Spanish Telecom Virus aka HOLOCAUST, TELEFONICA
*** Reports collected and collated by ***
*** PC-Virus Index ***
*** with full acknowledgements ***
*** to the authors ***
Report from Jim Bates - The Virus Information Service - 23rd
December 1990
=== Spanish Telecom Virus aka HOLOCAUST, TELEFONICA ===
Another virus attempting to make a political (?) point has recently
come to hand from Spain. This is being called the "Spanish Telecom"
virus for reasons which will become apparent as this analysis
This virus is a true multi-partite virus in that it functions both
as a parasitic virus infecting COM files, and as a Boot Sector Virus
which infects the Master Boot Record of the first fixed disk drive
as well as the boot record of any type of floppy disk. The code
contains a particularly vicious trigger routine which will overwrite
all data on both the first AND SECOND fixed disk drives. The
trigger routine is invoked from the boot code section of the virus
after the 400th infected boot cycle. The parasitic code is
encrypted and contains plain text at the end of the code which reads
Virus Anti - C.T.N.E. (c)1990 Grupo Holokausto.
Kampanya Anti-Telefonica. Menos tarifas y mas servicio.
Programmed in Barcelona (Spain). 23-8-90. - 666 -
The final "666" may be a reference to the 666 (Number of the Beast)
virus since certain techniques first noticed there have been used
here! The phrase translates roughly as "Lower tariffs, more
Another message which is separately encrypted is displayed during
the overwriting activity of the trigger routine :
Campana Anti-TELEFONICA (Barcelona)
Analysis of this code is best undertaken by considering the
Parasitic and Boot sections separately -
Parasitic Analysis
This is undoubtedly one of the most untidy pieces of code that I
have examined. There are many repetitions and several bugs which
will reveal the presence of the virus long before the trigger
routine is invoked. The virus code is attached at the end of COM
files between 128 and 60999 bytes in length (inclusive).
COMMAND.COM is specifically excluded from infection as is any file
beginning with the letters "IBM" (the IBM system files). The
initial four bytes of the host file are saved within the virus code
and overwritten with an appropriate jump instruction to pass
processing to the virus code. The infective length of the parasitic
code is 3,700 bytes (this includes the Boot code). The virus code
begins with an 85 byte section which contains "armoured" coding to
detect the presence of debugging software and also several
randomised instructions which are presumably intended to prevent the
extraction of a reliable search string. Within the code there are
two different versions of this 85 byte "header" routine, only one of
which is actually positioned for use during the file infection
process. There are therefore two distinct search strings for the
parasitic code although each confirms the existence of the same
Both "header" code routines perform the same functions: check for
debug presence, locate the position of the virus code within the
host segment and decrypt the remaining code. Processing then checks
to see if the virus is resident in memory. This is done by
collecting the byte at offset 1BCH of low memory and XORing it with
13H, the result is then checked against the next byte at offset
1BDH. If they are the same then the virus is resident and
processing passes directly back to the host program. The actual
values of these two bytes are changed regularly by the virus during
its intercept operations but by simply XORing them together,
regardless of their values, the result will be 13H if the virus is
resident in memory.
If the virus is not resident, the current INT 21H vector is
collected and stored in memory. Collection is via direct access to
page zero of memory where the interrupt vectors are stored. All of
the virus code is then installed in high memory and 3984 bytes are
removed from system memory to accommodate it. The next set of
instructions collects a pseudo-random number from the system clock
and uses it to index into a table of word addresses. The selected
word is then inserted as the offset portion of the INT 21H vector in
low memory, the segment portion being set to the virus' own segment
in high memory. This random process of selection ensures that the
actual offset stored in the interrupt table will vary from infection
to infection. Each address, though different, points to a jump
instruction which takes processing to a single INT 21H handler
within the virus code. There are 14 entries in the address table
although only 7 of them are used and this, together with other
sections of the code, suggests that other ideas may have been tried
(or are being prepared) within this code. Once the interrupt
handler has been installed, a special call is made to it which
completes the installation process. This call consists of putting
4B21H into AX and issuing an INT 21H request.
The special call is routed by the virus' handler to an installation
routine which uses the single step INT 01 capability in the same way
as the Flip virus (VB Sept 90) to "strip" out any extraneous
handlers from the targeted interrupt chain. Interrupts treated in
this way are 13H, 21H and 40H and the stripped vectors are
temporarily installed during file infection and repaired when the
process has completed. Thus any monitoring software which uses
installed handlers will need to contain reliable self-testing
routines to guard against this type of subversion.
The virus interrupt handler intercepts six different function
requests within the DOS services interrupt : function 4B21H has
already been mentioned and there is another special call using a
value of 4B20H which does nothing. This is another area which gives
rise to speculation that further developments may be in hand. The
SEEK function (42H) is intercepted when accompanied by subfunction
02 (to End of File). This checks to see if the file has been
infected and if so, modifies the pointer to subtract the length of
the virus code before returning the End of File position. The two
alternative sets of Find First and Find Next functions (11H - 12H
and 4EH - 4FH) are similarly intercepted to return a modified file
size on infected files.
The main intercept however, is that applied to the Load and Execute
function (4B00H). This is used to select and infect files with a
COM extension (subject to the name and size exceptions mentioned
earlier). Once a suitable file has been identified, the INT 13H and
INT 40H vectors are temporarily replaced with their stripped
equivalents and a simple handler for the critical error interrupt
(24H) is installed. The usual process of file infection is then
invoked whereby the target file date, time and attributes are
collected and stored, and the file is opened for Read/Write access
(attributes are modified if necessary). The correct initial jump is
calculated and the first four bytes of the target file copied and
stored before being overwritten by a jump to the virus code.
Certain sections of the virus code are then modified by the addition
of random data values generated from a system clock reading. The
next stage involves using one of these data values as the new
encryption key into one of the two 85 bytes decryption headers
(chosen at random). The header is written (unencrypted) to the end
of the host file and then the encryption routine is executed. The
whole of the virus code is encrypted and written to the end of the
host file one byte at a time - each byte is collected, encrypted and
written on an individual basis. This removes the need for either a
special buffer or a decrypt/recrypt cycle. The final stage is to
close the file and reset the date, time and attributes to their
original settings. As a marker to indicate that the file is
infected, the date setting is modified in a similar way to the 4K
(IDF or FRODO) virus by adding 100 to the year field. Modified
interrupt vectors are then reset to their previous values before
processing returns to the calling routine.
During the installation of the handlers, a check is made to see if
the Master Boot Record of the first hard drive is infected with the
virus' boot code. If the disk is not infected then the boot section
of the virus code is installed in Sector 1, Head 0, Track 0. The
second sector of virus code is stored in sector 6 of the same track
and the original boot sector is stored in sector 7. This will cause
problems of access on some machines which use these sectors for
other purposes.
BOOT Analysis
The boot section of this virus functions completely independently of
the parasitic portion and both sections will almost certainly be in
memory simultaneously. This may explain the almost obsessive
concern with revectoring interrupts during the parasitic file
infection. However, while the parasitic code contain all the virus
routines, the boot section is limited to two sectors of self
contained code. Thus a machine infected with only the boot code
will not infect files, only other disks.
The only items worthy of note in the boot code are the Trigger
routine, the floppy infection routine and the interrupt redirection.
The interrupt redirection intercepts requests to INT 13H for both
floppy and hard drives. A Read or Write request to either the first
or second floppy drive will result in the disk being checked for
infection and infected if possible. The routine is unusual in that
it will only complete the check and infection if the motors of both
of the first two floppy drives are NOT running. INT 13H requests to
the first hard drive are intercepted and tested to see if they are
Read or Write. A Write request to the Master Boot Record of the
first hard drive is changed into a Verify call so that the sector
will not be overwritten if the virus is resident. Read requests are
tested to see which sector (on Head 0, Track 0) is wanted and
re-routed accordingly. Requests for sector 1 are given sector 7
(where the original boot sector is stored) and requests for either
sector 6 or 7 are given sector 5. Thus in a similar way to the
original Brain virus, it is not possible to examine the true boot
sector of an infected machine with ordinary utilities while the
virus is resident.
Floppy Infection
If an uninfected floppy is accessed, the virus will attempt to
infect it and the storage sectors used for the second sector of code
will vary according to a table maintained within the virus code.
Remember that both first and second (A: and B:) drives are affected
- the table looks like this :-
Floppy Type Head and Sector of second part of virus
160K - 5.25" 0 6
180K - 5.25" 0 8
320K - 5.25" 1 1
360K - 5.25" 1 2
720K - 5.25" or 3.5" 1 4
1.2M - 5.25" 1 0DH (decimal 13)
1.44M - 3.5" 1 0EH (decimal 14)
From this table it will be seen that infected disks may become
unreadable as virus code overwrites sections of the FAT or Root
Directory. To complete this information you should note that the
virus code occupies sectors 1 and 6 of a hard disk, with a copy of
the original boot sector being stored in sector 7 (all on head 0,
track 0).
Trigger Routine
When a machine is booted from an infected hard disk, a counter
within the boot code is incremented and tested to see if it has
passed 400 (190H). If it hasn't, the code is rewritten back to the
boot sector and processing continues normally. However, when the
counter does reach this number, processing immediately passes to the
Trigger routine. This is one of the nastiest, most destructive
triggers that I have yet seen since it will overwrite all sectors of
both the first and (if there is one present) the second hard drive
with random information from boot-time low memory. The overwriting
routine will be completed a number of times (for each drive)
depending upon the number of heads on the drive. On each pass, the
encrypted message mentioned above will be displayed.
It has been necessary to extract a different recognition string for
each version of the parasitic code and these are as follows:-
Header 1 - 8B1D B200 83FB 0074 18BF 5500 B2 Offset - 34H
Header 2 - 83ED 09BE 2001 03F5 FCB6 Offset - 24H
It should be noted that the presence of either of these strings at
the appropriate offset (into the virus code) is an indication of
infection. Infective length of the parasite is 3700 bytes (appended
Recognition of the presence of the Boot virus code is simpler but
note should be taken of the interrupt redirection discussed above.
The code is not encrypted and the recognition string is as follows
8A0E EC00 BE70 0003 F18A 4C02 8A74 03C3 Offset - 0B3H
VIS Classification - BfmCARKD3700A
The information contained in this report is the direct result of
disassembling and analysing a specimen of the virus code. I take
great pains to ensure the accuracy of these analyses but I cannot
accept responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of
any errors or omissions. If any errors of fact are noted, please
let me know at :-
The Virus Information Service,
Treble Clef House,
64, Welford Road,
Leicester LE8 1SL
or call +44 (0)533 883490
Jim Bates
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ end of reports ++++++++++++++++++++++++
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