531-5767
Postfach 100202
Einsteinstrabe 61-63
D-7505 Ettlingen
Phone: (07243) 31001
Communication Automation and Control, Inc. (CACI)
1642 Union Blvd., Suite 200
Allentown, PA 18103-1510
(215) 776-6669
FAX: (215) 770-1232
Computer Continuum
75 Southgate Avenue
Daly City, CA 94015
(415) 755-1978
Crystal Semiconductor Corp.
P.O. Box 17847
Austin, TX 78760
Phone: (512) 445-7222
FAX: (512) 445-7581
Current Technology, Inc.
99 Madbury Road
Durham, N.H. 03824
Phone: (603) 868-2270
FAX: (603) 868-1352
Data Translation
100 Locke Dr.
Marlboro, MA 01752-1192
(508) 481-3700
(800) 525-8528
Dalanco Spry
89 Westland Ave.
Rochester, NY 14618
Phone: (716) 473-3610
DigiDesign Inc
1360 Willow Road, Suite 101
Menlo Park CA 94025
Tel: 010 1 415 327 8811
FAX: 010 1 415 327 0777
DSP Research
391 Balsam Ave. (OR Possibly: 1095 E. Duane Ave) {Someone clarify?}
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (408) 773-1042
FAX: (408) 736-3451
EnterTec, Inc.
P.O. Box 8858
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone: (804)353-7133
FAX: (804) 353-7134
Hollis Electronics Co.
5 Northern Blvd., Unit 13
Amherst, NH 03031
Phone: (603) 598-4640
Image & Signal Processing
120 Linden Avenue
Long Beach CA 90802
Phone: (213) 495-9533
FAX: (213) 495-1258
Innovative Devices, Inc.
1119 Damelart Way
Brentwood Bay, B.C. V0S 1A0
Phone: (604) 652-5240
Integrated Motions, Inc. (IMI)
758 Gilman St.
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 527-5810
FAX: (510) 527-7843
Integrated Technologies Solutions, Inc.
402 Chestnut Ln.
East Meadow, NY 11554
(516) 481-0857
FAX: (516) 292-3115
P.O. Box 9785
McLean, VA 22102-0785
Phone: (703) 442-4781
FAX: (703) 442-4784
Ixthos, Inc.
12210 Plum Orchard Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Phone: (301) 890-1000
in USA:
William Ponton
Tel: 609-921-2088
FAX: 609-683-9633
in Europe:
Tel: 41-22-798-4445
FAX: 41-22-798-0525
ZI de Montaudran
3 Avenue Didier Daurat
31400 Toulouse
Phone: (33) 61-80-94-37
Loughborough Sound Images Ltd
The Technology Centre
Epinal Way
Loughborough Leics LE11 OQE
Phone: +44 (0)509 231843
FAX: +44 (0)509 262433
N.B. U.S. distributor is Spectrum Signal Processing (see below)
2410 Luna Rd.
Carrolton, TX 75006
(214) 277-4600
FAX: (214) 277-4666
Motorola Corp.
DSP Operation
Mail Drop OE314
6501 William Cannon Drive, West
Austin, TX 78735-8598
Phone: (512) 891-2030 (marketing)
BBS: (512) 891-DSP1 (300/1200 bps)
BBS: (512) 891-DSP2 (1200 bps V.22)
BBS: (512) 891-DSP3 (2400 bps V.22bis)
Motorola Ltd.
Motorola Literature Centre
88 Tanners Drive
Blakelands Milton Keynes
Great Britain
National Instruments
6504 Bridge Point Parkway
Austin, TX 78730-5039
Phone: (512) 794-0100
Phone: (800) 433-3488
FAX: (512) 794-8411
Natural Microsystems Corp.
8 Erie Drive
Natick, MA 01760-1313
Phone: (800) 533-6120
Pacific Cyber/Metrix, Inc
6805 Sierra Ct.
Dublin, CA 94568-2615
(510) 829-8700
FAX: (510) 829-9796
Pentek, Inc.
55 Walnut St.
Norwood, NJ 07648
Phone: (201) 767-7100
FAX: (201) 767-3994
Precision Design Services PTY LTD,
P.O. Box 61
Berwick, Victoria, 3806
TEL: +61 3 796 2003
FAX: +61 3 796 1500
Prime Ideal
Joseph Virzi
2124 Parker Street #300
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: (415) 513-8062
(508) 481-9802
Saddle Point Systems
3960 Greenwood Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
Phone: (510) 530-0971
Sharp Microelectronics Technology, Inc.
5700 NW Pacific Rim Blvd
Camas, WA 98607
Phone: (206) 834-8711
FAX: (206) 834-8611
63 Vester Paradisvej
DK-2840 Holte
Phone: (45) 30 42 6054
Phone: (301) 890-1000
Sonitech International Inc.
14 Mica Ln.
Wellesley, MA 02181
(617) 235-6824
FAX: (617) 235-2531
Specom Technologies Corp.
3673 Enochs Street
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Phone: (408) 736-7832
FAX: (408) 736-7861
Spectral Innovations
Santa Clara, CA
(408) 727-1314
Spectrum Signal Processing
Westborough Office Park
1500 West Park Drive
Westborough MA 01581 USA
Phone: (508) 366-7355
FAX: (508) 89988 2772
Townshend Computer Tools
Phone: (514) 289-9123,
FAX: (514) 289-1831
Tucker-Davis Technologies
4639 NW 6th St., Suite A
Gainesville, FL 32609
(904) 375-1623
FAX: (904) 375-4523
Valley Technologies, Inc.
RD #4, Rt. 309
Tamaqua, PA 18252
(717) 668-3737
FAX: (717) 668-6360
Virga, Inc.
4901 Morena Blvd.
Bldg. 502
San Diego, CA 92117
(619) 483-1197
Wavetron Microsystems
1135 Oddstad Drive
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: (415) 366-5371 or (415) 366-5375
Questions, comments, or submissions for this FAQ should be mailed to
comp-dsp-faq@ohm.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ohm!comp-dsp-faq. Thanks!
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