
Showing posts from August, 2022


                      OTHER INTERESTING THINGS AVAILABLE          The following items are also  available  from  Cy  Stapleton.     Some  of these items are printed and some are on diskette.  If not     noted that the item is on disk, it is printed.         Available  in  PC  format  only.   Mac  users must have either     SoftPC or Soft Windows, or can order the "," ASCII file and import     it into their own database software.          (#BFP-1)  "Brokering  for  Profit".  This  is  an  incredible     resource  of hard to find items for the printer who brokers or for     the  entrepreneur  who  wishes  to  start  a  printing   brokerage     busine...

UFO book review

Here is the text of a double review that will appear in the next (July-August) issue of New Realities magazine.---------------------------- --------------------------------------John White60 Pound Ridge RoadCheshire, CT 06410203-272-2151       About 2500 wordsBOOK REVIEWSBy Joh n White Dimensions:  A Casebook of Alien Contact, Jacques Vallee.  Contemporary Books:  Chicago, 1988.  ____ pages.  $17.95.  Hardcover.The  Fellowship:  Spiritual Contact Between Humans and Outer Space Beings, Brad Steiger.  Doubleday:  New York, 1988.  179 pages.  $15.95.  Hard cover."Although I am among those who believe that UFOs are real physical objects, I do not think they are extraterrestrial in the ordinary s ense of the term.  In my view they present an exciting challenge to our concept of reality itself," says astrophysicist-parapsychologist-com puter scientist Dr. Jacques Vallee, in what is probably the most pe...

Medical Expenses

                                                               Medical Expenses                                 38) A critical strategy for maximizing medical expense           deductions is known as "bunching." The idea is to pay           as many medical bills in one year as possible.  The           7.5% floor on medical expense deductions requires this           tactic.  Once your medical bills for the year exceed           the floor, all expenses above that amount are fully           deductible.  So you want to make payments that year           whenev...

TODAY in August

  *mmddyyyy Birthdays *-------- ----------------------------------------------------------- *mmddyyyy Events *-------- ----------------------------------------------------------- S08011619 History of Black American began with landing of twenty bla S0801     cks at Jamestown, Virginia.  John Rolfe said the ship ar S0801     rived "about the latter end of August" and that it "brought S0801     not anything but 20 and odd Negroes."  Surviving evidence S0801     suggests that the twenty blacks were accorded the status of S0801     indentured servants. S08051624 First black child born in English America christened William S0805     in the Church of England at Jamestown. S08221791 Haitian Rovolution began with revolt of slaves in northern S0822     province.  Mathematician Benjamin Banneker served on commis S0822     sion which surveyed the District of Co...