Castle of Kroz
|Bº |6Fun and Games|B º ^1 Castle of Kroz |B º |6Fun and Games|B º
^CScott Miller
CASTLE OF KROZ is a game of exploration and survival. The journey will
take you through 20 dangerous chambers riddled with diabolical traps and
hideous creatures. Hidden in the deepest dungeon lies the priceless Crown of
Kroz - your quest. Use the numeric keypad to move the player in eight
different directions.
The chambers contain treasures, spells, traps, and other dangers. The
object of CASTLE OF KROZ is to collect as much treasure as possible while
advancing to the highest levels. Touching an object for the first time will
reveal a little of its identity (a description is displayed at the bottom of
the screen), but you must decide how best to use or avoid an object.
Before beginning the game, choose between a fast (<F>) or a slow (<S>)
setting. CASTLE OF KROZ defaults to the slow setting. Now you must choose
between the different levels - Novice: <N>
Experienced: <E>
Advanced: <A>
Press any key and choose between beginning the game by pressing <B>, or
viewing the instructions by selecting <I>. The right side of the screen
contains the score, the level at which you are playing, the gems you've
collected, the whips you have left, teleports remaining, and keys in your
possession. The options, with the letter to activate them highlighted, are
listed in the bottom righthand corner of the screen: <W>hips, <T>eleport,
<P>ause, <Q>uit, <S>ave, and <R>estore.
Whips destroy the creatures and access the chambers.
Teleport will randomly move your player to another position on the
Pause stops the game temporarily, but Quit takes you back to the Big Blue
Disk Main Menu.
Save and Restore allow you to retain higher level games.
When a creature touches you, it will vanish, taking with it a few of the
gems that you have collected. If you run into a creature and you have no gems
you will lose your life! Whips (<W>) can be used to kill nearby creatures,
but they're better used to smash through "crumbled walls" and other terrain.
It's a good idea to save your game at the higher levels. That way, you
will not have to start the game over at Level I. Restore (<R>) the game at
the higher level and try again!
CASTLE OF KROZ will present you with many challenges. Venture deep
underground and try to make it out alive! Here are some tips:
* Touch each new object to discover something about it. When you
first touch an object, a message appears at the bottom of the screen
that describes the object.
* Collect keys to unlock doors that lead to more treasures.
* The fastest monsters are the most dangerous to touch; they will
cost you three of your valuable gems. The slowest creatures only
take a single gem while the medium speed monsters take two.
* Each level presents you with new objects to discover.
* Don't forget to use the <Home>, <End>, <PgUp>, and <PgDn> keys to
move your on-screen character diagonally with the marked <ARROW
This game CAN be completed, I have finished this game at the "Advanced"
skill level with over 120 gems and 60 whips to spare. On the "Novice" level,
I can play and win one handed! There are many tricks that can help you;
however, you can complete CASTLE OF KROZ without these hidden maneuvers.
PCjr players can use
the alternate cursor U I O ( NW N NE )
pad instead of the J K ( W E )
cursor keys to move N M , ( SW S SE )
your man, and the four
normal cursor keys.
To run this program outside ^1Big Blue Disk^0, type: ^1CASTLE^0.
|Bº |6Fun and Games|B º ^1 Castle of Kroz |B º |6Fun and Games|B º
^CScott Miller
CASTLE OF KROZ is a game of exploration and survival. The journey will
take you through 20 dangerous chambers riddled with diabolical traps and
hideous creatures. Hidden in the deepest dungeon lies the priceless Crown of
Kroz - your quest. Use the numeric keypad to move the player in eight
different directions.
The chambers contain treasures, spells, traps, and other dangers. The
object of CASTLE OF KROZ is to collect as much treasure as possible while
advancing to the highest levels. Touching an object for the first time will
reveal a little of its identity (a description is displayed at the bottom of
the screen), but you must decide how best to use or avoid an object.
Before beginning the game, choose between a fast (<F>) or a slow (<S>)
setting. CASTLE OF KROZ defaults to the slow setting. Now you must choose
between the different levels - Novice: <N>
Experienced: <E>
Advanced: <A>
Press any key and choose between beginning the game by pressing <B>, or
viewing the instructions by selecting <I>. The right side of the screen
contains the score, the level at which you are playing, the gems you've
collected, the whips you have left, teleports remaining, and keys in your
possession. The options, with the letter to activate them highlighted, are
listed in the bottom righthand corner of the screen: <W>hips, <T>eleport,
<P>ause, <Q>uit, <S>ave, and <R>estore.
Whips destroy the creatures and access the chambers.
Teleport will randomly move your player to another position on the
Pause stops the game temporarily, but Quit takes you back to the Big Blue
Disk Main Menu.
Save and Restore allow you to retain higher level games.
When a creature touches you, it will vanish, taking with it a few of the
gems that you have collected. If you run into a creature and you have no gems
you will lose your life! Whips (<W>) can be used to kill nearby creatures,
but they're better used to smash through "crumbled walls" and other terrain.
It's a good idea to save your game at the higher levels. That way, you
will not have to start the game over at Level I. Restore (<R>) the game at
the higher level and try again!
CASTLE OF KROZ will present you with many challenges. Venture deep
underground and try to make it out alive! Here are some tips:
* Touch each new object to discover something about it. When you
first touch an object, a message appears at the bottom of the screen
that describes the object.
* Collect keys to unlock doors that lead to more treasures.
* The fastest monsters are the most dangerous to touch; they will
cost you three of your valuable gems. The slowest creatures only
take a single gem while the medium speed monsters take two.
* Each level presents you with new objects to discover.
* Don't forget to use the <Home>, <End>, <PgUp>, and <PgDn> keys to
move your on-screen character diagonally with the marked <ARROW
This game CAN be completed, I have finished this game at the "Advanced"
skill level with over 120 gems and 60 whips to spare. On the "Novice" level,
I can play and win one handed! There are many tricks that can help you;
however, you can complete CASTLE OF KROZ without these hidden maneuvers.
PCjr players can use
the alternate cursor U I O ( NW N NE )
pad instead of the J K ( W E )
cursor keys to move N M , ( SW S SE )
your man, and the four
normal cursor keys.
To run this program outside ^1Big Blue Disk^0, type: ^1CASTLE^0.
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