Tachyon v2.0 for VGA Planets 3.5
Tachyon v2.0
for VGA Planets 3.5
Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Dave Killingsworth - All Rights Reserved
Tachyon is an add-on utility for VGA Planets 3.5 that takes advantage
of the AUXHOST features found in HOST 3.20. This add-on provides the
capability for players to build and incorporate Tachyon Pulse Generators
into 2 of their ships. This device will allow the player to burn fuel and
fire a pulse of Tachyon energy into space. This pulse will uncloak any ships
that are cloaked with in its pulse radius.
Two new friendly codes are introduced with this program. They ARE
case sensitive, the (n) represents the distance of the pulse in 10's of Light Years, they
are as follows:
TPn - Tachyon Pulse at (n) time ten light years (0=10)
ITD - Incorporate Tachyon Device (planet friendly code)
With the added ability to thwart cloaked vessels come some extreme
costs. This is the large base fuel cost needed to fire a Tachyon Pulse.
Tachyon contains two programs:
Place these programs in the same directory that the HOST normally
runs from. Tachyon requires access to the VGA Planets database
(HULLSPEC.DAT, BEAMSPEC.DAT, ect) as well as the Host database (SHIP.HST,
XYPLAN.HST, ect.).
New Game Setup
Before Tachyon can be used the configuration program TACONFIG.EXE,
must be run. TACONFIG accepts one command line parameter, the DOS path to the
host directory. For example; to configure a new game in E:\PLANETS\NEWGAME
When TACONFIG starts, a configuration dialog will be displayed.
Notice that the DOS path provided on the command line is displayed in the
Path to Game Directory edit box.
Default values are automatically provided. Change them to suit the
requirements of the game. Each value has valid ranges and all changes must
be within the valid ranges.
Select the OK button when all changes have been made. The following
file will be written to the Game Directory:
After the configuration file has been saved a confirmation dialog will be
shown at which time, if YES is selected the Tachyon database will be initialized.
These files are written to during initialization:
The configuration program will create and update all necessary files
needed to run this program.
Tachyon Device Construction Requirements
To construct a Tachyon device and incorporate it into a hull, you need
to have a ship in orbit around a starbase and the starbase needs to have tech
10 beam technology. The following resources present on the surface of the
80 Tritanium
110 Duranium
210 Molybdenum
200 Supplies
2000 megacredits
If these requirements are met you have the capability of constructing
a Tachyon device. If you are lacking any of these resources or requirements
you will be unable to build a Tachyon device.
Installing a Tachyon Device
To install the device on to a ship you need to select the FIX mission
from the main starbase and a planet friendly code of ITD . When you set
these conditions the Tachyon device (which can only be constructed on the
same turn it is installed) will be placed on to the ship that was the target
of the FIX mission on the starbase.
You will receive a message for a few turns reminding you which ship
is equipped with a Tachyon device, so take note, this message will stop
Tachyon Device Limitations
Tachyon devices can only be constructed in the same turn they are
installed. Each race can only build two (2) devices per game. That means
over the entire course of the game only two (2) devices can be made and
installed on your vessels. Even if the ship is captured or destroyed, you
CAN NOT build another device and install it on one of your ships.
If you capture a Tachyon equipped vessel and already have two (2) of
your ships equipped with Tachyon devices, this is OK. The rule and code
state that you can only BUILD two (2), there is no limit to the number of
devices you can control and operate.
Using a Tachyon Device
To use a Tachyon device, you need to have a ship equipped with this
device. If a vessel is equipped with a Tachyon device you need to make sure
it has fuel and then you decide on how many light years of space you want to
effect with the Tachyon device.
Once this is determine the range you set your ships friendly code to
TP(n), where (n) is a number between 0-9. This number times 10 (0=10) will
be the radius of the Tachyon pulse circle. (i.e., TP0 = a pulse of 100 light
year radius.)
Cost of Using The Tachyon Device
The Tachyon device has a base fuel (Neutronium) cost of 200 KT per
Tachyon firing. The amount of fuel actually used is based on the radius of
the pulse fired. The radius of the pulse is equal to the percentage of the
200 KT base fuel cost.
(i.e., TP5 = 50 Light Year Pulse -- 50 light years = 50% of the 200 KT base
fuel cost, thus a 50 LY pulse costs 100 KT of fuel = 200 (base) *.5 (50%).
Effects of a Tachyon Pulse
When a Tachyon pulse is fired it will decloak all vessels in the
pulse radius area. The uncloaking will cause their mission to be reset to
Exploration. This is caused by the electrical disruption cased by the Tachyon
pulse. This decloak will last until the other player resets their mission.
So yes, an enemy vessel will be uncloaked for the whole processing of the host
Warning: The pulse will uncloak your own ships too. And any vessel
struck by a Tachyon pulse will receive a message telling them the x,y of the
origination point of the pulse and the ID# of the ship that fired it.
HOST Sequence
Load Tachyon
Verify Tachyon
Gather Ship Friendly Codes
Gather Planet Friendly Codes
Tachyon Ping
Build New Tachyon Device
Send Tachyon Status Messages
for VGA Planets 3.5
Dave Killingsworth & Dan Gale
Special Consulting:
Tim Wisseman
Dan Gale
Dan Gale & Dave Killingsworth
BMP Artwork:
Mark Stewart
Copyright ( 1995 Dave Killingsworth All Rights Reserved
No part of the program or documentation may be copied, in part,
or in whole, without the written permission of the copyright holder
HOSTS---- You need to give a copy of this DOC file to your players !!!
You also need to give them copies of all BMP files you find in the ZIP
file you got this program from. Tell them that they need to place the
BMP files in the sub directory (labeled BMP) under their WINPLAN dirctory.
This will give them the BMP's they need to see the bmps that are linked to
the messaging system.
Registration information is available in the ORDERFRM.ZIP file that
was included in this ZIP file.
Thank you for your interest.
Dave Killingsworth
Sysops of Dan & Dave's BBS 916-345-6447
Co-sysop of Warp Speed & Tim Continuum
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