TODAY in August
*mmddyyyy Birthdays
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*mmddyyyy Events
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S08011619 History of Black American began with landing of twenty bla
S0801 cks at Jamestown, Virginia. John Rolfe said the ship ar
S0801 rived "about the latter end of August" and that it "brought
S0801 not anything but 20 and odd Negroes." Surviving evidence
S0801 suggests that the twenty blacks were accorded the status of
S0801 indentured servants.
S08051624 First black child born in English America christened William
S0805 in the Church of England at Jamestown.
S08221791 Haitian Rovolution began with revolt of slaves in northern
S0822 province. Mathematician Benjamin Banneker served on commis
S0822 sion which surveyed the District of Columbia. Benjamin Ban
S0822 neker issued his first annual almanac.
S08061795 Absalom Jones ordained a deacon in the Protestant Episcopal
S0806 Church.
S08081796 Boston African Society was established with forty-four mem
S0808 bers.
S08301800 Strom forced suspension of attack on Richmond, Va., by Gab
S0830 riel Prosser and some one thousand slaves. Conspiracy was
S0830 betrayed by two slaves. Prosser and fifteen of his followers
S0830 were hanged on October 7.
S08231826 Edward A. Jones received B.A. degree from Amherst College.
S08101827 Race riot, Cincinnati. More than one thousand blacks left
S0810 the city for Canada.
S08211831 Nat Turner rebellion, Southampton County, Virginia. Some
S0821 sixty whites were killed. Nat Turner was not captured until
S0821 October 30. (8/21-23).
S08011834 Slavery abolished in the British empire.
S08101835 Mob of white citizens and a hundred yoke of oxen pulled a
S0810 black school to a swamp outside the town of Canaan, New
S0810 Hampshire.
S08151843 National black convention met at Buffalo, New York, with
S0815 some seventy delegates from twelve states. The highlight
S0815 of the convention was a stirring address by Henry Highland
S0815 Garnet, a twenty-seven-year-old-Presbyterian pastor who
S0815 called for a slave revolt and a general slave strike. Amos
S0815 G. Beman of New Heaven, Conn., was elected president of the
S0815 convention.
S08301843 Blacks participated in a national political convention for
S0830 the first time at Liberty party convention in Buffalo.
S0830 Samuel R. Ward led the convention in prayer; Henry Highland
S0830 Garnet was a member of the nominating committee; and Charles
S0830 R. Ray was one of the convention secretaries.
S08091848 Free Soil party organized at Buffalo, N.Y., convention at
S0809 tended by black aboltionists. (8/9-10).
S08241854 John V. DeGrasse, prominent physician, admitted to Massachu
S0824 setts Medical Society.
S08241854 National emigration convention met in Cleveland with some
S0824 one hundred delegates. William C. Munroe of Michigan was
S0824 elected president. (8/24-26).
S08061854 Congress passed Confiscation Act, authorizing the appropri
S0806 ation of the property, including slaves, of rebel slave
S0806 holders.
S08301854 John C. Fremont issued proclamation freeing slaves of Mis
S0830 souri rebels. Lincoln revoked the proclamation.
S08141862 President Lincoln received first group of blacks to confer
S0814 with a U.S. president on a matter of public policy. He
S0814 urged blacks to emigrate to Africa or Central America and
S0814 was bitterly criticized by Northern blacks.
S08251862 Secretary of war authorized Gen. Rufus Saxton to arm up to
S0825 five thousand slaves.
S08051864 John Lawson, a black gunner on flagship of Admiral David
S0805 Farragut, exhibited marked courage in Battle of Mobile Bay
S0805 and won a Congressional Medal of Honor.
S081865 President Andrew Johnson moved to reverse policy of distri
S08 buting abandoned land to freedmen.
S08011867 Blacks voted for the first time in a state election in the
S0801 South, contributing to Republican sweep in Tennessee. Gen.
S0801 Philip H. Sheridan dismissed the board of aldermen in New
S0801 Orleans and named new appointees, including several blacks.
S08071867 Death of actor Ira Aldridge (63), Lodes, Poland.
S08011868 Gov. Henry C. Warmoth endorsed a joint resolution of the
S0801 legislature calling for federal military aid. Warmoth said
S0801 there had been 150 political assassinations in Louisiana in
S0801 June and July.
S08111868 Death of Thaddeus Stevens (76), architect of the Radical
S0811 Reconstruction program, in Washington.
S08061870 White conservatives suppresed black vote and captured Tenn
S0806 essee legislative in election marred by assassinations and
S0806 widespread violence. Campaign effectively ended Radical
S0806 Reconstruction in North Carolina. The conservative legis
S0806 lature impeached Governor Holden on December 14.
S08261874 Sixteen blacks lynched in Tennessee.
S08141876 Prairie View State University founded.
S08251886 Some six hundred delegates organized the American National
S0825 Baptist Convention at a St. Louis meeting Rev. William J.
S0825 Simmons was elected president. Seventy-four blacks reported
S0825 lynched in 1886. Kentucky State College founded.
S08121890 Mississippi Constitutional Convention began systematic ex
S0812 clusion of blacks from political life of South, August 12-
S0812 November 1. The Mississippi Plan (Literacy and "understand
S0812 ing tests") was later adopted with embellishments by other
S0812 states: South Carolina (1895), Louisiana (1898), North Car
S0812 olina (1900), Alabama (1901), Virginia (1901), Georgia
S0812 (1908), Oklahoma (1910). SOuthern states later used "White
S0812 primaries" and other divices to exclude black voters.
S08161890 Alexander Clark, journalist and lawyer, named minister to
S0816 Liberia.
S08041891 Death of George Washington Williams (41), Blackpool, England.
S08131892 Baltimore Afro-American founded.
S08071893 Fifty-third Congress (1893-95) convened. One black con
S0807 gressman, George W. Marray, South Carolina. One hundred
S0807 and eighteen blacks were reported lynched in 1893.
S081898 Black longshoremen struck for higher wages and better work
S08 ing conditions in Galveston, Texas.
S08051900 Death of James Augustine Healy (70), black Roman Catholic
S0805 bishop, Portland, Maine.
S08231900 National Negro Business League organized at Boston meeting.
S0823 Brooker T. Washington was elected president. (8/23-24).
S08131906 Black soldiers raided Brownsville, Texas, in retaliation
S0813 for racial insults. One white man killed, two wounded.
S08141908 Race riot, Springfield, Illinois. Troops called out. Riot
S0814 led to the founding of NAACP. (8/14-19).
S08231917 Race riot, Houston, between soldiers of Twenty-fourth Infan
S0823 try Regiment and white citizens. Two blacks and eleven
S0823 whites killed. Martial law declared.
S08271918 Dr. Joseph L. Johnson named minister to Liberia.
S08011920 National convention of Marcus Garvey's Universal Improvement
S0801 Association opened in Liberty Hall in Harlem. The next
S0801 night Garvey addressed twenty-five thousand blacks in Madi
S0801 son Square Garden. Garvey's nationalist movement reached
S0801 its height in 1920-21.
S08281921 Second Pan-African Congress met in London, Brussels and
S0828 Paris, August 28 to September 6. Of the 113 delegates, 39
S0828 were form Africa and 36 were from America.
S08031923 Calvin Coolidge became president on the death of President
S0803 Harding.
S08251925 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters organized at a mass
S0825 meeting in Elks Hall in Harlem. A Philip Randolph was
S0825 elected president.
S08211927 Fourth Pan-African Congress met in New York City. (8/21-24)
S08151931 Roy Wilkins joined NAACP as asistant secretary. Spingarn
S0815 Medal awarded to Richard B. Harrison for his Protrayal of
S0815 the "Lawd" in The Green Pastures.
S08091936 Jesse Owens won four gold medals at Olympics, Berlin.
S08011936 Benjamin E. Mays, who has been called "the greatest school
S0801 master of his generation," named president of Morehouse Col
S0801 lege.
S08061941 Black private and white military policeman shot to death on
S0806 bus in North Carolina during fight between black and white
S0806 soldiers. This was the first of a series of serious racial
S0806 incidents (between black and white soldiers and black sold
S0806 iers and white civilians) which continued throughtout the
S0806 war.
S08011943 Race riot, Harlem. (8/1-2).
S08011944 Adam Clayton Powell elected first black congressman from
S0801 East.
S08201944 Anna Lucasta, starring Hilda Simms and Frederick O'Neal,
S0820 opened on Broadway. Spingarn Medal presented to Charles R.
S0820 Drew "who set up and ran the blood plasma bank in the Pres
S0820 byterian Hospital in New York City which served as one of
S0820 the models for the widespread system of blood banks now in
S0820 operation for the American Red Cross."
S08101944 Race riot, Athens, Alabama.
S08111949 Peter Marray Marshall of New York appointed to American Med
S0811 ical Association's House of Delegates.
S08281949 Riot prevented Paul Robeson form singing at the Lakeland
S0828 picnic grounds near Peekskill, Weschester County, New York.
S08241950 Chicago Atty. Edith Sampson was named the first black repre
S0824 sentative (alternate delegate) in the U.S. delegation to the
S0824 United Nations.
S08041953 Movement of black families into Trumbull Park housing pro
S0804 ject in Chicago triggered virtually continuous riot which
S0804 lasted more than three years and required assignment of
S0804 more than one thousand policemen to keep order.
S08131953 President Eisenhower established Government Contract Comp
S0813 liance Committee to supervise antidiscrimination regulations
S0813 in government contracts.
S08071954 Charles H. Mahoney was confirmed by the Senate and became
S0807 the first black to serve as a full delegate to the United
S0807 Nations.
S08191954 Ralph J. Bunche named undersecretary of the United Nations.
S08281955 Emmett Till (14) kidnapped and lynched in Money, Mississippi.
S08301956 White mob prevented enrollment of students at Mansfield High
S0830 School, Mansfield, Texas.
S08031957 Archibald J. Carey, Chicago minister and attorney, appointed
S0803 first black chairman of President's Committee on Government
S0803 Employment Policy.
S08291957 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first fed
S0829 eral civil rights legislation since 1875. The bill estab
S0829 lished a civil rights commission and a civil rights divi
S0829 sion in the Justice Department. It also gave the Justice
S0829 Department authority to seek injunctions against voting
S0829 rights infractions.
S08191958 Members of NAACP Youth Council began series of sit-ins at
S0819 Oklahoma City Lunch counters.
S08011960 Dahomey proclaimed independent. Independence was also cele
S0801 brated in Niger (August 3), Upper Volta (August 5), Ivory
S0801 Coast (AUgust 8), Chad (August 11), Congo Brazzaville (Au
S0801 gust 15), Gabon (August 17), and Senegal (August 20).
S08071960 Black and white students staged kneel-in demonstrations in
S0807 Atlanta churches.
S08091960 Race riot, Jacksonville, Fla., after ten days of sit-in dem
S0809 onstrations. Fifty reported injured.
S08011961 Whitney Young Jr. named executive director of the National
S0801 Urban League.
S08091961 James B. Parsons became first black appointed to Federal
S0809 District Court in continental United States.
S08061962 Jamaica proclaimed independent.
S08151962 Shady Grove Baptist Church was burned in Leesburg, Georgia.
S08281962 Seventy-five ministers and laymen--blacks and whites--from
S0828 North arrested after prayer demonstration in downtown Al
S0828 bany.
S08311962 Trinidad-Tobago proclaimed independent.
S08271963 W.E.B. Du Bois (95), scholar, protest leader and a founder
S0827 of the NAACP, died in Accra, Ghana.
S08281963 More than 250,000 persons participated in March on Washing
S0828 ton demonstration, the largest civil rights demonstration in
S0828 history.
S08021964 Race Riot, Jersey City, New Jersey.
S08041964 Bodies of three civil rights workers discovered on farm near
S0804 Philadelphia, Mississippi. Three young men, two white and
S0804 one black, had been missing since June 21. FBI said they
S0804 were murdered on night of their disappearance by segrega
S0804 tionists. Eighteen whites, including several police offi
S0804 cers, were charged with conspiracy to deprive the victims
S0804 of their civil rights.
S08111964 Race riot, Paterson, New Jersey. (8/11-12).
S08121964 Race riot, Elizabeth, New Jersey. (8/12-13).
S08151964 Race riot, Dixmoor, a Chicago suburb. (8/15-16).
S08201964 President Johnson signed Economic Opportunity Act.
S08281964 Race riot, Philadelphia. (8/28-30).
S08061965 President signed Voting Rights Bill which authorized the
S0806 suspension of literacy tests and the sending of federal
S0806 examiners into South.
S08111965 Six-day insurrection started in Watts section of Los Angeles.
S0811 National Guard was mobilized on August 13, Rebellion toll:
S0811 34 killed, 1,032 injured, 3,952 arrested, $35 million in
S0811 property damage. U.S. Senate confirmed nomination of Thur
S0811 good Marshal as U.S. solicitor general.
S08121965 Jonathan M. Daniels, white Episcopal seminary student from
S0812 Massachusetts, killed and Richard F. Morrisroe, white Roman
S0812 Catholic priest from Chicago, seriously wounded by shotgun
S0812 blasts fired by white special deputy sheriff in Hayneville,
S0812 Alabama. They were participating in civil rights demonstra
S0812 tions in Lowndes County.
S08121965 Race riot, West Side of Chicago. National Guard was placed
S0812 on stand-by alert, August 14. (8/12-14).
S08251965 James M. Nabrit Jr. named ambassador and assigned to the UN
S0825 delegation.
S08051966 Martin Luther King Jr. stoned during Chicago march.
S08071966 Race riot, Lansing, Michigan.
S08271966 Race riot, Waukegan, Illinois.
S08281966 Nation Guard mobilized to protect Milwaukee marchers pro
S0828 testing judge's membership in lily-white club.
S08301966 Constance Baker Motley confirmed as U.S. district judge and
S0830 became the first black woman on the federal bench. Race
S0830 riot, Benton Harbor, Michigan. National Guard mobilized.
S08051968 Senator Edward Brooke named temporary chairman of Republican
S0805 National Convention, Miami, Florida.
S08081968 Riot, Miami, Florida. National Guard mobilized to put down
S0808 rioting which erupted while Republicans were holding nation
S0808 al convention in Miami Beach.
S08281968 Rev. Channing E. Philips of Washington, D.C., became first
S0828 black nominated for president by a major national party.
S0828 Philips was nominated as favorite son candidate by District
S0828 of Columbia delegation at Democratic convention in Chicago
S0828 and received 671/2 votes.
S08301969 National Guard mobilized to put down racial disturbances in
S0830 Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
S08031970 Two thousand delegates and observers attended Congress of
S0803 African Peoples convention in Atlanta. (8/3-7).
S08071970 Four persons, including the presiding judge, killed in cour
S0807 thouse shootout in San Rafael, Marin County, California.
S0807 Police charged that activist Angela Davis helped provide the
S0807 weapons used by the convicts and issued a nationwide warrant
S0807 for her arrest.
S08141970 City University of New York inaugurated open admissions
S0814 policy designed to increase the number of poor and minority
S0814 students.
S08291970 One policeman killed and six wounded in racial confrontation
S0829 between police and Black Panther activists in Philadelphia.
S0829 (8/29-31).
S08311970 Lonnie McLucas, a Black Panther activist, convicted in New
S0831 Haven, Conn., court of conspiracy to murder Alex Rackley,
S0831 and alleged FBI informant. Charges against other defendants
S0831 in the case were later dismissed.
S08161972 Rev. Philip A. Potter, a black Methodist minister from Do
S0816 minica, named general secretary of the World Council of
S0816 Churches, general secretary of the World Council of Churches.
S08211972 Republican convention opened in Miami Beach, Florida, with
S0821 fifty-six delegates, 4.2 per cent of the total.
S08091975 Death of Julian ("Cannonball") Adderly (46), saxophonist and
S0809 bandleader, in Gary, Indiana.
S08151975 Joanne Little acquitted of murder charges in the August 27,
S0815 1974, killing of a white jailer. The defense said she stab
S0815 bed the jailer with an ice pick after he made sexual advances.
S08271975 Death of Haile Selassie (83), deposed emperor of Ethiopia,
S0827 in Addis Ababa.
S08181976 Vice Admiral Samuel L. Garvely Jr. assumed command of the
S0818 U.S. Third Fleet.
S08221978 Death of Jomo kenyatta (83), president of Kenya.
S08011979 James Patterson Lyke installed as auxiliary bishop of the
S0801 Cleveland diocese of the Roman Catholic Church.
S08151979 Andrew Young resigned under pressure as UN ambassador after
S0815 unauthorized meeting with representatives of the Pales
S0815 tine Liberation Organization. Resignation created a
S0815 storm of controversy and divided the black and Jewish
S0815 communities.
S08221979 Two hundred black leaders, meeting in New York, expressed
S0822 support for Andrew Young and demanded that blacks be given
S0822 a voice in shaping American foreign policy.
S08311979 Donald McHenry named to succeed Andrew Young as UN ambassa
S0831 dor.
S08101981 The Coca-Cola Bottling Company agreed to pump $34 million
S0810 into black businesses and the black community, ending a
S0810 national boycott called by PUSH.
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