Biblical lines
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant whom Ephesians 3:3&5 How that by revel- The Author: Jesus Christ, Your comments go here! *
which God gave unto him, to show I uphold; mine elect, in whom my ation he made known unto me the "the faithful witness", *
unto his servants things which must soul delighteth; I have put my mystery,... "the first begotten of the dead", *
shortly come to pass; and he sent Spirit upon him: he shall bring Which in other ages was not "the prince of the kings of the *
and signified it by his angel unto forth judgement to the Gentiles. made known unto the sons of earth", *
his servant John: Psalms 90:4 For a thousand years men, as it is now revealed "him that loved us, and washed us *
in thy sight are but as yester- unto his holy apostles and from our sins in his own blood,", *
day when it is past and as a prophets by the Spirit; "hath made us kings and priests, *
2 Who bare record of the word of watch in the night. I John 1:3 That which we have seen unto God and his Father", *
God, and of the testimony of Jesus Genesis 22:11 And the angel of the and heard declare we unto you, "he cometh with clouds; and every *
Christ, and of all things that he Lord called unto him out of that ye also may have fellow- eye shall see him, and they also *
saw. heaven, and said, Abraham, ship with us: and truly our which pierced him:, *
Abraham: and he said, Here am I. fellowship is with the Father, "and all kindreds of the earth *
and with his Son Jesus Christ. shall wail because of him.", *
3 Blessed is he that readeth, and Deuteronomy 11:27 A blessing, if Luke 11:28 But he said, Yea, "Alpha and Omega, the beginning *
they that hear the words of this ye obey the commandments of the rather, blessed are they that and the ending," *
prophecy, and keep those things Lord your God, which I command hear the word of God, and keep "which is, and which was, and *
which are written therein: for the you this day: it. which is to come", *
time is at hand. Psalms 12:6 The words of the Lord I Corinthians 16:19 The churches "the Almighty", *
are pure words: as silver tried of Asia salute you. "Alpha and Omega, the first and *
4 John to the seven churches which in a furnace of earth, purified Hebrews 2:17 Wherefore in all things the last", *
are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and seven times. it behooved him to be made like "one like unto the Son of man" *
peace, from him which is, and which Isaiah 11:2 And the spirit of the unto his brethren, that he might "His head and his hairs were *
was, and which is to come; and from Lord shall rest upon him, the be a merciful and faithful high white like wool, as white as *
the seven Spirits which are before spirit of wisdom and understand- priest in things pertaining to snow", *
his throne; ing, the spirit of counsel and God, to make reconciliation for "his eyes were as a flame of *
might, the spirit of knowledge the sins of the people. fire", *
and of the fear of the Lord; Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man "his feet like into fine brass", *
Psalms 103:19-20 The Lord hath pre- shall come in his glory, and all "his voice as the sound of many *
pared his throne in the heavens; the holy angels with him, then waters", *
and his kingdom ruleth over all. shall he sit upon the throne of "out of his mouth went a sharp *
Bless the Lord, ye his angels, his glory: two edged sword", *
5 And from Jesus Christ, who is that excel in strength, that do "his countenance was as the sun *
the faithful witness, and the his commandments, hearkening unto Colossians 1:18 And he is the head shineth in his strength", *
first-begotten of the dead, and the the voice of his word. of the body, the church: who is "he that liveth, and was dead; *
prince of the kings of the earth. Daniel 9:25-26 Know therefore and the beginning, the firstborn and am alive for evermore", and *
Unto him that loved us, and washed understand, that from the going from the dead; that in all "have the keys of hell and of *
us from our sins in his own blood, forth of the commandment to things he might have the pre- death". *
6 And hath made us kings and restore and to build Jerusalem, eminence. This introductory chapter *
priests unto God and his Father; to unto the Messiah the Prince shall II Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we presents a very impressive list *
him be glory and dominion for ever be seven weeks, and threescore shall also reign with him, if we of characteristics and credent- *
and ever. Amen. and two weeks: the street shall deny him, he also will deny us: ials of the author in an attempt *
be built again, and the wall, I Timothy 6:15-16 ..the King of to minimize any confusion to man. *
even in troubled times. kings, and Lord of lords, The purpose of this book is *
And after threescore and two Who only hath immortality, primarily to state the role of *
weeks shall Messiah be cut off, dwelling in the light which no Christ and the church in the *
but not for himself: man can approach unto; whom no prophecies told to the prophets *
man hath seen, nor can see: to of earlier times. A story of *
whom be honour and power ever- the judgments and victory to *
lasting. Amen come that the prophets have long *
7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; Exodus 16:10 ...behold, the glory Matthew 24:30 And then shall written about. *
and every eye shall see him, and of the Lord appeared in the appear the sign of the Son of *
they also which pierced him: and cloud. man in heaven: and then shall The Messenger: "an angel of the Lord" *
all kindreds of the earth shall Psalms 22:16 ..they pierced my all the tribes of the earth Often the term "angel of the Lord" *
wail because of him. Even so, Amen. hands and my feet. mourn, and they shall see the is interpreted to be an appearance *
Son of man coming in the clouds of the Messiah to the prophets of *
of heaven with power and great old when it appears in the Old Test- *
glory. ament. In many cases and especially *
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begin- Isaiah 41:4 .. I the Lord, the I Timothy 1:17 Now unto the King from verse 22;16 "I Jesus have sent *
ning and the ending, saith the first, and the last; I am he. eternal, immortal, invisible, the mine angel to testify unto you" we *
Lord, which is, and which was, and only wise God, be honour and understand that the messenger is most *
which is to come, the Almighty. glory for ever and ever. Amen. often an angel and not Jesus Himself. *
9 I John, who also am your Romans 8:17 And if children, then But often from the context we concl- *
brother, and companion in tribu- heirs; heirs of God, and joint- ude that the vision is of Jesus and *
lation, and in the kingdom and heirs with Christ, if so be that the Words are his. For example from *
patience of Jesus Christ, was in we suffer with him, that we may verse 17 " I am the First and the *
the isle that is called Patmos, be also glorified together. Last", this can be only the Messiah. *
for the word of God, and for the I Thessalonians 1:3 ...patience of *
testimony of Jesus Christ. hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,... The Scribe: John the apostle, " the *
10 I was in the Spirit on the Ezekiel 2:1-2 And he said unto me, Acts 11:5 I was in the city of beloved apostle", the son of *
Lord's day, and heard behind me Son of man, stand upon thy feet, Joppa praying: and in a trance Zebedee and Salome. He along with *
a great voice, as of a trumpet. and I will speak unto thee. I saw a vision, his brother James were named the *
11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, And the spirit entered into me Acts 9:3-4 And as he journeyed, he "sons of thunder". He along with *
the first and the last: and, What when he spake unto me, came near Damascus: and suddenly Peter and James were in the inner *
thou seest, write in a book, and Joel 1:15 Alas for the day! for the there shined round about him a circle that were present with Jesus *
send it unto the seven churches day of the Lord is at hand, and light from heaven: at the transfiguration. He was *
which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, as a destruction from the Almighty And he fell to the earth, and seated next to the Lord at the *
and unto Smyrna, and unto Per- shall it come. heard a voice saying unto him, passover supper and was accorded *
gamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Exodus 25:37&39 And thou shalt make the honor of being entrusted with *
Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and the seven lamps thereof: and they the care of the earthly mother of *
unto Laodicea. shall light the lamps thereof, Jesus. Possibly his mother was the *
12 And I turned to see the voice that they may give light over Hebrews 9:2 For there was a taber- natural sister of Mary the earthly *
that spake with me. And being against it. nacle made; the first, wherein mother of Jesus. He was living at *
turned, I saw seven golden candle- Ezekiel 1:27-28 And I saw as the was the candlestick, and the Ephesus when exiled to Patmos where *
sticks; colour of amber, as the appear- table, and the showbread; which the visions occurred and returned *
13 And in the midst of the seven ance of fire round about within is called the sanctuary. to Ephesus when set free. Trad- *
golden candlesticks one like unto it, .. so was the appearance of Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of ition is that he died a natural *
the Son of man, clothed with a the brightness round about. This man came not to be ministered death at Ephesus. *
garment down to the foot, and girt was the appearance of the like- unto, but to minister, and to *
about the paps with a golden ness of the glory of the Lord. give his life a ransom for many. The Addressee: The Ecclesia (the *
girdle. and when I saw it I fell upon my I Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, assembly, the congregation, the *
14 His head and his hairs were face,... and one mediator between God and churches), the seven churches of *
white like wool, as white as snow; Daniel 7:9 ...and the Ancient of men, the man Christ Jesus; Asia which did not include all *
and his eyes were as a flame of Days did sit, whose garment was Who gave himself a ransom for of the churches of Asia at that *
fire; white as snow, and the hair of all, to be testified in due time. time or even the largest of the *
15 And his feet like unto fine his head like the pure wool: churches. *
brass, as if they burned in a fur- Ezekiel 1:24 ..noise of great waters, *
nace; and his voice as the sound as the voice of the Almighty,... The Outline: The author seems to *
of many waters. Daniel 10:5 Then I lifted up mine outline the book when he states *
eyes, and looked, and behold a "the things which thou hast seen, *
certain man clothed in linen, and the things which are, and the *
whose loins were girded with fine things which shall be hereafter", *
gold...and his face as the appea- since the book concerns the past, *
rance of lightning, and his eyes the present, and the future. As *
as lamps of fire, and his arms shown from the references given *
and his feet like in colour to from other sections of the Word, *
polished brass, and the voice of the majority of the visions and *
his words like the voice of a Words have been given to other *
multitude. prophets and apostles and often *
16 And he had in his right hand Psalms 149:5-7 Let the saints be Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God in slightly different formats. *
seven stars: and out of his mouth joyful in glory: let them sing is quick, and powerful, and However, the words and descrip- *
went a sharp two-edged sword: and aloud upon their beds. sharper than any two-edged sword, tions of this book give such *
his countenance was as the sun Let the high praises of God be piercing even to dividing asunder graphic and picturesque detail *
shineth in his strength. in their mouth, and a two-edged of soul and spirit, and of the that such words and concepts *
sword in their hand; joints and marrow, and is a as apocalypse and Armageddon have *
To execute vengeance upon the discerner of the thoughts and infiltated the language of all *
heathen, and punishments upon intents of the heart. the world, be it Christian or *
the people; Luke 9:29 And as he prayed, the non-Christian. *
Genesis 37:9 ..the eleven stars fashion of his countenance was *
made obeisance to me. altered, and his raiment was The Symbology: We are introduced to *
Daniel 10:7,12 And I Daniel alone white and glistening. the symbology of the book with *
17 And when I saw him, I fell at saw the vision: for the men that the first vision. Symbols *
his feet as dead. And he laid his were with me saw not the vision identical or similar to those *
right hand upon me, saying unto but a great quaking fell upon them, found in Ezekiel, Daniel, and *
me, Fear not; I am the first and Then said he unto me, Fear not Zechariah. Christ in his prie- *
the last: Daniel: .... stly apparel is seen amongst *
18 I am he that liveth, and was Psalms 68:20 He that is our God Romans 6:9-10 Knowing that Christ symbolic "lampstands" and with *
dead; and, behold, I am alive for is the God of salvation; and unto being raised from the dead dieth symbolic "stars" in his right hand. *
evermore, Amen; and have the keys God the Lord belong the issues no more; death hath no more His appearance with fire in his *
of hell and of death. from death. dominion over him. eyes and feet of brass is symbolic *
Isaiah 44:6 ...the Lord of Hosts; For in that he died, he died of judgment. Fortunately for us *
I am the first, and I am the last; unto sin once: but in that he the last verse explains the *
and besides me there is no God. liveth, he liveth unto God. meaning of the lampstands and *
19 Write the things which thou Zechariah 4:2 What seest thou? Matthew 5:15-17 Neither do men the stars. As we go through the *
hast seen, and the things which And I said, I have looked, and light a candle, and put it under book we will not be so fortunate *
are, and the things which shall be behold a candlestick all of gold, a bushel, but on a candlestick; with the many symbols that follow. *
hereafter; with a bowl upon top of it, and it giveth light unto all that are We will then look to the writings *
20 The mystery of the seven stars his seven lamps thereon, and in the house. of the other prophets for possible *
which thou sawest in my right hand, seven pipes to the seven lamps, Let your light so shine before intrepretations and also to areas *
and the seven golden candlesticks. which are upon the top thereof: men, that they may see your good of the Bible that are not necess- *
The seven stars are the angels of Psalms 118:16 The right hand of works, and glorify your Father arily considered to be prophetic *
the seven churches: and the seven the Lord is exhaulted: the right which is in heaven. but do give us clues as to the *
candlesticks which thou sawest are hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. Think not that I am come to meanings of symbols. *
the seven churches. destroy the law, or the prophets: *
I am not come to destroy, but to The Blessing: Verse three informs *
fulfil. us that we can expect a blessing *
Philipians 2:15-16 the midst if we will read, understand, and *
of a crooked and perverse nation, observe the contents. We must *
among whom ye shine as lights in then often revisit these writings *
the world; and pray for guidance and under- *
Holding forth the world of life; standing as we study them. This *
that I may rejoice in the day of is the first of seven blessings *
Christ, that I have not run in found in the book (see also *
vain, neither laboured in vain. verses 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6 *
22:7 and 22:14 ). *
Seven: Seven Spirits, seven stars, seven candlesticks, seven 1:1 "things which must shortly come to pass" *
angels and seven churches, there can be no doubt that the 1:3 "for the time is at hand" *
number seven plays a big part in the symbology of this 3:11,22:7,22:12,22:20 "I come quickly" *
book. Seven seems to indicate a totality or completeness. Many have had problems with the fact that many years have passed *
We thereby conclude that when the number seven is used we since John put the Words down and most of the events seem to *
are provided with a complete and final story with no part have not happened in a short time. While some scholars believe *
left unsaid. We then take the examples of the seven many of the described events happened early in church history. *
churches that we will study to cover the totality of the ( As examples, the early church was very heavily persecuted, *
conditions that the Church of Christ will experience. also false prophets and false practices borrowed from the pagans *
Seven appears fifty four times in the book. intruded, and many early writers called Emperor Nero " the beast") *
Few scholars would claim that the end time events have happened *
in which satan is bound and the faithful are resurrected to reign *
Seven Spirits: We know little of the full significance with Christ for a thousand years. Or who would claim to have *
of the seven Spirits before the throne. Possibly Isaiah seen the new heavens, new earth and new Jerusalem appear as *
had given us a clue as he named the spirits which would described. However, if we consider the passage of II Peter 3:8 *
rest upon the Savior; "That one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand *
The spirit of the Lord years as one day." we have a better understanding of the timeless *
The spirit of wisdom nature of the Lord. Many would prefer to infer that God has *
The spirit of understanding no set time table, but instead his actions are triggered by *
The spirit of counsel certain acts or conditions that occur on this earth. The theme *
The spirit of might would seem to be that once the events begin they will happen *
The spirit of knowledge quickly and very much as a surprise to those who are not watching *
The spirit of fear of the Lord for the key events or who have no understanding of the message. *
Seven stars: Seven stars equals seven angels or mess- 1:7 "every eye shall see him" *
engers to the seven churches, probably the pastors. Stars Many have said that this is physically impossible and could happen *
can be used as symbolic of heavenly angels. But in this only in spiritual terms. But with the inventions of television *
case reference to earthly messengers is more likely since and satellite transmission, we now know that this is also physically *
chapter two starts with "Unto the angel of the church of possible as the Lord so desires. *
Ephesus write;" and it seems unnecessary to send earthly *
writings to heavenly angels. 1:10 " I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day," *
It is most likely that the phrase "on the Lord's day" refers to the *
Seven candlesticks: (lampstands) Represent seven churches. "day of the Lord" or the time of final judgment as found in the *
Obviously the seven churches do not include the totality writings of Isaiah, Joel, Amos, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Malachi and *
of existing churches or even all the churches in the area. also I Thessalonians 5:2 and II Peter 3:10. Many interpret this to *
Instead the seven churches generally represent the seven be on the day of worship or Sunday as the term is more often used *
conditions that will be prevalent in the growth and life of in modern english. But no where else in the Bible is such a *
the church on earth. A close study of all the churches reference found. *
present today and each could be classified into one of *
these categories as presented in the following chapters. The Scriptures begin with the "Genesis" in which we are given *
Symbolically a lamp (candle) sheds light, the light of the a much too brief account of the beginning for us of a curious nature. *
Word. Golden because the churches and their leaders are Mankind spends billions of dollars in an attempt to understand the *
precious, even with their faults. full nature of the beginning and mostly he seems to uncover many more *
questions than answers. He digs holes all over the earth looking for *
Matters of contention: Not all scholars have been willing to accept the ancient relics that will help him better understand how life came to *
Revelation as rightfully belonging to the works of the Scripture. this earth. He desires to better understand the nature of man and how *
A number of early compilations at times omitted it as well as life on this earth can be so full of the failings of mankind with its *
others of the last ten Books of the New Testament except for many wars and atrocities. It is only in the book of the Revelation *
I Peter. Scholars have argued that the style of the Book is that we find the conclusion and the final victory. Only here are we *
sufficiently different from that of the Gospel of John so as to given an insight to the final atrocities and the final victory over *
cause doubt that it was written by the Apostle John and instead the "sin" nature of man and the coming of true peace and victory *
it should be attributed to another early believer with the name through the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Scriptures would be very incomplete *
of John. Today these doubting scholars are far in the minority without this Revelation of the termination of sin and the final *
and the Book is almost universally accepted. victory. *
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant whom Ephesians 3:3&5 How that by revel- The Author: Jesus Christ, Your comments go here! *
which God gave unto him, to show I uphold; mine elect, in whom my ation he made known unto me the "the faithful witness", *
unto his servants things which must soul delighteth; I have put my mystery,... "the first begotten of the dead", *
shortly come to pass; and he sent Spirit upon him: he shall bring Which in other ages was not "the prince of the kings of the *
and signified it by his angel unto forth judgement to the Gentiles. made known unto the sons of earth", *
his servant John: Psalms 90:4 For a thousand years men, as it is now revealed "him that loved us, and washed us *
in thy sight are but as yester- unto his holy apostles and from our sins in his own blood,", *
day when it is past and as a prophets by the Spirit; "hath made us kings and priests, *
2 Who bare record of the word of watch in the night. I John 1:3 That which we have seen unto God and his Father", *
God, and of the testimony of Jesus Genesis 22:11 And the angel of the and heard declare we unto you, "he cometh with clouds; and every *
Christ, and of all things that he Lord called unto him out of that ye also may have fellow- eye shall see him, and they also *
saw. heaven, and said, Abraham, ship with us: and truly our which pierced him:, *
Abraham: and he said, Here am I. fellowship is with the Father, "and all kindreds of the earth *
and with his Son Jesus Christ. shall wail because of him.", *
3 Blessed is he that readeth, and Deuteronomy 11:27 A blessing, if Luke 11:28 But he said, Yea, "Alpha and Omega, the beginning *
they that hear the words of this ye obey the commandments of the rather, blessed are they that and the ending," *
prophecy, and keep those things Lord your God, which I command hear the word of God, and keep "which is, and which was, and *
which are written therein: for the you this day: it. which is to come", *
time is at hand. Psalms 12:6 The words of the Lord I Corinthians 16:19 The churches "the Almighty", *
are pure words: as silver tried of Asia salute you. "Alpha and Omega, the first and *
4 John to the seven churches which in a furnace of earth, purified Hebrews 2:17 Wherefore in all things the last", *
are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and seven times. it behooved him to be made like "one like unto the Son of man" *
peace, from him which is, and which Isaiah 11:2 And the spirit of the unto his brethren, that he might "His head and his hairs were *
was, and which is to come; and from Lord shall rest upon him, the be a merciful and faithful high white like wool, as white as *
the seven Spirits which are before spirit of wisdom and understand- priest in things pertaining to snow", *
his throne; ing, the spirit of counsel and God, to make reconciliation for "his eyes were as a flame of *
might, the spirit of knowledge the sins of the people. fire", *
and of the fear of the Lord; Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man "his feet like into fine brass", *
Psalms 103:19-20 The Lord hath pre- shall come in his glory, and all "his voice as the sound of many *
pared his throne in the heavens; the holy angels with him, then waters", *
and his kingdom ruleth over all. shall he sit upon the throne of "out of his mouth went a sharp *
Bless the Lord, ye his angels, his glory: two edged sword", *
5 And from Jesus Christ, who is that excel in strength, that do "his countenance was as the sun *
the faithful witness, and the his commandments, hearkening unto Colossians 1:18 And he is the head shineth in his strength", *
first-begotten of the dead, and the the voice of his word. of the body, the church: who is "he that liveth, and was dead; *
prince of the kings of the earth. Daniel 9:25-26 Know therefore and the beginning, the firstborn and am alive for evermore", and *
Unto him that loved us, and washed understand, that from the going from the dead; that in all "have the keys of hell and of *
us from our sins in his own blood, forth of the commandment to things he might have the pre- death". *
6 And hath made us kings and restore and to build Jerusalem, eminence. This introductory chapter *
priests unto God and his Father; to unto the Messiah the Prince shall II Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we presents a very impressive list *
him be glory and dominion for ever be seven weeks, and threescore shall also reign with him, if we of characteristics and credent- *
and ever. Amen. and two weeks: the street shall deny him, he also will deny us: ials of the author in an attempt *
be built again, and the wall, I Timothy 6:15-16 ..the King of to minimize any confusion to man. *
even in troubled times. kings, and Lord of lords, The purpose of this book is *
And after threescore and two Who only hath immortality, primarily to state the role of *
weeks shall Messiah be cut off, dwelling in the light which no Christ and the church in the *
but not for himself: man can approach unto; whom no prophecies told to the prophets *
man hath seen, nor can see: to of earlier times. A story of *
whom be honour and power ever- the judgments and victory to *
lasting. Amen come that the prophets have long *
7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; Exodus 16:10 ...behold, the glory Matthew 24:30 And then shall written about. *
and every eye shall see him, and of the Lord appeared in the appear the sign of the Son of *
they also which pierced him: and cloud. man in heaven: and then shall The Messenger: "an angel of the Lord" *
all kindreds of the earth shall Psalms 22:16 ..they pierced my all the tribes of the earth Often the term "angel of the Lord" *
wail because of him. Even so, Amen. hands and my feet. mourn, and they shall see the is interpreted to be an appearance *
Son of man coming in the clouds of the Messiah to the prophets of *
of heaven with power and great old when it appears in the Old Test- *
glory. ament. In many cases and especially *
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begin- Isaiah 41:4 .. I the Lord, the I Timothy 1:17 Now unto the King from verse 22;16 "I Jesus have sent *
ning and the ending, saith the first, and the last; I am he. eternal, immortal, invisible, the mine angel to testify unto you" we *
Lord, which is, and which was, and only wise God, be honour and understand that the messenger is most *
which is to come, the Almighty. glory for ever and ever. Amen. often an angel and not Jesus Himself. *
9 I John, who also am your Romans 8:17 And if children, then But often from the context we concl- *
brother, and companion in tribu- heirs; heirs of God, and joint- ude that the vision is of Jesus and *
lation, and in the kingdom and heirs with Christ, if so be that the Words are his. For example from *
patience of Jesus Christ, was in we suffer with him, that we may verse 17 " I am the First and the *
the isle that is called Patmos, be also glorified together. Last", this can be only the Messiah. *
for the word of God, and for the I Thessalonians 1:3 ...patience of *
testimony of Jesus Christ. hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,... The Scribe: John the apostle, " the *
10 I was in the Spirit on the Ezekiel 2:1-2 And he said unto me, Acts 11:5 I was in the city of beloved apostle", the son of *
Lord's day, and heard behind me Son of man, stand upon thy feet, Joppa praying: and in a trance Zebedee and Salome. He along with *
a great voice, as of a trumpet. and I will speak unto thee. I saw a vision, his brother James were named the *
11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, And the spirit entered into me Acts 9:3-4 And as he journeyed, he "sons of thunder". He along with *
the first and the last: and, What when he spake unto me, came near Damascus: and suddenly Peter and James were in the inner *
thou seest, write in a book, and Joel 1:15 Alas for the day! for the there shined round about him a circle that were present with Jesus *
send it unto the seven churches day of the Lord is at hand, and light from heaven: at the transfiguration. He was *
which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, as a destruction from the Almighty And he fell to the earth, and seated next to the Lord at the *
and unto Smyrna, and unto Per- shall it come. heard a voice saying unto him, passover supper and was accorded *
gamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Exodus 25:37&39 And thou shalt make the honor of being entrusted with *
Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and the seven lamps thereof: and they the care of the earthly mother of *
unto Laodicea. shall light the lamps thereof, Jesus. Possibly his mother was the *
12 And I turned to see the voice that they may give light over Hebrews 9:2 For there was a taber- natural sister of Mary the earthly *
that spake with me. And being against it. nacle made; the first, wherein mother of Jesus. He was living at *
turned, I saw seven golden candle- Ezekiel 1:27-28 And I saw as the was the candlestick, and the Ephesus when exiled to Patmos where *
sticks; colour of amber, as the appear- table, and the showbread; which the visions occurred and returned *
13 And in the midst of the seven ance of fire round about within is called the sanctuary. to Ephesus when set free. Trad- *
golden candlesticks one like unto it, .. so was the appearance of Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of ition is that he died a natural *
the Son of man, clothed with a the brightness round about. This man came not to be ministered death at Ephesus. *
garment down to the foot, and girt was the appearance of the like- unto, but to minister, and to *
about the paps with a golden ness of the glory of the Lord. give his life a ransom for many. The Addressee: The Ecclesia (the *
girdle. and when I saw it I fell upon my I Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, assembly, the congregation, the *
14 His head and his hairs were face,... and one mediator between God and churches), the seven churches of *
white like wool, as white as snow; Daniel 7:9 ...and the Ancient of men, the man Christ Jesus; Asia which did not include all *
and his eyes were as a flame of Days did sit, whose garment was Who gave himself a ransom for of the churches of Asia at that *
fire; white as snow, and the hair of all, to be testified in due time. time or even the largest of the *
15 And his feet like unto fine his head like the pure wool: churches. *
brass, as if they burned in a fur- Ezekiel 1:24 ..noise of great waters, *
nace; and his voice as the sound as the voice of the Almighty,... The Outline: The author seems to *
of many waters. Daniel 10:5 Then I lifted up mine outline the book when he states *
eyes, and looked, and behold a "the things which thou hast seen, *
certain man clothed in linen, and the things which are, and the *
whose loins were girded with fine things which shall be hereafter", *
gold...and his face as the appea- since the book concerns the past, *
rance of lightning, and his eyes the present, and the future. As *
as lamps of fire, and his arms shown from the references given *
and his feet like in colour to from other sections of the Word, *
polished brass, and the voice of the majority of the visions and *
his words like the voice of a Words have been given to other *
multitude. prophets and apostles and often *
16 And he had in his right hand Psalms 149:5-7 Let the saints be Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God in slightly different formats. *
seven stars: and out of his mouth joyful in glory: let them sing is quick, and powerful, and However, the words and descrip- *
went a sharp two-edged sword: and aloud upon their beds. sharper than any two-edged sword, tions of this book give such *
his countenance was as the sun Let the high praises of God be piercing even to dividing asunder graphic and picturesque detail *
shineth in his strength. in their mouth, and a two-edged of soul and spirit, and of the that such words and concepts *
sword in their hand; joints and marrow, and is a as apocalypse and Armageddon have *
To execute vengeance upon the discerner of the thoughts and infiltated the language of all *
heathen, and punishments upon intents of the heart. the world, be it Christian or *
the people; Luke 9:29 And as he prayed, the non-Christian. *
Genesis 37:9 ..the eleven stars fashion of his countenance was *
made obeisance to me. altered, and his raiment was The Symbology: We are introduced to *
Daniel 10:7,12 And I Daniel alone white and glistening. the symbology of the book with *
17 And when I saw him, I fell at saw the vision: for the men that the first vision. Symbols *
his feet as dead. And he laid his were with me saw not the vision identical or similar to those *
right hand upon me, saying unto but a great quaking fell upon them, found in Ezekiel, Daniel, and *
me, Fear not; I am the first and Then said he unto me, Fear not Zechariah. Christ in his prie- *
the last: Daniel: .... stly apparel is seen amongst *
18 I am he that liveth, and was Psalms 68:20 He that is our God Romans 6:9-10 Knowing that Christ symbolic "lampstands" and with *
dead; and, behold, I am alive for is the God of salvation; and unto being raised from the dead dieth symbolic "stars" in his right hand. *
evermore, Amen; and have the keys God the Lord belong the issues no more; death hath no more His appearance with fire in his *
of hell and of death. from death. dominion over him. eyes and feet of brass is symbolic *
Isaiah 44:6 ...the Lord of Hosts; For in that he died, he died of judgment. Fortunately for us *
I am the first, and I am the last; unto sin once: but in that he the last verse explains the *
and besides me there is no God. liveth, he liveth unto God. meaning of the lampstands and *
19 Write the things which thou Zechariah 4:2 What seest thou? Matthew 5:15-17 Neither do men the stars. As we go through the *
hast seen, and the things which And I said, I have looked, and light a candle, and put it under book we will not be so fortunate *
are, and the things which shall be behold a candlestick all of gold, a bushel, but on a candlestick; with the many symbols that follow. *
hereafter; with a bowl upon top of it, and it giveth light unto all that are We will then look to the writings *
20 The mystery of the seven stars his seven lamps thereon, and in the house. of the other prophets for possible *
which thou sawest in my right hand, seven pipes to the seven lamps, Let your light so shine before intrepretations and also to areas *
and the seven golden candlesticks. which are upon the top thereof: men, that they may see your good of the Bible that are not necess- *
The seven stars are the angels of Psalms 118:16 The right hand of works, and glorify your Father arily considered to be prophetic *
the seven churches: and the seven the Lord is exhaulted: the right which is in heaven. but do give us clues as to the *
candlesticks which thou sawest are hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. Think not that I am come to meanings of symbols. *
the seven churches. destroy the law, or the prophets: *
I am not come to destroy, but to The Blessing: Verse three informs *
fulfil. us that we can expect a blessing *
Philipians 2:15-16 the midst if we will read, understand, and *
of a crooked and perverse nation, observe the contents. We must *
among whom ye shine as lights in then often revisit these writings *
the world; and pray for guidance and under- *
Holding forth the world of life; standing as we study them. This *
that I may rejoice in the day of is the first of seven blessings *
Christ, that I have not run in found in the book (see also *
vain, neither laboured in vain. verses 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6 *
22:7 and 22:14 ). *
Seven: Seven Spirits, seven stars, seven candlesticks, seven 1:1 "things which must shortly come to pass" *
angels and seven churches, there can be no doubt that the 1:3 "for the time is at hand" *
number seven plays a big part in the symbology of this 3:11,22:7,22:12,22:20 "I come quickly" *
book. Seven seems to indicate a totality or completeness. Many have had problems with the fact that many years have passed *
We thereby conclude that when the number seven is used we since John put the Words down and most of the events seem to *
are provided with a complete and final story with no part have not happened in a short time. While some scholars believe *
left unsaid. We then take the examples of the seven many of the described events happened early in church history. *
churches that we will study to cover the totality of the ( As examples, the early church was very heavily persecuted, *
conditions that the Church of Christ will experience. also false prophets and false practices borrowed from the pagans *
Seven appears fifty four times in the book. intruded, and many early writers called Emperor Nero " the beast") *
Few scholars would claim that the end time events have happened *
in which satan is bound and the faithful are resurrected to reign *
Seven Spirits: We know little of the full significance with Christ for a thousand years. Or who would claim to have *
of the seven Spirits before the throne. Possibly Isaiah seen the new heavens, new earth and new Jerusalem appear as *
had given us a clue as he named the spirits which would described. However, if we consider the passage of II Peter 3:8 *
rest upon the Savior; "That one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand *
The spirit of the Lord years as one day." we have a better understanding of the timeless *
The spirit of wisdom nature of the Lord. Many would prefer to infer that God has *
The spirit of understanding no set time table, but instead his actions are triggered by *
The spirit of counsel certain acts or conditions that occur on this earth. The theme *
The spirit of might would seem to be that once the events begin they will happen *
The spirit of knowledge quickly and very much as a surprise to those who are not watching *
The spirit of fear of the Lord for the key events or who have no understanding of the message. *
Seven stars: Seven stars equals seven angels or mess- 1:7 "every eye shall see him" *
engers to the seven churches, probably the pastors. Stars Many have said that this is physically impossible and could happen *
can be used as symbolic of heavenly angels. But in this only in spiritual terms. But with the inventions of television *
case reference to earthly messengers is more likely since and satellite transmission, we now know that this is also physically *
chapter two starts with "Unto the angel of the church of possible as the Lord so desires. *
Ephesus write;" and it seems unnecessary to send earthly *
writings to heavenly angels. 1:10 " I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day," *
It is most likely that the phrase "on the Lord's day" refers to the *
Seven candlesticks: (lampstands) Represent seven churches. "day of the Lord" or the time of final judgment as found in the *
Obviously the seven churches do not include the totality writings of Isaiah, Joel, Amos, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Malachi and *
of existing churches or even all the churches in the area. also I Thessalonians 5:2 and II Peter 3:10. Many interpret this to *
Instead the seven churches generally represent the seven be on the day of worship or Sunday as the term is more often used *
conditions that will be prevalent in the growth and life of in modern english. But no where else in the Bible is such a *
the church on earth. A close study of all the churches reference found. *
present today and each could be classified into one of *
these categories as presented in the following chapters. The Scriptures begin with the "Genesis" in which we are given *
Symbolically a lamp (candle) sheds light, the light of the a much too brief account of the beginning for us of a curious nature. *
Word. Golden because the churches and their leaders are Mankind spends billions of dollars in an attempt to understand the *
precious, even with their faults. full nature of the beginning and mostly he seems to uncover many more *
questions than answers. He digs holes all over the earth looking for *
Matters of contention: Not all scholars have been willing to accept the ancient relics that will help him better understand how life came to *
Revelation as rightfully belonging to the works of the Scripture. this earth. He desires to better understand the nature of man and how *
A number of early compilations at times omitted it as well as life on this earth can be so full of the failings of mankind with its *
others of the last ten Books of the New Testament except for many wars and atrocities. It is only in the book of the Revelation *
I Peter. Scholars have argued that the style of the Book is that we find the conclusion and the final victory. Only here are we *
sufficiently different from that of the Gospel of John so as to given an insight to the final atrocities and the final victory over *
cause doubt that it was written by the Apostle John and instead the "sin" nature of man and the coming of true peace and victory *
it should be attributed to another early believer with the name through the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Scriptures would be very incomplete *
of John. Today these doubting scholars are far in the minority without this Revelation of the termination of sin and the final *
and the Book is almost universally accepted. victory. *
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