Pinochle rules

THE DECK:                                  A deck of 48 cards, 12 per suit. Each suit has two of each of the      following in ascending order:                      9-J-Q-K-10-A                  One of the suits is named "trump"each game.  The other three suits are of equal value.                                                             THE DEAL:                                  Each participant will receive 12 cards, either through Automatic Deal- ing or Card Selection.                 AUTOMATIC: The first 24 cards are    dealt alternately to each participant with the second 24 cards not used.     SELECTION: Each participant will re- ceive 2 cards. He will look at the    first card and either accept or rejectthat card. If he accepts it, the othercard is discarded unseen. If the firstcard is rejected, it is discarded and the participant receives the second.  This continues until each participant has the necessary 12 cards.                                                 TRICKS:                                    A trick is one card from each    participant during the play.  For     example, the first player plays a cardand the other responds with his card. There are 12 tricks in each "hand".                                         THE TRUMP:                                 In each game, one of the suits   will be declared as "trump". Any card from the trump suit is of a higher    value than any card from the other    suits.  For example, a 3 in the trump suit is worth more than a KING in any other suit.                                                                 THE POINTS:                                There are two ways to achieve    points, by "meld" and by the count of the cards taken in play.               MELD: Various combinations of cards  in a player@s hand will give points.  After the bidding, both players revealthe cards which comprise their meld.  The points found in the meld are re-  corded for use later.                  COUNT: During the play, the player   who wins a trick also wins any points that the two cards in the trick may beworth.  Each ACE, TEN, and KING is    worth 1 point.  The queens, jacks, andnines are not worth any points.                                             THE BID:                                   Alternating the start of the bid-ding, each participant can bid for theright to name the suit to be "trump". The bidding always starts at a pre-setvalue and represent the number of     points the winner of the bid MUST     take by the end of the hand. Both meldpoints and card counts will be com-   bined to achieve these points.             The bidding will stop when one   side "passes" making the last bidder  (non-passer) the owner of the bid. At that time, the top bidder must select the trump suit.                            The side taking the bid MUST havea marriage (K-Q) or a deece (9) in thesuit to be named as trump. Failing to have a suit with either of these will cause the winning bidder to go "set".      If at the end of the hand the    winner of the bid does not have enoughpoints through both the meld and the  card count to reach or surpass the    amount of the bid, he will go "set".       Note that at the very beginning  of the bidding session, it is possiblefor the player who should start the   bid to immediately pass and thus      "drop" the bid on the opponent.                                             THE PLAY:                                  The winning bidder begins the    play by leading any card. The other   player must respond in the same suit  if possible. If the responder does nothave a card in the led suit, he may   play any card he has from any other   suit.                                      The winner of the trick is the   one who played the higher card in the led suit OR the higher trump.              The winner of the trick is the   one who leads out on the next trick.       Note that no one is FORCED to    take a trick.                                                               THE SCORE:                                 In order to score any points at  all, a player MUST take at least one  trick during the play of the hand. If a player fails to take a trick, he    simply scores nothing.                     If at least one trick was taken  by a player, he will gain as points   whatever meld he had prior to the playand any card count he took during the play.                                      Should the winner of the bid go  "set", he loses points equal to the   amount of the bid.                                                          THE GAME:                                  The game is over when a player   has a score higher than the pre-set   game limit.  Should both players have scores above the game limit, the one  with the higher score is the winner.  þ       PINOCHLE MELDING SYSTEM               -----------------------        ITEM                             PNTS 1000 Aces (2 aces in each suit)   100 100 Aces (an ace in each suit)     10 800 Kings (2 kings in each suit)   80 80 Kings (a king in each suit)      8 600 Queens (2 queens in each suit) 60 60 Queens (a queen in each suit)    6 400 Jacks (2 jacks in each suit)   40 40 Jacks (a jack in each suit)      4 Double Trump Run (dbl A-K-Q-J-10) 150 Trump Run (A-K-Q-J-10)             15 Royal Marriage (K-Q in trump)       4 Simple Marriage (K-Q nontrump)      2 Round Robin (a mrg. in each suit)  24 Pinochle (Q-spades, J-diamonds)     4 Double Pinochle                    30 Deece (9 of trump)                  1 ÿ


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