Children's Writers - Jon Scieszka
Children's Writers - Jon Scieszka
Welcome to the Children's Writers Chat 9-19-00. Our guest this evening is Jon Scieszka author of THE TRUE STORY OF THE THREE LITTLE PIGS.
9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT), Writers Workshop
Children's Writers chat - writers and illustrators of children's books meet for specific topics and special guest speakers, moderated by HOST WRTR WBABE & HOST WRTR CGaley, with HOST WRTR sUe & HOST WRTR Neely (Greeters).
<HTML><FONT SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10>Welcome to the Children's Writers Workshop 9-19-00<BR>
Our guest this evening is </FONT><FONT COLOR="#00516d" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10><B>Jon Scieszka</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10></B> author of </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000047" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10><B>THE TRUE STORY OF THE THREE LITTLE PIGS</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10></B>. <BR>
WriterBabe: Then we shall go into protocol...<BR>
WriterBabe: now!<BR>
Neely f: (Folks, if your IMs are turned off I can not properly greet you.<BR>
WriterBabe: That means when it's time for audience participation, type ? for<BR>
a question,<BR>
WriterBabe: ! for a comment,<BR>
WriterBabe: and wait your turn in the queue to be called on.<BR>
WriterBabe: Type GA for Go Ahead (guests, too) when you've finished<BR>
WriterBabe: Tonight's chat is being simulcast on the web.<BR>
WriterBabe: Kelly Milner Halls will be fielding questions from that end.<BR>
WriterBabe: Chuck Galey is co-host here on AOL.<BR>
CGaley: (Hi, everyone!)<BR>
WriterBabe: Tonight, I am delighted to welcome one of the funniest writers<BR>
I've read:<BR>
WriterBabe: Jon Scieszka!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: ???!!!&*^%$#???!!!. . . sorry, I couldn't resist<BR>
WriterBabe: He's a homeboy, too, here in Brooklyn!<BR>
WriterBabe: Yo, yo, yo, Jon!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Yo<BR>
WriterBabe: I'm going to plunge in with questions, and then we'll open this<BR>
to the audience.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: OK<BR>
WriterBabe: One of your best known and funniest books is THE TRUE STORY OF<BR>
WriterBabe: It was rejected a number of times for being "too sophisticated."<BR>
WriterBabe: How much do kids REALLY know and where and when do they learn<BR>
WriterBabe: Why are publishers so uptight about "sophistication"? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Whoa. I think maybbe I will just make a rambbling opening<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL<BR>
WriterBabe: Didn't expect that sort of question, eh?<BR>
WriterBabe: Ramble on...<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Okay. I guess most publishers don't trust kids because most<BR>
don't know kids<BR>
WriterBabe: GA, Jon?<BR>
WriterBabe: (That's to let me know when to continue)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Kids learn by playing around at being kids. That's my<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks.<BR>
WriterBabe: Let's talk about humor. <BR>
WriterBabe: Your books are truly laugh-out-loud funny.<BR>
WriterBabe: What's the importance of humor to you? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Most of my stuff ends up funny because I like funny stuff, and<BR>
it's a great way to connect <BR>
Phylwriter: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: with the goofiness of kids, GA<BR>
WriterBabe: (Phyl, we're not open to the audience yet)<BR>
WriterBabe: Yes, I agree, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: In particular, you feature parodies of fairy tales, fables,<BR>
WriterBabe: What got you interested in parodies?<BR>
WriterBabe: Or perhaps I should ask what got you interested in fairy tales,<BR>
fables, etc.--<BR>
WriterBabe: and parodying them? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I grew up on Mad magazine and Rocky and Bullwinkle<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and fairy tales and nursery rhymes<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and encyclopedias and match book covers<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and I loved making fun of stuff always. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: (I read match book covers, too--and shampoo bottles!)<BR>
WriterBabe: This might be asking too much, but could you read back into your<BR>
memory and walk us through <BR>
WriterBabe: the twisting of a fairy tale or fable? How do you do it? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Lather, rinse, repeat?<BR>
WriterBabe: Exactly!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: There are so many ways I started twisting things<BR>
ScieszkaChat: but I think the first thought was just A. Wolf's voice<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Everything sort of came out of his character. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: So POV is important for parody.<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: Chuck has a question about Lane Smith.<BR>
CGaley: Lane Smith (illustrator) seems perfect for your books, did you two<BR>
grow up together?<BR>
WriterBabe: Take it away, Chuck.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: No, we met here in NY. Our wives worked together on magazines<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and introduced us. We just hit it off. GA<BR>
CGaley: Do you actively colaborate on projects? Or does he simply reads<BR>
your manuscript?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: We go back and forth on all kinds of stuff<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I write the story first<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Lane takes off on the illustrations<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Then we come together and work with his wife, Molly to put it<BR>
all together. GA<BR>
CGaley: The books are always charming and well thought out! Back to you,<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks. I have a few more questions, and then it's time for<BR>
audience participation.<BR>
WriterBabe: You test out material on kids before it's published.<BR>
WriterBabe: What kind of criticisms do they offer? Which have you used? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm always reading stories to kids in stores and schools<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I mostly use their reaction (or lack of it) to hone a story.<BR>
WriterBabe: You've said about the Time Warp Trio series, "When I taught 3rd<BR>
and 4th grades I couldn't <BR>
WriterBabe: find cool-looking books to hand to boys, who, for the most part,<BR>
were reluctant readers and <BR>
WriterBabe: didn't want to be seen as dummies."<BR>
WriterBabe: What difference do you see between the reading habits of boys<BR>
and girls? <BR>
WriterBabe: How can we equalize these habits--and should we? GA<BR>
WriterBabe: (Folks, you're up now. We'll start with Phyl's question after<BR>
Jon answers this one, and go <BR>
WriterBabe: on from there.)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Boys start off as mostly poor readers, and have trouble<BR>
catching up<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I've just started a campaign to promote boys' literacy<BR>
ScieszkaChat: because their aren't many studies that have been done on boys<BR>
ScieszkaChat: The one study done by the Dept. of Ed shows that boys have<BR>
scored lower than girls <BR>
ScieszkaChat: on reading tests in every age in every year <BR>
ScieszkaChat: for the last seven years<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm thinking something's not working in education. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: That's excellent, Jon, about your literacy campaign.<BR>
WriterBabe: And yes, something isn't working!<BR>
WriterBabe: Now it's time for the audience to have its say.<BR>
WriterBabe: Type ? for a question, ! for a comment.<BR>
WriterBabe: Phyl, are you there?<BR>
OtterBabe3: ?<BR>
Phylwriter: Thanks Marilyn ... : )<BR>
Phylwriter: Hi Jon, thanks for coming. My question is, what do you think<BR>
the biggest difference is ...<BR>
Phylwriter: between kid humor and adult humor? Thanks, GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Adult humor just has a few more swear words<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: Otter, you're next.<BR>
OtterBabe3: Can you talk about any new projects that we can look for in the<BR>
near future? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I've found good humor can transend age. GA<BR>
MaryCronk: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Lane and I are just finishing a picturebook called BALONEY for<BR>
Spring 2001<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and we're turning Time Warp into A daily animated show for<BR>
2002 with PBS. GA<BR>
Ekbruno: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: That's exciting! <BR>
WriterBabe: Kel, go ahead.<BR>
THopeB: ?<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Hi Jon. Do you struggle with the anti-fart or good taste<BR>
patrol Bruce Coville talks about?<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Or are your editors clear on the fact that your readers can<BR>
deal with that humor? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm pretty oblivious to the good taste patrol. Lane and I<BR>
usually patrol ourselves. GA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: So there are things you edit out yourselves? Such as? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Only one of three "He who smelt it, dealt it" fables made it<BR>
into SQUIDS.<BR>
CGaley: (giggling)<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I thought that showed admirable restraint. GA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: <g> indeed. I'm done for now. <BR>
WriterBabe: Mary, fire away.<BR>
MaryCronk: Is a person born funny? In other words...If I'm not naturally<BR>
funny, should i give up?<BR>
MaryCronk: GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: It's good that you have recognized something stirring within<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and are trying/hoping to be funny.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: That can only be a good thing. Keep trying.<BR>
MaryCronk: thanks<BR>
ScieszkaChat: You never know. GA<BR>
Phylwriter: ? - from the 'Net<BR>
WriterBabe: Jon, a new course for you to teach--Funny Lessons.<BR>
WriterBabe: Ek, you're next.<BR>
Ekbruno: How do you feel about rhyming text and do you ever plan to use it?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I tried it on my first manuscript, and I think it is the<BR>
classic first ms. for kids mistake<BR>
PBRwriter: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I might go for a haiku or two. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Tracey, your turn.<BR>
WriterBabe: Tracey?<BR>
THopeB: Hi there Jon!<BR>
THopeB: What does your writing space look like? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Tracey, we're sorry. Come back.<BR>
WriterBabe: (Please have questions ready to send. Thanks.)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Oh. I have a couple rooms lined with bookshelves and a bunch<BR>
of stuff<BR>
ScieszkaChat: like skeletons and old record players and <BR>
Dunhamlit: ?<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: a nearly complete set of small presidential figures. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Any skeletons of presidents?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Not yet<BR>
WriterBabe: That'll come next.<BR>
WriterBabe: Phyl, your question from the web.<BR>
Phylwriter: (sorry, here comes)<BR>
Phylwriter: sandee: How do you think your particular style of writing has<BR>
influenced ... <BR>
Phylwriter: what children choose to read in school programs? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I hope it gets them to read a wider selection of books<BR>
ScieszkaChat: serious, goofy, tragic, stupid. . .<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and be critical about what they read. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: PBR, your turn.<BR>
PBRwriter: What authors do = you = find a kindred spirit in, if any? What <BR>
PBRwriter: picture books do you like to reach for for a good laugh?! <g><BR>
Thanks--- Pamela<BR>
PBRwriter: GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I love Lobel's Frog and Toad, James Marshall<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Pinkwater, Dahl, Kafka. . . GA<BR>
Chrizmoore: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: What great writers!<BR>
PBRwriter: Thanks great choices-- GA - Pamela<BR>
WriterBabe: Pinkwater is my husband's favorite. Notice that I am not!<BR>
WriterBabe: Lyph, go ahead.<BR>
PBRwriter: (Kafka?! Funny!) ;><BR>
LYPHIS: How do you select what story to parody and<BR>
ScieszkaChat: That a girl thing?<BR>
LYPHIS: and what have you learned fm the live reactions children have had to<BR>
a work in progress?<BR>
LYPHIS: double , ok?<BR>
WriterBabe: (A boy thing, I think, Jon!)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I don't really pick a target to parody. <BR>
ScieszkaChat: I think I more often pick a genre or style of writing<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and then bend it and stretch it and twist it as far as<BR>
possible. . . and then do it some mor<BR>
ScieszkaChat: e. GA<BR>
LYPHIS: thanx<BR>
WriterBabe: Dun, take it away!<BR>
Dunhamlit: What is your writing schedule? every day, early mornings, do tell<BR>
Dunhamlit: ga<BR>
LYPHIS: oh, and about the kids and their reactions, what have u learned?<BR>
Dunhamlit: (oh, and what's your favorite toy?)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I work whenever I can<BR>
LYPHIS: sorry, mine was a dble, okay?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Very spazzy schedule<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and then when deadlines loom<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I work all the time<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Jon, would you please answer Part 2 of Lyph's question? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Sure<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I think I've learned from kids that they are usually right<BR>
LYPHIS: I was hoping to learn what to avoid, tee hee<BR>
Neely f: ^*^*^*^*^*^ 15 MINUTE WARNING *^*^*^*^<BR>
ScieszkaChat: They can be bizzare, but they love to tell the truth. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Kel, you're up.<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Jon, I interviewed six prominent "funny" authors, asked them<BR>
who their favorite funny author<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: was. Dr. Seuss came in first.<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: You were second. Does that amaze you, as a Seuss fan<BR>
yourself? GA<BR>
DJG1839: Jon, I saw you on Sunday Morning Have you ever done tapes where<BR>
you rd. &/or talk about you<BR>
ScieszkaChat: That does amaze me. Who are these beautiful people people you<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Paula Danziger, Chris Crutcher, Linda Ellerbee, Robert Munsch<BR>
WriterBabe: (DJG, we're in protocol--please type ? and wait your turn)<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: two others...Seuss was mentioned five times, you were<BR>
mentioned four. GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: My new best friends.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm honored to be up ther with the good Dr.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Especially because he is a hero of mine<BR>
ScieszkaChat: for all of the kids he continues to get excited about a story.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Chriz, your turn.<BR>
Chrizmoore: I've always envisioned you chuckling to yourself as you write<BR>
your first draft long-hand. <BR>
Chrizmoore: Do you? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm often swearing at myself for procrastinating<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and banging my head on the floor in frustration<BR>
ScieszkaChat: but it's when I get a glimmer of a good take on something<BR>
Neely f: #%#%# 10 MINUTE WARNING #%#%#%#<BR>
ScieszkaChat: that I crack a smile, and then laugh on about the third draft.<BR>
WriterBabe: (The queue's empty, folks)<BR>
WriterBabe: DJG, do you want to ask your question now? GA<BR>
Chrizmoore: Thanks, Jon. (I love the Time Warp guys!) Do you every write<BR>
Chrizmoore: GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I start longhand because i love to crumple up paper<BR>
Chrizmoore: LOL<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and look like I've done something at the end of the day. GA<BR>
MaryCronk: I've been going for a run to get the creative juices flowing... <BR>
WriterBabe: One of our attendees wants to know if you have an agent and how<BR>
you feel about her/him? GA<BR>
MaryCronk: Maybe I'll try swearing and banging my head on the floor... <BR>
ScieszkaChat: I've only recently hired an agent to work on Time Warp TV<BR>
Neely f: Folks, please remember to follow protocol. :)<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Otherwise, I always felt I was a better representative of my<BR>
work and why kids would like it<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: Joan, go ahead.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Absolutely<BR>
JOANWRITE: Do you stick with one or two publishers. If so, why do you think<BR>
that's best. (hope this h<BR>
JOANWRITE: hasn't been asked) ga<BR>
ScieszkaChat: All of my stuff is with Penguin bbecause I love my editor<BR>
ScieszkaChat: She was the one who first loved 3 Little Pigs. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Kel, your turn.<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Jon, you were a teacher for a long time. Do you ever miss it?<BR>
Mis the anonymity? GA <BR>
ScieszkaChat: I don't miss school lunch or faculty meetings<BR>
Random244032374: ?<BR>
Neely f: _+_+_+_ 4 MINUTE WARNING _+_+_+_<BR>
ScieszkaChat: but I do miss growing up with a group of kids<BR>
ScieszkaChat: over the course of a year. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: When did you quit teaching, Jon? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I think it was in 1994ish<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: What about the anonymity part? Miss that?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm still pretty anonymous. I walk around NY. And still no one<BR>
can pronounce SCIESZKA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: (including me, and I've interviewed you three times)<BR>
Dunhamlit: after that awesome Horn Book article, we're all doing better<BR>
WriterBabe: (Rhymes with Fresca or Puttanesca)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Yeska<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL-eska.<BR>
WriterBabe: And on that exalted note, I think we're out of time.<BR>
Neely f: The bell tolls ten.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Thanks All<BR>
WriterBabe: Thank you so much, Jon!<BR>
CGaley: Thanks Jon! Great chat!<BR>
Dunhamlit: thank you thank you clap clap clap clap whistle clap<BR>
Ekbruno: thanks for your time...very interesting.<BR>
Neely f: ()()()()( Clapping ()()()(()<BR>
WriterBabe: You were terrific! Big applause, folks!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Good Luck out there.<BR>
Julisari: :::::::::::applause::::::::thank you, Jon!<BR>
BOEDEN: Wonderful!!<BR>
OtterBabe3: Thanks!<BR>
MudderGG: This has been greeeat!<BR>
LISAA474: Whoop! Whoop!<BR>
BOEDEN: Thank you very much for coming.<BR>
Bagreene30: )( )( )( )( <BR>
Dunhamlit: hooot, whistle, hooot, clap clap clap<BR>
CGaley: Thanks to Marilyn, Donna and Sue for all their help, too!<BR>
LYPHIS: Love your fun take on things!<BR>
Chrizmoore: Thanks so much, Jon!<BR>
BOEDEN: Thank you Marilyn. Exlnt as usual.<BR>
Phylwriter: Masterfully done!<BR>
Phylwriter: By all : )<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks to Kel and Phyl, too!<BR>
Random244032374: Thank you< Jon. (See, Chuck...I can behave.)<BR>
Welcome to the Children's Writers Chat 9-19-00. Our guest this evening is Jon Scieszka author of THE TRUE STORY OF THE THREE LITTLE PIGS.
9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT), Writers Workshop
Children's Writers chat - writers and illustrators of children's books meet for specific topics and special guest speakers, moderated by HOST WRTR WBABE & HOST WRTR CGaley, with HOST WRTR sUe & HOST WRTR Neely (Greeters).
<HTML><FONT SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10>Welcome to the Children's Writers Workshop 9-19-00<BR>
Our guest this evening is </FONT><FONT COLOR="#00516d" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10><B>Jon Scieszka</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10></B> author of </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000047" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10><B>THE TRUE STORY OF THE THREE LITTLE PIGS</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10></B>. <BR>
WriterBabe: Then we shall go into protocol...<BR>
WriterBabe: now!<BR>
Neely f: (Folks, if your IMs are turned off I can not properly greet you.<BR>
WriterBabe: That means when it's time for audience participation, type ? for<BR>
a question,<BR>
WriterBabe: ! for a comment,<BR>
WriterBabe: and wait your turn in the queue to be called on.<BR>
WriterBabe: Type GA for Go Ahead (guests, too) when you've finished<BR>
WriterBabe: Tonight's chat is being simulcast on the web.<BR>
WriterBabe: Kelly Milner Halls will be fielding questions from that end.<BR>
WriterBabe: Chuck Galey is co-host here on AOL.<BR>
CGaley: (Hi, everyone!)<BR>
WriterBabe: Tonight, I am delighted to welcome one of the funniest writers<BR>
I've read:<BR>
WriterBabe: Jon Scieszka!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: ???!!!&*^%$#???!!!. . . sorry, I couldn't resist<BR>
WriterBabe: He's a homeboy, too, here in Brooklyn!<BR>
WriterBabe: Yo, yo, yo, Jon!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Yo<BR>
WriterBabe: I'm going to plunge in with questions, and then we'll open this<BR>
to the audience.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: OK<BR>
WriterBabe: One of your best known and funniest books is THE TRUE STORY OF<BR>
WriterBabe: It was rejected a number of times for being "too sophisticated."<BR>
WriterBabe: How much do kids REALLY know and where and when do they learn<BR>
WriterBabe: Why are publishers so uptight about "sophistication"? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Whoa. I think maybbe I will just make a rambbling opening<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL<BR>
WriterBabe: Didn't expect that sort of question, eh?<BR>
WriterBabe: Ramble on...<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Okay. I guess most publishers don't trust kids because most<BR>
don't know kids<BR>
WriterBabe: GA, Jon?<BR>
WriterBabe: (That's to let me know when to continue)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Kids learn by playing around at being kids. That's my<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks.<BR>
WriterBabe: Let's talk about humor. <BR>
WriterBabe: Your books are truly laugh-out-loud funny.<BR>
WriterBabe: What's the importance of humor to you? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Most of my stuff ends up funny because I like funny stuff, and<BR>
it's a great way to connect <BR>
Phylwriter: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: with the goofiness of kids, GA<BR>
WriterBabe: (Phyl, we're not open to the audience yet)<BR>
WriterBabe: Yes, I agree, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: In particular, you feature parodies of fairy tales, fables,<BR>
WriterBabe: What got you interested in parodies?<BR>
WriterBabe: Or perhaps I should ask what got you interested in fairy tales,<BR>
fables, etc.--<BR>
WriterBabe: and parodying them? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I grew up on Mad magazine and Rocky and Bullwinkle<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and fairy tales and nursery rhymes<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and encyclopedias and match book covers<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and I loved making fun of stuff always. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: (I read match book covers, too--and shampoo bottles!)<BR>
WriterBabe: This might be asking too much, but could you read back into your<BR>
memory and walk us through <BR>
WriterBabe: the twisting of a fairy tale or fable? How do you do it? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Lather, rinse, repeat?<BR>
WriterBabe: Exactly!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: There are so many ways I started twisting things<BR>
ScieszkaChat: but I think the first thought was just A. Wolf's voice<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Everything sort of came out of his character. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: So POV is important for parody.<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: Chuck has a question about Lane Smith.<BR>
CGaley: Lane Smith (illustrator) seems perfect for your books, did you two<BR>
grow up together?<BR>
WriterBabe: Take it away, Chuck.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: No, we met here in NY. Our wives worked together on magazines<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and introduced us. We just hit it off. GA<BR>
CGaley: Do you actively colaborate on projects? Or does he simply reads<BR>
your manuscript?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: We go back and forth on all kinds of stuff<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I write the story first<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Lane takes off on the illustrations<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Then we come together and work with his wife, Molly to put it<BR>
all together. GA<BR>
CGaley: The books are always charming and well thought out! Back to you,<BR>
CGaley: ga<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks. I have a few more questions, and then it's time for<BR>
audience participation.<BR>
WriterBabe: You test out material on kids before it's published.<BR>
WriterBabe: What kind of criticisms do they offer? Which have you used? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm always reading stories to kids in stores and schools<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I mostly use their reaction (or lack of it) to hone a story.<BR>
WriterBabe: You've said about the Time Warp Trio series, "When I taught 3rd<BR>
and 4th grades I couldn't <BR>
WriterBabe: find cool-looking books to hand to boys, who, for the most part,<BR>
were reluctant readers and <BR>
WriterBabe: didn't want to be seen as dummies."<BR>
WriterBabe: What difference do you see between the reading habits of boys<BR>
and girls? <BR>
WriterBabe: How can we equalize these habits--and should we? GA<BR>
WriterBabe: (Folks, you're up now. We'll start with Phyl's question after<BR>
Jon answers this one, and go <BR>
WriterBabe: on from there.)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Boys start off as mostly poor readers, and have trouble<BR>
catching up<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I've just started a campaign to promote boys' literacy<BR>
ScieszkaChat: because their aren't many studies that have been done on boys<BR>
ScieszkaChat: The one study done by the Dept. of Ed shows that boys have<BR>
scored lower than girls <BR>
ScieszkaChat: on reading tests in every age in every year <BR>
ScieszkaChat: for the last seven years<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm thinking something's not working in education. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: That's excellent, Jon, about your literacy campaign.<BR>
WriterBabe: And yes, something isn't working!<BR>
WriterBabe: Now it's time for the audience to have its say.<BR>
WriterBabe: Type ? for a question, ! for a comment.<BR>
WriterBabe: Phyl, are you there?<BR>
OtterBabe3: ?<BR>
Phylwriter: Thanks Marilyn ... : )<BR>
Phylwriter: Hi Jon, thanks for coming. My question is, what do you think<BR>
the biggest difference is ...<BR>
Phylwriter: between kid humor and adult humor? Thanks, GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Adult humor just has a few more swear words<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: Otter, you're next.<BR>
OtterBabe3: Can you talk about any new projects that we can look for in the<BR>
near future? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I've found good humor can transend age. GA<BR>
MaryCronk: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Lane and I are just finishing a picturebook called BALONEY for<BR>
Spring 2001<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and we're turning Time Warp into A daily animated show for<BR>
2002 with PBS. GA<BR>
Ekbruno: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: That's exciting! <BR>
WriterBabe: Kel, go ahead.<BR>
THopeB: ?<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Hi Jon. Do you struggle with the anti-fart or good taste<BR>
patrol Bruce Coville talks about?<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Or are your editors clear on the fact that your readers can<BR>
deal with that humor? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm pretty oblivious to the good taste patrol. Lane and I<BR>
usually patrol ourselves. GA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: So there are things you edit out yourselves? Such as? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Only one of three "He who smelt it, dealt it" fables made it<BR>
into SQUIDS.<BR>
CGaley: (giggling)<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I thought that showed admirable restraint. GA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: <g> indeed. I'm done for now. <BR>
WriterBabe: Mary, fire away.<BR>
MaryCronk: Is a person born funny? In other words...If I'm not naturally<BR>
funny, should i give up?<BR>
MaryCronk: GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: It's good that you have recognized something stirring within<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and are trying/hoping to be funny.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: That can only be a good thing. Keep trying.<BR>
MaryCronk: thanks<BR>
ScieszkaChat: You never know. GA<BR>
Phylwriter: ? - from the 'Net<BR>
WriterBabe: Jon, a new course for you to teach--Funny Lessons.<BR>
WriterBabe: Ek, you're next.<BR>
Ekbruno: How do you feel about rhyming text and do you ever plan to use it?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I tried it on my first manuscript, and I think it is the<BR>
classic first ms. for kids mistake<BR>
PBRwriter: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I might go for a haiku or two. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Tracey, your turn.<BR>
WriterBabe: Tracey?<BR>
THopeB: Hi there Jon!<BR>
THopeB: What does your writing space look like? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Tracey, we're sorry. Come back.<BR>
WriterBabe: (Please have questions ready to send. Thanks.)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Oh. I have a couple rooms lined with bookshelves and a bunch<BR>
of stuff<BR>
ScieszkaChat: like skeletons and old record players and <BR>
Dunhamlit: ?<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: a nearly complete set of small presidential figures. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Any skeletons of presidents?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Not yet<BR>
WriterBabe: That'll come next.<BR>
WriterBabe: Phyl, your question from the web.<BR>
Phylwriter: (sorry, here comes)<BR>
Phylwriter: sandee: How do you think your particular style of writing has<BR>
influenced ... <BR>
Phylwriter: what children choose to read in school programs? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I hope it gets them to read a wider selection of books<BR>
ScieszkaChat: serious, goofy, tragic, stupid. . .<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and be critical about what they read. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: PBR, your turn.<BR>
PBRwriter: What authors do = you = find a kindred spirit in, if any? What <BR>
PBRwriter: picture books do you like to reach for for a good laugh?! <g><BR>
Thanks--- Pamela<BR>
PBRwriter: GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I love Lobel's Frog and Toad, James Marshall<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Pinkwater, Dahl, Kafka. . . GA<BR>
Chrizmoore: ?<BR>
WriterBabe: What great writers!<BR>
PBRwriter: Thanks great choices-- GA - Pamela<BR>
WriterBabe: Pinkwater is my husband's favorite. Notice that I am not!<BR>
WriterBabe: Lyph, go ahead.<BR>
PBRwriter: (Kafka?! Funny!) ;><BR>
LYPHIS: How do you select what story to parody and<BR>
ScieszkaChat: That a girl thing?<BR>
LYPHIS: and what have you learned fm the live reactions children have had to<BR>
a work in progress?<BR>
LYPHIS: double , ok?<BR>
WriterBabe: (A boy thing, I think, Jon!)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I don't really pick a target to parody. <BR>
ScieszkaChat: I think I more often pick a genre or style of writing<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and then bend it and stretch it and twist it as far as<BR>
possible. . . and then do it some mor<BR>
ScieszkaChat: e. GA<BR>
LYPHIS: thanx<BR>
WriterBabe: Dun, take it away!<BR>
Dunhamlit: What is your writing schedule? every day, early mornings, do tell<BR>
Dunhamlit: ga<BR>
LYPHIS: oh, and about the kids and their reactions, what have u learned?<BR>
Dunhamlit: (oh, and what's your favorite toy?)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I work whenever I can<BR>
LYPHIS: sorry, mine was a dble, okay?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Very spazzy schedule<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and then when deadlines loom<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I work all the time<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Jon, would you please answer Part 2 of Lyph's question? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Sure<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I think I've learned from kids that they are usually right<BR>
LYPHIS: I was hoping to learn what to avoid, tee hee<BR>
Neely f: ^*^*^*^*^*^ 15 MINUTE WARNING *^*^*^*^<BR>
ScieszkaChat: They can be bizzare, but they love to tell the truth. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Kel, you're up.<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Jon, I interviewed six prominent "funny" authors, asked them<BR>
who their favorite funny author<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: was. Dr. Seuss came in first.<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: You were second. Does that amaze you, as a Seuss fan<BR>
yourself? GA<BR>
DJG1839: Jon, I saw you on Sunday Morning Have you ever done tapes where<BR>
you rd. &/or talk about you<BR>
ScieszkaChat: That does amaze me. Who are these beautiful people people you<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Paula Danziger, Chris Crutcher, Linda Ellerbee, Robert Munsch<BR>
WriterBabe: (DJG, we're in protocol--please type ? and wait your turn)<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: two others...Seuss was mentioned five times, you were<BR>
mentioned four. GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: My new best friends.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm honored to be up ther with the good Dr.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Especially because he is a hero of mine<BR>
ScieszkaChat: for all of the kids he continues to get excited about a story.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Chriz, your turn.<BR>
Chrizmoore: I've always envisioned you chuckling to yourself as you write<BR>
your first draft long-hand. <BR>
Chrizmoore: Do you? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm often swearing at myself for procrastinating<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and banging my head on the floor in frustration<BR>
ScieszkaChat: but it's when I get a glimmer of a good take on something<BR>
Neely f: #%#%# 10 MINUTE WARNING #%#%#%#<BR>
ScieszkaChat: that I crack a smile, and then laugh on about the third draft.<BR>
WriterBabe: (The queue's empty, folks)<BR>
WriterBabe: DJG, do you want to ask your question now? GA<BR>
Chrizmoore: Thanks, Jon. (I love the Time Warp guys!) Do you every write<BR>
Chrizmoore: GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I start longhand because i love to crumple up paper<BR>
Chrizmoore: LOL<BR>
ScieszkaChat: and look like I've done something at the end of the day. GA<BR>
MaryCronk: I've been going for a run to get the creative juices flowing... <BR>
WriterBabe: One of our attendees wants to know if you have an agent and how<BR>
you feel about her/him? GA<BR>
MaryCronk: Maybe I'll try swearing and banging my head on the floor... <BR>
ScieszkaChat: I've only recently hired an agent to work on Time Warp TV<BR>
Neely f: Folks, please remember to follow protocol. :)<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: ?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Otherwise, I always felt I was a better representative of my<BR>
work and why kids would like it<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks, Jon.<BR>
WriterBabe: Joan, go ahead.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Absolutely<BR>
JOANWRITE: Do you stick with one or two publishers. If so, why do you think<BR>
that's best. (hope this h<BR>
JOANWRITE: hasn't been asked) ga<BR>
ScieszkaChat: All of my stuff is with Penguin bbecause I love my editor<BR>
ScieszkaChat: She was the one who first loved 3 Little Pigs. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: Kel, your turn.<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: Jon, you were a teacher for a long time. Do you ever miss it?<BR>
Mis the anonymity? GA <BR>
ScieszkaChat: I don't miss school lunch or faculty meetings<BR>
Random244032374: ?<BR>
Neely f: _+_+_+_ 4 MINUTE WARNING _+_+_+_<BR>
ScieszkaChat: but I do miss growing up with a group of kids<BR>
ScieszkaChat: over the course of a year. GA<BR>
WriterBabe: When did you quit teaching, Jon? GA<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I think it was in 1994ish<BR>
ScieszkaChat: GA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: What about the anonymity part? Miss that?<BR>
ScieszkaChat: I'm still pretty anonymous. I walk around NY. And still no one<BR>
can pronounce SCIESZKA<BR>
AskKelly2Ask: (including me, and I've interviewed you three times)<BR>
Dunhamlit: after that awesome Horn Book article, we're all doing better<BR>
WriterBabe: (Rhymes with Fresca or Puttanesca)<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Yeska<BR>
WriterBabe: LOL-eska.<BR>
WriterBabe: And on that exalted note, I think we're out of time.<BR>
Neely f: The bell tolls ten.<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Thanks All<BR>
WriterBabe: Thank you so much, Jon!<BR>
CGaley: Thanks Jon! Great chat!<BR>
Dunhamlit: thank you thank you clap clap clap clap whistle clap<BR>
Ekbruno: thanks for your time...very interesting.<BR>
Neely f: ()()()()( Clapping ()()()(()<BR>
WriterBabe: You were terrific! Big applause, folks!<BR>
ScieszkaChat: Good Luck out there.<BR>
Julisari: :::::::::::applause::::::::thank you, Jon!<BR>
BOEDEN: Wonderful!!<BR>
OtterBabe3: Thanks!<BR>
MudderGG: This has been greeeat!<BR>
LISAA474: Whoop! Whoop!<BR>
BOEDEN: Thank you very much for coming.<BR>
Bagreene30: )( )( )( )( <BR>
Dunhamlit: hooot, whistle, hooot, clap clap clap<BR>
CGaley: Thanks to Marilyn, Donna and Sue for all their help, too!<BR>
LYPHIS: Love your fun take on things!<BR>
Chrizmoore: Thanks so much, Jon!<BR>
BOEDEN: Thank you Marilyn. Exlnt as usual.<BR>
Phylwriter: Masterfully done!<BR>
Phylwriter: By all : )<BR>
WriterBabe: Thanks to Kel and Phyl, too!<BR>
Random244032374: Thank you< Jon. (See, Chuck...I can behave.)<BR>
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