Rejuvenation and Age Reversal

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                                   June 24, 1991


                           Rejuvenation and Age Reversal
                                 by Conversion of
                               Deuterium Oxide (D20)
                                  to Water (H20)

               Original research by Jerry W. Decker/Vangard Sciences
              This paper is from the January 90' issue of the PLENUM.
                 This paper offers a RADICAL new concept in regard
                      to one of the primary causes of aging.

       Deuterium is an  isotope  of  Hydrogen.  An isotope is any of two or
       more forms of an element having  the  same  atomic  number  but with
       different weights (mass).

       Hydrogen has 2  isotopes,  Deuterium (stable, i.e.  non-radioactive)
       and Tritium (radioactive).   Normal  tap water consists of two parts
       Hydrogen to one part of Oxygen (H20)  while  Heavy water consists of
       two parts of deuterium to one part oxygen.

       Hydrogen consists of  1  electron  orbiting  1  proton.    Deuterium
       consists of 1  proton combined with 1 neutron orbited by 1 electron.
       Deuterium (2H) is twice as heavy as Hydrogen (1H).   When  Deuterium
       is combined with   Oxygen   we  get  Heavy  Water.   Heavy  Hydrogen
       (Deuterium) can be  detected by burning  it,  collecting  the  water
       formed and measuring its physical characteristics.

       Ordinary water differs  from  Heavy  water in several  ways.   While
       water freezes at  0 degrees centigrade, boils at 100 degrees and has
       a specific gravity of 1.00, heavy  water  freezes at anywhere from 3
       up to 82 degrees and boils at 101 up to 142 degrees  with a specific
       gravity of 1.1074.

       Isotopes can be  either stable or unstable (radioactive).  Deuterium
       is a stable isotope and has a relatively permanent lifespan.

       Isotopic elements DO NOT DIFFER in their CHEMICAL PROPERTIES but ARE
       DETECTABLE by differences in their PHYSICAL PROPERTIES.

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       Deuterium atoms are rare, sources differ in the NATURAL ABUNDANCE of
       Deuterium, ranging from  1  part in 4000 to 1 part in 7000.  (1:4000
       or 1:7000).  For that reason, we will use 1:6000 as a standard.

       1 drop in every 6000 drops will be a drop of heavy water.

       A drink of D20 will taste almost exactly  like  H20.  However, seeds
       WILL NOT SPROUT  in  heavy  water.   When  rats  are   watered  with
       exclusively heavy water,  they  DIE  OF THIRST although GLUTTED WITH

       Appreciable concentrations of heavy  water  mixed  in ordinary water
       have been found to be extremely harmful to living organisms.   Heavy
       water causes the   metabolism   to   operate   at   ABNORMAL  RATES.
       Just what does Heavy water do to  living  organisms  to  cause  such
       deadly reactions?  To  answer  that,  we  must  delve  into  nuclear
       physics and find out just what it is about heavy water that makes it
       so useful to the atomic power industry.

       Since Deuterium is  related  to  Hydrogen,  we  must  find  a way to
       visualize the relationship.  Based on the work of Dinshah, Keely and
       Russell, we can  think of Hydrogen  as  a  color,  like  RED.   When
       subjected to transmutation (filtering by a prism) we can see various
       other colors within  the band of RED.  These colors  equate  to  the
       various isotopes.

       By heterodyning, we    can    alter    the    compound   frequencies
       representative of mass to either higher or lower wavelengths.  Thus,
       we will change the fundamental frequency  of  a  mass  to  alter its
       physical properties.

       In nuclear reactions, neutrons are the bullets used  to  cause these
       reactions.  When these  fast-moving  bullets  are  shot into a mass,
       they become subject to elastic scattering,  similar  to  the  energy
       absorption of billiard  balls  when  struck by a single  fast-moving

       Ignoring the energy equivalence of the mass, the energy of a neutron
       is ENTIRELY KINETIC IN NATURE.  As a result, in a mass of low atomic
       weight (or mass number), fewer collisons are required to slow down a
       neutron over a  given  energy  range than in a mass of higher atomic
       weight (or mass number).

       The speed of a neutron is therefore  reduced  by each collision with
       nuclei until the neutron ends up with the same kinetic energy as the
       mass or medium.

       The reduction of  energy  in  the  neutron  as brought  on  by  such
       collisions reduces it  to a fraction of an electron volt at ordinary
       temperatures.  This new energy level  is  termed the thermal energy,
       since it depends on temperature.  Neutrons reduced by such means are
       called thermal neutrons.

       When fast neutrons are SLOWED DOWN by such elastic  scattering,  the
       process is called  THERMALIZATION.  The nature of the substance used
       for this moderation is called a MODERATOR.   A  good  moderator will
       reduce the neutron speed in a relatively small number of elastic

                                      Page 2

       collisions, but will  not  absorb  the neutrons to any great extend.

       A 1 Million  Electron  Volt  (MeV)   neutron   must  make  about  18
       collisions with HYDROGEN  nuclei  to  REDUCE  ITS  ENERGY  LEVEL  to
       thermal values.  The  same  neutron  must  make  114 collisions with

       And what is the body based on, you got it, CARBON.  So from this, we
       can see that  CARBON  plays  a  major  role  in  the  thermalization
       (reduction of overall energy) of the body.

       Did you know that the body begins to die somewhere  in  the range of
       18 to 22  years  of  age?   Did you also notice that the physique is
       fairly well established at that age?   It  can be said that you grow
       UP to 20 and OUT from then on.  The OUT is an accumulation of tissue
       and thickening of structure as a DIRECT RESULT of the aging process.
       Let's continue with  the  nuclear  information and  see  if  we  get
       anything else of use.

       Fission is initiated  by neutrons and is accompanied by the emission
       of neutrons.  As a result, it is  possible  for  the process, like a
       fire, to be  self-sustaining, for energy to be generated  (released)
       continuously, AS LONG AS THE FUEL IS AVAILABLE.

       Spontaneous Fission is  exhibited by many nuclides with mass numbers
       of 230 or  more.   The  spontaneous   fission   half-life  generally
       increases with the mass number.

       Here we find  an  interesting  correlation  with  Spontaneous  Human
       Combustion.  Since the  body has large quantities of carbon and fat,
       once ignited by a hot enough flame, the body would burn quite freely
       and rapidly.

       The ignition can be precipitated  by  a  number of factors.  In this
       case, the running wild of the process of biological transmutation or
       the triggering of a spontaneous fissioning process.

       In order to  maintain  a  chain reaction, it is not  necessary  that
       every neutron produced  in  a  fission  should  be  able to initiate
       another fission.  The absolute minimum  condition  requires that for
       each nucleus undergoing fission there must be at least  one  neutron
       which causes fission of another nucleus.

       The reproduction factor  or  multiplication  factor of the system is
       defined as the ratio of the number  of  neutrons produced by fission
       in any one  generation  to  the number in the immediately  PRECEDING
       IF we use  K to represent the multiplication factor, we can say that
       if K is LESS THAN UNITY, then a chain  reaction  is impossible since
       the system is  SELF-QUENCHING.   In the nuclear processes,  this  is
       termed SUB-CRITICAL and  is equivalent to aging (and eventual death)
       as occurs beyond the age of about  20.   We  can  visualize  this as
       If K  is  EQUAL TO UNITY, then the mass will become SELF-SUSTAINING,
       neither GROWING nor  DYING.   This  level is referred to as CRITICAL
       MASS and is directly analogous to the approximate age of 20 IN HUMAN

                                      Page 3

       TERMS.  This is   when  the  body  is  MOST  STABLE  and  PHYSICALLY
       PERFECTED, not to mention when the  maximum  carbon  level (based on
       physical size) has been achieved.

       It is at that time ruled by the mass accumulation of  CARBON  ACTING
       AS A MODERATOR  of the biological transmutative processes to SUSTAIN
       THE OPTIMUM CONTROL of the fissioning  process.   This is what Keely
       referred to as  a  perfectly  differentiated  system  and  has  some
       bearing on the  superconducting  state.   This  is  also relevant to
       Prigogines findings in regard to dissipative structures.
       If K is GREATER THAN UNITY, say K  =  1.05,  and we started with 100
       neutrons, we would produce 100 X 1.05, i.e. 105 at  the beginning of
       the SECOND genertion; that is, the number of neutrons would increase
       from one generation to the next.

       After 100 generations,  the  number  of  neutrons  present  would be
       14,800.  As we  can  see, a few neutrons  COULD  INITIATE  AN  EVERY
       GROWING CHAIN OF FISSIONS.  This is a refereed to as  SUPER-CRITICAL
       and is analogous  to the period of birth ranging to about the age of
       20 in the body.  Fermentation is a good way of visualizing this.
       Now, if we realize that all our lives  we  are absorbing heavy water
       from various sources in the proportion of 1 drop of  heavy water for
       every 6000 drops of ordinary water, we see that such an accumulation
       would cause definite negative effects in the body.

       The natural process  for optimizing the human body and sustaining it
       in the BEST POSSIBLE PATTERN is through  the  use of natural CARBON.
       This system works quite well to keep us from blowing up from nuclear
       reactions gone super-critical up to the age of about  20.   However,
       we must also  remember that all these years we have also been taking
       in HEAVY WATER.
       Now, since we optimize at 20 and theoretically  should  stay at that
       body pattern for ETERNITY as KEPT IN CONTROL by the  LEVEL OF CARBON
       in our system,  we  now  come to the realization that we CONTINUE TO
       ABSORB HEAVY WATER THROUGHOUT OUR  LIVES,  though  not  all of it is

       Since the carbon has protected us to the age of 20  and continues to
       protect us, we  also  have the ADDITIONAL ASSURANCE of death through
       the absorption of Heavy Water.

       Since we first discovered this, it has done nothing to help us sleep
       at night.  Knowing that 2/3's of the  water  absorbed by the body is
       THROUGH THE SKIN.   Everytime  you drink water, take  a  shower,  go
       swimming or stand  in  the  rain,  you INCREASE YOUR ACCUMULATION OF
       The Patriarchs were said to live WITH  FULL  VIGOR to advanced ages.
       Indian legends tell of lifespans ranging from 2,000  to 10,000 years
       as a NORMAL  lifespan.   Biblical  accounts range up to 1,000 years.
       This indicates an increase in the  natural  abundance of Heavy Water
       in our environment since the Indian writings are FAR  OLDER than the
       Biblical accounts.  (there  are  of  course  many other contributing
       factors to the aging process, this  appears  to  be the worst of the

                                      Page 4

       Remember the Indian  accounts  of  what  seem  to  be  atomic  wars.
       Perhaps this increased the natural  abundance  of  D20  so  that the
       LIFESPAN REALLY DID DECREASE from thousands of years to the hundreds
       of Biblical times.   Historical accounts and modern  experiments  in
       atomic science add to this line of thought.
       It would seem  that  we do have one thing going for us.  That is the
       continual EXCHANGE OF  COMPONENTS   which   comprise   the  body  as
       discovered by Dr. Harold S. Burr.  If we rely on that, we still die,
       since further investigation  shows  that  there  are  some  peculiar
       properties of Heavy  Water  which tend to cause ACCUMULATIONS IN THE
       FAT DEPOTS OF THE BODY which by a large part, ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE

       Deuterium administered as a stable  isotope  reveals some disturbing
       properties of this   nasty   little   substance.   Fats   containing
       Deuterium were fed to mice over a period of several days.  They were
       then killed and  examined.   Fats  from  different parts of the body
       were extracted, burned and analyzed for the PRESENCE OF HEAVY WATER.

       The BULK OF DEUTERIUM had found its  way  INTO  THE  FAT DEPOTS with

       Fat is far  richer  in  carbon and hydrogen than any  of  the  other
       primary foodstuffs.  The  combustibility  of  fat is thus due to its
       HIGH HYDROGEN CONTENT.  Remember also  that hydrogen burns invisibly
       and generates tremendous   temperatures.    (again    evidence   for
       Spontaneous Human Combustion)

       If rats which  have  been  fed deuterated fats are allowed to starve
       for several days before being killed,  it  is  found  that  the  fat
       content of the  liver  is  greater  than  at  the beginning  of  the

       The liver fat  is  also  found to contain TWO TO THREE TIMES AS MUCH
       DEUTERIUM as that in the fat depots.   This  indicates  that  fat is

       As long as the organism maintains a sufficient diet,  THE FAT DEPOTS

       However, when starvation  conditions are present, THE FAT DEPOTS ARE
       The use of  isotopes in the study  of  metabolism  has  conclusively
       proven that the body is in a highly dynamic state which provides for
       a CONTINUAL INTERCHANGE between the fats, proteins and carbohydrates
       already in the  body  and  ingested  in  the  form   of  food.   The
       electrodynamic research of  Dr.  Burr in the 40's and 50's had shown
       that all protein is completely replaced  at  least  once  every  six

       Further biological research involving Deuterium as  a  trace isotope
       showed that the  ingestion  of  food containing deutero-fats yielded
       only a small proportion of the ingested  deuterium  EXCRETED  OVER A

       The major part of deuterium was found to have been  DEPOSITED IN THE
       FATTY PORTIONS OF THE BODY as stated above.  The interesting

                                      Page 5

       observation was that  even  when the diet was very deficient in fat,
       with a total caloric intake less than  adequate  for health, and the
       animal was forced  to  draw upon its fat reserves,  the  deutero-fat

       When a natural  diet  for  the animals was resumed, the labeled fats
       (deutero-fats) were FOUND  TO  DISAPPEAR  GRADUALLY,  the  deuterium
       leaving the body in the form of water.

       However, if the water fed to the animals CONTINUED  TO BE LACED with
       deuterium, the body  would MAINTAIN A CONSTANT LEVEL of deuterium in
       the fat depots.  (if the environment  is  saturated  with Deuterium,
       then we cannot avoid its ingestion)

       Now, taking into  consideration the fact that we rarely  change  our
       diet or location  for extended periods (i.e. 6 months or more), DOES

       Yes, reversibility is  possible in a living organism,  however,  the
       very nature of our environment precludes any guarantee of success by
       simply drinking distilled  water.   Remember that 2/3's of all water
       intake is THROUGH THE SKIN!

       An additional point that we need to stress is the fact that the body
       is based on CARBON which reaches  a  relative  maximum  accumulation
       based on physical  size  (between  18  and  22 years  of  age).   In
       addition, neutron collisions  with  CARBON  require  114  collisions
       while Deuterium continues to accumulate  throughout  your  life  and
       requires only about 20 collisions TO REDUCE THE THERMAL VALUE.

       Therefore, the elastic  scattering  of  Deuterium   is   much   more
       efficient than Carbon   resulting  in  a  more  rapid  and  complete
       reduction of energy throughout the  system.   This  energy takes the
       form of heat and electrical energy in the form of ions.

       We can easily  associate  YOUTH  with  FERMENTATION,  HEAT,  and  AN
       ABUNDANCE OF ENERGY.  While OLD AGE is associated with PUTREFACTION,
       COLD and a GRADUAL REDUCTION OF ENERGY with DEATH as a result.

       So, again we  see  the energy and health associated with youth being
       controlled by the mass aggregation  of  Carbon  for a SUPER-CRITICAL
       state resulting in physical growth.

       When the body reaches a maximum physical size, the  Carbon continues
       to thermalize the biological fission processes to maintain a healthy
       and energetic existence.   However,  with the continued assimilation
       and accumulation of  heavy  water   in   the  tissues,  the  fission
       processes are thermalized (slowed down) beyond a level  to  generate
       sufficient energy and  heat  for the optimum maintenance of the life
       process in a youthful condition.

       Of course, this affects people in  different ways depending on their
       natural size, physical condition, the ACCUMULATION  OF  HEAVY  WATER
       MAINTAINED IN THEIR  SYSTEM and the accumulation of D20 based on the
       amount of heavy water IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT.

                                      Page 6

       Some other interesting findings while researching this phenomenon is
       a mention that  NOT  ALL CELLS ARE ABLE TO UNDERGO MITOSIS (cellular
       division)!  It has been found that  ONLY  ABOUT  3  PER  CENT of the
       cells in the  ADULT  human  body  are  capable of dividing  FOR  THE

       This is another indicator that the overall energy level is less that
       what it COULD  BE if the heavy water thermalizer could be SUPPRESSED
       OR CONVERTED to the innocuous form of ordinary water.
       Malignant (cancerous) cells are characterized by the ABNORMALLY HIGH
       RATES AT WHICH THEY INCREASE IN NUMBER!   The increase is due to the
       much larger proportion of the cells that ARE CAPABLE OF MITOSIS.  In
       normal tissue, about half the cells formed are able  to divide which
       keeps the total number of cells almost constant.

       In some cancerous  tissue,  nearly every cell can divide further and
       so the cell population increases  more  and  more rapidly with time,

       This indicates that we should not attempt to attain or keep the body
       in a SUPER-CRITICAL (fermenting) condition since MUTATIONS will be a
       probable resultant.  This is an indicator that living  organisms can
       be forced to  continue  growing  beyond  a  natural  size  but  with
       mutation as an everpresent danger.
       In Alchemy, there are many stories  of the Elixir of Life.  One such
       taken from the Comte de Gabalis speaks of a rejuvenation  which took
       place in the 17th century.

       The story loosely  told  says  that the Count de Gabalis was a noted
       Alchemist said to be able to manufacture  precious  gems,  transmute
       lead to gold and to know how to make the Elixir of  Life.  Rumors of
       the time said  the Count was in excess of 400 years of age, although
       he appeared to be in his early thirties.

       Being such an  interesting  and wealthy  personage,  the  Count  was
       frequently invited to   Court  and  the  various  social   occasions
       throughout Paris.  An elderly lady in her 70's became quite a friend
       of the Count  and  begged  him to sell her a sample of the Elixir of
       Life.  The Count said that money was  not  something which he needed
       since he could make all he wanted.  However, he did  take a fancy to
       the lady and gave her a small vial of a clear liquid.

       He instructed the  lady  to  take the full vial before going to bed.
       When she awoke, she would be a young girl once more.  Well, the lady
       being somewhat forgetful, set the  vial  on  her dressing table that
       night.  On arising the next day, she proceeded to make ready for the
       social rounds of the day.

       The lady had an elderly maid who had been with her  for  many years.
       While the mistress  was  attending a social function, the maid began
       cleaning up the mistress's quarters.   Feeling  a  headache come on,
       she looked on  the  dressing  table for a powder or  medicine  which
       might alleviate the  headache.   On finding the vial, she assumed it
       to be a medicine and drank it.

       When the elderly lady returned late  that  night,  she found a young
       woman cleaning her quarters.  The lady insisted that the intruder

                                      Page 7

       leave, at which the young woman asked if Madam did not recognize her
       trusted and long-time  servant.   On  hearing  this,  questions were
       asked which proved the young girl  to  indeed be her servant, though
       much younger.

       At this, the old lady remembered the Elixir and asked  if  the  girl
       had touched anything  on  the  dressing table.  Of course, the young
       girl explained what she had done.  On looking in the mirror, she was
       astounded to see the truth of the Elixir.  The entire city was abuzz
       over the case for years to come since  the  proof  was evident.  The
       Count left shortly after and was never heard from again.

       The interesting part of the story is that the maid  went  through  a
       COMPLETE REJUVENATION in  a  period  of  about  10 hours.  Also, the
       rejuvenation only took the lady back  to  approximately  20 years of
       Interesting reports have also been found relating to  the results of
       fasting on living   organisms.    In   the  1930's  at  the  Zoology
       Department of the  University of Chicago,  experiments  showed  that
       worms, when well-fed, GREW OLD, but by fasting they  WERE MADE YOUNG

       In one experiment worms were fed as much as they usually eat, except
       one worm, which  was  isolated  and alternately fed and fasted.  The
       isolated worm was alive and energetic  after  19  generations of its
       relatives had lived out their normal lifespans.

       Professor C. M. Childs said,

                "When worms  are  deprived  of food, they  DO  NOT  DIE  of
                 starvation in  a  few days.  They live for months ON THEIR
                 OWN TISSUES.  At such time  THEY BECOME SMALLER and may be
                 reduced to a fraction of their size.  Then  when fed after
                 such a  fasting, they show ALL THE PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS OF
                 YOUNG ANIMALS.  But with  continued feeding, they AGAIN GO

                "One group of worms was well fed and every  three  or  four
                 months passed  through the cycle of aging and reproducing.
                 Another group was given  JUST  ENOUGH FOOD TO MAINTAIN THE

                "These worms  remained  in  good condition WITHOUT BECOMING
                 APPRECIABLY OLDER as the  experiment  continued, which was
                 three years."

       The lifespan extension of these worms WAS THE EQUIVALENT  OF KEEPING
       A MAN ALIVE FOR 600 TO 700 YEARS!
       This startling report  shows that fasting for prolonged periods will
       actually consume the fat depots  WHICH  CONTAIN  THE  D20  DEPOSITS,
       thereby restoring the metabolic energy level to its  full potency by
       allowing the Carbon  of  the body to do its job without interference
       from the D20 accumulations.  This  is  obviously the NEXT BEST THING
       to having an Elixir of Life.

                                      Page 8

       We have only  one  more  point to make which might further elucidate
       the subject of biological transmutation.   That  point is taken from
       the work of Dr. George Crile, years before Kervran's famous study of
       Biological Transmutations.
       Dr. Crile carried out research into the Bi-Polar phenomena  of Life,
       specifically involving the  production  of  electrical  currents  in
       protoplasm by oxidation and radiant energy.  He came to believe that
       the living organism  is  specifically   adapted  to  the  formation,
       storage and specific use of electric energy and that  the genesis of
       electric energy is   due   to  RADIANT  ENERGY  emitted  (by  ultra-
       microscopic units or  FURNACES in  protoplasm.   These  furnaces  he
       called RADIOGENS.

       Crile postulates that the COMBUSTION OF THE PROTEINS  is effected by
       these microscopic units and that the SHORT WAVE RADIATION EMITTED by
       this continuous combustion has two primary and fundamental effects :

           1)  Short  wave radiation knocks off electrons and thus disturbs
               the electrical state of the  protoplasm,  especially  of the
               infinitely intricate network of the nervous system.

           2)  Short  wave  radiation so DISTURBS THE ARCHITECTURE  OF  THE
               ATOM as to make atoms CHEMICALLY ACTIVE, thereby forming the
               basis for the SYNTHESIS OF PROTOPLASM.

       RADIOGEN is the  descriptive  term which Crile adopted to denote the
       theoretical units of protoplasm in  which  oxidation occurs and from
       tooks place in  the  great  mass  of  protoplasm  outside  of  these
       infinitesimal units or RADIOGENS.

       The RADIOGEN unit  is  patterned after the Solar System or the atom;
       that the nucleus or sun of this infinitely  small solar system is an
       atom of IRON;  that  these atoms of iron, bearing  a  sign  of  like
       charge, REPEL EACH  OTHER  as do metals in colloidal suspension, and

       The element iron, in the position of a miniature  sun,  would  be in
       continuous oscillation thus producing a temperature of not less than
       5,000 degrees Centigrade,  just as the element iron in the sun is in
       continuous oscillation.

       The degree of  this temperature  is  indicated  by  the  genesis  of
       Ultraviolet, visible and infra-red radiation; in other  words, a RE-
       RADIATION OF THE  SOLAR  ENERGY  originally  put  into  the  organic
       molecule in the plant takes place in the radiogen.

       Enzymes are organic compounds able  to  accelerate  in  a pronounced
       manner a number  of chemical reactions.  Enzymes are  credited  with
       having NO ENERGY, but nevertheless with CONTRIBUTING VAST AMOUNTS OF
       ENERGY.  Enzyme activity  increases in the springtime or as a result
       of stimulation, or from a rise in temperature.

       Here we can clearly see the analogy  between the solar process which
       provides for an interior fissioning on an extremely small scale.  We
       suggest you read anything you can find by Dr. Crile, specifically

                                      Page 9

       "The Phenomena of  LIfe" published in 1936 by Norton & Company.  Try
       Health Research as they probably have a reprint.

       We have been studying the work of  Dr.  Crile and Dr. Burr for years
       and recommend them highly.  Vangard Sciences has made  a  project of
       collecting any medical/electronic  books,  such  as  these, prior to
       about 1955.

       A word of warning to any who might  wish to pursue this subject, (as
       we are currently   doing),  SPONTANEOUS  COMBUSTION   as   mentioned
       throughout this paper  is  the PRIMARY HAZARD when working with such
       atomic processes.  If you dabble with a fluid, do it first on an old
       animal and IN  VERY  SMALL PORTIONS.   If  you  use  electromagnetic
       impulses, use the LOWEST POSSIBLE AMPLITUDES.

       We believe that Homeopathy or Radionic techniques might  prove quite
       efficacious for this  application  since  they  work with such small
       energy levels.

       Speculation on the nature of the fluid  termed  "the Elixir of Life"
       indicates that it might originate IN A NATURAL FORM, but can also be
       SYNTHESIZED.  There are of course, other methods of  approaching the
       problem as listed above.

       Again, we MUST  WARN  YOU  that  experimentation in this area CAN BE

       If the process of D20 to H20 conversion  is abrupt and anywhere near
       total, rather than  an  atomic explosion, we would  see  a  COMPLETE
       Remember, the iron suns of Dr. Crile's  Radiogens  are  estimated to
       burn at 5000 degrees Centigrade.  If these little  boogers  are  for
       real, then a Super-Nova on a Microcosmic level might be possible.

       The inverse square law causes this temperature to be greatly reduced
       emission of a host of various radiations by the Radiogen will result
       in the generation of heat, electricity,  ionizing  radiation  in the
       Ultra-Violet range as well as visible and infra-red frequencies.

       During the 30's  and  40',  many  of  the  young women  who  painted
       watchfaces with Radium  for  the  glow-in-the-dark  effect,  used to
       point the paintbrush tips with their tongues.

       This radiation buildup caused tragic and lethal effects according to
       various medical journals of the time stating that although the women
       were in their early 20's, they had  aged  to  a  physical appearance
       ranging from 60  to  90  years  of  age.  Premature  death  was  the
       inevitable result.

       Remember the earlier  warning  that  D20  (heavy  water) ingested by
       living systems resulted in ABNORMAL  METABOLIC  RATES.   These rates
       can range from  slower  to  faster  which  could  either  retard  or
       accelerate the combination of physical effects known as AGING.

       This work is  ongoing  and  done  without benefit of outside funding
       though we welcome suitable opportunities.  Think what we could do if
       this was FULLTIME and SPONSORED???

                                      Page 10

       In the meantime,  we  openly  share all our information and urge the
       free re-distribution or copying for the benefit of all.  Thank you.
       Vangard Update 06/23/91

           Since the publication of the original  paper, we have found some
           other interesting and related information..

           Mr. Hans  Nintzel  allowed us access to a very  rare  alchemical
           document relating to the manufacture of a substance known as Oil
           of Antimony.    This   oil   is   claimed  to  be  a  means  for

           One of the practices of Alchemy  is  the  removal  of the oil or
           "essence" from  various  substances.   The end  result  of  this
           process is referred to as a "tincture".  Anytime you make tea or
           coffee, the  act  of  boiling  the  coffee  beans or tea leaves,
           removes the oil to flavor the fluid.

           Hans has written an excellent  paper  on the subject of alchemy,
           which he  has graciously shared with KeelyNet  (under  the  name

           All things  can be subjected to this process (including metals),
           not necessarily relying exclusively  on boiling, for the purpose
           of removing  the  oil.   The  oil,  being  the  essence  of  the
           material, has  greatly magnified effects and specific effects as
           detailed in the alchemical literature.

           Antimony is  normally  extremely   toxic  to  living  organisms,
           however, if  the  Oil is properly removed and  consumed,  it  is
           alleged to cause a complete rejuvenation.

           The rejuvenation  story, again loosely told, says that when this
           Oil of Antimony is taken internally, it causes ALL DEAD OR DYING
           TISSUES to be EXPELLED from the body.

           Hair, teeth, fingernails, toenails,  dead  surface skin and dead
           tissue from  within  the body either fall off  or  exit  to  the
           surface of the skin.  The process takes upwards of 3 days.

           Perhaps this is a means of removing the D20....who cares as long
           as the  body  can  be  rejuvenated.   As the body undergoes this
           process, it reverses age back to approximately the age of 20.

           Can you imagine anyone undergoing  such  a  process?  What would
           one look like with no hair, teeth, nails and  crud  oozing  from
           the skin?   I think most people would simply disappear for a few
           months until the process was complete  and their hair, nails and
           teeth were restored.

           Would it not be worth it to regain a youthful 20  and be allowed
           to start  all over again with a new body?  You most likely would
           not lose your memories or other knowledge.

           After many conversations with  various associates, they all seem
           to concur  that the most effective and safe method  of  removing
           the Heavy Water from the system would NOT involve any

                                      Page 11

           transmutative process.  This would prevent the necessary neutron
           emissiom as deuterium was "downsized" to that of hydrogen.

           When neutrons  pass  through  the  body,  they can cause DNA/RNA
           damage.  Such damage results  in  mutations  leading to physical
           deformities and/or cancer.

           Note that physical deformities most easily occur  in the younger
           years of  the organisms as the body is establishing its form and
           in the growing stages.  Cancer  can occur at ANY TIME during the
           life of the organism so is therefore the easiest and most common
           of the effects of DNA/RNA damage.

           Therefore, all  our  associates consulted on the  matter  agreed
           that REMOVAL  of  the  D20 from the deep fat depots would be the
           most desirable of the methods.   Some form of chelating agent (a
           substance which would target and latch on to the D20) that could
           then be flushed from the system would be preferred.

           This of course should be done in stages, since we would not want
           a sudden rise in the electrical energies of the body for fear of
           inducing spontaneous combustion and literally flaming up.

           One of our associates, Bill Strauss of California  suggested the
           use of  a  homeopathic  reagent  derived  from  a radionic query
           process.  We sent him the atomic  frequency  of Deuterium, taken
           from standard NMR charts which he then had made up into a
           2 dimensional  geometric  pattern  designed   to   reverse   the
           deuterium frequency by 180 degrees.

           The idea  was to place a glass of water or other beverage on the
           pattern with  the  intent  of   cancelling  out  the  deuterium.
           Another method of using it was to wear it in  proximity  to  the
           body with  the  intent  that it would gradually reverse existing

           Bill made up several dilutions  of water homeopathically treated
           of which I took the X10 dilution for a period of 3 weeks.  I did
           note a  reduction  in the sleep I required, more  energy  and  a
           slight upset  in  my  digestive  processes.   However, I can not
           count this as authentic since I know what is expected.

           A .PCX image of the reversed deuterium  pattern will be included
           in the near future on KeelyNet under the name D20PCX.ZIP  if you
           might wish to experiment with it.

           As of  this  date 6/23/91, we are not actively involved in real-
           time research using THIS particular method.

           Everyone reading this should find  it of interest, especially if
           they are  getting  on in years.  If you were in  a  position  to
           sponsor research  into  this subject KNOWING that any successful
           result would be available to  the  sponsor  as  well  as  freely
           distributed, would you not assist in some way?

           It is  always  amazing  how  people  talk  about  aging,  death,
           disease, pollution, energy problems, etc.. yet make little or NO
           EFFORT to  resolve the issues once and for all.  There are those
           of us  who do more than simply  complain  or  await  disease  or
                                      Page 12

           Our efforts  would be MUCH ACCELERATED if others would assist in
           the financial aspects of such  undertakings,  rather  than  hope
           that it  will  be freely shared AFTER the financial  burden  has
           been assumed  by  others  more dedicated than they.  As the song
           goes, "..something for nothing...".   We  have  been  studying a
           wide range of subjects in association with many  others for many
           years now.  Aging, free energy, anti-gravity, the elimination or
           control of  disease....all these things mankind needs to survive
           and grow  to our greatest potential.   What  are  you  doing  to
           assist?  Are you willing to sacrifice SOMETHING to help?

           Many times  we  have  envied how easily the TV evangelicals  can
           bring in  such  large  sums  of  money with simple requests to a
           gullible public.  Of course, these  are  usually small donations
           ranging from $5 to $50, however, they do add  up.   The  uses to
           which this money is applied are questionable AT BEST!

           Imagine yourself donating just $10 per month to any of the above
           projects.  If  all  who  read this and are concerned about their
           eventual death  would be willing  to  contribute  on  a  regular
           basis, we could do much more in the way of experimentation.   As
           you have seen when scanning KeelyNet, we hold nothing back.

           Could you not survive the loss of one dinner per month with even
           the slightest  chance  that  your  contribution might lead to an
           extension of  life?   And in a  rejuvenated  body?   What  could
           mankind do if we could regain lifespans of 500  years?  Think of
           how society  would  change.   How  much  could we learn and what
           could we accomplish in our lives?

           As you wander through your daily  life,  susceptible  to cancer,
           AIDS and the ravages of aging, ask yourself WHAT  AM  I DOING TO
           ALLEVIATE THESE  CONDITIONS?   Not  to  mention our addiction to
           oil, central power facilities,  increasing  pollution, primitive
           waste disposal methods and the imprisonment of  man  on a single
           planet due  to  archaic  thinking  in  regard  to space, air and
           surface transport methods.

           If you might wish to financially  assist  in  such  research  as
           Vangard Sciences is engaged, any checks or monies should be made
           out to VANGARD SCIENCES and sent to the address  at  the  top of
           this paper.  Our activities are not limited to a single subject,
           so if  you  wish  your  contributions  to  be directed towards a
           specific subject, please let  us  know  and  we  will  keep  you
           updated on  what  we find in the area(s) of your  interest.   Of
           course, for  that we will need a mailing address.  Thank you for
           your interest and any assistance you might wish to provide.
       If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
       this paper covers,  please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
       Sciences address as listed on the  first  page.   Thank you for your
       consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
                     If we can be of service, you may contact
                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189

                                      Page 13


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