A Complete Guide to Black Magic & The Occult



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/                    Part I   "Casting Simple Spells"                         \

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/                        By: Abdul Alhazred                                   \

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Call: The Carrion AE (for which this file was written)

      602-841-8408  1200 Baud Only

      PW: DIE       Cool Sysop


Facilis descensus Averno;

noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis.

"The Gates of Hell are open, night and day;

Smooth the descent, and easy is the way."

-Virgil (Aeneid)


I would like to start off by asking that you don't get the 'Occult' mixed up

with a 'Cult'. The Occult is the study of the unknown, while a Cult is a group

of religious radicals.

  What is a spell?  Well, a spell is any vocalized plea to produce a magickal

effect.  What is Magick?  I believe that A.  Crowley said it best when he

said..  "Magick is that which causes thought to conform to reality at will." I

know that you are telling yourself...  'Lookie here...  this guy is gonna tell

me in a file how to become perfect.  To become one among the "Magnus".' Well,

I'm not.  This file containing simple rituals, spells, incantations, and other

shit that may be thought as as the first step.  What is here has worked for

those I know.  Although, I cannot guarantee that it will work for you, be very

careful when you choose them.  This what is called 'Low' magick.  The higher

forms are the Enochian system, and those systems dealing with the Quaballah.

The Quaballah (Kabbalah, Kabala, Cabala, Caballah....  all spellings are

correct) or tree of life deals with the very fabric of the universe.  It

contains 10 Sepherof.....  but we'll get into that later.

    Now, let's get on with some spells. I trust they will not be misused.

I. For Love

Envision a white light starting at the top of your head, and going all the way

down to your toes. This light should be thought of as all true knowledge. Of

those who have passed before you. Picture the person in your mind and say:

Oh coriander, bring (Him/Her) Mad!

Oh caraway, bring (Him/Her) wandering without success!

Oh Mastic, raise in (His/Her) heart anguish and tears!

Oh white lime, make (His/Her) heart wakeful in disquietude!

Oh cummin, bring (Him/Her) possessed!

Oh verdigris, kindle the fire of (h/h) heart!

Oh Myrrh, make (h/h) spend a frightful night!

Oh blood of the victim, lead (h/h) panting!

Og cemetary broom, bring him to my side.

II. Against Magick & The Evil Eye

Wear around the Neck: Callen Dan Dant,

                      Dan Dant Callen,

                      Dan Callen Dant.

III. Engrave (or write the following) on paper:

                    A b r a c a l a n

                    A b r a c a l e

                    A b r a c a l

                    A b r a c a

                    A b r a c

                    A b r a

                    A b r

                    A b


This will offer great protection from disease of heart (physical & emotional).

IV. The Lamp of Life

Take a good quantity of Venal blood lukewarm as it came out of the vein, which

being chemically prepared with spirit of wine and other ingredients, is at last

made up into a candle, which once being kindled never goes out until the death

of the party whose blood it is composed of; for when he is sick or in danger,

it burns dim and troubled, and when he is dead, it is quite extinguished.


Simple (Low) Summonings.......

I. Conjuration To Lucifer

Lucifer, Ouyar, Chameron, Aliseon, Mandousin, Premy, Oriet, Naydrus, Esmony,

Eparinesont, Estiot, Dumosson, Danochar, Casmiel, Hayras, Fabelleronthon,

Sodirnot, Peatham, come, Lucifer. Amen.

II. Conjuration for Beelzebuth

Beelzebuth, Lucifer, Madilont, Solymo, Saroy, Ameclo, Segrael, Praredun,

Adricanorom, Martiro, Timo, Cameron, Phorsy, Metosite, Prumosy, Dumaso, Elivisa,

Alphross, Fubentronty, Come, Beelzebuth. Amen.

III. Conjuration for Astaroth

Astaroth, Ador, Cameso, Valluerituf Mareso, Lodir, Cadomir, Aluiel, Calniso,

Tely, Pleorim, Viordy, Meus Calmiron, Noard, Nisa Chenibranbo Calevodium, Brazo,

Tabrasol, Come, Arastoth. Amen.

Having repeated seven times the conjuration addressed to one of these superior

spirits, the same will forthwith manifest to perform whatever shall be desired.

DISCHARGE (must be performed!!!!!!)

Go in peace unto your places; may peace be with you, and be ye ready to come

whenever I so shall call upon you. In the name of the Father, the Son, and

the Holy Ghost. Amen.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this file!! More powerful ones soon to be released!

Blessed Be!!


                      | Abdul Alhazred |


Call These *RAD* boards:

The Carrion AE  1200 Baud

602-841-8408   PW: DIE

Cool Sysop

This has been a Sanctum Production!


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/                    Part II  "How to Conduct a Seance"                       \

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/                        By: Abdul Alhazred                                   \

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Call: The Carrion AE (for which this file was written)

      602-841-8408  1200 Baud Only

      PW: DIE       Cool Sysop


"While learning what there was to learn in the Occult world, I happened upon

an extremely interesting ritual..... this was the ritual of talking with dead

or recently deceased. Of the many forms, I have found the one called 'Seance'

the most reliable as well as informative."

-Grant Fuller  PhD


I would like to start off by asking that you don't get the 'Occult' mixed up

with a 'Cult'. The Occult is the study of the unknown, while a Cult is a group

of religious radicals.

While I take credit for typing in this file, I did not write it. I am copying

this word for word out of a book (very small) on the topic. I have used the

meathods described within, and I have found that they work quite well in

most instances. While some of the rules are trash, I'll let you decide which

ones are or aren't........


     The Seance or Spirit-Circle is the assembling together of a given number

of persons for the purpose of seeking communication with the spirits who have

passed away from earth into the higher world of souls. The chief advantage of

such an assembly in the mutual imparation and reception of the combined

magnetisms of the assemblage. These in combination form a force stronger than

that of the isolate subject:  first enabling spirits to commune with great

power; next, developing latent gifts of mediumship in such members of the

circle as are thus endowed; and, finally, promoting the harmonious and social

spirit of fraternal intercouse which is one of the chief aims of the spirits



     The persons who compise the circle should be, as far as possible, of

opposite temperaments, as positive and negative in disposition whether male

or female; also of moral characters, pure minds, and not marked by repulsive

points of either physical or mental condition. The physical temperments should

contrast with each other; but no person suffering from a decidedly chronic

disease, (Like Sir Arthur's AIDS), or of a very weak physique should be present

at any circle unless it is formed expressly for healing purposes. The use

growing out of the association of different temperments is to form a battery on

the principles of electricity or galvanism, composed of positive and negative

elements, the sum of which should be unequal. No person of a very strongly

positive temperment or disposition should be present, as any magnetic

spheres emanating from the circle will overpower that of the spirits, who

must always be positive to the circle in order to produce phenomena.


     I would recommend the number of the circle never to be less than three

nor more than twelve. Also, it is not desirable to have more than two

already well-developed mediums in a circle; Mediums always absorb the

magnetism of the rest of the party; hence, when there are too many present,

the force, being divided, cannot operate successfully with any.


Never let the aparrtment be overheated, or even close. As an unusual ammount

of magnetism is liberated at a circle the room is always warmer than ordinary

and should be very well ventilated.


Avoid strong light, which, by producing excessive motion in the atmosphere,

disturbs the manifestations. A very subdued light is the most favorable for

any manifestations of a magnetic character especially for spiritual


-POSITIONS TO BE OBSERVED (Who should sit where?).

If the circle is one which meets periodically, and is composed of the same

persons, let them occupy the same seats (unless changed under spiritual

direction), and sit (as the most favorable position) around a table, their

hands laid upon it with palms downwards. It is believed that the wood, when

charged, becomes a conductor, without the necessity of touching or holding

hands. I should always suggest the propriety of employing a table as a

conductor, especially as all tables in household use are more or less charged



     If flowers & fruit are in the room, see that they are freshly gathered.

Otherwise, remove them. Also avoid sitting in a room with many minerals,

metals, or glasses. These all injuriously affect sensitives.


     I recommend the seance to be opened either with prayer or music, vocal

or instrumental; after which, subdued quiet and harmonizing conversation is

better than silence, but let the conversation always be directed toward the

purpose of the gathering, and never sink into discussion, or rise to emphasis.

Let it be gentle, quiet, and spiritual, until phenomena begin to manifest.

Always have a slate, pen or pencil, and paper on the table so as not to be

abliged to rise and procure them. Try to avoid all entering or quitting the

room, moving about, irrelevant conversation or disturbances within or without

the circle room, after the seance has commenced.


     The spirits are far more punctual to seasons, faithful to promise, and

periodical in action than mortals. Endeavor, then, to fix your circle at a

convenient hour when you will be least interrupted and do not fail in your

appointments. Do not admit late comers. You should not be disturbed in any way

after the sitting commences. Nothing but necessity, indisposition, or

impressions (to be hearafter described) should warrant the least disturbance

of the sitting.


     A sitting should NEVER exceed two hours, unless an extention in time be

solicitated by the spirits. Let the seance ALWAYS extend to one hour, even if

no results are obtained. It sometimes requires all that time for spirits to

form their battery of the materials furnished.


     Since ALL circles are experimental, no one ahould be discouraged if

phenomena are not produces after the first few sittings. Stay with the same

circle for six sittings. If no phenomea are then produced (provided all the

conditions in the previous text are observed) you may be sure you are rightly

assimilated to each other, you do not form the requisite combonations, or

neutralize each other. In that case, break up, and let that circle or members

meet with other persons; that is, change one, two, or three persons of your

group for others, and so on until you succeed.


     A well developed test-medium may sit without injury for any person,

of any description of character or temperment.


     A circle sitting for mutual development should never admit persons

addicted to bad habits, criminals, sensualists, strongly positive persons of

any kind, whether rude, skeptical, violent tempered, or dogmatical. A humble,

candid, inquiring spirit, unprejudiced, and receptive of truth, is the only

frame of mind in which to sit for phenomena, the delicate magnetism of which is

shaped, tempered, and made or marred as much by mental as physical conditions.


     When once any of the circle can communicate freely and conclusively with

the spirits, the spirits can and will take charge of and regulate the future

movements of the circle.


     Impressions are the voices of spirits speaking to our spirits, or else

the monitions of the spirit within us, and should always be respected and

followed out, unless (which is very rare) suggestive of actual wrong in act

or word. At the opening of the circle, one or more members are often

impressed to change seats with others; one or more to withdraw, or a strong

feeling of repulsion to some member of the circle, makes it painful to remain

there. Let any or all of these impressions be faithfully reguarded, and, at

commencing, pledge to each other the promise that no offence shall be taken by

following out impressions. If a strong impression to write, speak, sing, dance,

or gesticulate, possess any mind present, follow it out faithfully. It has a

meaning, if you cannot at first realize it. Never feel hurt in your own person,

or riducule in your neighbors, for any failures to express, or at first

discover the meaning of the spirit impressing you.


     Spirit control is often deficient, and at first almost always imperfect,

but by often yielding to it, your organism becomes more flexible, and the

spirit more experienced; and practice in control is absolutely necessary for

spirits as well as mortals. If dark and evil-disposed manifest to you, never

drive them away, but always strive to elevate them, and treat them as you would

mortals in similar circumstances. Do not always attribute falsehoods to lying

spirits or decieving mediums. Many mistakes occur in the communion of which you

cannot always be aware.


     Strive in truth, but rebuke error gently; and do not always attribute it

to design, but rather to mistake in so difficult and experimental a stage of

the communion as mortals at present enjoy with the spirits. All persons are

subject to spirit influence and spirit guidence and control, but not all can so

externalize this power as to use it consciously or be what is significantly

called a medium. And finally, let it be remembered that except in the case of

trance-speakers, no medium can ever hope successfully to exercise his/her gift

in a large or promiscuous assembly, whil trance-speakers, no less than mediums

for any other gift, can never be influenced by spirits far beyond their own

normal capacity in the matter of the intelligence rendered. The magnetism of

the spirit and the spirit-circle being but a quickening fire, which inspires,

the brain, stimulates the facilities, and, like a hot-house process on plants,

forces in abnormal prominence dormant or latent powers of the mind, but creates

nothing. Even in the case of merely automatic speakers, writers, and other

forms of test mediums, the intelligence or idea of the spirit is always

measurably shaped by the capacity idiosyncracies of the medium. All spirit

power is thus limited to expression by organism through which it works; and

spirits may control, inspire, and influence the human mind, but do not change

or re-create it.


     Unless strictly charged by spirits to do otherwise, DO NOT continue to

hold sittings with the same parties for more than a twelve month period. After

that time, if not before, fresh elements of magnetism are absolutely essential.

Some of the original circle should withdraw and others take their place. This

is a most important point, and one NOT to be forgotten!



Blessed Be!!


                      | Abdul Alhazred |


Call These *RAD* boards:

The Carrion AE  1200 Baud

602-841-8408   PW: DIE

Cool Sysop

This has been a Sanctum Production!


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/                    Part III  "Getting Questions Answered"                   \

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/                        By: Abdul Alhazred                                   \

\                                                                             /


Call: The Carrion AE (for which this file was written)

      602-841-8408  1200 Baud Only

      PW: DIE       Cool Sysop


"And as it harms none, do what you will!"



I would like to start off by asking that you don't get the 'Occult' mixed up

with a 'Cult'. The Occult is the study of the unknown, while a Cult is a group

of religious radicals.

     This file (Part III in my series) will be dealing with some major occult

tools. Two of which are the Ouija board (Wee-Gee Board, and the pendulum. I

have included instructions on how to make and use both of these tools, as well

as mentioned others that might be better for you. Remember that no two people

are the same, and what gives you results might not work for some people, and

vise versa. Now, on with the file.


     A ouija board is a series of letters and numbers. The diviner [Person(s)

consulting the board] uses a pointer to ask the 'Spirit World' questions in

which they answer. I believe that this does NOT link with the spirit world,

but with your own power or subconscious. This goes hand in hand with the

belief's of witches (those people practicing witchcraft [Wicca] which is

actually pagan or druidic in nature). Never ask the boad when a certain person

will die or be injured, as it ususlly gives a recent date, and carries through.

I do not (nor do my companions/teacher) understand why this happens, it just

does sometimes. Well, here is how to make one.


     Get 36 3x5 cards (paper strips may be substituted). On each card, place

either a letter of the alphabet, or a number (0-9). When done, you should have

the alphabet, and the numbers 0-9. Arrange these on a surface (later) in a

clockwise circle starting with 'A' and ending with '9'. Now you need a pointer.

We'll use a shot glass, although almost anything that will slide may be used.

Make sure that the surface you have chosen is one that will let your pointer

glide freely to letters. After you have used this board and feel comfortable

with it (instructions on use later), you may add two cards.... 'Yes' & 'No'.

These may be placed anywhere that feels comfortable. Now you have a ouija

board. Although you may purchase one, I find that making your own gets better

results. (Yes, I own one, and no, I don't use it.... I made one.)


  To use your board, spread your cards (or if you bought one, put the board

down).  Place the pointer in the neutral position (in the middle of the board

or circle) and sit down.  If more than one person are using the board, sit with

each person on each end.  Place fingertips (very, very, lightly) gently on the

pointer.  Concentrate on your question for a moment, and then ask it aloud.

Now wait.  You might have to wait for a few minutes while the pointer builds

energy.  The pointer will slowly begin to move, speeding up as you go along,

and spell out the correct answer.  Take care in what you ask it!


     A Pendulum is a balanced weight on the end of a string. It is used to

answer questions and guide the user.... it tends to be VERY, VERY, accurate.

The Pendulum is derived from the diving rod. The ancient druids used one tnh

plot the location of Stonehenge. In the rest of this file, I will be going over

how to make one, use one, and look at some of the great uses that can be posed.


     For your first one, you will need: 1.) A Long piece of fishing line.

                                        2.) A Sewing Needle

                                        3.) A Piece of cork or a spool.

Take and thread the needle. Push the needle through the cork or spool. There

you go! You will probably want to make a better one later on. Use your

imagination, but do not make it out of a metal. Some metals tend to disrupt the

vibration and will give you incorrect answers. BTW: The Length of the line

should be the measurement from your wrist to your elbow.


     The Pendulum works off of your own vibrations. The use of a Pendulum is

called 'Radiesthesia'. There are many theories to the actual operation of the

pendulum. The one I accept is that you body is like an antenna. Everything in

existance has it's own frequency (this is very true), and what we attempt to do

when using the Pendulum, is lock into that frequency. But I wouldn't worry

right now about how it works.... it's like Edison said about electricity,

"We have this wonder called electricity. It works, and it is good. I don't

really care how it works, nor should you."


     The first thing you need to do is tune yourself with your pendulum.












Hold the pendulum freely over the middle. Will (in your mind...) the pendulum

to swing un and down. Do not be surprised when it does, and don't use your

fingers to move it. Hold it be the end of the thread. Now ask the Pendulum a

question that you know the answer is yes to. As the Pendulum starts swinging

and of the ways, say out loud, "This means YES!". Now, do the same with a no

question. If the pendulum swings clockwise or counter-clockwise, just use

that instead of the other method. Generally, in the future, clockwise and

counter-clockwise will mean respectivley Harmonious, and inharmonious. Now that

you have trued your pendulum, you will never have to do it again with that

pendulum unless you loan it out. All you need to do is ask it yes/no questions.


Healing-> You may use the pendulum to diagnose ailments, and direct your

energies toward healing that person (or ailment).

Love-> Ask if you are compatable with a particular person.

Crucial information-> You can ask about business deals, or find a persons age

(think of an age, and add or subtract by one until it swings to yes), find

out what your needs are..... just about anything!

A good book on the subject is..... Pendulum Power

                                By: Greg Nielson  &

                                    Joseph Polansky

                                A Warner Destiny Book



Blessed Be!!


                      | Abdul Alhazred |


Call These *RAD* boards:

The Carrion AE  1200 Baud

602-841-8408   PW: DIE

Cool Sysop

This has been a Sanctum Production!


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