Welcome to Nightowl

1. Introduction

     Welcome to the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System.  You have
just purchased the most up-to-date single source of Shareware, Freeware
and Public Domain software available on one CDROM.  Many hours 
of work have gone into making your use of the Nightowl CDROM as 
enjoyable and user friendly as possible.

     Your CDROM contains many thousands of files, nearly 660 megabytes  to be
more precise.  These files are all Shareware, Freeware or Public Domain.
With all these files on one disk you are probably wondering how difficult 
it is going to be to find what you are looking for.

     The answer is simplicity itself.  The Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval 
System will open the door for you to examine the entire library of 
software contained on your CDROM.  And, it will do it in style!

     You will be able to choose categories of files from the main menu.
Once you have selected a category you will see a complete and convenient 
listing of all the files in that category.  The files will be in 
alphabetical order and each file will have a description next to it that
will explain what is contained within that file.

     Once you have found a file you would like to use, the Nightowl 
CDROM File Retrieval System can be very helpful to you.  With a single key
stroke you will be able to extract the file, read the text files inside 
that file, copy the file to your hard drive, execute files inside that 
file, and even show GIF picture files.

     All these features, combined with an online help system available
by pressing the F1 key at any time, make the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval 
System  the most flexible, powerful, yet easy-to-use package for accessing 
your Nightowl CDROM.

2. Installation

     The Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System software is located in the root 
directory on the CDROM itself.  To take advantage of all the features offered 
in the software, you will need to follow a few simple steps to complete the 
installation process.  The Nightowl CDROM library of files will then be at 
your fingertips.

2.1 Quick Start

     If you would like to preview the contents of the Nightowl CRDOM without 
going through the installation process, follow these steps:

1.  Place the Nightowl CDROM in your CDROM drive and make sure your computer 
   is at the DOS prompt.

2. Make the CDROM drive your default drive.  To do this you will type the 
   letter that represents the CDROM drive followed by a colon (:) and then
   press the  <ENTER> key.

   For example, if your CDROM is drive D you would type the following:


   and press the <ENTER> key.

   This will ensure that the software will be able to find the files necessary 
   to show you the directories.

   If the default drive is not your CDROM drive you will get an error message 
   telling you that a file cannot be found.

3. To start the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System without the installation 
   process, type the following:

     night /noinstall

   and press the <ENTER> key.

   You will see a message letting you know that no installation will be done.  
   The message also informs you that most of the features of the software
   will be unavailable to you.

   You will now be able to examine any or all of the categories in the
   Nightowl CDROM library.

2.2 Full Installation

     To gain access to all of the features in the Nightowl CDROM File 
Retrieval System you will need to perform a complete installation.  This 
process takes only a couple of minutes and only need be done once.  The 
software will save your configuration to your hard drive and will 
automatically load it thereafter.  Just follow these steps:

1.  Place the Nightowl CDROM in your CDROM drive and make sure your computer 
   is at the DOS prompt.

2. Make the CDROM drive your default drive.  To do this, you will type the 
   letter that represents the CDROM drive followed by a colon (:), and then 
   press the <ENTER> key.

   For example, if your CDROM is drive D you would type the following:


   and press the <ENTER> key.

   This will ensure that the software will be able to find the files necessary 
   to show you the directories.

3. To start the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System and complete  the
   installation process type the following:


   and press the <ENTER> key.

   You will see a message letting you know that no configuration file was 

4. Press the <ENTER> key to clear this message and continue.

   You will then be prompted for the type of display you are using.

   If your display is Color, type C and press the <ENTER> key.
   If your display is either Monochrome or capable of Monochrome graphics 
   simulation type M and press the <ENTER> key.
   Answering this question correctly is very important.  An incorrect response 
   may cause the software to behave unpredictably on your computer system.

5. The next question asks you where you would like to have the Nightowl File 
   Retrieval System software installed.

   Type the complete path, including the drive where you would like the 
   software to be installed, and press the <ENTER> key.

   Pressing the <ENTER> key alone will accept the value shown.

6. The next question asks you what drive your Nightowl CDROM is located in.

   Type the drive letter followed by a colon (:) and press the <ENTER> key.

   Pressing the <ENTER> key alone will accept the value shown.

7. The next question asks you what external program you would like to use to 
   view GIF files.

   Type the name that is used to execute your GIF viewer and press the 
   <ENTER> key.  

   Pressing the <ENTER> key alone will accept the value shown.

   Be sure that the program you have selected for use with this 
   option is already installed and placed somewhere in your DOS path.

8. You will now need to indicate whether the information you have just entered 
   is correct.

   Type Y to accept the information and continue on.
   Type N to start the installation over.
   Type Q to quit the installation process and return to the DOS prompt.

   When you have accepted your information the night.exe file will be copied
   to your chosen directory.

9. The last question asks whether you would like to copy the Nightowl DIR text 
   files to your hard drive.

   Copying these files to your hard drive will improve the speed with which 
   the software can find files and display category listings on your screen.
   However, they do take up approximately 1 megabyte of your hard drive
   Type Y to copy the Nightowl dir text files to your hard drive.
   Type N if you would like to use the Nightowl dir text files stored on the 

   If you choose not to copy the dir text files go directly to step 11.

10. You will now need to supply the directory where you would like the 
   Nightowl dir text files to be stored.

   Type the full path, including the drive and directory where you would like 
   the Nightowl dir text files to be stored, and press the <ENTER> key.

   The copy process takes a little time, so please be patient.

11. You will see a message informing you that installation is complete.

   Press the <ENTER> key to begin your exploration of the Nightowl CDROM 
   library of files.

3. The Main File Categories Screen

      Welcome to the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System.

     The Main File Categories screen will be the first screen you see each
time you start up the system.  At this point you can see the wide variety
of software categories offered on the Nightowl CDROM.  Categories ranging
from Communications to Games; from Business to Religion; and from Music to
GIF picture files, just to name a few.

     At the bottom of the screen you will see the help line which looks
like this:

F1=help ##=scroll <ENTER>=select <I>nstall <S>earch <D>os ESC=exit

       The next section will guide you through the available 
commands from the Main File Categories screen.

3.1 Main File Categories Screen Commands

     After looking at the Main File Categories  list you will want to get 
started viewing the selections in  your favorite software category.  

     Below is a summary of the commands available from this screen.

3.1.1 <ENTER> - Selecting a Files Category Listing
      This option allows you to go directly to the File Listing screen 
      where you can view the individual files and their descriptions. 

      Use the arrow keys to select the file category you would
      like to view and press the <ENTER> key.

      You will now see the listing of files and descriptions that are in
      the File Category you selected from the Main File Categories screen.

      Use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to scroll through the listing.
      The <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys will move you one page at a time through
      the listing.
      The <HOME> key will take you to the top of the listing.
      The <END> key will take you to the bottom of the listing.

      If you are on a line that begins with a file name, you can press the 
      <ENTER> key to open the File Manipulation window.  The File Manipulation 
      window is described in Section 4 of this manual.

      Use the <space> key to tag a file for later use in the File 
      Manipulation window.

      Use the <+> and <-> keys to alternately tag all files or 
      untag all files in the current listing for later use in the File 
      Manipulation window.

      Type S to perform a text search within the file listing itself.
      You will see the familiar Text Search window.  See Section 3.1.2
      for a full description of the Text Search option.

      Type D to execute a DOS shell.  When you are finished with your
      DOS commands, type EXIT to return to the Nightowl CDROM File 
      Retrieval System.

      Type F to format a floppy disk without leaving the Nightowl 
      CDROM File Retrieval System. 
      See Section 3.1.6 for a full description of the Format Floppy command.

      Holding down the <SHIFT> key and typing a letter will scroll the
      File Listing to a file name that starts with that particular letter.

      Press the <F1> key to look at the online help.

      Press the <ESC> key to return to the Main File Categories screen.

3.1.2 S - Search For a Text String
      This command opens up a window which prompts you for the text string to 
      search for.  The search is not case sensitive.

      Type the text string you want to search for and press the <ENTER> key.

      As each File Category listing is searched for the text string you just 
      entered, a listing will be created and displayed for you on the screen. 
      A prompt will appear at the bottom of each screen full of lines containing
      your search string.  A running total of lines containing your search 
      string will appear right before the available commands on this line.

      To continue the search you can type either N for Nonstop Search mode
      or press the <ENTER> key to see the next screen of lines that match
      your search string.  

      In Nonstop Search mode all the lines that match your search string 
      will be scrolled on the screen without stopping when the screen fills.

      Type Q to stop the search at any prompt.

      When the search is complete or you have quit the search with the Q 
      command you will return to the screen the search was started from.

      All lines found during the Text Search will be placed in a file that can 
      be viewed using the U command on the Main File Categories screen.
      See Section 3.1.3 for a full description of this command.

3.1.3 U - Show User-Created Directory
      This command displays the listing created from the last Text Search 
      command from the Main File Categories screen.
      See Section 3.1.2 for a full description of the Text Seazrch command.

      Type U and press the <ENTER> key to display the listing.

      You will now see the listing of lines containing the text string which 
      was used in the last Text Search command.

      Use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to scroll through the listing.
      Use the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys to move one page at a time through
      the listing.
      The <HOME> key will take you to the top of the listing.
      The <END> key will take you to the bottom of the listing.

      If you are on a line that begins with a file name, you can press the 
      <ENTER> key to open the File Manipulation window.  The File Manipulation 
      window is described in Section 4 of this manual.

      Use the <SPACE> key to tag a file for later use in the File 
      Manipulation window.

      Use the <+> and <-> keys to alternately tag all files or untag all
      files in the current listing for later use in the File Manipulation

      Type S to perform a Text Search within the User Directory Listing
      itself.  You will see the familiar Text Search window again.
      See Section 3.1.2 for a full description of the Text Search command.

      Type D to execute a DOS shell. 
      See Section 3.1.5 for a full description of the DOS Shell command.

      Type F to format a floppy disk without leaving the Nightowl 
      CDROM File Retrieval System.
      See Section 3.1.6 for a full description of the Format Floppy command.

3.1.4 I - Install the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System
      This command will allow you to change any of the choices you have 
      previously made in the Installationn processs.

      Type I to begin the installation process.

      See Section 2 for a full description of the Installation process.

3.1.5 D - Execute a DOS Shell
      This command creates a DOS shell in which you can perform any DOS 
      commands you would like.

      Type D and press the <ENTER> key to begin the DOS shell.

      To return from the DOS shell you simply type the word EXIT at any DOS 
      prompt.  The Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System will reload and
      you can continue from where you left the system.

3.1.6 F - Format a floppy disk
      This command will allow you to prepare diskettes for use with
      the Copy Files command. 

      See Section 4.3 for a full description of the Copy Files command.

      Type F to begin the format process.

      You will be prompted for the drive letter you would like to format the 
      disk in.

      Type the letter of the drive you have selected.
      Press the <ESC> key to exit the format window.

      For this command to work, you must have a program with the DOS file
      name of FORMAT in the path.

3.1.7 G - Go to the Unzip Directory Listing
      This command allows you to return to the Unzip Directory where you have 
      previously left files.

      Type G to display the Unzip Directory Listing.

      If no files exist in the Unzip Directory you will see a message informing 
      you of that and will be returned to the File Manipulation window..

      See section 4.2 for a full description of the commands available in the 
      Unzip Directory Listing screen.

3.1.8 <ESC> - Quit the Nightowl File Retrieval System
      This command will allow you to leave the system and return to DOS.

      Press the <ESC> key to return to DOS.

3.1.9 <F1> - Consult the Built-In Help System
      This command brings up the online help system.

      Press the <F1> key to look at the online help.

4. The File Manipulation Window

     In this section you will learn how to gain full control over the
powerhouse features of the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System.
These features include extracting ZIP files, viewing the contents of
a ZIP file, reading a text file contained inside a ZIP file, showing a GIF
picture file, and copying files from your CDROM to another disk drive.

     The File Manipulation window appears when you have pressed 
the <ENTER> key while you are in the File Listing or User 
Directory screens.  The window shows the file name you have 
selected and the actual directory name on the CDROM in which you 
can find this file.

     The commands available in this window depend on the type of 
file you have chosen to manipulate.  Below is a detailed description
of all of these commands.

4.1 S - Show a GIF Picture File
    This command will appear only when the selected file is a GIF 
    picture file.

    Type S to invoke the GIF viewer program you selected in the 
    Installation process.

    You will then be placed in your chosen GIF viewing program 
    where you can perform any of the functions that program provides.

    When you are finished with the selected image, exit the viewer. 
    You will be placed back in the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System
    right where you left off.  You can now select another file or perform
    any of the commands listed on the screen.

4.2 X - Extract ZIP Files from the Nightowl CDROM
    This command will appear only when the selected file is a ZIP 
    archive file.

    Type X to begin extracting the contents of the selected file.

    When the extraction process is complete you will see a listing of
    the files which have been placed in the UNZIP directory under your
    default Nightowl area.

    Now that the files are unarchived to your hard drive, the following
    commands become available to help you work with these extracted files.

4.2.1 R - Read a Text File
      This command allows you to read the contents of a file that has been
      extracted into your UNZIP directory.

      Type R when you have the highlight bar over a file that contains text.

      To help you along, here is a list of file extensions that may be
      indicative of being a text file that can be read using this command.

      DOC, TXT, 1ST, ASC, ASM and BAT.

      Files with names like READ.ME and WHATS.NEW are usually likely to
      be text files as well.

      Use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to scroll through the listing.
      Use the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys to move a page at a time through
      the listing.
      Use the <HOME> key to move to the top of the listing.
      Use the <END> key to move to the bottom of the listing.

      When you are finished looking at the text file press the <ESC> key
      to return to the UNZIP directory listing.

4.2.2 <ENTER> - Execute A Program
      This command will allow you to run a program from within the Nightowl
      CDROM File Retrieval System. 

      Press <ENTER> when the highlight bar is on a line with a file name.

      The types of files that can be executed are limited to the following:

      EXE, COM, BAS and BAT.

      Please note that many software packages are not written in a way
      that will allow them to be run in a DOS shell.  If the program you
      choose to execute exhibits strange behavior or causes your computer
      to lock up, you will need to run that program outside of the
      Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System.

      If you run a program written in a BASIC language and it does not
      exit correctly you will need to type SYSTEM to return to the DOS
      prompt.  From that point type EXIT to return to the Nightowl CDROM
      File Retrieval System.

      When you return to the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System you will
      be placed in the UNZIP file listing again and can make another

4.2.3 S - Show a GIF Picture File
      This command allows you to view a GIF picture file when the highlighted
      file is a GIF image.

      Type S to invoke the GIF viewer program you selected in the 
      installation process.

      You will then be placed in your chosen GIF viewing program,
      where you can perform any of the functions that program provides.

      When you are finished with the selected image, exit the viewer. 
      You will be placed back in the Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System
      right where you left off.  You can now select another file or perform
      any of the commands listed on the screen.
4.2.4 D - Execute a DOS Shell
      This command creates a DOS shell in which you can perform any DOS 
      commands you would like.

      Type D and press the <ENTER> key to begin the DOS shell.

      To return from the DOS shell, you simply type the word EXIT at any DOS 
      prompt.  The Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System will reload and
      you can continue from where you exited the system.

4.2.5 F - Format a Floppy Disk
      See Section 3.1.6 for a full description of the Format Floppy command.

4.2.6 <F1> - Consult the Built-In Help System
      This command brings up the online help system.

4.2.7 <ESC> - Quit UNZIP Directory Listing
      This command exits the Unzip Directory Listing and returns you to the 
      File Manipulation window.

      Press the <ESC> key to exit the Unzip Directory Listing.

      You will then be prompted as to whether you would like to delete the 
      files you have unzipped.

      Type Y if you would like to remove the files from the unzip directory.
      Type N if you would like to leave the files in the unzip directory for 
      later use.

4.3 C - Copy Files From the Nightowl CDROM
    This command will allow you to copy any of the files you have tagged to 
    your hard drive.

    Type C to begin the copy process.

    You will see a window appear asking you for the complete drive and path 
    where you would like to copy the files to.

    Type the drive and path of the directory you want to store the files in 
    and press the <ENTER> key.

    When the copying is completed you will be prompted to press a key and then 
    you will return to the File Manipulation window.

4.4 D - Execute a DOS Shell
      This command creates a DOS shell in which you can perform any DOS 
      commands you would like.

      Type D and press the <ENTER> key to begin the DOS shell.

      To return from the DOS shell you simply type the word EXIT at any DOS 
      prompt.  The Nightowl CDROM File Retrieval System will reload and
      you can continue from where you exited the system.

4.5 F - Format a Floppy Disk
    See Section 3.1.6 for a full description of the Format Floppy command.

4.6 G - Go to the Unzip Directory Listing
    This command allows you to return to the Unzip Directory where you have 
    previously left files.

    Type G to display the Unzip Directory Listing.

    If no files exist in the Unzip Directory you will see a message informing 
    you of that and will be returned to the File Manipulation window..

    See section 4.2 for a full description of the commands available in the 
    Unzip Directory Listing screen.

4.7 V - View a ZIP File
    This command allows you to look inside of a ZIP file and read text files 
    without unzipping the entire archive.

    Type V to obtain a View ZIP Listing of the selected file.

    You will now see the View ZIP Listing from which you can select text files 
    to read.

    Type R when the highlight bar is on any text file to begin reading that 

    See Section 4.2.1 for a full description of the file reader.

    Type D to execute a DOS shell.  When you are finished with your
    DOS commands, type EXIT to return to the Nightowl CDROM File 
    Retrieval System.

    Type F to format a floppy disk without leaving the Nightowl 
    CDROM File Retrieval System.
    See Section 3.1.6 for a full description of the Format Floppy command.

    Press <F1> to Consult the Built-In Help System.

    Press the <ESC> key to return to the View ZIP screen.

4.8 <F1> - Consult the Built-In Help System
    This command brings up the online help system.

4.9 <ESC> - Quit the View ZIP Listing
    This command allows you to return to the File Manipulation window, where 
    you may make another choice.

    Press the <ESC> key to return to the File Manipulation window.

5. Shareware Information 
     There is a Special Directory on the Nightowl CDROM for shareware authors
that have allowed their programs to be added to this CDROM.  
Directory  30 contains these files. The physical CDROM directory they are 
stored in is 030A.

     Shareware programs are not FREE programs or public domain programs.  They
are copyrighted programs that the authors have released to the public for
the purpose of looking at the program and trying it out.  You should then
register the program with the author if you like it and want to continue to
use it.

6. Credits and Acknowledgements

                (c) Copyright 1991 All Rights Reserved

ASP                 Trademark of (c) Association Shareware Professioals
PKUnzip.exe         Trademark of (c) PKware Inc.
VPIC                Trademark of (c) Bob Montgomery
WordPerfect         Trademark of (c) Word Perfect Corporation
Pascal              Trademark of (c) Word Perfect Corporation
List                Trademark of (c) Vernon D. Buerg
Lotus               Trademark of (c) Borland Inc.
Windows             Trademark of (c) Microsoft Corporation
Gap                 Trademark of (c) Gap Development Company
Night               Trademark of (c) Night Owls

     We also want to take the time to acknowledge the scores of other 
trademarks and copyrights found throughout the zipped files on the Nightowl 

     Again, support shareware authors by registering their programs.

         And we also give special thanks to the following people:

Phil Katz
For allowing us to use his program as a part of the Nightowl CDROM.
PKZip is a very useful program.


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