
Showing posts from April, 2023

Star Trek: The Worst of Both Worlds

 From: (Cynthia Bell) This is a repost of something I wrote about a year ago:                       The Worst of Both Worlds                            by Cindy Bell         As Captain Picard and Counselor Troi stood in Transporter Room 3 that  day, neither was in a very good mood, and the sight of Riker's amused smile  and Data's puzzled expression only made things worse.  "Could you please  explain to me, Number One, why Starfleet has once again ordered us to  provide shuttle service for Ambassador Troi?," asked Picard, wearily  tugging at the collar of his dress uniform.         "Yes, Will," agreed Deanna, "In Mother's last subspace transmission  she told me that she had finally acquired her own ship and that Mr. Homn  was flying it for her.  I was hoping ...