Computer Underground Digest--Tue, Sept 25, 1991


Computer Underground Digest--Tue, Sept 25, 1991 (Vol #3.34)

       Moderators: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET)

CONTENTS, #3.34 ( September 25, 1991)

File 1--Moderators' Corner


File 3--BBS Services Fight NY "Download" Tax (Newsbytes Reprint)

File 4--New York Tax Law and Commentary by Tony Mack

File 5--Confusion Reigns on NY Download" Tax (Newsbytes Reprint)

File 6--Confusion unfolds on NY "Download" Tax (Newsbytes Reprint)

File 7--Clarification of NY BBS Law

File 8--Summary of Significance of NY "BBS Download Tax" (reprint)

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Date: 25 Sep 91 11:21:19 CDT

From: Moderators <>

Subject: File 1--Moderators' Corner

New York State recently passed a law that would seem to impose a

"download" tax on BBS sysops. Following a spate of initial fear about

the implications of such a tax and the impact it would have on

hobbyist BBSs, a series of articles and commentary clarified the law's

intent and some of its language. Although it appears that it is

premature to see it as a threat to the BBS world, the law's murky

language seems to require clarification, lest it eventually be invoked

"because it's there." We have pulled together a series of comments

that we gathered or were sent that address various issues and include

those that were most helpful below. NEWSBYTES, as usual, was on top of

the story from the beginning, and we recommend it as the most valuable

source general netnews around.

Also, be sure to check out the next file, which is a request from

CPSR for information on victims of Operation Sun Devil.


Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1991 13:37:21 EDT

From: Craig Neidorf <cneidorf@ITP.ACLU.ORG>


                Contact: Craig Neidorf and David Sobel

          (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) is pursuing a

lawsuit against the Secret Service seeking the release of information

concerning Operation Sun Devil.  In recently filed court papers, the

agency claims that the information cannot be disclosed because, among

other reasons, disclosure would violate the privacy of those

individuals who are the targets of the investigation.  This argument

can be overcome if CPSR obtains signed releases from those

individuals.  CPSR is requesting the cooperation of anyone who was the

subject of a Sun Devil raid on or about May 7, 1990.  We are prepared

to enter into an attorney-client relationship with individuals

responding to this request, so that confidentiality will be assured.

     Please respond ASAP to:

                           David Sobel

                           CPSR Legal Counsel

                           (202) 544-9240



Date: Mon, 9 Sep 91 17:54:53 PDT


Subject: File 3--BBS Services Fight NY "Download" Tax (Newsbytes Reprint)


 ALBANY, NEW YORK, U.S.A., 1991 AUG 09 (NB) -- New York State Bulletin

 Board System Operators (sysops) have banded together to attempt to

 roll back legislation that imposes a requirement on sysops to collect

 New York State Sales Tax on software downloaded by users of their


 The legislation, enacted as part of the New York state budget

 agreement (Senate bill #6079, Assembly #8491), went into effect on

 September 1st and, according to the understanding of an organization

 of New York sysops (NYBBS), requires sysops to remit to New York

 State sales tax on any software downloaded. It is the understanding

 of this group that the tax requirement includes not only commercial

 software but also "shareware" and public domain software (in the case

 of public domain software, the sysop is required to estimate the

 "value" of the software and then remit applicable tax). The tax

 remission requirement is said by NYBBS to be in effect for the sysop

 whether or not the downloader ever pays for the software.

 Tony Mack, a sysop in the Albany area, told Newsbytes that 31 sysops

 met on Saturday, September 7th with legislatures attempting to reach

 agreement on modifications. Mack said that the legislators,

 Assemblyman Paul Tonko (D - 105th Dist) and James Tedisco (R -

 107th), told the group that they believed that exemptions could be

 made for BBSs that did not accept donations of any type and imposed

 no restrictions on downloading such as "upload/download ratios" or

 membership requirements.

 Mack said that the compromise was unacceptable and pointed to the

 fact that many BBS accept donations simply to pay for Usenet charges

 and equipment upgrades. Jack Brooks, sysop of New York City's Dorsai

 Embassy, agreed with Mack, telling Newsbytes "Dorsai charges users of

 our Usenet interface $25 a year. This charge is an attempt to offset

 our monthly payments for the Usenet feed and, quite frankly, it

 doesn't cover it so we still have to make it up from our own pockets.

 This law is absurd and must be repealed.

 Brooks said that Dorsai has issued a public statement on the issue

 and is asking its users to bring appropriate political action to

 repeal the regulation. The statement says, in part, "It is the policy

 of The Dorsai Diplomatic Mission to oppose any  and all legislation

 that would diminish and hamper the goals,  continued operation and

 successes of the telecommunications   community at large.  Such an

 act is New York State Senate Bill #6078 and Assembly Bill #8491

 sections 154, 155, 156, and 157 These statues would destroy the free

 exchange of information, ideas   and public domain software

 guaranteed by the Constitution."

 The BBS of the New York Amateur Computer Club (NYACC) also responded

 to the regulation with a message from sysop Hank Kee, saying, in

 part, "This is an ill advised law that muzzles the free flow of

 electronic information. This bill needs to be repealed.  If not, I

 will forced to inhibit all file transfer activity on this BBS." NYACC

 distributes,  through its BBS,  the PC Blue Library, a multi-hundred

 volume library of MS-DOS public domain and shareware software.

 Mike Godwin, in-house counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation,

 told Newsbytes that Kee's notification that file transfer activities

 may be terminated is an example of the effect that the tax

 requirement will have. Godwin said "I think that this kind of

 ill-conceived law is very likely to impose a chilling effect on the

 exercise of the rights of BBS users to communicate and share free


 Godwin continued "It's as if you had to charge a sales tax whenever a

 neighbor brings a cup of sugar to someone's door. We (EFF) strongly

 recommend that the officials responsible for both this law and its

 interpretation reconsider this action."

 Officials at GEnie and CompuServe were unavailable for comment on

 how the legislation might impact their services within New York


 (Barbara E. McMullen & John F. McMullen//19910909)


Date: Wed, 11 Sep 91 12:21:12 PDT


Subject: File 4--New York Tax Law and Commentary by Tony Mack

((This has appeared in a number of places, and we thought you might

be interested if you haven't seen it already. Sandmen)).


                        Commentary: (from Tony Mack)

 As an active member of NYBBS, I have sent to this system, a copy of

 the laws which were passed into law, with the GREAT BUDGET DEBATE of

 1991, where we became a national disgrace by passing a budget the

 latest ever in the history of the nation.

 In brief summary, the law which stands, says that a SysOp that allows

 the transfer of software from his BBS, is in violation of the NYS Tax

 and Finance Law, and is subject to substantial fines, and penalties.

 NYS has begun taxing software based on the "value" of the software,

 regardless of the authors asking price, on PD or FW software. As a

 member of NYBBS, I am adamently opposed to this taxation, as we

 (sysops) receive no compensation for our efforts, let alone receive

 "registration fees" for PD software  downloaded from our BBS's.

 This matter was brought to my attention through Martin Winter, NYBBS

 President, in Albany NY. I immediately contacted several local

 assemblymen, who claimed to not understand what I was talking about.

 I explained the theory behind hobby BBS's, and they seem to now see

 our point. NYS Tax and Finance, has graciously (!) come up with a

 compromise, which to me is completely unacceptable. They say, that if

 you accept remuneration for the downloads (via POST per Call Ratios,

 Upload/DownLoad Ratios, or donations to the BBS), you will be subject

 to taxation.

 To further implicate the situation, We have been informed by NYTel,

 that upon receipt of a Tax Certificate, we will then be considered a

 BUSINESS in this state, and they MAY institute Commercial rate

 structures for Hobby BBS's. This situation has got to be curbed prior

 to it getting completely out of hand.

 Therefore, I appeal to all of you, Write your local Assemblymen,

 Senators, that have seats in Albany.... Tell them that you are

 totally disgusted with the wording of this bill, and their

 "Compromise", and you wish a COMPLETE Exemption for (at the minimum,

 ) HOBBY BBS's.... That may accept donations, and have certain ratio's

 in place.

 I thank you for your time, and I especially thank you for your

 cooperation in this matter. Special thanks to your SYSOP for allowing

 me to post these items that require IMMEDIATE ATTENTION!

 Anthony Mack


 Senate #6079                       Assembly #8491

 For the purpose of this transposition, $ will indicate

 SECTION NUMBER, as referred to in the original


 $154. Paragraphs 5 and 6 of subdivision (B) of section 1101

 of the tax law, as added by chapter 93 of the laws of 1965,

 are amended to read as follows:

  (5) Sale, selling or purchase. Any transfer of title or

 posession or both, exchange or barter, rental lease or

 license to use, or consume (including, with respect to

 computer software, merely the right to reproduce),

 conditional or otherwise, in any manner or by any means

 whatsoever for a consideration, or any agreement therefor,

 including the rendering of any service, taxable under this

 article, for consideration or any agreement therefor.

 (6) Tangible personal property. Corporeal personal property

 of any nature. However, except for purposes of the tax

 imposed by subdivision (b) of section eleven hundred fice,

 such term shall not include gas, electricity, refrigeration,

 and steam. Such term shall also include prewritten computer

 software, software, whether sold as part of a package, as a

 separate component, or otherwise, and regardless of the

 medium by means of which such software is conveyed to a


 $155 Subdivison (b) of section 1101 of the tax law is amended

 by adding a new paragraph (14 to read as follows.

 (14) Prewritten computer software. Computer software

 (including prewritten upgrades thereof) which is not software

 designed and developed by the author or other creator to the

 specifications of a specific purchaser. The combining of two

 or more pre-written computer software programs or prewritten

 portions thereof does not cause the combination to be other

 than prewritten computer software. Prewritten software also

 includes software designed and developed by the author or

 other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser

 when it is sold to a person other than such purchaser. Where

 a person modifies or enhances computer software of which such

 person is not the author or creator, such person shall be

 deemed to be the author or creator only of such persons

 modifications or enhancements. Prewritten software or a

 prewritten portion thereof that is modified or enhanced to

 any degree, where such modification or enhancement is

 designed and developed to the specifications of a specific

 purchaser, remains pre-written software; provided, however,

 that where there is a reasonable, seperately stated charge or

 an invoice or other statement of the price given to the

 purchaser for such modification or enhancement, such

 modification or enhancement shall not constitute prewritten

 computer software.

 $156 Subdivision (a) of section 1115 of the tax law is

 amended by adding a new paragraph (28) to read as follows:

  (28) Computer software designed and developed by the author

 or creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser

 which is transferred directly or indirectly to a corporation

 which is a member of an affiliated group of corporations

 within the meaning of subparagraph six of this paragraph (b)

 of subdivision seventeen of section two hundred eight of this

 chapter except for clauses (ii) and (iii) of such

 subparagraph that includes such purchaser or to a partnership

 in which such purchaser, or to a partnership in which such

 purchaser and other members of such affiliated group have at

 least a fifty percent capital or profits interest (but only

 if the transfer s not in pursuance of a plan having as its

 principal purpose the acoidance or evasion of tax under this

 article), but in no case including computer software which is

 prewritten, as defined in paragraph six of subdivision (b) of

 section eleven hundred one of this article and available to

 be sold to customers in the ordinary course of the sellers


 $157. Section 1115 of the tax law is amended by adding a new

 subdivision (o) to read as follows:

 (o) Services otherwise taxable under subdivision (c) of

 section eleven hundred five or under section eleven hundred

 ten shall be exempt from tax under this article where

 performed on computer software of any nature;provided,

however, that where such services are provided to a customer

 in conjunction with the sale of tangible personal property

 any charge for such services with the sale of tangible

 personal property any charge for such services shall be

 exempt only when such charge is reasonable and separately

 stated on an invoice or other statement of the price, given

 to the purchaser.

 These are exact translations of the original laws that were

 passed during the Great Budget debate of 1991, as adopted by

 all legislators, assemblymen, senators, and our infamous

 Governor, Mario Coumo.


Date: Fri, 14 Sep 91 19:31: 21 CDT


Subject: File 5--Confusion Reigns on NY Download" Tax (Newsbytes Reprint)


 NEW YORK, NEW YORK, U.S.A., 1991 SEPT 12 (NB) -- On the day that

 the New York State was to begun to enforce a tax law supposedly

 requiring sysops to remit taxes on the downloading of software from

 computer bulletin board systems, strong doubt arose that the law was

 ever intended to have that result and will ever be so interpreted by

 the NYS Dept. of Tax and Finance.

 Lance Rose, an attorney with strong interests in BBS communications,

 reported that he had contacted Paul Rickard, director of the NYS

 Department of Tax and Finance, and received assurances that there was

 no intent to require that true hobby boards (those which do not claim

 tax deductions due to BBS operation) remit sales tax on software

 downloads. The tax change, according to Rose's understanding from

 Rickard, was actually aimed at plugging a loophole surrounding those

 products built around previously existing software.

 Rose also pointed out that BBSs have been subject to sales taxes as

 information services for  years, under Section 1105(c)(1) of NYS's

 tax law although most, if not all, did not actually pay the tax. Rose

 suggested that BBS operators attempt to have the law changed to

 provide them with the same exemption that newspapers and periodicals


 Meanwhile, other interested parties have told Newsbytes that they

 have called underlings in the Dept. of Tax and Finance and received

 conflicting information. Members of the Albany, NY BBS group, NYBBS,

 that originally took notice of this legislation and raised a public

 cry over it through calls to the media and postings on CompuServe,

 have reported meetings with officials in which they were told that

 their understanding of the BBS liability was correct and would be


 Emmanuel Goldstein, editor and publisher of 2600: The Hacker

 Quarterly, in his weekly New York City radio show. "Off The Hook",

 exhorted listeners to contact their state legislators and make their

 feeling known about such a tax. Goldstein later told Newsbytes that,

 while he hoped that Rose's understanding was correct, "We won't

 really know until we have a complete copy of the bill available for

 all and a public statement from the head of the tax bureau specifying

 the interpretation on which the authority will proceed."

 Appearing on Goldstein's show, Charles Rawls and Jack Brooks, sysops

 of New York City's "Dorsai Diplomatic Mission" said that, in the

 event of a worst case interpretation, that they would continue their

 operation as is and hope to be a test case. Rawls further said that

 any BBS which felt that it should suspend its downloading operation

 was welcome to transfer its libraries to Dorsai who would serve the

 BBS' users until such time as the BBS was ready to resume normal


 Dave Burstein and Hank Kee, hosts of WBAI's "The Computer Show" also

 reported receiving conflicting information and suggested that

 concerned parties contact their state representatives and request

 information while informing the representative of their opposition to

 any form of BBS interference. Kee, sysop of the New York Amateur

 Computer Club (NYACC)'s BBS, said that under the definition that he

 had received of an exempt "hobby BBS", NYACC was exempt from any

 requirements in this matter and, after posting a message identifying

 it as a completely not-for-profit system, would continue normal


 Both radio shows received numerous calls concerning this issue with

 some callers expressing conspirational theories with such persons or

 groups as New York Telephone Company, commercial systems such as

 CompuServe and GEnie, anti-BBS government groups and New York

 Governor Mario Cuomo emerging as the villain behind a crackdown on


 (Barbara E. McMullen & John F. McMullen/Press Contact: Carl Felsen,

 New York State Dept. of Taxation, 518-457-4242/19910912)


Date: Thu, 19 Sep 91 11:31:18 PDT


Subject: File 6--Confusion unfolds on NY "Download" Tax (Newsbytes Reprint)


 U.S.A., 1991 SEP 17 (NB) -- Some of the conflicting stories

 concerning the recently implemented New York Tax modifications were

 "put to bed" as a result of conversations between Newsbytes and

 sysops Marty Winter and Tony Mack.

 Mack, originally quoted by Newsbytes and other publications,

 concerning a supposed Saturday, Sept. 7th meeting between 31 Albany

 area sysops and two legislators, Assemblyman Paul Tonko (D - 105th

 Dist) and James Tedisco (R - 107th), said that there must have been

 some miscommunication as he actually had not attended the meeting. He

 did say, however, that he had been told that Tedisco and Tonko had

 been part of the meeting and had proposed a compromise concerning the

 way the law will be enforced.

 Newsbytes was told by Assemblyman Tonko's office that Tonko had

 neither attended a meeting on Sept. 7 nor offered any compromise. A

 subsequent call to Tedisco's office received the same response. The

 assemblymen's offices were also contacted by Newsbytes reader Paul

 Eng who raised the question as to whether all parties were being

 truthful about the matter.

 Sysop Marty Winter, chairman of NYBBS, an amalgamation of Albany

 BBSs, told Newsbytes that he did attend the Sept. 7th meeting and

 commented "There were 16 sysops and the meeting and, contrary to what

 Tony said, there were no legislators. We did have material provided

 by legislative offices for review and we have been in constant

 connection with the Dept. of Taxation on this matter."

 Winter continued "NYBBS is a group of sysops and users, formed

 initially a few years ago when a bill introduced by State Senator

 John Dunne threatened the rights of computer users. We were

 successful in opposing that legislation and, since then, have

 continued to attempt to educate users and legislators concerning

 computer matters. We  keep a close watch on new legislation and

 normally would have picked up this tax problem soon but the

 amendments involved were all over the place in the tax code.." NOTE:

 the text of the amendments were posted on bulletin boards in the

 Albany & New York City area by Mack and are available for reading on

 the Dorsai Diplomatic Mission (212 431-1944, 1948,1950).

 Winter said that he agrees with others that there is no immediate

 threat to BBS activities from the new law and feels that the

 community to direct its attention to obtaining the same exemption

 from the tax on information services that newspapers and periodicals


 Winter and Mack are also complainants in a case involving the alleged

 attempts by a 16 year old to "trash" local BBSs. Winter told

 Newsbytes that someone uploaded a file that, when "unzipped"

 attempted to erase the CMOS section of a computer, "The only effect

 on my board since I have an 8088 non-CMOS system was the constant

 hanging of my Virex program. I have not really had any contact with

 the case since filing the complaint."

 Mack had previously told Newsbytes that, upon his filing of a

 complaint in this action, he has become the source of harassment and

 that his home has been vandalized and burglarized. Winter told

 Newsbytes that he had heard of the reported incidents but had not

 been to Mack's house to witness the reported damage.

 Another Albany area sysop, speaking to Newsbytes under the promise on

 anonymity, said "Albany has, for the last few years, been the scene

 of some pretty nasty BBS stuff with systems being trashed and heavy

 'flames' and threats being exchanged in the community. I know the 16

 year old and, while I don't think that he has completely clean hands,

 I don't think that his actions were much worse than other things done

 in the area. I don't know Winter but I have heard good things about

 him. I, however, tend not to believe the tales about burglaries and

 would have to see the evidence of vandalism to be convinced."

 (Barbara E. McMullen & John F. McMullen/Press Contact: Joel Ford, New

 York State Dept. of Taxation, 518-438-8581; Marty Winter, NYBBS,



Date: Mon, 16 Sep 91 22:02:09 PDT


Subject: File 7--Clarification of NY BBS Law

I talked today to Paul Rickard, director of the NYS Dept. of Tax and

Finance (and, BTW, personally familiar with BBS's and shareware).

Here's what seems to have happened:

BBS's have been subject to sales taxes as information services for

years, under Section 1105(c)(1) of NYS's tax law, though few if any

paid these taxes.

Recently, there was a change in the NYS tax laws relating to

"prewritten software".  The purpose of the change was to enable the

state to assess sales taxes on transactions where prewritten sw was

slightly customized by the vendor, then claimed to be "custom" and

thus not covered at all by the tax.  Under the tax law change, where

sw is partially custom and partially prewritten, sales tax will apply

to the prewritten portion.

As is its custom, the NYS tax dep't. mailed out notice of this change

to the "prewritten software" definition to all people and businesses

that were listed in its recordkeeping system as possibly interested in

the law.  Among the recipients were BBS's - the tax dep't. files such

operations as "computer-related", thus they are mailed all

computer-related tax changes.  This was notice N-91-34, dated July,


Some sysops, reading the prewritten software provisions, became

alarmed at the language stating that all "transfers of possession" of

software would be taxable.  They inferred that since they received

this notice in their capacity as BBS's, the prewritten sw law must

apply to all BBS software transfers.

When some of these sysops called the state tax department in response

to the notice, and asked if their BBS file transfer operations were

taxable, they were told these operations were taxable.  However, the

tax department taxes those operations as a tax on information services

under 1105; it does not take the position that file transfer

operations (except those that are clearly sw sales or license in the

colloquial sense) invoke sales taxes under the prewritten software

law.  Note that this information services tax covers not only file

transfers, but *all* transfers of information of any kind.  It's far,

far broader than a program file transfer tax.

Essentially, it seems there were a number of fortuitous coincidences

leading to the current panic: (1) BBS's were specifically selected to

receive notice of the prewritten sw law changes based on their general

classification as computer-related businesses, (2) the language of the

prewritten sw law contained in the notice was broad enough to look

like it might apply to all BBS program file transfers, and sysops

naturally assumed that being sent such a notice meant it was thought

to apply to their BBS operations, and (3) when sysops called the NYS

tax people to inquire about the law described in the notice, the tax

dep't. confirmed their taxability, but under a different tax section -

but the difference in the exact tax sections involved was never made


Some further items.  First, I'm told an ex parte seizure of BBS's, w/o

hearings or proceedings, was not and is not contemplated.  Second,

this is how the "hobby board" exception will be treated - if a BBS

does not charge money or other substantial consideration, and does not

claim "business losses" on their tax forms based on BBS costs, it can

be considered a hobby board.  But the sales tax people look at

claiming BBS losses as "profit or loss from a business" as a

conclusive admission by the taxpayer that he's running a business, not

just pursuing a hobby (BTW, that reasoning doesn't bother me).

BUT, this leaves a much bigger question unanswered: the validity of a

tax on information services.  The tax laws specifically exempt

newspapers and periodicals, and certain radio and television-related

services, from sales or service taxes, clearly on freedom of speech

grounds.  BBS's don't get this presumption under the laws - their

services are fully taxable.  This is not the fault of the tax dep't.,

but the legislature.  It's probably not even the legislature's fault -

the growth of information services has been rapid and recent, and not

brought to legislators' attention.

Nonetheless, the tax laws should be changed to exempt BBS's and othe

information services, for the same reasons newspapers, etc., are

currently exempt - on the ground of protecting freedom of speech.


Date: Wed, 18 Sep 91: 23:19:29 PDT

From: 72187.8118@COMPUSERVE.COM

Subject: File 8--Summary of Significance of NY "BBS Download Tax" (reprint)

Originally posted on, where there has been

considerable discussion. <mrl>


From: halcyon!

Subject: NY Tax on NY BBS Community?

Date: 17 Sep 91 19:03:43 GMT

I had what will probably be my last contact with the New York state

Department of Taxation & Finance yesterday James W. Morris -- a

Regulations Specialist in the Instructions and Interpretations unit of

the Sales Tax Section of the New York state Department of Taxation and


At the outset, I wish to stress that information, henceforth, is

available from T&F by calling T&F at 518-438-8581 and asking for the

sales tax section, or by calling 1-800-CALLTAX if you are a resident

of New York state. 1-800-CALLTAX is NOT a line where lengthy Q&A is

appropriate. You ask short questions and receive similar answers. In

most cases, telephone response, of a more detailed nature, is provided

via callback from appropriate personnel.

My conversation with Morris was quite lengthy --somewhere in the

vicinity of an hour or so. It is my intuition that Morris was willing

to spend that much time with me in order to provide information that I

could disseminate and thereby moderate the plethora of phone calls and

mail coming into T&F concerning the alleged "download tax". The

following items are what we covered during our conversation.

1. Of paramount importance, from Morris' perspective, is the level and

   quality of response to the new sales tax codes which were effective

   on 9-1-91. Morris pointed out that it is quite possible T&F

   personnel could have asserted a wide range of circumstances,

   applicable to the new sales tax codes, depending on how well people

   framed their questions. In other words: if a SysOp did not

   accurately and completely describe how his system functions, he/she

   may have been given an inaccurate or incomplete response by T&F


2. AT THE PRESENT TIME, upload/download ratios do NOT determine

   whether a BBS operator is engaging in taxable activities. HOWEVER,

   since this is considered a form of barter -- at least from Morris'

   point of view -- he could provide no guarantee that the current

   status of upload/download ratios, as to taxable activity, might not

   change in the foreseeable future. The new tax codes support an

   interpretation that would allow taxation of the exchange of ANY

   software having financial worth, or of an exchange where one must

   do something of taxable worth in exchange for something of taxable

   worth. This could especially impact subscription system, but not

   necessarily exclude free access systems, in respect to value-added

   information services where you add to the overall value or

   financial worth of a system by enhancing its collection of software

   available for download, and are compensated for adding value by

   gaining access to more files proportionate to the amount of

   material you upload.  This concept, by they way, need not apply to

   software alone, according to Morris. In order to GUARANTEE that

   taxation will not occur in scenarios of the future where systems

   maintain an upload/download ratio, new legislation in New York

   state will be necessary.

2. Morris has no personal knowledge of anyone calling electronic

   bulletin board systems to verify compliance with the new tax codes

   in effect as of 9-1-91. Morris was quick to add that the New York

   State Department of Taxation & Finance is a large agency with over

   6,000 employees and many bureaus that do not necessarily acquaint

   each other with ALL of their activities. Thus, another bureau might

   engage in activities Morris wouldn't know about for weeks or

   months. Morris, however, informed me that T&F's computer facilities

   are a closed system.  Access to the outside world via modem is

   assigned to a select few who have desktop PCs. Modem use is a

   tightly controlled privilege as well.

3. Morris is personally unaware of any intent to seize electronic

   bulletin board systems not in compliance with tax codes in effect

   as of 9-1-91. The same qualifier as to the activities of other

   bureaus mentioned in item #2 applies here as well. Morris indicated

   that it is HIGHLY unlikely any seizures of electronic bulletin

   board systems could have taken place in the near future, and

   certainly not within 8 days of the codes taking effect, in that

   normal due process would prevent such lightning summary action.

4. Morris is personally unaware of any letters of complaint or

   petitions that might have been filed by the organization NYBBS in

   order to prevent implementation of new sales tax codes in effect as

   of 9-1-91, or to request a new interpretation of new sales tax

   codes in effect as of 9-1-91. Again, Morris indicates that he is

   not aware of all or much of the correspondences from and to

   individuals or organizations external to T&F.

With this last report, I'm leaving any further activities to others in

a better and more appropriate position to deal with relevant issues in

New York state. I hope that people in New York will research this

further and keep us posted. Thanks.

                   Walter Scott


End of Computer Underground Digest #3.34



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