Star Wars: Imperial Onslaught
Imperial Onslaught
Following the Final Death of the Emperor
by The combine force of Luke and Leia,
the Alliance must now face the the rest
of the Imperial Fleet!
Orders were given by the Emperor Before he died
to launch all of the Imperial Fleet from
his fortress worlds in the deep core in a
Series of deadly wave assaults to retake
system after system until the entire galaxy
cries for mercy and surrenders to their
Even though the Emperor is finally dead again the
his plans live on..................
For even now a portion of the Imperial Fleet has just
Defeated the Rebel Fleet Stationed at Thaq'al
Your home world!
You were the only survivor Escaping into hyperspace
as you watch your Flagship Calamari Cruiser NEXUS
You thought you were a dead then suddenly the hyperdrive
Kicked in,as if the force had something to do with it,as
if the force was somehow flowing into you!?!?
You arrive at an unfamiliar section of the galaxy and
when you ask ArTo BeeYu(Your arrtoo unit's name)
where you are He tells you the Le'ha'ti system
Far,but not that far from the Imperial territory
Suddenly a corvette hypers in and ask you to land
in the planet below. The planet Razaq.
On the planet the lone stranger steps out and greets
you saying that he chose you to be his Second in command
His words echoing through you,you question what he said
He replies:
"There are not that many of us around but there are enough
and soon the rest will surface. Some will be of the Force
Many will be of the Darkside.Yes it is true, like you I am
Also A JEDI! Now that that time is coming I must now raise
a Fleet to safeguard the Universe From the terror of not only the
Might of the Imperial Fleet But of the others...
And you I chose to be at my side to help me raise this fleet
for the protection of the universe"
Upon Hearing this you were Bewildered. You serve the Alliance and must
go back to them and yet you cannot help but be attracted to his offer
HIS OFFER? HIS? You finally realize that you don't even know this man's
name. You ask Him and he replies:
Maybe it was the force, or maybe it was in your heart and soul but you say
Yes to his offer.
You then ask him how many ship's are in the fleet so far, and he replies
just his corvette and your XWING and also that you two are the only
crew. This is'nt going to be easy and you almost quit but he tells you
that this is important. The Imperials have to be stopped and also the
others For right now the New Imperial commander is more dangerous
than The Emperor, Vadar, and C'baoth combined.For this New leader
is not a Grand Admiral, But A Dark JEDI, who is also
a descendant of one of the original founders of the Krath
the order in which the DARKSIDE first grew in power in
And so you give your loyalty to Loukin Defi
And promise to help him Raise his Space Armanda
But you find yourself asking Lourkin Defi One Final Question.
What is the name of this new Imperial Commander?
He replies:" He use to be an old friend of mine.
His Name Is,
THIS IS WHERE YOUR ADVENTURE BEGINS.........................................
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