Star Trek Episodes Guide (From CompuServe), Part 2/3

From: Kevin Atkinson <>
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Subject: Star Trek Episodes Guide (From CompuServe), Part 2/3
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Date: 9 Sep 1994 22:00:47 GMT
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Summary: This posting contains the complete eposide guide to all of
the Star Trek episodes and the feature films. It includes
TOS, TNG, DS9, and even the first eposide of voyager.  I found
it on compuserve and thought others might be intersted in it.  The
authors address is
Keywords: TNG, DS9, DSN, VOY, TOS, Star Trek, ST, Episode Guide, Guide
Xref: rec.arts.startrek.fandom:9231 rec.answers:7251 news.answers:25437

Archive-name: star-trek/CS-guide/tv/part2
Posting-Frequency: whenever the list gets updated on CIS
Last-modified: May 31

Lonely Among Us 10/31/87  41249.3 As the Enterprise passes through a mysterious
                                  loud, an energy being is accidentally
                                  trapped aboard the Enterprise and enters the
                                  minds of several crew members, including   
                                  Captain Picard, in an attempt to get back to
                                  its companions in the energy cloud.         
Justice         11/07/87  41255.6 The Enterprise crew begin to beam down to   
                                  what appears to be a perfect planet for shore
                                  leave, but find out, almost too late for   
                                  Wesley Crusher, that the planet has strict 
                                  laws of conduct and swift rules of justice 
                                  for any law breakers.                       

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
The Battle      11/14/87  41723.9 The Ferengi give Picard and the Federation a
                                  peace offering in the form of Picard's first
                                  starship, the Stargazer; but this turns out 
                                  to be a trojan horse intended to exact     
                                  revenge from Picard for his destruction of a
                                  Ferengi ship at the "Battle of Maxia."     
Hide and Q      11/21/87  41590.5 Q offers Commander Riker powers equal to his
                                  own if he will accompany Q back to his planet
                                  of origin as a specimen of the human race, 
                                  which Q admits will someday become more     
                                  powerful than his own race.                 
Haven           11/28/87  41294.5 While wedding preparations are made for the 
                                  marriage of Troi to a young man with whom she
                                  has been bonded since youth, a ship carrying
                                  the last remaining survivors of a planet   
                                  destroyed by bacteriological warfare arrives
                                  with a girl that Troi's fiancee has had     
                                  recurring dreams about.                     
The Big Goodbye 01/09/88  41997.7 While Picard and Data are in the holodeck   
                                  engaged in a 1940's detective drama, the   
                                  Enterprise's computer experiences an       
                                  electrical short that makes the holodeck   
                                  drama a real experience, with the possibility
                                  of real death.                             
Datalore        01/16/88  41242.4 The Enterprise stops at the planet of Data's
                                  discovery and finds Lore, a duplicate android
                                  that turns out to be have been a first     
                                  attempt that was made so human-like that it 
                                  had a big ego and the desire for power.     
Angel One       01/23/88  41636.9 While searching for survivors of the       
                                  freighter S.S. Odin, Picard and Worf become 
                                  ill, while Riker and an away team on the   
                                  planet find that it is ruled by women who   
                                  want to execute the male survivors of the   
                                  Odin as revolutionaries.                   
11001001        01/30/88  41365.9 While the Enterprise is at Starbase 74 for 
                                  computer repairs, Bynars, a race of small   
                                  aliens who can communicate directly with   
                                  computers, steal the Enterprise in an attempt
                                  to provide assistance to their dying home   
Too Short a     02/06/88  41309.5 Federation Admiral Jameson is summoned to the
Season                            planet Mordan IV, supposedly to help solve a
                                  hostage crisis; however, the real reason that
                                  the planet's leader summoned Jameson is to 
                                  exact revenge for his instigation of a civil
                                  war on the planet 40 years before.         

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
When the Bough  02/13/88  41509.1 The inhabitants of the planet Aldea kidnap 
Breaks                            the children aboard the Enterprise because 
                                  they are themselves sterile and want       
                                  children, but Dr. Crusher discovers that this
                                  had been caused by radiation from the       
                                  planet's defensive shields.                 
Home Soil       02/20/88  41463.9 An Enterprise away team comes in contact with
                                  a strange microscopic lifeform when they   
                                  investigate the death of a scientist on a   
                                  planet being terraformed.                   
Coming of Age   03/12/88  41416.2 While Wesley takes his Starfleet Academy   
                                  entrance exam, Admiral Quinn has Picard     
                                  investigated for conspiracy against the     
Heart of Glory  03/19/88  41503.7 Three renegade Klingons are found on a     
                                  crippled cargo vessel in the Romulan Neutral
                                  Zone, and a Klingon cruiser arrives to take 
                                  them back to the Klingon home planet.       

Arsenal of      04/09/88  41798.2 On a dead planet where the USS Drake       
Freedom                           disappeared, the Enterprise encounters an   
                                  intelligent weapon that learns and grows more
                                  powerful after each attack that it makes.   
Symbiosis       04/16/88      N/A The Enterprise encounters a freighter in   
                                  distress, which turns out to be carrying a 
                                  shipment of a narcotic drug to a planet whose
                                  entire population is addicted.             
Skin of Evil    04/23/88  41601.3 An Enterprise shuttlecraft carrying Troi   
                                  crashes on a planet after being attacked, and
                                  Tasha Yar is killed by an oil-based creature
                                  when she leads an away team to rescue Troi. 
We'll Always    04/30/88  41697.9 While investigating potentially disastrous 
Have Paris                        time-warp experiments being performed on a 
                                  remote planet, Picard finds that the       
                                  experimenter's wife was his (Picard's) first
Conspiracy      05/07/88  41775.5 After Picard receives a secret message from 
                                  another starship captain, the Enterprise   
                                  travels to Earth to confront top Starfleet 
                                  officials who have been taken over by       
                                  parisitic beings planning to overthrow the 
The Neutral     05/14/88  41986.0 Enroute to a possible confrontation with the
Zone                              Romulans in the Neutral Zone, the Enterprise
                                  encounters a 20th Century Earth ship carrying
                                  three living passengers in cryogenic sleep. 

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
                                   Season Two

The Child       11/19/88  42073.1 An alien entity enters Troi's body and     
                                  becomes a male baby, which is born and begins
                                  to grow at a fantastic rate.               
Where Silence   11/26/88  42193.6 An alien entity captures the Enterprise and 
Has Lease                         begins a series of experiments to see how   
                                  humans react to death.                     
Elementary,     12/03/88  42286.3 In the guise of Sherlock Holmes, Data is   
Dear Data                         faced with solving a holodeck mystery that 
                                  could mean life or death for Dr. Pulaski.   
The Outrageous  12/10/88  42402.7 While Data tries to develop a sense of humor,
Okona                             the Enterprise encounters a renegade cargo 
                                  ship captain who almost starts an           
                                  interplanetary war.                         

Loud as a       01/07/89  42377.2 The Enterprise crew helps a universally     
Whisper                           renowned mediator overcome his hearing     
                                  handicap while he is engaged in a mission to
                                  stop a planetary war.                       
The Schizoid    01/21/89  42437.5 A dying scientist implants his mind and     
Man                               personality into Data's android body, causing
                                  him to exhibit signs of split personality. 
Unnatural       01/28/89  42494.8 A disease carried by genetically created   
Selection                         children stimulate the aging process in     
                                  humans, killing the entire crew of a       
                                  Federation cargo ship and infecting Dr.     
A Matter of     02/04/89  42506.5 While participating in an officer exchange 
Honor                             program with a Klingon Bird of Prey, Riker 
                                  finds himself accused of attempting to     
                                  destroy the Klingon vessel and must act to 
                                  stop a renewal of Federation/Klingon       
The Measure of  02/11/89  42523.7 Captain Picard finds himself in court       
a Man                             fighting to keep Starfleet from disassembling
                                  Data, with Riker forced to serve as         
                                  prosecutor against Data.                   
The Dauphin     02/18/89  42568.8 Wesley falls in love with the young leader of
                                  a distant planet, but must tend to a broken 
                                  heart when he finds out that she belongs to a
                                  non-humanoid race of shapeshifters.         
Contagion       03/18/89  42609.1 The Enterprise computer is infected with a 
                                  deadly virus that destroyed her sister ship,
                                  the USS Yamato, and is likely to also destroy
                                  the Enterprise and a Romulan Warbird in the 
                                  Neutral Zone.                               

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
The Royale      03/25/89  42625.4 A novel belonging to a marooned 20th Century
                                  NASA astronaut was used by aliens as the   
                                  basis for creating a hospitable place for the
                                  astronaut to live; but Riker, Worf, and Data
                                  become trapped in the Victorian hotel where 
                                  the novel's story took place.               
Time Squared    04/01/89  42679.2 Caught in a time vortex, a double of Captain
                                  Picard comes aboard the Enterprise, resulting
                                  in a time loop that will destroy the       
                                  Enterprise if a way isn't found to break the
The Icarus      04/22/89  42686.4 While preparing to leave the Enterprise to 
Factor                            take command of another starship, Riker is 
                                  forced to confront his estranged father and 
                                  reconcile himself with his true wishes to   
                                  remain aboard the Enterprise.               
Pen Pals        04/29/89  42695.3 While an Enterprise team led by Wesley     
                                  attempts to discover the reasons for a     
                                  planet's geological instability, Data almost
                                  breaks the Prime Directive by communicating 
                                  with a lonely alien girl on the planet.     
Q Who           05/06/89  42761.3 The entity Q kidnaps Captain Picard and then
                                  sends the Enterprise to an uncharted sector 
                                  of the Galaxy inhabited by the Borg in an   
                                  attempt to force the crew to admit that they
                                  need Q's help.                             
Samaritan Snare 05/13/89  42779.1 While Wesley accompanies Captain Picard to a
                                  starbase for heart surgery, from which he   
                                  nearly dies, La Forge is kidnapped by a group
                                  of mentally underdeveloped aliens who see him
                                  as their ticket to high technology weapons. 
Up the Long     05/20/89  42823.2 When they respond to a distress call from a 
Ladder                            distant Earth colony, the Enteprise crew   
                                  finds a race of clones, who take cells from 
                                  Riker and Dr. Pulaski in an attempt to     
                                  prevent their race's decay.                 
Manhunt         06/17/89  42859.2 The Enterprise is transporting Lwaxana Troi 
                                  and delegates from Antede 3 to a Federation 
                                  conference, when Lwaxana makes moves on     
                                  Picard and Riker and later discovers that the
                                  Antedians are really assassins intent on   
                                  disrupting the conference.                 
The Emissary    06/24/89  42901.3 A Klingon/Human emissary sent to the       
                                  Enterprise to intercept and subdue an old   
                                  Klingon battlecruiser with a war-hungry crew
                                  in suspended animation turns out to be a   
                                  former lover of Worf.                       
Peak            07/08/89  42923.4 The Enterprise and a derelict Constellation-
Performance                       class ship commanded by Riker engage in war 
                                  games, but a passing Ferengi ship enters the
                                  picture at an unexpected moment.             
 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Shades of Gray  07/15/89  42976.1 Riker is poisoned by an unknown plant on a 
                                  swampy planet, and only by stimulating     
                                  painful events in his memory can Dr. Pulaski
                                  make his body fight the poison threatening 
                                  his life.                                   

                                  Season Three

Evolution       09/23/89  43125.3 The Enterprise assists Dr. Paul Stubbs in a 
                                  research experiment, but when Wesley       
                                  accidentally releases microscopic nanites, 
                                  the ship is plagued by serious computer     
                                  malfunctions and possible disaster.         
The Ensigns of  09/30/89  43152.4 Data is sent to Tau Cygna Five to evacuate 
Command                           the human settlers there before the Sheliak,
                                  the alien rulers of the area, come to destroy
The Survivors   10/07/89  43173.5 The Enterprise finds only two survivors of 
                                  the 11,000 inhabitants of Delta Rana IV, an 
                                  old man and his wife, both of whom refuse to
                                  leave the planet.                           
Who Watchers    10/14/89  43205.6 Riker and Troi masquerade as Mintakans,     
the Watchers                      proto-Vulcanoids, in an attempt to find a   
                                  missing Federation anthropologist.         
The Bonding     10/21/89  43198.7 An archeologist is killed on an away mission,
                                  leaving behind a young son, who a powerful 
                                  alien force on the planet wants to keep and 
Booby Trap      10/28/89  43205.6 When the Enterprise become ensnared in a   
                                  1,000-year old booby trap, La Forge recreates
                                  Leah Brahms, one of the Enterprise's       
                                  designers, in the holodeck to help him find a
                                  way out of the trap.                       
The Enemy       11/04/89  43349.2 Marooned on Galdorndan Core with a Romulan 
                                  crash survivor, La Forge and the Romulan must
                                  learn to put their differences aside in order
                                  to survive.                                 
The Price       11/11/89  43385.6 The Enterprise plays host to the negotiations
                                  for the rights to the Barzan Wormhole, a   
                                  fantastic new transportation corridor; but a
                                  Ferengi DaiMon has plans to sabotage the   
The Vengeance   11/18/89  43421.9 The Enterprise attempts to assist in the   
Factor                            cease-fire between the Acamarians and the   
                                  Gatherers, who still harbor hatreds caused by
                                  a centuries-old blood feud.                 
The Defector    12/30/89  43462.5 The Enterprise plays host to a Romulan     
                                  defector who insists that the Romulan Empire
                                  is preparing to wage a war to regain the   
                                  Neutral Zone from the Federation.           

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
The Hunted      01/06/90  43489.2 A genetically altered veteran of a planetary
                                  war, imprisoned by his government, escapes 
                                  and brings his case to the Enterprise.     
The High Ground 01/27/90  43510.7 On Rutia Four, Dr. Crusher is kidnapped by a
                                  group of terrorists waging a war for       
                                  independence, and discovers that there is no
                                  "right" and "wrong" in the struggle.       
Deja Q          02/03/90  43539.1 While the Enterprise is on a mission to     
                                  rescue a planet from an incoming asteroid, Q
                                  returns, deprived of his powers and forced, 
                                  by his own people, to live as a mortal.     
A Matter of     02/10/90  43610.4 When the Tanuga Research Station mysteriously
Perspective                       explodes, Riker is accused of its           
                                  destruction, and the holodeck is used to   
                                  recreate the events preceding the explosion 
                                  from each witness's point of view.         
Yesterday's     02/17/90  43625.2 The previous Enterprise, NCC-1701C, emerges 
Enterprise                        from a temporal rift and creates an alternate
                                  reality where the war-torn Federation is   
                                  losing to the Klingons and Tasha Yar is still
The Offspring   03/10/90  43657.0 Data creates an android child named Lal, whom
                                  he adopts as his own daughter; but Starfleet
                                  has its own designs on her for experimental 
Sins of the     03/17/90  43685.2 Worf's long-lost brother joins him on a     
Father                            personal mission to the Klingon homeworld, 
                                  where Worf must challenge a ruling that     
                                  condemns his late father as a traitor to the
                                  Klingon race.                               
Allegiance      03/24/90  43714.1 Captain Picard is kidnapped by aliens who   
                                  replace him with a duplicate, and while his 
                                  comrades deal with their own feelings of   
                                  loyalty toward their "captain," the real   
                                  Picard and three fellow captives attempt to 

Captain's       03/31/90  43745.2 Picard's holiday on Risa is interrupted by an
Holiday                           enigmatic young woman and a self-assured   
                                  Ferengi, both of whom are looking for a     
                                  legendary treasure that is actually a weapon
                                  from the 27th Century.                     
Tin Man         04/21/90  43779.3 The Enteprise escorts a Betazoid named Elbrun
                                  to meet Tin Man, a new life form in a remote
                                  system, on which the Romulans have their own
Hollow Pursuits 04/28/90  43807.4 While the Enterprise is stricken with a     
                                  strange chemical affliction, an introverted 
                                  crew member becomes addicted to the holodeck
                                  and tries to escape the pressures of reality.

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
The Most Toys   05/05/90  43872.2 Data is kidnapped by a ruthless alien trader
                                  named Fajo and made his prize possession in a
                                  collection of stolen artifacts.             
Sarek           05/12/90  43917.4 Sarek, the venerable Vulcan Ambassador, comes
                                  aboard the Enterprise for a meeting with the
                                  reclusive Legarans; but when an outbreak of 
                                  sporadic violence is linked to Sarek, the   
                                  truth about his health is revealed.         
Menage-a-Troi   05/26/90  43930.7 While on shore leave on Betazed, Riker and 
                                  Troi are kidnapped with Troi's mother by a 
                                  Ferengi set on learning the truth about     
                                  Betazoid telepathy.                         
Transfigura-    06/02/90  43957.2 The Enterprise aids the lone survivor of a 
 tions                            ship crash, an amnesiac with remarkable     
                                  recuperative powers and whose cell mutation 
                                  has something to do with his flight from his
                                  home planet.                               
The Best of     06/16/90  43989.1 The Borg kidnap Captain Picard and turn him 
Both Worlds                       into Locutus, commander of the Borg attack on
(Part 1)                          Earth.                                     

                                   Season Four

The Best of     09/22/90  44001.4 After its secret weapon is defeated, the   
Both Worlds                       Enterprise follows the Borg to Earth, where 
(Part 2)                          they first decimate half of Starfleet and   
                                  then aim their sights on assimilating the   
                                  human race.                                 
Family          09/29/90  44012.3 While the Enterprise undergoes repairs     
                                  following the Borg incident, Picard visits 
                                  his home village in France, Worf's human   
                                  adopted parents attempt to understand their 
                                  son's frustrations, and Wesley receives a   
                                  holomessage from his long dead father.     
Brothers        10/06/90  44085.7 While the Enterprise is engaged in a vital 
                                  medical mission, Data, under control of his 
                                  presumed-dead creater, Dr. Soong, hijacks the
                                  ship and takes it to the planet where Dr.   
                                  Soong is hiding out; and to both of their   
                                  suprise, Lore also shows up.               
Suddenly Human  10/13/90  44143.7 The Enterprise discovers a battered Talarian
                                  freighter with five boys, one of whom is lost
                                  human Jeremiah Rossa, who has been adopted 
                                  and raised by the Talarian commander.       
Remember Me     10/20/90  44161.2 When Wesley experiments with the Kosinski   
                                  theorems, Dr. Crusher is catapulted into a 
                                  shrinking alternate universe created from her
                                  thoughts, and only Wesley and the Traveler 
                                  can save her.                               

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Legacy          10/27/90  44215.2 The Enterprise travels to Turkana Four,     
                                  birthplace of Tasha Yar, to rescue two     
                                  marooned Federation officers, and finds a   
                                  bitter power struggle, with Tasha's sister, 
                                  Ishara, at the center.                     
Reunion         11/03/90  44246.3 Picard is chosen to fulfill the dying wish of
                                  the Klingon High Counsel -- to discover which
                                  of his two potential successors has been   
                                  poisoning him; meanwhile K'Ehleyr brings her
                                  son to the Enterprise to meet his father,   
Future          11/10/90  44286.5 After Riker loses consciousness on a failed 
Imperfect                         away team mission, he wakes up to discover he
                                  is on the Enterprise 16 years in the future 
                                  and directly involved in negotiating a peace
                                  accord with the Romulans.                   
Final Mission   11/17/90  44307.3 Before going to the Academy, Wesley         
                                  accompanies Picard on a mission to Pentarus 
                                  Five; but when their shuttlecraft crash lands
                                  on a desert planet, Wesley is suddenly     
                                  responsible for saving the captain's life. 
The Loss        12/29/90  44356.9 When the Enterprise is caught in the       
                                  migration path of two-dimensional life forms,
                                  Troi mysteriously loses her Betazoid empathic

Data's Day      01/05/91  44390.1 Data examines his inner self in the midst of
                                  a most uncommon day in the life of the     
                                  Enterprise, as Chief O'Brien and Keiko     
                                  Ishikawa prepare for their wedding and a   
                                  Vulcan ambassador is taken to the edge of the
                                  Romulan Empire.                             
The Wounded     01/26/91  44429.6 Picard is given the difficult task of       
                                  stopping Captain Maxwell and the USS Phoenix
                                  from completing his highly destructive     
                                  personal crusade against the Cardassians,   
                                  former enemies of the Federation.           
Devil's Due     02/02/91  44474.5 The Enterprise comes to the aid of the     
                                  Ventaxians, people who have bartered away   
                                  their future to the devil, in the form of the
                                  woman Ardra, in return for 1,000 years of   
Clues           02/09/91  44502.7 While investigating a distant planet, the   
                                  crew blacks out for 24 hours and, in an     
                                  effort to investigate the reason, Picard   
                                  discovers that Data may be lying to him.   
First Contact   02/16/91      N/A During a critical first contact mission,   
                                  Riker is badly injured, leading Picard into a
                                  dangerous game of deceit to win Riker's     
                                  freedom and bring an isolated planet into the

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Galaxy's Child  03/09/91  44614.6 While the Enterprise assists in the birth of
                                  a new life form, La Forge comes face to face
                                  with the real Leah Brahms, a replica of whom
                                  he once created in the holodeck.           
Night Terrors   03/16/91  44631.2 After discovering the USS Brittain adrift   
                                  with all but one member of its crew dead, the
                                  Enterprise is stranded in a tear in space, 
                                  and the crew begins to go mad because of   
                                  dream deprivation.                         
Identity Crisis 03/23/91  44664.5 While the Enterprise is on course to a planet
                                  where La Forge and longtime friend Leitjen 
                                  visited 5 years before, they begin to       
                                  metamorph into invisible creatures.         
The Nth Degree  03/30/91  44704.3 After being exposed to an alien probe,     
                                  Barclay's intelligence is increased         
                                  exponentially, and he takes over the       
                                  Enterprise computer and sends the ship     
                                  through a wormhole to another part of the   
Q-Pid           04/20/91  44741.9 During an archeological conference on the   
                                  Enterprise, Q shows up and transforms Picard
                                  into Robin Hood, Vash into Maid Marion, and 
                                  the bridge crew into the Merry Men.         
The Drumhead    04/27/91  44769.2 After a Klingon exchange officer is accused 
                                  of treason, Federation legal expert Admiral 
                                  Nora Satie comes to the Enterprise to       
                                  investigate a possible conspiracy.         
Half a Life     05/04/91  44805.2 Lwaxana Troi falls for a Kaelon scientist who
                                  is on board the Enterprise to aid his people
                                  in a research experiment, and whose society 
                                  demands that, upon reaching his imminent 60th
                                  birthday, he commit ritual suicide.         
The Host        05/11/91  44821.3 An alien ambassador, whom Dr. Crusher has   
                                  fallen for, is suddenly revealed to be a   
                                  symbiotic creature; and when the host dies, 
                                  the only alternative is for the alien       
                                  creature to be temporarily placed in Riker's
The Mind's Eye  05/25/91  44885.5 While enroute to Risa, La Forge is kidnapped
                                  and brainwashed into becoming a Romulan     
                                  assassin in a plot to kill the Klingon     
                                  governor of Krios and blame it on the       
In Theory       06/01/91  44932.3 A young Enterprise engineer on the rebound 
                                  from a failed relationship warms up to Data,
                                  leading the android on a voyage of         
                                  self-discovery as he draws closer to her.   

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
Redemption      06/15/91  44995.3 Picard journeys to the Klingon homeworld in 
(Part 1)                          his role as arbiter to Gowron's ascension to
                                  the throne, while Worf and his brother Kurn 
                                  act to restore their father's name from     
                                  charges of treason.                         

                                   Season Five

Redemption      09/21/91  45020.4 A Klingon civil war between supporters of   
(Part 2)                          Gowron and the Duras family rages on, and   
                                  Picard suspects that Romulans are supplying 
                                  the forces loyal to Duras.                 
Darmok          09/28/91  45047.2 The captain of a Tomarian ship transports   
                                  himself and Picard to a nearby planet, where
                                  they face a terrible beast together, thus   
                                  forming a bond that may lead to future     
                                  friendly contacts between the two races.   
Ensign Ro       10/05/91  45076.3 Assigned to the Enterprise to help locate a 
                                  Bajoran terrorist group accused of destroying
                                  the Federation colony on Solarian IV, the   
                                  rebellious Ensign Ro Laren helps Picard     
                                  discover that it is really the Cardassians 
                                  who attacked Solarian IV.                   
Silicon Avatar  10/12/91  45122.3 After the crystalline entity attacks the   
                                  colony on Molona IV, a Federation scientist,
                                  whose son was killed by a previous attack by
                                  the entity, comes aboard the Enterprise to 
                                  investigate the entity.                     
Disaster        10/19/91  45208.2 The Enterprise strikes a guantuum filament, 
                                  thus causing catastrophic damage to all     
                                  ship's systems and wide-spread injuries among
                                  the crew.                                   
The Game        10/26/91  45233.1 Riker brings aboard the Enterprise an       
                                  electronic game that unknowingly causes the 
                                  player to become addicted to the game and   
                                  subject to mind control.                   
Unification     11/02/91  45245.8 Vulcan Ambassador Spock disappears on a     
(Part 1)                          secret mission to the Romulan homeworld, and
                                  Picard and Data go to Romulus to try to find
Unification     11/09/91  45245.9 Spock reveals to Picard and Data that he is 
(Part 2)                          on a personal mission to attempt the       
                                  reunification of the Romulan and Vulcan     
                                  races; but the Romulans, led by Tasha Yar's 
                                  daughter Sela, have other plans for the     
A Matter of     11/16/91  45349.1 A historian, claims to have travel in time 
Time                              from the 27th Century to do first-hand     
                                  research on the Enterprise and its crew; but
                                  the time traveler's true intentions are not 
                                  so honorable.                               

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
New Ground      01/04/92  45376.3 As the Enterprise participates in experiments
                                  to propel ships at warp speed by waves     
                                  generated on a planet, Worf deals with taking
                                  on the role of being a father to Alexander. 
Hero Worship    01/25/92  45397.3 A young boy, who blames himself for an     
                                  accident that destroyed a starship, is     
                                  brought aboard the Enterprise and begins to 
                                  emulate the emotionless Data in order to   
                                  repress his own troubled emotions.         
Violation       02/01/92  45429.3 Troi, Riker, and Dr. Crusher experience     
                                  strong, frightening memories, which cause   
                                  them to collapse into comas; and it is later
                                  found that they were mentally raped by a   
                                  telepathic guest on the Enterprise.         
The Masterpiece 02/08/92  45470.1 A core fragment is on a collision course with
Society                           a closed, genetically-engineered colony, and
                                  contacts between the Enterprise crew and the
                                  colonists result in changes to the colony's 
                                  way of life.                               
Conundrum       02/15/92  45494.2 A beam from a mysterious ship scans the     
                                  Enterprise, causing amnesia among the entire
                                  crew, and they are led to believe, by a spy 
                                  aboard the ship, that they are at war with 
                                  the Lisians.                               
Power Play      02/22/92  45571.2 After a shuttlecraft crashes on a primitive 
                                  planet, the bodies of Troi, Data, and O'Brien
                                  are taken over by evil energy beings from a 
                                  penal colony.                               
Ethics          02/29/92  45587.3 Worf's spine is broken in an accident, and 
                                  his only options are life as a praplegic, an
                                  unproven regenerative procedure, or ritual 
The Outcast     03/14/92  45614.6 Riker falls for a member of a race of       
                                  nonsexual aliens, whose members are         
                                  ostracized and subjected to brainwashing if 
                                  they exhibit any sexual tendencies.         
Cause and       03/21/92  45652.1 A starship from the 23rd Century emerges from
Effect                            a timewarp, causing the Enterprise and her 
                                  crew to be caught in a continuous time loop 
                                  that ends with the Enterprise's destruction.
The First Duty  04/18/92  45703.9 Picard and Dr. Crusher travel to Starfleet 
                                  Academy, where Wesley has gotten involved in
                                  the coverup of a fatal accident caused by his
                                  group's desire to impress the student body 
                                  with their piloting skills.                 
Cost of Living  04/25/92  45733.6 Lwaxana Troi is on board the Enterprise to 
                                  get married in a traditional Betazoid       
                                  ceremony, and seeks to take responsibility 
                                  for caring for Worf's son, Alexander.       

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
The Perfect     05/02/92  45761.3 Kamala, a beautiful, genetically-engineered 
Mate                              woman, is being taken by the Enterprise to a
                                  planet where she is to be married, but     
                                  Kamala's beauty overwhelms the male members 
                                  of the crew.                               
Imaginary       05/09/92  45852.1 A little girl named Clara, whose Starfleet 
Friend                            father is a workaholic, seeks the comfort of
                                  an imaginary friend, who turns out to be a 
                                  real, invisible alien.                     
I, Borg         05/16/92  45854.2 The Enterprise finds a crashed Borg         
                                  surveillance craft with one survivor; and   
                                  while La Forge tries to help him rediscover 
                                  his humanity, Picard and Guinan must confront
                                  their own feelings about the Borg.         
The Next Phase  05/23/92  45984.3 La Forge and Ensign Ro are turned invisible 
                                  by a transporter accident related to a     
                                  Romulan experiment to develop a new cloaking
The Inner Light 05/30/92  45944.1 Picard is knocked out by an alien probe and 
                                  lives, in his mind, an alternate life on a 
                                  distant planet threatened by extinction.   
Time's Arrow    06/06/92  45959.1 After finding what appears to be a 500-year 
(Part 1)                          old head of an android like Data, Picard and
                                  company time travel to 19th Century San     
                                  Francisco to investigate.                   

                                   Season Six

Time's Arrow    09/19/92  46001.3 Stranded in the 19th Century, Picard and   
(Part 2)                          company try to find Data, who stumbled onto 
                                  an alien plot to drain the life force from 
                                  humans in order to keep themselves alive.   
Realm of Fear   09/26/92  46041.1 Barclay's fear of the transporter becomes   
                                  more terrifying when he encounters a strange
                                  alien while transporting back to the       
                                  Enterprise from a marooned ship.           
Man of the      10/03/92  46071.6 An alien ambassador participating in peace 
People                            negotiations projects his negative emotions 
                                  to Troi in order to achieve a positive state
                                  of mind for his negotiating role.           
Relics          10/10/92  46095.0 Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, from the   
                                  original starship Enterprise, is rescued from
                                  a transporter loop on a crashed freighter and
                                  helps the Enterprise escape from a nearby   
                                  Dyson Sphere.                               
Schisms         10/17/92  46154.2 When one of La Forge's experiments goes awry,
                                  the crew of the Enterprise is subjected to an
                                  alien presence that causes crew members to 
                                  suffer mysterious emotional ailments and   
                                  disappear from the ship.                   

 Episode Title  Air Date Stardate                   Synopsis
--------------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
True Q          10/24/92  46129.3 A young woman being transported by the     
                                  Enterprise to Starfleet Academy begins to   
                                  display unusual psychokinetic abilities,   
                                  raising the curiosity of Q, who reveals that
                                  her parents were members of the Q Continuum.
* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet Internet Services, Maintainer of the USENET Bible *
*      Finger for more info on the USENET Bible,          *
*    Or send mail to  with a subject line of HELP.        *
*  This is in its beginning stages and I could use any help I could get!     *


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