FLIP Virus
*** Reports collected and collated by ***
*** PC-Virus Index ***
*** with full acknowledgements ***
*** to the authors ***
Report from Jim Bates - The Virus Information Service - August 1990
=== FLIP Virus ===
PC viruses are generally categorised into two main types - Boot
Sector viruses (which include those that modify the Master Boot
Record) and Parasitic viruses which are far more common and spread
by infecting program files. It has long been expected that a
composite of these types would eventually appear and the FLIP virus
is the first one of these that I have actually seen and had the
opportunity to examine in detail. The code seems to have been
written by an experienced programmer and obviously took quite some
time to develop. The trigger routine affects only systems with EGA
or VGA monitor facilities and produces a mirror image effect in
screen modes 2 and 3, flipping the display horizontally and showing
a modified font which reverses each character. Some disturbing new
trends are also evident within this code, particularly a number of
routines which attempt to avoid the attentions of resident
monitoring software or pervert the actions of a particular virus
detection program. The code appended to files has a simple
encryption algorithm but that written to the MBR and elsewhere on
the disk is not encrypted and is therefore easy to recognise. Apart
from the one instance mentioned above, this virus makes no attempt
to protect itself from detection although the randomisation of the
position of the decryption routine does prevent the extraction of a
recognition "signature" for the parasitic code. Simple file
checking programs however, will be able to recognise the file
changes introduced by infection even if the system is infected while
the checking is in progress.
There are three main paths by which this code can be executed,
infected COM type files, infected EXE type files and the Boot code.
The virus does NOT check file names so renamed COM or EXE files are
still processed correctly according to their type. Subsequent
references here to COM or EXE files should therefore be considered
as COM (or EXE) TYPE files. Parasitic infection is invoked via an
interrupt handling routine which intercepts the LOAD and EXECUTE
function request. This means that files with other extension names
(BIN, OVL etc.) could become infected although overlays are
specifically excluded. COM type files are only infected if they are
less than 62856 bytes in length, and once infected they take no
further part in the virus operation or replication processes. Thus
when an infected COM file is run, the virus code is decrypted and
the first few instructions are executed to repair the file header.
However, processing then returns directly to the host program
regardless of whether the virus has been installed or not. This
infection of COM files with totally ineffective code appears to be
deliberate and may indicate an intention to add "improvements" at a
later date.
When an infected EXE file is executed, a special "are you there?"
call is issued to determine whether the virus code is resident and
active in memory. If the virus code responds, program execution is
transferred to the host program and no further virus code is
executed. The special call consists of placing 0FE01H into the AX
register and issuing an INT 21H request. If the virus is resident,
the AX register will contain 01EFH when the interrupt returns. If
the virus is not resident, a check is made to ensure that enough
memory is available for the virus to be installed and then the BIOS
top of memory pointer is modified before the virus code is installed
into high memory. This method therefore avoids using any of the
system TSR services. Once the code is relocated, the MBR of the
first physical fixed disk is checked to see if it is infected. This
check consists of examining the word at offset 28H in the MBR (Track
0, Head 0, Sector 1) for a value of 01FEH. If the MBR is NOT
infected, the partition table is searched for the first partition of
type 1,4 or 6 - these are standard partition types and on most
machines the first (possibly only) partition will be type 4 (DOS -
16 bit FAT). Once found, the settings of this partition are checked
to ensure that infection is possible and then modified to allow
hidden storage of the virus code. Most boot sector viruses hide
their additional code in available sectors on the hard disk and then
mark them as "bad" so that DOS will not use them. This virus adopts
a different technique - within the partition table there are
pointers to the physical limits of each partition. These indicate
the absolute track, head and sector addresses of the start and end
of each partition. This virus subtracts 6 from the value of the
sector address which points to the end of the partition. This
effectively reduces the size of that logical drive by 6 sectors
(around 3 Kilobytes) and leaves 6 sectors "in limbo" beyond the end
of drive. The first of these sectors is used to contain an
uninfected copy of the MBR (but still with the modified partition
table) and the remaining five will contain the virus code. The
original MBR is then infected and written back to the disk. The
final stage of this section is to hook the virus's own INT 21H
handler into the system and then processing returns to the host
program. A system infected by execution of an EXE file will not
display the trigger effect even if the appropriate video adapter is
available and the date and time are right. This is because an
inhibit flag is set which can only be cleared when the machine is
booted on the correct date.
The boot sequence on a machine with an infected hard disk proceeds
as follows :- After the normal initialisation of the Stack Segment
and Stack Pointer registers, the BIOS top of memory pointer is
modified to allow 3 Kilobytes of space above available memory. The
virus code is then read from the disk by reference to the partition
end address and using the BIOS INT 13H service. Processing then
transfers into the Hi-Mem copy of the code and continues by loading
the "clean" copy of the MBR into the boot area at 7C00H. The
attached video facilities are then checked using BIOS INT 10H and if
EGA/VGA capabilities are found the system date is checked to find
the day number. If the date is the second of any month, then the
inhibit flag is cleared and a further 4 Kilobytes of high memory are
allocated. This area is then filled with a bit-reversion copy of
the EGA character set and the appropriate access pointers are
prepared. If the video adapter or the date fail the checks then
these routines are not executed and the inhibit flag is set before
processing jumps to the final installation stage. This involves
hooking in interrupt handling routines for INT 1CH, INT 21H and INT
9FH. The INT 21H vector is uninitialised at cold boot time but the
intention at this stage is to insert the virus's handler address and
collect the existing contents for comparison within the INT 1CH
(Clock Tick) handler. The INT 9FH vector is a user defined
interrupt and the handler is not used by the virus code, this will
be discussed later. Boot processing is then transferred to the
"clean" MBR at 7C00H. All of the boot sector viruses that I have
examined so far gain processing time by hooking their own handler
into the BIOS services (usually INT 13H - disk access) since DOS
services. This virus hooks into DOS services even though they do
not exist at boot time. It uses the INT 1CH service to gain initial
processing time and thereafter swaps its attentions once the system
INT 21H service is detected as having been installed.
One of the most worrying aspects of this virus is its use of an
interrupt "strip" mechanism which can examine the relevant chain of
vectors and select out all those installed after the system has
loaded. This stripping process makes use of the DOS single step
interrupt facility whereby execution of the routine pointed to by
the INT 01 vector is forced by the hardware after EVERY program
instruction if a particular flag (the TRAP flag) is set. Thus
throughout the chain of probably several thousand instructions
within an interrupt service, the single step handling routine can
examine the state of the processor registers (particularly the code
segment register via the return address on the stack) on a
continuous basis. This facility is used to telling effect in this
case by allowing the virus code to use unmonitored services and
thereby gain access to the system "underneath" any resident
anti-virus software. The extreme reduction in speed that would
result from the execution of all these extra system calls is avoided
by having the single step routine turn itself off once the original
system service vector has been located. It is not difficult to
produce resident anti-virus software which is immune to this sort of
subversion but I suspect that there are few, if any, packages which
currently do this.
Another disturbing feature of this particular virus is its targeting
of a specific section of the COMMAND.COM file in the following
manner :-
During the boot infection process a flag is set and then cleared to
indicate the correct completion of the virus write routine. If this
flag is not cleared, the virus still continues to function but now
includes an extra routine which checks the contents of the target
file for a highly individual pattern. If this pattern is found, at
the point in the file where it occurs, two bytes are inserted which
will become an INT 9FH instruction when the file code is executed.
INT 9FH is one of the interrupt vectors provided by DOS for user
definition and in this case the virus will already have installed
and activated such a routine. The insertion of these two bytes is
in addition to the subsequent execution of the normal parasitic
infection routine. The INT 9FH routine, executed when the affected
file runs, accesses the program's code and data areas by looking
back along the stack. Various changes are made including the
testing of a data item for the value 1FH - which happens to be the
file time infection marker used by this virus. Other data is
modified by having the length of the virus subtracted from it. This
effectively causes DOS (via COMMAND.COM) to report the wrong file
length whenever an infected file is accessed.
The search routine is as follows:-
WORD PTR [DI + 0CH],1689H JNE NOTFOUND ........ ........ ........
This is started after the program has been loaded into a buffer and
with SI containing the full length of the program and DI containing
zero. This pattern is consistent with a program listing as follows
MOV DX,[Dat1]
DB ?,?
MOV DX,[Dat2]
where the two memory locations Dat1 and Dat2 are unknown and the two
bytes noted with question marks are also unknown.
Summing up the various properties of this virus: both COM and EXE
files are infected. Running an infected EXE file will install the
virus into memory and attempt to write the MBR (boot) infection to
the first hard disk. No trigger will occur even if the date and
time are correct, since the system date is only checked during the
infected boot process. Thus only machines with a battery clock (as
well as EGA/VGA facilities) will be able to display the trigger
effect. The installed virus however IS capable of infecting other
Booting a machine with an infected fixed disk will install the virus
and will display the trigger effect between 16:00 and 16:59 on the
2nd of every month. The virus code installed via the boot routine
is exactly the same as that introduced by EXE parasitic action and
the boot infection only infects the first hard drive. This means
that although this virus has composite features, it can only spread
from machine to machine via infected files. The infected MBR
contains the first 66 bytes of the virus code in unencrypted form
and the following sequence of bytes at offset 2EH into the Master
Boot Record will identify an infected drive :-
33 DB 33 FF 8E C3 26 29 06 13 04 CD 12 B1 06 D3
The infective length of this virus is 2,343 bytes for both EXE and
COM files and infected files are marked by having the time field of
their directory entry set at 1FH (= 62 seconds).
This code represents the first of a new level of viruses which have
multiple facets of their operation and can target existing
anti-virus software. Fortunately it is no more difficult to detect
than most other viruses and slight modification to resident virus
monitoring programs will make them immune to the "interrupt
stripping" technique.
The amount of wasted time which has gone into writing this virus is
quite phenomenal and the programmer displays considerable experience
in certain sections of the code. After disassembling virus code I
am always tempted to speculate about the author and in this case I
particularly I wonder if some large organisation has underworked
programmers who are using company time to write these criminal
programs. I also wonder how many large organisations actually check
just what their programmers are up to. If I discovered ANY
professional programmer developing virus code I would do my utmost
to ensure that he never worked on computers again. This sort of
irresponsibility MUST be stamped out before irreparable damage is
done to our industry.
VIS Classification - BfmCcEARKSd2343A
The information contained in this report is the direct result of
disassembling and analysing a specimen of the virus code. I take
great pains to ensure the accuracy of these analyses but I cannot
accept responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of
any errors or omissions. If any errors of fact are noted, please
let me know at :-
The Virus Information Service,
Treble Clef House,
64, Welford Road,
Leicester LE8 1SL
or call +44 (0)533 883490
Jim Bates
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ end of reports ++++++++++++++++++++++++
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