DOOM I and II Cheat Codes

From: (Ian CR Mapleson)
Subject: () DOOM I and II Cheat Codes. . . . (95/03/10)
Followup-To: poster
Organization: RGCD Support Team

        *** Doom and Doom II Cheat Codes (16th revision) 10/Mar/95 ***

        (PC, Linux, NEXT, QNX, SGI, SUN, Atari Jaguar 64 and Sega 32X)

         This document is Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, by Ian Mapleson.

This file describes the various cheat codes for Doom and Doom II and also how
to use them. Note that some of the cheats are not implemented in the Jaguar
and Sega 32X versions of Doom (my thanks to 'Solutions' magazine for publishing
the console cheats). If you are a Jag or 32X user, please go straight to the
appropriate cheats section for your machine, given in Part 2. Users of
non-console systems should read Part 1.

Note: the term 'toggle' means a cheat code which, if repeatedly typed, will
turn the desired cheat effect on and off like a switch.


Cheats originally published and made known by: (Elias 'CaveMan' Papavassilopoulos)

Further help given by: the details of the idbehold cheat code.

Console cheats obtained from:

  The UK's "Solutions" magazine, Issue 1 (special on Doom & Doom II).

     ---( PART 1: Standard Cheats for PC/LINUX/NEXT/QNX/SGI/SUN Systems )---

Note: the only cheats that work in Nightmare mode are iddt and idclev.
See below for what they do. In any other skill level, ALL the cheats
work. However, (Genesis Krzyzaniak) tells me that:

  doom -devparm -fast -respawn -skill 4 -warp ##

is the same as Nightmare mode with cheats. So there ya go. :)

There is a map cheat that allows one to see the positions of other players
during Deathmatch play. Go into map mode, hold down Alt and type iddt four
times. Note that using this cheat during a Deathmatch game will likely lose
you the odd friend or two if they find out, especially if you're playing
someone you've never met over the modem. This is included here for completeness.
Note that this deathmatch cheat does not work in v1.9 of Doom or Doom II.

                      --*(  Cheats for Doom I  )*--

(if you think you have found a cheat called 'idf', 'idg', 'idm' or 'idc',
note that there are no such cheats. See the 'Other Commands' list below).

All the cheats are activated by simpling typing the appropriate code at any
time during normal play. There is no need to hold down a key such as Alt, or
Control, and there is also no need to press Return. Nothing happens if a cheat
is incorrectly typed. Hence...

Whilst just playing as normal, type the following to get the specified

iddqd - God mode (can't be harmed by anything!). Well, this isn't entirely
        true. There are several instances in which it doesn't help. The
        first is if you are on a teleport and something ports to where you
        are: you die. The second is where you are in an area that is
        specifically set to overide God mode; an example is the last room in
        E1M8. A 3rd is a monster spawn spot. However, for 99.9% of the time,
        it effectively makes you invulnerable. If your health is < 100%,
        then it is boosted to 100%. This cheat is toggle type.

idkfa - You get max ammo,  max armour and max weapons. This cheat is more
        effective if you've found a backpack (if you have a backpack, then
        using the cheat gets you twice as much ammo as without a backpack).

idfa  - As idkfa, but no colour keys. NOTE: this ONLY works with Doom I
        v1.666 (or higher) or any version of Doom II.

idspispopd - Walk through walls (zero clipping, they call it). This cheat is
             toggle type. You can't activate teleporters, pick up things,
             etc., when this mode is on. Plus, it can be difficult to fight the
             bad guys because their gun blasts, etc. can knock you through a
             wall!). See below for equivalent Doom II code.

idbehold - (followed by pressing one of S, V, I, R, A or L) Toggles the
           selected 'Power-Up'. The Power-Ups are:

               Power-Up Type          Duration for which the effect lasts
               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
           S - Berserk Strength          The rest of the current level (***)
           V - Invulnerability                     30 seconds
           I - Invisibility,                       60 seconds
           R - Radiation Suit,                     60 seconds
           A - Allmap (computer map)     The rest of the current level
           L - Light Amplifiers.                   120 seconds

                    (***) The screen goes red for 30 seconds.

idclev - followed by episode number and level number, (or map number in
         DOOM II), will warp you to that episode and level (or map). Note that
         using this cheat will cancel any use of the '-nomonsters' command
         line option.

idmypos - display co-ords and angle of view in hex notation.

idchoppers - this code gives you the chainsaw. Press '1' to use it. See
             below for details of how to use chainsaw/fist when you
             also have a berserker box.

Whilst in MAP mode (ie. after having pressed the TAB key):

iddt - type once: show entire map,
       type twice: show all monsters as well,
       type a third time: back to normal.

                      --*(  Cheats for Doom II  )*--

The same as Doom I except for the following extras:

idmus - followed by 2 digits making a number from 01 to 32. Switch music
        to that from a different level. An invalid number will crash the

idclip - this replaces the idspispopd cheat in Doom I and has the same

                            Other Commands

The following are NOT cheats, just normal commands:

f - toggle follow mode. Used only when in Automap mode (i.e. after pressing
    TAB). When off, you can move the map around with the mouse/arrow keys/
    trackball/whatever. When on, the mouse/arrow keys, etc. will move YOU
    around, not the map and the white arrow which represents you stays in
    the center of the screen.

+ and - keys: Zoom into and out of the map respectively.
g - display grid over map.
m - mark a position on the map.
c - clear the marks.
0 - toggle between zoomed and full view.

Most of the above are 'toggle' type controls. i.e. Type a command once
to activate it, type it again to turn it off.

Chainsaw/Fist toggling:

NB: if you have not found a berserker box, then:

       - if you don't have a chainsaw, pressing 1 gives you a hand.

       - if you do have a chainsaw, pressing 1 gives you the chainsaw.

    if you HAVE found a berserker box, then:

       - if you don't have a chainsaw, pressing 1 gives you a fist.

       - if you DO have a chainsaw, you can toggle between fist and
         chainsaw by repeatedly pressing 1. Also, even though the red
         colour fades, the berserk effect lasts for the whole of the
         current level you're on.

                     ---( PART 2: CONSOLE CHEAT COMMANDS )---

The available cheats for the Jaguar and 32X are a restricted set of the cheats
available for the PC version (for instance, there is no equivalent of the
idspispopd cheat on the console systems). I haven't played either console
version; so, just in case, I suggest you also read the Chainsaw/Fist toggling
information shown above as well as the relevant data below.

For both consoles, the keys you should actually press for the various cheats
are shown within quote marks: ''


Invincibility       :  Simultaneously press 'Pause' and '*' twice.

All keys, weapons
and full ammunition :  Simultaneously press 'Pause' and '#' twice.

Select any level:

  1  -> 9   :  Simultaneously press 'Pause' and a number between '1' and '9' to
               warp to that level.
  10        :  Simultaneously press 'Pause' and 'A'.
  11 -> 19  :  Simultaneously press 'Pause', 'A' and a number between '1' and
               '9' to warp to that level.
  20        :  Simultaneously press 'Pause' and 'B'.
  21 -> 24  :  Simultaneously press 'Pause', 'B' and a number between '1' and
               '4' to warp to that level.


NOTE: The 32X cheats can _only_ be performed with a six button joypad.

Invincibility       :  Press 'Pause' while playing the game, then press 'Up',
                       'X', 'Z' and 'Mode' simultaneously.

All keys, weapons
and full ammunition :  Press 'Pause' while playing the game, then press 'Up',
                       'A', 'C' and 'Mode' simultaneously.

As far as I know, there is no equivalent select-any-level cheat for the 32X.


The Doom Help Service (DHS).
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  Home page:
  Help Archive:
  SGI Stuff:

Ian C. R. Mapleson BSc.,
Oceans Systems Research Group,
Room G86,
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering,
Heriot Watt University,
Riccarton Campus,
EH14 4AS,
United Kingdom.

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