DOS 4 and 5 Error Message Numbers
DOS 4 and 5 Error Message Numbers
(Copyright 1991, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved. Published by JP
Software Inc., P.O. Box 1470, E. Arlington, MA 02174 USA, (617) 646-3975.
Released June 11, 1991.)
MS-DOS versions 4 and 5 include an unusual mechanism for displaying
errors from external DOS commands like XCOPY, FORMAT, or DISKCOPY.
These commands use the command processor to retrieve their error
messages; if the messages aren't found they display cryptic messages
like "Parse error 3" or "Extended error 7". 4DOS does not currently
support this mechanism, but will support it in the next release, due
out later this summer. In most cases these errors are generated by
simple typographical errors which are almost immediately obvious.
If you see error messages like this while using MS-DOS 4 or 5 with
4DOS, and the cause isn't obvious, check the list of error codes below
to interpret the message.
The codes listed here apply only to MS-DOS 4 and 5 external programs
like FORMAT, DEBUG, and DISKCOPY. You aren't likely to see them
elsewhere. Also, only common error messages are handled using this
mechanism; other messages which are specific to the program in
question (for example, the message "Insert source disk in drive A:",
used by DISKCOPY) are embedded within the program and will be
displayed correctly even if COMMAND.COM is not present.
DOS 4 and 5 external programs can report either "Extended" errors or
"Parse" errors.
Parse errors represent problems in parsing (analyzing) the command
line. The possible parse errors are:
1 Too many parameters
2 Required parameter missing
3 Invalid switch
4 Invalid keyword
6 Parameter value not in allowed range
7 Parameter value not allowed
8 Parameter value not allowed
9 Parameter format not correct
10 Invalid parameter
11 Invalid parameter combination
(Parse error 5 is not used; parse errors 7 and 8 are the same.)
Extended errors represent file, disk, or device access problems.
These include the familiar errors like "access denied" or "file not
found". The extended error codes are:
Standard DOS errors:
1 Bad function
2 File not found
3 Invalid path
4 Too many open files
5 Access denied
6 Invalid handle
7 Memory destroyed
8 Out of memory
9 Bad memory block
10 Bad environment
11 Bad format
12 Invalid access code
13 Invalid data
14 Internal DOS error
15 Invalid drive
16 Can't remove current directory
17 Not same device
18 File not found
19 Disk is write protected
20 Bad disk unit
21 Drive not ready--close door
22 Bad disk command
23 Data error
24 Bad call format
25 Seek error
26 Non-DOS disk
27 Sector not found
28 Out of paper
29 Write error
30 Read error
31 General failure
Network and other errors:
32 Sharing violation
33 Lock violation
34 Invalid disk change
35 FCB unavailable
36 Sharing buffer overflow
40 Not ready
41 File allocation table bad
50 Invalid net request
51 Remote computer not listening
52 Duplicate name on net
53 Net name not found
54 Net busy
55 Net device no longer exists
56 NetBIOS command limit exceeded
57 Net adapter hardware error
58 Bad response from net
59 Unexpected net error
60 Incompatible remote adapter
61 Print queue full
62 Queue not full
63 No room for print file
64 Net name was deleted
65 Access denied
66 Net device type incorrect
67 Net name not found
68 Net name limit exceeded
69 NetBIOS session limit exceeded
70 Temporarily paused
71 Net request not accepted
72 Redirection is paused
80 File exists
82 Can't make directory entry
83 Fail on INT 24
84 Too many redirections
85 Duplicate redirection
86 Invalid password
87 Invalid parameter
88 Net device fault
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