Lucid Dreaming: Design Your Own Dreams


Design Your Own Dreams


Most  people  don't  realize they've been  dreaming  until  after 
they've awakened and the dream has come to an end.   Some people, 
however,  are conscious that they're dreaming.   These people  -- 
called  LUCID  dreamers -- can literally direct the content of  a 
dream,  scientists  have  discovered,  deciding perhaps  to  talk 
physics with Einstein,  woo and marry a movie star, or assume the 
powers  of  Superman.  For those who have acquired the  knack  of 
lucidity, the benefits can be enormous:
 Lucid  dreaming  gives one the chance to experience  unique  and 
compelling adventures rarely surpassed elsewhere in life.   These 
experiences  can  enhance self-confidence  and  promote  personal 
growth  and  self-development.   By facing fears and learning  to 
make the best of the worst situation imaginable,  lucid  dreamers 
can overcome nightmares.   Because recent scientific studies have 
demonstrated   a   strong  connection  between  dreams  and   the 
biological functioning of the body, lucid dreams might facilitate 
physical  as well as mental health.  And finally,  because  lucid 
dreaming  allows us to tap the power of the unconscious,  it  may 
also be useful for creative problem solving.

After nearly a decade of piloting these daring nocturnal flights, 
2  psychologists  -- Stephen LaBerge of Stanford  University  and 
author  of LUCID DREAMING [Ballantine],  and Jayne Gackenbach  of 
the University of Northern Iowa -- have begun to develop a series 
of techniques aimed at helping ordinary dreamers "turn" lucid and 
lucid  dreamers gain greater control over the woolly behemoth  of 
night.   These special techniques,  still under development, have 
never  before been presented in a public forum.   To direct  your 
own nightly dream-time show,  please attempt exercises one,  two, 
three and four as outlined below.  LaBerge and Gackenback suggest 
that you do the tasks as often as possible over a 2-week  period. 
Some  people may succeed in having a lucid dream the first  night 
they use the techniques;  others,  the researchers note, may need 
to practice for several weeks before getting results.


A  number  of techniques facilitate lucid dreaming.   One of  the 
simplest is asking yourself many times during the day whether you 
are dreaming.   Each time you ask the question,  you should  look 
for  evidence  proving you are not dreaming.   The most  reliable 
test:   Read something,  look away for a moment, and then read it 
again.   If it reads the same way twice,  it is unlikely that you 
are dreaming.  After you have proved to yourself that you are not 
presently dreaming, visualize yourself doing whatever it is you'd 
like.  Also, tell yourself that you want to recognize a nighttime 
dream  the next time it occurs.   The mechanism at work  here  is 
simple;  it's  much  the same as picking up milk at  the  grocery 
store after reminding yourself to do so an hour before.

At  night  people  usually realize they are  dreaming  when  they 
experience unusual or bizarre occurrences.   For instance, if you 
find yourself flying without visible means of support, you should 
realize  that  this  happens  only in dreams and  that  you  must 
therefore be dreaming.   If you awaken from a dream in the middle 
of  the  night,  it  is  very helpful  to  return  to  the  dream 
immediately,   in   your  imagination.    Now  envision  yourself 
recognizing the dream as such.   Tell yourself,  "The next time I 
am dreaming, I want to remember to recognize that I am dreaming."  
If  your  intention  is strong and clear  enough,  you  may  find 
yourself in a lucid dream when you return to sleep.


Many lucid dreamers report dreams in which they fly unaided, much 
like  Superman.   Some  lucid  dreamers  say  that  flying  is  a 
thrilling means of travel; others, that it has helped them return 
from  one of the more harrowing dream experiences -- the  endless 
fall.   Flying  is  so  important because it's a  form  of  dream 
control  that's fairly easy to master.   It gives the dreamer  an 
exhilirating sense of freedom.   And it's a basic means of travel 
in the dream world.  During the 2-week period of your experiment, 
try to focus on dream flight.   If you're falling, turn that fall 
into  flight:   Remember,  there's no gravity in dreams.  And  if 
you're simply going from here to there,  do it with flight.  This 
simple activity will cue you in to the fact that you  are,  after 
all, in a dream.

How  do  you make dream flight happen at all?   We  suggest  that 
before  you  retire  for  bed,  you simply  repeat  these  words: 
"Tonight I fly!"  Then,  while still awake, imagine that journey. 
If you find yourself flying, it will be a clear sign that you are 
in  a  dream.   In any case,  when you realize  you're  dreaming, 
remember that you want to fly.   When you actually feel  yourself 
flying, say, "This is a dream."  Make sure you start modestly, by 
simply  floating above the surface of your dream ground.   As you 
gain  confidence both in the notion that you are dreaming and  in 
your  ability to control that experience,  you  might  experiment 
with  flying a bit more.   Run,  taking big leaps,  and then stay 
aloft  for  a  few seconds,  so that you  resemble  an  astronaut 
walking on the moon.   Try sustained floating and then flying  at 
low altitudes.

As your confidence increases,  so will your flying skills.  While 
asleep,  work on increasing your altitude,  maneuverability,  and 
speed.   As  with  speed sports,  you should perfect  height  and 
maneuverability  before speed.   Of course,  you couldn't  really 
hurt  yourself -- it's only a dream.   But you COULD get  scared.  
After you have become proficient in dream flying, remember to ask 
yourself  these questions:   "How high can I fly?  Can I view the 
earth  from  outer  space?   Can I travel so  fast  that  I  lose 
awareness of my surroundings and experience the sensation of pure 
speed?"   Throughout your efforts in dream flight,  remember that 
you're in a dream.   With this in mind, your fear will be held at 
bay, and your control over the dream will be greatly enhanced.


Even if you're a frequent lucid dreamer,  you may not be able  to 
stop  yourself  from  waking up in mid-drem.   And even  if  your 
dreams  do reach a satisfying end,  you may not be able to  focus 
them  exactly  as  you please.   During our  years  of  research, 
however,  we have found that spinning your dream body can sustain 
the period of sleep and give you greater dream control.  In fact, 
many  subjects  at  Stanford University have  used  the  spinning 
technique as an effective means of staying in a lucid dream.  The 
task  outlined  below will help you use spinning as  a  means  of 
staying asleep,  and,  more exciting,  as a means of traveling to 
whatever dream world you desire.

As  with dream flying,  the dream spinning task starts before you 
go to bed.  Before retiring,  decide on a person, time, and place 
you would like to visit in your lucid dream.   The target  person 
and  place  can be either real or  imaginary,  past,  present  or 
future.   Write  down and memorize your target person and  place, 
then  visualize yourself visiting your target and firmly  resolve 
to  do so in a dream that night.   When following this procedure, 
it's  possible that you might find yourself visiting your  target 
in a nonlucid dream; you will be aware that this has happened, of 
course,  only after you awaken.   Nevertheless, you should strive 
for  lucidity  by following the techniques outlined  in  exercise 
one.  Then proceed to your goal.

To do so, repeat the phrase describing your target in your dream, 
and  spin your whole dream body in a standing position with  your 
arms outstretched.  You can pirouette or spin like a top, as long 
as  you  vividly  feel your body in  motion.  The  same  spinning 
technique  will help when,  in the middle of a lucid  dream,  you 
feel  the dream imagery beginning to fade.   To avoid waking  up, 
spin  as  you repeat your target phrase  again  and  again.  With 
practice,  you'll  return to your target person,  time and place.  
When  spinning,  try  to  notice  whether you  are  moving  in  a 
clockwise or counterclockwise direction.


Up  until now we have had little control over the  occurrence  of 
creative  dreams.  But with lucid dreaming it may be possible  to 
intentionally access the creativity of the dream state.   You can 
help  determine  the  feasibility of this idea by  attempting  to 
solve  a  problem in a lucid dream.   Before  bed,  decide  on  a 
problem you would like to solve.   Frame your problem in the form 
of a question.  For example, "What is the topic of my next book?"  
"How  can I become less shy?" If you have an illness,  you  might 
consider the problem, "How can I regain my health?"

Once  you  have selected a problem question,  write it  down  and 
memorize   it.    When  doing  the  lucid-dreaming   introduction 
exercises,  remember  your question and see yourself looking  for 
the  answer  in your next lucid dream.   Then,  when in  a  lucid 
dream, ask the question and seek the solution.  You might be most 
successful  at problem solving if you try a direct approach.  For 
instance, if your problem is health, try to heal yourself in your 
dream.   Then  reflect on how your dream solution relates to  the 
waking problem.   It may help to question other dream characters, 
especially if they represent people who you think might know  the 
answer.   You  can even combine this task with the dream spinning 
and flying tasks,  visiting an expert on your problem.   You  can 
also  just  explore your dream world with your question in  mind, 
looking for any clues that might suggest an answer.
also  just  explore your dream world w


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