The following was given to me by a friend and fellow

conservative.  Please read, copy and distribute it to all of

your friends and families.


     A legal document of force and power from the States and

     The People to their federal agent and servant.

     If 38 states will pass the Ultimatum Resolution (26

states if the United States is a democracy as socialists and

liberals claim) it will establish an impregnable barrier to

federal deficit spending.  Congress and the president WILL

stop the wild spending spree of the last six decades or they

will automatically discharge themselves from office and

dissolve the entire federal structure.  If 38 states adopt

this plan and deficit spending continues to the trigger point

of $6,000,000,000,000, Congress will automatically dissolve

the Union of states and eliminate their own jobs along with

their lucrative pensions, emoluments, perks and grandeur of

high public office.

     Congressional failure to control spending will place all

100 U.S. senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine

supreme court justices and 3.1 million federal employees in

the ranks of unemployed.

     With the Ultimatum Resolution in place, Congress will be

forced, at last, to stop buying our votes with our own money.

     The Ultimatum Resolution is also an insurance policy

against the possible sellout of U.S. sovereignty under a

one world government, or the consolidation of all nations of

the earth under a godless United Nations or New World Order.

     Just in case Congress by way of treaty or otherwise, or

just in case the president, by Executive Order, declaration

of a "national emergency" or otherwise, should attempt to

suspend, abolish or in some manner eliminate the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights, the Ultimatum Resolution will stand

as an invincible barrier for them to overcome.

     The ultimatum Resolution will eliminate the possibility

of TREASON and the unlawful overthrow of Constitutional

government in the United States, for at the moment of

attempted overthrow, such treason will automatically cause

the states to RESUME, or take back, all delegated powers and

cause the federal government to cease to exist.  Each of the

50 states will automatically and immediately become a

separate and sovereign nation just as were the original 13

states of some 210 years ago, and will remain such unless and

until two, three or all 50 sovereign, free and independent

little republics decide to join in a new confederation after

"the dust settles."

     If 38 states cannot be convinced to adopt the Ultimatum

Resolution in order to save our sinking Union Ship of State,

one or more states have the lawful right to peacefully leave,

or abandon ship as she sinks beneath the waves of corruption,

greed, godlessness, lawlessness, blood in the streets and

anarchy.  In light of the following scripture, it might well

be argued such is the will of God.  "Come out of her, my

people, they ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye

receive not of her plagues.  For her sins have reached unto

heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."

Revelation:18;4-5.  Also, "Wherefore come out from among

them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the

unclean thing; and I will receive you."  II Corinthians 6;17.

Both scriptures from the Holy Bible.

     Gettysburg and the Civil War were not about 11 Southern

states leaving the Union.  The South was right in their legal

arguments.  But the South was arrogant and started the war by

firing the first shot; by bombarding Fort Sumter, Union

property, for 32 hours beginning at 3:30 a.m. April 12, 1861.

     A modified version of the Ultimatum Resolution should be

added as an Amendment to the Constitution.  Such would serve

as an "eternal" barrier to federal deficit spending or any

attempt to suspend or abolish the Constitution.  However, a

Convention called by the states to propose such an Amendment,

or any other, poses too great a risk to the Constitution

itself as Congress under Article V of the Constitution could

designate State Conventions, rather than State Legislatures

as the method of ratification.  And State Conventions could

be "packed" by enemies of America.

     Until and unless Congress proposes an Amendment in the

traditional manner, the Ultimatum Resolution, if passed by 38

states will stand as a barrier equal to an Amendment.

     The Ultimatum Resolution is taken verbatim from the just

published 450 page book by Joseph Stumph: SAVING OUR


structure of the American Union of States and how the states

are the legal PRINCIPALS and the federal government the mere

agent of the states.  It shows the corporate nature of the

federal government; how the Constitution is the charter,

Congress, the president and the judiciary are the officers,

the PEOPLE and the STATES the stockholders.  Stockholders can

DISSOLVE corporations when its officers and directors don't

obey the corporate charter, or when they attempt to defraud

the owners or bankrupt the corporation.

     Prices and ordering instructions are on the back cover

of this pamphlet.

                     Introduction to the

                 Model Ultimatum Resolution

     The proposed Ultimatum Resolution which follows is a

document for not only consideration, but, we believe, urgent

action by the legislatures of at least 38 of the 50 states

comprising the United States.  "Congress, you will honor and

obey the Constitution or we will withdraw our authority for

you to act as our agent."

     In essence, our federal government is the agent of all

state governments.  The states are the creator and the

federal government is the creature.  It is axiomatic, or self

evident, that the creature cannot exceed the creator.  The

agent cannot exceed the authority granted by its principal.

Any attempt to do so is "ultra vires," or without authority,

and a usurpation of power.

     Thus, if the federal government no longer obeys the will

of the states, and is continually in violation of the

contract of agency, each state is free to withdraw its

support of the federal government and select, or create,

another agent to carry out the collective will of the states.

     During 1993, the model Ultimatum Resolution will be

mailed to every legislator in each of the 50 states, to each

of the 50 governors and the 50 attorneys general, to each

member of Congress, to each of the nine supreme court

justices and to the president, William Jefferson Clinton, and

selected news media.

     The current national debt is about 4.2 trillion dollars

and we are adding to this at the rate of some 300 billion a

year, which will probably under the administration of

President Clinton, escalate to 400 and 500 billion dollars

annually.  We might anticipate we have some four years before

the debt will hit the arbitrary six-trillion-dollar figure in

the Resolution, at which point the Union would be dissolved

should this plan be successful.

     There are several reasons for putting forth an Ultimatum

Resolution by the States:

     1.  It is the only idea anybody has advanced which can

         actually stop the United States from probable self-

         destruction, wherein the people and the states can

         take charge and overpower Washington and the runaway


     2.  By widely distributing this plan and getting

         legislators in a few states to go to work to

         implement it, it will quickly get the attention of

         the entire federal establishment.  Should it appear

         the plan has the remotest chance of being

         successful, it will have a very sobering effect on

         Washington, and Congress will suddenly get serious

         about controlling the extravagant spending spree we

         have been on for 60 years.

     3.  It will make unnecessary the calling of a

         Constitutional Convention for the alleged purpose of

         getting the States to pass a Balanced Budget

         Amendment to the Constitution.  Congress would

         ignore a Balanced Budget Amendment anyway, even if

         we should pass one, just as they are now igonring

         most of the Constitution.  If Congress knows the

         States are serious about dissolving the Union at the

         trigger point of a six-trillion-dollar national

         debt, we can safely bet that Congress will get

         spending under control before the debt hits that

         "magic" figure or some other arbitrary figure which

         38 states might decide to adopt.

     4.  Wide publicity of a plan to have the States dissolve

         the Union will be an extremely valuable and powerful

         educational tool, which will wake up thousands of

         politicians, some of them, we might assume, who are

         reasonably honest, along with waking up millions of

         Americans as to the actual structure of our state

         and national governments.

     5.  By simply setting forth an actual proposal to

         dissolve the Federal Union, or, failing that, a

         proposal that one or more states acting

         independently should sever the ties of union by

         declaring their independence, will cause many of our

         7,400 plus state legislators of the 50 states to be

         astonished as they suddenly realize that such

         drastic remedies are not only possible, but

         absolutely lawful and historically sound.  We hope

         tot instill in them the sense that they are the only

         hope for saving the Constitution; that unless they

         act, America is going the way corrupt governments

         have always gone; that America is going down as she

         succumbs to corruption, immorality, godlessness,

         anarchy and finally tyranny -- unable to be governed

         except at the hands of an intellectual elite who

         will rule as did the ancient pharaohs, with a rod of

         iron, and who think of themselves not as men but as


     6.  By bringing to the forefront the possibility of

         Union dissolution, we put on notice the entire

         federal establishment, the President, Congress, and

         the Judiciary that we the people, and each of the 50

         states, have taken all the abuse, monetary nonsense,

         intimidation, usurpation of undelegated powers, and

         phony bureaucratic compassion with taxpayer dollars,

         that we intend to take.  We turn on the lights for a

         Congress and President gone mad with power and

         grandeur and bring them down to earth so they

         realize their smallness and understand that they

         truly are public servants, not kings or gods.  We

         cause congress to reassess its role as a mere agent

         of the people and the states.  That if Congress

         persists in bankrupting the nation and ignoring the

         constitutional contract, they will, at last, realize

         they are going to be put out of business by the

         States acting in unison.

     We wish to make our 50 state legislatures aware of their

enormous power -- that they actually hold the destiny of the

United States in their hands and that if they choose to do so

they can lawfully eliminate the Washington bully and place

these 50 States in the same position held by the original 13

States as free, sovereign, and independent nations.  Many

state legislators will suddenly realize how they have been

played for fools, and how they have been deceived into

believing the lie that they must "go along to get along" with

Washington.  Few of them realize the Founding Fathers placed

great confidence in the state legislatures to protect the

rights of the people from the federal government, but these

proposals will help awaken them to their duty and their right

to stand up to the federal establishment and either put it in

order or dissolve it.

     When the welfare checks, the Social Security checks and

other "entitlement" checks start bouncing, or become

worthless because of hyper-inflation, blood is going to flow

in the streets of America.  And under present federal policy

that day cannot be delayed very many more years.  We hope an

Ultimatum Resolution and possible or actual dissolution of

the Union will prevent such bloodshed.

     Struggling young families will eventually realize how

the older generation is ripping them off by forcing them to

contribute to a Social Security "trust fund" which does not

exist except in the figment of federal imagination; when the

young people organize to resist this fraud we call Social

Security, realizing there is going to be nothing in the

alleged trust fund when they reach retirement age, nobody can

predict the result.  We can only hope that bloodshed will not

come about.

     Thomas Jefferson warned that "The tree of liberty must

from time to time, be watered with the blood of patriots and

tyrants."  We hope these proposals will prevent the bloodshed

which appears to be imminent if we allow the federal

government to continue on its present course.

     The bloody history of mankind is getting close to being

repeated in America.  It appears that the only possibility of

preventing historical repetition is to either convince 38

states to dissolve the Union and start over, or to separate

ourselves, one by one, according to the state boundaries.  If

neither of these two actions are successful, bloodshed and

anarchy in the streets of America appear to be inevitable.

     It is with great admiration and respect for our Founding

Fathers, and eternal devotion to our beloved United States

Constitution, that we hereby set forth a:

     Model Ultimatum Resolution to be introduced for debate

and passage in the legislature of each of the 50 states


     WHEREAS, our Pilgrim Fathers chose to secede from the

Church of England and flee to the American wilderness early

in the spring of 1620 during the week of Passover, to attain

freedom in a new land and to escape the coercion and

compulsory welfare of a state religion that was set up by

British politicians to hide the tyranny of feudal government;


     WHEREAS, more than half of our Pilgrim forebears died

during that first harsh winter after their exodus to this new

land, after sharing equally with each other their meager food

supplies -- without any federal food subsidies; and,

     WHEREAS, despite such awesome tests of faith during that

first winter after our Pilgrim Fathers seceded from the

British empire, every Pilgrim survivor elected to remain on

the sacred new soil where their kindred dead were buried and

the sacred new soil where their kindred dead were buried and

valiantly refused to return to the British empire when the

Mayflower departed from Plymouth on the 6th of April, 1621;


     WHEREAS, ten years later our Puritan and Protestant

Fathers chose to secede from the mighty British empire and

separate themselves from the orthodox religion early in the

spring of 1630 during the week of Passover, and boarded the

Arbella and 16 other ships, led by their Pastor, John

Winthrop; and,

     WHEREAS, our Pilgrim, Puritan and Patriot Fathers did

only that which they saw their ancient Fathers do when they

seceded from the wicked world order to establish the Kingdom

of God within their won families; and,

     WHEREAS, our Fathers voted to declare their economic

independence from Great Britain in Philadelphia on the 6th of

April, 1776 and to send forth emissaries to deal directly

with foreign nations, after which they set forth their

reasons for separation and listed their grievances against

the mother country; and,

     WHEREAS, our Fathers held certain truths to be

self-evident, among which are "Governments are instituted

among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the

governed," and "that whenever any form of government becomes

destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to

alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,

laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its

powers in such form, and to them shall seem most likely to

effect their safety and happiness;" and,

     WHEREAS, following their formal Declaration of

Independence July 4, 1776, our Fathers formed a 13 nation

Confederation under a contract, or charter, they called

Articles of Confederation, wherein they agreed to be bound in

perpetual union and if any amendments or changes in these

Articles were to be made, such must be by unanimous consent

of all 13 nations; and,

     WHEREAS, the Articles of Confederation, with experience,

were discovered to be weak and ineffective in providing

peace, happiness and domestic tranquility, therefore, our

Fathers determined to meet in Philadelphia in May, 1787 for

the specific purpose of revising the Articles of

Confederation; and,

     WHEREAS, after some four months, on September 17, 1787,

they signed, not a revision or amendments to the Articles of

Confederation, but a totally new proposal of confederation, a

compact, contract, treaty or alliance between nations, which

they called a Constitution for the United States of America,

and which on the 28th of September, Congress sent a copy of

said Constitution to each of the 13 free, independent and

sovereign nations which were allied under the Articles of

Confederation, including Rhode Island, which had refused to

send delegates to Philadelphia; and,

     WHEREAS, this proposal to unite under this Constitution,

like the declaration of Independence of 1776, was a document

of succession, wherein, upon the adoption of the proposed

Constitution by a mere nine of the 13 nations, states, or

little republics, the nine were declared to be joined in a

new Union (Article VII), these nine, in effect, declaring

their secession or separation from the remaining four.  This

in spite of the existing and continuing compact between the

13 that all were joined in Union perpetually, and unanimous

consent must be obtained to change or amend their agreement,

and, most certainly would unanimous consent be required to

abandon the Articles of Confederation, or dissolve the

existing Union which was established under them, if nations

were held to the same standard of law under contracts or

treaties as individuals, which they are not; and,

     WHEREAS, only nine of the thirteen nations, less than

three-forths, formed a new government under the Constitution,

abandoning four who could choose to also join or remain

outside as sovereign and independent nations, these nine

eventually becoming 50, delegated to their new agent which

they called a Federal Government, certain very limited and

specific powers, retaining all other powers to themselves, or

to their people.  These states gave their new agent the

responsibility and authority to unite them against foreign

invaders, act as an arbiter among themselves when differences

arose, and regulate commerce between themselves and foreign

nations; and

     WHEREAS, these states as principals, creating an

artificial corporate structure to act as their agent,

formally reserved to themselves their right to freely leave,

or abandon, their new creation, just as they had abandoned

the old Union under the Articles of Confederation; and,

     WHEREAS, Virginia, the tenth nation to join the new

confederation on June 25, 1788, said in her official

ratification: " the name and in behalf of the people of

Virginia, declare and make known, that the powers granted

under the Constitution, being derived from the people of the

United States, may be resumed by them whensoever the same

shall be perverted to their injury or oppression...," and,

     WHEREAS, New York, the eleventh Nation to join on July

25, 1778 said: "That the powers of Government may be re-

assumed by the people, whensoever it shall become necessary

to their happiness...," and,

     WHEREAS, Rhode Island, the thirteenth to join, remained

outside as an independent nation for almost two years,

finally joining May 29, 1790, declared: "That the powers of

government may be resumed by the people whensoever it shall

become necessary to their happiness;" and,

     WHEREAS, these formal declarations were superfluous and

unnecessary to the States as sovereign principals,

nevertheless our Fathers understood well the tendency for

governments to usurp undelegated powers, and they wished it

clearly understood that if or when their mutual agent should

somehow get out from under their control, they could simply

walk away, or abandon their creation to die a natural death,

or to survive as the remaining agent of those sister States

who wished to remain in the confederation; and,

     WHEREAS, our Fathers embarrassed themselves by saying

four times in the Articles of Confederation that they were a

confederation in "perpetuity," and a short time afterward

abandoning that Union to die quietly, they said nothing of

perpetuity in the new Constitution, for they had realized

that such indiscretion and folly was a contradiction of their

own declaration of July 4, 1776, and in establishing this new

"experiment in government," they knew it was possible the

experiment might not work and again, they might choose to let

their federal agent die a natural death; and,

     WHEREAS, under Article V of the Constitution our Fathers

agreed that three-fourths of the States could amend the

Constitution, and that, in fact, three-fourths of the States

could abolish the Constitution and thereby automatically call

an end to the alliance of states, thus ending the life of all

three branches of the federal government -- the Executive,

the Legislative and the Judicial.  All agencies functioning

under the Constitution would cease to exist, including the

Internal Revenue Service, the Central Intelligence Agency,

OSHA, MSHA, FDA, TVA, FBI, SS, SSI, foreign aid, the Federal

Reserve System, a private corporate agent of an agent of an

agent, and along with it approximately 75% of the national

debt, or over $3 trillion, along with numerous other federal

agencies, and about 3.1 million federal employees; and,

     WHEREAS, in recent decades the federal agent has

attempted, and largely succeeded, in reversing roles with its

Principal, the States, telling them what they can and cannot

do, and threatening to withhold "federal monies" from states

which do not comply with federal laws and regulations, and

usurping undelegated powers from the states and the people,

until now the people fear, rather than  respect and revere,

their won government and are burdened with taxes some 67

times greater that those placed on our Fathers by Great

Britain; and,

     WHEREAS, our agent, some three decades ago, took prayer

out of the public schools, and refused to further allow our

children to be taught about God, values, morality, or

religion in the schools, which has caused our law enforcement

agencies to be overwhelmed with crime, our jails and prisons

filled to overflowing, our unmarried children to become

sexually active and pregnant by the millions, venereal

disease and AIDS to flourish, murder and rape to be rampant

to where many dare not walk our streets after dark, and with

pretended lawfulness of a supreme court decision assuming

undelegated jurisdiction, we have slaughtered some 30,000,000

of our unborn children.  Child abuse, sodomy, and pornography

are commonplace.  Greed and litigiousness have taken over and

we scramble, lobby, and fight each other to "get our share"

of "federal" dollars which is nothing more than our own money

and credit coming back to us with numerous string attached;


     WHEREAS, it is now plain to everybody that the agent

created by our Fathers on June 21, 1788, when New Hampshire

became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution, has grown

into an uncontrollable monster which, if we do not get

control of it, or destroy it, will destroy its own creators

through bankrupting them, merging them into a one-world

government wherein the United Nations Charter will replace

the Constitution, or we will die by our won hand through

moral corruption, crime and anarchy; and,

     WHEREAS, should two-thirds of the several states call a

Convention for proposing the abolishment of the Federal

Government, under Article V of the Constitution, it is highly

unlikely that Congress would comply with said Article and

faithfully call such a Convention of States, for should such

a proposal be sent out to the States and Three-fourths of

them ratified the proposal to abolish Congress, the Executive

and federal Judiciary, and dissolve the Union, 535

congressmen, nine supreme court justices and one president

would be out of a job, and would automatically lose all of

their lucrative pensions, perks, emoluments and grandeur of

high public office; and,

     WHEREAS, our Fathers said it was right for the People to

change or abolish governments when it was for their

happiness, or when government becomes the tyrant rather than

the protector, and every July 4, we honor our Fathers as

heroes and patriots for their secession from Great Britain in

1776, and nine states for abolishing the Articles of

Confederation, and thereby, dismantling and destroying an

existing Union of States as nine states seceded from four,

giving us our present Constitution which we hold high as the

Supreme Law of our land; and,

     WHEREAS, three-fourths of the States have the power to

abolish the federal government under authority of Article V;


     WHEREAS, the federal government is no longer a servant,

but has outlived its usefulness and become the master, and an

agent tyrant, trampling not only the rights of individual

citizens, but the rights of the very states themselves and

usurping the rightful and reserved powers of the states; and,

     WHEREAS, should such be the desire of 38 states, said

states have the right and power inherently, without regard to

Article V, and without consulting or relying on Congress to

call a Convention of States, when requested to make such a

call by two-thirds, or 34 states; three-fourths of the states

can, as Principals, without consulting their agent, do as

they please, including abolishing the federal agent by

dissolving the Charter which established said agent.  It

would be absurd to hold that one's agent could stop the

Principal from doing whatever the Principal feels is right,

especially when the agent is a mere artificial corporate

creation of less than three-fourths of the principals; and,

     WHEREAS, if this Union were truly a democracy as the

politicians and media almost universally contend that it is,

but which it is not because it is a republic, in theory,

being governed by law, not by citizen majority; but if a

democracy, a mere majority of 26 states, rather than 38,

would have the power to dissolve the Union and eliminate the

federal government; and,

     WHEREAS, relying on the precedents of our Fathers whom

we love and honor as patriots brave and God-fearing men, as

wise in the ways of government as any men who ever lived, we

the legislature of the State of ____________________________,

of the United States of America, do

     NOW THEREFORE RESOLVE that when, of if Congress allows

the national debt t reach six trillion dollars,


     OR should the President of the United States by way of

Executive Order or in any other fashion, attempt to abolish

or in any way make the Constitution of the United States

ineffective, or null and void:

     UPON THE HAPPENING of any event set forth herein, the

State of _________________________________ when joined by 37

of her sister states, being three-fourths of the States of

the Union, hereby declare the United States government to be

in violation of its Constitutional authority, and the Federal

Confederacy and Union are hereby dissolved, and without

further power to act on behalf of the States;

     WITH EACH of the 50 States of this Union resuming the

same sovereignty, independence and freedom, and assuming that

same condition in which the 13 original States of America

placed themselves from July 4, 1776, through June 21, 1788,

when nine of these 13 formed the Union currently in place.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that immediately upon

dissolution of the Union, representatives of the 38 states,

along with representatives of the other 12 states, should

they choose, shall meet in the City of

_______________________, in the State of

_______________________, for the purpose of dividing and

selling the assets currently controlled by the government of

the United States.  All such assets shall be sold or

otherwise equitably distributed, and the proceeds divided

between the 50 States according to the population of citizens

of each state as of the last census prior to dissolution.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the military forces of the

United States shall at all times, remain in place until

treaty arrangements are negotiated between all states wishing

to participate in mutual alliance for our common protection

from potential aggression, foreign or domestic.  All present

military commanders and field personnel shall remain in place

and be paid according to the negotiations worked out among

the participating states.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Constitution, insofar

as it is applicable to the states, shall continue to be the

Supreme Law of the individual states, and all individual

rights and liberties guaranteed therein, and within the Bill

of Rights, shall be maintained in each of the 50 nations,

until each nation, by a vote of a majority of its own

citizens, shall change or amend it.

     NOW LET IT BE NOTED, that the Constitutional Union of

these 50 States, under the original plan of our Founding

Fathers enabled us to become the most powerful, prosperous,

wealthy and free people on the earth, in spite of the

interference, intimidation, violations and usurpations of the

federal agent and its apparent deliberate attempts to muzzle,

hamper, slow down and destroy much of the private industry of

the States, causing such to leave our borders and establish

themselves in foreign lands; however, Union with an obedient

agent in the beginning proved to be the most desirable; and

     IT IS THEREFORE the desire of the State of

___________________________, as soon as practical after

dissolving the federal government, that one or more new

confederations should be formed under a Constitution

substantially similar to that which presently binds us


     EXCEPT THAT during the last 204 years, we know from sad

experience that it is in the nature of almost all men as soon

as they receive a little authority, as they suppose, they

will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion by

exceeding their authority as agents to act for their

principals; and

     THEREFORE, it may need to be that some changes are in

order to better control the tendency of human rulers to usurp

undelegated authority and powers.

     BE IT FURTHER NOTED, that it is the desire of the

legislature of this state this Ultimatum Resolution shall be

debated and considered in every legislature of our 49 sister

states, and if ratified as a joint resolution of a state's

legislature, an executed original shall be delivered to :

     ____________________________, the Attorney General of

the State of _____________________________________, who is

commanded to hold, as agent, each and every Ultimatum

Resolution submitted to him.

     IF AT LEAST 38 states so submit these resolutions, and

should any of the above listed conditions take place, he is

authorized and commanded to immediately serve copies of all

38 Ultimatum Resolutions on the Executive Legislative, and

Judicial bodies of the United States Government, and the

United States Government in all of its various branches shall

be declared to be dissolved, and each of the 50 States shall

be restored to the same sovereign, independent and free

status enjoyed by them before they created their federal

agents, and each State shall become a new and separate nation

of the former United States of America.


     This Ultimatum resolution was jointly written by the

author and

Tom Wood

Attorney at Law

Suite 285

7050 South Union Park Center

Midvale, Utah 84047


April 6, 1993

Salt Lake City, Utah

     Permission is granted, and you are encouraged to reprint

the Model Ultimatum Resolution and the Introduction to the

Model Ultimatum Resolution for wide distribution.


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